A Role Model Is A Person Who Inspires and Encourages Us To Strive For Greatness

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A role model is a person who inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness, live to our fullest potential and

see the best in ourselves. A role

model is someone we admire and someone we aspire to be like. We learn through them, through their commitment to excellence and through their
ability to make us realize our own personal growth. We look to them for advice and guidance.

Our most influential and life-changing role models are teachers.

There are many reasons why students think of teachers as role models. One of the biggest reasons is the desire to become a role model for students
to look up to, to learn from, and to remember for the rest of their lives. Everyone has felt the power and lasting presence of an effective teacher,
who also had a bigger impact. Whether it is learning the value of community service, discovering a love for a particular subject, or how to tap the
confidence to speak in public, teachers are the ones who light the way for us in this world.

There are many ways that teachers can be role models for their students, from being on time and fulfilling promises to showing empathy and being
positive. Remember, teachers are always be watched so make sure that you are being a role model that students want to emulate.

Help kids identify what they value. We have become a culture that seems afraid to discuss values, but teaching values does not have to mean
telling students what to value, but rather helping them to discover and articulate their own values. Focusing on values can also help students
maintain self-control—an important skill that helps students face many of the challenges in middle school. The more kids talk about what they
value, the better they get at making the right choices for themselves.

Encourage a growth mindset. A mindset is a person’s beliefs about whether his or her abilities or characteristics stay the same no matter what or
can change with learning. When an adult uses words like “You’re good, but what can you do to get better?” the world of possibilities opens up for a
middle schooler. With a growth mindset, kids begin to understand that nothing is forever

Lithuanian-Polish Youth Exchange Project

Many of us have role models in our lives and to most people role models are athletes and movie stars, but to me a role model is much more. To me
a role model is a person who has positively influenced someone in life, and is not a person filled with selfishness and greed. They help shape
someone’s personality, and characteristics. They are people who someone can look up to for advice in a hard situation, and know that they will give
those words of wisdom. They will never judge our past actions, instead only look to help because they really care. A role model is someone who we
should never feel awkward talking to about our problems. A perfect role model for me is my mother. She is a wonderful human being. She is smart,
wise, ambitious, patient and such a loving person. There are no words that can describe my gratitude towards her, but through this essay, I will
describe some of her characteristics that makes her my role model.

My role models are my parents. They are my pillars of strength. They are my guide and give me the courage to battle obstacles in life. My mother,
being a working professional, manages all her work perfectly and with efficiency. My father goes to office, but still does not forget to help me with
my studies. They always encourage me in every aspect and motivate me even when I do not succeed. My mother always smiles, no matter what the
circumstances are and that gives me the strength and inspiration to face all problems. My parents have made me understand what life is about and
how to find that little ray of happiness in difficult situations. What I am today and what I will become in future involves the support and affection of
my parents. They have made me disciplined, dedicated and sincere. A role model does not have to be a famous personality. It can be anyone who
makes us believe in ourselves. My parents fill sweetness in my life. From childhood, I have learnt everything from my parents. Not just parents, I
also consider my teachers as role models. Even they guide me and show the path of success. They have turned me into a fighter in the war of life.

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