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Volume 14, Issue 4, May 2020

KP Ezine May 2020 1

Volume 14, Issue 4, May 2020
Sl.No Particulars Author Page

1 Horoscopes of Jack Ma & Alibaba Tin Win 4

2 Exactly when will declared lockdown be Kanak Bosmia 10

removed from India?

3 Will India invent a new vaccine for the Corona- Gunti Nagaraju 13
virus disease? if so when?

4 When India will recover from COVID-19 Chandra Sekhar Chilakapati 17

5 Loss of mother during childhood Siva Prasad Gantha 21

6 Is the rumor or news report is correct that Navin Chitlangia 24

Pakistan’s Prime Minister is suffering from
illness and suspected positive of Corona Virus?

7 Will the death warrant be executed on 20 Mar Anurodh Kumar 28

2020 in Nirbhaya case?

8 When Corona virus vaccine be invented? Kanak Bosmia 33

9 Timing of an event- Can be solved only with the Gunti Nagaraju 35

help of sun’s transit

10 Covid-19 in Myanmar Tin Win 39

11 Moulana Sad was underground and Delhi police Kanak Bosmia 42

is trying to arrest him. When he will be

12 When will center lift the lockdown for corona? Gunti Nagaraju 45

13 Is Rumor True or False? Tin Win 49

14 Will Imran Khan Niyazi lose his post due to Kanak Bosmia 52
military intervention? If so when?

15 Question-Answer Tin Win 55

16 Book Review-True Crime Astrology Tin Win 59

17 Planetary position May 2020 KPAstro 4.5TM 63

KP Ezine May 2020 2

Volume 14, Issue 4, May 2020



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KP Ezine May 2020 3

By: Tin Win

Jack Ma’s Horoscope

Asia’s Richest Person, World-famous Chinese business magnate, Jack Ma was born on 10
September 1964 at 00:00 AM (+ 8) in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.

Jack Ma is one of the world’s greatest living examples of entrepreneurship today. Once a
poor lad who survived by guiding tourists, Ma left no stone unturned to rise above his
humble condition and achieve success. He got a B.A. in English from the Hangzhou Normal
University in the year 1988. After getting a job as a teacher at Hangzhou Dianzi University,
he continued improving his education by learning at Cheung Kong Graduate Business
School at Beijing in 2006.. Now one of the richest men alive, it took him 4 years to get into
college and upon graduating he applied for 30 different jobs and was rejected by all of them.
He also applied ten times to Harvard Business School and got rejected each time He also
applied ten times to Harvard Business School and got rejected each time. He and Amazon
founder Jeff Bezos both became billionaires and, two of the richest people in the world,
through their successful e-commerce companies.

Most Striking Planetary Combination for Wealth

In the rasi chart of billionaire executive chairman of Alibaba Group Jack Ma, the most
striking planetary combination for wealth is that the 6th and labhadhipati 11th lord of gains
Mars and 5th lord dhanakaraka Venus are placed together in the dhanasthana 2nd house;
the 2nd lord Moon is connected with 11th lord Mars by Mars’ aspect on Moon; and the
parivartana connection between 2nd lord Moon and 5th lord Venus by exchange of houses.
This combination of planetary positions makes Jack Ma very ambitious to make his name in
e-commerce business with a great amount of hope even if he was going through a lot of
struggles as shown by the Viparita combination of the 6th lord Mars and 12th lord Venus.

Analysis of Jack Ma’s House Cusps

Jack Ma’s 2nd (wealth) cuspal sub lord (CSL) Rahu is in 12, in Gemini sign representing
Mercury+ in house 3, lord of houses 1,5, and having no planet in its stars Mercury is the
CSL of houses 4,6, 10,12. Saturn in house 9, lord of houses 8,9,10 is closely opposed to
Mercury. The CSL Rahu is in the star of Mars in house 2, lord of house 6, and in sub of
Venus in house 2, lord of 12. The 2nd CSL’s signification of houses 2 (wealth), 6 (gain), 9
(luck) and 10 (success) indicates to make Jack Ma rich. And 1st signification means
potentiality to set goals for oneself, 5th intelligence to carry out the planning and 12th
investment, dealing with foreigners.

10th (career) CSL Mercury+ is in 3, lord of 1,5, and having no planet in its stars Mercury is

KP Ezine May 2020 4

Jack Ma
Sun Rise: 05:40:56 AM Sun Set: 06:11:20 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Brahma Hora: Moon Karana: Badreva Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Aridra(1) Me Ra Ju Mo Ra
2 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Me Ve
3 Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ju Ju Me
Ruling Planets - 25/Apr/2020 09:46:37 AM 4 P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Me Ve Me
Rockville, Maryland, USA 5 Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Su Su
6 Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Me Ve Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Moola(3) Ju Ke Sa Me Sa
Lagna Me Ra Ju Ve Ju 8 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Ve Ju
Moon Ve Su Ve Sa Sa 9 Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ju Ju Me
Day Lord: Saturn 10 P.Bhadra(2) Sa Ju Me Su Me
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Revati(4) Ju Me Sa Su Su
12 Krittika(3) Ve Su Me Mo Me
II 02:17:10 XII 06:00:00
Ma 03:16:15 Ra 04:42:08 Planetary Positions
Ve 08:14:00
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 09:57:03 Su P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Sa Ra Ma
Me[R] 11:20:27 Mo Chitra(4) Ve Ma Mo Ve Sa
XI 28:59:56
Su 23:42:38 4 2 Ju 02:48:40 Ma Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Ma Sa
III 26:11:37
4 12 Me[R] Magha(4) Su Ke Sa Ju Ve
Ju Krittika(2) Ve Su Ju Ra Sa
Ve Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ve Ve Ma
Sa[R] Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Ju Ra
IV 24:38:53 X 24:38:53 Ra Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Ve Me Ju
Ke Moola(2) Ju Ke Mo Ve Me
5 11 Significators - Planets View
9 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 2 3 12 4
Mo+ 2 5 6 2, 3
VII 09:57:03 Ma 11 2 7, 11 6
Mo 06:33:16 IX 26:11:37 Me+ 6 3 1, 5
V 28:59:56 Sa[R] 07:13:07 Ju 3 11 4 7, 11
6 10 Ve 9 2 8, 9, 10 12
8 10 Sa 12 9 8, 9, 10
Ra 2 12 6
Ke 04:42:08 VIII 02:17:10 Ke 6 6
VI 06:00:00
Rahu acts as agent for: Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Ju 02:48:40 Ra 04:42:08 Dasa Summary

XII 06:00:00 I 09:57:03
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
01-Oct-1957 - 01-Oct-1964 01-Oct-1964 - 01-Oct-1982 01-Oct-1982 - 01-Oct-1998
Mars 01-Oct-1957 Rahu 01-Oct-1964 Jupiter 01-Oct-1982
Rahu 27-Feb-1958 Jupiter 14-Jun-1967 Saturn 19-Nov-1984
Jupiter 17-Mar-1959 Saturn 07-Nov-1969 Mercury 02-Jun-1987
XI 28:59:56 Saturn 21-Feb-1960 Mercury 12-Sep-1972 Ketu 07-Sep-1989
Name: Jack Ma II 02:17:10 Mercury 02-Apr-1961 Ketu 01-Apr-1975 Venus 14-Aug-1990
Gender: Male Ma 03:16:15 Ketu 30-Mar-1962 Venus 19-Apr-1976 Sun 14-Apr-1993
Date: Thursday, 10/Sep/1964 Ve 08:14:00 Venus 26-Aug-1962 Sun 19-Apr-1979 Moon 01-Feb-1994
III 26:11:37 Sun 26-Oct-1963 Moon 13-Mar-1980 Mars 02-Jun-1995
Time: 12:00:00 AM SID: 23:15:34 Moon 02-Mar-1964 Mars 12-Sep-1981 Rahu 08-May-1996
Lat: 30:15:00 N Lon: 120:10:00 E
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
TZ: +08:00 DST: 0.00 01-Oct-1998 - 01-Oct-2017 01-Oct-2017 - 01-Oct-2034 01-Oct-2034 - 01-Oct-2041
X 24:38:53 Place: Hangzhou (Hangchow), Zhejiang Saturn 01-Oct-1998 Mercury 01-Oct-2017 Ketu 01-Oct-2034
Sa[R] 07:13:07 (Chekiang), China Mercury 04-Oct-2001 Ketu 27-Feb-2020 Venus 27-Feb-2035
Me[R] 11:20:27 Ketu 13-Jun-2004 Venus 23-Feb-2021 Sun 28-Apr-2036
Ayanamsa: 23° 16' 26" Su 23:42:38 Venus 22-Jul-2005 Sun 25-Dec-2023 Moon 03-Sep-2036
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus IV 24:38:53 Sun 21-Sep-2008 Moon 30-Oct-2024 Mars 04-Apr-2037
Star: Chitra, Pada 4 Moon 03-Sep-2009 Mars 31-Mar-2026 Rahu 31-Aug-2037
Star Lord: Mars Mars 04-Apr-2011 Rahu 29-Mar-2027 Jupiter 18-Sep-2038
Rahu 14-May-2012 Jupiter 16-Oct-2029 Saturn 25-Aug-2039
Lagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: Mercury
Jupiter 20-Mar-2015 Saturn 21-Jan-2032 Mercury 04-Oct-2040
IX 26:11:37 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturti
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
VIII 02:17:10 Bal. Dasa: Mars 0 Y, 0 M, 21 D 01-Oct-2041 - 01-Oct-2061 01-Oct-2061 - 01-Oct-2067 01-Oct-2067 - 01-Oct-2077
V 28:59:56 Venus 01-Oct-2041 Sun 01-Oct-2061 Moon 01-Oct-2067
Sun 31-Jan-2045 Moon 19-Jan-2062 Mars 31-Jul-2068
Moon 31-Jan-2046 Mars 20-Jul-2062 Rahu 01-Mar-2069
Mars 01-Oct-2047 Rahu 25-Nov-2062 Jupiter 31-Aug-2070
Rahu 01-Dec-2048 Jupiter 20-Oct-2063 Saturn 31-Dec-2071
Jupiter 01-Dec-2051 Saturn 07-Aug-2064 Mercury 01-Aug-2073
Saturn 02-Aug-2054 Mercury 20-Jul-2065 Ketu 31-Dec-2074
VII 09:57:03 Mercury 02-Oct-2057 Ketu 26-May-2066 Venus 01-Aug-2075
Ke 04:42:08 VI 06:00:00 Mo 06:33:16 Ketu 01-Aug-2060 Venus 01-Oct-2066 Sun 02-Apr-2077
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine May 2020
Alibaba Website
Sun Rise: 05:34:36 AM Sun Set: 06:25:28 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Indra Hora: Moon Karana: Badreva Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Sa Me Sa
2 Moola(2) Ju Ke Mo Ju Mo
3 U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ke Ra Me
Ruling Planets - 25/Apr/2020 09:33:03 AM 4 Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Sa Ma Ju
Rockville, Maryland, USA 5 U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ra Sa Ra
6 Aswini(4) Ma Ke Sa Ma Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Krittika(3) Ve Su Sa Ve Ra
Lagna Me Ma Mo Su Ju 8 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Ve Sa Sa
Moon Ve Su Ve Ju Su 9 Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ke Ve Ve
Day Lord: Saturn 10 Magha(4) Su Ke Me Ve Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Hasta(2) Me Mo Ra Mo Sa
12 Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Sa Ju
II 04:06:22 Ma[R] 13:56:15
XII 10:45:55 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 03:55:26 Su Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ke Ra Me
III 07:22:47 Mo U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Ke Mo Ve
XI 13:42:07
Ke 25:09:21 9 7 Ma[R] Swati(3) Ve Ra Me Ju Sa
10 6 Me P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ra Su Ra
Ju Revati(2) Ju Me Ve Ju Sa
Ve Krittika(4) Ve Su Ve Ra Ra
Sa Aswini(4) Ma Ke Sa Ju Su
Me 02:58:52 X 11:52:01 Ra Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Me Ra
Mo 07:35:58
Ke Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Me Ra
IV 11:52:01 8
11 5 Significators - Planets View
2 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 3 5 10
Mo+ 6 4 3, 4 9
Ve 08:34:31 Ma 9 12 1, 6
Su 00:22:55 VII 03:55:26 Ra 25:09:21 Me 5 4 2, 5 8, 11
V 13:42:07 IX 07:22:47 Ju 4 5 8, 11 2, 5
Ju 20:31:27 12 Ve+ 5 7 10 7, 12
1 3 Sa 3 6 3, 4
Ra 4 9 8, 11
VI 10:45:55 VIII 04:06:22 Ke 12 3 1, 6
Sa 11:21:03
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Su 00:22:55 VII 03:55:26 VIII 04:06:22 Dasa Summary

VI 10:45:55 Ve 08:34:31
Sa 11:21:03 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
16-Mar-1993 - 16-Mar-2012 16-Mar-2012 - 16-Mar-2029 16-Mar-2029 - 16-Mar-2036
Ju 20:31:27 Saturn 16-Mar-1993 Mercury 16-Mar-2012 Ketu 16-Mar-2029
V 13:42:07 Mercury 19-Mar-1996 Ketu 12-Aug-2014 Venus 12-Aug-2029
Mo 07:35:58 Ketu 27-Nov-1998 Venus 10-Aug-2015 Sun 12-Oct-2030
Me 02:58:52 Venus 06-Jan-2000 Sun 10-Jun-2018 Moon 17-Feb-2031
Name: Alibaba Website IX 07:22:47 Sun 07-Mar-2003 Moon 16-Apr-2019 Mars 18-Sep-2031
Gender: Male Ra 25:09:21 Moon 17-Feb-2004 Mars 16-Sep-2020 Rahu 14-Feb-2032
Date: Wednesday, 14/Apr/1999 Mars 18-Sep-2005 Rahu 13-Sep-2021 Jupiter 05-Mar-2033
Rahu 28-Oct-2006 Jupiter 01-Apr-2024 Saturn 08-Feb-2034
Time: 09:00:00 PM SID: 10:29:42 Jupiter 04-Sep-2009 Saturn 07-Jul-2026 Mercury 20-Mar-2035
Lat: 30:15:00 N Lon: 120:10:00 E
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
TZ: +08:00 DST: 0.00 16-Mar-2036 - 16-Mar-2056 16-Mar-2056 - 16-Mar-2062 16-Mar-2062 - 16-Mar-2072
Place: Hangzhou (Hangchow), Zhejiang Venus 16-Mar-2036 Sun 16-Mar-2056 Moon 16-Mar-2062
IV 11:52:01 (Chekiang), China Sun 16-Jul-2039 Moon 04-Jul-2056 Mars 15-Jan-2063
X 11:52:01 Moon 16-Jul-2040 Mars 02-Jan-2057 Rahu 16-Aug-2063
Ayanamsa: 23° 45' 25" Mars 17-Mar-2042 Rahu 10-May-2057 Jupiter 14-Feb-2065
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Rahu 16-May-2043 Jupiter 04-Apr-2058 Saturn 16-Jun-2066
Star: U.Bhadra, Pada 2 Jupiter 16-May-2046 Saturn 21-Jan-2059 Mercury 15-Jan-2068
Star Lord: Saturn Saturn 15-Jan-2049 Mercury 03-Jan-2060 Ketu 16-Jun-2069
Mercury 16-Mar-2052 Ketu 09-Nov-2060 Venus 15-Jan-2070
Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars
Ketu 14-Jan-2055 Venus 16-Mar-2061 Sun 16-Sep-2071
Ke 25:09:21 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Chaturdasi
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
III 07:22:47 Bal. Dasa: Saturn 12 Y, 11 M, 1 D 16-Mar-2072 - 16-Mar-2079 16-Mar-2079 - 16-Mar-2097 16-Mar-2097 - 16-Mar-2113
XI 13:42:07 Mars 16-Mar-2072 Rahu 16-Mar-2079 Jupiter 16-Mar-2097
Rahu 12-Aug-2072 Jupiter 27-Nov-2081 Saturn 04-May-2099
Jupiter 31-Aug-2073 Saturn 21-Apr-2084 Mercury 15-Nov-2101
Saturn 07-Aug-2074 Mercury 26-Feb-2087 Ketu 20-Feb-2104
Mercury 15-Sep-2075 Ketu 14-Sep-2089 Venus 26-Jan-2105
Ketu 11-Sep-2076 Venus 03-Oct-2090 Sun 27-Sep-2107
Venus 07-Feb-2077 Sun 03-Oct-2093 Moon 15-Jul-2108
Ma[R] 13:56:15 Sun 09-Apr-2078 Moon 27-Aug-2094 Mars 14-Nov-2109
II 04:06:22 I 03:55:26 XII 10:45:55 Moon 15-Aug-2078 Mars 26-Feb-2096 Rahu 20-Oct-2110

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine May 2020 6
the CSL of 4,6, 10,12. Mercury is in the star of Ketu in 6, in Sagittarius sign representing
Jupiter in 11, lord of 7,11, and in sub of Saturn in 9, lord of 8,9,10. Mercury signifies his
ability to do both service (6,10,11) and business (7,10,11) with difficulties (5,12). The dual
nature of Mercury also indicates both service and business.

6th (service) CSL Mercury, as mentioned above, signifies 6,10,11 for success and 5,12 for
difficulties in getting job as well as supporting charity.

7th (business) CSL Saturn is in 9, lord of 8,9,10, in the star and sub of Rahu Rahu is in 12,
in Gemini sign representing Mercury+ in 3, lord of houses 1,5, and having no planet in its
stars Mercury is the CSL of 4,6, 10,12. The CSL Rahu is in the star of Mars in 2, lord of 6,
and in sub of Venus in house 2, lord of 12. The CSL Saturn signifies favorable 2 for wealth, 6
for gain, 9 for luck and 10 for success in business, along with 1 for potentiality to set goals
for oneself, 5 for intelligence to carry out the planning, ,12 for loss, investment, foreign
dealings. .Saturn and Mars is for IT business, Rahu for export/ import, manipulation and
Mercury for e-commerce.

9th (higher education) CSL Jupiter is in 11, lord of 7,11, in the star of Sun in 3, lord of 4,
and in sub of Jupiter in 11, lord of 7,11, signifying 4,11 but not 9 which may explain
rejection from Harvard Business School, even though he tried ten times for admission.

Married Life
Jack Ma met his wife Zhang Yin while they were studying at the Hangzhou Normal
University. They were married in the year 1988 while they began working as teachers. There
are no other relationships related to him. He lives happily with his wife and three children in

His 7th (marriage) CSL Saturn’s 5th signification indicates his love marriage. But there is no
2nd marriage although the 7th CSL is Mercury, a dual planet whose star and sub lord Rahu is
in Gemini, a dual sign. For the necessary condition of 2nd marriage, the 2nd (second wife) CSL
Rahu signifies 2 but not 7 (legal marriage); however the 9th (second wife) Jupiter signifies 11
also 7.

Here in the Jack Ma’s chart, mere Venus-Mars conjunction cannot promote excessive sex
drive and recklessness, as stated in the classical texts: Brihat Jataka, Phaladeepika and
Maan Sagari. Instead strong this energy of Venus-Mars conjunction has been used in his en-
deavor for success in life.

At the year 1988 of Jack Ma’s graduation and marriage, he was running the joint dasa period
of Jupiter/Mercury from 02 June 1987 to 07 September 1989. Dasa lord Jupiter signifies
4,9,11 for graduation and 7,11 for marriage. Bhukti lord Mercury also signifies 4,9,11 for
graduation and 7,11 for marriage.

Alibaba Group Company’s Horoscope

The website was founded on 14 April 1999 at 9:00 PM (+8) in Jack Ma’s
apartment in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. This was a business-to-business portal to connect
Chinese manufacturers with overseas buyers.

Since its founding in 1999, Alibaba has gone from being a traditional e-commerce company
to a conglomerate that has businesses from logistics to food delivery and cloud computing. It
is now a company valued over $460 billion.

10th CSL Mercury in 4, lord of 8,11 is in the star of Jupiter in 5, lord of lord of 2,5, and in
sub of Rahu in 9, aspected by Jupiter in 5, lord of 2,5, in Cancer sign representing Moon+ in
4, lord of 9. No planet is in the stars of Moon which is the CSL of 2. Mercury signifies
favorable 2 (wealth), 9 (luck), 11 (gain of profits and amass of wealth),
11th CSL Rahu is in 9, aspected by Jupiter in 5, lord of lord of 2,5, in Cancer sign

KP Ezine May 2020 7

representing Moon+ in 4, lord of 9. No planet is in the stars of Moon which is the CSL of 2.
Rahu is in the star of Mercury in 4, lord of 8,11, and in sub of Rahu in 9, aspected by
Jupiter in 5, lord of lord of 2,5, in Cancer sign representing Moon+ in 4, lord of 9. No planet
is in the stars of Moon which is the CSL of 2. Rahu signifies favorable 2,9,11.
The 10th and 11th CSLs’ signification of 2,9,11 indicates success. along with 5.8 for delay and

Success after 15 Years

The Alibaba Group company began in 1999 when Jack Ma founded the website,
a business-to-business portal to connect Chinese manufacturers with overseas buyers. This
is a Chinese e-commerce company that provides consumer-to-consumer, business-to-
consumer and business-to-business sales services via web portals. It also provides electronic
payment services, a shopping search engine and data-centric cloud computing services. After
15 years he gained success when Alibaba's market value was measured as US$231 billion on
19 September 2014.

At that time Jack Ma was running the joint dasa period of Saturn/Rahu from 14 May 2012
to 20 March 2015.

Dasa lord Saturn is in 9, lord of 8,9,10, in the star and sub of Rahu in 12, in Gemini sign
representing Mercury+ in 3, lord of 1,5, and having no planet in its stars Mercury is the CSL
of 4,6, 10,12, signifying favorable 6 (gain), 10 (success).

Bhukti lord Rahu is in 12, in Gemini sign representing Mercury+ in 3, lord of 1,5, and having
no planet in its stars Mercury is the CSL of 4,6, 10,12. Rahu is in the star of Mars in 2, lord
of 6, and in sub of Venus in 2, lord of 12. Rahu signifies favorable 2 (wealth), 6 (gain) and 10

At that time the Alibaba Group company chart was running the joint dasa period of
Mercury/Ketu from 12 August 2014 to 10 August 2015.

Dasa lord Mercury in 4, lord of 8,11, in the star of Jupiter in 5, lord of 2,5, and in sub of
Rahu in 9, aspected by Jupiter in 5, lord of 2,5, in Cancer sign representing Moon+ in 4, lord
of 9. No planet is in the stars of Moon which is the CSL of 2. Mercury signifies favorable 2
(wealth) and 11 (gain of profits and amass of wealth), .

Bhukti lord Ketu is in3, aspected by Mars in 12, lord of 1.6. in Capricorn sign representing
Saturn in 6, lord of 3,4. Ket is in the star of Mars in 12, lord of 1,6, and in sub of Rahu in 9,
aspected by Jupiter in 5, lord of lord of 2,5, in Cancer sign representing Moon+ in 4, lord of
9. No planet is in the stars of Moon which is the CSL of 2. Ketu signifies favorable 2 and 6.

Asia’s Richest Person

On 13 July 2018 the chairman of India's refining-to-telecoms conglomerate, Mukesh Ambani
with worth $US44.3 billion overtook Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma with wealth of $US44
billion to become Asia's richest person as he positioned Reliance Industries Ltd. to disrupt
the e-commerce space in India.

The 55-year-old Jack Ma stepped down as the chairman of Alibaba’s board on his birth day,
10 September 2019 -- the company's 20th anniversary. He plans to go back to teaching.

At that time Jack Ma was running Mercury/Mercury joint dasa period from 10 October 2017
to 27 February 2020. Dasa and bhukti lord Mercury is in 4, lord of 8,11, in the star of Jupi-
ter in 5, lord of 2,5, and in sub of Rahu in 9, aspected by Jupiter in 5, lord of lord of 2,5, in
Cancer sign representing Moon+ in 4, lord of 9. No planet is in the stars of Moon which is the
CSL of 2. Dasa and bhukti lord Mercury signifies 5,9 for retirement..

On 9 March 2020, Jack Ma was back to the top as Asia's richest person with a $44.5 billion

KP Ezine May 2020 8

fortune while Mukesh Ambani stood at 2nd with $42.2 billion after Ambani lost $5.6 billion
on the back of a severe decline in the Reliance Industries’ share price because of 31 per cent
decline in crude oil prices as Saudi Arabia started a price war with Russia.

Jack Ma’s Support in Combating Corona virus Disease

Jack Ma has offered support to the World in combating corona virus disease by contributing
$14 million to help develop a vaccine for the corona virus, and donating essential corona
virus test kits, face masks, medical use protective suits and face shields to the US and
countries in Europe, Asia Africa and the rest of the world.

In a statement on Twitter, Jack Ma said, "Drawing from my own country's experience,

speedy and accurate testing and adequate protective equipment for medical professionals
are most effective in preventing the spread of the virus."

KP Ezine May 2020 9

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School,
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: Pin: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Email :;

Question: Exactly when will declared lockdown be removed from India?

Number: 79 (out of 249).
Date of Judgment: 13-04-2020, Monday; Time of Judgment: 11:50:51 AM IST
Place of Judgment: Kankariya-Ahmedabad Lat/Long: 23° N 00', 72° E 37’,
Ayanamsha: 240.03'.00"; Dasa Days: 365.25

End of protest
If 4th (end of matter) cusp lord signifies 4 (end of matter), 8 (winning position of Government-
(11th from 10th), 11 (protest) in the DBA of the significators of 4-8-11, then end of protest is

Cuspal Sub lord

4th cusp. (Libra 200.10’.05”): The sub lord of the 4th cusp is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the star of
Sun and sub of own. Jupiter is occupant 6, owner of 6-9. No planet is in the star of Jupiter,
and Jupiter is the CSL of 4-10. Star lord Sun is occupant of 9, owner of 2. Sub lord is also
Jupiter. Thus 4th cusp sub lord Jupiter is the significator of 6-9-4-10-2. The 4th cusp sub
lord indicates 4, thus it promises end of lockdown.

Ruling Planets
At the time of judgment, ruling planets are as under.

Day lord Sign lord Star lord Sub lord

Day: Monday Moon — — —
RP Ascendant: Gemini 24°.07'.33” — Mercury Jupiter Mercury
RP Moon: Sagittarius 09°.26'.44” — Jupiter Ketu Saturn

Rahu is in Gemini, hence represent Mercury. Ruling planets are Moon, Mercury, Jupiter,
Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

Joint Period
At the time of judgment, Ketu dasa is running up to 26-05-2020. As we know Indian
government declare more lockdown till 30-04-2020, thus I check after 1-5-2020 and Joint
period running on 01-05-2020 is Ketu-Saturn-Saturn up to 26-05-2020.

Dasa lord Ketu is in the star of own and sub of Jupiter. Ketu is occupant of 5. Ketu is
conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 5, owner of 1. Star lord is also Ketu. Sub lord
Jupiter is occupant of 6, owner of 6-9. No planet is in the star of Jupiter, and Jupiter is the
CSL of 4-10. Dasa lord signifies 5-1-6-9-4-10. Dasa lord Ketu is in the RPs and signifies 4.

Bhukti lord Saturn is in the star of Sun and sub of Ketu. Saturn is occupant of 6, owner of 7
-8. Star lord Sun is occupant of 9, owner of 2. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of 5. Ketu is
conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 5, owner of 1. Bhukti lord Saturn signifies 6-7-8-9
-2-5-1. Bhukti lord Saturn is also in the RPs and indicates 8..

Running antra is also Saturn; we have Saturn in the RPs one time, thus we can’t take
Saturn Antra, next is Mercury antra from 26-05-2020 to 22-07-2020.

KP Ezine May 2020 10

Horary No. 79/249
Sun Rise: 06:20:56 AM Sun Set: 06:59:32 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Parigha Hora: Venus Karana: Vanij Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 79 1 Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Mo Mo Mo
Question : Exactly when will declared lockdown be removed from India? 2 P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Ra Ke
3 Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Me Ju
Ruling Planets - 13/Apr/2020 11:50:51 AM 4 Visakha(1) Ve Ju Ju Ju Mo
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Mo Mo Ve
6 P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Sa Ve Ke
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Sravana(4) Sa Mo Ve Me Me
Lagna Me Ju Me Me Sa 8 Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Mo Ra Ju
Moon Ju Ke Sa Sa Ke 9 Revati(1) Ju Me Me Ra Ma
Day Lord: Moon 10 Bharani(3) Ma Ve Ju Ju Sa
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ve Me Ve
12 Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Sa Su Ve
II 04:18:18:10 XII 02:22:58:42
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 03:22:13:20 Su Revati(4) Ju Me Sa Ju Ju
III 05:18:00:04 Mo Moola(3) Ju Ke Sa Sa Ke
XI 01:22:17:57
5 3 Ra 02:08:43:14 Ma Sravana(2) Sa Mo Ju Mo Su
6 2 Me U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Ve Ju Ju
Ju U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Sa Ra
Ve Rohini(2) Ve Mo Ju Ju Ve
Sa U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ke Ma Ma
IV 06:20:10:05 X 00:20:10:05 Ra Aridra(1) Me Ra Ju Ju Sa
Ve 01:14:01:41
Ke Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Ve Ke
7 1 Significators - Planets View
10 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 8 9 3, 12 2
Mo 5 5 1
VII 09:22:13:20 Ma+ 5 6 1 5, 10
Ke 08:08:43:14 Su 11:29:44:14 Me 6 8 7, 8 3, 12
Mo 08:09:26:44 IX 11:18:00:04 Ju+ 9 6 2 6, 9
V 07:22:17:57 8 Ve+ 5 10 1 4, 11
9 11 Sa 9 6 2 7, 8
Ra 11 11
Ju 09:01:41:10 VIII 10:18:18:10 Ke 5 5
Sa 09:07:16:46 Me 11:09:16:25
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ma 09:15:17:37
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
VI 08:22:58:42 (C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

X 20:10:05 Ve 14:01:41 Ra 08:43:14 Dasa Summary

XI 22:17:57 XII 22:58:42
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
28-Apr-2015 - 28-Apr-2022 28-Apr-2022 - 28-Apr-2042 28-Apr-2042 - 28-Apr-2048
Ketu 28-Apr-2015 Venus 28-Apr-2022 Sun 28-Apr-2042
Su 29:44:14 Venus 25-Sep-2015 Sun 28-Aug-2025 Moon 16-Aug-2042
IX 18:00:04 Sun 24-Nov-2016 Moon 28-Aug-2026 Mars 15-Feb-2043
Me 09:16:25 Moon 01-Apr-2017 Mars 28-Apr-2028 Rahu 23-Jun-2043
Name: Lock down I 22:13:20 Mars 31-Oct-2017 Rahu 28-Jun-2029 Jupiter 16-May-2044
Gender: Male Rahu 30-Mar-2018 Jupiter 28-Jun-2032 Saturn 04-Mar-2045
Date: Monday, 13/Apr/2020 Jupiter 17-Apr-2019 Saturn 26-Feb-2035 Mercury 14-Feb-2046
Saturn 23-Mar-2020 Mercury 28-Apr-2038 Ketu 22-Dec-2046
Time: 11:50:51 AM SID: 00:38:51 Mercury 01-May-2021 Ketu 26-Feb-2041 Venus 29-Apr-2047
Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 28-Apr-2048 - 28-Apr-2058 28-Apr-2058 - 28-Apr-2065 28-Apr-2065 - 28-Apr-2083
Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Moon 28-Apr-2048 Mars 28-Apr-2058 Rahu 28-Apr-2065
VIII 18:18:10 Mars 27-Feb-2049 Rahu 25-Sep-2058 Jupiter 09-Jan-2068
II 18:18:10 Rahu 28-Sep-2049 Jupiter 13-Oct-2059 Saturn 04-Jun-2070
Ayanamsa: 24° 3' Jupiter 30-Mar-2051 Saturn 18-Sep-2060 Mercury 11-Apr-2073
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Saturn 29-Jul-2052 Mercury 27-Oct-2061 Ketu 29-Oct-2075
Star: Moola, Pada 3 Mercury 27-Feb-2054 Ketu 25-Oct-2062 Venus 16-Nov-2076
Star Lord: Ketu Ketu 30-Jul-2055 Venus 23-Mar-2063 Sun 16-Nov-2079
VII 22:13:20 Venus 28-Feb-2056 Sun 23-May-2064 Moon 10-Oct-2080
Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon
Ma 15:17:37 Sun 29-Oct-2057 Moon 27-Sep-2064 Mars 10-Apr-2082
Sa 07:16:46 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Sashti
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
Ju 01:41:10 Bal. Dasa: Ketu 2 Y, 0 M, 15 D 28-Apr-2083 - 28-Apr-2099 28-Apr-2099 - 28-Apr-2118 28-Apr-2118 - 28-Apr-2135
III 18:00:04 Jupiter 28-Apr-2083 Saturn 28-Apr-2099 Mercury 28-Apr-2118
Saturn 16-Jun-2085 Mercury 02-May-2102 Ketu 25-Sep-2120
Mercury 28-Dec-2087 Ketu 09-Jan-2105 Venus 22-Sep-2121
Ketu 04-Apr-2090 Venus 18-Feb-2106 Sun 22-Jul-2124
Venus 11-Mar-2091 Sun 20-Apr-2109 Moon 29-May-2125
Sun 10-Nov-2093 Moon 02-Apr-2110 Mars 28-Oct-2126
VI 22:58:42 Moon 29-Aug-2094 Mars 01-Nov-2111 Rahu 25-Oct-2127
Mo 09:26:44 Mars 29-Dec-2095 Rahu 10-Dec-2112 Jupiter 14-May-2130
Ke 08:43:14 V 22:17:57 IV 20:10:05 Rahu 04-Dec-2096 Jupiter 17-Oct-2115 Saturn 19-Aug-2132
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine May 2020 11
Antra lord Mercury is in the star of Saturn and sub of Venus. Mercury is occupant of 8,
owner of 3-12. Star lord Saturn is occupant of 6, owner of 7-8. Sub lord Venus is occupant of
10, owner of 4-11. No planet is in the star of Venus, and Venus is the CSL of 7-11. Antra lord
Venus signifies 8-3-12-6-7-10-4-11. Antra lord Venus is in the RPs and indicate 4-8-11.

Sookshma of Mercury is from 23-05-2020 to 03-06-2020.

Sookshma lord is Mercury and we have checked above as antra lord.

My opinion: in my opinion, during 23-05-2020 to 03-06-2020 lockdown will be totally

removed in India.

KP Ezine May 2020 12

By: Gunti Nagaraju KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

An invention is creating something new with one’s ideas and development. Although an
invention is completely new to the world, the physical material needed for its production
already exists, innovated from the ideas and experiences of the individual, thus making
inventions unique.

What KP rule says on New Inventions

A) If 12th cusp sub lord signifies 1-5-9-12 houses and if the 12th cusp sub lord should be
Saturn or Jupiter, a new invention would be possible for the country.

B) if the 9th cusp sub lord is Saturn and connected to Jupiter in any manner and signifies
5-6-9-3-10-11, the country will produce a leading scientist and his findings will astonish the
whole world. (Astro secrets part II –page 183).

1st house indicates the native/ may it be individual or a nation,

3rd house indicates communications, research and intelligence,
5th house indicates intelligentsia of the country,
9th house indicates research, high thinking, inventions, discoveries, explorations and higher
mind and purity of the mind,
6th house indicates the native’s associations and interactions at the workplace. It also reveals
an amount of support the native could have from his surroundings,
10th house indicates success, status, name, fame and SCIENTISTS of the country,
12th house indicates research and in-depth knowledge and newness of the things,
11th house indicates success and accomplishment of success in the new inventions and

Saturn is the significator of concentration, attention, care, observance, scruples, patience,

endurance, tolerance, devotion, diligence, zeal, belief etc:
Saturn is the planet of duty and service, and it represents all matters hidden or in secret.
Jupiter indicates knowledge and that too higher knowledge.
Jupiter and Saturn indicate scientific laboratories.

As per the natal chart of our India—

1) 12th cusp sub lord is Saturn which co-rules 6th cusp also.
Saturn is the lord of 10 and 11, placed in 3rd house. Saturn is in the star lord of Mercury
lord of 2, 3 and 6 placed in 3rd house in the company of Moon, Pluto and Saturn. It is in the
sub lord of Venus lord of 1st , in 4th.
Saturn aspects 12th cusp by its 10th aspect, 6th by its 3rd aspect and 10 by its 7th aspect.
Thus Saturn the 12th cusp sub lord signifies @STL 3-10-11 and @SBL 1 promises some
2) 11th cusp sub lord is Jupiter which co-rules 5th also. Jupiter is the lord of 8, 9,12 placed
in 6th house. Jupiter is in the star of Jupiter lord of 8,9,12 in 6th and is in the sub lord of
Kethu in 6th hous.
Kethu represents Mars lord of 7 in 2nd house.
Thus 11th cusp sub lord Jupiter signifies @STL 6, 8,9,12 and @SBL 2,6,7 also supports the
activities of inventions.

KP rule for a country to produce a leading scientist and his findings will astonish the
whole world by his new Invention—

KP Ezine May 2020 13

Sun Rise: 05:49:39 AM Sun Set: 07:01:13 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Siddhi Hora: Mars Karana: Vanij Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Krittika(4) Ve Su Ve Ve Mo
2 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Ve Ra Ra
3 Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Ve Ve Mo
Ruling Planets - 21/Apr/2020 12:48:56 PM 4 Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Su Su Ra
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Ju Ra Sa
6 Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Ve Ra
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ke Ju Ra
Lagna Mo Sa Ra Sa Ju 8 Moola(2) Ju Ke Su Me Mo
Moon Ju Me Me Ra Su 9 P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Ke Me Sa
Day Lord: Mars 10 Sravana(4) Sa Mo Ve Ra Ma
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Ju Ra Ve
12 Revati(4) Ju Me Sa Ve Ra
II 02:03:28:08 XII 11:28:48:52
Ma 02:07:32:33 Ra 01:05:09:21 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 01:07:52:25 Su Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Sa Sa Su
Mo 03:04:04:11 Mo Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Sa Ke Sa
XI 10:21:43:33
Me 03:13:45:38 3
Sa 03:20:33:33 12 Ma Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Sa Ju
III 02:26:39:55 3 11 Me Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ra Sa Ju
Ju Visakha(2) Ve Ju Ke Su Ra
Ve Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Mo Ju Su
Sa Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Ve Ju Me
IV 03:21:33:50 X 09:21:33:50 Ra Krittika(3) Ve Su Me Me Ke
Ve 03:22:38:50
Ke Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Sa Ra Ma
Su 03:28:04:31 2
4 10 Significators - Planets View
8 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 3 4 2, 3, 6 5
Mo+ 4 3 10, 11 4
VII 07:07:52:25 Ma+ 1 2 7
V 04:21:43:33 IX 08:26:39:55 Me 4 3 10, 11 2, 3, 6
Ju 6 6 8, 9, 12 8, 9, 12
5 9 Ve+ 3 4 2, 3, 6 1
6 9 Sa 3 4 2, 3, 6 10, 11
Ra 4 1 5
Ke 07:05:09:21 VIII 08:03:28:08 Ke+ 4 7 10, 11
Ju 06:25:57:50
Rahu acts as agent for: Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
VI 05:28:48:52 (B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Ra 05:09:21 II 03:28:08 Dasa Summary

I 07:52:25 Ma 07:32:33
III 26:39:55 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
27-Jul-1946 - 27-Jul-1965 27-Jul-1965 - 27-Jul-1982 27-Jul-1982 - 27-Jul-1989
Saturn 27-Jul-1946 Mercury 27-Jul-1965 Ketu 27-Jul-1982
Mercury 30-Jul-1949 Ketu 24-Dec-1967 Venus 24-Dec-1982
Ketu 08-Apr-1952 Venus 20-Dec-1968 Sun 22-Feb-1984
XII 28:48:52 Venus 18-May-1953 Sun 20-Oct-1971 Moon 29-Jun-1984
Name: India Mo 04:04:11 Sun 18-Jul-1956 Moon 26-Aug-1972 Mars 28-Jan-1985
Gender: Male Me 13:45:38 Moon 30-Jun-1957 Mars 25-Jan-1974 Rahu 26-Jun-1985
Date: Friday, 15/Aug/1947 Sa 20:33:33 Mars 29-Jan-1959 Rahu 22-Jan-1975 Jupiter 15-Jul-1986
IV 21:33:50 Rahu 08-Mar-1960 Jupiter 11-Aug-1977 Saturn 21-Jun-1987
Time: 12:00:00 AM SID: 21:08:16 Jupiter 13-Jan-1963 Saturn 16-Nov-1979 Mercury 30-Jul-1988
Ve 22:38:50
Lat: 28:40:00 N Lon: 77:14:00 E
Su 28:04:31 Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 27-Jul-1989 - 27-Jul-2009 27-Jul-2009 - 27-Jul-2015 27-Jul-2015 - 27-Jul-2025
Place: DELHI, DELHI, INDIA Venus 27-Jul-1989 Sun 27-Jul-2009 Moon 27-Jul-2015
XI 21:43:33 Sun 26-Nov-1992 Moon 14-Nov-2009 Mars 27-May-2016
V 21:43:33 Moon 26-Nov-1993 Mars 16-May-2010 Rahu 26-Dec-2016
Ayanamsa: 23° 2' 8" Mars 28-Jul-1995 Rahu 20-Sep-2010 Jupiter 26-Jun-2018
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Rahu 27-Sep-1996 Jupiter 15-Aug-2011 Saturn 26-Oct-2019
Star: Pushyami, Pada 1 Jupiter 27-Sep-1999 Saturn 02-Jun-2012 Mercury 27-May-2021
Star Lord: Saturn Saturn 28-May-2002 Mercury 15-May-2013 Ketu 26-Oct-2022
Mercury 28-Jul-2005 Ketu 22-Mar-2014 Venus 28-May-2023
Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus
Ketu 27-May-2008 Venus 28-Jul-2014 Sun 26-Jan-2025
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Trayodasi
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
X 21:33:50 Bal. Dasa: Saturn 17 Y, 11 M, 12 D 27-Jul-2025 - 27-Jul-2032 27-Jul-2032 - 27-Jul-2050 27-Jul-2050 - 27-Jul-2066
VI 28:48:52 Mars 27-Jul-2025 Rahu 27-Jul-2032 Jupiter 27-Jul-2050
Rahu 24-Dec-2025 Jupiter 09-Apr-2035 Saturn 14-Sep-2052
Jupiter 11-Jan-2027 Saturn 02-Sep-2037 Mercury 28-Mar-2055
Saturn 18-Dec-2027 Mercury 09-Jul-2040 Ketu 03-Jul-2057
Mercury 26-Jan-2029 Ketu 26-Jan-2043 Venus 09-Jun-2058
Ketu 23-Jan-2030 Venus 13-Feb-2044 Sun 08-Feb-2061
Venus 22-Jun-2030 Sun 13-Feb-2047 Moon 27-Nov-2061
IX 26:39:55 VII 07:52:25 Sun 22-Aug-2031 Moon 08-Jan-2048 Mars 29-Mar-2063
VIII 03:28:08 Ke 05:09:21 Ju 25:57:50 Moon 27-Dec-2031 Mars 09-Jul-2049 Rahu 04-Mar-2064
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine May 2020 14
If the 9h cusp sub lord signifies 9-3-10-11 and is connected to Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury,
to do research and to invent a new finding during the conjoined dasa period of significators
of 9-3-10-11 houses. ( Sri Kanak Bosmia).
From the above three rules on scientists, research and new inventions, I find that the
3rd rule appears to be more appropriate for my topic “Research and new findings”

As per the Natal chart- 9th cusp sub lord is Kethu+. No planets are placed in Kethu stars and
it is placed in the 6th house. Kethu+ strongly signifies 6 and 9 as sub lord. Kethu is the star
and sub of Saturn lord of 10 and 11 in 3rd.
Kethu represents Mars lord of 7 in 2nd house .
Thus Kethu+ the 9th cusp sub lord signifies @STL10, 11 and @SBL 3, 10, 11.
Saturn and 6th cusp are connected by its 3rd aspect.
Jupiter aspects 3rdcusp. Mercury is the 3rd cusp lord placed in 3rd house.
From the above analysis, it can be inferred that sub lords of 9, 3, 10, and 11 th cusps signify
the relevant houses of the invention and new findings clearly and so India is assured of an
invention of new vaccine for Coronavirus disease.

Sixfold Significators of-9-3 -10--11 houses—


R Ps AT THE TIME OF JUDGMENT—on 23 March 2020@10-18-17 A.M.

Day lord- Jupiter.

Note- Jupiter aspects Rahu and so Rahu is included.

Saturn aspects Sun by its 3rd aspect, so Sun is included.
Moon and Mercury are conjoined, so take Mercury also.
Kethu is conjoined with Jupiter and Mars and so take Mars also.
So effective RPS are- Venus-Moon-Saturn-Jupiter-Kethu—Rahu-Mars-Mercury.
Common Fruitful significators are—
Jupiter –Moon-Kethu-Venus-Rahu-Saturn-Mercury-Sun.

Period analysis—
Moon dasa runs up to July 2025 and Moon signifies @STL 11 and @SBL 11 is O.K.
X Saturn Bhukthi runs from Oct 2019 to May 2021 and Saturn signifies @STL 6,11 and
@SBL --- is O.K.
X Mercury anthra period runs from 26/01/2020 to 17/04/2020 and Mercury signifies @STL
6 &11 and @SBL 12. Mercury is the significator of 3-10-11 and Mercury is also conjoined
with Moon in our RPs at TOJ.
Sun transits in Jupiter sign (Meena) a strong significator of 9th house on Mercury star –A/L
from 30/03 to 14/04 agrees.
But this is too short a period to take place.

X Kethu A/L signifies 11@both STL SBL

xVenus+ A/L signifies @STL 6,11 and @SBL –
X Sun A/L signifies @STL 6, and @SBL 11
X Moon A/L signifies @STL and @SBL 11
X Mars+ A/L signifies @STL___ and @SBL 12.
X Rahu A/L signifies @STL_ and @SBL 6
All the above anthra lords are not effective in their significations of relevant houses. Hence I
have skipped and proceeded further to Jupiter anthra period.

X Jupiter from 10-03-2021 to 27—05-2021, signifies @STL 6,9,12 and @SBL 6.

KP Ezine May 2020 15

Sun transits in Pisces sign (Jupiter) AL on Jupiter star from 14/03/to 17/03 agrees.
From the above analysis, it is inferred that our India will invent a new Vaccine to save the
whole world from the dreaded disease called “CORONAVIRUS”.

KP Ezine May 2020 16

By: Chandra Sekhar Chilakapati
Flat No.302, Plot No.C-4, Madhura Nagar, SR Nagar Post
Hyderabad - 500 038: Cont.No.+91-9493056375

I am very curious to know about the recovery from COVID – 19 by India with the help of
Devine Science of Astrology by using KP System, invented by Sri KS Krishnamurthy.

I have queried myself when India will recover from COVID-19, immediately I have chosen
Horary No. 149 from my KP Horary Book.

Date: 25th March, 2020; Time of Judgment: 13:28:40 hours, IST – GMT:+5:30
Place: Hyderabad, KP No.149


My question is pertaining to 5th House/ Cusp. Recovery from Disease.

Moon is posited in Pisces in the star of Mercury (Revathi) and sub of Venus. Moon is posited
in 5th house Pisces (Meena) and lord of 9th house. Star Lord Mercury is posited in 4th house
and lord of 8th & 11th houses. Sub Lord Venus in posited in 6th house and lord of 7th & 12th
houses. No planets are in its stars. Moon signifies houses 5,6,7,8,9,11 & 12, disease,
hospitalization, death and recovery. Moon signifies my query and it is considerable.

Primary Rule: If 1st Cusp Sub Lord through its star lord signifies 1,5,11, cure from the
disease is promised.
Primary Houses: 1, 5, and 11

1st House/ Cusp:

1st Cuspal Sub Lord is Saturn. Saturn is in Sun star and sub of Mercury. Sub Lord Saturn is
posited in 3rd house and lord of 3 & 4th houses. Star Lord Sun is posited in 5th house and
lord of 10 and in Saturn star. Mercury is posited in 4th Chouse and lord of 8 and 11 houses.
Therefore Saturn signifies 3,4,5,8,10 & 11. Cure/ recovery is promised.

5th House/ Cusp:

5th Cuspal Sub Lord is Kethu. Kethu is in its own star in 2nd house. Kethu is in Saturn
sub posited in 3 and lord of 3 & 4 houses. Kethu is conjoined with Jupiter, who is posited in
2 and lord of 2 and houses. Kethu Signifies 2,3,4 and 5th cusps. Cure is promised.

11th House/ Cusp:

11th Cuspal Sub Lord is also Kethu. 11th CSL also signifies 2,3,4 and 5th houses
From the above it is indicating that India will be free from COVID-19.

House Significators of 1,5,11

House/ Cusp Planets in the Occupant Planets in the House Lords
star of occu- Planets star of House
pants Lords
1 -- -- -- Mars
5 Mars, Jupiter, Moon, Sun -- Jupiter

11 -- -- Moon Mercury

KP Ezine May 2020 17

Horary No. 149/249
Sun Rise: 06:16:22 AM Sun Set: 06:27:58 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Brahma Hora: Mercury Karana: Bav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 149 1 Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Sa Sa Sa
Question : when India will recover from COVID-19 2 Moola(1) Ju Ke Ve Me Me
3 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Sa Sa Ke
Ruling Planets - 25/Mar/2020 01:28:40 PM 4 Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Su Me Me
HYDERABAD, ANDHRA PRADESH, India 5 U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Ke Ve Ke
6 Aswini(3) Ma Ke Ra Ve Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Krittika(3) Ve Su Sa Sa Ju
Lagna Mo Ju Ra Sa Ju 8 Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Ke Me Me
Moon Ju Me Ve Me Ma 9 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Mo Ju
Day Lord: Mercury 10 Magha(2) Su Ke Ma Ke Me
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ke Ju Ve
12 Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Ju Me
Ma 09:02:08:09 XII 06:07:03:51
II 08:02:33:29 Planetary Positions
Ke 08:09:43:26
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Ju 08:29:28:03
I 07:03:20:00 Su U.Bhadra(3) Ju Sa Mo Mo Ve
III 09:03:07:08 Mo Revati(2) Ju Me Ve Me Ma
XI 05:07:30:04
Sa 09:06:10:54 9 7 Ma U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Ve Ve
10 6 Me Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Me Mo Ra
Ju U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ra Ra Su
Ve Krittika(1) Ma Su Su Sa Ju
Sa U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Ra Ra
IV 10:05:19:15 X 04:05:19:15 Ra Aridra(1) Me Ra Ju Ve Ju
Me 10:13:22:17
Ke Moola(3) Ju Ke Sa Me Ke
11 5 Significators - Planets View
2 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 3 5 3, 4 10
Mo+ 4 5 8, 11 9
VII 01:03:20:00 Ma+ 5 3 10 1, 6
V 11:07:30:04 IX 03:03:07:08 Me 8 4 8, 11
Su 11:11:05:06 Ju+ 5 2 10 2, 5
Mo 11:21:17:04 12 Ve+ 5 6 10 7, 12
1 3 Sa 5 3 10 3, 4
Ra 8 8
VI 00:07:03:51 Ra 02:09:43:26 Ke 2 2
Ve 00:27:04:53 VIII 02:02:33:29
Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VI 07:03:51 VII 03:20:00 VIII 02:33:29 Dasa Summary

Ve 27:04:53 Ra 09:43:26
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
06-May-2014 - 06-May-2031 06-May-2031 - 06-May-2038 06-May-2038 - 06-May-2058
Mercury 06-May-2014 Ketu 06-May-2031 Venus 06-May-2038
Mo 21:17:04 Ketu 02-Oct-2016 Venus 02-Oct-2031 Sun 05-Sep-2041
Su 11:05:06 Venus 29-Sep-2017 Sun 02-Dec-2032 Moon 05-Sep-2042
V 07:30:04 Sun 30-Jul-2020 Moon 09-Apr-2033 Mars 05-May-2044
Name: Receover fron COVID 19 IX 03:07:08 Moon 05-Jun-2021 Mars 08-Nov-2033 Rahu 05-Jul-2045
Gender: Male Mars 04-Nov-2022 Rahu 06-Apr-2034 Jupiter 05-Jul-2048
Date: Wednesday, 25/Mar/2020 Rahu 02-Nov-2023 Jupiter 24-Apr-2035 Saturn 06-Mar-2051
Jupiter 22-May-2026 Saturn 30-Mar-2036 Mercury 06-May-2054
Time: 01:28:40 PM SID: 01:25:29 Saturn 27-Aug-2028 Mercury 09-May-2037 Ketu 06-Mar-2057
Lat: 17:22:00 N Lon: 78:28:00 E
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 06-May-2058 - 06-May-2064 06-May-2064 - 06-May-2074 06-May-2074 - 06-May-2081
Me 13:22:17 Place: HYDERABAD, ANDHRA Sun 06-May-2058 Moon 06-May-2064 Mars 06-May-2074
IV 05:19:15 PRADESH, India Moon 24-Aug-2058 Mars 06-Mar-2065 Rahu 02-Oct-2074
X 05:19:15 Mars 22-Feb-2059 Rahu 06-Oct-2065 Jupiter 20-Oct-2075
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 57" Rahu 30-Jun-2059 Jupiter 06-Apr-2067 Saturn 25-Sep-2076
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Jupiter 24-May-2060 Saturn 06-Aug-2068 Mercury 04-Nov-2077
Star: Revati, Pada 2 Saturn 12-Mar-2061 Mercury 07-Mar-2070 Ketu 01-Nov-2078
Star Lord: Mercury Mercury 22-Feb-2062 Ketu 06-Aug-2071 Venus 30-Mar-2079
Ketu 30-Dec-2062 Venus 06-Mar-2072 Sun 30-May-2080
Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars
Sa 06:10:54 Venus 06-May-2063 Sun 05-Nov-2073 Moon 05-Oct-2080
III 03:07:08 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Pratipad
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
Ma 02:08:09 Bal. Dasa: Mercury 11 Y, 1 M, 10 D 06-May-2081 - 06-May-2099 06-May-2099 - 06-May-2115 06-May-2115 - 06-May-2134
XI 07:30:04 Rahu 06-May-2081 Jupiter 06-May-2099 Saturn 06-May-2115
Jupiter 17-Jan-2084 Saturn 24-Jun-2101 Mercury 09-May-2118
Saturn 12-Jun-2086 Mercury 05-Jan-2104 Ketu 17-Jan-2121
Mercury 18-Apr-2089 Ketu 12-Apr-2106 Venus 25-Feb-2122
Ketu 05-Nov-2091 Venus 19-Mar-2107 Sun 27-Apr-2125
Venus 24-Nov-2092 Sun 17-Nov-2109 Moon 09-Apr-2126
Ju 29:28:03 Sun 24-Nov-2095 Moon 06-Sep-2110 Mars 08-Nov-2127
Ke 09:43:26 Moon 17-Oct-2096 Mars 05-Jan-2112 Rahu 18-Dec-2128
II 02:33:29 I 03:20:00 XII 07:03:51 Mars 18-Apr-2098 Rahu 11-Dec-2112 Jupiter 24-Oct-2131
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine May 2020 18
Significators are Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Moon, Sun and Mercury.

Ruling Planets at Hrs.13:57:18 IST : GMT +5:30

Sign Star Lord Sub

Lord Lord
Lagna Moon Saturn Venus
Moon Jupiter Mercury Venus
Day Lord Mercury

I have selected Lagna star lord, sub lord and Moon star lord, Saturn, Venus and Mercury.
This combination will not available in Zodiac cycle. Hence I have selected Lagna sign, Sub
Lord and Moon Star Lord Viz., Moon, Venus, Mercury. These Combinations will be available
in Zodiac as follows:

Sign Degree Sign Lord Star Lord Sub Lord Cusp

Taurus 047:46:40 Venus Moon Mercury 07th Cusp
Cancer 109:20:00 Moon Mercury Venus 09th Cusp
Virgo 170:26:40 Mercury Moon Venus 11th Cusp

9th house is Badhaka for Ascendants in fixed signs, in my KP No.149 chart Ascendant falls in
Scorpio which is a fixed sign. Hence I have selected the 7th & 11th houses. 11 house is house
of desire and supporting house for any event.


7th Cusp:
Sun transit in the above sign & star between 25th May 2020 to 07th June 2020.
Moon is transiting in Mercury star on 05th June 2020.

11th Cusp:
Sun transit is in the above sign & star between 26th September and 09th October 2020.
Moon is transiting in Mercury star on 2nd October to 03rd October 2020.


On the above dates DBA is as follows:

Mercury (Dasa) – Sun (Bhukti) – Moon (Antara) and Kethu (Sookshma)

Dasa lord Mercury signifies 8,4,11.

Bhukti lord Sun signifies 3,4,5,8,10,11.
Antara lord Moon signifies 3,5,4,8,10,11.
Sookshma lord Kethu signifies 2,3,5,4,10.

All are signifying 5 and 11.

But it seems too late, and it is spreading very fast and positive cases are increasing day by
day. Recovery will start as soon as possible.

To determine when recovery process will start and decrease in positive cases in India, I have
followed the old method of LSRD of RPs.

Lagna : Cancer Moon

Star : Revathi Mercury
Rasi : Pisces Jupiter

KP Ezine May 2020 19

Day : Wednesdays Mercury

Ruling planets are Jupiter, Mercury and Moon, and this was 5th Cusp.
Sun transit on the above combination is from 1st April to 11th April, 2020.
Moon transit on Mercury star (Ashlesha) is on 11th April 2020.

We can expect that the positive cases will decrease from 11 th April, 2020 onwards, and
key dates are 5th June, 2020 and 03rd October 2020.


Prasna Time Analysis Judgment Time Analysis

At 01:29:16 PM on
At 07:15:1p PM on
25 March 2020.
25 March 2020.
Transit Ascendant
Transit Ascendant
92º 17' 15.66"
173º 24' 31"
Moon is in Common sign and con- Moon is in Common sign and con-
sidered as Movable since posi- sidered as Movable since posi-
tioned in 3510 and Lagna is in tioned in 3530 and Lagna is in
Movable sign. Hence cure is 1730 common sing. Both are to
promised. be considered as Movable sign.
Hence cure is promised.
4th lord is Venus posited in 10th 4th house lord Jupiter is posited in
house. Medicine will be available. 4th house and being aspecting
10th house. Medicine will be
5th Lord & 10th Lord Mars posited in 5th & 6th Lord Saturn is conjoined
7th house with Saturn lord of with lord of 3 & 8th Mars. Disease
Ayush. is complicated but recoverable.
6th lord Jupiter is conjoined with Ke- 6th house is occupied by Mercury
thu and being aspected by Rahu, who is lord of lagna and 10th
viral disease. Jupiter is aspecting house. 6th lord Saturn is posited
10th house. Disease is complicat- in 5th house.

Common Signification:

Recovery will be possible from Grishma Ritu (April and May) since Mars indicates Grishma.

On 11th April 2020 Moon is transiting on Saturn and Mercury viz., Lagna lord, Bhavesh
and Karyesh.




KP Ezine May 2020 20

By: Siva Prasad Gantha
HIG 72, Bharatnagar Colony, Hyderabad-500018.
Mobile: 9440152397; E-mail:

This is a chart of a young lady who is born in the star of Saturn (Anuradha) with Ascendant Libra. The
native was born on 12-11-1996 at 6.00am in Bilaspur (CG) Longitude 82-9’E and Latitude 22-5’N. At
the time of birth she was running with Saturn dasa balance of 13 years 11 months 7 days.

Her chart is rotated to 4th house for her mother Ascendent of Capricorn. In her rotated horoscope Sat-
urn occupies 2nd house (maraka) along with malefic Kethu. Jupiter occupies 11th house (badhaka).
Venus and Rahu occupy 8th house. As the Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Rahu are connected to maraka
and badhaka and 8th houses of the native’s mother, the das period of Saturn, running at the time of
birth of the native, posed danger to the life of the native’s mother particularly in the conjoint period of
Saturn, Jupiter, Venus. This aspect was noticed by me while examining the chart of the native and
analysed further as detailed below:

In the rotated chart Saturn is in 2 lord of 1,2, has occupied its own star, amd in the sub of Mercury.
Mercury is posited in 10, lord of 6,9. Saturn and Mercury are aspected by Mars (11 th badhaka lord).
Saturn signifies lagna, 2, aspected by Mars (11th badhaka lord) from 7th (maraka), and hence becomes
more evil to the native’s mother.

Jupiter is in 11 (badhaka), lord of 3,12, in the star of Venus and its own sub. Venus is in 8 lord of
5,10. As Jupiter signifies 11 (badhaka), 12 (end of life) and 8 (danger to life)) it becomes evil and poses
danger to the life of the native’s mother.

Venus is in 8, lord of 5,10, in the star of Moon in 10, lord of 7, and in the sub of Sun in 10 lord of 8.
Venus is oposed by Saturn conjoined with Kethu. Moon along with Mercury is aspected by Mars in 7,
lord of 4,11. Thus Venus signifies badhaka, maraka and 8, thereby becomes malefic and evil to the life
of the native’s mother.

In view of the foregoing observations, we will check the longevity of the mother of the native. The sub
lord of the 1st cusp is Rahu. Rahu is in 8, in the star of Moon in 10 lord of 7, and occupies its own
sub. Moon and Mercury are aspected by Mars lord of 11 from 7th. Rahu represents Mercury by being
in the sign of Virgo. Mercury is in 10, lord of 6,9. Thus the lagna cusp sub lord Rahu is connected to
maraka, badhaka, 6th and 8th houses, and indicates short life of her mother

The above observations denote that the joint period of Saturn-Jupiter-Venus is dangerous and critical
to the life of the native’s mother. The joint period runs from 7-7-2009 to 8-12-2009.

According to K.P. the sublord of 8th cusp is to be analysed in detail to ascertain the cause of danger to
life whether it is due to unnatural death or otherwise.

Before proceeding further we will examine the 6th cusp also to see whether the native’s mother is suf-
fering from any prolonged decease. The 6th CSL is Saturn, deposited in 2 (maraka house), lord 1,2, in
its own star, and in the sub of Mercury, lord of 6. Saturn is lagna lord of the mother, it rules head.
Saturn is opposed by Venus from 8th. The combination of Rahu, Saturn and Mercury might have
caused the problem related to nerves in the head, that is, most probably related to migraine which is
chronic in nature (Saturn) and severe (8th house).

According to K.P. if the lagna cusp sub lord is in the constellation of a planet signifying badhaka or
maraka and 8 and connected with Mars, karaka for violent death, there will be a suicidal tendency to
the native. If the 8th cuspal sub lord also signifies the same as lagna cusp sub lord, this confirms the

In this rotated chart the lagna cusp sub lord of the native’s mother is Rahu in 8, in the constellation of
Moon, lord of 7. Rahu is in the star of Moon, lord of 7, and in sub of Rahu. Moon is aspected by Mars,

KP Ezine May 2020 21

Loss of mother
Sun Rise: 06:11:41 AM Sun Set: 05:19:15 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shobhan Hora: Mars Karana: Bav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Sa Ra
2 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Mo Ju
3 Revati(4) Ju Me Ju Me Mo
Ruling Planets - 21/Apr/2020 04:30:32 PM 4 Bharani(3) Ma Ve Sa Ve Ra
Rockville, Maryland, USA 5 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ve Sa Su
6 Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Sa Ve Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Sa Ra
Lagna Su Su Ma Ra Ve 8 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Su Me Me
Moon Ju Me Ra Ju Sa 9 Chitra(2) Me Ma Ju Me Mo
Day Lord: Mars 10 Visakha(1) Ve Ju Sa Ve Sa
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Su Me Sa
12 P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Sa Ve Mo
Sa[R] 07:17:34 XII 22:44:47
Ke 11:58:44 Planetary Positions
II 27:05:45
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 24:55:07 Su Visakha(2) Ve Ju Ke Ra Ve
III 26:44:09 Mo Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Me Ju Me
XI 22:03:41
11 9 Ju 20:56:41 Ma Magha(4) Su Ke Me Sa Ve
12 8 Me Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ra Sa Ma
Ju P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Ju Ke Ju
Ve Hasta(4) Me Mo Su Mo Ma
Sa[R] U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Me Sa Ra
IV 22:47:28 Su 26:10:47 Ra Hasta(1) Me Mo Ra Ra Sa
X 22:47:28
Ke U.Bhadra(3) Ju Sa Mo Ve Ju
10 Mo 06:53:12
Me 02:06:43 Significators - Planets View
1 7
4 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 11 10 3, 12 8
Mo 2 10 1, 2 7
VII 24:55:07 Ma+ 2 7 4, 11
V 22:03:41 Ma 13:10:42 IX 26:44:09 Me+ 11 10 3, 12 6, 9
Ju 8 11 5, 10 3, 12
2 6 Ve 10 8 7 5, 10
3 5 Sa 2 2 1, 2 1, 2
Ra+ 10 8 7
VI 22:44:47 VIII 27:05:45 Ke 2 2 1, 2
Ve 22:42:23
Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ra 11:58:44 (B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Ve, Sa.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

IV 22:47:28 V 22:03:41 VI 22:44:47 Dasa Summary

Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
19-Oct-1991 - 19-Oct-2010 19-Oct-2010 - 19-Oct-2027 19-Oct-2027 - 19-Oct-2034
Saturn 19-Oct-1991 Mercury 19-Oct-2010 Ketu 19-Oct-2027
III 26:44:09 Mercury 22-Oct-1994 Ketu 17-Mar-2013 Venus 16-Mar-2028
Ke 11:58:44 Ketu 02-Jul-1997 Venus 15-Mar-2014 Sun 16-May-2029
Sa[R] 07:17:34 Venus 11-Aug-1998 Sun 13-Jan-2017 Moon 21-Sep-2029
Name: Loss of mother VII 24:55:07 Sun 10-Oct-2001 Moon 20-Nov-2017 Mars 22-Apr-2030
Gender: Male Moon 22-Sep-2002 Mars 21-Apr-2019 Rahu 18-Sep-2030
Date: Tuesday, 12/Nov/1996 Mars 23-Apr-2004 Rahu 17-Apr-2020 Jupiter 07-Oct-2031
Rahu 01-Jun-2005 Jupiter 04-Nov-2022 Saturn 12-Sep-2032
Time: 06:00:00 AM SID: 09:24:17 Jupiter 07-Apr-2008 Saturn 09-Feb-2025 Mercury 21-Oct-2033
Lat: 22:05:00 N Lon: 82:09:00 E
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 19-Oct-2034 - 19-Oct-2054 19-Oct-2054 - 19-Oct-2060 19-Oct-2060 - 19-Oct-2070
Place: BILASPUR, MADHYA PRADESH, Venus 19-Oct-2034 Sun 19-Oct-2054 Moon 19-Oct-2060
II 27:05:45 India Sun 18-Feb-2038 Moon 06-Feb-2055 Mars 20-Aug-2061
Ma 13:10:42 Moon 18-Feb-2039 Mars 07-Aug-2055 Rahu 21-Mar-2062
Ayanamsa: 23° 43' 23" VIII 27:05:45 Mars 19-Oct-2040 Rahu 13-Dec-2055 Jupiter 19-Sep-2063
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Rahu 18-Dec-2041 Jupiter 06-Nov-2056 Saturn 19-Jan-2065
Star: Anuradha, Pada 2 Jupiter 18-Dec-2044 Saturn 25-Aug-2057 Mercury 20-Aug-2066
Star Lord: Saturn Saturn 19-Aug-2047 Mercury 07-Aug-2058 Ketu 19-Jan-2068
Mercury 19-Oct-2050 Ketu 14-Jun-2059 Venus 19-Aug-2068
Lagna: Capricorn Lagna Lord: Saturn
Ketu 19-Aug-2053 Venus 20-Oct-2059 Sun 20-Apr-2070
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Pratipad
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
I 24:55:07 Bal. Dasa: Saturn 13 Y, 11 M, 7 D 19-Oct-2070 - 19-Oct-2077 19-Oct-2077 - 19-Oct-2095 19-Oct-2095 - 19-Oct-2111
Ra 11:58:44 Mars 19-Oct-2070 Rahu 19-Oct-2077 Jupiter 19-Oct-2095
Ve 22:42:23 Rahu 17-Mar-2071 Jupiter 01-Jul-2080 Saturn 07-Dec-2097
IX 26:44:09 Jupiter 05-Apr-2072 Saturn 24-Nov-2082 Mercury 20-Jun-2100
Saturn 12-Mar-2073 Mercury 01-Oct-2085 Ketu 25-Sep-2102
Mercury 20-Apr-2074 Ketu 18-Apr-2088 Venus 01-Sep-2103
Ketu 17-Apr-2075 Venus 07-May-2089 Sun 03-May-2106
XI 22:03:41 Venus 14-Sep-2075 Sun 07-May-2092 Moon 19-Feb-2107
XII 22:44:47 Mo 06:53:12 Su 26:10:47 Sun 13-Nov-2076 Moon 31-Mar-2093 Mars 20-Jun-2108
Ju 20:56:41 Me 02:06:43 X 22:47:28 Moon 21-Mar-2077 Mars 30-Sep-2094 Rahu 27-May-2109
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine May 2020 22
lord of 11, from 7. Thus lagna cusp sub lord Rahu signifies 11 (badhaka), 7 (maraka), 8 (suicide)), and
is connected with Mars, which indicates suicidal tendency of the native’s mother.

The 8th cuspal sub lord Sun is lord of 8, in the star of Jupiter in 11 lord of 12, and in sub of Ketu in 2,
conjoined with Saturn in 2 lord of 2. Saturn conj. Ketu is aspected by Mars lord of 11 from 7. So the
8th CSL Sun’s signification of badhaka, maraka, 8th and connection to Mars also confirms the violent
death of suicide.

It is known that the mother of the native, on severe unbearable headache, had consumed poisonous
liquid and died on 21st October, 2009 at the age of 38 years during the joint dasa period of Saturn-
Jupiter-Venus. The native had lost her mother at the age of 12 years.

TRANSIT: Dasa lord Saturn was transiting in the star of Sun (uttarphalguni) (8th lord) in Virgo sign.
Bhukthi lord Jupiter was transiting in the star of Mars (dhanistha) (11th lord) in Capricorn. Anthara
lord Venus was transiting in the star of Moon (Hastha) (7th lord) in Virgo sign. Sun was transiting in
the star of Mars (chitra) (badhaka, maraka lord) in Libra sign. Thus the transit agrees with dasa.

KP Ezine May 2020 23

By: Dr. (Prof.) Navin Chitlangia “RUDRA”
Email_id :;

Background history: From the media sources, I heard that Pakistan’s Prime Minister is
suffering from illness and suspected positive for Corona Virus – Is this rumor or report is

Question: Is the rumor or news report is correct that Pakistan’s Prime Minister is suffering
from illness and suspected positive of Corona Virus?

Name of the Querent : Self (Navin Chitlangia).

Horary / Divine / Seed No. : 145 (out of 249) (randomly taken on behalf of Imran
Date of judgment (DOJ) : 28-03-2020 (28th March 2020).
Time of judgment (TOJ) : 11:52:11 PM (23:52:11 Hrs.) (IST).
Place of judgment (POJ) : Hind Motor (22N41 88E20), Hooghly, West Bengal,

Hints: One has to judge the third house for any rumor, information, correspondence,
communication, news or report. According to the ‘Krishnamurti Padhdhati’, Sublord of the
3rd cusp indicates the correctness of news. We have to find out the Sublord of the third cusp;
note in which constellation the Sublord is deposited. If the Sublord of the 3rd Cusp or lord of
the constellation in which the Sublord is deposited happens to be -

 Ketu or Mars; the rumor or news report is to be decided as untrue and mischievous one;
 If it is Saturn of Rahu; the rumor or news report is a false one;
 If it is Sun; and Sun is not connected with natural malefics (Saturn, Rahu or Mars); the
rumor or news report will be noble & true fact;
 If it is Jupiter or Venus or Moon - who all are benefics, the rumor or news report thrown
in the market is true;
 If it is Mercury, it can be half true and half doubtful. If Mercury be in one of his own
houses or in a dual sign, or in his own star and afflicted by malefics, the rumor or news
report is to be decided as doubtful one.

Moon reveals the nature of query.

Moon (Taurus 02-17-05) is in Star of Sun (Kritika-2) and sub of Jupiter. Planet Moon is the
occupant of 7, owner of 9. Moon is untenanted (as there is no planet in stars of Moon) and
the CSL (Cuspal Sublord) of 1 (native), 6 (disease), 9. Starlord Sun is the occupant of 5
(recovery from disease), owner of 10. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 2, owner of 5
(recovery from disease).

Moon signifies and/or is in connection with the relevant houses; hence query is

Cuspal Analysis
III Cusp (Capricorn 00-06-53: Saturn-Sun-Rahu): The 3rd CSL Rahu is in Star
(Constellation) of Self (Adra-1) and Sub of Jupiter.

Rahu alone is deposited in the sign of Gemini (lord Mercury) and aspected by Jupiter. Hence
Rahu represents Mercury & Jupiter.

KP Ezine May 2020 24

Horary No. 145/249
Sun Rise: 05:33:08 AM Sun Set: 05:50:34 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Priti Hora: Venus Karana: Badreva Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 145 1 Visakha(3) Ve Ju Mo Mo Mo
Question : Is the rumor or news report is correct that Pakistan's Prime Minister is suffering 2 Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Ve Sa
from illness and suspected positive of Corona Virus?
3 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ra Me Ke
Ruling Planets - 28/Mar/2020 11:52:11 PM 4 Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Ve Ve Sa
Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India 5 U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Sa Ra Mo
6 Aswini(2) Ma Ke Mo Ju Ma
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Krittika(1) Ma Su Ra Ra Ve
Lagna Ju Ke Ra Ju Ve 8 Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Ve Sa
Moon Ve Su Ju Ve Ju 9 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Mo Me Ve
Day Lord: Saturn 10 Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Ke Ju
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Me Me
12 Chitra(4) Ve Ma Ve Sa Sa
Ke 08:09:32:31 XII 06:04:06:50
II 07:28:53:47 Planetary Positions
Ju 08:29:55:59
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 06:29:26:40 Su U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ra Ve Me
III 09:00:08:50 Mo Krittika(2) Ve Su Ju Ve Ju
XI 05:05:08:37
Ma 09:04:31:17 8
Sa 09:06:25:02 7 Ma U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Sa Ra Ra
10 6 Me Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Ve Me Ra
Ju U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ra Sa Ve
Ve Krittika(2) Ve Su Ra Ke Ve
Sa U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Ra Mo
IV 10:02:57:12 X 04:02:57:12 Ra Aridra(1) Me Ra Ju Ve Ve
Me 10:17:13:10
Ke Moola(3) Ju Ke Sa Sa Mo
11 5 Significators - Planets View
1 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 3 5 3, 4 10
Mo+ 5 7 10 9
VII 00:29:26:40 Ma+ 5 3 10 2, 6, 7
V 11:05:08:37 Mo 01:02:17:05 IX 03:00:08:50 Me+ 8 4 11
Su 11:14:29:01 Ve 01:00:24:53 Ju+ 5 3 10 5
12 4 Ve+ 5 7 10 1, 8, 12
1 2 Sa 5 3 10 3, 4
Ra 8 8
VI 00:04:06:50 VIII 01:28:53:47 Ke 2 2
Ra 02:09:32:31
Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VI 04:06:50 Ve 00:24:53 Ra 09:32:31 Dasa Summary

VII 29:26:40 Mo 02:17:05
VIII 28:53:47 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
19-Sep-2017 - 19-Sep-2023 19-Sep-2023 - 19-Sep-2033 19-Sep-2033 - 19-Sep-2040
Sun 19-Sep-2017 Moon 19-Sep-2023 Mars 19-Sep-2033
Moon 06-Jan-2018 Mars 19-Jul-2024 Rahu 15-Feb-2034
Su 14:29:01 Mars 08-Jul-2018 Rahu 17-Feb-2025 Jupiter 05-Mar-2035
V 05:08:37 Rahu 13-Nov-2018 Jupiter 19-Aug-2026 Saturn 09-Feb-2036
Name: Horary no 145 IX 00:08:50 Jupiter 07-Oct-2019 Saturn 18-Dec-2027 Mercury 20-Mar-2037
Gender: Male Saturn 26-Jul-2020 Mercury 20-Jul-2029 Ketu 18-Mar-2038
Date: Saturday, 28/Mar/2020 Mercury 08-Jul-2021 Ketu 19-Dec-2030 Venus 14-Aug-2038
Ketu 14-May-2022 Venus 20-Jul-2031 Sun 14-Oct-2039
Time: 11:52:11 PM SID: 12:42:01 Venus 19-Sep-2022 Sun 20-Mar-2033 Moon 19-Feb-2040
Lat: 22:41:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 19-Sep-2040 - 19-Sep-2058 19-Sep-2058 - 19-Sep-2074 19-Sep-2074 - 19-Sep-2093
Me 17:13:10 Place: Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India Rahu 19-Sep-2040 Jupiter 19-Sep-2058 Saturn 19-Sep-2074
IV 02:57:12 Jupiter 01-Jun-2043 Saturn 06-Nov-2060 Mercury 22-Sep-2077
X 02:57:12 Saturn 25-Oct-2045 Mercury 20-May-2063 Ketu 31-May-2080
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 58" Mercury 31-Aug-2048 Ketu 26-Aug-2065 Venus 10-Jul-2081
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ketu 20-Mar-2051 Venus 01-Aug-2066 Sun 09-Sep-2084
Star: Krittika, Pada 2 Venus 07-Apr-2052 Sun 02-Apr-2069 Moon 22-Aug-2085
Star Lord: Sun Sun 07-Apr-2055 Moon 19-Jan-2070 Mars 23-Mar-2087
Moon 01-Mar-2056 Mars 21-May-2071 Rahu 01-May-2088
Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus
Sa 06:25:02 Mars 30-Aug-2057 Rahu 26-Apr-2072 Jupiter 08-Mar-2091
Ma 04:31:17 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturti
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
III 00:08:50 Bal. Dasa: Sun 3 Y, 5 M, 20 D 19-Sep-2093 - 19-Sep-2110 19-Sep-2110 - 19-Sep-2117 19-Sep-2117 - 19-Sep-2137
XI 05:08:37 Mercury 19-Sep-2093 Ketu 19-Sep-2110 Venus 19-Sep-2117
Ketu 15-Feb-2096 Venus 15-Feb-2111 Sun 18-Jan-2121
Venus 11-Feb-2097 Sun 16-Apr-2112 Moon 18-Jan-2122
Sun 12-Dec-2099 Moon 21-Aug-2112 Mars 19-Sep-2123
Moon 19-Oct-2100 Mars 23-Mar-2113 Rahu 19-Nov-2124
Mars 20-Mar-2102 Rahu 19-Aug-2113 Jupiter 19-Nov-2127
Rahu 17-Mar-2103 Jupiter 06-Sep-2114 Saturn 20-Jul-2130
Ju 29:55:59 I 29:26:40 Jupiter 04-Oct-2105 Saturn 13-Aug-2115 Mercury 19-Sep-2133
Ke 09:32:31 II 28:53:47 XII 04:06:50 Saturn 10-Jan-2108 Mercury 21-Sep-2116 Ketu 20-Jul-2136
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine May 2020
Horary No. 145/249
Sun Rise: 05:32:10 AM Sun Set: 05:50:55 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Priti Hora: Mercury Karana: Balav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 145 1 Visakha(3) Ve Ju Mo Mo Mo
Question : Is the rumor or news report is correct that Pakistan's Prime Minister is suffering 2 Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Ve Sa
from illness and suspected positive of Corona Virus?
3 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ra Me Ke
Ruling Planets - 29/Mar/2020 03:26:17 PM 4 Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Ve Ve Sa
Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India 5 U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Sa Ra Mo
6 Aswini(2) Ma Ke Mo Ju Ma
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Krittika(1) Ma Su Ra Ra Ve
Lagna Su Ke Me Ra Ve 8 Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Ve Sa
Moon Ve Mo Mo Ra Ra 9 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Mo Me Ve
Day Lord: Sun 10 Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Ke Ju
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Me Me
12 Chitra(4) Ve Ma Ve Sa Sa
Ju 09:00:01:05 XII 06:04:06:48
Ke 08:09:30:27 Planetary Positions
II 07:28:53:45
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 06:29:26:40 Su U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ju Ju Ra
III 09:00:08:48 Mo Rohini(1) Ve Mo Mo Ra Ra
XI 05:05:08:36
Ma 09:04:58:20 8
Sa 09:06:27:36 7 Ma U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Sa Ju Ve
10 6 Me Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Su Ke Me
Ju U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ra Sa Ra
Ve Krittika(2) Ve Su Ra Mo Sa
Sa U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Ju Ju
IV 10:02:57:11 X 04:02:57:11 Ra Aridra(1) Me Ra Ju Ke Ju
Me 10:17:59:46
Ke Moola(3) Ju Ke Sa Sa Ve
11 5 Significators - Planets View
1 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 3 5 3, 4 10
Mo 7 7 9 9
VII 00:29:26:40 Ma+ 5 3 10 2, 6, 7
V 11:05:08:36 Mo 01:10:09:42 IX 03:00:08:48 Me+ 8 4 11
Su 11:15:07:30 Ve 01:01:02:02 Ju+ 5 3 10 5
12 4 Ve+ 5 7 10 1, 8, 12
1 2 Sa 5 3 10 3, 4
Ra 8 8
VI 00:04:06:48 VIII 01:28:53:45 Ke 2 2
Ra 02:09:30:27
Rahu acts as agent for: Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VI 04:06:48 Ve 01:02:02 Ra 09:30:27 Dasa Summary

VII 29:26:40 Mo 10:09:42
VIII 28:53:45 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
14-Feb-2020 - 14-Feb-2030 14-Feb-2030 - 14-Feb-2037 14-Feb-2037 - 14-Feb-2055
Moon 14-Feb-2020 Mars 14-Feb-2030 Rahu 14-Feb-2037
Mars 15-Dec-2020 Rahu 13-Jul-2030 Jupiter 28-Oct-2039
Su 15:07:30 Rahu 16-Jul-2021 Jupiter 01-Aug-2031 Saturn 23-Mar-2042
V 05:08:36 Jupiter 14-Jan-2023 Saturn 07-Jul-2032 Mercury 28-Jan-2045
Name: Horary no 24 IX 00:08:48 Saturn 15-May-2024 Mercury 15-Aug-2033 Ketu 16-Aug-2047
Gender: Male Mercury 14-Dec-2025 Ketu 12-Aug-2034 Venus 04-Sep-2048
Date: Sunday, 29/Mar/2020 Ketu 15-May-2027 Venus 08-Jan-2035 Sun 04-Sep-2051
Venus 14-Dec-2027 Sun 09-Mar-2036 Moon 28-Jul-2052
Time: 03:26:17 PM SID: 04:18:40 Sun 15-Aug-2029 Moon 15-Jul-2036 Mars 27-Jan-2054
Lat: 22:41:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 14-Feb-2055 - 14-Feb-2071 14-Feb-2071 - 14-Feb-2090 14-Feb-2090 - 14-Feb-2107
Me 17:59:46 Place: Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India Jupiter 14-Feb-2055 Saturn 14-Feb-2071 Mercury 14-Feb-2090
IV 02:57:11 Saturn 04-Apr-2057 Mercury 17-Feb-2074 Ketu 12-Jul-2092
X 02:57:11 Mercury 16-Oct-2059 Ketu 27-Oct-2076 Venus 10-Jul-2093
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 58" Ketu 21-Jan-2062 Venus 06-Dec-2077 Sun 09-May-2096
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Venus 28-Dec-2062 Sun 04-Feb-2081 Moon 15-Mar-2097
Star: Rohini, Pada 1 Sun 29-Aug-2065 Moon 17-Jan-2082 Mars 15-Aug-2098
Star Lord: Moon Moon 17-Jun-2066 Mars 18-Aug-2083 Rahu 12-Aug-2099
Sa 06:27:36 Mars 17-Oct-2067 Rahu 27-Sep-2084 Jupiter 01-Mar-2102
Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus
Ma 04:58:20 Rahu 21-Sep-2068 Jupiter 04-Aug-2087 Saturn 06-Jun-2104
III 00:08:48 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Panchami
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
Ju 00:01:05 Bal. Dasa: Moon 9 Y, 10 M, 16 D 14-Feb-2107 - 14-Feb-2114 14-Feb-2114 - 14-Feb-2134 14-Feb-2134 - 14-Feb-2140
XI 05:08:36 Ketu 14-Feb-2107 Venus 14-Feb-2114 Sun 14-Feb-2134
Venus 13-Jul-2107 Sun 16-Jun-2117 Moon 04-Jun-2134
Sun 12-Sep-2108 Moon 16-Jun-2118 Mars 03-Dec-2134
Moon 18-Jan-2109 Mars 15-Feb-2120 Rahu 10-Apr-2135
Mars 19-Aug-2109 Rahu 16-Apr-2121 Jupiter 04-Mar-2136
Rahu 15-Jan-2110 Jupiter 16-Apr-2124 Saturn 21-Dec-2136
Jupiter 03-Feb-2111 Saturn 16-Dec-2126 Mercury 03-Dec-2137
I 29:26:40 Saturn 09-Jan-2112 Mercury 15-Feb-2130 Ketu 10-Oct-2138
Ke 09:30:27 II 28:53:45 XII 04:06:48 Mercury 18-Feb-2113 Ketu 15-Dec-2132 Venus 14-Feb-2139
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine May 2020 26
 3rd CSL Rahu (posited in 8) is in the Self-Star; confirming that rumor or report is a false
 As Rahu represents Mercury; it indicating that the report or rumor may half true or half
doubtful. But Mercury here neither deposited in own house not in a dual sign, or in own
star; but afflicted by malefic Rahu (as Mercury is deposited in star of Rahu). Hence the
rumor or report is not reliable.
 Another method is to find out the Sublord of the Starlord of 3rd CSL (Rahu); here Rahu
itself is in sub of Jupiter; indicating some fact may be true. As Rahu aspected by Jupiter
and deposited in the sub of Jupiter; this indicates that illness report might be true.

Note: Since at the time of judgment Moon is travelling in the star of Sun (Kritika-2); which is
8th lord in my natal chart (as I born in Capricorn Ascendant); hence prediction has to be
cross-verified; as because it might be wrong due to the effects of 8th Lord. So I thought of to
cross-check the facts once again with a new horary; when Moon will out from the star of
Sun. And accordingly I have casted horary chart for which details are as under:

Name of the Querent : Self (Navin Chitlangia).

Horary / Divine / Seed No. : 24 (out of 249) (randomly taken on behalf of Imran Khan).
Date of judgment: 29-03-2020 (29th March 2020).
Time of judgment: 03:26:17 PM (15:26:17 Hrs.) (IST).
Place of judgment: Hind Motor (22N41 88E20), Hooghly, West Bengal, India.

Cuspal analysis

III Cusp (Gemini 22-28-52: Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn): The 3rd CSL Saturn is in Star
(Constellation) of Sun (Uttara-Ashadha-3) and Sub of Mercury.

 3rd CSL Saturn confirming that the rumor or news report is a false. Saturn is close
conjunction with Mars is indicating that the rumor or news report is untrue and
mischievous one.
 3rd CSL Saturn is posited in the Star (Constellation) of Sun; which indicating rumor or
news report may have some truth facts behind it. But again Sun is aspected by Saturn as
well as in star of Saturn. It may be noted that there is an Exchange of Star in between
Saturn & Sun. This indicates rumor or news report is false.
 Another method is to find out the Sublord of the Starlord of 3rd CSL (Saturn); here in our
case is Sun; which is deposited in sub of Jupiter; indicating that illness report might be

CONCLUSION: In my opinion, there may be a chance that Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran
Khan might be suffering from illness; but the rumor or news report of being suspected
positive for Corona Virus is FALSE (UNTRUE). Rest Almighty knows better!!!

ACTUAL FACTS: Predictions went correct. The trustable newspaper agency of Pakistan
‘Dawn’ does not confirm any news of Imran Khan being suspected for Covid-19. Indian News
Channel ‘Aaj-Tak’ also confirmed the negative report of Covid-19 for Imran Khan.

Pranaam to Lord Ganesha and Guruji KSK!


KP Ezine May 2020 27

By: Anurodh Kumar
Founder AKSS training, Astro guide and Healer
B1 -2207, Ajnara Homes, Sec 16B, Greater Noida West
Gautam Buddha Nagar, U.P. – 201306, phone : +91-9560400863,
email ;, Blog ;

Nirbhaya verdict and the death warrant execution delay tactics by the convicts is a
landmark in Indian judicial records. The death warrant of 20 Mar 2020 looked promising for
execution of the convicts, but different tactics had been adopted by the convicts to further
postpone. Deep down, it was a suspicion that may be in last minute something may delay
the execution.

A horary chart was calculated to know the outcome of this death warrant.

The confusion
The basic confusion was how to acertain that all four will be executed. Should I take four
different KP horary numbers for four convicts and find the date of death? Then I was guided
to take the death warrant into consideration.

Q: Will the death warrant be executed on 20 Mar 2020 in Nirbhaya case?

KP number = 143

Horary details:
18 Mar 2020, Wednesday
10.54 PM IST, Chandigarh.

1. Death warrant is an order. Thus prime house is 3-bhava. Execution can happen by it’s
connection with 11-bhava.

2. Moon analysis.
a. Placed in 3-bhava = orders
b. Placed in makar 10th rasi = showing government and authority in natural zodiac
c. Placed in star of Sun = Sun is the lord of 10-bhava = government and government
d. Placed in Jup sub = Jup is showing 3, 5 & 8-bhava significance by ownership and sub
lord-ship, which indicates obstacles for the first party and gain for the second party

Hence, sub is showing thought of obstacles but also shows the orders in mind.

Moon is reflecting the nature of the query and deep thoughts pertaining to it.

3. Analysis of 3-bhava
a. Moon and Sat are sitting in the 3-bhava. Sat is the karma karaka, the one who does
justice on the basis of karma.
b. 3-sub lord is Mars. Mars is executioner.

KP Ezine May 2020 28

Horary No. 143/249
Sun Rise: 06:29:08 AM Sun Set: 06:32:55 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Parigha Hora: Saturn Karana: Badreva Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 143 1 Visakha(2) Ve Ju Ve Ve Ve
Question : Will the death warrant be executed on 20 Mar 2020 in Nirbhaya case? 2 Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ju Ju Ve
3 U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ma Me Me
Ruling Planets - 18/Mar/2020 10:54:00 PM 4 Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Ve Ve Me
6 Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ve Ke Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Bharani(4) Ma Ve Ke Sa Ju
Lagna Ma Ju Ma Me Ra 8 Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ju Ju Ve
Moon Sa Su Ju Me Ra 9 Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Su Mo Me
Day Lord: Mercury 10 Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Ke Sa
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Me Ve
12 Chitra(3) Ve Ma Ve Ve Sa
Ke 08:10:04:27 XII 06:02:56:56
II 07:26:15:27 Planetary Positions
Ma 08:27:32:45
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Ju 08:28:30:00
I 06:26:33:20 Su U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Sa Su Ke
Mo 09:01:53:34 Mo U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Me Ra
XI 05:05:10:24
Sa 09:05:41:10 8
III 08:28:50:53 7 Ma U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Mo Ra Sa
9 6 Me Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Sa Ra
Ju U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ma Ra Ra
Ve Bharani(3) Ma Ve Ju Sa Me
Sa U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Ve Ju
IV 10:02:57:53 X 04:02:57:53 Ra Aridra(2) Me Ra Ju Ma Ma
Su 11:04:31:30
Ke Moola(4) Ju Ke Sa Ke Me
Me 10:07:28:12 7
11 5 Significators - Planets View
1 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 3 5 4 10
Mo+ 5 3 10
VII 00:26:33:20 Ma+ 5 3 10 2, 6, 7
V 11:05:10:24 IX 02:28:50:53 Me+ 8 4 9, 11
Ju+ 5 3 10 3, 5
12 3 Ve 6 6 1, 8, 12 1, 8, 12
1 2 Sa 5 3 10 4
Ra 8 8
VI 00:02:56:56 VIII 01:26:15:27 Ke 2 2
Ve 00:20:25:38 Ra 02:10:04:27
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VI 02:56:56 VIII 26:15:27 Ra 10:04:27 Dasa Summary

Ve 20:25:38 IX 28:50:53
VII 26:33:20 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
12-Nov-2017 - 12-Nov-2023 12-Nov-2023 - 12-Nov-2033 12-Nov-2033 - 12-Nov-2040
Sun 12-Nov-2017 Moon 12-Nov-2023 Mars 12-Nov-2033
Moon 02-Mar-2018 Mars 11-Sep-2024 Rahu 10-Apr-2034
V 05:10:24 Mars 31-Aug-2018 Rahu 12-Apr-2025 Jupiter 28-Apr-2035
Su 04:31:30 Rahu 06-Jan-2019 Jupiter 12-Oct-2026 Saturn 03-Apr-2036
Name: Nirbhaya Jupiter 01-Dec-2019 Saturn 11-Feb-2028 Mercury 13-May-2037
Gender: Male Saturn 18-Sep-2020 Mercury 12-Sep-2029 Ketu 10-May-2038
Date: Wednesday, 18/Mar/2020 Mercury 31-Aug-2021 Ketu 11-Feb-2031 Venus 06-Oct-2038
Ketu 07-Jul-2022 Venus 12-Sep-2031 Sun 06-Dec-2039
Time: 10:54:00 PM SID: 10:18:06 Venus 12-Nov-2022 Sun 14-May-2033 Moon 12-Apr-2040
Lat: 30:42:00 N Lon: 76:48:00 E
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 12-Nov-2040 - 12-Nov-2058 12-Nov-2058 - 12-Nov-2074 12-Nov-2074 - 12-Nov-2093
Me 07:28:12 Place: CHANDIGARH, UNION Rahu 12-Nov-2040 Jupiter 12-Nov-2058 Saturn 12-Nov-2074
IV 02:57:53 TERRITORY, India Jupiter 26-Jul-2043 Saturn 31-Dec-2060 Mercury 15-Nov-2077
X 02:57:53 Saturn 19-Dec-2045 Mercury 14-Jul-2063 Ketu 25-Jul-2080
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 57" Mercury 24-Oct-2048 Ketu 19-Oct-2065 Venus 02-Sep-2081
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ketu 13-May-2051 Venus 25-Sep-2066 Sun 02-Nov-2084
Star: U.Ashada, Pada 2 Venus 01-Jun-2052 Sun 26-May-2069 Moon 15-Oct-2085
Star Lord: Sun Sun 01-Jun-2055 Moon 15-Mar-2070 Mars 16-May-2087
Moon 24-Apr-2056 Mars 14-Jul-2071 Rahu 25-Jun-2088
Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus
Mars 24-Oct-2057 Rahu 19-Jun-2072 Jupiter 01-May-2091
Sa 05:41:10 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dasami
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
Mo 01:53:34 Bal. Dasa: Sun 3 Y, 7 M, 23 D 12-Nov-2093 - 12-Nov-2110 12-Nov-2110 - 12-Nov-2117 12-Nov-2117 - 12-Nov-2137
XI 05:10:24 Mercury 12-Nov-2093 Ketu 12-Nov-2110 Venus 12-Nov-2117
Ketu 09-Apr-2096 Venus 10-Apr-2111 Sun 14-Mar-2121
Venus 06-Apr-2097 Sun 10-Jun-2112 Moon 14-Mar-2122
Sun 05-Feb-2100 Moon 16-Oct-2112 Mars 12-Nov-2123
Moon 12-Dec-2100 Mars 17-May-2113 Rahu 12-Jan-2125
III 28:50:53 Mars 13-May-2102 Rahu 13-Oct-2113 Jupiter 12-Jan-2128
Ju 28:30:00 Rahu 11-May-2103 Jupiter 31-Oct-2114 Saturn 13-Sep-2130
Ma 27:32:45 I 26:33:20 Jupiter 28-Nov-2105 Saturn 07-Oct-2115 Mercury 13-Nov-2133
Ke 10:04:27 II 26:15:27 XII 02:56:56 Saturn 04-Mar-2108 Mercury 16-Nov-2116 Ketu 12-Sep-2136
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine May 2020 29
Execution chart
Sun Rise: 06:25:04 AM Sun Set: 06:32:26 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shiva Hora: Venus Karana: Balav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Ke Sa Ma
2 Revati(3) Ju Me Ra Ve Su
3 Krittika(1) Ma Su Su Sa Sa
Ruling Planets - 21/Apr/2020 01:49:22 PM 4 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ve Me Ve
6 Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Mo Sa Ra
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Ve Sa Ju
Lagna Mo Me Ju Ve Ju 8 Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ve Su
Moon Ju Me Me Sa Ma 9 Visakha(3) Ve Ju Ve Su Me
Day Lord: Mars 10 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Mo Ma Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Su Ju Sa
12 Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ma Ke Ke
Ve 00:21:44:00 Mo 09:17:33:43
II 11:25:27:08 XII 09:11:36:41 Planetary Positions
Me 10:08:25:37
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Su 11:05:47:33 Su U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Me Ke Sa
III 00:26:59:47 I 10:15:04:13 Mo Sravana(3) Sa Mo Sa Ju Sa
Ju 08:28:41:37
12 10 Ma 08:28:25:52 Ma U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Mo Su Me
9 XI 08:15:47:48 Me Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Mo Ra
1 Sa 09:05:47:09
Ju U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ma Ju Ma
Ve Bharani(3) Ma Ve Ju Ra Sa
Sa U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Ve Ke
Ra 02:10:00:24 X 07:22:19:29 Ra Aridra(2) Me Ra Ju Mo Sa
IV 01:22:19:29 Ke 08:10:00:24
Ke Moola(4) Ju Ke Sa Ke Mo
2 8 Significators - Planets View
5 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 11 1 1, 12 7
Mo 12 12 6 6
VII 04:15:04:13 Ma+ 1 11 7 3, 10
V 02:15:47:48 IX 06:26:59:47 Me+ 4 12 5, 8
Ju+ 1 11 7 2, 11
3 7 Ve 2 2 4, 9 4, 9
4 6 Sa 1 11 7 1, 12
Ra 4 4
VI 03:11:36:41 VIII 05:25:27:08 Ke 10 10
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Ve 21:44:00 IV 22:19:29 Ra 10:00:24 Dasa Summary

III 26:59:47 V 15:47:48
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
18-Jul-2014 - 18-Jul-2024 18-Jul-2024 - 18-Jul-2031 18-Jul-2031 - 18-Jul-2049
Moon 18-Jul-2014 Mars 18-Jul-2024 Rahu 18-Jul-2031
Mars 18-May-2015 Rahu 14-Dec-2024 Jupiter 31-Mar-2034
II 25:27:08 Rahu 18-Dec-2015 Jupiter 02-Jan-2026 Saturn 24-Aug-2036
Su 05:47:33 Jupiter 18-Jun-2017 Saturn 08-Dec-2026 Mercury 30-Jun-2039
Name: Execution chart VI 11:36:41 Saturn 18-Oct-2018 Mercury 17-Jan-2028 Ketu 17-Jan-2042
Gender: Male Mercury 18-May-2020 Ketu 13-Jan-2029 Venus 05-Feb-2043
Date: Friday, 20/Mar/2020 Ketu 17-Oct-2021 Venus 11-Jun-2029 Sun 05-Feb-2046
Venus 18-May-2022 Sun 11-Aug-2030 Moon 30-Dec-2046
Time: 05:30:00 AM SID: 17:00:48 Sun 17-Jan-2024 Moon 17-Dec-2030 Mars 30-Jun-2048
Lat: 28:40:00 N Lon: 77:13:00 E
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 18-Jul-2049 - 18-Jul-2065 18-Jul-2065 - 18-Jul-2084 18-Jul-2084 - 18-Jul-2101
I 15:04:13 Place: DELHI, DELHI, India Jupiter 18-Jul-2049 Saturn 18-Jul-2065 Mercury 18-Jul-2084
Me 08:25:37 Saturn 05-Sep-2051 Mercury 21-Jul-2068 Ketu 14-Dec-2086
VII 15:04:13 Mercury 19-Mar-2054 Ketu 31-Mar-2071 Venus 11-Dec-2087
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 57" Ketu 24-Jun-2056 Venus 09-May-2072 Sun 12-Oct-2090
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Venus 31-May-2057 Sun 09-Jul-2075 Moon 18-Aug-2091
Star: Sravana, Pada 3 Sun 29-Jan-2060 Moon 20-Jun-2076 Mars 18-Jan-2093
Star Lord: Moon Moon 17-Nov-2060 Mars 19-Jan-2078 Rahu 15-Jan-2094
Mars 18-Mar-2062 Rahu 28-Feb-2079 Jupiter 03-Aug-2096
Lagna: Aquarius Lagna Lord: Saturn
Mo 17:33:43 Rahu 22-Feb-2063 Jupiter 04-Jan-2082 Saturn 08-Nov-2098
XII 11:36:41 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Ekadasi
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
Sa 05:47:09 Bal. Dasa: Moon 4 Y, 3 M, 28 D 18-Jul-2101 - 18-Jul-2108 18-Jul-2108 - 18-Jul-2128 18-Jul-2128 - 18-Jul-2134
VIII 25:27:08 Ketu 18-Jul-2101 Venus 18-Jul-2108 Sun 18-Jul-2128
Venus 14-Dec-2101 Sun 17-Nov-2111 Moon 05-Nov-2128
Sun 13-Feb-2103 Moon 17-Nov-2112 Mars 06-May-2129
Moon 21-Jun-2103 Mars 18-Jul-2114 Rahu 11-Sep-2129
Mars 20-Jan-2104 Rahu 17-Sep-2115 Jupiter 06-Aug-2130
Ju 28:41:37 Rahu 17-Jun-2104 Jupiter 17-Sep-2118 Saturn 25-May-2131
Ma 28:25:52 Jupiter 05-Jul-2105 Saturn 19-May-2121 Mercury 06-May-2132
XI 15:47:48 Saturn 11-Jun-2106 Mercury 19-Jul-2124 Ketu 13-Mar-2133
Ke 10:00:24 X 22:19:29 IX 26:59:47 Mercury 21-Jul-2107 Ketu 19-May-2127 Venus 18-Jul-2133
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine May 2020
Sun (star)
Moon (sub)
The 3-sub lord shows 5 which indicates obstacles for the first party and gain for the second
party (convicts).. But star lord (Sun) and Sub (Moon) show 3-10 with no adverse house. Also
Sun and Moon are the planets which represent government.

4. Conclusion
The convicts will play their game. But death warrant will be executed on 20 Mar 2020.

5. Result
Death warrant was executed on 20 Mar 2020 amid high level drama in Hon High court and
Hon Supreme Court till 3.30 AM.

6. Execution chart analysis

20 Mar 2020, Friday
5.30 AM IST, Delhi

The execution chart shows interesting connection with the horary chart. These connections
are mentioned below:

a. 3-bhava sub lord-Mars and it’s star lord-Sun of the horary chart, are the lord and star &
sub lord of 3-bhava of execution chart, respectively. Sun is the sub of 11-bhava in execution
chart. Showing order (3-bhava) and role of governent (Sun) and police (Mars) in this process.
b. 3-bhava sub lord – Mars and it’s sub Moon in horary chart became the lord and sub lord
of the 10-bhava, representing government action (Moon – government, Mars – police).
c. 3-bhava occupant Sat of the horary chart takes the lordship of lagna (Kumbha – airy
sign) of execution chart occupying 11-bhava facilitating the execution. Sat – Karma karka,
lord of an airy sign – death by hanging, thus obstructing breath.

KP astrology propounded by Guru ji K. S. Krishnamurthy is able to give pin pointed replies

in the wake of confusions been projected by various life issues. Sadar pranam.

KP Ezine May 2020 31

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School,
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: Pin: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Email :;

Question: When Corona virus vaccine be invented?

Number: 102 (out of 249).
Date of Judgment: 16-04-2020, Thursday; Time of Judgment: 11:28:35 AM
Place of Judgment: Kankariya-Ahmedabad-Gujarat; Lat/Long: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’,
Ayanamsha 24°.03’.00”; Dasa days: 365.25

If the cuspal sub lord of the 12th be the significator of 1-5-9-12, the new invention is
promised during the joint dasa period of the significators of 1-5-9-12.

Cuspal Sub Lord

12th Cusp (Cancer 27°.37’.07”): The sub lord of the 12th cusp is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the
star of Sun and sub of own. Jupiter is occupant of 5, owner of 5-8. No planet is in the star of
Jupiter and Jupiter is the CSL of 4-6-10-12. Star lord Sun is occupant of 8, owner of 1. Sub
lord is also Jupiter. Thus 12th cusp sub lord Jupiter is the significator of 5-8-4-6-10-12-1.
The 12th cusp sub lord indicates 1-5-12, along with 8 for delay.

Ruling Planets
At the time of judgment, ruling planets are as under.
Day lord Sign lord Star lord Sub lord
Day: Thursday Jupiter — — —
RP Ascendant: Gemini 21°.48'.54” — Mercury Jupiter Saturn
RP Moon: Capricorn 17°.30'.15” — Saturn Moon Saturn
Ketu is in Sagittarius sign, hence represents Jupiter. Rahu is in Gemini sign, hence
represents Mercury. So ruling planets are Jupiter-Mercury-Saturn-Moon-Rahu and Ketu.

Note: Moon is in Capricorn sign and Saturn sub, hence forming Punarphoo yoga.

Joint period:
Running dasa is Moon up to 01-09-2024. Joint period is Moon-Saturn-Jupiter up to 02-07-

Dasa lord Moon is in the star of own and sub of Saturn. Moon is occupant of 5, owner of 12.
Star lord is also Moon. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 5, owner of 6-7. Thus dasa lord Moon
is the significator of 5-12-6-7. Dasa lord Moon indicates 5-12. Also Moon is in the RPs.

In this horary chart we have Punarphoo yoga, so event will happen late. In my experience I
found that when dasa is short we need to leave bhukti lord and in long dasa we need to leave
antra. Moon dasa is short, thus I left running Saturn bhukti. Next bhukti will be Mercury
from 02-07-2020 to 01-12-2021.

Bhukti lord Mercury is in the star of Saturn and sub of Rahu. Mercury is occupant of 7,
owner of 2-11. No planet is in the star of Mercury, and Mercury is the CSL of 3-9. Star lord
Saturn is occupant of 5, owner of 6-7. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 10. Rahu is in Gemini
sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 7, owner of 2-11. No planet is in the
star of Mercury, and Mercury is the CSL of 3-9. Thus bhukti lord Mercury is the significator
of 7-2-11-3-9-5-6-10. This Bhukti lord Mercury signifies 5-9. Also it is in the RPs.

KP Ezine May 2020 32

Horary No. 102/249
Sun Rise: 06:18:19 AM Sun Set: 07:00:42 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Sadhya Hora: Moon Karana: Gar Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 102 1 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Su Su Su
Question : When Corona virus vaccine be invented? 2 Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Me Ju
3 Visakha(2) Ve Ju Me Sa Ra
Ruling Planets - 16/Apr/2020 11:28:35 AM 4 Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Ju Me Ke
6 Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Ju Ma Mo
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Ve Ma
Lagna Me Ju Sa Sa Sa 8 Revati(3) Ju Me Ra Me Ju
Moon Sa Mo Sa Ju Ju 9 Bharani(4) Ma Ve Me Sa Ve
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Ju Me Ke
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Ve Ra Ra
12 Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Ju Ma Mo
II 05:25:11:45 XII 03:27:37:07
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 04:26:40:00 Su Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ve Me Ve
III 06:25:42:46 Mo Sravana(3) Sa Mo Sa Ju Ju
XI 02:27:22:25
6 4 Ma Sravana(3) Sa Mo Sa Ra Ke
7 3 Me U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ra Ve Ma
Ju U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Me Sa
Ve Rohini(2) Ve Mo Sa Ke Ke
Sa U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ke Ra Ve
Ke 08:08:33:45 X 01:26:40:29 Ra Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Ma Ra
IV 07:26:40:29 Ra 02:08:33:45
Ke Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Ve Ra
8 2 Significators - Planets View
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 4 8 1
Mo 5 5 12 12
VII 10:26:40:00 Ma+ 5 5 12 4, 9
Ju 09:01:57:11 Me 11:14:16:37 IX 00:25:42:46 Me+ 5 7 6, 7 2, 11
Sa 09:07:24:20 Ve 01:16:18:04 Ju+ 8 5 1 5, 8
Ma 09:17:22:02 9 Ve+ 5 9 12 3, 10
Mo 09:17:30:15
10 12 Sa 8 5 1 6, 7
V 08:27:22:25
Ra 10 10
VI 09:27:37:07 VIII 11:25:11:45 Ke 4 4
Su 00:02:39:34
Rahu acts as agent for: Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Su 02:39:34 Ve 16:18:04 Ra 08:33:45 Dasa Summary

IX 25:42:46 X 26:40:29 XI 27:22:25
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
01-Sep-2014 - 01-Sep-2024 01-Sep-2024 - 01-Sep-2031 01-Sep-2031 - 01-Sep-2049
Moon 01-Sep-2014 Mars 01-Sep-2024 Rahu 01-Sep-2031
Mars 02-Jul-2015 Rahu 28-Jan-2025 Jupiter 15-May-2034
VIII 25:11:45 Rahu 31-Jan-2016 Jupiter 15-Feb-2026 Saturn 08-Oct-2036
Me 14:16:37 Jupiter 02-Aug-2017 Saturn 22-Jan-2027 Mercury 14-Aug-2039
Name: Corona virus vaccine XII 27:37:07 Saturn 02-Dec-2018 Mercury 02-Mar-2028 Ketu 03-Mar-2042
Gender: Male Mercury 02-Jul-2020 Ketu 27-Feb-2029 Venus 21-Mar-2043
Date: Thursday, 16/Apr/2020 Ketu 01-Dec-2021 Venus 26-Jul-2029 Sun 22-Mar-2046
Venus 02-Jul-2022 Sun 25-Sep-2030 Moon 13-Feb-2047
Time: 11:28:35 AM SID: 00:28:21 Sun 02-Mar-2024 Moon 31-Jan-2031 Mars 14-Aug-2048
Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 01-Sep-2049 - 01-Sep-2065 01-Sep-2065 - 01-Sep-2084 01-Sep-2084 - 01-Sep-2101
Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Jupiter 01-Sep-2049 Saturn 01-Sep-2065 Mercury 01-Sep-2084
VII 26:40:00 Saturn 20-Oct-2051 Mercury 04-Sep-2068 Ketu 28-Jan-2087
I 26:40:00 Mercury 03-May-2054 Ketu 15-May-2071 Venus 25-Jan-2088
Ayanamsa: 24° 3' Ketu 08-Aug-2056 Venus 23-Jun-2072 Sun 26-Nov-2090
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Venus 15-Jul-2057 Sun 23-Aug-2075 Moon 02-Oct-2091
Star: Sravana, Pada 3 Sun 14-Mar-2060 Moon 04-Aug-2076 Mars 03-Mar-2093
VI 27:37:07 Star Lord: Moon Moon 01-Jan-2061 Mars 05-Mar-2078 Rahu 01-Mar-2094
Mo 17:30:15 Mars 02-May-2062 Rahu 14-Apr-2079 Jupiter 17-Sep-2096
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun
Ma 17:22:02 Rahu 08-Apr-2063 Jupiter 18-Feb-2082 Saturn 23-Dec-2098
Sa 07:24:20 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Navami
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
Ju 01:57:11 Bal. Dasa: Moon 4 Y, 4 M, 14 D 01-Sep-2101 - 01-Sep-2108 01-Sep-2108 - 01-Sep-2128 01-Sep-2128 - 01-Sep-2134
II 25:11:45 Ketu 01-Sep-2101 Venus 01-Sep-2108 Sun 01-Sep-2128
Venus 28-Jan-2102 Sun 01-Jan-2112 Moon 20-Dec-2128
Sun 30-Mar-2103 Moon 01-Jan-2113 Mars 20-Jun-2129
Moon 05-Aug-2103 Mars 01-Sep-2114 Rahu 26-Oct-2129
Mars 05-Mar-2104 Rahu 01-Nov-2115 Jupiter 20-Sep-2130
Rahu 01-Aug-2104 Jupiter 01-Nov-2118 Saturn 09-Jul-2131
Jupiter 19-Aug-2105 Saturn 03-Jul-2121 Mercury 20-Jun-2132
V 27:22:25 Saturn 26-Jul-2106 Mercury 02-Sep-2124 Ketu 26-Apr-2133
Ke 08:33:45 IV 26:40:29 III 25:42:46 Mercury 04-Sep-2107 Ketu 03-Jul-2127 Venus 01-Sep-2133
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine May 2020
During Mercury bhukti, first is Mercury antra, but Mercury is not twice in the RP;, next will
be Ketu Antra, but we can’t not consider it as a late event, thus next Venus but not in the
RPs, next Sun not in the RPs, next is Moon, we have taken as dasa lord. Next is Mars not in
the RPs, next is Rahu from 17-04-2021 to 03-07-2021.

Antra lord Rahu is in the star and sub of own. Rahu is occupant of 10. Rahu is in Gemini
sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 7, owner of 2-11. No planet in the
star of Mercury, and Mercury is the CSL of 3-9. Thus antra lord Rahu is the significator of 10
-7-2-11-3-9. This antra lord Rahu signifies 9. Also it is in the RPs.

My opinion: Chance of invention of vaccine for Corona virus would be during 17-04-2021 to

KP Ezine May 2020 34

By: Gunti Nagaraju
KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

On 29 March 2020 during morning hours ie: at 07-17-11 A.M, a question arose in my mind
regarding the arrival of my brother-in-law.
“When will Mr Murali, who has gone to his daughter’s house (at Ameerpet) due to
government’s lockdown on account of CORONAVIRUS, will be back to his place of stay at
Tarnaka Secundrabad with us?”.

Immediately I erected a ruling planets chart as I wish to solve this query with the help of
ruling planets that too only with the help of SUN’s transit.

1) Whether my desire is promised?

As per the RPs chart, 11th cusp sub lord is Mars+ which co-rules 5th also. No planets are
placed in the stars of Mars. Mars is the lord of the 1 and 8 in 10 in conjunction with Saturn
(lord of 11 &12 in 10). Mars is placed in the star of Sun lord of 6 in 12th and the sub of
Saturn lord of 11 and 12 in 10. Thus Mars+ 11th cusp sub lord signifies @STL 12 and @SBL
11 promises the event.

2) Since I would be dealing the query with the help of following ruling planets @TOJ, I have
to analyze the strength of the same before proceeding further with the help of only SUN’s


Ruling Planets at TOJ— 29-03-2020 @07-17-11 A.M.---

We have RPs as- SUN(3)-KETHU-MARS+-MERC+-VENUS+.


Here I would like to furnish the related rules to refresh our memory—
Sri Kuppu Ganapathi in his article on “ guidelines for preparing and judging a horary chart
as per K P System or KP principles published in the early issue of our KP Ezine—
Under Rule no. 18, in order of Merit and Strength, in the descending order, the following
planets are regarded as the ruling planets.
Asc. or Lagna Star- lord./ Asc. Sign- lord.
3)Moon Star-lord./ 4) Moon Sign- lord.
5) Daylord.

The above are only treated as Ruling Planets by our GURUJI. Later on, many researchers
have revealed that the ASC. sub-lord and Moon sub-lord should also be included as ruling
planets. This is quite an in consonance with the sub theory of our Great GURUJI and
thousands of astrologers and great scholars in K.P. by taking Sub-lords as ruling planets
have given innumerable accurate predictions. Therefore when we include these two sub lords
ie: Asc. sub-lord and Moon sub-lords, they take precedence over the Ascendant star-lord and
Moon star-lord in the meriting. He also adds that, if need be sub-sub-lord also can be taken
as RPs. This is left to individual astrologers based on their experience. Apart from the above
any planet aspected by the above selected ruling planets and are in the sign, star or sub of

KP Ezine May 2020 35

Sun Rise: 06:13:02 AM Sun Set: 06:28:37 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Priti Hora: Venus Karana: Bav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Aswini(2) Ma Ke Su Ke Ve
2 Krittika(3) Ve Su Sa Ra Ve
3 Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Me Ra Me
Ruling Planets - 21/Apr/2020 02:00:10 PM 4 Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Ke Me Mo
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ma Mo Sa
6 P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Ke Me Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Chitra(4) Ve Ma Ve Ra Ju
Lagna Mo Me Sa Ra Me 8 Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Sa Ma Ju
Moon Ju Me Me Sa Ju 9 Moola(1) Ju Ke Ve Su Ju
Day Lord: Mars 10 P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Ke Sa Su
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ma Mo Sa
12 P.Bhadra(2) Sa Ju Ve Ve Mo
II 01:04:45:19 XII 10:26:38:39
Mo 01:06:01:44 Su 11:14:47:21 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Ve 01:00:42:36 Su U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ra Ma Ra
III 02:01:11:56 I 00:03:31:22 Mo Krittika(3) Ve Su Me Mo Ve
XI 09:24:04:53
Ra 02:09:31:32 2 11 Me 10:17:35:15 Ma U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Sa Ra Ve
3 10 Me Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Su Ra Ju
Ju U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ra Sa Mo
Ve Krittika(2) Ve Su Ra Ve Ju
Sa U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Ra Ma
IV 02:26:29:59 Ju 08:29:58:25 Ra Aridra(1) Me Ra Ju Ke Sa
X 08:26:29:59
Ke Moola(3) Ju Ke Sa Sa Mo
1 Sa 09:06:26:16
Ma 09:04:44:11 Significators - Planets View
3 9
7 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 10 12 11, 12 6
Mo+ 12 2 6 5
VII 06:03:31:22 Ma+ 12 10 6 1, 8
V 03:24:04:53 Ke 08:09:31:32 Me+ 3 11 3, 4
IX 08:01:11:56 Ju+ 12 10 6 9, 10
4 9 Ve+ 12 1 6 2, 7
5 8 Sa 12 10 6 11, 12
Ra 3 3
VI 04:26:38:39 VIII 07:04:45:19 Ke 9 9
Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

I 03:31:22 Ve 00:42:36 III 01:11:56 Dasa Summary

II 04:45:19 Ra 09:31:32
Mo 06:01:44 IV 26:29:59 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
12-Jan-2016 - 12-Jan-2022 12-Jan-2022 - 12-Jan-2032 12-Jan-2032 - 12-Jan-2039
Sun 12-Jan-2016 Moon 12-Jan-2022 Mars 12-Jan-2032
Moon 30-Apr-2016 Mars 12-Nov-2022 Rahu 09-Jun-2032
Mars 30-Oct-2016 Rahu 13-Jun-2023 Jupiter 27-Jun-2033
Su 14:47:21 Rahu 07-Mar-2017 Jupiter 13-Dec-2024 Saturn 03-Jun-2034
Name: RP V 24:04:53 Jupiter 30-Jan-2018 Saturn 14-Apr-2026 Mercury 13-Jul-2035
Gender: Male Saturn 18-Nov-2018 Mercury 13-Nov-2027 Ketu 09-Jul-2036
Date: Sunday, 29/Mar/2020 Mercury 31-Oct-2019 Ketu 14-Apr-2029 Venus 05-Dec-2036
Ketu 05-Sep-2020 Venus 13-Nov-2029 Sun 04-Feb-2038
Time: 07:17:11 AM SID: 19:28:54 Venus 11-Jan-2021 Sun 14-Jul-2031 Moon 12-Jun-2038
Lat: 17:27:00 N Lon: 78:30:00 E
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 12-Jan-2039 - 12-Jan-2057 12-Jan-2057 - 12-Jan-2073 12-Jan-2073 - 12-Jan-2092
XII 26:38:39 Place: SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA Rahu 12-Jan-2039 Jupiter 12-Jan-2057 Saturn 12-Jan-2073
Me 17:35:15 PRADESH, India Jupiter 24-Sep-2041 Saturn 01-Mar-2059 Mercury 15-Jan-2076
VI 26:38:39 Saturn 18-Feb-2044 Mercury 12-Sep-2061 Ketu 24-Sep-2078
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 58" Mercury 25-Dec-2046 Ketu 19-Dec-2063 Venus 03-Nov-2079
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ketu 14-Jul-2049 Venus 24-Nov-2064 Sun 03-Jan-2083
Star: Krittika, Pada 3 Venus 01-Aug-2050 Sun 25-Jul-2067 Moon 16-Dec-2083
Star Lord: Sun Sun 01-Aug-2053 Moon 12-May-2068 Mars 17-Jul-2085
Moon 26-Jun-2054 Mars 11-Sep-2069 Rahu 26-Aug-2086
Lagna: Aries Lagna Lord: Mars
XI 24:04:53 Mars 26-Dec-2055 Rahu 18-Aug-2070 Jupiter 02-Jul-2089
Sa 06:26:16 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Panchami
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
Ma 04:44:11 Bal. Dasa: Sun 1 Y, 9 M, 13 D 12-Jan-2092 - 12-Jan-2109 12-Jan-2109 - 12-Jan-2116 12-Jan-2116 - 12-Jan-2136
Mercury 12-Jan-2092 Ketu 12-Jan-2109 Venus 12-Jan-2116
Ketu 10-Jun-2094 Venus 10-Jun-2109 Sun 14-May-2119
Venus 07-Jun-2095 Sun 10-Aug-2110 Moon 14-May-2120
Sun 08-Apr-2098 Moon 16-Dec-2110 Mars 12-Jan-2122
Moon 12-Feb-2099 Mars 17-Jul-2111 Rahu 14-Mar-2123
Ju 29:58:25 Mars 14-Jul-2100 Rahu 13-Dec-2111 Jupiter 14-Mar-2126
X 26:29:59 Rahu 11-Jul-2101 Jupiter 31-Dec-2112 Saturn 13-Nov-2128
Ke 09:31:32 Jupiter 28-Jan-2104 Saturn 07-Dec-2113 Mercury 12-Jan-2132
IX 01:11:56 VIII 04:45:19 VII 03:31:22 Saturn 06-May-2106 Mercury 16-Jan-2115 Ketu 13-Nov-2134
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine May 2020 36
any of the Ruling Planets can be included as Ruling Planets.

Analysis of the strength of the RPs---

1) Out of the five RPs @TOJ, Sun which has reflected thrice is powerful than the rest of the
Sun is the lord of 6th is in 12th. It is placed in the star of Saturn lord of 11 and 12 in 10 and
the Sub of Rahu in 3rd.
Rahu represents Mercury lord of 3 and 4 in 11, and also Jupiter lord of 10 in 10th.
Thus SUN signifies @STL 11. (12-change of the environment from the existing place of stay)
and @SBL 3-short journey, 4- his permanent place of stay, and 11th fulfillment of desire.
Thus Sun which signifies 3,11 and 4 and reflected thrice is a very strong one.

2) Mercury+ (SBL of Moon sign) is the 3 cusp SBL. No planets are placed in Mercury stars.
Mercury is in the star of Rahu in 3rd and in the sub of Sun lord 6 in 12. We have already
seen the Rahu’s representatives Mercury and Jupiter in the above para.
Thus Mercury+ signifies @STL 3,4,11 and @SBL 6,12.

3) Kethu (STL of the Asc.) is the sub lord of 4,6 and 10 placed in 9th. It is in the star of Kethu
in 9 and the sub of Saturn lord 11 and 12 in 10.
Kethu represents Jupiter lord 10 in 10.
Thus Kethu signifies @STL 9 and @SBL 11, 10 and 12.

4) Mars+ (SGL of the ASC.) rules 5 and 11 cusps. Mars is the lord of 1 and 8 in 6th. Mars+
(no planets are placed in Mars stars) is in the star of Sun lord of 6 in 12 and the sub of
Saturn lord of 11 and 12 in 10.
Thus Mars+ signifies @STL 6, 8, 10, 12 and @SBL 10, 12 and 11 and signifies 11 as Sub

5) Venus+. No planets are placed in its stars and rules 7,9,12 cusps. Venus is the lord of 2
and 7 in 1st and the sub of Rahu in 3rd. We have already seen the Rahu’s representatives-
Mercury and Jupiter in above paras.

The strength of the above RPs can be assessed better by the following equation which is the
essence of our KP system

not give the result required).
STL NEGATIVE + SBL POSITIVE—POSITIVE RESULTS with great efforts and problems.

Let me check the RPs in the form of the above equation----

1) SUN-@STL--11(12) +@SBL 3-4-11—100% POSITVE RESULTS.
3A) MARS+ @ STL 6, 8, 10, 12 + @SBL 11, 10, 12—PSITIVE RESULTS.
3B) VENUS+ @ STL 2, 6, 7, 12 + @ SBL 3,4,11,—POSITIVE RESULTS.
From the above our RPs when arranged as per the equation the strength would be in
above order-----SUN –VENUS+--MERCURY--MARS+-- KETHU.
At the time of the erection of horary chart that is on 29 March 2020, Sun was transiting in
Pisces sign from 14/03/2020 to 14/04/2020. That is to say, Jupiter is the Sign-lord—
Saturn was the Star-lord. Jupiter the sign-lord is not in our RPs and so the event can not hap-
pen within 14 April 2020.
Next Sun moves to Aries sign and transits from 14 April 2020 to 15 May 2020. Aries is ruled
by Mars and Mars is in our RPs. Under Aries sign, Kethu- Venus and Sun are the star lords
available. So during the said period since Mars as SGL, Kethu, Venus and Sun star-lords are

KP Ezine May 2020 37

available in our RPs, the event of Mr Murali’s arrival has to take place during one of the star
lords before 15 May 2020.
Though all the three star-lords are showing positive results, that is to say –Kethu and Mars
show positive house-11 @its SBL level, Venus+ shows all the three 3-4-11 positive houses at
its SBL, I have given preference to VENUS+ as it is stronger than KETHU though it is a node.
So based on this analogy, since Sun’s transit on Venus star will be from 27april 2020 to
11May 2020, I expect Murali to come before 11/05/2020, depending on the position of the
Sub lord who decides the event and its fructification date.
So far I have considered Mars SGL and Venus STL and now I am left with SUN(3)-KETHU AND
The transit of Sun in Aries sign over Venus star- Bharani- would be from 27th April to 11th
May and the event of his homecoming should take place.
Now under the transit of Venus star, Sub will decide the date of his arrival.
The day lord is Mercury, the SGL Mars, the STL Venus, the SBL Sun and SSBL Sun as
effective date to give the fructification of the event of Mr Murali’s homecoming.
The transit of Sun in Aries sign over Venus star- Bharani- would be from 27th April to 11th
May and the event of his homecoming should take place.
Now under the transit of Venus star, Sub will decide the date of his arrival.
On 29 April 2020- Wednesday-Mercury, Sun will be transiting in Aries sign—Mars SGL –on
Bharani-Venus STL- Sun SBL.
Here Day Lord Mercury (SBL of Moon sign in RPs) signifies @STL 3-4-11/@SBL--.
Sign –Lord Mars+(ASC. sign-lord) signifies @STL--and @SBL 11,
Star-Lord Venus+ (in RPs as Moon SGL) signifies @STL 2 and @SBL 3,4, 11.
Sun SBL – (reflected twice in RPs) signify @STL 11 and @SBL 3,4, 11.
All are in our ruling planets and strong enough to give the event.
This position can be verified easily from April 2020 of KP Panchang 2020 of Sri Kanak
Bosmia Ji.

So I feel that Mr Murali would come back to his home @ Tarnaka, by afternoon hours of
29th April 2020.

KP Ezine May 2020 38

By: Tin Win

First time 2 corona virus cases were found in Myanmar when transit Mars (6th lord for
sudden fever raising and infectious disease) enters into the 3rd house Capricorn sign for
lungs of Myanmar Independence chart and combined with transiting Saturn and Pluto
(dangerous disease) over natal Venus (12th lord for hospitalization/ death). Conjunction of
transiting Mars, Saturn & Pluto are opposing natal Saturn (3rd lord lungs disease) and Pluto.
At the same time transit Mars is aspecting natal Rahu (dangerous viral disease) in 6th house
and natal Mars and Fortuna in 10th house. Transit Saturn is also aspecting Ketu (dangerous
disease) in 12th house (hospitalization/ death). Transit Mars in its strongest sign and Saturn
in its own sign Capricorn are strong to give bad results for corona virus disease by lordship
of 6th and 3rd respectively in combination of transit Pluto.

Even though transit Jupiter is aspecting 6, 8 and 10 houses up to Mrach 28, strong Mars
caused the start of corona virus earlier than expected but not much spread of disease till
transit Jupiter moves to Capricorn sign on March 29 to join Capricorn sign it will make the
bad results of conjoined Mars, Saturn and Pluto worse and restrictive nature of sign open by
Jupiter’s nature of expansion, i.e. spread of disease.

On 11 April the number of infected cases is 38 with 3 dead. The situation can be worse
around April 12-13 when transit Mars exactly aspects natal Mars in the Independence chart
and then around April 26-27 when transit Mars exactly aspects the 6th cusp. As of 26 April
the number of infected cases is 146 with 5 dead.

The relief can be expected after Mars, the only one planet covered with blood color, leaves the
Capricorn sign on 5 May 2010. Transit Saturn will be retrograding from 12 May 2020.
Transit Jupiter will be retrograding from May 15 and entering back into Sagittarius sign from
1 July 2020.

Dasa Analysis in Myanmar Independence Chart

The following dasa analysis also indicates the situation would be under control during joint
das period Mercury/Jupiter/Venus from 09 May to 21 Sept 2020.

Joint das period Mercury/Jupiter/Ketu is running from 19 March to 08 May 2020.

Joint das period Mercury/Jupiter/Venus is running from 09 May to 21 Sept 2020.
Joint das period Mercury/Jupiter/Sun is running from 22 Sept to 02 Nov 2020.

Dasa lord Mercury is in 2, lord of 8,11, in the star of Venus in 3, lord of 7,12 and in sub of
Rahu+ in 6, aspected by Saturn+ in 9, lord of 3,4, in Aries sign representing Mars in 9, lord
of 1,6. No planet is in the stars of Saturn, which is the CSL of 4,6,7,12. Mercury signifies
negative 2,3,6,7,8,9 Badhaka and 12, along with positive 1,11.

Bhukti lord Jupiter is 1, lord of 2,5, in the star of Mercury in 2, lord of 8,11, and in sub of
Moon in 11, lord of 9, signifying negative 2,8 and 9 Badhaka, along with positive 1,5,11.
First Antra lord Ketu+ is in 12, in Libra sign representing Venus in 3, lord of 7,12, in the
star of Jupiter in 1, lord of 2,5, and in sub of Venus in 3, lord of 7,12, signifying negative
2,3,7 and 12, along with positive 1,5.

Second Antra lord Venus is in 3, lord of 7,12, in the star of Moon in 11, lord of 9. and in sub
of Mercury is in 2, lord of 8,11, signifying negative 2,3.7,8, and 12, along with positive 5,11.

KP Ezine May 2020 39

Myanmar Independence
Sun Rise: 06:35:16 AM Sun Set: 05:44:30 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Atiganda Hora: Mercury Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Ma Ju
2 P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Mo Ve Me
3 Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Ma Ve
Ruling Planets - 26/Apr/2020 06:20:53 PM 4 P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Sa Sa Me
Rockville, Maryland, USA 5 Revati(3) Ju Me Ma Sa Ju
6 Bharani(3) Ma Ve Sa Sa Ra
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Rohini(3) Ve Mo Sa Ju Ve
Lagna Me Ma Ra Sa Ve 8 Aridra(4) Me Ra Ve Me Ju
Moon Ve Ma Ra Mo Ve 9 Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Ke Mo Sa
Day Lord: Sun 10 P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Ju Ra Mo
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Chitra(1) Me Ma Ma Sa Ju
12 Visakha(1) Ve Ju Sa Me Me
II 17:14:40 Ke 27:37:26
Su 19:24:11 XII 22:08:04 Planetary Positions
Me 19:36:58
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 17:38:25 Su P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Ve Ve
III 18:48:24 Ju 22:43:08 Mo Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Sa Ma
Mo 24:53:13
Ve 19:28:46 9 7 XI 23:42:29 Ma P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Ve Ra Mo
10 6 Me P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Ve Sa
Ju Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Mo Sa Sa
Ve Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Sa Ve
Sa[R] Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Sa Ve Ra
IV 21:51:42 X 21:51:42 Ra Krittika(1) Ma Su Mo Ra Ve
Ke Visakha(3) Ve Ju Ve Ra Su
11 5 Significators - Planets View
2 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 3 2 7, 12 10
Mo 9 11 1, 6 9
VII 17:38:25 Ma 3 9 7, 12 1, 6
V 23:42:29 Sa[R] 28:47:52 Me 3 2 7, 12 8, 11
IX 18:48:24 Ju 2 1 8, 11 2, 5
12 Ma 14:25:56 Ve 11 3 9 7, 12
1 3 Sa+ 2 9 8, 11 3, 4
Ra+ 2 6 10
VI 22:08:04 VIII 17:14:40 Ke+ 1 12 2, 5
Ra 27:37:26
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ve. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VI 22:08:04 VII 17:38:25 VIII 17:14:40 Dasa Summary

Ra 27:37:26
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
11-Mar-1947 - 11-Mar-1954 11-Mar-1954 - 11-Mar-1972 11-Mar-1972 - 11-Mar-1988
Mars 11-Mar-1947 Rahu 11-Mar-1954 Jupiter 11-Mar-1972
Rahu 07-Aug-1947 Jupiter 21-Nov-1956 Saturn 28-Apr-1974
Jupiter 25-Aug-1948 Saturn 16-Apr-1959 Mercury 09-Nov-1976
V 23:42:29 Saturn 01-Aug-1949 Mercury 21-Feb-1962 Ketu 14-Feb-1979
Name: Myanmar Independence IX 18:48:24 Mercury 09-Sep-1950 Ketu 09-Sep-1964 Venus 21-Jan-1980
Gender: Male Sa[R] 28:47:52 Ketu 07-Sep-1951 Venus 27-Sep-1965 Sun 22-Sep-1982
Date: Sunday, 04/Jan/1948 Venus 03-Feb-1952 Sun 27-Sep-1968 Moon 11-Jul-1983
Sun 05-Apr-1953 Moon 22-Aug-1969 Mars 10-Nov-1984
Time: 04:20:00 AM SID: 11:04:24 Moon 10-Aug-1953 Mars 20-Feb-1971 Rahu 17-Oct-1985
Lat: 16:46:00 N Lon: 96:10:00 E
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
TZ: +06:30 DST: 0.00 11-Mar-1988 - 11-Mar-2007 11-Mar-2007 - 11-Mar-2024 11-Mar-2024 - 11-Mar-2031
Place: Yangon, Independence Monument, Saturn 11-Mar-1988 Mercury 11-Mar-2007 Ketu 11-Mar-2024
IV 21:51:42 Myanmar Mercury 14-Mar-1991 Ketu 07-Aug-2009 Venus 07-Aug-2024
Ma 14:25:56 Ketu 21-Nov-1993 Venus 04-Aug-2010 Sun 07-Oct-2025
Ayanamsa: 23° 2' 28" X 21:51:42 Venus 31-Dec-1994 Sun 04-Jun-2013 Moon 11-Feb-2026
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Sun 02-Mar-1998 Moon 11-Apr-2014 Mars 12-Sep-2026
Star: Chitra, Pada 1 Moon 12-Feb-1999 Mars 10-Sep-2015 Rahu 09-Feb-2027
Star Lord: Mars Mars 12-Sep-2000 Rahu 06-Sep-2016 Jupiter 27-Feb-2028
Rahu 21-Oct-2001 Jupiter 26-Mar-2019 Saturn 02-Feb-2029
Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars
Jupiter 27-Aug-2004 Saturn 01-Jul-2021 Mercury 13-Mar-2030
Ve 19:28:46 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Ashtami
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
III 18:48:24 Bal. Dasa: Mars 6 Y, 2 M, 6 D 11-Mar-2031 - 11-Mar-2051 11-Mar-2051 - 11-Mar-2057 11-Mar-2057 - 11-Mar-2067
XI 23:42:29 Venus 11-Mar-2031 Sun 11-Mar-2051 Moon 11-Mar-2057
Mo 24:53:13 Sun 10-Jul-2034 Moon 28-Jun-2051 Mars 09-Jan-2058
Moon 10-Jul-2035 Mars 28-Dec-2051 Rahu 10-Aug-2058
Mars 11-Mar-2037 Rahu 04-May-2052 Jupiter 09-Feb-2060
Rahu 11-May-2038 Jupiter 28-Mar-2053 Saturn 10-Jun-2061
Jupiter 11-May-2041 Saturn 14-Jan-2054 Mercury 09-Jan-2063
Me 19:36:58 Saturn 09-Jan-2044 Mercury 27-Dec-2054 Ketu 10-Jun-2064
Su 19:24:11 Ju 22:43:08 Ke 27:37:26 Mercury 11-Mar-2047 Ketu 03-Nov-2055 Venus 09-Jan-2065
II 17:14:40 I 17:38:25 XII 22:08:04 Ketu 10-Jan-2050 Venus 10-Mar-2056 Sun 09-Sep-2066
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine May 2020 40
Third Antra lord Sun is in 2, lord of 10, in the star of Venus is in 3, lord of 7,12 and in and
in sub of Rahu+ in 6, aspected by Saturn+ in 9, lord of 3,4, in Aries sign representing Mars
in 9, lord of 1,6. No planet is in the stars of Saturn, which is the CSL of 4,6,7,12. Sun
signifies negative 2,3,6,7,9 Badhaka and 12, along with positive 1.

KP Ezine May 2020 41

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School,
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: Pin: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Email :;

Question: Moulana Sad was underground and Delhi police is trying to arrest him. When he
will be arrested?
Number: 27 (out of 249)
Date of Judgment: 18-04-2020; Saturday; Time of Judgment: 14:22:50 PM
Place of Judgment: Kankariya-Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36'.
Ayanamsha: 240.03'.01"; Dasa days: 365.25

Arrest a person:
If 6th cusp sub lord (police) signifies 1 (self-effort), and 11(success), police can be able to
arrest a runaway person in the DBA of 1-11 significators.

If 11th cusp sub lord (court order) signifies 6 (victory over enemy), 11 (success) during DBA of
6-11, one can be arrested by police on court order.

If 7th cusp sub lord signifies 5 (gain to opponent), 10th (4th from 7th come back home), 6th
(12th from 7th - loss of reputation) during DBA of 5-6-10, one can be arrested by police on
court order.

Cuspal Sub Lord

Cusps 6th (Libra 000.17’.30”): The sub lord of 6th cusp is Mercury. Mercury is in the star of
and sub of own. Mercury is occupant of 11, owner of 2-3. Star and sub lord is also Mercury.
Thus 6th cusp sub lord Mercury signifies 11-2-3. The 6th sub lord Mercury signifies 11,
hence, police will arrest him.

Cusps 11th (Aqurius 240.11’.21”): The sub lord of 11th cusp is Mercury. Mercury is in the
star of and sub of own. Mercury is occupant of 11, owner of 2-3. Star and sub lord is also
Mercury. Thus 11th cusp sub lord Mercury signifies 11-2-3. The 11th sub lord Mercury
signifies 11, hence, police will arrest him by order of court.

Cusps 7th (Scorpio 070.00’.00”): The sub lord of 7th cusp is Mercury. Mercury is in the star
of and sub of own. Mercury is occupant of 11, owner of 2-3. Star and sub lord is also
Mercury. Thus 7th cusp sub lord Mercury signifies 11-2-3. The 7th cusp sub lord Mercury
signifies 11, hence, police will arrest him by order of court..

Ruling Planets
Day lord Sign lord Star lord Sub lord
Day: Saturday Saturn — — —
RP Ascendant: Leo 01°.59'.37” — Sun Ketu Venus
RP Moon: Aquarius 13°.07'.31” — Saturn Rahu Mercury
The ruling planets are Saturn-Sun-Ketu-Venus-Rahu-Mercury.

Joint Period
At the time of horary calculation running dasa is Rahu up to 31-07-2029. Joint period is
Rahu-Mercury-Venus-Jupiter up to 24-04-2020.

Dasa lord Rahu is in the star and sub of own. Rahu is occupant of 2. Rahu is in Gemini sign,
hence represent Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 11, owner of 2-3. Star and sub lord is also
Rahu. Thus dasa lord Rahu signifies 2-11-3. Dasa lord indicate 11. Also it is in the RPs.

KP Ezine May 2020 42

Horary No. 27/249
Sun Rise: 06:16:37 AM Sun Set: 07:01:30 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shukla Hora: Jupiter Karana: Balav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 27 1 Krittika(4) Ve Su Ke Ke Ke
Question : Maulana Sad underground and Delhi polish is trying to arrest him. When he 2 Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Ve Su Me
will be arrested?
3 Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Ve Ma Ve
Ruling Planets - 18/Apr/2020 02:22:50 PM 4 Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ma Ma Sa
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Me Me Ra
6 Chitra(3) Ve Ma Me Ke Ve
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Me Ju Ra
Lagna Su Ke Ve Ju Sa 8 Moola(1) Ju Ke Su Ma Me
Moon Sa Ra Me Ve Ju 9 U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Su Ve Me
Day Lord: Saturn 10 Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ma Ma Sa
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 P.Bhadra(2) Sa Ju Me Ke Mo
12 Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ke Ma Ju
II 02:03:06:31 Su 00:04:44:01
Ra 02:08:27:00 XII 00:00:17:30 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 01:07:00:00 Su Aswini(2) Ma Ke Mo Su Ra
III 02:27:19:00 Ve 01:17:49:50 Mo Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Me Ve Ju
XI 10:24:11:21
3 1 Me 11:17:58:35 Ma Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Ra Ra
3 11 Me Revati(1) Ju Me Me Ra Mo
Ju U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Ve Ve
Ve Rohini(3) Ve Mo Me Me Ke
Sa U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ke Ju Ke
IV 03:23:20:56 X 09:23:20:56 Ra Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Mo Ju
Mo 10:13:07:31
Ke Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Ve Ve
4 10 Significators - Planets View
8 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 8 12 5
Mo 2 10 4
VII 07:07:00:00 Ma+ 10 9 4 7, 12
V 04:24:11:21 IX 08:27:19:00 Me 11 11 2, 3 2, 3
Ma 09:18:50:24 Ju+ 12 9 5 8, 9
5 Sa 09:07:29:12 Ve+ 10 1 4 1, 6
Ju 09:02:07:40
7 9 Sa+ 12 9 5 10, 11
Ra 2 2
VI 06:00:17:30 Ke 08:08:27:00 Ke 8 8
VIII 08:03:06:31
Rahu acts as agent for: Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

XII 00:17:30 I 07:00:00 II 03:06:31 Dasa Summary

Su 04:44:01 Ve 17:49:50 Ra 08:27:00
III 27:19:00 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
31-Jul-2011 - 31-Jul-2029 31-Jul-2029 - 31-Jul-2045 31-Jul-2045 - 31-Jul-2064
Rahu 31-Jul-2011 Jupiter 31-Jul-2029 Saturn 31-Jul-2045
Jupiter 12-Apr-2014 Saturn 17-Sep-2031 Mercury 03-Aug-2048
Saturn 05-Sep-2016 Mercury 31-Mar-2034 Ketu 12-Apr-2051
Me 17:58:35 Mercury 13-Jul-2019 Ketu 07-Jul-2036 Venus 22-May-2052
Name: Maulana Sad IV 23:20:56 Ketu 30-Jan-2022 Venus 13-Jun-2037 Sun 22-Jul-2055
Gender: Male Venus 17-Feb-2023 Sun 11-Feb-2040 Moon 03-Jul-2056
Date: Saturday, 18/Apr/2020 Sun 17-Feb-2026 Moon 29-Nov-2040 Mars 01-Feb-2058
Moon 12-Jan-2027 Mars 31-Mar-2042 Rahu 13-Mar-2059
Time: 02:22:50 PM SID: 03:30:58 Mars 13-Jul-2028 Rahu 07-Mar-2043 Jupiter 17-Jan-2062
Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 31-Jul-2064 - 31-Jul-2081 31-Jul-2081 - 31-Jul-2088 31-Jul-2088 - 31-Jul-2108
XI 24:11:21 Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Mercury 31-Jul-2064 Ketu 31-Jul-2081 Venus 31-Jul-2088
Mo 13:07:31 Ketu 27-Dec-2066 Venus 27-Dec-2081 Sun 29-Nov-2091
V 24:11:21 Venus 24-Dec-2067 Sun 26-Feb-2083 Moon 29-Nov-2092
Ayanamsa: 24° 3' 1" Sun 24-Oct-2070 Moon 04-Jul-2083 Mars 31-Jul-2094
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Moon 31-Aug-2071 Mars 02-Feb-2084 Rahu 30-Sep-2095
Star: Satabhisha, Pada 2 Mars 30-Jan-2073 Rahu 30-Jun-2084 Jupiter 30-Sep-2098
Star Lord: Rahu Rahu 27-Jan-2074 Jupiter 18-Jul-2085 Saturn 31-May-2101
X 23:20:56 Jupiter 15-Aug-2076 Saturn 24-Jun-2086 Mercury 31-Jul-2104
Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus
Ma 18:50:24 Saturn 21-Nov-2078 Mercury 03-Aug-2087 Ketu 01-Jun-2107
Sa 07:29:12 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Ekadasi
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
Ju 02:07:40 Bal. Dasa: Rahu 9 Y, 3 M, 11 D 31-Jul-2108 - 31-Jul-2114 31-Jul-2114 - 31-Jul-2124 31-Jul-2124 - 31-Jul-2131
Sun 31-Jul-2108 Moon 31-Jul-2114 Mars 31-Jul-2124
Moon 17-Nov-2108 Mars 31-May-2115 Rahu 27-Dec-2124
Mars 19-May-2109 Rahu 30-Dec-2115 Jupiter 14-Jan-2126
Rahu 24-Sep-2109 Jupiter 01-Jul-2117 Saturn 21-Dec-2126
Jupiter 18-Aug-2110 Saturn 31-Oct-2118 Mercury 30-Jan-2128
Saturn 07-Jun-2111 Mercury 31-May-2120 Ketu 26-Jan-2129
IX 27:19:00 Mercury 19-May-2112 Ketu 30-Oct-2121 Venus 24-Jun-2129
Ke 08:27:00 Ketu 25-Mar-2113 Venus 31-May-2122 Sun 24-Aug-2130
VIII 03:06:31 VII 07:00:00 VI 00:17:30 Venus 31-Jul-2113 Sun 29-Jan-2124 Moon 30-Dec-2130
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine May 2020
Bhukti lord Mercury is in the star and sub of own. Mercury is occupant of 11, owner of 2-3.
Star and sub lord is also Mercury. Thus bhukti lord Mercury signifies 1-2-3. Bhukti lord
indicates 11. Also it is in the RPs.

Antra lord Venus is in the star of Moon and sub of Mercury. Venus is occupant of 1, owner of
1-6. No planet is in the star of Venus, and Venus is the CSL of 2-3. Star lord Moon is
occupant of 10, owner of 4. Sub lord Mercury is occupant of 11, owner of 2-3. Thus antra
lord Venus signifies 1-6-2-3-10-4-11. Antra lord indicates 11. Alsoit is in the RPs.

Sookshma lord is Jupiter. But Jupiter is not in the RPs. Thus I check next Saturn sookshma
from 24-04-2020 to 18-05-2020.

Sookshma lord Saturn is in the star of Sun and sub of Ketu. Saturn is occupant of 9, owner
of 10-11. Star lord Sun is occupant of 12, owner of 5. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of 8. Ketu is
in Sagittarius sign, hence represents Jupiter. Jupiter is occupant of 9, owner of 8-9. Thus
Sookshma lord Saturn signifies 9-10-11-12-5-8. Sookshma lord Saturn indicate 2-6 along
with 1-5-9. Also it is in the RPs.

My opinion: During 24-04-2020 to 18-05-2020, Moulana Sad will be arrested with court

KP Ezine May 2020 44

By: Gunti Nagaraju
KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

Horary (No. 23 of 249 dated 08/04/2020) analysis on the self query.

On 08 April 2020, the above question spurred in my mind in the morning hours, and I
immediately opened one of the KP books and took the page no 23 at random as the horary
number and erected a horary chart @08-21-31 A.M @my place Tarnaka.

1) CO-Ordinates for judgment

4th cusp indicates the end of anything and everything/matter.
8-cusp indicates discontinuance, break of the statute, dismissal of earlier govt. order,
removal of earlier govt. order.
10-cusp indicates continuity of law/order, govt. authority, law enforcement.
11-fulfilment of one’s desire.
K P Rule says if the 4th cusp sub lord signifies 4 or 8 or 11, the event lifting the lockdown will
come to an end during the conjoined period of the significations of the houses of 4-8-11.

2) Whether the desire will be fulfilled?

11th cusp sub lord is Mars lord of 7 and 8 is in 9. Mars is placed in the star of Moon lord of 4
is in 6th, and in the Sub of mars lord of 7 and 8 is in 9th.
Thus mars signify @STL 4,8 and @SBL 8 . All the relevant houses are signified by the 11 th
cusp indicates desire fulfilment.
2A) as per Gulbarga theory the Asc. cusp sub-sub lord is Saturn is conjoined with Mars the
star lord of Moon in RPs and gets tallied. So the answer is positive.

3) As per the above KP Rule

As per the horary chart 4th cusp sub lord is Kethu is placed in 8th. Kethu is placed in the star
of Kethu in 8th and the Sub of Jupiter lord of 9 and 12 in 9th.
Thus 4th cusp sub lord Kethu signifies @STL 8 and @SBL 9 and 12.
So the answer is YES and the lockdown will be lifted soon in the conjoined period of the 4-8-
11 houses.
we have seen that 11th cusp also supports by signifying 4 and 8 houses.
8th cusp sub lord Jupiter as lord of 9 and 12 is in 9th. It is placed in the star of Sun lord of 5
in 12 and the sub of Rahu is in 2nd. Rahu represents Mercury lord of 3 and 6 is in 11. Thus
8th cusp sub lord Jupiter also signifies 11 through Rahu (MERC).


Note- Saturn aspects 4th cusp directly and so it causes delay.
Moon is in the SSBL of Saturn causes delay due to PP effect.

RPs @TOJ –on 08-04-2020 @ 08-22-57 A.M.---

NOTE- 1) Saturn and Mars are conjoined with Jupiter, so take Jupiter as RP.
2) Mercury is aspected by Moon and so take Moon as RP.

Common fruitful significations---MERC-SUN-SAT-RAHU-MOON-MARS.

KP Ezine May 2020 45

Horary No. 23/249
Sun Rise: 06:05:15 AM Sun Set: 06:30:35 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vyaghata Hora: Saturn Karana: Balav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 23 1 Krittika(2) Ve Su Ra Sa Ma
Question : When will center lift the lockdown for corona? 2 Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Ju Mo Ra
3 Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Sa Ve Ve
Ruling Planets - 08/Apr/2020 08:21:31 AM 4 Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Ke Ju Sa
SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA PRADESH, India 5 P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Ve Ra
6 Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ju Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Visakha(4) Ma Ju Mo Sa Ve
Lagna Ve Su Ju Ra Sa 8 Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Ju Mo Ra
Moon Me Ma Ra Sa Su 9 P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Sa Ke Ma
Day Lord: Mercury 10 Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Ra Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Ma Sa Me
12 Revati(3) Ju Me Ra Ju Sa
Ra 02:08:59:36 Su 11:24:41:20
II 01:27:23:47 XII 11:24:27:00 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 01:00:00:00 Su Revati(3) Ju Me Ra Sa Sa
III 02:22:34:07 Ve 01:09:48:50 Mo Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Sa Su
XI 10:19:31:02
2 12 Me 11:01:12:04 Ma Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ma Ve Ra
3 11 Me P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ma Ve Sa
Ju U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ra Ma Me
Ve Krittika(4) Ve Su Ve Me Ju
Sa U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ke Ke Ju
IV 03:19:01:23 X 09:19:01:23 Ra Aridra(1) Me Ra Ju Sa Ke
Ke Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Ma Ju
4 10 Significators - Planets View
8 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 11 12 3, 6 5
Mo 9 6 7, 8 4
VII 07:00:00:00 Ma 6 9 4 7, 8
V 04:19:31:02 IX 08:22:34:07 Me 9 11 9, 12 3, 6
Ma 09:11:43:03 Ju 12 9 5 9, 12
5 Sa 09:07:01:53 Ve+ 12 1 5 1, 2
Ju 09:01:10:13
6 8 Sa+ 12 9 5 10, 11
Ra 2 2
VI 05:24:27:00 VIII 07:27:23:47 Ke 8 8
Mo 05:24:51:17 Ke 08:08:59:36
Rahu acts as agent for: Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

I 00:00:00 Ra 08:59:36 Dasa Summary

Ve 09:48:50 III 22:34:07
II 27:23:47 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
21-Jun-2019 - 21-Jun-2026 21-Jun-2026 - 21-Jun-2044 21-Jun-2044 - 21-Jun-2060
Mars 21-Jun-2019 Rahu 21-Jun-2026 Jupiter 21-Jun-2044
Su 24:41:20 Rahu 17-Nov-2019 Jupiter 04-Mar-2029 Saturn 09-Aug-2046
XII 24:27:00 Jupiter 05-Dec-2020 Saturn 28-Jul-2031 Mercury 19-Feb-2049
Me 01:12:04 Saturn 11-Nov-2021 Mercury 03-Jun-2034 Ketu 28-May-2051
Name: Lockdown IV 19:01:23 Mercury 21-Dec-2022 Ketu 21-Dec-2036 Venus 03-May-2052
Gender: Male Ketu 18-Dec-2023 Venus 08-Jan-2038 Sun 01-Jan-2055
Date: Wednesday, 08/Apr/2020 Venus 15-May-2024 Sun 08-Jan-2041 Moon 21-Oct-2055
Sun 15-Jul-2025 Moon 03-Dec-2041 Mars 19-Feb-2057
Time: 08:21:31 AM SID: 21:12:50 Moon 20-Nov-2025 Mars 04-Jun-2043 Rahu 26-Jan-2058
Lat: 17:27:00 N Lon: 78:30:00 E
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 21-Jun-2060 - 21-Jun-2079 21-Jun-2079 - 21-Jun-2096 21-Jun-2096 - 21-Jun-2103
Place: SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA Saturn 21-Jun-2060 Mercury 21-Jun-2079 Ketu 21-Jun-2096
XI 19:31:02 PRADESH, India Mercury 24-Jun-2063 Ketu 17-Nov-2081 Venus 17-Nov-2096
V 19:31:02 Ketu 04-Mar-2066 Venus 14-Nov-2082 Sun 17-Jan-2098
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 59" Venus 12-Apr-2067 Sun 15-Sep-2085 Moon 25-May-2098
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Sun 12-Jun-2070 Moon 22-Jul-2086 Mars 24-Dec-2098
Star: Chitra, Pada 1 Moon 25-May-2071 Mars 21-Dec-2087 Rahu 22-May-2099
Star Lord: Mars Mars 24-Dec-2072 Rahu 18-Dec-2088 Jupiter 09-Jun-2100
X 19:01:23 Rahu 02-Feb-2074 Jupiter 06-Jul-2091 Saturn 16-May-2101
Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus
Ma 11:43:03 Jupiter 08-Dec-2076 Saturn 12-Oct-2093 Mercury 25-Jun-2102
Sa 07:01:53 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Pratipad
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
Ju 01:10:13 Bal. Dasa: Mars 6 Y, 2 M, 12 D 21-Jun-2103 - 21-Jun-2123 21-Jun-2123 - 21-Jun-2129 21-Jun-2129 - 21-Jun-2139
VI 24:27:00 Venus 21-Jun-2103 Sun 21-Jun-2123 Moon 21-Jun-2129
Mo 24:51:17 Sun 21-Oct-2106 Moon 09-Oct-2123 Mars 21-Apr-2130
Moon 21-Oct-2107 Mars 08-Apr-2124 Rahu 20-Nov-2130
Mars 21-Jun-2109 Rahu 14-Aug-2124 Jupiter 21-May-2132
Rahu 21-Aug-2110 Jupiter 09-Jul-2125 Saturn 20-Sep-2133
Jupiter 21-Aug-2113 Saturn 27-Apr-2126 Mercury 21-Apr-2135
Saturn 21-Apr-2116 Mercury 09-Apr-2127 Ketu 20-Sep-2136
IX 22:34:07 VIII 27:23:47 Mercury 21-Jun-2119 Ketu 13-Feb-2128 Venus 21-Apr-2137
Ke 08:59:36 VII 00:00:00 Ketu 21-Apr-2122 Venus 20-Jun-2128 Sun 21-Dec-2138
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine May 2020 46
-- Mars Dasa runs up to 2026(4,8) signifies @STL 4,8 and @SBL 8 is O.K.
The present lockdown announced by the centre will end on 14 April 2020.
Since there are PP dosha and Saturn aspects 4th our main house it will cause a delay in
ending and so I feel it will not end by 14 April 2020. It will be surely extended by a few days
Since the event has to happen within the month’s time I have to check Moon’s transit
directly instead of looking at the DBAS period.
Before proceeding further I want to take help of RPs and its strength in giving the event with
the help of KP Equation of RPs for arriving the strength of RPs.

KP Equation of the RPs


As per the above equation if analyze the strength of RPs—

2)SUN-------STL11+SBL11= 100% POSITIVE.
3)SAT+-----STL11 + SBL8= 100% POSITIVE.
5)MARS---STL8,4 + SBL 8-- DO---
6)RAHU----STL(--) + SBL (---)=100% NEGATIVE.

From the above, it is inferred that the positive RPs are to be taken on priority basis and later
negative or weak RPs.
So positive ruling planets are---SUN-SAT+-MERC-MARS.
Negative ruling planets are-----Venus+ -- Rahu.
With the help of the above RPs, now let me check the Moon’s transit date wise—
Presently Moon is transiting in Mercury sign (Virgo).
Since the present lockdown ends only on 14/04/2020, I have to check only after 14th April
2020 only.
On 15/04-Wed(Merc) (RP) in Capricorn sign (Saturn) in RPs. Both the planets are positive for
lifting. Since Mercury is a dual planet and there is PP dosha if at all the lockdown is to be
lifted it may be lifted partially or may be postponed.
on 16/04—Jupiter is the DL is not in our RPs.
on 17/04—Venus DL is in Rps. Transits in Aquarius sign –SGL Saturn is in RPs.
It transit on Mars star (100%positive ) should give the result actually, but it comes to Mars
star only after 05-00 p.m only. So the possibilities for the announcement are remote.
on 18/04—Saturn DL-yes, SGL Saturn yes, but STL is Rahu not in RPs. So rejected.
on 19/04—Sun DL and Saturn SGL are in RPs but the STL is Jupiter is not in RPs. So reject.
on 20/04—Moon DL not in RPs.
21/04-Mars- DL but SGL Jupiter –not in RPs.
22/04—Merc-DL but SGL SGL –NO.
23/04---JUP DL NOT IN RPs.
24/04—Venus DL,(negative RP)—so No.
25/04—Saturn DL SGL venus (---) so no.
26/04—Sun DL yes in RP and SGL Venus—(--) so No.
27/04—Moon DL –No RPs.
28/04—Mars DL—Mercury SGL –Jupiter STL (no RPs).
29/04—Mercury DL –SGL Mercury—STL Jupiter No RPs.
30/04—Jupiter DL –not in RPs.
01/05—Venus DL—negative RP.
02/05—Saturn DL—but SGL Moon –not in RPs.
03/05—SUN DL –SGL SUN—STL VENUS –negative RP. So reject.
04/05—Moon DL- not in Rps.

KP Ezine May 2020 47

05-05-2020—MARS DL—MERCURY SGL—MARS—STL—(AFTER 04-30-00 P.M).
ON 5TH MAY 2020 ON TUESDAY(Mars)—when Moon transits in Virgo sign –Mercury SGL—on
Mars star that is after 04-30-00 p.m in Mars sub lord lockdown will be lifted fully in all the
states of our INDIA.

KP Ezine May 2020 48

By: Tin Win

In the early morning of 21 April 2020, it was checked whether the CNN news, "Kim Jung Un
was in critical condition after surgery" true or false by casting the KP horary chart of
computer generated number 17 (out of 249), as attached.

KP Rule: Is the report true or false?

One has to judge the third house for any information or correspondence or communication or
We have to find out the sub-lord of the 3rd cusp; note in which constellation the sub-lord is
If the lord of constellation in which the sub-lord is deposited happens to be Saturn, the
report is false; and the lord happens to be any planet connected with Saturn in any manner,
the report is false; if it is Mars, then it is mischievous and false.
If it is Jupiter, it is true; and if it is connected with Jupiter the report will be correct.
This is the way to find out whether rumour is believable or not. (KP Reader VI, Horary
Astrology, pp 171-172)

3rd Cusp Sub Lord of No 17 Horary Chart

The 3rd cusp (13Ge08) sub lord is Mercury, in the star of Mercury and in sub of Mars.
Since Mercury is a dual planet and in the sub of Mars, the news appears DOUBTFUL.

Kim’s Natal Chart

The Kim’s natal chart also does not show such critical condition without Badhaka in dasa
and transit while transit Jupiter is giving cover his Lagna and Lagna lord Jupiter. Currently
he is running Saturn/Rahu/Rahu/Rahu joint dasa period from 17 April to 11 May 2020.

Dasa lord Saturn is in house 10, lord of 2,3, in the star and sub of Jupiter in house 12, lord
of house 1, signifying death causing Maraka 2, Moksha 12, along with life saving 1.
BAS lord Rahu is in 6, aspected by Mars in 10, lord of 4,5,12, in Taurus sign representing
Venus in 11, lord of 6,10,11. Rahu is the star of Moon in 2, lord of 8, and in sub of Venus in
11, lord of 6,10,11.Rahu signifies death causing Maraka 2, disease 6,8, Moksha 12, but
along with life saving 11.

Dasa lord Saturn is transiting in the star of Sun (12,5) and in sub of Ketu (8,12).
BAS lordRahu is transiting in the star and sub of own Rahu (2,6,8,12,11).
Luminary Sun is transiting in the star of Ketu(8,12) and in sub of Jupiter(9,12).
Luminary Moon is transiting in the star of Mercury(12,6) and in sub of Venus(1,5,2,7,8).

KP Ezine May 2020 49

Horary No. 17/249
Sun Rise: 06:22:54 AM Sun Set: 07:52:08 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vaidhrti Hora: Mars Karana: Shakuni Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 17 1 Bharani(4) Ma Ve Me Me Me
Question : is news true or false, "KimJong Um was in critial condition? 2 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ve Ra Me
3 Aridra(2) Me Ra Me Ve Sa
Ruling Planets - 21/Apr/2020 07:02:28 AM 4 Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Sa Ma Mo
Rockville, Maryland, USA 5 Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Ve Sa
6 U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ke Ra Ve
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Visakha(2) Ve Ju Me Me Su
Lagna Ma Ve Ju Sa Su 8 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Ve Me Sa
Moon Ju Me Ve Su Ve 9 Moola(4) Ju Ke Me Sa Ke
Day Lord: Mars 10 U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Sa Ju Ju
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Me Ma Mo
12 U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Ke Ve Su
Ra 08:17:10 Me 23:34:56
II 21:25:11 Mo 19:48:09 Planetary Positions
Su 07:45:05
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
XII 07:24:21
Ve 19:55:00 Su Aswini(3) Ma Ke Ju Ju Ma
III 13:08:17 I 24:00:00 Mo Revati(1) Ju Me Ve Su Ve
XI 01:02:46
2 12 Ma Sravana(4) Sa Mo Ve Mo Ju
3 11 Me Revati(3) Ju Me Ma Ju Ma
Ju U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Ve Me
Ve Rohini(3) Ve Mo Ke Mo Sa
Sa U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ke Sa Ve
IV 04:50:19 Ma 20:59:02 Ra Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Su Su
Sa 07:35:32
Ke Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Me Sa
1 X 04:50:19
4 10 Significators - Planets View
7 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 8 12 5
Mo 12 12 3, 6 4
VII 24:00:00 Ma+ 12 10 4 1, 8
V 01:02:46 IX 13:08:17 Me 12 12 3, 6 3, 6
Ju 02:21:35 Ju+ 12 9 5 9, 12
5 9 Ve+ 12 1 4 2, 7
6 8 Sa+ 12 10 5 10, 11
Ra 2 2
VI 07:24:21 VIII 21:25:11 Ke 8 8
Ke 08:17:10
Rahu acts as agent for: Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Su 07:45:05 Ve 19:55:00 Ra 08:17:10 Dasa Summary

I 24:00:00 II 21:25:11 III 13:08:17
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
22-Apr-2016 - 22-Apr-2033 22-Apr-2033 - 22-Apr-2040 22-Apr-2040 - 22-Apr-2060
Mercury 22-Apr-2016 Ketu 22-Apr-2033 Venus 22-Apr-2040
Me 23:34:56 Ketu 18-Sep-2018 Venus 18-Sep-2033 Sun 22-Aug-2043
Mo 19:48:09 Venus 16-Sep-2019 Sun 18-Nov-2034 Moon 22-Aug-2044
XII 07:24:21 Sun 17-Jul-2022 Moon 26-Mar-2035 Mars 23-Apr-2046
Name: Kim IV 04:50:19 Moon 24-May-2023 Mars 25-Oct-2035 Rahu 22-Jun-2047
Gender: Male Mars 23-Oct-2024 Rahu 22-Mar-2036 Jupiter 22-Jun-2050
Date: Tuesday, 21/Apr/2020 Rahu 20-Oct-2025 Jupiter 10-Apr-2037 Saturn 21-Feb-2053
Jupiter 08-May-2028 Saturn 17-Mar-2038 Mercury 22-Apr-2056
Time: 07:02:28 AM SID: 19:53:47 Saturn 13-Aug-2030 Mercury 25-Apr-2039 Ketu 20-Feb-2059
Lat: 39:05:00 N Lon: 77:09:00 W
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
TZ: -05:00 DST: 1.00 22-Apr-2060 - 22-Apr-2066 22-Apr-2066 - 22-Apr-2076 22-Apr-2076 - 22-Apr-2083
Place: Rockville, Maryland, USA Sun 22-Apr-2060 Moon 22-Apr-2066 Mars 22-Apr-2076
XI 01:02:46 Moon 10-Aug-2060 Mars 21-Feb-2067 Rahu 18-Sep-2076
V 01:02:46 Mars 08-Feb-2061 Rahu 22-Sep-2067 Jupiter 07-Oct-2077
Ayanamsa: 24° 3' 1" Rahu 16-Jun-2061 Jupiter 23-Mar-2069 Saturn 13-Sep-2078
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Jupiter 11-May-2062 Saturn 23-Jul-2070 Mercury 22-Oct-2079
Star: Revati, Pada 1 Saturn 27-Feb-2063 Mercury 21-Feb-2072 Ketu 18-Oct-2080
Star Lord: Mercury Mercury 09-Feb-2064 Ketu 23-Jul-2073 Venus 17-Mar-2081
Ma 20:59:02 Ketu 16-Dec-2064 Venus 21-Feb-2074 Sun 16-May-2082
Lagna: Aries Lagna Lord: Mars
Sa 07:35:32 Venus 23-Apr-2065 Sun 23-Oct-2075 Moon 21-Sep-2082
X 04:50:19 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Chaturdasi
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
Ju 02:21:35 Bal. Dasa: Mercury 13 Y, 0 M, 0 D 22-Apr-2083 - 22-Apr-2101 22-Apr-2101 - 22-Apr-2117 22-Apr-2117 - 22-Apr-2136
VI 07:24:21 Rahu 22-Apr-2083 Jupiter 22-Apr-2101 Saturn 22-Apr-2117
Jupiter 03-Jan-2086 Saturn 10-Jun-2103 Mercury 25-Apr-2120
Saturn 28-May-2088 Mercury 22-Dec-2105 Ketu 03-Jan-2123
Mercury 04-Apr-2091 Ketu 28-Mar-2108 Venus 12-Feb-2124
Ketu 21-Oct-2093 Venus 04-Mar-2109 Sun 13-Apr-2127
Venus 09-Nov-2094 Sun 03-Nov-2111 Moon 25-Mar-2128
Sun 09-Nov-2097 Moon 21-Aug-2112 Mars 25-Oct-2129
IX 13:08:17 Moon 03-Oct-2098 Mars 21-Dec-2113 Rahu 03-Dec-2130
Ke 08:17:10 VIII 21:25:11 VII 24:00:00 Mars 04-Apr-2100 Rahu 27-Nov-2114 Jupiter 10-Oct-2133
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine May 2020
Kim Jong Un
Sun Rise: 07:56:29 AM Sun Set: 05:30:22 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vyatipata Hora: Sun Karana: Bav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Me Ve
2 Sravana(2) Sa Mo Sa Ke Sa
3 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Mo Ju
Ruling Planets - 25/Apr/2020 09:49:22 AM 4 Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ke Sa Ju
Rockville, Maryland, USA 5 Bharani(4) Ma Ve Ke Ra Mo
6 Rohini(3) Ve Mo Sa Ju Me
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Ve Ju
Lagna Me Ra Ju Ra Me 8 Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ju Ma Su
Moon Ve Su Ve Sa Sa 9 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Su Me Me
Day Lord: Saturn 10 Chitra(3) Ve Ma Me Ve Me
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Visakha(2) Ve Ju Ke Ju Ra
12 Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Mo Su
Mo 15:04:10 Ke 20:37:07
II 16:23:29 XII 17:36:30 Planetary Positions
Me[R] 07:35:20
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Ju 03:54:29
I 08:09:13 Su P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Sa Mo Ve
III 27:06:03 Su 23:15:15 Mo Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Ke Sa Mo
XI 26:18:52
10 8 Ve 14:42:05 Ma Chitra(4) Ve Ma Ve Ke Ve
11 7 Me[R] Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Ju Sa
Ju Moola(2) Ju Ke Mo Ra Me
Ve Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ra Mo Sa
Sa Visakha(1) Ve Ju Ju Ve Mo
IV 00:39:25 Sa 20:57:03 Ra Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ve Ve Ra
Ma 04:46:57
Ke Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Ve Ju Ve
9 X 00:39:25
1 7 Significators - Planets View
3 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 11 1 6, 10, 11 9
Mo 6 2 8
VII 08:09:13 Ma 10 10 4, 5, 12 4, 5, 12
V 26:18:52 IX 27:06:03 Me 12 12 7
Ju 12 12 1
1 5 Ve 10 11 2, 3 6, 10, 11
2 4 Sa 12 10 1 2, 3
Ra 2 6 8
VI 17:36:30 VIII 16:23:29 Ke 12 12 7
Ra 20:37:07
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

IV 00:39:25 VI 17:36:30 VII 08:09:13 Dasa Summary

V 26:18:52 Ra 20:37:07
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
04-Sep-1972 - 04-Sep-1990 04-Sep-1990 - 04-Sep-2006 04-Sep-2006 - 04-Sep-2025
Rahu 04-Sep-1972 Jupiter 04-Sep-1990 Saturn 04-Sep-2006
Jupiter 18-May-1975 Saturn 23-Oct-1992 Mercury 07-Sep-2009
Saturn 11-Oct-1977 Mercury 06-May-1995 Ketu 17-May-2012
Mercury 17-Aug-1980 Ketu 11-Aug-1997 Venus 26-Jun-2013
Name: Kim Jong Un VIII 16:23:29 Ketu 05-Mar-1983 Venus 18-Jul-1998 Sun 25-Aug-2016
Gender: Male Venus 24-Mar-1984 Sun 19-Mar-2001 Moon 07-Aug-2017
Date: Sunday, 08/Jan/1984 Sun 24-Mar-1987 Moon 05-Jan-2002 Mars 09-Mar-2019
Moon 15-Feb-1988 Mars 07-May-2003 Rahu 17-Apr-2020
Time: 07:00:00 AM SID: 13:29:38 Mars 17-Aug-1989 Rahu 12-Apr-2004 Jupiter 22-Feb-2023
Lat: 39:01:00 N Lon: 125:45:00 E
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
TZ: +09:00 DST: 0.00 04-Sep-2025 - 04-Sep-2042 04-Sep-2042 - 04-Sep-2049 04-Sep-2049 - 04-Sep-2069
III 27:06:03 Place: Pyongyang, Korea, North Mercury 04-Sep-2025 Ketu 04-Sep-2042 Venus 04-Sep-2049
Mo 15:04:10 Ketu 31-Jan-2028 Venus 31-Jan-2043 Sun 04-Jan-2053
IX 27:06:03 Venus 28-Jan-2029 Sun 01-Apr-2044 Moon 04-Jan-2054
Ayanamsa: 23° 32' 37" Sun 28-Nov-2031 Moon 07-Aug-2044 Mars 05-Sep-2055
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Moon 04-Oct-2032 Mars 08-Mar-2045 Rahu 04-Nov-2056
Star: Satabhisha, Pada 3 Mars 05-Mar-2034 Rahu 04-Aug-2045 Jupiter 04-Nov-2059
Star Lord: Rahu Rahu 02-Mar-2035 Jupiter 23-Aug-2046 Saturn 06-Jul-2062
Jupiter 19-Sep-2037 Saturn 30-Jul-2047 Mercury 05-Sep-2065
Lagna: Sagittarius Lagna Lord: Jupiter
Saturn 25-Dec-2039 Mercury 07-Sep-2048 Ketu 05-Jul-2068
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Panchami
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
II 16:23:29 Bal. Dasa: Rahu 6 Y, 7 M, 26 D 04-Sep-2069 - 04-Sep-2075 04-Sep-2075 - 04-Sep-2085 04-Sep-2085 - 04-Sep-2092
Sun 04-Sep-2069 Moon 04-Sep-2075 Mars 04-Sep-2085
Moon 23-Dec-2069 Mars 05-Jul-2076 Rahu 31-Jan-2086
Mars 23-Jun-2070 Rahu 03-Feb-2077 Jupiter 19-Feb-2087
Rahu 29-Oct-2070 Jupiter 04-Aug-2078 Saturn 26-Jan-2088
Jupiter 23-Sep-2071 Saturn 04-Dec-2079 Mercury 06-Mar-2089
Su 23:15:15 XI 26:18:52 Saturn 11-Jul-2072 Mercury 05-Jul-2081 Ketu 03-Mar-2090
I 08:09:13 Ke 20:37:07 Sa 20:57:03 Mercury 23-Jun-2073 Ketu 04-Dec-2082 Venus 31-Jul-2090
Me[R] 07:35:20 XII 17:36:30 Ma 04:46:57 Ketu 30-Apr-2074 Venus 05-Jul-2083 Sun 29-Sep-2091
Ju 03:54:29 Ve 14:42:05 X 00:39:25 Venus 05-Sep-2074 Sun 06-Mar-2085 Moon 04-Feb-2092
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine May 2020 51
By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School,
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: Pin: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Email :;

Question: Will Imran Khan Niyazi lose his post due to military intervention? If so when?
Number: 29 (out of 249).
Date of Judgment: 14-04-2020, Tuesday; Time of Judgment: 12:04:36 PM; IST
Place of Judgment: Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’
Aynamsha: 240.03'.00"; Dasa Days: 365.25

Note: A very difficult situation in Pakistan.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan is facing growing chaos within his ruling political party
amid pressure and criticism from the country’s powerful military and judiciary over his
administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 4 (one’s ill reputation), 9 (lack of
ability), 5 (one’s reputation as a looser) in the DBA of the significator of 4-5-9, then loss is

Cuspal Sub Lord for Imran Khan Niyazi:

10th Cusp (Capricorn 260.15’.07”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the
star of Sun and sub of own. Jupiter is occupant of 9, owner of 8-9. No planet is in the star of
Jupiter, and Jupiter is the CSL of 4-10. Star lord Sun is occupant of 12, owner of 5. Sub lord
is also Jupiter. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Jupiter is the significator of 9-8-4-10-12-5. The 10th
cusp sub lord indicates 4-5-9 along with 10.

Cuspal Sub Lord for opponent:

10th Cusp (Cancer 260.15’.07”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the
star of Sun and sub of own. Jupiter is occupant of 3, owner of 2-3. No planet is in the star of
Jupiter and Jupiter is the CSL of 4-10. Star lord Sun is occupant of 6, owner of 11. Sub lord
is also Jupiter. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Jupiter is the significator of 3-2-4-10-6-11. 10th cusp
sub lord indicates 3-10-11 along with 4.

Ruling Planets
At the time of judgment, ruling planets are as under.

Day lord Sign lord Star lord Sub lord

Day: Tuesday Mars — — —
RP Ascendant: Gemini 28°.00'.51” — Mercury Jupiter Venus
RP Moon: Sagittarius 22°.41'.11” — Jupiter Venus Saturn
Rahu is in Gemini sign, thus represents Mercury. Ruling planets are Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus, Saturn and Rahu.

Note: Moon is in Saturn sub, hence here is Punarphoo yoga.

Joint period:
Running dasa is Venus up to 05-04-2026. Joint period is Venus-Saturn-Venus up to 01-10-

KP Ezine May 2020 52

Horary No. 29/249
Sun Rise: 06:20:03 AM Sun Set: 06:59:55 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shiva Hora: Saturn Karana: Bav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 29 1 Rohini(1) Ve Mo Mo Mo Mo
Question : Will Imran Khan Niyazi lost his post due to military intervention? If so when? 2 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Mo Ra Ju
3 Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Mo Sa Me
Ruling Planets - 14/Apr/2020 12:04:36 PM 4 Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ju Ju Ve
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Mo Ma Mo
6 Chitra(4) Ve Ma Ve Ra Ve
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Ve Me Ve
Lagna Me Ju Ve Sa Sa 8 Moola(2) Ju Ke Ra Ra Ke
Moon Ju Ve Sa Ve Ve 9 U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ra Sa Ve
Day Lord: Mars 10 Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ju Ju Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Ra Sa
12 Aswini(2) Ma Ke Mo Mo Ju
II 02:05:44:32 XII 00:03:41:42
Ra 02:08:40:02 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 01:10:00:00 Su Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ke Me Ma
III 02:29:56:45 Ve 01:14:48:43 Mo P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Sa Ve Ve
XI 10:27:29:25
3 1 Me 11:10:56:22 Ma Sravana(2) Sa Mo Sa Sa Ju
11 Su 00:00:43:34 Me U.Bhadra(3) Ju Sa Su Ve Ra
Ju U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Me Ke
Ve Rohini(2) Ve Mo Ju Ve Ve
Sa U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ke Ma Mo
IV 03:26:15:07 X 09:26:15:07 Ra Aridra(1) Me Ra Ju Ju Ju
Ke Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Ve Me
4 10 Significators - Planets View
8 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 8 12 5
Mo 1 8 1, 6 4
VII 07:10:00:00 Ma+ 8 9 4 7, 12
V 04:27:29:25 IX 08:29:56:45 Me+ 9 11 10, 11 2, 3
Ma 09:15:59:43 Ju+ 12 9 5 8, 9
5 Sa 09:07:19:25 Ve 8 1 4 1, 6
Ju 09:01:46:45
7 9 Sa 12 9 5 10, 11
Ra 2 2
VI 06:03:41:42 Mo 08:22:41:11 Ke 8 8
Ke 08:08:40:02
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
VIII 08:05:44:32
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Su 00:43:34 I 10:00:00 II 05:44:32 Dasa Summary

XII 03:41:42 Ve 14:48:43 Ra 08:40:02
III 29:56:45 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
05-Apr-2006 - 05-Apr-2026 05-Apr-2026 - 05-Apr-2032 05-Apr-2032 - 05-Apr-2042
Venus 05-Apr-2006 Sun 05-Apr-2026 Moon 05-Apr-2032
Sun 04-Aug-2009 Moon 23-Jul-2026 Mars 03-Feb-2033
Moon 04-Aug-2010 Mars 22-Jan-2027 Rahu 04-Sep-2033
Me 10:56:22 Mars 04-Apr-2012 Rahu 30-May-2027 Jupiter 06-Mar-2035
Name: Imran khan IV 26:15:07 Rahu 04-Jun-2013 Jupiter 22-Apr-2028 Saturn 05-Jul-2036
Gender: Male Jupiter 04-Jun-2016 Saturn 09-Feb-2029 Mercury 03-Feb-2038
Date: Tuesday, 14/Apr/2020 Saturn 02-Feb-2019 Mercury 22-Jan-2030 Ketu 06-Jul-2039
Mercury 04-Apr-2022 Ketu 28-Nov-2030 Venus 04-Feb-2040
Time: 12:04:36 PM SID: 00:56:35 Ketu 03-Feb-2025 Venus 05-Apr-2031 Sun 05-Oct-2041
Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 05-Apr-2042 - 05-Apr-2049 05-Apr-2049 - 05-Apr-2067 05-Apr-2067 - 05-Apr-2083
Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Mars 05-Apr-2042 Rahu 05-Apr-2049 Jupiter 05-Apr-2067
XI 27:29:25 Rahu 01-Sep-2042 Jupiter 16-Dec-2051 Saturn 23-May-2069
V 27:29:25 Jupiter 19-Sep-2043 Saturn 11-May-2054 Mercury 04-Dec-2071
Ayanamsa: 24° 3' Saturn 25-Aug-2044 Mercury 18-Mar-2057 Ketu 11-Mar-2074
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Mercury 03-Oct-2045 Ketu 05-Oct-2059 Venus 15-Feb-2075
Star: P.Ashada, Pada 3 Ketu 01-Oct-2046 Venus 23-Oct-2060 Sun 17-Oct-2077
Star Lord: Venus Venus 27-Feb-2047 Sun 23-Oct-2063 Moon 05-Aug-2078
X 26:15:07 Sun 28-Apr-2048 Moon 16-Sep-2064 Mars 05-Dec-2079
Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus
Ma 15:59:43 Moon 03-Sep-2048 Mars 17-Mar-2066 Rahu 10-Nov-2080
Sa 07:19:25 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Saptami
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
Ju 01:46:45 Bal. Dasa: Venus 5 Y, 11 M, 19 D 05-Apr-2083 - 05-Apr-2102 05-Apr-2102 - 05-Apr-2119 05-Apr-2119 - 05-Apr-2126
Saturn 05-Apr-2083 Mercury 05-Apr-2102 Ketu 05-Apr-2119
Mercury 08-Apr-2086 Ketu 01-Sep-2104 Venus 01-Sep-2119
Ketu 16-Dec-2088 Venus 29-Aug-2105 Sun 01-Nov-2120
Venus 25-Jan-2090 Sun 28-Jun-2108 Moon 08-Mar-2121
Sun 27-Mar-2093 Moon 05-May-2109 Mars 07-Oct-2121
IX 29:56:45 Moon 09-Mar-2094 Mars 04-Oct-2110 Rahu 06-Mar-2122
Mo 22:41:11 Mars 08-Oct-2095 Rahu 01-Oct-2111 Jupiter 24-Mar-2123
Ke 08:40:02 Rahu 16-Nov-2096 Jupiter 20-Apr-2114 Saturn 28-Feb-2124
VIII 05:44:32 VII 10:00:00 VI 03:41:42 Jupiter 23-Sep-2099 Saturn 27-Jul-2116 Mercury 08-Apr-2125
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine May 2020
Dasa lord Venus is in the star of Moon and sub of Jupiter. Venus is occupant of 1, owner of
1-6. Star lord Moon is occupant of 8, owner of 4. Sub lord Jupiter is occupant of 3, owner of
2-3. No planet is in the star of Jupiter, and Jupiter is the CSL of 4-10. Thus Dasa lord Venus
is the significator of 1-6-8-4-9-10. Dasa lord Jupiter indicates 4-9 along with 10. Also it’s in
the RPs.

Bhukti lord Saturn is in the star of Sun and sub of Ketu. Saturn is occupant of 9, owner of
10-11. Star lord Sun is occupant of 12, owner of 5. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of 8. Ketu is
conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 8, owner of 4. Thus bhukti lord Saturn is the
significator of 9-10-11-12-5-8-4. This Bhukti lord Moon signifies 4-5-9 along with 3-10-11
Also it is in the RPs.
Running antra is Venus, but due to Punarphoo yoga, I prefer next Sun, but Sun is not in the
RPs. Next is Moon, also not in the RPs. Next is Mars in the RPs from 05-03-2021 to 11-05-

Antra lord Mars is in the star of Moon and sub of Saturn. Mars is occupant of 9, owner of
7-12. Star lord Moon is occupant of 8, owner of 4. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 9, owner of
10-11. Thus antra lord Mars is the significator of 9-7-12-8-4-10-11. This Antra lord Mars
signifies 4-9 along with 10-11. Also it is in the RPs.

Joint period for opponent:

Running dasa is Venus up to 05-04-2026. Joint period is Venus-Saturn-Venus up to 01-10-

Dasa lord Venus is in the star of Moon and sub of Jupiter. Venus is occupant of 7, owner of
7-12. Star lord Moon is occupant of 2, owner of 10. Sub lord Jupiter is occupant of 9, owner
of 8-9. No planet is in the star of Jupiter, and Jupiter is the CSL of 4-10. Thus Dasa lord
Venus is the significator of 7-12-2-10-3-4. Dasa lord Jupiter indicates 4 along with 3-10.
Also it is in the RPs.

Bhukti lord Saturn is in the star of Sun and sub of Ketu. Saturn is occupant of 3, owner of 4
-5. Star lord Sun is occupant of 6, owner of 11. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of 2. Ketu is
conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 2, owner of 10. Thus bhukti lord Saturn is the
significator of 3-4-5-6-11-2-10. This Bhukti lord Moon signifies 4-5 along with 3-10-11 Also
it is in the RPs.
Running antra is Venus, but due to Punarphoo yoga, I prefer next antra Sun, but Sun is not
in the RPs. Next antra is Moon also not in the RP. Next antra is Mars in the RPs from 05-03-
2021 to 11-05-2021.

Antra lord Mars is in the star of Moon and sub of Saturn. Mars is occupant of 3, owner of
1-6. Star lord Moon is occupant of 2, owner of 10. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 3, owner of
4-5. Thus antra lord Mars is the significator of 3-1-6-2-4-10-5. This Antra lord Mars signifies
4-5 along with 3-10. Also it is in the RPs.

My opinion: I think he will be dismissed by military during 05-03-2021 to 11-05-2021.

KP Ezine May 2020 54

By: Tin Win

Question 1: Sensitive Points

As a KP learner I know only “ KP.Ezine “ can solve our problems in learning KP. That’s why
I am sending questions frequently. Please bear with me sir.

In KP Reader 5 pg no 162 sensitive points are explained by linking to DBA which repre-
sents related Zodiac sectors. Some DBA periods get 2 points & some get 3 or 4 points.

To avoid this, in Astrosecrets Part 2 – pg 144 it is mentioned as below.

Sir I could not understand the meaning of taking Star to represent Dasa and Sub to repre-
sent Bhukti.
Suppose if DBA is ME –RA – MO , to get 3-positions in Zodiac at gistance 120 0
Should we take St-l RA as dasa or what sir.
Expecting your valuable advice.

Answer 1:
The article on `Sensitive Point' in "Astrosecrets & KP, Part II, 2003, pp 141-146 is a compila-
tion of references, like KP Reader V pp 161-163 (Old Edition 154-156), 189-192 (Old Edition
180-182), RP & KP, 1985, pp 85-89, Astrosecrets & KP, Part II, 2003, pp 86-105 etc.

Sensitive Points
The sensitive zone is a point in the zodiac ruled by the fructifying significators of an event-
especially the combinations of dasa lord and bhukti lord.

The transit of dasa period lords should be the first consideration. The transit of Jupiter over
a sensitive point indicates the year of fructification of the event under consideration. The
transit of luminaries Sun and Moon which are the exciting planets over the sensitive zones
indicates the month and the day of the fructification of an event respectively. The transit of
Ascendant over a sensitive point indicates the exact hour and minute of fructification of an

KP Ezine May 2020 55

Boris Johnson
Sun Rise: 05:24:45 AM Sun Set: 08:29:53 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Parigha Hora: Mercury Karana: Vanij Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Me Ke
2 Swati(3) Ve Ra Ke Mo Ve
3 Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ju Ke Ra
Ruling Planets - 23/Jul/2019 05:19:12 PM 4 P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Ve Ju
Rockville, Maryland, USA 5 Sravana(4) Sa Mo Su Sa Me
6 P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Sa Ve Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Revati(1) Ju Me Me Ra Sa
Lagna Ma Me Ve Me Sa 8 Bharani(1) Ma Ve Ve Ju Ra
Moon Ju Me Ma Ju Mo 9 Rohini(2) Ve Mo Sa Sa Sa
Day Lord: Mars 10 Aridra(4) Me Ra Ma Sa Ju
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Mo Me Sa
12 P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Sa Ve Ra
II 14:43:02 XII 22:46:24
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Mo 07:19:38 Su Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Su Ju Mo
Ke 09:02:34 I 17:49:26 Mo Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Sa Me
XI 23:00:14
III 15:42:45 7 5 Ma Krittika(4) Ve Su Ve Mo Sa
8 4 Me Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ra Ma Sa
Ju Bharani(3) Ma Ve Sa Me Ju
Ve[R] Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Su Ve Ra
Sa[R] Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Sa Mo Sa
IV 19:36:01 X 19:36:01 Ra Aridra(1) Me Ra Ju Sa Ve
Ke Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Ma Ve
9 3 Significators - Planets View
12 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 8 9 3, 8 12
Mo+ 9 1 11
VII 17:49:26 Ma 9 8 12 3, 8
Sa[R] 11:45:03 Me 26:03:03 Me+ 8 9 3, 8 1, 10
V 23:00:14 IX 15:42:45 Ju+ 9 8 2, 9 4, 7
10 Ra 09:02:34 Ve 8 9 3, 8 2, 9
Ve[R] 05:29:20
11 1 Sa+ 9 5 5, 6
Su 05:10:52
Ra 9 9
VI 22:46:24 Ju 22:28:21 Ke 3 3
VIII 14:43:02
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Me, Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ma 08:20:36 (B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Ju, Ve.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VIII 14:43:02 Ma 08:20:36 Su 05:10:52 Dasa Summary

Ju 22:28:21 IX 15:42:45 Ve[R] 05:29:20
Me 26:03:03 Ra 09:02:34 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
X 19:36:01 Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
28-Jul-1963 - 28-Jul-1981 28-Jul-1981 - 28-Jul-1997 28-Jul-1997 - 28-Jul-2016
Rahu 28-Jul-1963 Jupiter 28-Jul-1981 Saturn 28-Jul-1997
Jupiter 10-Apr-1966 Saturn 15-Sep-1983 Mercury 31-Jul-2000
Saturn 03-Sep-1968 Mercury 29-Mar-1986 Ketu 10-Apr-2003
VII 17:49:26 Mercury 11-Jul-1971 Ketu 04-Jul-1988 Venus 20-May-2004
Name: Boris Johnson XI 23:00:14 Ketu 27-Jan-1974 Venus 10-Jun-1989 Sun 19-Jul-2007
Gender: Male Venus 15-Feb-1975 Sun 09-Feb-1992 Moon 30-Jun-2008
Date: Friday, 19/Jun/1964 Sun 15-Feb-1978 Moon 27-Nov-1992 Mars 30-Jan-2010
Moon 09-Jan-1979 Mars 29-Mar-1994 Rahu 10-Mar-2011
Time: 02:00:00 PM SID: 06:55:57 Mars 10-Jul-1980 Rahu 04-Mar-1995 Jupiter 15-Jan-2014
Lat: 40:42:00 N Lon: 74:00:00 W
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
TZ: -05:00 DST: 1.00 28-Jul-2016 - 28-Jul-2033 28-Jul-2033 - 28-Jul-2040 28-Jul-2040 - 28-Jul-2060
VI 22:46:24 Place: New York, New York, USA Mercury 28-Jul-2016 Ketu 28-Jul-2033 Venus 28-Jul-2040
Sa[R] 11:45:03 Ketu 24-Dec-2018 Venus 24-Dec-2033 Sun 27-Nov-2043
XII 22:46:24 Venus 22-Dec-2019 Sun 23-Feb-2035 Moon 27-Nov-2044
Ayanamsa: 23° 16' 15" Sun 22-Oct-2022 Moon 01-Jul-2035 Mars 29-Jul-2046
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Moon 28-Aug-2023 Mars 30-Jan-2036 Rahu 27-Sep-2047
Star: Swati, Pada 1 Mars 28-Jan-2025 Rahu 27-Jun-2036 Jupiter 27-Sep-2050
Star Lord: Rahu Rahu 25-Jan-2026 Jupiter 16-Jul-2037 Saturn 29-May-2053
Jupiter 13-Aug-2028 Saturn 22-Jun-2038 Mercury 29-Jul-2056
Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury
Saturn 18-Nov-2030 Mercury 31-Jul-2039 Ketu 29-May-2059
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Ekadasi
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
V 23:00:14 Bal. Dasa: Rahu 17 Y, 1 M, 9 D 28-Jul-2060 - 28-Jul-2066 28-Jul-2066 - 28-Jul-2076 28-Jul-2076 - 28-Jul-2083
I 17:49:26 Sun 28-Jul-2060 Moon 28-Jul-2066 Mars 28-Jul-2076
Moon 15-Nov-2060 Mars 29-May-2067 Rahu 24-Dec-2076
Mars 16-May-2061 Rahu 28-Dec-2067 Jupiter 12-Jan-2078
Rahu 21-Sep-2061 Jupiter 28-Jun-2069 Saturn 19-Dec-2078
Jupiter 16-Aug-2062 Saturn 28-Oct-2070 Mercury 27-Jan-2080
Saturn 04-Jun-2063 Mercury 28-May-2072 Ketu 23-Jan-2081
Mercury 16-May-2064 Ketu 27-Oct-2073 Venus 22-Jun-2081
IV 19:36:01 II 14:43:02 Ketu 23-Mar-2065 Venus 28-May-2074 Sun 21-Aug-2082
Ke 09:02:34 III 15:42:45 Mo 07:19:38 Venus 29-Jul-2065 Sun 27-Jan-2076 Moon 27-Dec-2082
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine May 2020 56
For the chosen common significators among the four fold significators of the required houses
for an event to materialize and ruling planets, say conjoined period of dasa lord Sun, bhukti
lord Venus and antra lord Mercury, then 1) Sun sign, Venus star, Mercury sub; 2) Venus
sign, Sun star, Mercury sub, and 3) Mercury sign, Sun star, Venus sub are the three sensi-
tive and fruitful zones, which will be transited by Ascendant, Luminaries, Jupiter and the
planets ruling the dasa, bhukti and antra.
Question 2: Four Step Theory Significators
In response to FB posting “April 8: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Intensive Care
Unit for treatment of Corona virus disease” during running joint dasa: Mercury-Venus-
Venus-Jupiter: -
Dear sir, hope, you are feeling well. I can't read your analysis. I casted this chart and
checked the houses signified by DBA according to the Four Step Theory. At the moment Mr
Johnson is running Me-Ve-Ve.

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- (9) 1 (10)
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (8) 3 8
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- (9) Rashi-Swami Mercury (9) 1 (10)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (9) Rashi-Swami Mercury (9) 1 (10)
Itself aspects :------ 3

Itself :-------------- Venus:- 9 2 9 Sun-Yuti 9 12
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (8) 3 8
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- 9 12 Venus-Yuti 9 2 9
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mars:- (8) 3 8
Itself aspects :------ 4

According to the Four Step Theory of our late Guruji Sunil Godhalekar sir, only the houses
shown in the brackets should be taken as powerful significators. 1-6-12 houses and maraka
(2-7) badaka (7) are not shown in brackets. Cuspal sub lord of the Ascendent is Mercury and
he is not connected to maraka / badaka houses. Ascendent sub lord and DBA lords are not
afflicted seriously. So, I think, his life is not in danger. Take care sir!

Answer 2:
Here are KP significators of DBAS lords which are different from Four Step Theory:

Mercury+ (9-1-10),+1,7 is in the star of Mars (8-3-8) and sub of Rahu (9), Sun (9-12), Venus
(9-2-9) à 2-7 Bdk-8-12 9 Venus (9-2-9) is in the star of Mars (8-3-8), and Sub of Sun (9-12)
à 2-8-12
Jupiter+ (8-4-7),+6 is in the star of Venus (9-2-9), and sub of Saturn(5-5-6),+3à 2-6,-7-,8
Note: + means “ No planet in the stars of this planet”

Here are 4 step significators which are very critical at the 4th level dasa Jupiter which is not
used basically in 4 step theory.
Boris Johnson: 4 Step Significators by KPAstro 4.5

Planet Me+: 9; 10
Starlord of Me is Ma: 8
Sublord of Me is Ra*: 9; Sgl Me(9, 10)
Starlord of Ra is Ra*: 9; Sgl Me(9, 10)

Starlord of Ve is Ma: 8
Sublord of Ve is Su:
Starlord of Su is Ma: 8

Planet Ju+: 8; 4-7; Asp 4; Asp 12

Starlord of Ju is Ve: 9; 2; Cnj Su(9, 12)

KP Ezine May 2020 57

Sublord of Ju is Sa+: 5; 6; Asp
Starlord of Sa is Ra*: 9; Sgl Me(9, 10)

Response from questioner

Thank you for your reply. I casted this chart by using Astro-Kundali Professional software.
Sunil Godhalekhar sir himself used this software in his day-to-day practice.

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- (8) (4) (7)
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (9) (2) 9 Sun-Yuti (9) (12)
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (5) 5 (6)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (9) Rashi-Swami Mercury (9) 1 (10)
Itself aspects :------ 2 12 4

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- (5) 5 (6)
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (9) Rashi-Swami Mercury (9) 1 (10)
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (5) 5 (6)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (9) Rashi-Swami Mercury (9) 1 (10)
Itself aspects :------ 12 8 3

According to Astro-Kundali software, he was running Me-Ve-Ve-Ju period from 13th March
to 5th April. As you said, Jupiter is bad for longevity as it signifies 2-4-6-7-8-10-12 houses.
But as per this software, now he is running Me-Ve-Ve-Sa period from 5th April to 2nd May.
Even though Saturn is karaka for bad health, here it does not signify negative houses. Any-
way, wishing him a speedy recovery.

KP Ezine May 2020 58

By: Tin Win

True Crime Astrology

by Edna Rowland
AFA, 2012, 126 pages.

An introduction to astrology

Part 1: Homicide
1. The Diane Downs murder case
2. Who was the "fatal vision" murderer?
3. Richard Spect
4. The murder of John Lennon
5. The many faces of Ted Bundy
6. The last ride

KP Ezine May 2020 59

7. Dr. Tarnower's last supper

Part 2: The link between suicide and homicide:

8. Suicide
9. Was Marilyn Monroe's death suicide or murder?
10. The life and death of Sylvia Plath
1. Midpoints associated with violence or homicide
2. Seven special-interest Arabic Parts


Uncover the Mystery! True Crime Astrology looks at these questions: What was at the root of
Ted Bundy's addiction to killing? What are the similarities between the murders of John
Lennon and John F. Kennedy? Marilyn Monroe: Suicide or Murder? Did Jeffrey MacDonald
kill his wife and daughters? What motivated Richard Speck to murder eight student nurses?
What are the dark inner worlds of Diane Downs, who shot her three children , Larry
Singleton, who raped a 15-year-old hitchhiker, then chopped off her arms ... poet Sylvia
Plath, who took her own life at age 30? What are the astrological indications of suicide? True
Crime Astrology sheds light on these and other compelling mysteries by examining each
homicide or suicide from an astrological point of view. You'll gain penetrating insight into
each case and examine the hidden, psychological motivations that may help to explain these
atrocious crimes. Also included in this book are the midpoints associated with violence and
suicide, and seven special-interest Arabic Parts. Each of these can be used when analyzing
charts for murder and suicide.

An example of the writing, from the first chapter on Diane Downs:

Diane Downs was accused of murdering one of her three children and attempting to murder
the other two, on May 19, 1983, and sent to prison. She says she's innocent. Rowland
accepts the judgment of the court and reads the chart as if Downs was guilty. I would much
rather Rowland attempted to establish guilt. Rowland establishes that on the date in
question, Downs was having extraordinary transits, which would be true whether or not she
was guilty, since the death of a child is always most strongly marked in a parent's chart.
Rowland does not connect the mother's alleged act directly to any of the children, she does
not show that the mother was capable of harming a specific child in a specific way. In the
natal chart (August 7, 1955, 7:35 pm MST, Phoenix, AZ), the 5th house of children is Gemini
and empty, the ruler, Mercury, is conjunct Mars in Leo late in the 6th. Is this violence to
children? Perhaps. The degree on the cusp of the 5th is 27 Gemini, which means the house
is ruled largely by the Moon, which we find in Aries in the 2nd, of money. Which would be
money for breeding children who Downs had little emotional connection with (lack of water in
the chart as a whole). While the Moon is itself disposed by Mars, it makes no sense to
murder your source of income. On the other hand, Leo is on the cusp of the 7th and just
inside it is Pluto in Leo. The Sun, which rules Leo, is 12 houses away from it. If an estranged
boyfriend murdered the children (Pluto in Leo in the 7th, with the Sun in Leo in the 6th
behind it, triggering Mars to act directly upon Mercury, the ruler of the 5th and indirectly
upon the Moon, which Mars rules), Diane Downs's chart backs her story, with one critical
change: She knew the attacker, but chose to remain silent. Seventh house ruled from the 6th
(12 houses away from the 7th) means the identity of a 7th house individual will be very hard
to determine. We have no confidence in detectives to do anything other than follow their
noses, so a guilty verdict must be proved. Astrologically speaking, We don't think Rowland

Since one will ask, Rowland sort of, kind of, think Marilyn was murdered. We wish the as-
trology was better.

KP Ezine May 2020 60

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KP Ezine May 2020 61

KP Ezine May 2020 62
Planetary Positions
For O5.30 AM Ahmedabad
May 2020
Date SID Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Neptune
01/May/2020 19:27:55 Ar 17:02:13 Cn 18:48:42 Cp 27:34:59 Ar 12:29:42 Cp 02:53:58 Ta 25:04:06 Cp 07:49:21 Ge 07:46:50 Sg 07:46:50 Aq 26:10:05
02/May/2020 19:31:52 Ar 18:00:26 Le 02:40:06 Cp 28:16:22 Ar 14:36:14 Cp 02:56:25 Ta 25:28:27 Cp 07:50:18 Ge 07:43:40 Sg 07:43:40 Aq 26:11:40
03/May/2020 19:35:48 Ar 18:58:37 Le 16:55:08 Cp 28:57:42 Ar 16:43:53 Cp 02:58:41 Ta 25:51:03 Cp 07:51:08 Ge 07:40:29 Sg 07:40:29 Aq 26:13:13
04/May/2020 19:39:45 Ar 19:56:46 Vi 01:32:00 Cp 29:39:02 Ar 18:52:27 Cp 03:00:46 Ta 26:11:49 Cp 07:51:53 Ge 07:37:18 Sg 07:37:18 Aq 26:14:45
05/May/2020 19:43:42 Ar 20:54:53 Vi 16:26:04 Aq 00:20:19 Ar 21:01:47 Cp 03:02:39 Ta 26:30:43 Cp 07:52:31 Ge 07:34:07 Sg 07:34:07 Aq 26:16:15
06/May/2020 19:47:38 Ar 21:52:58 Li 01:29:56 Aq 01:01:35 Ar 23:11:38 Cp 03:04:22 Ta 26:47:40 Cp 07:53:04 Ge 07:30:56 Sg 07:30:56 Aq 26:17:44
07/May/2020 19:51:35 Ar 22:51:02 Li 16:34:20 Aq 01:42:50 Ar 25:21:48 Cp 03:05:53 Ta 27:02:37 Cp 07:53:31 Ge 07:27:45 Sg 07:27:45 Aq 26:19:12
08/May/2020 19:55:31 Ar 23:49:04 Sc 01:29:37 Aq 02:24:02 Ar 27:32:01 Cp 03:07:13 Ta 27:15:31 Cp 07:53:52 Ge 07:24:35 Sg 07:24:35 Aq 26:20:37
09/May/2020 19:59:28 Ar 24:47:04 Sc 16:07:19 Aq 03:05:13 Ar 29:42:00 Cp 03:08:22 Ta 27:26:17 Cp 07:54:08 Ge 07:21:24 Sg 07:21:24 Aq 26:22:02
10/May/2020 20:03:24 Ar 25:45:03 Sg 00:21:23 Aq 03:46:22 Ta 01:51:29 Cp 03:09:20 Ta 27:34:54 Cp 07:54:17 Ge 07:18:13 Sg 07:18:13 Aq 26:23:25
11/May/2020 20:07:21 Ar 26:43:01 Sg 14:08:45 Aq 04:27:29 Ta 04:00:09 Cp 03:10:07 Ta 27:41:18 Cp 07:54:21 Ge 07:15:03 Sg 07:15:03 Aq 26:24:46
12/May/2020 20:11:17 Ar 27:40:57 Sg 27:29:05 Aq 05:08:34 Ta 06:07:44 Cp 03:10:42 Ta 27:45:25 Cp 07:54:19 Ge 07:11:52 Sg 07:11:52 Aq 26:26:05
13/May/2020 20:15:14 Ar 28:38:51 Cp 10:24:22 Aq 05:49:37 Ta 08:13:57 Cp 03:11:06 Ta 27:47:15 Cp 07:54:11 Ge 07:08:41 Sg 07:08:41 Aq 26:27:23
14/May/2020 20:19:11 Ar 29:36:45 Cp 22:58:00 Aq 06:30:37 Ta 10:18:31 Cp 03:11:19 Ta 27:46:44 Cp 07:53:57 Ge 07:05:31 Sg 07:05:31 Aq 26:28:39
15/May/2020 20:23:07 Ta 00:34:37 Aq 05:14:20 Aq 07:11:34 Ta 12:21:12 Cp 03:11:20 Ta 27:43:50 Cp 07:53:37 Ge 07:02:20 Sg 07:02:20 Aq 26:29:54
16/May/2020 20:27:04 Ta 01:32:28 Aq 17:18:01 Aq 07:52:29 Ta 14:21:47 Cp 03:11:10 Ta 27:38:33 Cp 07:53:12 Ge 06:59:09 Sg 06:59:09 Aq 26:31:07
17/May/2020 20:31:00 Ta 02:30:18 Aq 29:13:38 Aq 08:33:20 Ta 16:20:04 Cp 03:10:48 Ta 27:30:50 Cp 07:52:40 Ge 06:55:58 Sg 06:55:58 Aq 26:32:18
18/May/2020 20:34:57 Ta 03:28:06 Pi 11:05:26 Aq 09:14:09 Ta 18:15:51 Cp 03:10:14 Ta 27:20:43 Cp 07:52:03 Ge 06:52:47 Sg 06:52:47 Aq 26:33:27
19/May/2020 20:38:53 Ta 04:25:54 Pi 22:57:11 Aq 09:54:54 Ta 20:09:01 Cp 03:09:30 Ta 27:08:11 Cp 07:51:20 Ge 06:49:36 Sg 06:49:36 Aq 26:34:35
20/May/2020 20:42:50 Ta 05:23:40 Ar 04:52:01 Aq 10:35:36 Ta 21:59:26 Cp 03:08:34 Ta 26:53:15 Cp 07:50:31 Ge 06:46:26 Sg 06:46:26 Aq 26:35:40
21/May/2020 20:46:46 Ta 06:21:25 Ar 16:52:29 Aq 11:16:15 Ta 23:46:59 Cp 03:07:26 Ta 26:35:58 Cp 07:49:37 Ge 06:43:15 Sg 06:43:15 Aq 26:36:44
22/May/2020 20:50:43 Ta 07:19:08 Ar 29:00:34 Aq 11:56:50 Ta 25:31:36 Cp 03:06:07 Ta 26:16:21 Cp 07:48:37 Ge 06:40:04 Sg 06:40:04 Aq 26:37:47
23/May/2020 20:54:40 Ta 08:16:51 Ta 11:17:46 Aq 12:37:21 Ta 27:13:12 Cp 03:04:37 Ta 25:54:29 Cp 07:47:31 Ge 06:36:53 Sg 06:36:53 Aq 26:38:47
24/May/2020 20:58:36 Ta 09:14:32 Ta 23:45:17 Aq 13:17:48 Ta 28:51:43 Cp 03:02:56 Ta 25:30:27 Cp 07:46:19 Ge 06:33:43 Sg 06:33:43 Aq 26:39:46
25/May/2020 21:02:33 Ta 10:12:12 Ge 06:24:10 Aq 13:58:11 Ge 00:27:08 Cp 03:01:03 Ta 25:04:20 Cp 07:45:02 Ge 06:30:32 Sg 06:30:32 Aq 26:40:43
26/May/2020 21:06:29 Ta 11:09:51 Ge 19:15:28 Aq 14:38:30 Ge 01:59:22 Cp 02:58:59 Ta 24:36:15 Cp 07:43:40 Ge 06:27:21 Sg 06:27:21 Aq 26:41:38
27/May/2020 21:10:26 Ta 12:07:28 Cn 02:20:17 Aq 15:18:44 Ge 03:28:24 Cp 02:56:45 Ta 24:06:20 Cp 07:42:12 Ge 06:24:11 Sg 06:24:11 Aq 26:42:32
28/May/2020 21:14:22 Ta 13:05:04 Cn 15:39:44 Aq 15:58:54 Ge 04:54:12 Cp 02:54:19 Ta 23:34:44 Cp 07:40:38 Ge 06:21:00 Sg 06:21:00 Aq 26:43:23
29/May/2020 21:18:19 Ta 14:02:38 Cn 29:14:51 Aq 16:39:00 Ge 06:16:42 Cp 02:51:42 Ta 23:01:38 Cp 07:38:59 Ge 06:17:49 Sg 06:17:49 Aq 26:44:12
30/May/2020 21:22:15 Ta 15:00:11 Le 13:06:09 Aq 17:19:00 Ge 07:35:52 Cp 02:48:54 Ta 22:27:11 Cp 07:37:14 Ge 06:14:38 Sg 06:14:38 Aq 26:45:00
31/May/2020 21:26:12 Ta 15:57:42 Le 27:13:22 Aq 17:58:56 Ge 08:51:40 Cp 02:45:56 Ta 21:51:38 Cp 07:35:24 Ge 06:11:28 Sg 06:11:28 Aq 26:45:46

KPEzine May 2020 63

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