What Are The Ethical, Legal, and Economic Issues Involved?

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Manuel III Miguel L.


What are the ethical, legal, and economic issues involved?

Every day, patients, families and healthcare professionals like us nurses face ethical and legal
decisions. These difficult dilemmas may concern medical treatments, practices, hospital
management and other matters that arise in the healthcare industry. Ethical issues in healthcare
can require an immediate response, such as making decisions for patients when they are not able
to do so, or can involve a prolonged, carefully considered decision, such as the debate over the
right to abortion or assisted suicide. The actions taken in ethical issues in healthcare clearly
distinguish between what is right and wrong, and often, many of the actions and these are patient
privacy and confidentiality which protects the conversation between a physician and a patient are
strictly confidential, as is information about an individual’s medical condition. Also one of the
ethical practices which is sexual relationships between the practitioners and patients or medical
staffs is forbidden at the healthcare facilities and one last is using the protection gears to avoid
getting diseases. and one last is about end life issues of a terminally ill patients may have specific
wishes about the way they want their lives to end. Families may struggle with the decision to end
life support for a loved one. Healthcare practitioners and clinical leaders need to be prepared to
handle end-of-life issues as well as problems encountered in dealing with elderly patients who
may not be able to make rational decisions on their own

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