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Word List of ETS PowerPrep E

A Earthenware – ceramic, clay, pottery

Ahistorical – not concerned or related to history, anachronistic Employ – employment, utilize
Antiquity – antique, relic Encompass – surround, enclose, circumscribe
Appetizing – tasty, delicious Envision – imagine as a future possibility
Apposite – appropriate, commensurate Epistolary – written (a novel) in the form of letter
Appraisal – assessment, evaluation, judgment, review, Erstwhile – onetime, former
consideration Etiquette – propriety, decorum, proper behavior
Appraise – evaluate, to determine the value of something Evocate, Evocation – an act of recalling a memory
Appreciate – to understand fully, realize Excavate – unearth, dig up
Artisan - skilled worker, Artist Expedient - self-serving, advantageous
Ascent – climb, rise Exposition – explanation
Aspiration – ambition F
At ease – relaxed, calm Failing – a weakness in character, idiosyncrasy
Authoritative – *Commanding, *Prove with evidence/reference Fetch – sell, Peddle
Avert – *prevent, stop, forestall; *avoid, turn away Fling – throw
Awkward – uncomfortable Forgery – fake, imitation, falsification, phony
B Fortuitous – Unexpected, Accidental
Banal – lacking originality, ordinary Fringe - *Peripheral, *Unconventional
Befall – happen, occur
Beguile – attract in a deceptive way G
Beholden – grateful, indebted Genre – category, type, kind
Blight – impair Glum – depressed, sullen
Breadth – range, span Grandiose – magnificent, impressive
Brevity – shortness, briefness, economy H
Bungle - mess up, leading to failure, an unsatisfactory outcome Hand wringing - an excessive display of concern or distress.
Burnout – breakdown, exhaustion Hectic – busy, active
C Higgledy-piggledy – in confusion or disorder
Causal – connecting, related to reason Impediment – obstacle
Cease – stop, finish, terminate Implicate – associate, involve
Cerulean – azure, deep sky blue color Improbable – implausible, doubtful, not possible
Circumstantial - *indirect, *comprehensive, thorough Impudence – insolence, effrontery, arrogant, rudeness
Coercion – force, pressure, intimidation Impulse, impulsive - acting or done without forethought,
Coeval - contemporary emotional
Coherent – logical and consistent Impute – attribute, credit to, ascribe
Collude – conspire, scheme, plot, machinate, to work together Inalienable – that can’t be taken away from you
secretly or illegally in order to trick other people Incompatible – discordant, not harmonious
Commonplace – ordinary, usual Indefatigable – determined, restless, untiring, relentless
Communal – between different communities, shared, joint Indictment – *accusation, charge, *it illustrates a system or
Confront – challenge, oppose situation which is bad and deserves to be condemned
Conscience – sense of right and wrong Inept – unskilled
Consequence - *result, outcome, ramification *importance, Infallibility – reliability, never wrong, never made mistakes
significance Informant – Informer
Contentment – a state of happiness and satisfaction, Inhibit – hinder, prevent, obstacle, impede
gratification Insensitivity – thoughtlessness, inattentiveness, selfishness
Conviction - *a formal declaration that someone is guilty of a Insincere – dishonest, two-faced, disingenuous, deceitful
criminal offense, *strong belief. Insist – aver, assert
Courteous – polite Insolence – rudeness
Crass – stupid, lacking intelligence Insular – narrow-minded, only interested in own country
D Intelligible – Comprehensible, Understandable
Decimate – destroy Interweave – connect, interlink
De-emphasize – to reduce relative importance of something Inveigle – trick, deceive
Defiant – disobedient Inventory – list, catalogue
Deft – clever and skillful Invigorate – energize, strengthen
Deft – skilful, adroit
Delicacy – *fragility, breakable; *Tact J
Delimit – determine Jettison – abandon, get rid of, throw away
Detachment – disinterest, neutrality L
Discomfit – discomfort, make someone uneasy, embarrass Lately – recently
Dismantle - pull to pieces, undo Leach out – to remove something by passing water through it
Disregard – disrespect, neglect, ignore Leap – jump
Dissent – opposition Legitimate – reasonable, appropriate
Doctrinaire – dogmatic, rigid, inflexible, uncompromising Litigation - court case, Legal action
Downright – complete, thorough Loath – not interested, unwilling, reluctant
Lucrative – profitable, beneficial
Malnourish – suffering from malnutrition Seemingly – apparently, superficially, outwardly
Modish – stylish, fashionable Self-styled - Self-proclaimed, self-titled
Monarchy - a form of government with a king at the head Serfdom – slavery, servitude
Mounting – increasing, growing, rising Shirk – avoid, neglect
Multifaceted - many-sided, having many different aspects have Shrewdness – Acumen, sharpness, perceptiveness, insight,
to be considered discernment
Murky – dark Slingshot - cause to accelerate through the use of gravity
N Snappy – attractive or amusing and short or quick
Nettle – irritate, annoy Startling – surprising
Nontrivial – not trivial, significant Steadfast – rigid, firm, resolute
Normative – determining norms or standards Subjective – personal
O Substantial – significant, important
Objective – impartial, disinterested Subvert – undermine, disrupt
Objurgate – rebuke severely, scold Supplication – entreaty, implore
Odor - scent Surmise – guesswork, assumption
Offset – balance Surmount – overcome, prevail, conquer, triumph
Olfaction - the sense of smell Surrogate – proxy, deputy, substitute
On slippery ground - *Uncertain, *Treacherous Sway – influence, rule, control
Onset – *start, beginning, inception, *attack T
Otherwise – in a different state or situation Tactless – impolitic, gauche
Outspoken – honest, frank Take issue with – disagree, challenge
P Temporal – chronological
Paleontologist - a scientist who studies fossils U
Pamphlet - a small brochure or leaflet containing information or Unalienable – that can’t be taken away from you
arguments about a single subject Uncharacteristic – unusual
Parallel – similar, equivalent, analogous Undercut - weaken
Partisan – one-sided, follower, showing too much support for Uninformative – useless information
one person or group without considering carefully Unironic – not ironic
Patent – blatant, flagrant, used to emphasize that something bad Unpretentious – modest, unassuming, self-effacing
is clear and obvious Unpropitious – not auspicious, not favorable, not promising
Peasant – poor farmer, a person of low social status Untenable – indefensible, insupportable, invalid, weak
Pejorative – derogatory, disapproving, negative V
Peruse – read attentively Vanquished - beaten
Picturesque – attractive, charming Venture – risk
Plight – trouble, difficulty Vestigial – remaining
Polarize – oppose Viable – feasible, possible, sustainable
Polemic – *controversial, *a strong verbal or written attack, Vintage – related to past and of high quality
diatribe, tirade, harangue Vivid – bright, intense
Posture – attitude, position, মন োভোব W
Precedence – seniority, preeminence Wanting – lacking, insufficient, deficient, imperfect
Presage –*foretell, foreshadow, *warning, omen, sign, Portend, Wheedle – persuade, cajole, inveigle, deceptive
portent, portentous Whine – moan, cry
Pretentious - Ostentatious
Probate – confirmation, validity
Proponent – advocate, supporter
Prose – writing style, talk boringly
Provoke – stimulate
Rambling – verbose, wordy
Realization – accomplishment, the fulfillment or achievement of
something desired or anticipated
Recapitulate – Summarize, review
Recoil – withdrawal, retreat, pull back, jump back, draw back
Recrudescent – resurgent, to happen again
Referenda – votes, referendum
Reign – supremacy, rule
Replicate – make an exact copy of something
Reservation – *lack of interest, opposition, *booking
Retrospective – review
Reverberation – echo
Rid – free, liberate

Kawsar Farhad, EEE, KUET

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