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CHAPTER TWO LAYOUTS AND LETTERING OBJECTIVES After studying the material in this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Identify six types of technical drawings based on the projection system they use. 2, Identify the line patterns used in technical drawings and describe how they are used. Identify standard drawing media and sheet sizes. Label drawing scale information. Add lettering to a sketch. Fill in a standard title block with the appropriate information. Saw Rw Lay out a drawing sheet. Refer to the following standards: + ANSI/ASME Y14.100 Engineering Drawing Prac ANSI/ASME Y14.2M Line Conventions and Lettering ‘+ ANSI/ASME Y14.1 Decimal Inch Drawing Sheet Size and Format + ANSW/ASME Y14.1M Metric Drawing Sheet Size and Format Naa Co Wart (Bergener: | SetnEbrSweione\ncon metsone =e — =a 2500 je+1250 REF 9.50 FOOT, BRIDGE RAIL TENSION TUBE ASSY "PaeaWOZN GROUND [anne a he ee Layout with Title Block of a Small Part at Scale 1:1 (Courtesy Dynojet Research, Inc.) OVERVIEW ‘Two-dimensional technical drawings, whether they are sketched by hand, drawn using instruments, drawn using a CAD program, or generated from 3D solid models, follow certain rules so that they can be correctly interpreted. Unlike artistic drawings, which communicate self-expression and emotional content, technical drawings communicate size, shape, and fea- ture information about a product, system, or device. To clearly describe this information, technical draw- ings adhere closely to formal standards. ‘These formal standards include systems of projec- tion for developing and understanding drawing views They also include an “alphabet of lines,” in which each line of the drawing represents certain informa- tion, Lettering is also standardized, to make drawings quick to create and easy to read and reproduce, Stand- ard sheet sizes for drawings include a title block that provides important information such as the drawing name, company information, scale, revision num- bers, and approvals for release of the drawing. ye ee eT Picture plane of plane of moony Projectors Sy (2) Perspective projection Picture plane or plane of Prin Parallel Projecto t (©) Parallel projection 2.1 The Concept of Projection 2.2 AView of a 3D Object “Projected” onto a Computer Monitor UNDERSTANDING PROJECTIONS Behind every 2D drawing of an object is a space relationship involving the object and three “imagined” things: 1, The observer's eye, or station point 2. The plane of projection 3. The projectors (also called visual rays ot lines of sight. Figure 2.1 shows two drawings of a shape projected onto a plane as viewed by an observer, whose eye represents the sta- tion point, The lines projecting from the comers (or vertices) of the object are the imagined lines, called projectors. ‘To understand projection, imagine that the drawing is produced by points, called piercing points, where the projec- tors would pierce the projection plane. The drawing may be a ‘two-dimensional representation on a sheet of paper, or it may be a two-dimensional representation shown on your computer screen, as shown in Figure 2.2, but the basic principles are the same, One reason 2D projection skills remain relevant, even ‘with the advent of 3D modeling, is that computer monitors still display a 2D view on their flat sercens. Types of Projections There are two main types of projection: perspective and parallel. These are broken down into subtypes, as shown in Figure 2.3. In perspective projections, the projectors come together at the station point to form a cone, as in Figure 2.1a. Perspective drawings represent objects as we see them or as they would appear in a photograph. In parallel projections, the projectors arc parallel, as shown in Figure 2.1b. Orthographic projections are one type of parallel projec~ tion. In orthographic (meaning right-angle) projections, the parallel projectors are perpendicular to the plane of projection. Because orthographic projections show objects in a way that their features can be represented at true size or scaled at a pro- portion of true size, they are especially useful in specifying the dimensions needed in technical applications, If the projectors are parallel to cach other, but are at an. angle other than 90° to the plane of projection, the result is called an oblique projection. ‘Technical drawings of 3D objects usually use one of four standard types of projection, shown in Figure 2.3: + Multiview + Axonometric (includes isometric) + Oblique + Perspective Multiview projection shows one or more necessary views, Either of two systems is used to arrange the views in a multi- view drawing: third-angle or first-angle. You will learn about multiview projection in Chapter 6, Axonometric, oblique. and perspective sketches are methods of showing the object pictorially in a single view They will be discussed in Chapter 3 ‘The main types of projection arc listed in Table 2.1 WAT REN Io Parallel jection i de ol Ky ot = = | projection Ftangle ; : ww cn S wy r v I perspective projection projection 2.3 Classification of Projections Table 2.1 Classification by Projectors Perspective Finite Radiating fom station point Parallel Infinite Parallel to each other Oblique Infinite Parallel to each other and oblique to plane of projection Orthographic Infinite Perpendicular to plane of projection ‘Axonometric Infinite Perpendicular to plane of projection Multiview Infinite Perpendicular to plane of projection 34 CHAPTER 2 Drawing Vocabulary Drawing lines, lettering, measurement systems, scale, sheet sizes, and ttle blocks are presented in this chapter. Drawing Lines Projected drawing views use specific line patterns to represent object features. For example, when showing a 3D object, some lines represent the edges of sur- faces that are hidden from that viewing direction. These hidden lines have a dashed line pattem to help the reader understand the drawing. Another type of line indicates the location of the center of a symmetrical feature, such as a hole, Familiarity with the types of lines used in technical drawings helps you read drawings and create drawings that others can ‘easily understand. Lettering The shapes of letters that are casy to read and write are described as part of drawing standards. Often, free hhand sketching is used early in the design process to present ideas. Showing notes and information legibly helps present LAYOUTS AND LETTERING your ideas to others clearly. Good lettering often makes or breaks a sketch, ‘Measurement Systems Two measurements systems are used for technical drawings: the metric system and U.S. customary units. It is important to be familiar with both measurement systems to create and read drawings that are used worldwide, Seale Obviously, a large item (a house or bridge for exam- ple) cannot be shown fullsize on a paper sheet. To clearly convey Important information about particularly large or small objects, you need to select an appropriate sheet size and show drawings to scale (proportionately smaller or larger than the actual size) ‘Standard lettering sizes for drawings depend on the sheet size Title Blocks Company information, the drawing scale, sheet size, and other information is included in a standard ttle block located in the lower right comer ofthe drawing to make it easy to locate these important details on every drawing layout. 2.1 ALPHABET OF LINES ‘The meaning of each line on a technical drawing is indicated by its width (thick or thin) and its particular line style. The person who reads the drawing will depend on these line styles to know if a line is visible or hidden, if it represents a center axis, or ft conveys dimension information. ‘To make your drawings easy to read, make the contrast ‘between thick and thin lines distinct. Thick lines (0.6 mm) should be twice the width of thin lines (0.3 mm), as shown in Figure 2.4. The line gage in Figure 2.5 shows various widths Figure 2.6 shows frechand line technique. You may find it helpful to use 1/8" graph paper at frst to get a feel for the length of dashes used in hidden lines and centerlines. Soon you will be able to estimate the lengths by eye. Figure 2.7 illustrates line styles for technical drawings. All lines (except coastruction lines) must be sharp and dark For visible, cuting-plane, and short-break ines use thick lines “Thin drawing lines should be just as sharp and black, but only half the thickness of thick lines. Construction lines and leter- ing guidelines should be thin and light so that they can barely be seen at arm's length and need not be erased, All lines should bbe uniform in width and darkness, deal lengths of the dashes used to form the line patterns are also shown in Figure 2.7, Centtine Dashes (Darian thinwith harp ena) Stoo thicktora centring 2.6 Good and Poor Freehand Line Technique Hieden Line Dashes (Dark and thin with sharp ends) WN Too indefinite, too ight Soo thicfora hidden tne Thick (0.60 mmm) Thin (0.30 men) 2.4. Thick and Thin Drawing Lines 07" | oro | ora" | ora | 20" | 028 18mm | 25mm | 30mm | 38mm | 50mm | 60mm 028" | 0s" | 039" | 047" | 085" | 079" 70 mm | | | 1.20-mm | 1.40 mm | 2.00 mm 25. Line Gage VisibleLines (Sharp dark and thick) ~ € N nota straight path Steoright

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