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Business lessons from my favourite

doubles vendor
By Giselle P. Hudson

IF YOU are a true Trini then you have your

favourite doubles vendor! Whether you
buy George doubles on Carlos Street or
you’re coming from the east and patronize
the famous UWI doubles or you’re like me,
and enjoy a good doubles from the woman
in the Starlite Shopping Plaza car park.
This is exactly where I found myself on
Tuesday not realising that I would be
given a silent education in business
You see for the first time I arrived when she did, and got to see first hand what I
usually just take for granted – the mother preparing the doubles – the daughter
taking the money. Let me first warn you upfront: This information is going to appear
very simple, almost inconsequential to most. Og Mandino said it best in his book
The Greatest Secret in the World: “It’s so simple that it’s going to “turn off” a lot of
your reading companions of the moment who believe that nothing can be very
worthwhile unless it’s expensive or complicated.”
What took place before my eyes on Tuesday morning was like a screen play. First
the guy I usually meet there (who I thought was just a limer) sprinkles disinfectant
around the entire area. Then the woman and her daughter off load the car, making it
seem as if each item is like part of a jigsaw puzzle that they’ve built over and over
again. There is no fumbling or awkwardness – just definiteness of purpose with the
aim of installing the entire structure quickly.

What truly impressed me was the

attention to detail and the fact that
EVERYTHING had a purpose including
the string that I thought was an untidy
oversight. The daughter swiveled the
umbrella and said the string was used to
fix the “brully” in place to the wrought iron
stand, curbing movement. Next she used
two clothes pins to attach a towel in what
seemed a precise position as well – this
cleverly placed to shield sunlight as the morning wore on. The “limer” then placed a
Newsday in a space in front of the doubles stand – complimentary reading material
for customers to browse while in line. He then made sure that the opener for the cold
drinks on the side was meticulously placed. The daughter then whipped out Mom’s
food badge and just as fluidly…took my order! I kid you not: FIVE MINUTES MAX!
Oh and I almost forgot: quite visible for all and sundry to see, was a neat sign
alerting us to the fact that our favorite doubles was going up in price come August!
I left there and could not help but reflect on what I had just seen. There are lessons
here, I thought and this is what I learned:
You must have a system! A system allows for ease of process, not too much
thinking and fast execution. Too many businesses have no system and continue to
shoot from the hip – not sure which strategy they intend on using and why. I am sure
my doubles vendor has got this routine aced…down to the loading up of the car so
as to facilitate the offloading process on the back end.
Focus on the basics.How many times do we find ourselves stalling, and kidding
ourselves that what we really need is that new whatever and once we get it our
business is going to shoot through the roof! Everything that the doubles vendor took
out of the car had a purpose. There were no extras. Know what your basics are for
efficiently operating your business and stick with that!
Communicate with your customers. Don’t you just love surprises? Most business
owners seem to think so as they sometimes raise membership fees or prices of
goods and of course never tell us – their loyal customers. After all, we NEED what
they have to offer so we will HAVE to buy at the new price. This is the second time
that my favorite doubles vendor has raised her prices but what I remember from the
first time is that she gives you such a long heads up…you know well in advance and
are not surprised when the change finally hits you.
So for the cost of four doubles *($8.00) I was reminded of some business success
principles that I hope you would heed since your investment for this information is
$1.00 for this newspaper– or perhaps you prefer to spend $1,000’s of dollars in your
own trial and error effort or is it that you want to have a “marketing guru” tell you the
same thing for $1,500.00? The choice is yours.
*Doubles prices have increased since 2007 (when this article was first
published) – you now pay $5TTD for one but still less than $20 for a great meal
and STILL a great investment for sound business advice!

The Well-Paid Professional is read by self-employed service professionals &

service business owners in Trinidad & Tobago and the wider Caribbean.
Giselle shares stories weekly, of professionals who are building businesses according to their
own definition of success!

While some people think becoming a Well Paid Service Professional is primarily about
learning a new approach to marketing the radical self-transformation this journey requires
includes mindset, marketing, positioning, business models, self-responsibility, history, law,
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