Revision of Curriculum

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Revision of Curriculum & Syllabi

Board of studies in Pharmaceutics Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science,

University of Pune



a. Pharmaceutics Board and Curriculum : Four year B. Pharm course of Pune

University has an annual pattern with 80 & 20 % university and internal institute
level evaluation respectively. M. Pharm is four semesters , ( two year) pattly by
paper & partly by research programme with spcializtion in phamacutics under this
board. The subjects of its board take approximately 45% of quantum in practical
and 32%in theory of the curricular of B.Pharm course The Department of
Pharmaceutics takes sizable workload amongst other departments and thus
signifies its importance in the course curriculum.

b. The subject component: Similar to other course the first and second year of
B.Pharm. course has foundation subjects like Dispensing pharmacy , Hospital
pharmacy, Pharm. Engineering ,Physical pharmacy ,microbiology while third and
final year covers application oriented subjects like pharmaceutical Technology
advanced Dosage forms, Pharmacy practice Pharm Management etc.

c. The content Component : The theory component of most of the subjects of the
board is relatively vast . content wise , it covers all essential theoretical aspects of
basic & applied subjects with little scope for revision .Although attempts have
been made to inculcate the experimental skills in practical course, yet there is a
scope to include newer experiments / demonstrations on drug design tools, present
experiment with use of eco-friendly or less hazardous chemicals, experiments on
software assisted sophisticated equipments & machineries.

Prima facie, it is felt that there could be around 10-15 % scope in theory and 15-20
% scope in practical course for revision . Rest may remain unchanged.
The modern practices of pharmacy & pharma technology have been evolved from
the US & European countries and therefore the original curricula also have come
from west . In past , most of the Indian universities have followed curriculum
more or less similar to west with emphasis on industrial pharmacy . In last two
decades, more is being given to patient care in practice and thus in pharmacy
curriculum. Academicians have also started thinking on similar lines but
momentum is yet to be generated.

Almost 95% of the standard reference study material like books, hand books,
practical books comes from foreign authors & publishers from west and therefore
the best available in the world is easily accessible to all teachers & students across
a nation. Considering the curricular of various universities in the US, UK & other
parts of the world and need for manpower requirement of our country. All India
Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has drafted a model curriculum for B.
Pharm course. It as been recommended to all Indian Universities with approx
20% changes as per local needs and prescribes semester pattern. Pharmacy
Council of India(PCI) has also drafted syllabi of B.Pharm course, a minimum
qualification proposed for registration as a pharmacist. The objective is to provide
pharmaceutical care to the society through the services of pharmacist.


a. Drug Delivery systems & Targeted Drug Delivery

There has been paradigm shift in approaches to dosage form design in recent
times. The Drug Delivery System engine is now being driven by biology
alongwith novel technology like nanotechnolgy it seems this trend will continue
further. Addition of newer approaches in dosage form design and case studies
shall make subject more relevant with emerging needs and interesting for students
too. The avoidance of overlapping of contents various subjects of other
departments is needed.

b. Evaluation System & Assessment Parameters :

The present evaluation system has not been adequately successful in assement of
analytical abilities, interpretational qualities, intelligence, abstract writing/
thinking and problem solving abilities of students. Therefore immediate attention
is required to determine the assessment parameters. Appropriately designed
evaluation system aimed at assessment of aforesaid parameters would alone bring
an upward change in value of the degree course ever from the present syllabi.
The present evaluation pattern is 80% through University & 20% through institute
which may continue further, But what is concerned is the nature/ type of questions
designed and marks allotted in question papers. Presently, all questions are of
descriptive nature and most of the evaluating teachers do not give adequate time
to read and assign the marks. Over and above, students mug up before exam and
reproduce in answer sheets leading to inappropriate assessment and aforesaid
parameters remain un-assessed. Thus the quality of graduates produced largely
remains un-assured. There is strong need to have series of brain storming session
with experts from field of pharmacy, management studies and education to device
a suitable evaluation system and assessment parameters. I request the experts
from industry to suggest the reforms in this area.

Once a neatly designed system is in place, the challenge would be in the

execution because of non-availability of experienced & committed teachers for
both teaching and evaluation. An orientation course covering teaching techniques
understanding of evaluation system & assessment parameters in achieving
objectives of the course should be designed and made compulsory for all teachers.
Continuous periodical training of teachers is need of time. Completion of such
course should be also be made as prerequisite to give certain benefits like teachers
approval and examiner ship of the university.
1. Pharmaceutical sciences being multidisciplinary in its nature and with
increasing expansion in knowledge, it is imperative to learn the multiple
subjects for broad understanding. With many specializations at master’s
level the knowledge acquired at UG is becoming knowledge for higher
2. The content of theory and practical course needs to be revised to the tune
of 10-15% and 15-0% respectively.
3. The overall revision in evaluation system and assessment parameters
aimed at evaluating the students analytical/interpretational abilities
problem solving capabilities, intelligence and abstract writing is a key
issue in assuring quality of the pharmacy graduates.
4. The Periodical & continuous training of teachers through suitable short
term orientation course designed to achieve the objectives of the
curriculum be made compulsory and a prerequisite condition for
university approval as teacher and examiner ship.
5. The commitment of teachers towards achieving the objectives of the
course and curricula shall remain vital issue.
6. The appropriately devised course structure and evaluation system will
make the course more relevant with changing needs of the
industry/profession and quality of pharmacists produced by this university
shall be matching with international standards.

(Dr. K.N. Gujar)

Date : 02/04/2007 Sinhgad Institute of Pharmacy,
Place : Pune Pune – 411041.

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