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"Who do men say that I am?" was the question Jesus ask of His disciples. The reply…a teacher, a prophet, a healer, then
Peter heard from heaven, "Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God." Now we know Jesus is the firstborn of many
called to Sonship. Hebrews called him the forerunner which shows there are others that follow. So who are you? Here we
find the scripture, "…the mystery of God, and of THE FATHER, and of the Christ; in whom are hid all the treasures of
wisdom and knowledge."

Men knew him as Jesus, they could not see the Father in Him.

Col. 2:2-3 Jesus kept saying, "If you have seen me you have seen the Father" so we see He was the manifestation of the
invisible, " He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature." Col.1:15

So who are you? John 4:24 says, "God is Spirit" so you are Spirit. In fact everyman on this planet is made in the likeness
and image of their Father but for six thousand years have been walking around in a dream world… thinking they were
separated from their Father. All things have been created out of His own substance, which is Spirit.

As Jesus began to open their understanding to more of the mystery, He shows us a balance. "Verily, verily, I say unto you,
He that believeth on Me, the works I do shall you do also; and greater works than these shall ye do; BECAUSE I GO TO
THE FATHER." John 14:12 First He tells them the Father IS IN HIM then He tells them He must go to the Father. He also
said, "The Father is greater than I" and "The Father that DWELLETH IN ME, He doeth the works." John 14:10 This is such
a beautiful picture on ONENESS. The teacher within, the Spirit, even spoke out of His form, "…I say unto you, Before
Abraham was, I AM." He looked beyond all confines of time and flesh, and affirmed the timelessness of His Spirit
existence. After the resurrection, He said, " Go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your
Father; and my God, and your God" WOW!!! Not only did He recognize His Fatherhood position but He also recognized
His Godship.

Now, think on this, "As He Is, so are we in this present arrangement." "That they be one; as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I
in Thee, that they may be one in us." John 17:21 There is a progressive believing into Him until we are fully swallowed up
into Him. He that believes, and keeps on believing until he has been received INTO, not just believing on, but INTO Christ
will find the place of the "fullness of Christ." There is a progressive believing INTO Him until we are fully swallowed up into
Him, "to BE found IN Him." Phil. 3:9

All things have been created out of HIS own substance which is SPIRIT

Once you enter this realm you begin to know the Father’s heart toward His creation. His secrets are revealed to those who
know no strife. Who are you? AS Jesus, we are learning to BE the expression of the Father in every circumstance. To
show love to those that would challenge us, patience to those in unrest, kindness to the broken hearted, desiring only to
set the captives free. Trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, whose leaves are for the HEALING OF THE
NATIONS. You are the living EXPRESSION of the Father for this generation we stand. Our place is to BLESS all the
families of the earth.

John wrote, "unto you fathers, because you have known Him that is from the beginning." The call to "sonship" has gone
forth for 2,000 years. Are we just looking for sons someday or do we see a need for father’s to arise and begin "to make
right all that is wrong" which is the true meaning of judgment. THIS IS THE REALM OF FATHERHOOD! A position in God
where we shall impart life to all. We have seen a faint glimmer of this, as God briefly pulled back the veil of this realm with
Peter and John, "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee…" SUCH AS I HAVE! What do we have? The
Father of this universe dwelling within and out of His divine sufficiency flows LIFE to heal this creation. "ARISE, O
ELOHIM, make right all that is wrong" for thou art the Christ, sons of the living God.

It all starts IN ME, that’s why Jesus said, "Take the splinter out of your own eye so you can see clearly to remove it from
another," For the making right (judgment) must begin in your own house (vessel) and then you can begin to touch those
that come into your space. It is written, "Jesus healed all who came to Him" and He didn’t try to draw crowds. He knew He
could BE, and whatever was needed in every circumstance would flow from within. This is what we are learning, TO BE,
and watch who comes in knowing we can BE whatever is needed.


ROGER and SUNNY COFFMAN; [972] 270-4232; E-Mail:

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