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On September 11, 2001, two hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the

World Trade Center in New York City, killing thousands of innocent people. Those who
claimed responsibility said that the two buildings were aimed because they were well
known around the world for being symbols of Capitalism. In other words, they were
symbols of some of the values of the United States of America.
From the very first monuments ever built, to the rise of cities in human history,
architecture has played an extremely important role in shaping how different people think
about themselves, express their religion, values and honor their fallen heroes. The style of
a building and its location can say a lot about a culture values.
If we want to know what is valued most in the United States, we have to simply
look at the size and shape of the buildings in its capital, Washington D.C. The
neoclassical style of the White House, the Capitol Building, the Supreme Court, many of
the monuments, museums and other surrounding buildings speaks to the influences of the
Greeks and Romans, on whom the United States has based its form of democracy.
Despite a very diverse culture, the majority of Americans share a common belief
that through a unified strength, they can overcome adversity. Shortly after the rubble of
the Twin Towers was cleared away, plans were made to create a single building that
would rise from the ashes and show that Americans were unified in a fight to preserve
and maintain their way of life. The result is the One World Trade Center building, also
known as Freedom Tower, that is currently the tallest building in New York City and
overlooks a huge memorial to the victims of the explosions.
Once again, architecture is sending a message about the resilience of the American
people and their unity in defying those who would use terror to try to break a country.
The new building stands 104 storeys tall and reaches for the sky as if to say that nothing
will keep the United States down. At the same time, its mirrored surface reflects the
heavens and the prayers for the people who died when the Twin Towers fell.
Hijack- deturnat
 Claim- a afirma, a pretinde
 Rubble- rămășițe, moloz
 Ashes- cenușă
 Preserve- a păstra
 Resilience- rezistență

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