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The Use of the X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy for Thin Film

Wey Lyn Lee

Wey Lyn presentation was so concise and clear. She started by giving an introduction about the
thin films and their importance in the industrial applications, stating the fact that the thin films
were defined in the range of thicknesses between 10 nm to 1 micron, and they are used in the
information processing and storage applications such as batteries to improve physical, electrical
and chemical engineering on the surface of the material. Due to such these characteristics of the
thin films, very sensitive surface analysis techniques were required. Wey Lyn briefly explained
the theoretical background for the x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) as a surface analysis
technique, the XPS is a nondestructive technique based on the photoelectric effect. The XPS
measures the kinetic energies of the photoelectrons from the surface, She explained how can we
determine the binding energy of the element exists on the surface and that the binding energy is a
clear sign of the type of that element and the number of the ejected photoelectrons represent the
surface element concentration. She showed how the XPS analyze data and how it can be obtained
and the instrumentation used of the XPS (Hemispherical Analyzer). The chemical composition of
the surface can be identified by the monoatomic depth profiling, an ion beam was used to etch the
sample removing layer by layer. Also, by manipulating the take-off angle – The angle between the
detector axis and surface sample – of the ion beam while maintaining the incident ion beam energy
we can vary the escape depth and measure the thicknesses of the thin films. In summary, Wey Lyn
represented the XPS as a surface analysis technique for the thin films, stating the mechanism of
obtaining the information from the technique and how it can be analyzed to know the chemical
composition of the thin films which is useful in enhancing the performance of many applications
such as information processing and energy storage devices.
Secondary Electron EBIC for Semiconductor Device Characterization
Justin Huxel

Huxel started his presentation by giving an overview about the Electron-beam Induced Current
(EBIC). In EBIC an image is created by the information of the measure of current as a function of
beam position on a sample, it is a common technique utilized in the Scanning Electron Microscopy
(SEM). When we have a P-N junction sample inside the SEM, the incoming electron beam gives
enough energy to the electrons to move leave the valence band to the conduction band creating
electron-hole pairs, the current in the P-N junction is then collected, amplified and connected to
the SEM screen, the data is shown as a plot of current as a function of beam position on the sample.
EBIC has several advantages, it is nondestructive, can accurately determine defects, diffusion
lengths and defects energy levels but it is difficult technique as it requires a method of charge
separation so, we are limited to P-N junction samples or materials with different work functions.
An interesting development is the secondary electron elctron-beam induced current (SEEBIC), it
is good at imaging devices in different states and has sub-nanometer resolution of about 2.4
angstrom.!! SEEBIC collected beam is easily influenced by the electric fields and the material’s
work function, it is different from the standard EBIC, the collected beam in the SEEBIC is the
secondary electrons beam. The secondary electrons are collected, amplified by a transimpedance
amplifier, connected to a digitizer and plotted the holes current as a function of beam position.
Huxel’s represented the effect of biasing the sample holder on the secondary electrons yield, the
negative bias will increase the secondary electrons emission while the positive bias decreases the
secondary electrons emission, this can help in creating neutral charge inside the materials only by
biasing and solving some charging issues. The SEEBIC can show clear images for the differences
inside the material with different potentials only by biasing which can refer to the material’s
workfunction. In summary, EEBIC is a novel technique that has a very good resolution that
achieved about 2.4 angstroms, it provides clear images and we can use it to determine the
material’s work function only by biasing the sample.

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