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Seismic attribute technology for reservoir

forecasting and monitoring
QUINCY CHEN and STEVE SIDNEY, Western Atlas International Inc., Houston, Texas

D uring the 1970s and 1980s, the on either wave kinematic/dynamic attribute to ensure that meaningful
seismic attributes most used in categories or geologic reservoir fea- comparisons can be made between
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petroleum exploration were ampli- ture categories. The Appendix goes many trace locations.
tude-based instantaneous attributes. into greater detail by describing the Multitrace windowed seismic
However, in the 1990s, seismic nature of particular attributes and event attributes are also for varying
attribute technology has dramatical- circumstances where they are most windows as in the single-trace case
ly advanced in several directions; useful. Figure 2 shows a classifica- discussed earlier. Such attributes
techniques now range from single- tion scheme for seismic attribute require an upper and lower bound to
trace instantaneous event attribute objects. define the extraction window, and
computations to more complex mul- Section-based attributes are not also require a bound on the number
titrace windowed seismic event discussed in this article. These are of traces and the pattern of traces
attribute extractions to the genera- usually of an instantaneous type or over which the extraction takes
tion of seismic attribute volumes. are a result of special processing such place. The resultant seismic attribute
Applications run from simple ampli- as velocity or impedance. This paper is assigned to the event location at
tude anomaly detection to monitor- does refer to instantaneous seismic the central trace location of the spec-
ing fluid front movement over time. attributes in the context of event ified pattern. The process is repeated
Seismic attribute technology can attributes and volume attributes. for each new central trace to yield a
extract information from seismic Event-based attributes. Seismic new surface as illustrated in Figure 4.
data that is otherwise hidden in the event attributes — attributes extract- One great advantage of 3-D seis-
data and which will enhance the use ed from the seismic data and associ- mic over 2-D seismic is the ability to
and value of geophysics in an area ated with a surface — provide infor- produce three-dimensional multitrace
that is now a prime focus of the mation about how attributes vary at seismic event attribute extraction
petroleum industry: predicting, char- or between geologic boundaries. along defined events using different
acterizing, and monitoring hydro- Three methods to extract event spatial pattern configurations. Figure
carbon reservoirs. attributes are termed instantaneous, 5 presents the available patterns.
single-trace windowed, and multi- Tests indicate that multitrace seismic
What is a seismic attribute? Seismic trace windowed extraction methods. attribute extractions with different
attributes are specific measurements Instantaneous seismic event trace patterns can reveal the
of geometric, kinematic, dynamic, or attributes are derived from the com- anisotropic features of reservoir frac-
statistical features derived from seis- plex trace analysis of seismic trace ture and/or fault patterns.
mic data. Some are more sensitive data at the event location. They have We have further advanced the
than others to specific reservoir envi- been used widely in the past two multitrace attribute extraction tech-
ronments; some are better at reveal- decades. niques in two aspects. First, because
ing subsurface anomalies not easily Single-trace windowed seismic multiple cross correlation values are
detectable; and some have been used event attributes are extracted for obtained at each trace, principal
as direct hydrocarbon indicators. “varying windows” (i.e., a window component analysis is applied to the
that either changes its length or posi- correlation matrix. It yields a better
What seismic attribute to use? The tion on the seismic trace as we move image of seismic continuity/discon-
more seismic attributes available, the from trace-to-trace). The upper tinuity compared with the average
more confusion geoscientists may and/or lower bounds of this varying correlation attribute. Second, tests
have in selecting the appropriate window are defined by interpreted indicate that the selection of the sur-
ones. Improved documentation and seismic events. As a special case, a rounding trace pattern for cross cor-
greater understanding of the under- time slice can be thought of as a flat relation analysis helps reveal the
lying rock physics that give rise to an event without conventional seismic reservoir structure and anisotropy.
anomaly, the role that seismic pro- interpretation. Volume-based attributes. Seismic
cessing plays in enhancing or Figure 3a illustrates six different volume attributes — complete vol-
destroying attribute anomalies, and boundaries that can be formed by umes of attributes derived from a 3-
the value of seismic attributes in the defining Ea, δa, Eb, and δb. The var- D seismic volume — can have sig-
absence of good well control are ious combinations of these bound- nificant value. For example, an
areas where assistance is needed. aries allow nine different varying instantaneous phase volume avail-
Guidance should be available to the windows that change in position and able as an alternate version to the
interpreter to help with the choice of length. Figure 3b illustrates how seismic data can help when tracking
the seismic attributes that will pro- three additional varying windows data through noisy areas. Another
vide the greatest insight into the cur- that change in position but not in great advantage of 3-D seismic
rent problem under investigation. length may be defined by specifying attribute volumes is the ability to
Figure 1 illustrates some of the E, δ, and L. In situations where win- generate correlation type cubes. Such
dozens of seismic attributes now dow length varies from trace-to- volumes, principally because of cross
available and the selection of appro- trace, averaging techniques may correlations between traces (as well
priate attributes can be made based have to be applied to the seismic as their frequency-domain counter-



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Figure 1. Categories of seismic attribute based on (a) wave kinematics/dynamics and (b) reservoir features to aid in the attrib-
ute selection process. Attributes assigned in category (b) may vary depending on user choice and reservoir characteristics.


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Figure 3. (a) Defining a “varying window” using events Ea

and Eb and offsets a and b from those events. (b) Defining
a “varying window” for a single event labeled E, offset δ ,
and fixed window length L.

Figure 2. Classification of seismic attribute objects.

Figure 4. Schematic illustrating multitrace attribute compu- Figure 5. The eight pattern options available when
tation and generation of a new event grid. performing multitrace seismic attribute extractions.
parts), provide good information on take place. Thus the window is fixed stacking the resultant slices to form
seismic signal similarity and conti- in both length and location. The a new volume.
nuity from trace-to-trace. attribute extraction will then be Multitrace windowed seismic
Instantaneous seismic attributes made using the trace values between attribute volumes also can only be
available for the generation of seis- the two time slices and the results generated for a “fixed window.” In
mic attribute volumes are the same as over all traces will yield another addition to the upper and lower
those for event attribute extractions. slice as in Figure 6. This slice is then timeslice bound, a bound on the
Single-trace windowed seismic assigned to the central location with- number of traces and the pattern of
attribute volumes can only be gen- in the fixed window. A complete traces over which the extraction
erated for a “fixed window” — a seismic attribute volume can be takes place is also defined.
method which uses a timeslice as the generated by repeating the fixed Figure 7 shows how a multitrace
upper and lower bound for the win- window seismic attribute extrac- seismic attribute volume is generated
dow over which the extraction will tions for different time ranges and using a number of traces and trace



4) A single trace windowed event
attribute extraction then followed.
Average reflection strength (RS)
was chosen as the attribute and
the continuous horizon used as
the control. A 50 ms window
bracketing this continuous event
was used.
5) The resultant attribute map
revealed channel positions. The
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values at the edges of the color

spectrum were adjusted to make
the channels stand out.
Figure 7. Generation of multitrace
volume attributes. Future development. Most applica-
Figure 6. Generation of single-
tions involve one seismic attribute at
trace attribute volumes.
revealed these trends better than a time. Searching and identifying
patterns around a central trace in the the normal amplitude. seismic attribute anomalies requires
3-D volume. 2) The anomaly was then tracked considerable interpretation expertise
using a time-slice picker and the and is often very time consuming. A
Using volume and event attributes amplitude threshold value set software module for multiattribute
together. Figure 8, a display of mean- high enough to keep the pick anomaly automatic detection can
dering channels, was generated by from running away. help considerably. Such a module can
the following process: 3) The vertical sections (inlines) were be designed for interpreters to ana-
then investigated to determine lyze and compare multiple attribute
1) A volume of the instantaneous where the channel was in time variation along the zone of interest,
attribute reflection strength was and identify the nearest continu- so as to distinguish hydrocarbon-
generated. While scanning every ous reflection to the channel. This caused and non-hydrocarbon-caused
fifth time slice, peculiar arcuate continuous event was picked attribute anomalies and focus on nar-
and sinuous reflection trends every 20th inline, and then space rowing-down anomaly spots.
were noticed. An interesting tracked. Holes in the interpreta- Spectral analysis of time-based
anomaly was located and a finer tion were filled using the interpo- seismic data has provided many seis-
time-slice interval used to exam- lation option. This new event pro- mic attributes useful in reservoir
ine the extent of this trend. The vided the structural control for the predicting, characterizing, and mon-
instantaneous reflection strength event attribute extraction. itoring. Modern spectrum analysis
methods such as maximum entropy
spectrum analysis, parametric spec-
trum analysis, and wavelet trans-
form are being investigated. Joint
time-frequency analysis by wavelet
transform could provide another
dimension to existing 2-D or 3-D
seismic interpretation.
The extension of instantaneous
attributes to the time-frequency
domain. SWFT (short window Fouri-
er transform) and WT (wavelet trans-
form) can yield many more new
instantaneous attributes of the time-
frequency type. Thus, SWFT-based
and WT-based instantaneous attrib-
utes need to be further investigated.
One significant application of such
new instantaneous attributes is to
add another dimension to AVO
analysis, that is, several energy and
spectrum attributes can be visualized
in the three-dimension cube (time
axis, offset axis, and frequency axis).
Acknowledgments: The authors thank Western
Atlas, Inc., for permission to publish this article,
and Joe Wimmer for producing the process that
provided the example illustrated in Figure 8.

Corresponding author: Steve Sidney, 10205

Figure 8. Illustration of a single-trace windowed event attribute extracted We s t h e i m e r, H o u s t o n , TX 77042; email
from an instantaneous attribute volume of reflection strength.;



Appendix: Seismic attribute technology tables

Table 1: Summary of Instantaneous attributes

Name Description Applicability
Instantaneous real amplitude The time-domain vibration amplitude of traces Traditionally widely used in structural and stratigraphic interpretations.
f(t) at the selected sample. It is the default Often used as the base w ith other amplitude attributes to isolate high
expression of most seismic t race data. or low amplitude areas such as bright spots and dim spots.
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Instantaneous quadrature Stemmed from the complex seismic trace The phase-delay feature is useful in quality control of the vertical
amplitude q(t) analysis,being the time-domain vibration variation of instantaneous phase, also useful in identifying someAVO
amplitude whose phase delay is 90˚ from the anomalies from thin-layer reservoirs since they may only be observable
instantaneous real amplitude. at specific phases.
Instantaneous phase γ(t) Defined as the ang le whose tangent is Tends to enhance weak intra-reservoir events,but also enhance noise.
(q(t)/f(t)),the phase (modulation) of traces at Color scale on final map should take into account circular nature of results
the selected sample, in degrees or radians. (i.e. γ-180 =γ180) .S i nce hydrocarbons often cause local phasing,this attribute
is often used with others as one of the hydrocarbon indicators.
Cosine of instantaneous An attribute derived from instantaneous Since its fixed bounds (-1 to +1) are easi er to understand, it is often
phase cos (γ(t)) phase. used with instantaneous phase for better displaying its variation.
Product of inst. real This composite attribute is designed to This attribute enhances peak and trough amplitudes and turns all
amplitude and cosine of inst. enhance peak/trough amplitudes, especially trough amplitudes as pseudo peak amplitudes for better structural
phase f(t)cos (γ(t)) for zero-phase seismic data. interpretation.
Instantaneous frequency Defined as the derivative of instantaneous Often used to estimate seismic attenuation. Oil and gas reservoirs usually
ψ(ϖ) phase with time,dγ (t)/dt,in degrees/ms or cause drop-off of high frequency components.It helps to measure cyclic-
radians/ms. ity of geological intervals.Tends to be unstable in the presence of noise.
Amplitude weighted Instantaneous frequency weighted by Provides a more robust/smoothed estimate of instantaneous frequency
instantaneous frequency instantaneous amplitude formulated as and is less prone to noise.
Σ(f(t)2dγ(t)/dt)/Σ(f(t) 2).
Energy weighted Instantaneous frequency weighted by Provides the most robust estimate of instantaneous frequency.But
instantaneous frequency theinstantaneous energy A(t) as such a smoothing can also suppress anomaly information in the trace.
Slope of instantaneous Defined as the rate of inst. frequency change, Often used to indicate rate of attenuation and absorption.Since gas,
frequency d(dγ(t)/dt)/dt. oil,and water/brine saturation cause different attenuations, this
attribute,for high-resolution data, can indicate those fluid boundaries,
useful in time lapse 3-D.
Reflection strength A(t) Defined as (f(t) 2 + q(t)2)1/2. Alternative names Useful in identifying bright/dim/flat spots. Often used to determine lateral
are ”Instantaneous amplitude,” ”Amplitude fluid,lithologic,and stratigraphic variations in reservoirs.As the absolute
envelope.” value of the complex trace magnitude,it loses some vertical resolution.
dB-based reflection strength Decibel scale of reflection strength, or 20 The decibel scale is often used in frequency domain to display the power
times the common logarithm of reflection spectrum. Here this attribute is used to examine the variation or anomaly of
strength. reflection strength in decibel scale.Fractal analysis of this attribute,that is,a
model-based description of seismic waveforms can yield some fractal
index to stratigraphic sequence and possible hydrocarbon anomaly.
Med-filtered energy of Defined as the time-domain median-filtered This median-filtered energy attribute enhances the peak anomalies of
reflection strength energy of reflection strength. reflection strength,similar to the role played by another attribute
perigram,a filtered reflection strength.
dB-based energy of Decibel scale of time-domain energy of Often used with dB-based reflection strength to examine the time
reflection strength reflection strength. domain energy anomaly in decibel scale.
Slope of reflection strength The rate of reflection strength change over Very useful in characterizing vertical stratigraphic sequences and
time. vertical variation in reservoir fluid content such as in time lapse 3-D.
Product of filtered reflection Filtered reflection strength or perigram is Useful in analysis of amplitude anomalies by mapping enhanced high-
strength & cosine of inst. obtained by subtracting the dc/average amplitude and continuous events.
phase component from the reflection strength.
Apparent polarity Defined as the polarity of reflection strength. Useful for checking the lateral variation of polarity along a reflection
layer.Often used in conjunction with reflection strength.
Response phase Derived from the instantaneous phase around An alternative way to track the time and spatial-variant phase change
the lobes of reflection strength. of the seismic wavelet.
Response frequency Derived from the instantaneous frequency An alternative way to track the time and sp atial variant dominant
around the lobes of reflection strength. frequency change of the seismic wavelet.



Table 2: Summary of single-trace windowed attributes

Name Description Applicability

Average vibration energy The time-domain average energy (square of Used to analyze the amplitude anomaly of interest zone/layer.Serv es
amplitude) of all samples in the window interval. as a key attribute for bright and dim spot d etecting.
Average vibration path Defined as the average trace wiggle length.It Used to differentiate between high amplitude/high frequency and high
length is a composite attribute to combine amplitude amplitude/low frequency and low amplitude/high frequency and low
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and frequency features. amplitude/low frequency particularly when combined with other
amplitude and frequency attributes.
Maximum peak amplitude Maximum trace peak amplitude within the Used to identify amplitude anomalies due to changing lithology or
window interval. hydrocarbon accumulation.
Maximum trough amplitude Maximum trace trough amplitude within the Used to identify amplitude anomalies due to changing lithology or
window interval. hydrocarbon accumulation.
Integrated absolute The sum of all absolute trace amplitudes To characterize sequences and indicate amplitude anomalies due to
amplitude within the window interval. changing lithology or hydrocarbon accumulation.
Composite absolute The sum of absolute maximum peak Used mostly for the zone of interest to characterize lateral variation
amplitude amplitude and absolute maximum trough due to lithology or hydrocarbon accumulation.
amplitude within the window interval.
Root mean square (RMS) The square root of the sum of time-domain Indicates isolated or extreme amplitude anomalies. Used to track
amplitude energy (square of amplitude) within the lithologic changes such as deltaic channel and gas sand.
window interval.

Composite envelope The difference in amplitude envelopes Used mostly for the zone of interest to examine seismic attenuation
difference (reflection strength) between the top and base from the top to the bottom events such as with different fluid
events which are calculated in the upper half saturations. Its lateral variation also indicates lithologic and fluid
window and lower half window,respectively. changes. Good for time lapse 3-D.
Average zero crossing The average number of zero crossings within Another way to measure the f requency content of seismic data.
the window interval.
Bandwidth rating Statistical measure of frequency range in the Since frequency bandwidth of the seismic wavelet is more stable
windowed data,Such a measure includes the spatially compared with that of various noises, this attribute indicates
effect of the seismic source wavelet and the areas of high/low multiple/reverberation.Low reverberation leads to
reflectivity of rock layers. small bandwidth rating.
Dominant frequency rating Uses autocorrelation FFT and window Since the dominant frequency of the seismic wavelet is quite stable
smoothing functions to measure the dom- spatially,the change of this attribute is mostly caused by local lithology
inant frequency in the windowed samples.For and fluid.Hydrocarbons usually cause the a ttenuation of high-freq
this and other spectral attributes, a t least 8 to component and so the dominant frequency drop may indicate gas
10 samples are preferred in order to get stable sand, etc. It is often used to characterize the lateral variation in the
frequency spectrum. zone of interest.
Central frequency rating A statistical measure of the peak f requency of Unless poor data,this attribute should be close to,or track the
the windowed data. Sensitive to the reflectivity dominant frequency rating. So it can indicate frequency-absorbed
within the window interval. anomalies such as gas sand. Don’t be surprised that its value may b e
much higher or lower that expected from the wavelet.

Centroid frequency rating Defined as the frequency corresponding to the Often used with dominant and central frequency ratings for quality
center of power spectrum area.It may deviate control.
from central or dominant freq. rating. At least 8
to 10 samples are preferred in order to get a
stable frequency spectrum.
1/2/3rd peakspectrum freq. Often used together to characterize the These three peak-spectrum frequencies are often used to detect
frequency- domain amplitude spectrum. frequency absorption due to overlaying anomalies such as gas
saturation and fractures.
Dominant power spectrum The power spectrum value corresponding to The lateral change of this attribute along the zone of interest indicating
the dominant frequency rating . reflector heterogeneity due to lithology and fluid.Good for time lapse 3-D.
Concentration of dominant Another measure of power spectrum to The lateral change of this a ttribute along the zone of interest indicates
power spectrum quantify the energy distribution around the reflector heterogeneity due to lith ology and fluid.Good for time lapse
dominant frequency. 3-D.
Finite frequency-bandwidth Energy contained within low-cut and high-cut Usually used with low-freq bandwidth energy to detect gas sand and
energy frequency bounds specified by the user. fractures, in particular for thin-layer reservoirs.
Specific frequency-band- Energy contained within low-cut and specific Usually used to generate low-freq bandwidth energy to detect gas
width energy frequency bounds specified by the user. sand and fractures, in particular for thin-layer reservoirs.



Table 2: Summary of single-trace windowed attributes

Name Description Applicability

Ratio of specific to finite The ratio of specific freq-bandwidth energy to This is an important indicator of gas-deduced low-freq effect on spectrum
energy finite freq-bandwidth energy. energy.Its lateral change may indicate fluid contact and variation.
Attenuation sensitive Sometimes called hydrocarbon-sensitive Gas and oil accumulation usually cause high-frequency attenuation,
bandwidth bandwidth, defined as the value of the finite and yield the variation of this bandwidth.Good for time lapse 3-D.
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frequency-bandwidth energy divided by the

dominant frequency spectrum value.
Power spectrum symmetry It describes the spectrum distribution and shape Useful in indicating gas anomalies since the high-freq attenuation causes
symmetry relative to the central frequency. asymmetric spectrum shape compared with that in surrounding area.
Power spectrum slope Describes the spectrum distribution and Usually focused on or below the zone of interest to detect gas-
frequency absorption. deduced frequency shadows.
Ratio of adjacent peak Within the window interval,the maximum peak To estimate seismic wave attenuation.Generally used for the zone of
amplitudes amplitude and the adjacent peak amplitude interest.
below are found and compared.
Ratio of autocorrelation Determine the maximum correlation peak To estimate of seismic wave attenuation.Generally used for the zone of
peak amplitudes amplitude and the adjacent peak amplitude interest.
and compare them.
Zone top-bottom amplitude Subdivide the window interval into two Time-domain estimate of seismic wave attenuation for the zone of
ratio portions and get the ratio of their absolute interest.
maximum amplitudes.

Zone top-bottom spectrum Subdivide the window interval into two Estimates seismic wave attenuation for the zone of interest in the
ratio portions and get the ratio of their dominant frequency domain.
spectrum values.

Arithmetic mean of the The mean of all sample amplitudes within the A statistical attribute used to debias the traces.
samples window interval.
Amplitude slope The average rate of change of trace amplitude Measures the general trend in trace energy and can be used to identify
value over time within the window interval. trends over small intervals.
Window length The length of selected window interval in each Used as the thickness of window interval,an input for other attribute
trace in milliseconds. calculations.
Fractional halftime The fraction of selected window interval Indicate balance of energy in the window interval.May be used to
required for the energy to build up to half its identify uneven reservoir features along the zone of interest.
final value.
Amplitude kurtosis Sum of the fourth power of the amplitudes in Useful in identifying parts of trace data dominated by a relatively small
the window interval. It is a statistical measure number of events.
indicating the relative amount of fluctuation in
amplitude values.
Ratio of positive to negative The ratio of positive amplitude area to Used to identify the balance of events in the window interval (
vibrations negative amplitude area. identify thickening of an interreservoir event with good acoustic contrast).
Fraction of samples less The fraction of samples in the window interval Used to analyze intrareservoir events such as amplitude anomaly by
than a threshold whose value is less than a specified threshold focusing on data with extremely high or low values.
Fraction of samples greater The fraction of samples in the window interval Used to analyze intrareservoir events such as amplitude anomaly by
than a threshold whose value is greater than a specified focusing on data with extremely high or low values.

Table 3: Summary of multitrace-windowed attributes

Correlation KLPC1 The first principal component of multitrace and Used as a measure of linear coherence of events in the multitrace
zero-lag cross correlation matrix. KLPC repre- window.The standard value is 1,and lower values indicate degrees of
sents the principal analysis method or K-L trans- discontinuity or incoherence such as geological events with steeper
form which stemmed from Karhunen and Loev. dips or more random noise. Useful in detecting seismic discontinuity
There are eight options of trace patterns avail- like faults and unconformities.
able for all these multi-trace attribute extraction.
Correlation KLPC2 The second principal component of multi- While the seismic data are primarily characterized by correlation KLPC1,
trace and zero-lag cross correlation matrix. correlation KLPC2 gives a secondary indication of residual features in the
data,usually the displayed feature is similar to KLPC1 feature but the
value range is different.



Table 3: Summary of multitrace-windowed attributes
Name Description Applicability

Correlation KLPC3 The third principal component of multi-trace It gives a third indication of residual features in the data.
and zero-lag cross correlation matrix.
Correlation KLPC ratio The ratio of differences in those principal A comprehension of the correlation KLPC1,KLPC2,and KLPC3,
components, (PC1-PC3)/(PC1-PC2). usually resulting in the feature characterization close to that of
correlation KLPC1.
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Correlation length Average distance (in traces) for cross correla- An indicator of lateral continuity. Useful in determining the persistence
tion of all traces to drop to a value of 0.5.If of facies (especially shales) within the window interval.
correlation is still above 0.5 at the edge of the
trace window, the distance is given as half the
interval length.
Average correlation Average of the cross correlations within the Useful in detecting seismic discontinuities;different trace patterns may
trace window (excluding the autocorrelation of indicate anisotropy of the discontinuities.
central trace).
Concentrative correlation More weight is given to traces adjacent to the Useful in detecting seismic discontinuities. This allows traces closer to
central trace in summing the cross correlations. the central trace to influence the result,thus improving the image
where more than three traces are used.
Correlation kurtosis Fourth power of average correlation in the Useful in enhancing seismic disc ontinuities, often for enhancing low
trace. correlation spots or lineaments.
Minimum correlation The minimum of the cross c orrelation within Useful in detecting seismic discontinuities and indicates the dominant
the trace window. seismic discontinuity around each trace.
Maximum correlation The maximum of the cross correlation within Often used with minimum correlation, and their difference helps with
the trace window. seismic discontinuity interpretation.
Semblance coefficient The energy of the stack normalized by the The deviation from the unity value indicates the degree of difference
mean energy of the components of the stack. between traces and can indicate geologic and/or stratigraphic



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