Language Test 11A Unit 11: Irada Ahadova

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Name _________________________________________________ Class ________________________

Irada Ahadova
Language Test 11A Unit 11

1 Complete the missing words. The first letter of each word is given.

A painting was stolen from an art gallery last week. When the police 1 investigate the case
more closely, they realised that the main 2 suspected was one of the security
guard working at the gallery, because it was impossible to 4 break into the gallery without
help from the inside. They talked to everyone who works at the gallery and finally 5 assistand
a man named James Harding who, as they discovered, had been in 6 prison for robbery several
times. The painting is still missing.


2 Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the words in capital letters.

There are fewer muggers (MUG) now than there used to be.

1 There were three thefts (THIEF) from the national museum last month.

2 While I was in the bank, there was a robbed (ROB).

3 This is a safe area. There haven’t been any burglaries (BURGLE) for ages.

4 Teenagers vandalised (VANDAL) the town centre yesterday, breaking windows and

spraying graffiti on buildings.

5 If you are caught fare dodged (DODGE) on the buses, you have to pay a fine.

6 Do you think that all murderer (MURDER) should go to prison for life?


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New Success Pre-Intermediate
3 Choose the correct answers.

The thief said he stole the money because he was very hard up / off / down.

1 I lost £100 to a con writer / artist / actor.

2 I have never broken / committed / accused a crime.

3 The thief was accused / arrested / sentenced to two years in prison.

4 The criminals ran across / along / away when they saw the police.

5 We were accused / arrested / sentenced of stealing a CD but it wasn’t true.

6 Have you ever broken / committed / accused the law?


4 Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets: Past Perfect or Past


The police in Winnipeg, Canada, had a problem. There had been (be) a lot of vandalism in the
previous few weeks and bridges, signs and homes had been covered with graffiti of the same cartoon
face. But who 1__painted__ (paint) it? They didn’t know how to find the person responsible. Then, the
police 2__received__ (receive) a call from a town resident. He 3__said__ (say) that, a few weeks
earlier, the same design 4__appeared__ (appear) on a local person’s Facebook page. The police
__checked__ (check) the web page and 6__arrested__ (arrest) an 18-year-old student for vandalism.


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2012
New Success Pre-Intermediate
5 Choose the correct answers.

‘I saw a great concert,’ said John.

John said that he ___ a great concert.

a had seen  b has seen  c saw

1 ‘Mick has sent me some roses,’ said Louisa.

Louisa said that Mick ___ her roses.
a sent  b has sent  c had sent
2 ‘I’m not a thief,’ said the burglar ‘this computer is mine’.
The burglar told the police that the computer was ___.
a his  b yours  c mine
3 ‘Lots of people break the law,’ said the thief.
The thief said that lots of people ___ the law.
a have broken  b had broken c broke
4 ‘I’ll take you to Leeds tomorrow,’ said my brother.
My brother said that he ___ me to Leeds the next day.
a will take  b would take  c took
5 ‘You were late home last night,’ said my mum.
My mum said that I ___ late home the night before.
a had been  b have been  c was
6 ‘I’m telling the truth,’ I said.
I told them that I ___ the truth.
a have been telling  b am telling c was telling


TOTAL / 30

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2012
New Success Pre-Intermediate

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