Implementation For Microsoft Dynamics CRM: How The Offering Works

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Implementation for Microsoft

Dynamics CRM

Delivering a predictable,
on-time, on-budget, and
on-specification solution

Help ensure return on your Overview

investment and mitigate risks
Microsoft Services can help you effectively implement your customer
with a successful solution
relationship management (CRM) Solution based on Microsoft Dynamics
CRM. Whether your business is in retail, manufacturing, distribution,
professional services, the public sector, or another industry, our team of
“Microsoft Services was the
skilled and experienced Enterprise Architects, consultants, and support
clear choice from the beginning.
engineers can put Microsoft Dynamics CRM to work for you quickly,
Their professionalism,
across all of your business operations and locations, fully integrated with
responsiveness and guidance
your existing systems and business processes.
during the selection process
and now into implementation With a proven methodology that provides prescriptive guidance and
has been invaluable.” deliverables across the phases of analysis, design, development,
Patty Wade, CIO and Vice deployment, and operation, you can help ensure success throughout the
President of Strategic Planning, technology implementation process.
Mattress Firm

Help ensure a successful

How the Offering Works
Implementation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM can effectively guide you
through all the phases of an enterprise-scale deployment of your Microsoft
• Extend your solution as far Dynamics CRM Solution. As part of Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step, a
around the globe as you comprehensive methodology that provides a consistent approach and
tools for deployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, this offering includes a
• Select one of several set of project types that will assist you and your team at every step of the
prescriptive project-based
way as you implement your solution.
approaches for the right kind
of implementation to suit
your needs. As all organizations are unique, so are the prescriptions for success in
• Smoothly integrate Microsoft deploying new technology at any scale. Microsoft Services can customize
Dynamics CRM with your the approach for your successful implementation of Microsoft Dynamics
existing systems and CRM, regardless of size and scope of project.
• Utilize a proven
implementation methodology
to help ensure successful
About Microsoft Services There are five distinct, prescriptive approaches to choose from
Use Microsoft Services to successfully depending on your deployment needs:
implement your Microsoft Dynamics
Standard A common implementation with customization
Solution. We provide:
specific to your business, integration with other
• Experience and commitment systems and software, and a moderate number
• Expertise and product knowledge of users, sites, and transactions.
• Return on business value
Enterprise A more complex implementation that
encompasses multiple sites and countries,
Microsoft Services uses a standardized, involving customizations, integration with other
proven implementation methodology called systems, a complex infrastructure, multiple
Sure Step to deliver four core offerings for languages, and a large number of users and
envisioning, implementing, upgrading, and
optimizing your solution. Rapid A simple implementation, with little or no
customization, minimal integration with other
systems, and relatively small numbers of
users, sites, and transactions.
Agile A flexible, iterative, and collaborative
approach for implementation at a single site
requiring specific features, significant
development, and moderate to complex
Upgrade An implementation approach for upgrading to
a new version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Improve Consistency & Predictability

The Sure Step methodology provides guidance, tools, and templates for every
stage of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM implementation, from analysis to
deployment and through operation. It will give you the peace of mind of knowing
what’s ahead, what the dependencies and interdependencies are, and who is
responsible for what.

Minimize Implementation Risk

With Microsoft technical expertise and proven practices helping you at every stage,
you can be assured that your Microsoft Dynamics CRM implementation will go as
smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Reduce Costs & Maximize Return on Investment

Get the most out of your technology investment and lower implementation and
operations costs by relying on our deep expertise, extensive product knowledge,
and total commitment to your long-term success with our Microsoft Dynamics
CRM Solution.

For more information about Consulting and Support solutions from Microsoft, contact your
Microsoft Services representative or visit

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