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I am by name LORAN is a boy like you. I am neither get graduated in an Oxford University
not been a country men in England. I will try to narrate my story in the language I know as
simple as possible. Few things can be shared to family. Few things can be shared to a friend.
But few things cannot be revealed out even if someone comes and crack your mind out into
words. Those are your own and we have every right on their possession. Being gifted you as a
best friend to you is a remarkable thing that you might have witnessed somewhere in your life.
Here in my story, those hidden experiences are every time shared by me and only myself. Great
people often say, “If we ever share our thoughts, feelings and grievances with the closest dear,
all the sorrows from water drop to a wide Ocean, what may be the pain or happiness, minute
or the huge, we will be free from them for some time.” I believe in their thought process. May
be they are true to their experiences. Yes I really felt so, because I had experienced either. So,
I chose you as my dear one. I hope you will definitely be. Every person like me may has fallen
in love once or twice in their life. Every one define it as per their experiences with the situations
they come across. I only advice you to Love not the one who is living with you. Love the one
who is living for you. My friend, I hope you have accepted my request to be as my dear friend.
The story is real and every character is real. Nothing is liable anywhere in any aspect in story.
Hello, friend. Love is a fantastic feeling. If we are gained in love, we are then bound to a
relationship. Or if we are failed in receiving back, we are cut down with a relationship. Anyway
the experience within the time is awesome and it is only our own. In my story, it happened
through crossing different shades in my life. My story is for men who failed in love but gained
in life. Everything is fair in love. But don’t fall in love to make everything fair.

I entered into graduation with enthusiasm to make thinks different than before. I am the only
male child gifted to my parents. I strongly believe in love can fix an emotion into a relation. I
am one of the active students in the class. I am curious to learn things with enthusiasm. I came
to class a bit early sitting on my bench, peeping out through the window. Then I saw her. Her
name LEENA. Aww she is cute. She is pretty. Her eyes glitter like a glassy fish. Her lips walk
tremendously as lotus petals. Her face shine in the bright sun. Yes I thought she is mine and
only mine. I am selfish. I said to myself and smiled. I again looked outside and where she
disappeared. I was about to leave out for her but the class started. Everyone are busy with sir.
But I am, thinking about where is my girl. Suddenly heard a voice from outside, May I get in
sir (Slow and lovely voice). Yes get in (Strong and loud voice). All fellow mates are seeing
outside. Then I turned following. Yes she entered in. I am not going to waste my time this year.
I thought. My head started to turn right for every 5 minutes. Go, speak to her. My heart is
rooting the same every time I see her. No you shouldn’t go forward and speak with her. This
is not the time. If something goes wrong, you may lose her and that may be permanent. I am
afraid. I have no words to share this with my friend SAI. A situation may help me to live in
home or throw into backyard. I followed my mind and controlled. A single mistake may even
make friends into strangers. Mistakes have more weightage than achievements.

We boys have friends with thickest attachments from class to glass. I being the back bencher
always thought of having a girl friend to share all my love with. So, I searched for one. I know
there is no terrible thing can happen or hamper into us if we have a friend and that too a girl.
Having a girl friend is like having things in a locker and key with us. I am one of the toppers
and a good motivator. I received a call from a girl. Aha yes I have figured it out, she asked
LORAN can you be my friend. Yes (immediately). I replied. She is LALANA. This is what I
wanted. I don’t know how to feel, getting everything what I we desire to have is a luck. I
thought. But things never come by luck. Things are designed to make you learn a lesson from
the situations you come across. I am happy with what happened. But I felt I have a lot of work
to accomplish. Days passed out. 1 month has gone in vain. I know my friend stands for me and
helps me. One day on a fine evening, I started. You know I love LEENA. I smiled. What! She
was shocked. Silence everything went in calm. Her eyes became broad and bros lifted up. Her
mouth opened and she asked me “Are you kidding?” There is nothing to kid in this matter. I
am serious. The girl with you, in your bench, that LEENA has stolen my heart and I am unable
to sleep nights. Please help me and do something my friend. I asked. But she replied nothing.
The day ended but I have never received a call from my friend. By the next day, I asked the
reason for why she is not replying me. She said, No LORAN, please never bring the topic of
love towards me. Instead her face looked so jaded whenever I tried to bring the topic to her. I
understood that she is unwilling to listen whatever I say. So I am confused. My heart taunted
me saying that I am going to lose her. But No this cannot happen. This fear looted in my mind
whole day. I thought all my effort for a month may go in vain if I spend the time loitering here
and there and doing nothing. Friend listen, nothing will hurt than your own expectations on
someone. So, keep on moving forward accepting the reality.
So I need to seek help from one who understands better with my words and I may feel
comfortable. The next day at twilight a girl approached me with a doubt I tried to solve it for
her. It was too late and had to leave to home. Yes I left. But I am OK with my day but my mind
kept on reminding me the things need to be done informing the value of time. I kept calm as I
am already recaptured the whole day discussions. I searched the list of numbers I had in my
mobile. Contacted every person do I ever known in class but all in vain did not get the girl
number. The whole night gone like a hell at my sleep. I don’t ever asked my heart why I am
doing this. Instead I see friends in my class are almost happy with joy where I am not. While
immaturity is searching for fun, maturity works for happiness. I said to myself and smiled.

The next day I am stubburn with predecisive to contact LISA, I went straight forward to LISA
and asked her contact number. She was astonished. I smiled gently saying Lets be friends
LISA. She too accepted my request. My day from then is fine in approaching to my dear
LEENA. On a fine evening, LISA introduced my dear and I was so happy to hear her words
with me for the first time. Yes I remembered that was Wednesday, evening 4:40pm, at class
room. My eyes filled with water. All the efforts since 2 months had tuned to an end. I has to
use my opportunity. I thought. I asked her number. She kept calm for a while and said, LORAN
take it. I was in a hurry, no pen, no paper even. Nothing had. She said, wait. Took a pen and
wrote on my hand. A man like me feel very fortunate enough to have his first love catching his
hand. You know, friend, how I have felt at the moment. I feel like I have won the queen and
she has chosen me in SWAYAMVARAM (the bride herself chooses a groom as per her liking).
That is the first touch with my dear. I called her but my voice tumbled but I am happy and I
know my dear is born for me. I should be honest in love, I went home and slept happily. Friend,
always Be an optimist not an opportunist.

From the following day my time started. I started spending time with her. Days passed, we are
close into relation. We talked, chatted, calls, video calls. Months passed but everything went
like few days. Now we are so close to each other. I thought to express her my love towards her.
Every relation starts with a situation. Dear friend, situations should come or we must create
one for us. I finally did the same. During our mean time conversations, LEENA I LOVE YOU.
I said. She is shocked. Did not uttered a word. I am helpless. My hands are sweating without
no reason. I kept on talking to her so that she may not avoid speaking with me thinking that
our relationship should not end. My heart beat ran faster than before. Ever since I have
experienced such a tension in my life. After sometime she spoke nothing and left from me. I
had nothing to do except waiting for the reply. I called my friend LISA and explained what
happened. She told a heart-breaking story of proposes from comates and rejections from her. I
was exclaimed and went into deep thoughts of what going to happen next. Friend, this is the
first mistake I have committed towards my love. How foolish I am. Without encountering the
situations around her I have proposed her. Dear friend, sometimes It’s better to run your mind
not your mouth.
The next day I came to college at most hesitation I had but a hope somewhere hidden in depth
of my heart. She has spoken with me as usual. My heart congratulated at my success. I am
happy. I started sharing my all things pre planned in mind about our life in future. I thought
this will continue and she will be queen. But sometimes things will happen or the situation will
come and make your life upside down (topsy turvy). The day has come. One evening as we are
speaking through phone, she kept ON HOLD me and spoken with a friend through phone. I
asked who was he? She said he is non other than LOHIT. After enquiring, I got to know that
she was discussing every situation she had with me to him. I am totally astonished. I asked her,
who is he to you and why are you doing so? She said he is my friend and iam fine sharing with
him. Days passed away and situations had turned into a great tragedy. I has to be like a puppet
under him. I feel as if I am losing my self-respect. Dear friend, All you need to have is self-
respect every single time. Do never lose it anytime in your life.
My heart every time compiled me in hope and trust in my dear, yet my life seemed to be under
LOHIT control. Is am I wrong anywhere I have to retrospect again and my brain answered NO
to my question. I have blamed myself for being such a foolish fellow. Many things happen in
your surroundings, yet are not visible to our naked eyes as virus, nor audible as sonar
(inaudible) vibrations. I tried to express her about the mishappenings around both of us. May
be LOHIT misguided her or may LEENA herself went close to him. Day by day distance
increased between us. I believed in LOHIT and trusted my dear a lot. Honesty has not worked
out in this aspect. Dear friend, The one I believe is the one that leave and the one I trust is the
one that hurt. Belief in someone or trust in some other may hurt you a lot. Be careful. These
two are dangerous weapons.
Still I tried to speak with her, wait for her to have word for her many times. She used to avoid
me for no reason. This is the second mistake I have committed with my love. Being known that
she will never turn, still waiting for her would look like a hell to me. As I found myself going
wrong with me, feeling alone although my comates are with me. But never wished to share the
things with them. Now I never wished to listen to my heart even. I started listening to my brain.
My heart said, Trust them with heart. My brain said, Believe them with brain. Dear friend.
From the situations, I had to justify as Don’t trust them with heart, believe them with brain..
For weeks together I wept, screamed, wished to bury myself. Finally with a broken heart, from
January 1, I have no word with her till end. Still she is moving front of me. At the toughest
situation, after a long period, my phone rang, she was LALANA. I wept through phone, she
guided me from the depression I had for few months. Coming out of the depression is not that
much easy task ask you think. She had helped me in every time, guided me in many ways.
When I was in LOVE I totally hesitated her, even never had a word with her. But at the hardest
times, she came to me and took me to a normal state. Dear friend, being in love seems like you
are in a separate world. Remember, Its easy to get rid of people than the moments you had
During this short period, I then started spending time with my friends. I know she is front of
me, but never had a problem of deep sorrow. My friend LINEETH is with me for helping me
every time whenever I am at out of mood. I had experienced the whole situations happened and
all within a few days before me. Now I am quiet steady controlling myself, following my mind.
My friend, donot hesitate to say my heart-broken. You are worthy and dared enough to stand
for life. Friend, in your life too Love figured out your women and heartbreak figured out your

Now, I had to move on with my journey. We are about to leave to our respective departments
within a month ahead. We are happy at our game. Truth or Dare. I had to chose one. I have
chosen Truth. I was asked to tell the relationship we had before with LEENA. I had to say this.
I told the whole story happened. LOHIT too had to say the TRUTH as he has chosen to. He
said LEENA is her CRUSH. The blood boiled and I am regretted to speak with him. The day
ended. The next day LEENA approached me and asked me to be as friend. As a lover how can
one be a friend. MY mind whispered. NO it is not the right ethic if you follow. I have regretted
to be as friend. LOHIT accepted as friend. Dear friend, At wherever you life, whatever may be
the time, whatever may be the situation, if your ethics are lost, you are no more. You are just a
being on earth with no purpose. The situations may seem harsh to you but accept the reality.
Believe that a lover cannot be a friend. He just can imitate with a hiding facial expressions. But
really can never be. So don’t fool yourself anytime. All these situations happened within a year.
One year is not a simple thing as you pass idle. Anything can happen in 1 year. A great
achievement can be met or a huge disaster can happen. A tremendous change you can see in
an year. I have to move to my department. Dear friend, spending an year with you must not go
all in vain. You Can move with empty hands and empty heart but brain full of lessons.
Everything that you take with you should be an experience and the experience is your own.
You know the things won’t come back or you can never be gifted a time machine by god. I
started working for my life. Love tried to distract me sometimes whenever I feel lonely. My
stong mid always insisted to work on my life. At first it used to be so hard for me to accomplish
the tasks as I am alone. Thereafter I could manage and started strengthening my brain
commands. Friend, learn the lesson, take the experience with you and Let the lesson you learn
today make the mission you accomplish tomorrow.
Days passed, I tried to be strong even more than expected. Change is what I expected. Stronger
than before. I thought to get rid of the thoughts of her, I had to be busy enough, so that I can
make myself more comfortable. Then I have decided to be an organiser for college. Yes I did
it and I am. Now I had to run , work consistently laying my path in a proper platform. Dear
friend, Don’t make your time for the people, who don’t value it. Move on with your journey.
I worked as an organiser for 2 years. I made myself stroner as I have expected. I have been
working on my technical, mental, physical, experimental and informative. All these happened
only because of pain and regret. I don’t ever know the qualities that are harsh and painful may
turn a man into a powerful weapon till the end of the time. Dear friend, see as unexpected, If it
is not painful, It can’t make me powerful. Take the pain to become a weapon.
One day I was late by my work, and has to go with her to home. One day all of a sudden I got
a ring from LEENA. She called me and asked me Can you come with me to home LORAN?
Yes sure why not. I replied. I was excited and felt happy with her after a long time I thought
we are together again. I think she is very close to much for a period of time and I am just
moulding at her words. This is the third mistake I have committed. Friend, fix this strongly in
your mind, Don’t get too much attached to anything that isn’t yours.
We are travelling home through an LH RTC bus, she is calm. We are together now but silence
went on for a half an hour. This is not what I have desired to happen when I am with her. All
the half an hour went like a great tragedy. My mind is planning about how to approach, framing
better sentences to start a conversation. I am speaking. Yes I am. But the voice laid in my
throat. Finally, I uttered saying How are you been all the long time. I expect her answer with a
hope of fine and an expectation on me. Waiting for my reply. She said, I am fine and how do
you do? The reply seems so simple, but my friend, you can understand the relief, expectation
to the response I get made feel better than before where I have been alone for many days busy
in, in thinking not to look back to the situations I come across. I asked a shake hand and she
gave me one. We shook our hands for few minutes. This is the second touch I had with her. All
of a sudden, my heart started to speak, Yes your dear is back. This time I am sure she is yours.
It rumbled again and again, never even allowed my mind to interpret for a command. I followed
my heart. Dear friend, when you feel the same as me and say yourself dear, Happy to see you
alone at the same state you left me once alone. May bring your tears in eyes, neither come out
or go in, but just stay there with a sign of love on your baby.
I started to speak about our great future before us. I have spoken about the planned flat near
beech in the city of destiny. I spoke about the Audi car. I discussed her about our children and
their names to be. I have spoken about the tourism we should plan after the marriage. We spoke
about the wonderful life we will be leading in the coming years. I am totally in and far sighted
though nothing happened great now. Planning life in beforehand, is fine. But one must know
that If everything in life go fine as one has expected, he might be a demigod or should be a
descends of god. My friend, things happen differently as you expect, plan your life for safety,
but never go deep in and that may hut you too deep. Sometimes may lead to unrecovery
depression. So, friend, Don’t take long term responsibilities for short term satisfaction.
I asked her photo and she has given the prettiest one she has with her. Shared it to me. I thought
I don’t need it as my dear is back to me. She said, Its yours. My friend, sometimes simple things
will give huge feeling of happiness and comfort. When our heart is filled with love and
affection, we feel nothing in this world can gain us. We feel we don’t need to crack an IAS to
achieve in life except only to gain her. She is everything to me. What we need to do is to care
her every time whenever you get, wherever you are, face of her in your mind, shining pretty
before you all the time. May be the time has decided us together for few more days, I don’t
know but we have been again together for many days. This time I have never told anyone as
this feel should be my own and only my own. Yes, every lover should be selfish in his dear.
Once again I started imitating what my heart whisper to me every time. This time I am very
confident in my love. I totally believed in her. But I don’t want to lose my friend LALANA. I
am afraid if I would inform her about this, she may again be far away from me. And this should
never happen again. So I kept it to myself. I told this to LISA and she said nothing.
Additionally, she warned me to be more careful. I know if I fall back again, I can never be back
as usual as before. So I continued. After few days, I stopped receiving call from her. My phone
always waited, waited and finally shut down for no reason. I went again into deep thoughts but
I should not be into depression as before. I have a career waiting a head of me. I had to accept
the reality and should move on. Yes I did the same. My friend, you should be Mature enough
to accept a realisation. But not foolish enough to believe in a deception.
With the things happened just as earlier, I was happy with what had happened. May be this is
the most memorable thing within us. The next day, while on my way, travelling to college in
the same LH bus, I remembered the place where she is sat and where I am, next beside her. I
remembered again. A smile always be on my face whenever I see the bus. Yes I loved the bus
and struggled every time to get the seat many days rushing in the huge crowd throughout my
graduation. Perhaps, this may happen only for few minutes, we have spent, but the memories
will last long throughout my life. I noticed the ticket both of us with fair of amount Rs.68 on
it. I rushed in a hurry to a Xerox shop. Took a copy of 2 tickets of mine alone and ticket
travelled by both of us. Laminated them and gave one to her and kept one with me as a
remembrance of love. After that she simply left me. No word from her. Nor even a message. I
remember till today, my friend, LOKI saying, listen LORAN, you must understand the people
perception first, If they left you for no reason, It means they come to you for no reason. Yes, he
is true. Exactly I accept his statement and made myself back again by recollecting his words
again and again and moved on.
Few days after, I have to remodel my things in a proper way. As all my stuff in my room at
home is shattered here and there, I had to rearrange them. There I have noticed, the laminated
ticket. Shocked. No, this should never happen. All the scribbling’s are erased. It just looked
like a piece of a white sheet. May be it is the sign of my love going to end. I thought. The next
day, I called her and asked about the ticket I have given her. She said, The ticket, which one?
I was upset, but explained with patience. She said, I have thrown it away somewhere and I even
don’t know where it is. I have no words to say, What reply a man can give or what words can
he utter out listening to such a reply. Now I am alone struggling but we are not together. I
realised. My friend LOKI said, LORAN, If you’re together, life will be a journey. If you’re
alone, life will be an adventure. When I retrospect myself, all his words seems to be true. Yes
he is true. I have witnessed after few days then from this incident.
In general, I don’t believe in God. But there is a curiosity to know what will happen in the
future of our relationship. I showed her photo and her palm print. All the information he wished.
I have collected them in beforehand. He noticed them got 10 minutes. He saw me, her photo.
He saw my left hand and her right hand print for few times. I am here eagerly waiting for his
reply. He kept calm. Time went for 20 more minutes. He did not speak anything. But this is
what not I wished to. I want a reply. My mind is trolling to ask something to him. Finally he
said, You won’t understand my words if you can’t withstand my silence. He said nothing seems
to be matching, there are many loop holes lying between both of you. May be things are going
to happen what you have unexpected. Strange things are those you are going to come across.
Time is going to narrate a story to you. He said and went away. I was totally confused. But
may be something is going to happen. I am ready to face it. Come let’s move on. I said to
Times has changed, I started thinking about life. My brain started gaining with commands. I
had a lot of responsibility. As an organiser, I almost spent my time changing myself in day to
day life. Now the situations had changed quiet better. I used to notice her twice in a week. My
heart tried to talk, but I pulled out all its messages, grabbed off all its notifications and threw
into the recycle bin from the brain. We boys are physically hard to looks but are sensitive to
heart. I started to avoid going to the canteen to overcome from the distractions I had from the
happenings before. I became stronger than I expected. Change in me what I have expected from
my past and it is what I received. Whenever I wished to share a word to my friend, LOKI, he
is the wonderful gift gifted to me by almighty. He listened, responded and guided me in a
perfect sense as I should be. I told my story with him. He smiled and replied, Bro, she didn’t
leave you. She is just trying to give you a better life. Dear friend, a courage and confidence
will regain us, it seems to be a motivation in us and strives to do something great if we really
had friends to share all your regrets, happiness, joy with them. So have a friend who can be at
every part of your story.
One day I have noticed LEENA and LOHIT taking food in a same plate. My legs are running
faster, hands are shivering with fear, I know he is her friend as accepted before. But a friend
has a limit of sharing things. She is my girl. I got jealous. I am normal like another men. I too
have feelings, angry distress. Everything seems to test my patience in despair. Still freedom
of having friends and sharing things with them is not the worst thing that we imagined by our
heart. I valued it. Instead I believed in her. I know she is mine. Those are co mates with whom
I have spent time with them. I thought I am more sensitive to what I have seen in the canteen.
Yes dear friend, Its good to be the most sensitive person but only till the first ever injury. This
might be the third mistake I have met.
I continued my work being more responsible for what I have been allotted. I thought I am doing
well in all the aspects I had. One day on a fine evening I had to leave home and fortunately met
my friend LEKANTH. He asked about my dear LEENA. I said No words within us. LORAN,
all the year we people are discussing about your relationship. He said. I understood my mistake.
I came to know that the relationship within LEENA and me has already been known to many
since long back. Now I should accept my mistake. Friend, a mistake either a small or large can
show great impact in future. So Never let your personality become a public discussion.
Whenever the topic of her raised through my friends, I clarified them in bold. As I know my
ethic will not be lost if I do so and nothing change can happen in the time. Once again I have
received a call from my dear. My heart started to raise saying, Come on may be this time she
has called you in return with realisation. You are now going to have a fine day. I raised the call
and received a warning from her that the relation can never be a public discussion. Yes she is
true and I accepted. But in fact she spoke nothing but she cut the call. I felt very sad of doing
so. I said to myself. No I am not going to share the things with anyone. This may be the fine
decision I have taken in return to my mistake. I continued. Sometimes, we expect something,
and the things may result in worse than your expected to be. To me happened the same? My
friend, No matter how deeply you are broken, there is always something you can reinvent in
At times, she used to call me just for a need or to retrospect something from me. I felt so bad.
Such a honesty in love is useless at present scenario. People are attracted to lust and attraction.
Am I been to clarify only doubts she has with me. That’s not what I expected. I have expected
a better life, in fact a better future and a happy life with her. She may not deserve my proposal.
My dear has undergone many changes under the influence of LOHIT. I realised. I said to
myself, I should never be the option to her. My friend, Be the only one, not the option one.
Thereafter I often see LEENA and LORAN moving so close to each other. Days passed yet
had no message from her. I tried to be on my way. Sometimes pain in me tried to kill me from
inside. But if I do recall the same again and again, it might look foolish about me. I used to
retrospect again and again every day. Spent my day in busy schedules. Most of the boys have
their first love but here in my case I thought she is the first and the last one. I started avoiding
her. Out of angry, I have deleted every memory I had with me she shared and every
remembrance I have collected which she don’t know. Friend, listen, If your absence cant make
her sad. Your presence will never make her happy. Nothing change will happen if so.
All of a sudden I have received call from her one fine afternoon. This the third time she called
me. She was angry with me. I will tell you the situation what happened. Wherever she is, all
the information is taken care by me to care her as she is mine. I am not the one who takes the
advantage of things. I am an true and honest lover. I believe in my love. A friend of mine
informed me that some fellow is misbehaving with her few days back. I said, Tell the fellow, I
will rock him into pieces. He did the same. I came to know that she is none other than LOHIT.
I think this is the third mistake I have committed. Yes I have to accept this. A mistake may
happen even by fault or misunderstanding. She warned me and took a promise from me. I will
never discuss about her anymore. The day went a big disaster for me. Things went too worst
and I could not even concentrate on anything. Dear friend, Some people need your attention
and some need assistance. But no one bother about your existence. That’s life. Accept the
Days passed but my progress is no more. I am afraid, all my expectations would collapse if
such situation would prolong for a long time. May be out of realisation, she called me once
again. I thought she called me for a reason. I raised the call and said, Yes what do you want
and What do I need to clarify? She said. I am Sorry. You are a good man and I really deserve
to have you at my side. I am surprised. This time you know friend, we boys feel lighted up and
my happiness resulted in continuous tears, never stopped for much time. My heart started
dominating, raising its voice to a greater and crying, yes you did it. I know this gona happen
buddy. She said, Can you be my friend. A celebration is worthless and a sorrow is meaningless,
if it isn’t of your own deed, my friend.
This is not what I wish to. There is a huge difference it makes being a friend and a lover.
Moreover, LOHIT is now close to her than before and I know she can never share equal priority
to both of us. It is not the cup of tea or a spice of bread to share the same feel with both of us.
That’s not ethically right. So I rejected. May be I may lose her but my character and ethics
developed along with me will retain with me. Without those I am just a being on earth having
a body, lifeless. No I don’t need such a life. I thought to myself. This decision might be true to
my knowledge. All I expected is my dear as my dear to me. But not another. This may result
to increase in distance between us. But she stays in my heart forever. I went home and wept
loud for what had happened. She is not going to be for the next coming days. I wept myself. I
only know the pain because I had experienced it. Dear friend, Cry for something you lost not
for anything that left.
The day is pleasant with a fine breeze ahead. It had just rained, the soil on earth seems
perfuming all throughout. She is alone, about to leave the college. I somehow manages a group
of men with a taxi. Everything is planned fine, but I am nervous. This is the first time I am
daring for a big mistake. I have seen her moving from backdoor to out of the college. Yes my
men sprinkled an aesthesia on her and she fainted. Yes as expected. They have kidnapped my
girl. I took her to a lonely far place, spoke with her what had happened. She understood and I
told her the plan of marrying her at the same moment. She was stunned. After a series of debate
went in between us, the debate turned to a discussion and somehow I managed her and finally
we got married. I thought this is my incredible success I have ever made in my love. Being in
love is like being in a separate planet with one both of us alone spending our life. There is no
one between us. We went to Paris, Switzerland Dangling, Manali and countless almost all the
wonderful place. We are happy. In the return, she laid on my chest and I am driving, nothing
clear I could remember, what happened, all of a sudden, we are met with an accident. No, No,
this cant be happen, she is dead. No this is not I wanted. Suddenly I was awake and I saw
nothing strange, just the bell clock, rang six times. Its time and I had to get ready for college.
There I started thinking about the dream I got, memorising the happiest moments. I smiled. My
friend, You can’t really forget someone until you forgive their mistakes.
In fact there is some hope remained in my love because of my honesty. Now it is a challenge
to my character. There is only one option, I knew is either to see her or to know how she is.
Might be it is the sign of her bad health. I enquired about her. They replied, she has not attended
college on the fine day. I don’t know where her house may be, but I dared to go there to catch
her. All my efforts resulted in vain. I did not find her anywhere. I saw her family but she is
nowhere. The day gone a hell throughout. Finally somehow, I got her number and rang her. I
mouth is running to pick up, pick up pick up continuously. She picked it up and I was speaking
but words did not utter out. What’s wrong with me? I said to myself. She spoke LORAN how
are you. Now I am cool, gained even more confidence than before. We spoke to each other for
a half an hour. I don’t know what happened suddenly, she cut the call and neither called me
nor greeted me again. May be this might be another mistake I have committed after a long time.
My friend, LOKI said, LORAN, It is so painful not because you’re broken, but because you’re
healing. May be he is right to 100 percent. I started to be myself again.
People in love may gain and lose, whatever may happen. Never lose your values. Values are
the resemblances of our existence. People throughout the path of achievements, they leave the
ethics aside and commit wrong things. People are not wrong, but the circumstances will make
them do wrong, Don’t make the circumstances happen to you. Most of the boys are true in love
to their heart. But only few are with their ethics and character. So, my friend, ethics and human
values should never die in you. Take it with you till you are alive. Dear friend, Ethics and
morals are not your restrictions, One day they will let you live like a legend.
Now I have nothing to do more special. I had to build one for future. I worked on my fest as an
organiser with dedication and received a huge appreciation from faculties, HOD, Vice-
principal, Principal, and CEO. Intact this is what I gained at end. Appreciation is provided as a
progress in one’s life. May be I progressed as compared to before. What the best we can
contribute in our is the best will revert back to you. Its like a law of momentum in physics.
Same thing happened to me. As a male it would seem awkward if we weep before anyone. It
seem meaningless. What I should do is to carry my experience. All my worries gone far from
me for these several months. When I think in deep to find the reason for being so, is the
continuous and constant work that let me stand right. So, dear friend, always believe that Work
lets you forget all your worries.
Now I am steady enough as before. I am ready to face problems more efficient than before. I
think this is what really mean to happen. We men whatever the situation, should face like a
legends. Legends are not born at somewhere. One will tune himself to be, when the situations
demand or the necessity. Do you known my friend, forgiveness is the wonderful quality that a
man should have. Forgiving someone will strengthen your character instead. I started forgiving
my dear and my friend. You know the best way of forgiving in these situations is accepting
every situation. This is my story and I must be ready to face all the consequences. Yes I did the
same and I am ready for any now. The best way to forget wrong people is to forget them. My
heart said. Shut up you Idiot. I took it into my control. They are not strange. They are just
foolish. I said.
My heart calm down and my brain started conversing with me. Accept those mistakes, not the
mistaken people. I urged mind, Don’t utter a word. Perhaps, my mind was habituated to my
heart since for a long time they are speaking to me, my mind started tuning to my heart. May
be heart misguides my brain and I may somewhere may commit mistake. This is what happened
to me outside from LOHIT to LEENA. Accepting mistake is a great job. Me too did the same.
If I have not accepted all my mistakes, I would have never been like this as expected. I might
never have such a story to narrate to you. Dear friend, you may think why heart and brain talk
to me every time. Yes this is because, they are mine and only mine my friend. I don’t want to
share all the things with me and disturb their mood. They should always be happy. Within this
short time a happy life must be experience by everyone around me.
One more time, she called me that was evening 5:20pm. Tuesday. I could say the time and date
because I know the value of time and days passed and experiences made throughout the
graduation. Whenever she called me since we had debate in our past calls, I had decided to
command both my heart and mind in giving a sign saying, Struggle alone, Debate together.
With this thought in my mind. After a lot time, I have slept happily the fine night. From that
day, I am working, I know I will achieve my goal and it will be fine with me one day, here the
most important thing you should identify is that IAM BACK. My friend, work for yourself, no
matter what the men may think, Impress yourself and then try others.

We are neither bound to a NORTH KOREA rule nor should follow framed restrictions. We
are free as a flying bird with freedom. Yes my situation is also the same. My friend, you can
Show attitude, not arrogance.
Days passed like a Shatabdhi express. I am happy in my thoughts and comfortable in my vision.
Sometimes, whenever my pass clings me up, I get laugh at my silly things committed. Giving
priority is life is very essential thing. Choosing a right decision is more important. I know I
made right decisions. Sometimes, when I look back, I used to think, if time let me go back and
start from then, I might have never committed mistakes in maturity. Now, though rare times I
see her, have a look at her but smile comes on my face. My friend, Your smile may not be the
best in the world, but it shows the best of you to the world. Smile is the indication of well-being
of your life as face delivers the index of mind.
Every men should be unique. Especially in each thoughts. None of our faces are unique. Neither
our hand print nor our eye scan is same. Yes I made myself unique, never followed one, and
designed myself. I don’t expect everyone to like me. But I expect me not to hate anyone. People
speak somewhere or the other if you are right or if you ar wrong. My friend, you should be
your own. Your commands from heart, mind and you should coincide. If so, result will be
awesome. I strongly say this, because I do experienced it.
One may come and ask you my friend, what revenge you have ever planned on them for the
situations that made you pain all these days. The best revenge is to show them that they made
you a favour. It happened the same thing to me. My dear, directly or indirectly made myself
strong. Made me ready to face any situation in life. Until you are with you no one can defeat
you my friend. If you are not under your control, your life may change beyond your
expectations. Don’t let it happen. If you let it by crazy, it means you are foolish.
I even remember my LOKI words, Love is blind but you’re not. Never let your love steal your
vision. He is the one who made me strong. Towards enlightenment, bright future, my
achievements. My target is now waiting for me to reach it. I had to move in. Before at a stage,
I thought it is over and completely out of control. But now I came to know that the real story
is yet to begin form now.
All the situations happened in my life is may be by luck or may I guess the time has designed
to happen to make me realise what is right and what is wrong. I never then believe in luck, not
much in god. Believe in people. Luck may sometimes give what you want. But Hardwork every
time gives what you deserve. In my story few things happened what I even don’t deserve it.
Sometimes things may be worse to you even you don’t wish to happen to you. My friend, you
are the sole responsible to whatever happen in your life. You are neither should be blamed or
blame anyone. Even though things happened sequentially in my life, I stood before it. I should
bare it because every feel is mine. And only mine.
I wish you tell one from my experience I had. Some relationships end up at a destination while
some will end with a realisation. But the realisation may take time. Sometimes months crossed
or years. But man should get up to gain his life. Love is an added spicy in life. But love is not
the entire life. It is not bad to have bad habits from class to glass. But is dangerously worst to
be with a bad attitude. I believe in my attitude and moved on to my final year of my graduation.
I am striving for success in life. Success means not the carrier alone. Success is meant in all
aspects of life. I will be thankful to all those darkest times I’ve gone through for making my life
more interesting. The reason for the cause may be vivid. But now I have a vision. I have
accomplished a mission for achieving it. No one can stop us. Because we are united now.
Present generation is a big challenge for my adaptability. My friend, accept the change, change
every time, change even better, make your life comfort. But accept the reality.
Kids holds memories, Men gets experience. Legends learn lessons. If you strive for something
hard you should get it. Or don’t do it, else leave it. Let it go. Your hardwork should be valid.
Help anyone whenever in need. Even if he is your enemy only if you are willing to. Frame your
rules, sketch your boundaries and live like a legend. My friend, nothing is lost, a lot of life is
to be earned by you. You should be an inspiration to everyone.
I like to be myself busy. As per myself, a busy mind can be more stable and he will be
continuously undergoing to a huge destiny. Lavish chit chat and time spending loitering here
and there for no reason adds no meaning to your life. Every men in life are common. But you
should never be a part of the common men. You should every spicy to your life to make even
better. Here I will provoke a small example. If you had worked harder enough the present day
and say Yes I had did it. Is just a foolish thing. You should think, Ok today I have worked
efficiently, I will try to be more worked hard to make my life more beautiful. This may seem
quite difficult to you but accept the reality and pain. Accept the pain to taste the success
tomorrow. If you do so, success will knock your door one day. You know my friend, Life will
be more deterministic with responsibilities instead of relationships.
I always try to put short and long goals. Its casual everyone do it as same. Working for it is as
important as designing it. Setting time is most important. Life without a vision for future will
always return to the past. Many legends become millionaires, some ever billionaires. Yet after
a while many revert back to place where they have started. Only a few retain at heights. Great
people are not born great by birth. People are descended as similar to us just within us. Legends
never do great things. Instead they do the things differently. Only my friend, you need to
question yourself is how I am different from others. What speciality can make me create myself
different to others?
Time perhaps told me all these lessons. Time has wished to narrate this story to me. Might be
whatever the priest has told me has happened. God may exist and everything may happen as
per his design. May be I am are of the characters under his story. I thought to myself. I don’t
know exactly whether the god exist or not. But I can see the time has passed just before me. So
I value the time. Lessons are to be learnt prior to the worst going to happen in life. But should
never allow time to make you learn a lesson in return. Time can be the solution for every
problem. Answer for every question and hope for every life. Only one need to wait with
I have accepted the priest words since, the situations had happened just as his words. May be
strange things are going to happen to me. I may continue for graduate, may get another girl one
day and I may witness another story if time has already designed a one for me. May be the love
may come to an end or I may get married to another girl in my own relationship. These are the
citations given by the priest long ago. Yes anything may happen. You may be fine today. You
may not be tomorrow. But all you need to be is get ready to face anything going to happen the
coming days. My friend, you may have a question about what is going to happen next in my
story. I cannot actually assure you that as I too don’t exactly know what going to happen next.
So friend, Don’t fall in love if you are not strong enough to withstand a heartbreak.
But I can say one thing. Directly or indirectly, anyway, my dear has given me a story. She is
one of the major part played in my whole story. This story is dedicated to her. And more
importantly only to her. Yes I am going to gift it to her on her birthday. This will definitely
going to happen. I know you are the one, my friend, gifted to me by GOD. Now you know
almost all my story. I thank you for listening all my story since from the beginning. Patience is
not simple by word. My friend, Patience is not the ability to wait. But the ability to keep a good
attitude while waiting. You should learn a fine lesson from my story. That is Don’t fall for
pretty faces, fall for pretty characters. At last I can give you only a piece of advice just as a
good friend, take couple cause for, fall in love, fail in it at least once, write a book, and tell me
then. My whole hearted Tons of best wishes will always be with you to your bright future. I
will be waiting. For now, good bye my friend.




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