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Student’s Last Name 1

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Experience of Trusting People in Real Life


The experience of trusting people in real life is a common phenomenon, but requires

rigorous socio-psychological understanding in a practical way. Life is a teacher that teaches us

various values that are required to live a dignified life. People around us in social circle are our

social capital, but sometimes the capital in social form comes at a heavy cost. The heavy cost can

be in the form of losing good terms with people who shares a significant portion of one’s social

capital. Last, but not the least, life lessons in the form of someone breaking our trust can teach

us lot more about life than books.


Trusting people is a difficult task in real life, and somehow people find it difficult as well.

As people gets mature enough to start evaluating people around them, most of them begins with

trusting people from the core of their heart, even the people who can be prospective vehicle of

harm. Still, humans are social animal and dependability is an inevitable phenomenon. In other

words, the lack of independence to survive without any social contact is first step towards

trusting people and gaining insight into the ways of making and sustaining social relations. Key

to understanding dynamics of social relations lies in understanding deeper meanings of

reliability, open-mindedness, honesty, consistency, loyalty, efficiency, commitment, and

Student’s Last Name 2

Everyone gets ditched in some sort of relationship at least once in life; be it love,

friendship, or workplace. Most people finds it difficult to assess the causes and effects of those

disappointments. In my case, I found the causes and effects of many such incidences after

enlightening myself with social sciences disciplines. For example, social psychology taught me

about ‘mob mentality.’ Marxism taught me about the importance of income and economy in

establishing lifestyle and dependence of one person on another and the way people respond to

each other. One such incidence that changed by life was a friendship relation in which I did not

knew the alter ego of the person to which I was giving importance in life. Spending much of time

from my life on that person seemed to me later a simple waste of time. However, it taught me

real meaning of life. I call it the event that change my life forever.

I’ll call the person here, ‘Yash.’ Yash, by nature was a nice person, and sometimes much

cooler than any normal person. He used to portray himself as a person with all the good traits and

features of a gentleman. A wealthy, young, smart, critical thinker and kind are the most common

features of Yash. Yash somehow turned into an evil person one night, and every good trait and

appealing featured shattered like a piece of glass and there was no coming back from that

onwards. Not only he treated me well, but also the people around him in his social circle and it

happened as if one should learn those skills from him. Sometimes I did seriously thought of him

as a Mentor, and now a Devil.

He used to consume drugs, and was a cocaine addicted individual. It was not like he

couldn’t survive without cocaine, but he always finds himself in abundance of wealth that

mandatory breaks from consuming cocaine seemed normal to him. Despite all the kind and

generous personality, he used to say that people are greedy and selfish. Furthermore, he

sometimes refer to certain type of women as gold-diggers to justify his actions of sexual nature.
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In the beginning, I used to believe that his statements are general and does not reflect any

specific actions; and later, I understood the true meanings behind his philosophy. It was the alter

ego, which spoke to me sometimes. In addition, one day I found him ‘about to’ take advantage of

a women after making her overdose with a certain substance. I managed to rescue that eighteen

years old girl, and she thanked me later. Drug was refuge for that girl, and bipolar disorder was

the issue that girl. Both of us became good friends, and assisted each other in different

psychological aspects. She is still my friend, and is a gem.


Books provide clarity to our understanding of world, but life experiences teach wisdom

required to live a dignified and enlightened life-style. Yash provided me lifetime lesson about the

alter ego which is hidden somewhere in an individual. Most people fail to understand the concept

of alter ego and receives betrayal at the hands of trusted and loyal friends. Not only the loss of

social capital is unbearable, sometimes the cost of such trust-break is psychological in nature. No

one can escape betrayal and heartbreak, which is why it is important to learn from these

experiences; and furthermore, gain wisdom.

Student’s Last Name 4

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