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XII JEE Main (Online) Test - 05

Topic - Relations and Functions

Paper - I
Time Allowed: 75 Minutes Maximum Marks: 100
• Question No. 1 to 20 are “Single Answer MCQ’s”. For each question, you will be awarded +4 marks
if you select the radio button corresponding to the correct answer. Zero mark if no radio button is
selected and (–1) in all other cases.
• Question No. 21 to 25 are “Numerical Value Type Questions”, where each answer is a
non-negative integer, followed by decimals, correct up to two digits. If the numerical value has more
than two decimal places then round-off the value up to TWO decimal places. (For example: If your
answer is 3.4, then you have to enter it as 3.40 and if your answer is 72, then you have to enter it as
72.00.) For each question, you will be awarded +4 marks if you enter the correct answer and zero
mark in all other cases.

All the Best !!!

1. If f :  →  and g :  →  be defined as f ( x ) = x 2 + 3 x + 1 and g ( x=
) 2 x − 3, then
( fog )( 2 ) is
(A) −3 (B) 5 (C) −7 (D) 11
2. If f :  →  be defined as f ( x=
) 7 x − 4 , then f ( x ) is
(A) one-one but not onto (B) onto but not one-one
(C) neither one-one nor onto (D) both one-one and onto
3. For the equivalence relation R in the set A = {1,2,3,......14} , given by
= R {( a, b ) : a − b is divisible by 4} , the number of elements in the set which are related
to 3 is
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 3
4. If A = {1,2,3,4} and a relation R on A is defined as
R = {(1,1) , (1,2 ) , (1,4 ) , ( 2,1) , ( 2,2 ) , ( 3,3) , ( 4,1) , ( 4,4 )} , then R is
(A) transitive and reflexive (B) symmetric and transitive
(C) reflexive and symmetric (D) equivalence

2020-21_XII_ Main (T-05)_12.04.2020 (Relations and Functions)_PI RN Classes Pvt. Ltd.

SCO 163, Sec 38 C&D, Chd. Ph. 0172-2697998
5. If f :  →  be given by f ( x= (5 − x ) 5 1/5
, then ( fof )( x ) is
(A) 5 − x5 (B) ( x )
(C) x5 (D) x
6. Consider the function f :  + → A given by f ( x ) = 5 x 2 + 6 x − 9 is bijective. The set
A, is (where  + is the set of non-negative real numbers)
 72 
(A) ( −6, ∞ ) (B) [ −9, ∞ ) (C)  − , ∞  (D) None of these
 5 
7. For irrational numbers x and y , define xRy if and only if x − y + 2 is an irrational
number. Then the relation R is
(A) reflexive (B) symmetric and transitive
(C) symmetric but not transitive (D) transitive but not symmetric
8. Let p be the relation on the set  of all real numbers defined by a pb iff a − b ≤ .
Then p is
(A) reflexive and symmetric but not transitive
(B) symmetric and transitive but not reflexive
(C) transitive but neither reflexive nor symmetric
(D) none of these
9. The function f : {1,2,3} → {−4, −5, −6} given by f ( x=) x 2 − 5 x is
(A) one-one function (B) onto function
(C) both one-one and onto function (D) neither one-one nor onto function
10. If f :{1,2,3} → {3,4,5} and g :{3,4,5} → {4,5,6} are defined as f = {(1,5 ) , ( 2,3) , ( 3,4 )}
and g ( x )= x + 1 , then
(A) gof = {( 3,5 ) , (1,4 ) , ( 2,6 )} (B) gof = {(1,4 ) , ( 2,5 ) , ( 3,4 )}
(C) gof = {(1,6 ) , ( 2,4 ) , ( 3,5 )} (D) gof = {( 2,5 ) , (1,6 ) , ( 3,4 )}
2x − 3
11. The inverse of f ( x ) = , given that f ( x ) is invertible, is
4x − 8
1  8x − 3  8x − 3 3x − 8 1  3x − 8 
(A)   (B) (C) (D)  
2  2x − 1  4x − 1 4x − 1 2  2x − 1 
12. Let L denotes a set of all straight lines in a plane and a relation R on L be defined by
lRm iff angle between l and m is 60° . Then R is
(A) reflexive (B) symmetric (C) transitive (D) both (B) and (C)
13. Which of the following functions from Z to itself is a bijection?
(A) f ( x ) = x3 ) 2 x + 1 (C) f ( x )= x + 2 (D) f ( x=) x 2 + x
(B) f ( x=
14. Let f :  →  , f ( x=
) 3x − 5 and g :  →  , g ( x=) x 2 + 1, then
(A) gof is one-one but not onto (B) gof is onto but not one-one
(C) gof is both one-one and onto (D) gof is neither one-one nor onto

2020-21_XII_ Main (T-05)_12.04.2020 (Relations and Functions)_PI RN Classes Pvt. Ltd.

SCO 163, Sec 38 C&D, Chd. Ph. 0172-2697998
15. Which of the following function from {0, 1, 3, 9} to {−1, − 5, 0, 3} is invertible?
(A) {(1, −1) , ( 3,0 ) , ( 9,3) , ( 0,0 )} (B) {( 3, −5 ) , ( 0,0 ) , (1,3) , ( 9, −1)}
(C) {( 0, −1) , (1,3) , ( 3,3) , ( 9, −5 )} (D) None of these
16. For the set A = {4,5,6} , define a relation R in the set A as R = {( 4,4 ) , ( 5,5 ) , ( 4,6 )} .
The minimum number of elements that must be added to make R an equivalence
relation is
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 1
17. If relation R in the set A ={−5, −4, −3, −2, −1,0,1,2,3,4,5} is defined as
= R {( x, y ) :4
= x − y 0} , then relation R is
(A) reflexive, symmetric, not transitive
(B) neither reflexive, nor symmetric, nor transitive
(C) neither reflexive nor symmetric but transitive
(D) None of these
18. If f :  − {1} →  be defined by f ( x ) = 3 , then f is
x −1
(A) not one-one (B) not onto (C) bijective (D) not a function
 −5   −1 
19. If f :  , ∞  →  , ∞  be defined as f ( x ) = x 2 + 5 x + 6 , then f ( x ) is
2  4 
(A) only one-one (B) only onto (C) invertible (D) not invertible
−2; x > 0

20. If f :  → {2,0, −2} defined as =
f ( x ) =0; x 0 , then f ( x ) is
2; x < 0

(A) onto (B) one-one (C) neither one-one nor onto (D) both one-one and onto
21. Let R be the relation defined on the set A = {1,2} , then write the number of such
relations which are transitive but neither reflexive nor symmetric.
22. If f :  →  & g : [ −5, ∞ ) →  are functions defined by f ( x= ) 2 x + 5 and
( x)
g= 2 x + 10, then write the value of ( gof ) ( 2020 ) .

23. If the maximum number of equivalence relations on the set A = {a, b, c} are ‘ n ’, then
n2 + 3
write the value of .
24. If f :  →  , g :  →  defined by f ( x ) = 2 x and g ( x )= x + 2 , then write the
value of ( f −1og −1 ) ( 7 ) .

2020-21_XII_ Main (T-05)_12.04.2020 (Relations and Functions)_PI RN Classes Pvt. Ltd.

SCO 163, Sec 38 C&D, Chd. Ph. 0172-2697998
1 4  11  1
( fog )
25. If f and g be invertible functions such that  = and f   = , then
2 7 3 2
write the value of g   .

2020-21_XII_ Main (T-05)_12.04.2020 (Relations and Functions)_PI RN Classes Pvt. Ltd.

SCO 163, Sec 38 C&D, Chd. Ph. 0172-2697998

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