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LACRE, Melanie Louise Anne C.


Progesterone Calcitonin
Vasopressin Leptin
Throxine Testosterone
Prolactin Epinephrine
Melatonin Estrogen
Location of the Gland Target Organ or
HORMONE GLAND Structure of Gland Tissue The Action
Located behind the
third cerebral ventricle Regulates circadian rhythm (awake/sleep
in the brain midline Brain patterns) and prevent jet lag
Pineal Gland (between the two (Suprachiasmatic
Melatonin cerebral hemispheres). nuclei)

Causes sexual development and growth spurt;

maintains proper functioning of male
Located between the reproductive system
bladder and the penis.
Testosterone Testes The prostate is just in Throughout body
front of the rectum.

Located in the anterior

neck, spanning between Controls the level of calcium in the blood by
the C5 and T1 depositing it in the bones
Calcitonin Thyroid vertebrae. Bone, kidneys
Gland and intestine
Located in the brain, To secrete hormones into your bloodstream.
between the Stimulates milk production in the breasts after
hypothalamus and the childbirth
Pituitary pineal gland, just
Prolactin gland behind the bridge of the Mammary glands
(anterior) nose

Increases blood pressure, heart and metabolic

rate, and blood sugar levels; dilates blood
vessels. Also released during exercise

They are located on top

Epinephrine Adrenal of each kidney. Muscles and
gland blood vessels
Used separate to water, ions and small
molecules from the blood, filter out wastes
Located in the brain, and toxins, and return needed molecules to the
between the blood.
hypothalamus and the
Pituitary pineal gland, just
Vasopressin gland behind the bridge of the Nephron
(Posterior) nose

The thyroid gland produces hormones that

regulate the body's metabolic rate as well as
heart and digestive function, muscle control,
Sits low on the front of brain development, mood and bone
the neck. Your thyroid maintenance.
lies below your Adam's
apple, along the front of
Thyroxine Thyroid the windpipe. All tissue
Causes sexual development and growth;
maintains proper functioning of female
Beside the uterus on reproductive system
each side of the lower Female
Estrogen Ovaries abdomen reproductive

Beside the uterus on

each side of the lower Mammary glands Prepares uterus for pregnancy
Progesterone Ovaries abdomen. Uterus

The hypothalamus is
located on the
undersurface of the It signals your brain to tell your body when
brain. It lies just below you're full and should stop eating. Yet, people
the thalamus and above The thyroid, the who are obese often develop leptin resistance.
Hypothalamu the pituitary gland, to adrenal glands,
Leptin s gland which it is attached by a and the gonads.

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