Presentation 15

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Representation and Realism in

and how I can apply it to my
media products
Misrepresentation and underrepresentation
Misrepresentation and underrepresentation is seen throughout the media. For example – Meghan Markel is
misrepresented in the media because she is African American, or the young generations are underrepresented
as the snowflake generation.

These representations are done for many reasons and are backed up by many theorists.

Bell hooks feminism theory states that all media companies are owned by powerful white men, so their beliefs
are what we see in the majority of the media backing up the Meghan Markel belief.

Stuart Halls representation theory states there are no true representations in the media, but the
representations shown are used to anchor readers beliefs to match the beliefs of the media owners and

In my media product I could show misrepresentation through main image angles. For example, a photo with a
young women from an angle above woud refer to how women and young people are often under and
misrepresnted in the media as media companies are usually owned by powerful, white men.
Realism can be shown in many ways in media. Realism is a way of a media product showing realistic features
that can perhaps relate to readers and give them a clearer and more truthful representation of the product
being shown.

In a story about a young adult with mental health issues realism can be shown through body language or facial
expressions that a lot of young people express every day and can relate to.

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