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Volume 13, Issue 9, October 2019

KP Ezine October 2019 1

Volume 13, Issue 9, October 2019
Sl.No Particulars Author Page

1 Impeachment Inquiry against President Donald Tin Win 4


2 Will BJP come in power again in Haryana Assem- Kanak Bosmia 7

bly election 2019?

3 Time chart analysis on the very recent project of Gunti Nagaraju 9


4 Delay or denial of marriage Siva Prasad Gantha 12

5 When Will I Get Work Permit? M. V Guptha 16

6 KP Muhurat analysis for Chandrayaan-2 lunar VSN Murthy 19

exploration mission

7 Is there any possibility to pull out the boat from T.D. Kamalanabha Sarma 22
Godavari river?

8 Progeny vs Barrens in Barrens Sumanadasa Namarathna 24

9 I am divorced, when will my second marriage Neeraj Sood 29


10 When I will get a job? Er Hrushikesh Maharana 32

11 Will Aditya Thackeray become Dyp. CM of Maha- Kanak Bosmia 35

rashtra in Maharashtra Assembly election, on
21st October 2019?

12 Will Sri Arun Jaitly survive from the present ill- Gunti Nagaraju 38
ness and be discharged from the hospital?

13 Will Sri Chidambaram be arrested? M. V Guptha 41

14 Punarphoo dosha - Delay, disturb in marriage T.D. Kamalanabha Sarma 44

15 Question-Answer Tin Win 47

14 Book Review-Medical Astrology Tin Win 51

15 Planetary position October 2019 KPAstro 4.5TM 56

KP Ezine October 2019 2

Volume 13, Issue 9, October 2019



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KP Ezine October 2019 3

By: Tin Win

On Sept. 24, 2019, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the beginning of an official
impeachment inquiry against President Trump, saying "I'm directing our six committees to
proceed with their investigations under that umbrella of impeachment inquiry. The president
must be held accountable. No one is above the law."
Calls for an inquiry had grown after Trump acknowledged asking the Ukrainian president to
investigate potential Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, a key political rival, for his
own political gain. This information is contained in a now-public whistleblower report that
laid out the actions of Trump; his personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, attorney general
William Barr; and other officials in the United States and Ukraine. The report includes the
allegation that White House officials used a classified computer system to hide documents
that could be politically damaging, including a transcript of a call with Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelensky.

If the evidence is strong enough, the committee crafts articles of impeachment — criminal
charges — and sends them to the full House. The House can impeach with a simple majority
of 218 out of 435 seats and the Democrats currently control 235 seats. The articles then go
to the Senate, where a trial takes place, with representatives from the House acting as
prosecutors and the president and his attorneys presenting his defense. The chief justice of
the Supreme Court presides over the trial in the Senate. While formal impeachment
proceedings looks quite possible, it is important to remember that it is unlikely to remove
Trump from office due to the Republican control of the Senate. For the House impeachment
vote to be confirmed, 67 out of 100 votes in the Senate are required. That would mean that
at least 20 GOP senators would have to vote to impeach.
Unless there are some new revelations against Trump -- and his polls numbers start to
decline sharply -- the Senate will not convict Trump on impeachment charges. If the
president is convicted, the vice president would then take over the White House.

For Trump the running joint dasa periods are: Ju-Ju dasa from 7 Oct 2016 to 25 Nov 2018,
and Ju-Sa dasa from 26 Nov 2018 to 08 June 2021.

KP Ezine October 2019 4

Donald Trump
Sun Rise: 05:23:33 AM Sun Set: 08:27:01 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shubha Hora: Mars Karana: Bav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Magha(3) Su Ke Ra Ve Ma
2 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Ra Sa Ma
3 Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Sa Ju
Ruling Planets - 15/Oct/2018 02:35:58 PM 4 Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ra Ra Ra
Rockville, Maryland, USA 5 Moola(2) Ju Ke Ra Sa Ma
6 U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ve Ra Me
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Ra Mo
Lagna Sa Su Ju Me Ju 8 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Mo Sa Ve
Moon Ju Ve Ma Sa Ra 9 Revati(4) Ju Me Sa Sa Ju
Day Lord: Moon 10 Krittika(2) Ve Su Ju Ju Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Mo Me Ju
12 Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ve Mo Ke
Ju[R] 24:25:58 XII 08:43:54
II 29:59:54 Ma 03:45:24 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 06:56:52 Su Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Ju Su
III 28:11:49 Mo Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Sa Ju
Me 15:50:23
5 4 XI 06:20:01 Ma Magha(2) Su Ke Mo Mo Su
3 Ve 02:43:08 Me Aridra(3) Me Ra Ve Mo Ke
6 Sa 00:47:46
Ju[R] Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ju Ju
Ve Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Ve Ma
Sa Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ma Ju Mo
IV 01:20:50 Su 29:54:33 Ra Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Ju Ra Sa
Ke 27:44:14 Ra 27:44:14
Ke Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Ju Ra Sa
Mo 28:11:04 5 X 01:20:50
8 2 Significators - Planets View
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 1 10 4 1, 2
Mo+ 11 4 3, 11 12
VII 06:56:52 Ma 4 1 4
V 06:20:01 IX 28:11:49 Me 10 11 3, 11
Ju 1 2 4 5, 9
9 12 Ve+ 2 11 5, 9 10
10 11 Sa+ 2 11 5, 9 6, 7, 8
Ra 1 10 4
VI 08:43:54 VIII 29:59:54 Ke 11 4 3, 11
(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Ju, Ve.
Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Ma. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

X 01:20:50 XI 06:20:01 Dasa Summary

Ra 27:44:14 Me 15:50:23
Su 29:54:33 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
07-Oct-1931 - 07-Oct-1948 07-Oct-1948 - 07-Oct-1955 07-Oct-1955 - 07-Oct-1975
Mercury 07-Oct-1931 Ketu 07-Oct-1948 Venus 07-Oct-1955
Ketu 05-Mar-1934 Venus 05-Mar-1949 Sun 06-Feb-1959
Venus 02-Mar-1935 Sun 05-May-1950 Moon 06-Feb-1960
IX 28:11:49 Sun 01-Jan-1938 Moon 10-Sep-1950 Mars 07-Oct-1961
Name: Donald Trump Sa 00:47:46 Moon 07-Nov-1938 Mars 11-Apr-1951 Rahu 07-Dec-1962
Gender: Male Ve 02:43:08 Mars 07-Apr-1940 Rahu 07-Sep-1951 Jupiter 07-Dec-1965
Date: Friday, 14/Jun/1946 XII 08:43:54 Rahu 05-Apr-1941 Jupiter 25-Sep-1952 Saturn 07-Aug-1968
Jupiter 23-Oct-1943 Saturn 01-Sep-1953 Mercury 07-Oct-1971
Time: 10:54:00 AM SID: 03:28:00 Saturn 28-Jan-1946 Mercury 11-Oct-1954 Ketu 07-Aug-1974
Lat: 40:41:00 N Lon: 73:48:00 W
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
TZ: -05:00 DST: 1.00 07-Oct-1975 - 07-Oct-1981 07-Oct-1981 - 07-Oct-1991 07-Oct-1991 - 07-Oct-1998
VIII 29:59:54 Place: Jamaica, New York, USA Sun 07-Oct-1975 Moon 07-Oct-1981 Mars 07-Oct-1991
VII 06:56:52 Moon 25-Jan-1976 Mars 07-Aug-1982 Rahu 04-Mar-1992
Ma 03:45:24 Mars 25-Jul-1976 Rahu 08-Mar-1983 Jupiter 22-Mar-1993
Ayanamsa: 23° 1' 10" I 06:56:52 Rahu 30-Nov-1976 Jupiter 07-Sep-1984 Saturn 26-Feb-1994
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus II 29:59:54 Jupiter 25-Oct-1977 Saturn 07-Jan-1986 Mercury 07-Apr-1995
Star: Jyeshta, Pada 4 Saturn 13-Aug-1978 Mercury 08-Aug-1987 Ketu 03-Apr-1996
Star Lord: Mercury Mercury 26-Jul-1979 Ketu 07-Jan-1989 Venus 30-Aug-1996
Ketu 31-May-1980 Venus 08-Aug-1989 Sun 30-Oct-1997
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun
Venus 06-Oct-1980 Sun 09-Apr-1991 Moon 07-Mar-1998
Tithi: Poornima
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
VI 08:43:54 Bal. Dasa: Mercury 2 Y, 3 M, 23 D 07-Oct-1998 - 07-Oct-2016 07-Oct-2016 - 07-Oct-2032 07-Oct-2032 - 07-Oct-2051
Ju[R] 24:25:58 Rahu 07-Oct-1998 Jupiter 07-Oct-2016 Saturn 07-Oct-2032
III 28:11:49 Jupiter 20-Jun-2001 Saturn 25-Nov-2018 Mercury 10-Oct-2035
Saturn 13-Nov-2003 Mercury 08-Jun-2021 Ketu 20-Jun-2038
Mercury 19-Sep-2006 Ketu 13-Sep-2023 Venus 29-Jul-2039
Ketu 08-Apr-2009 Venus 19-Aug-2024 Sun 28-Sep-2042
Venus 27-Apr-2010 Sun 19-Apr-2027 Moon 10-Sep-2043
Mo 28:11:04 Sun 27-Apr-2013 Moon 06-Feb-2028 Mars 11-Apr-2045
Ke 27:44:14 Moon 21-Mar-2014 Mars 07-Jun-2029 Rahu 21-May-2046
V 06:20:01 IV 01:20:50 Mars 20-Sep-2015 Rahu 14-May-2030 Jupiter 27-Mar-2049
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 5
Dasa and Bhukti lord Ju(2,5-9) is in the star of Ma(12,4), and in sub of Ra+(10), conj Su+
(10,1-2), aspt by Ju(2,5-9), sgl lord Ve+(11,10) having no planet in its stars and being the
cuspal sub lord of houses 6,12.

Bhukti lord Sa+(11,6-7-8), CSL of 9 having no planet in its stars, is in the star of Ju(2,5-9),
and in sub of Ma(12,4).

Trump became President during Jupiter Dasa- Jupiter Bhukti because of strong signification
of 6,10 and 11 houses at the sub level.

The current running Saturn Bhukti under Jupiter Dasa is not favorable for Trump at both
star and sub level.

Trump's fortunes are under considerable stress throughout much of 2019. He entered the
less positive Jupiter-Saturn dasa period in November 2018 right around the time the GOP
lost control of the House in the midterm elections. It was a sharp rebuke to his authority.
Jupiter-Saturn will continue through to June 2021 so will encompass the upcoming election

Recently Mars (27 Leo) is exactly aspecting his Ketu-Moon conjunction (27-28 Scorpio). This
is a nasty transit for anyone as it increases conflict and frustration, all the more so given the
role of Ketu as a kind of cosmic amplifier. This Mars transit was the catalyst for the whole
affair and the growing calls for impeachment.

It's clear there are more bad transits ahead for Trump in the coming months. After transit
Saturn aspects his Jupiter in early December contributing to many negative outcomes since
Jupiter is a key source of Trump's power and good fortune.

Then in January and February 2020 as transit Saturn moves into his sixth house (along with
Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto) in aspect to his Venus and Saturn in his twelfth house his
troubles may only be just beginning. This may be the most vulnerable part of his chart.

Saturn-to-Venus not only symbolizes troubles from females like Pelosi but Venus also rules
his 10th house of career and status. If there is an impeachment proceeding, Venus would
likely be afflicted in some way since his status as president would be called into question.
The Saturn opposition to Venus-Saturn is made more potent since Pluto will be there also.
Pluto represents exercises of power and coercion, so that is a very plausible transit set up for
impeachment. Pluto stationing exactly opposed Saturn/Karma says, that time has come.
Pluto delves deep, revealing secrets, exposing scandals, rooting out corruption, and impelling
change, willingly or not. The more you try to resist that change, the harder Pluto pushes
back, the more pressure is applied, the more pain is extracted. And in late January and early
February 2020, testy Mars is conjunct Moon-Ketu for worse to be impeached.

KP Ezine October 2019 6

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School,
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: Pin: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Email :;

Question: Will BJP come in power again in Haryana Assembly election, 2019?
Number. 94 (out of 249)
Date of Judgment: 22-09-2014, Monday; Time of Judgment: 11:56:41 AM; IST
Place of Judgment. Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’
Aynamsha 240.02'.33"

If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp lord signifies 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability), 11
(one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of 3, 10, 11, then success is

Cuspal Sub lord for BJP:

10th Cusp (Gemini 240.13’.08”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Mercury. Mercury is in the
star of Mars and sub of own. Mercury is occupant of 1 owner of 1-10. Star lord Mars is
occupant of 12, owner of 3-8. Sub lord is also Mercury. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Mercury is
the significator of 1-10-12-3-8. Hence, the wining in election is sure.

Cuspal Sub lord for opponent:

10th Cusp (Sagittarius 240.13’.08”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Mercury. Mercury is in
the star of Mars and sub of own. Mercury is occupant of 7 owner of 7-4. Star lord Mars is
occupant of 6, owner of 9-2. Sub lord is also Mercury. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Mercury is
the significator of 7-4-6-9-2. Hence, the wining in election is not sure.

My opinion: 10th sub lord Mercury does not signifies 3-10-11 at all for opponent, thus clear
cut victory for BJP is sure.

KP Ezine October 2019 7

Horary No. 122/249
Sun Rise: 06:30:47 AM Sun Set: 06:28:21 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vaidhrti Hora: Venus Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 122 1 Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ra Ra
Question : Will BJP come in powner again in Haryana Assembly election, 2019? 2 Visakha(1) Ve Ju Sa Ma Me
3 Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ma Ra Ra
Ruling Planets - 30/Sep/2019 11:56:41 AM 4 P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Me Me Ju
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Ve Mo
6 P.Bhadra(2) Sa Ju Ke Mo Ve
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Revati(3) Ju Me Ra Ra Ra
Lagna Ma Me Ra Ju Ve 8 Bharani(3) Ma Ve Sa Mo Ke
Moon Ve Ma Ve Ju Ve 9 Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ma Ra Ra
Day Lord: Moon 10 Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Me Ke Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Ve Mo
12 P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Ke Ve Me
II 06:23:14:05 XII 04:26:02:51
Su 05:12:45:56 Planetary Positions
Ma 05:03:26:26
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Me 06:01:30:20 Su Hasta(1) Me Mo Ra Sa Ju
Ke 08:19:06:25 Mo 06:03:56:45 Mo Chitra(4) Ve Ma Ve Ju Ve
XI 03:25:29:32
Sa 08:19:59:01 7 I 05:24:06:40
III 07:23:23:37 5 Ma U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Sa Me Ve
Ve 05:25:27:38
Ju 07:24:02:22 8 4 Me Chitra(3) Ve Ma Me Ju Su
Ju Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ma Su Ke
Ve Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ve Su
Sa P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Mo Ve
IV 08:24:13:08 X 02:24:13:08 Ra Aridra(4) Me Ra Mo Ve Sa
Ke P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Me Su
9 3 Significators - Planets View
12 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 1 12 11 12
Mo 12 1 3, 8 11
VII 11:24:06:40 Ma 12 12 12 3, 8
V 09:25:29:32 IX 01:23:23:37 Me 12 1 3, 8 1, 10
Ra 02:19:06:25 Ju+ 1 3 1, 10 4, 7
10 2 Ve 12 1 3, 8 2, 9
11 1 Sa+ 1 3 2, 9 5, 6
Ra 9 9
VI 10:26:02:51 VIII 00:23:14:05 Ke+ 1 3 2, 9
Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VIII 23:14:05 IX 23:23:37 Ra 19:06:25 Dasa Summary

X 24:13:08
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
05-Mar-2014 - 05-Mar-2021 05-Mar-2021 - 05-Mar-2039 05-Mar-2039 - 05-Mar-2055
Mars 05-Mar-2014 Rahu 05-Mar-2021 Jupiter 05-Mar-2039
Rahu 01-Aug-2014 Jupiter 15-Nov-2023 Saturn 22-Apr-2041
Jupiter 19-Aug-2015 Saturn 10-Apr-2026 Mercury 03-Nov-2043
VII 24:06:40 Saturn 25-Jul-2016 Mercury 15-Feb-2029 Ketu 09-Feb-2046
Name: Haryana Election 2019 XI 25:29:32 Mercury 02-Sep-2017 Ketu 04-Sep-2031 Venus 15-Jan-2047
Gender: Male Ketu 31-Aug-2018 Venus 22-Sep-2032 Sun 16-Sep-2049
Date: Monday, 30/Sep/2019 Venus 27-Jan-2019 Sun 22-Sep-2035 Moon 05-Jul-2050
Sun 28-Mar-2020 Moon 16-Aug-2036 Mars 04-Nov-2051
Time: 11:56:41 AM SID: 11:51:57 Moon 03-Aug-2020 Mars 14-Feb-2038 Rahu 10-Oct-2052
Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 05-Mar-2055 - 05-Mar-2074 05-Mar-2074 - 05-Mar-2091 05-Mar-2091 - 05-Mar-2098
Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Saturn 05-Mar-2055 Mercury 05-Mar-2074 Ketu 05-Mar-2091
VI 26:02:51 Mercury 08-Mar-2058 Ketu 01-Aug-2076 Venus 01-Aug-2091
XII 26:02:51 Ketu 15-Nov-2060 Venus 29-Jul-2077 Sun 01-Oct-2092
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 33" Venus 25-Dec-2061 Sun 28-May-2080 Moon 05-Feb-2093
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Sun 24-Feb-2065 Moon 04-Apr-2081 Mars 07-Sep-2093
Star: Chitra, Pada 4 Moon 06-Feb-2066 Mars 03-Sep-2082 Rahu 03-Feb-2094
Star Lord: Mars Mars 07-Sep-2067 Rahu 31-Aug-2083 Jupiter 21-Feb-2095
Rahu 16-Oct-2068 Jupiter 20-Mar-2086 Saturn 28-Jan-2096
Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury
Jupiter 23-Aug-2071 Saturn 26-Jun-2088 Mercury 08-Mar-2097
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Dvitiya
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
V 25:29:32 Bal. Dasa: Mars 1 Y, 5 M, 4 D 05-Mar-2098 - 05-Mar-2118 05-Mar-2118 - 05-Mar-2124 05-Mar-2124 - 05-Mar-2134
Ma 03:26:26 Venus 05-Mar-2098 Sun 05-Mar-2118 Moon 05-Mar-2124
Su 12:45:56 Sun 04-Jul-2101 Moon 22-Jun-2118 Mars 03-Jan-2125
I 24:06:40 Moon 04-Jul-2102 Mars 22-Dec-2118 Rahu 04-Aug-2125
Ve 25:27:38 Mars 04-Mar-2104 Rahu 29-Apr-2119 Jupiter 03-Feb-2127
Rahu 04-May-2105 Jupiter 22-Mar-2120 Saturn 03-Jun-2128
Jupiter 04-May-2108 Saturn 09-Jan-2121 Mercury 03-Jan-2130
IV 24:13:08 II 23:14:05 Saturn 02-Jan-2111 Mercury 22-Dec-2121 Ketu 04-Jun-2131
Sa 19:59:01 Ju 24:02:22 Mo 03:56:45 Mercury 04-Mar-2114 Ketu 28-Oct-2122 Venus 03-Jan-2132
Ke 19:06:25 III 23:23:37 Me 01:30:20 Ketu 03-Jan-2117 Venus 05-Mar-2123 Sun 03-Sep-2133
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 8
By: Gunti Nagaraju KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

After viewing the live event of landing and its last-minute failure of the “Lander- VIKRAM” on
Moon on 6th Sep 2019 during late hours of that night on TV monitor, I became curious to
know about the possibilities of it being alive, establishing the contacts and recover it to
normalcy by treatment and cure, through astrology with the help of time chart.
The following questions cropped in my mind on the subject under reference

Q 1)” whether the Lander-VIKRAM is alive and safe on the Moon?

Q2)” Will ISRO people be able to establish their contacts with the Lander? If so when?”.
Time chart is erected on 09-09-2019 @11-50-13 a.m @ Tarnaka, Secundrabad. (Attached)
Q1) On the longevity of the Lander-VIKRAM—

KP rules say
1) If Asc sub lord signifies then Poorna Ayushya means more than 66 Years.

2) If Asc sub lord signifies 1. 5.8, 9.10,6,12 + Badhaka and Maraka, then Madhya Ayushya
means up to 66 Years.

3) If Asc sub lord signifies 6,8,12 + Badhaka and Maraka, then Alpa Ayushya means up to
33 Years.

As per the time chart—the ascendant falls in Scorpio sign-8th in the natural zodiac, and 9th is
the badhaka house- Moon is the lord of the badhaka house.

Ascendant cusp sub lord is Mars+. No planets are placed in the stars of Mars. Mars is the
lord of 1 and 6 in 10. It is placed in the star of Venus lord of 7 and 12 in 10 and in the sub of
Rahu in 8th. Rahu represents Mercury lord of 8 and 11 in 10 and Saturn lord of 3 and 4 in
2nd. Thus Mars + signifies @STL level- 1-6-7-10-12 and @SBL level- 2-3-4-8-9-10-11.

From the above positive house 1-11-with 3 and 8 are signified along with negative houses
6-danger, 2 and 7- maraca houses, 9- badhaka house, 12- final emancipation-Loss, clearly
indicate very short longevity for the lander” VIKRAM”.

Q2) Any possibilities for an accident for the Lander-“VIKRAM”

KP Rule says
If the Ascendant OR 8th cuspal sub lords signify houses 6 (injury), 8 (accident) and 12
(hospitalization) and are connected with Mars, Saturn or Node, one may meet with the
accident, and if the following three conditions are simultaneously satisfied, it is a fatal

1) If Venus is connected with 8th house and

2) If Mars is connected with 8th house, Maraka and Badhaka and
3) If Uranus is connected with Maraka/Badhaka
the native is prone to meet with Fatal Automobile Accident during the joint dasa period of
significators of houses 4, 6, 8, 12, Maraka & Badhaka.

The general KP rule for the accident: (THIS IS THE ORIGINAL RULE IN KP)
If the Ascendant and 8th cuspal sub lords signify houses 6 (injury), 8 (accident) and 12

KP Ezine October 2019 9

Time Chart
Sun Rise: 06:03:18 AM Sun Set: 06:23:27 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Saubhaghya Hora: Venus Karana: Badreva Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Ma Ju Ve
2 Moola(4) Ju Ke Me Ke Me
3 Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ra Ke Ra
Ruling Planets - 09/Sep/2019 11:50:13 AM 4 Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Ve Ma Ve
6 Bharani(2) Ma Ve Mo Sa Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ra Ju Ve
Lagna Ma Sa Ma Ju Ve 8 Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Mo Ve
Moon Ju Su Mo Su Su 9 Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Ra Ra Ve
Day Lord: Moon 10 P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Su Me Ke
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Me Ju
12 Swati(4) Ve Ra Ve Sa Me
II 11:48:56 XII 16:42:56
Sa[R] 19:56:06 Planetary Positions
Ke 20:13:13
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Mo 28:23:25
I 12:19:34 Su P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Sa Me Me
III 13:07:00 Ju 21:42:16 Mo U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Mo Su Su
XI 17:59:39
9 7 Ma P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Mo Su
10 6 Me U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Su Ju Ra
Ju Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Su Ra Ju
Ve U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Ra Ra Me
Sa[R] P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Mo Me
IV 15:59:44 Ve 29:22:12 Ra Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Ju Ju Ra
Me 26:58:31
Ke P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Ju Ju Ke
8 Su 22:15:17
Ma 19:59:33 Significators - Planets View
11 5 X 15:59:44
2 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 10 10 7, 12 10
Mo+ 10 2 10 9
VII 12:19:34 Ma+ 10 10 7, 12 1, 6
V 17:59:39 IX 13:07:00 Me 10 10 10 8, 11
Ju 10 1 8, 11 2, 5
12 4 Ve 10 10 10 7, 12
1 3 Sa+ 10 2 7, 12 3, 4
Ra+ 1 8 2, 5
VI 16:42:56 Ra 20:13:13 Ke+ 10 2 7, 12
VIII 11:48:56
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Me, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VI 16:42:56 VII 12:19:34 VIII 11:48:56 Dasa Summary

Ra 20:13:13
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
01-Dec-2018 - 01-Dec-2024 01-Dec-2024 - 01-Dec-2034 01-Dec-2034 - 01-Dec-2041
Sun 01-Dec-2018 Moon 01-Dec-2024 Mars 01-Dec-2034
Moon 20-Mar-2019 Mars 01-Oct-2025 Rahu 29-Apr-2035
Mars 19-Sep-2019 Rahu 02-May-2026 Jupiter 17-May-2036
V 17:59:39 Rahu 25-Jan-2020 Jupiter 01-Nov-2027 Saturn 23-Apr-2037
Name: Time Chart IX 13:07:00 Jupiter 18-Dec-2020 Saturn 03-Mar-2029 Mercury 02-Jun-2038
Saturn 07-Oct-2021 Mercury 02-Oct-2030 Ketu 30-May-2039
Date: Monday, 09/Sep/2019 Mercury 19-Sep-2022 Ketu 02-Mar-2032 Venus 26-Oct-2039
Ketu 26-Jul-2023 Venus 01-Oct-2032 Sun 26-Dec-2040
Time: 11:50:13 AM SID: 10:46:16 Venus 01-Dec-2023 Sun 01-Jun-2034 Moon 03-May-2041
Lat: 17:27:00 N Lon: 78:30:00 E
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 01-Dec-2041 - 01-Dec-2059 01-Dec-2059 - 01-Dec-2075 01-Dec-2075 - 01-Dec-2094
Place: SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA Rahu 01-Dec-2041 Jupiter 01-Dec-2059 Saturn 01-Dec-2075
IV 15:59:44 PRADESH, India Jupiter 12-Aug-2044 Saturn 18-Jan-2062 Mercury 04-Dec-2078
X 15:59:44 Saturn 05-Jan-2047 Mercury 31-Jul-2064 Ketu 13-Aug-2081
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 30" Ma 19:59:33 Mercury 12-Nov-2049 Ketu 06-Nov-2066 Venus 22-Sep-2082
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Su 22:15:17 Ketu 31-May-2052 Venus 13-Oct-2067 Sun 22-Nov-2085
Star: U.Ashada, Pada 1 Me 26:58:31 Venus 18-Jun-2053 Sun 13-Jun-2070 Moon 04-Nov-2086
Star Lord: Sun Ve 29:22:12 Sun 18-Jun-2056 Moon 01-Apr-2071 Mars 04-Jun-2088
Moon 13-May-2057 Mars 01-Aug-2072 Rahu 14-Jul-2089
Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars
Mars 12-Nov-2058 Rahu 08-Jul-2073 Jupiter 19-May-2092
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Ekadasi
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
III 13:07:00 Bal. Dasa: Sun 5 Y, 2 M, 21 D 01-Dec-2094 - 01-Dec-2111 01-Dec-2111 - 01-Dec-2118 01-Dec-2118 - 01-Dec-2138
XI 17:59:39 Mercury 01-Dec-2094 Ketu 01-Dec-2111 Venus 01-Dec-2118
Ketu 29-Apr-2097 Venus 28-Apr-2112 Sun 01-Apr-2122
Venus 26-Apr-2098 Sun 28-Jun-2113 Moon 01-Apr-2123
Sun 24-Feb-2101 Moon 03-Nov-2113 Mars 01-Dec-2124
Moon 01-Jan-2102 Mars 04-Jun-2114 Rahu 31-Jan-2126
Mo 28:23:25 Mars 02-Jun-2103 Rahu 31-Oct-2114 Jupiter 31-Jan-2129
Ke 20:13:13 Rahu 29-May-2104 Jupiter 18-Nov-2115 Saturn 01-Oct-2131
Sa[R] 19:56:06 Ju 21:42:16 Jupiter 16-Dec-2106 Saturn 24-Oct-2116 Mercury 01-Dec-2134
II 11:48:56 I 12:19:34 XII 16:42:56 Saturn 24-Mar-2109 Mercury 03-Dec-2117 Ketu 02-Oct-2137
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 10
(hospitalization) and are connected with Mars, Saturn or Nodes, one may meet with an acci-
dent during the joint dasa period of the significators of houses 4, 6, 8 and 12; if Maraka and
Badhaka houses are involved, the accident may be fatal.

As per the Time chart

1) From the above para, the Ascendant cusp sub lord Mars+ signifying positive house 1-11-
with 3 and 8 are signified along with negative houses 6-danger, 2 and 7- maraca houses, 9-
badhaka house, 12- final emancipation-Loss, clearly indicate very short longevity for the
lander ”VIKRAM”.

2) To know whether it has faced any accident—as per the Time- Chart
8th cusp sub lord is Saturn+. No planets are placed in Saturn stars. It is the lord of 3 and 4
is in 2nd. Saturn is placed in the star of Sun lord of 10 in 10 and in the sub of Rahu in 8. Ra-
hu represents Mercury (8 & 11 in 10) and Saturn (3 & 4 in 2) and its significations.

Thus the 8th cusp sub lord Saturn+ strongly signifies 8 as sub lord along with 2-7-10-12 at
its star lord level and 2-3-4-8-9-10-11 at its sub lord level.

Here also except 11, all the relevant house for accidental death of the native like-6- danger/
sickness, 2 and 7- maraca houses, 9- physical damages and sufferings, 4- end of the every-
thing including the life of the Lander, 8-accident and damages to the Lander on account of
the missing communications (2 negative to 3), and 10- to experience the bad karma of its life.
All the above clearly indicate an accident, damages, and doubtful existence of its life.

3) Will it have any cure by treatment and be restored back to life”?

KP rule says on cure and recovery—if the 6th cusp sub lord signifies 1(native- Lander Vikram,
-5-control by treatment and 11- recovery to normalcy.

As per the time – chart—6th cusp sub lord is Moon+ -Badhaka lord of 9 is in 2. Moon is in the
star of Sun lord of 11 in 10 and in the sub of Moon lord of 9 in 2.

Thus Moon+ strongly signifies @STL- 2-9-10 and @SBL 2-3-4. It has not signified any house
like 5and 11 or not even 7th for treatment. The signification of 3rd to some extent may give
hope for regaining chances for communications (as 2 nd the negative to 3rd is strongly signified
at both levels).

In view of the above analysis on the chance of its being alive, accident, and remote any
chances for establishing its communications, I feel very sad to state that this would be the
end for Lander ”Vikram”.

KP Ezine October 2019 11

By: Siva Prasad Gantha
HIG 72, Bharatnagar Colony, Hyderabad-500018.
Mobile: 9440152397; E-mail:

(A) DELAY IN MARRIAGE: While furnishing the birth details, a client has enquired why
marriage has not taken place in his case even if he has attained the age of 37 years. In this
connection we will examine this aspect in his horoscope. The birth details are as follows.

DOB: 6-12-1979 Time: 6-40 am Place: Vijayawada (Long:80-39’ Lat:16-31’N)

The native has born in Aridra star with the ascendant Scorpio. The relevant houses of mar-
riage are 2,7 and 11. If the 7th cuspal sublord signifies 2 or 7 or 11 at planet level or starlord
level or sublord level, marriage is promised. But if the dasalord does not signify the event, the
event will not fructify during its period even if the dasalord got the support of other DBA

In the chart of the native, the 7th cuspal sublord is Sun in 12 (very closed to 1 negative to 2),
lord of 10. It is in the star of Mercury in 12 lord of 8, 11 and in the sub of Venus in lagna
lord of 7, 12. As Sun signifies 11, 7 marriage is promised. As Saturn (from Virgo sign) is as-
pecting the 7th CSL there is a delay in fructification of marriage.

The significators for the marriage are as follows:

Cusp A B C D
2 — — Mer Jup
7 — Mon Ven, Jup Ven
11 — — Sun Mer

The native was born in Rahu dasa with a balance of 2 years 7 months and 24 days. During
Jupiter dasa the native has not attained marriageable age though it is a significator.

Saturn dasa begins on 30-7-1998 and runs up to 30th July 2017. The native has attained
the marriageable age during Saturn dasa. But Saturn is not significator of any houses of
marriage 2,7 and 11. Further Saturn is neither conjoined nor aspected by any significator of
2,7,11. Though the native attains marriageable age during the period of Saturn, the event of
marriage has not taken place in the life of the native even after completion of 37 years of age.
This shows that unless the dasa lord signifies any event, it cannot takes place during its pe-
riod. However the native has got married in Mercury dasa in May, 2019 at the age of 40

(B) DENIAL OF MARRIAGE: This case was sent to me through one of my friend who is an as-
trologer, to know the prospects of marriage of the native. The horoscope belongs to a female.
The particulars are as follows:

DOB: 9-2-1989 TOB: 12-30 pm POB: Gudivada

The relevant houses of marriage are 2,7 and 11. If the 7th cuspal sublord signifies 2 or 7 or
11 marriage is promised. The 7th CSL in this chart is Venus. Venus is in 9 lord of 1, 6. It is
in the star of Moon in 11 lord of 3, 4 houses and in the sub of Rahu in 10. Rahu being in
Aquarius sign represents Saturn. Saturn is in 8 lord of 9, 10. As Venus signifies 11 mar-
riage is promised. The 11th CSL Mars in 12 lord of 7 is in the star of Venus.

The significators for the marriage are as follows:

KP Ezine October 2019 12

Sun Rise: 06:34:39 AM Sun Set: 06:06:09 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Siddha Hora: Moon Karana: Vanij Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Rohini(1) Ve Mo Mo Ra Sa
2 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Mo Ve Ke
3 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Sa Sa
Ruling Planets - 18/Sep/2019 11:42:01 AM 4 Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Sa Ma Ve
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ra Mo Ve
6 Chitra(4) Ve Ma Mo Sa Me
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Ve Ke Ke
Lagna Ma Sa Su Ve Ra 8 Moola(2) Ju Ke Ra Me Ra
Moon Ma Ve Su Sa Ra 9 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Me Ju
Day Lord: Mercury 10 Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Sa Ma Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ma Ke Ra
12 Aswini(2) Ma Ke Ra Ju Mo
II 02:06:36:18 Ma 00:18:22:29
XII 00:06:03:49 Planetary Positions
Ju 01:03:09:04
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 01:10:12:20 Su Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Ju Ke Ve
III 03:01:55:22 Mo U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Ke Me Mo
Mo 11:08:03:03
3 1 XI 11:01:04:37 Ma Bharani(2) Ma Ve Ra Ra Mo
4 12 Me U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Sa Sa Me
Ju Krittika(2) Ve Su Sa Sa Ve
Ve Sravana(2) Sa Mo Ra Ve Ju
Sa P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Mo Ma Sa
Ke 04:12:05:35 X 09:29:22:43 Ra Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Sa Ra Sa
IV 03:29:22:43 Ra 10:12:05:35
Ke Magha(4) Su Ke Me Ve Me
4 10 Significators - Planets View
8 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 12 10 7, 12
Mo 8 11 9, 10 3, 4
VII 07:10:12:20 Ma 9 12 1, 6 7, 12
V 05:01:04:37 Su 09:26:53:54 Me+ 10 9 2, 5
Ve 09:13:21:41 Ju+ 10 12 8, 11
6 Me 09:03:03:15 Ve 11 9 3, 4 1, 6
IX 09:01:55:22
7 9 Sa 9 8 1, 6 9, 10
Ra 10 10
VI 06:06:03:49 Sa 08:16:20:33 Ke 4 4
VIII 08:06:36:18
Rahu acts as agent for: Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Su. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

XII 06:03:49 Ju 03:09:04 II 06:36:18 Dasa Summary

Ma 18:22:29 I 10:12:20
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
19-May-1982 - 19-May-2001 19-May-2001 - 19-May-2018 19-May-2018 - 19-May-2025
Saturn 19-May-1982 Mercury 19-May-2001 Ketu 19-May-2018
Mercury 23-May-1985 Ketu 16-Oct-2003 Venus 16-Oct-2018
Mo 08:03:03 Ketu 30-Jan-1988 Venus 12-Oct-2004 Sun 15-Dec-2019
XI 01:04:37 Venus 11-Mar-1989 Sun 12-Aug-2007 Moon 21-Apr-2020
Name: BALA III 01:55:22 Sun 11-May-1992 Moon 18-Jun-2008 Mars 20-Nov-2020
Gender: Male IV 29:22:43 Moon 23-Apr-1993 Mars 17-Nov-2009 Rahu 19-Apr-2021
Date: Thursday, 09/Feb/1989 Mars 22-Nov-1994 Rahu 14-Nov-2010 Jupiter 07-May-2022
Rahu 31-Dec-1995 Jupiter 03-Jun-2013 Saturn 13-Apr-2023
Time: 12:30:00 PM SID: 21:41:21 Jupiter 07-Nov-1998 Saturn 08-Sep-2015 Mercury 22-May-2024
Lat: 16:27:00 N Lon: 80:59:00 E
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 19-May-2025 - 19-May-2045 19-May-2045 - 19-May-2051 19-May-2051 - 19-May-2061
Place: GUDIVADA, ANDHRA PRADESH, Venus 19-May-2025 Sun 19-May-2045 Moon 19-May-2051
Ra 12:05:35 India Sun 18-Sep-2028 Moon 06-Sep-2045 Mars 19-Mar-2052
Ke 12:05:35 Moon 18-Sep-2029 Mars 08-Mar-2046 Rahu 18-Oct-2052
Ayanamsa: 23° 36' 53" Mars 20-May-2031 Rahu 14-Jul-2046 Jupiter 19-Apr-2054
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Rahu 20-Jul-2032 Jupiter 07-Jun-2047 Saturn 18-Aug-2055
Star: U.Bhadra, Pada 2 Jupiter 20-Jul-2035 Saturn 25-Mar-2048 Mercury 19-Mar-2057
X 29:22:43 Star Lord: Saturn Saturn 20-Mar-2038 Mercury 07-Mar-2049 Ketu 19-Aug-2058
Su 26:53:54 Mercury 20-May-2041 Ketu 12-Jan-2050 Venus 20-Mar-2059
Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus
Ve 13:21:41 Ketu 19-Mar-2044 Venus 20-May-2050 Sun 18-Nov-2060
Me 03:03:15 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturti
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
IX 01:55:22 Bal. Dasa: Saturn 12 Y, 3 M, 10 D 19-May-2061 - 19-May-2068 19-May-2068 - 19-May-2086 19-May-2086 - 19-May-2102
V 01:04:37 Mars 19-May-2061 Rahu 19-May-2068 Jupiter 19-May-2086
Rahu 16-Oct-2061 Jupiter 30-Jan-2071 Saturn 07-Jul-2088
Jupiter 03-Nov-2062 Saturn 25-Jun-2073 Mercury 18-Jan-2091
Saturn 10-Oct-2063 Mercury 01-May-2076 Ketu 25-Apr-2093
Mercury 18-Nov-2064 Ketu 18-Nov-2078 Venus 01-Apr-2094
Ketu 16-Nov-2065 Venus 06-Dec-2079 Sun 01-Dec-2096
Venus 14-Apr-2066 Sun 06-Dec-2082 Moon 19-Sep-2097
Sa 16:20:33 Sun 14-Jun-2067 Moon 31-Oct-2083 Mars 19-Jan-2099
VIII 06:36:18 VII 10:12:20 VI 06:03:49 Moon 19-Oct-2067 Mars 01-May-2085 Rahu 26-Dec-2099
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 13
Sun Rise: 06:22:29 AM Sun Set: 05:33:44 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shukla Hora: Jupiter Karana: Vanij Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Mo Me Ve
2 P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Sa Ve Ju
3 Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Sa Ra
Ruling Planets - 18/Sep/2019 11:32:41 AM 4 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Sa Ma
6 Krittika(1) Ma Su Mo Ra Su
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Su Ju Me
Lagna Ma Sa Ve Ma Mo 8 Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Sa Ve Me
Moon Ma Ve Su Sa Sa 9 Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Sa Ra
Day Lord: Mercury 10 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Mo Ve Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Ju Ju
12 Visakha(3) Ve Ju Ve Ra Su
II 08:22:49:36 Me 06:29:21:08
XII 06:27:37:56 Planetary Positions
Su 07:19:48:59
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Ve 08:15:46:23 Su Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Ve Mo Mo
Ke 10:09:47:01 I 07:22:55:31 Mo Aridra(4) Me Ra Su Ve Ma
XI 05:29:43:52
III 09:24:54:32 9 7 Ma Magha(4) Su Ke Me Sa Ve
10 6 Me Visakha(3) Ve Ju Su Ve Su
Ju P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Su Ke Mo
Ve P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Su Ra Mo
Sa U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ju Mo Ve
IV 10:28:13:12 X 04:28:13:12 Ra Magha(3) Su Ke Sa Me Su
Sa 05:02:37:12
Ke Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ju Ve Me
11 5 Significators - Planets View
2 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 12 1 8, 11 10
Mo+ 9 7 9
VII 01:22:55:31 Ma+ 3 9 1, 6
V 11:29:43:52 Mo 02:18:02:14 IX 03:24:54:32 Me 9 12 2, 5 8, 11
Ju 04:16:04:59 Ju 1 9 7, 12 2, 5
12 Ma 04:13:11:17 Ve 1 1 7, 12 7, 12
Ra 04:09:47:01
1 3 Sa+ 1 10 10 3, 4
Ra 3 9
VI 00:27:37:56 VIII 02:22:49:36 Ke 9 3
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VI 27:37:56 VII 22:55:31 Mo 18:02:14 Dasa Summary

VIII 22:49:36
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
30-Jul-1964 - 30-Jul-1982 30-Jul-1982 - 30-Jul-1998 30-Jul-1998 - 30-Jul-2017
Rahu 30-Jul-1964 Jupiter 30-Jul-1982 Saturn 30-Jul-1998
Jupiter 11-Apr-1967 Saturn 16-Sep-1984 Mercury 02-Aug-2001
Saturn 05-Sep-1969 Mercury 30-Mar-1987 Ketu 10-Apr-2004
V 29:43:52 Mercury 11-Jul-1972 Ketu 06-Jul-1989 Venus 20-May-2005
Name: B JAG IX 24:54:32 Ketu 28-Jan-1975 Venus 12-Jun-1990 Sun 20-Jul-2008
Gender: Male Venus 15-Feb-1976 Sun 10-Feb-1993 Moon 02-Jul-2009
Date: Thursday, 06/Dec/1979 Sun 15-Feb-1979 Moon 29-Nov-1993 Mars 31-Jan-2011
Moon 10-Jan-1980 Mars 31-Mar-1995 Rahu 11-Mar-2012
Time: 06:40:00 AM SID: 11:29:32 Mars 12-Jul-1981 Rahu 06-Mar-1996 Jupiter 15-Jan-2015
Lat: 16:31:00 N Lon: 80:39:00 E
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 30-Jul-2017 - 30-Jul-2034 30-Jul-2034 - 30-Jul-2041 30-Jul-2041 - 30-Jul-2061
IV 28:13:12 Place: VIJAYAWADA, ANDHRA Mercury 30-Jul-2017 Ketu 30-Jul-2034 Venus 30-Jul-2041
Ke 09:47:01 PRADESH, India Ketu 26-Dec-2019 Venus 26-Dec-2034 Sun 29-Nov-2044
Ra 09:47:01 Venus 22-Dec-2020 Sun 25-Feb-2036 Moon 29-Nov-2045
Ayanamsa: 23° 29' 12" Ma 13:11:17 Sun 23-Oct-2023 Moon 02-Jul-2036 Mars 30-Jul-2047
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ju 16:04:59 Moon 28-Aug-2024 Mars 31-Jan-2037 Rahu 29-Sep-2048
Star: Aridra, Pada 4 X 28:13:12 Mars 27-Jan-2026 Rahu 29-Jun-2037 Jupiter 29-Sep-2051
Star Lord: Rahu Rahu 24-Jan-2027 Jupiter 17-Jul-2038 Saturn 30-May-2054
Jupiter 13-Aug-2029 Saturn 23-Jun-2039 Mercury 30-Jul-2057
Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars
Saturn 19-Nov-2031 Mercury 02-Aug-2040 Ketu 30-May-2060
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Tritiya
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
III 24:54:32 Bal. Dasa: Rahu 2 Y, 7 M, 24 D 30-Jul-2061 - 30-Jul-2067 30-Jul-2067 - 30-Jul-2077 30-Jul-2077 - 30-Jul-2084
Sa 02:37:12 Sun 30-Jul-2061 Moon 30-Jul-2067 Mars 30-Jul-2077
XI 29:43:52 Moon 16-Nov-2061 Mars 29-May-2068 Rahu 26-Dec-2077
Mars 18-May-2062 Rahu 28-Dec-2068 Jupiter 13-Jan-2079
Rahu 23-Sep-2062 Jupiter 29-Jun-2070 Saturn 20-Dec-2079
Jupiter 18-Aug-2063 Saturn 29-Oct-2071 Mercury 29-Jan-2081
Saturn 05-Jun-2064 Mercury 30-May-2073 Ketu 26-Jan-2082
Mercury 18-May-2065 Ketu 29-Oct-2074 Venus 24-Jun-2082
II 22:49:36 I 22:55:31 Me 29:21:08 Ketu 24-Mar-2066 Venus 30-May-2075 Sun 24-Aug-2083
Ve 15:46:23 Su 19:48:59 XII 27:37:56 Venus 30-Jul-2066 Sun 28-Jan-2077 Moon 30-Dec-2083
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 14
Cusp A B C D
2 — — — Mer
7 — — Sun Mars
11 Ven Mon — Jup

The native was born in Saturn dasa with a balance of 12 years 3 months 10 days and the
period is passed on during childhood. The native enters the marriageable age in Mercury
dasa. Mercury is in 9 lord of 2, 5 conjoined with 6 th lord Venus. Mercury is in the star of
Sun in 9 (very closed to 10, negative to 11) and in the sub of Saturn in 8 lord of 9, 10 and
not favourable for conducting marriage.

As per Vimsottari dasa system, Kethu dasa follows from 19-5-2018 and ends on 19-5-
2025. Kethu, neither conjoined nor aspected by any significators of marriage, is in its own
star in 4th house and in the sub of Mercury, lord of 2 and not so favourable for marriage.

Venus dasa follows from 19-5-2025. Venus, as discussed above, is not signifying any
marriage houses either at planet level or sub level except 11 at star level and hence Venus is
not in a position to conduct marriage during its dasa period.

At the end of Venus dasa the native attains the age of 57. It shows that unless dasa lord
significantly signifies the relevant houses of marriage, the event may not fructify thus leading
to delay or denial of the event.

KP Ezine October 2019 15

By: M. V Guptha - Kavali
10-9-2/A, Dharavari Street
Kavali, 524201, SPSR Nellore Dist., Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone: +91 92478 26145: Email:

· Name : Mr.Vamshi
· Query: When Will I Get Work Permit?
· Time of Judgement: 25.08. 2019, 07.48. P.M, Sunday
· Place of Judgement: Kavali, 14.57 N, 80.02 E. SPSR Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh.
· Ayanamsa: 24.02'.5".

KP Rule:

According to Sri.Kanak Kumar B.Bosmia's rule:

If 10th ( Matter depending on others ) cusp sub lord signifies 5th ( One's self interest), 9
(Legal action / Success in venture /Making something legal / Passport ), 11 (One's reputa-
tion as a winner/ Success to get passport / PR/ Green card ) in the DBAS of significators of
houses 5,9,11 then success is assured.

10th Cusp (Sagittarius 04.12'.22" ) : The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Moon. Moon is in the
star of Mars and in the sub of Ketu. Moon is the occupant of 4 and owns 5 and 6. No planet
is in the Moon star. Moon is the CSL of houses 5 and10. Star lord Mars is occupant of 6 and
owns 2 and 9. Sub lord Ketu is agent of Saturn and Jupiter. Ketu signifies 1-9-10-11-12. So
10th cusp sub lord Moon signifies 5-9-11. Hence the querant will get work permit sure.

Ruling Planets

Date 25.08.2019 Time 7.48.P.M. Place Kavali 14.57N 80.02E

Day Sunday

Day Lord Sign Lord Star Lord Sub Lord

Day Sunday Sun — — —
RP Ascendant — Jupiter Saturn Saturn
RP Moon — Mercury Mars Ketu

Moon is aspected by Ketu So Moon is also R.P. Moon is aspected by Saturn, hence
Punarphoo yoga.
So ruling planets are Sun- Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter- Saturn- Ketu.

5 Moon
9 Moon - Mars -Jupiter - Rahu
11 Saturn

Saturn is with Ketu. So Ketu is also significator.

Hence Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Rahu are the significators.
Common planets among ruling planets and significators are Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-

Joint Period
At the time of judgement, the native running joint period Mars dasa Ketu bhukti Moon an-
thra 26.08.2019 to 07.09.2019.

KP Ezine October 2019 16

Sun Rise: 05:56:59 AM Sun Set: 06:26:59 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vajra Hora: Mars Karana: Badreva Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Sa Sa Ra
2 Aswini(3) Ma Ke Ju Ve Ve
3 Krittika(4) Ve Su Ve Ve Sa
Ruling Planets - 19/Sep/2019 10:56:50 AM 4 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Ve Sa Ke
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Mo Me Mo
6 Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Sa Mo Me
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Sa Me Sa
Lagna Ma Ju Ra Sa Sa 8 Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Mo Sa
Moon Ma Su Mo Sa Ve 9 Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ke Me Mo
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Moola(2) Ju Ke Mo Sa Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ra Me Ve
12 Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Sa Mo Me
II 00:08:28:33 XII 09:29:12:54
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 11:03:36:17 Su Magha(3) Su Ke Ju Sa Ju
Mo 02:02:06:27 Mo Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Ke Mo Mo
XI 09:00:09:46
III 01:08:03:18 1 10 Ma Magha(4) Su Ke Sa Mo Sa
2 10 Me Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Sa Ke Ra
Ju Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Ve Sa Sa
Ve Magha(4) Su Ke Sa Ju Ju
Sa[R] P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Ju Ju Ra
IV 02:04:12:22 Ke 08:20:59:52 Ra Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Ju Ve Ra
Ra 02:20:59:52 Sa[R] 08:20:19:04
Ke P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Ju Ve Ve
12 X 08:04:12:22
3 9 Significators - Planets View
6 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 10 6
Mo+ 6 4 2, 9 5, 6
VII 05:03:36:17 Ma 10 6 2, 9
V 03:00:09:46 Ju 07:20:45:54 Me 6 6 4, 7 4, 7
Me 03:28:35:08 IX 07:08:03:18 Ju 6 9 4, 7 1, 10
4 8 Ve 10 6 3, 8
4 7 Sa+ 6 10 3, 8 11, 12
Ra+ 9 4 1, 10
Su 04:08:03:31 VIII 06:08:28:33 Ke 6 10 3, 8
Ma 04:10:38:49
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Me, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ve 04:11:10:47
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
VI 03:29:12:54 (C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

II 08:28:33 III 08:03:18 Mo 02:06:27 Dasa Summary

IV 04:12:22
Ra 20:59:52 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
17-Jan-2015 - 17-Jan-2022 17-Jan-2022 - 17-Jan-2040 17-Jan-2040 - 17-Jan-2056
Mars 17-Jan-2015 Rahu 17-Jan-2022 Jupiter 17-Jan-2040
Rahu 15-Jun-2015 Jupiter 29-Sep-2024 Saturn 07-Mar-2042
Jupiter 03-Jul-2016 Saturn 22-Feb-2027 Mercury 17-Sep-2044
I 03:36:17 Saturn 09-Jun-2017 Mercury 29-Dec-2029 Ketu 24-Dec-2046
Name: Mr.Vamshi V 00:09:46 Mercury 19-Jul-2018 Ketu 17-Jul-2032 Venus 30-Nov-2047
Gender: Male Me 28:35:08 Ketu 16-Jul-2019 Venus 04-Aug-2033 Sun 31-Jul-2050
Date: Sunday, 25/Aug/2019 VI 29:12:54 Venus 12-Dec-2019 Sun 04-Aug-2036 Moon 19-May-2051
Sun 11-Feb-2021 Moon 29-Jun-2037 Mars 18-Sep-2052
Time: 07:48:00 PM SID: 17:52:22 Moon 19-Jun-2021 Mars 29-Dec-2038 Rahu 25-Aug-2053
Lat: 14:57:00 N Lon: 80:02:00 E
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 17-Jan-2056 - 17-Jan-2075 17-Jan-2075 - 17-Jan-2092 17-Jan-2092 - 17-Jan-2099
Place: KAVALI, ANDHRA PRADESH, India Saturn 17-Jan-2056 Mercury 17-Jan-2075 Ketu 17-Jan-2092
Mercury 20-Jan-2059 Ketu 15-Jun-2077 Venus 14-Jun-2092
Su 08:03:31 Ketu 30-Sep-2061 Venus 12-Jun-2078 Sun 14-Aug-2093
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 28" Ma 10:38:49 Venus 08-Nov-2062 Sun 13-Apr-2081 Moon 20-Dec-2093
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ve 11:10:47 Sun 08-Jan-2066 Moon 17-Feb-2082 Mars 21-Jul-2094
Star: Mrigasira, Pada 3 Moon 21-Dec-2066 Mars 19-Jul-2083 Rahu 17-Dec-2094
Star Lord: Mars Mars 21-Jul-2068 Rahu 16-Jul-2084 Jupiter 04-Jan-2096
Rahu 30-Aug-2069 Jupiter 01-Feb-2087 Saturn 10-Dec-2096
Lagna: Pisces Lagna Lord: Jupiter
Jupiter 05-Jul-2072 Saturn 10-May-2089 Mercury 19-Jan-2098
XII 29:12:54 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dasami
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
XI 00:09:46 Bal. Dasa: Mars 2 Y, 4 M, 21 D 17-Jan-2099 - 17-Jan-2119 17-Jan-2119 - 17-Jan-2125 17-Jan-2125 - 17-Jan-2135
VII 03:36:17 Venus 17-Jan-2099 Sun 17-Jan-2119 Moon 17-Jan-2125
Sun 19-May-2102 Moon 06-May-2119 Mars 17-Nov-2125
Moon 19-May-2103 Mars 05-Nov-2119 Rahu 18-Jun-2126
Mars 17-Jan-2105 Rahu 12-Mar-2120 Jupiter 18-Dec-2127
Rahu 19-Mar-2106 Jupiter 04-Feb-2121 Saturn 19-Apr-2129
Jupiter 19-Mar-2109 Saturn 23-Nov-2121 Mercury 18-Nov-2130
Ke 20:59:52 Saturn 18-Nov-2111 Mercury 05-Nov-2122 Ketu 18-Apr-2132
Sa[R] 20:19:04 Ju 20:45:54 Mercury 18-Jan-2115 Ketu 11-Sep-2123 Venus 17-Nov-2132
X 04:12:22 IX 08:03:18 VIII 08:28:33 Ketu 18-Nov-2117 Venus 17-Jan-2124 Sun 19-Jul-2134
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 17
Dasa lord Mars is in the star of Ketu and in the sub of Saturn. Mars is occupant of 6 and
owns 2 and 9. Star lord Ketu is occupant of 10 and agent of Saturn and Jupiter. Ketu signi-
fies 9 and 11. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 10 and owns 11 and 12. No planet is in the
stars of Saturn. Mars is in the RPs.

Bhukti lord Ketu is in the star of Venus and in the sub of Jupiter. Ketu is occupant of 10
and agent of Saturn and Jupiter .Ketu signifies 3-6-8-9-10. Ketu is in the RPs.

Anthara lord Moon is in Mars star and in the sub of Ketu. Moon is occupant of 4 and owns 5
and 6. No planet is in Moon star. Star lord Mars is occupant of 6 and owns 2 and 9. Sub
Ketu signifies 9-10-5. Moon is in the RPs.

Finally I selected Saturn Sookshma 29.08.2019 to 31.08.2019. Because Saturn is the only
significator for 11th house.
29.08.2019 Moon star is Mercury
30.08.2019 Moon star is Ketu. I told to Mr. Vamshi you will get work permit on 30.08.2019.
Because Ketu is aspected by Moon and agent of Saturn and Jupiter.

Actual Outcome : Mr. Vamshi received the news through Email at 5'o clock evening. Please
collect your work permit on Tuesday.
In this chart Punarphoo yoga is there. He did not get on Tuesday. But he received it on
Wednesday, that is 04.09.2019.

This prediction is given with the blessings of “Lord Mahaganapathi" and Sri.Late K.S.Krishna
Murthy who is founder of K.P. System and also My Guruji Sri.M.R.Prasad.

KP Ezine October 2019 18

By: VSN. Murthy, (K.P. Astro Consultant)
#404, Teja Garden Apartments, Prakashnagar,
KURNOOL- 4. (AP) Mobile:- 09440220874. E-mail:-;

Chandrayaan-2 is the second lunar exploration mission developed by the Indian Space
Research Organisation (ISRO), after Chandrayaan-1. It consists of a lunar orbiter,
the Vikram lander, and the Pragyan lunar rover, all of which were developed in India. The
main scientific objective is to map the location and abundance of lunar water via Pragyan,
and ongoing analysis from the orbiter circling at a lunar polar orbit of 100 × 100 km.

The mission was launched to the Moon from the second launch pad at Satish Dhawan Space
Centre on 22 July 2019 at 2-43-12 PM IST by a Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
Mark III (GSLV Mk III). The craft reached the Moon's orbit on 20 August 2019 and began
orbital positioning manoeuvres for the landing of Vikram lander. Vikram and the rover were
scheduled to land on the near side of the Moon, in the south polar region at a latitude of
about 70° south at approximately 1:50 am on 7 September 2019 and conduct scientific
experiments for one lunar day, lasting two Earth weeks. However, at about 1:52 am IST, the
lander deviated from its intended trajectory at around 2.1 kilometres (1.3 mi) from landing,
communication was lost and apparently crashed. The orbiter, part of the mission with 8
scientific instruments, remains operational and will continue its year-long mission to study
the Moon. Scientists have extended the mission period to a possible seven and a half years
citing "conservative use of fuel".

From the above information, it is learnt that (1) Chandrayan-2 was launched on Monday,
22-07-2019, at 14hrs-43mts-12sec. at Satis Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota; and (2) The
lander deviated from its intended trajectory at around 2.1 K.M. from landing, communication
was lost and apparently crashed.---Why it is happened so? Let us check the muhurtha as
per K.P. Muhurtha rules laid down by Sri. Kanakkkumar B. Bosmia ji in his book named
“Easy Way to learn KP Muhurat”

K.P. Rules for launching Chandrayan are shown respectively hereunder:-

1. Ascendant Cuspal Sublord should signify houses 1-5-9-11 for long life of event.(If you
select sthira (fixed) lagna, do not consider 9th).
2. 3rd/9th/12th Cuspal Sublord should signify houses 3-9-12.
3. 8th Cuspal Sublord should not signify houses 8 & 12.
4. Do not select chara (Movable) lagna. (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn lagnas are known as
movable lagnas).
5. Dasa-Bhukthi should signify houses 3-9-12.

In this Muhurat Chart:-

1) Ascendant cuspal sublord Sun(8-10) is in the star of Saturn(2-3,4) and in the sub of Sat-
urn(2-3,4). As the lagna is in a fixed sign, the 9th house lord (Moon) will become a badhaka
lord. The signification of houses 1-5-11 is not at all reflected to give the long life in this issue.
2) 3rd CSL Moon(4-9) is in the star of Saturn(2-3,4) and in the sub of Mercury(8-8,11). Here
house 3 is signified at stellar level and 9 is signified at planet level. 12 th signification is not
reflected here.
9th CSL Venus(8-7,12) is in the star of Jupiter(1-2,5) and in the sub of Sun(8-10). Only 12 is
signified at planet level. No signification of 9 & 12 in any level.
12th CSL Mercury(8-8,11) is in the star and sub of Saturn(2-3,4). Here only 3rd signification is
reflected at star and sublevel. No signification of 9 & 12.
3) 8th CSL Jupiter(1-2,5) is in the star of Mercury(8-8,11) and in the sub of Venus(8-7,12).
Here both houses 8 & 12 are signified by the 8th CSL Jupiter. This rule is fully satisfied

KP Ezine October 2019 19

Chandrayan -2
Sun Rise: 05:51:26 AM Sun Set: 06:40:02 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Atiganda Hora: Saturn Karana: Gar Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Su Me Mo
2 Moola(3) Ju Ke Sa Me Ra
3 Sravana(1) Sa Mo Mo Ra Mo
Ruling Planets - 18/Sep/2019 11:09:21 AM 4 Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Sa Ju Ra
6 Bharani(1) Ma Ve Ve Ra Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Rohini(1) Ve Mo Mo Me Sa
Lagna Ma Sa Sa Me Su 8 Aridra(1) Me Ra Ju Su Ra
Moon Ma Ve Su Ma Ve 9 Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Ve Ke Sa
Day Lord: Mercury 10 Magha(4) Su Ke Me Ra Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Hasta(2) Me Mo Ju Ke Mo
12 Swati(3) Ve Ra Me Sa Ve
II 08:09:51:53 XII 06:14:15:25
Sa[R] 08:22:15:17 Planetary Positions
Ke 08:22:48:39
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 07:10:47:43 Su Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Sa Ju Me
III 09:10:18:16 Ju[R] 07:21:05:23 Mo U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Me Me Mo
XI 05:14:41:26
9 7 Ma Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Ke Ra Sa
10 6 Me[R] Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Sa Me Ra
Ju[R] Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Ve Sa Ju
Ve Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Su Ra Me
Sa[R] P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Sa Me Me
Mo 11:05:33:26 X 04:12:30:55 Ra Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Sa Ve Sa
IV 10:12:30:55
Ke P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Sa Ve Ra
11 5 Significators - Planets View
2 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 2 8 3, 4 10
Mo+ 2 4 3, 4 9
VII 01:10:47:43 Ma+ 8 9 8, 11 1, 6
V 11:14:41:26 Ma 03:18:55:35 Me 2 8 3, 4 8, 11
IX 03:10:18:16 Ju 8 1 8, 11 2, 5
12 4 Ve 1 8 2, 5 7, 12
1 3 Sa 8 2 7, 12 3, 4
Ra+ 1 8 2, 5
VI 00:14:15:25 Ve 02:28:57:14 Ke+ 8 2 7, 12
Ra 02:22:48:39
Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
VIII 02:09:51:53
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju, Ve, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
Su 03:05:15:34 (C) - Planets in Owner's stars
Me[R] 03:03:51:18 (D) - House Owner

VI 14:15:25 VII 10:47:43 VIII 09:51:53 Dasa Summary

Ra 22:48:39
Ve 28:57:14 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
21-May-2016 - 21-May-2035 21-May-2035 - 21-May-2052 21-May-2052 - 21-May-2059
Saturn 21-May-2016 Mercury 21-May-2035 Ketu 21-May-2052
Mercury 24-May-2019 Ketu 18-Oct-2037 Venus 18-Oct-2052
V 14:41:26 Ketu 01-Feb-2022 Venus 15-Oct-2038 Sun 17-Dec-2053
Mo 05:33:26 Venus 13-Mar-2023 Sun 15-Aug-2041 Moon 24-Apr-2054
Name: Chandrayan -2 Me[R] 03:51:18 Sun 13-May-2026 Moon 22-Jun-2042 Mars 23-Nov-2054
Gender: Male Su 05:15:34 Moon 25-Apr-2027 Mars 21-Nov-2043 Rahu 22-Apr-2055
Date: Monday, 22/Jul/2019 IX 10:18:16 Mars 24-Nov-2028 Rahu 17-Nov-2044 Jupiter 10-May-2056
Ma 18:55:35 Rahu 02-Jan-2030 Jupiter 06-Jun-2047 Saturn 16-Apr-2057
Time: 02:43:12 PM SID: 10:33:13 Jupiter 08-Nov-2032 Saturn 11-Sep-2049 Mercury 25-May-2058
Lat: 13:45:00 N Lon: 80:10:00 E
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 21-May-2059 - 21-May-2079 21-May-2079 - 21-May-2085 21-May-2085 - 21-May-2095
Place: SRIHARIKOTA, ANDHRA Venus 21-May-2059 Sun 21-May-2079 Moon 21-May-2085
IV 12:30:55 PRADESH, India Sun 20-Sep-2062 Moon 08-Sep-2079 Mars 22-Mar-2086
X 12:30:55 Moon 20-Sep-2063 Mars 09-Mar-2080 Rahu 21-Oct-2086
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 24" Mars 22-May-2065 Rahu 14-Jul-2080 Jupiter 21-Apr-2088
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Rahu 22-Jul-2066 Jupiter 08-Jun-2081 Saturn 20-Aug-2089
Star: U.Bhadra, Pada 1 Jupiter 22-Jul-2069 Saturn 27-Mar-2082 Mercury 21-Mar-2091
Star Lord: Saturn Saturn 21-Mar-2072 Mercury 09-Mar-2083 Ketu 21-Aug-2092
Mercury 21-May-2075 Ketu 14-Jan-2084 Venus 22-Mar-2093
Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars
Ketu 21-Mar-2078 Venus 21-May-2084 Sun 20-Nov-2094
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Sashti
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
III 10:18:16 Bal. Dasa: Saturn 15 Y, 9 M, 29 D 21-May-2095 - 21-May-2102 21-May-2102 - 21-May-2120 21-May-2120 - 21-May-2136
XI 14:41:26 Mars 21-May-2095 Rahu 21-May-2102 Jupiter 21-May-2120
Rahu 18-Oct-2095 Jupiter 01-Feb-2105 Saturn 09-Jul-2122
Jupiter 05-Nov-2096 Saturn 27-Jun-2107 Mercury 20-Jan-2125
Saturn 12-Oct-2097 Mercury 04-May-2110 Ketu 27-Apr-2127
Mercury 20-Nov-2098 Ketu 21-Nov-2112 Venus 02-Apr-2128
Ketu 18-Nov-2099 Venus 09-Dec-2113 Sun 02-Dec-2130
Ke 22:48:39 Venus 16-Apr-2100 Sun 09-Dec-2116 Moon 20-Sep-2131
Sa[R] 22:15:17 Ju[R] 21:05:23 Sun 16-Jun-2101 Moon 03-Nov-2117 Mars 20-Jan-2133
II 09:51:53 I 10:47:43 XII 14:15:25 Moon 21-Oct-2101 Mars 04-May-2119 Rahu 27-Dec-2133
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 20
4) Lagna falls in a fixed sign(Scorpio).

5) Chandrayan was launched on 22-07-2019. (during the conjoint period of Saturn dasa-
Mercury bhukthi-Mercury anthra-Moon sookshma:- exactly Moon sookshma starts on 22-07
Dasa lord Saturn(2-3,4) is in the star of Venus(8-7,12) and in the sub of Saturn(2-3,4). with-
out 9, 3 & 12 signification.
Bhukthi & Anthra lord Mercury(8-8,11) is in the star and sub of Saturn(2-3,4). Here only 3rd
signification is reflected at star and sublevel. No signification of 9 & 12.
Sookshma lord Moon(4-9) is in the star of Saturn(2-3,4) and in the sub of Mercury(8-8,11).
Here house 9 is signified at planet level and 3 is signified at stellar level. No signification of
12 in any level.

6) Saturn/Mercury/Mercury/Jupiter conjoint period is running at the time of landing over

Moon. We have already discussed about Saturn and Mercury in the above lines; Sookshma
lord Jupiter(1-2,5) is in the star of Mercury(8-8,11) and Venus(8-7,12). Only house 12 is sig-
nified at sublevel. No signification of houses 3 & 9.

‘Astrologically as shown above, the Muhurath is not good. Consequently only some technical
problems aroused on 7 September 2019 at about 1:52 am IST, the lander deviated from its
intended trajectory at around 2.1 K.M. from landing, communication was lost and
apparently crashed.

KP Ezine October 2019 21

By: T.D. Kamlanabha Sarma
H. No. 21, SBI nd Colony, OPP : More market, and SBI Bank,
Beside Indian Gas office, Adoni518302, Kurnool Distrct.
Cell No. 9441486923.: Email:

In Andhra Pradesh State the tourist boat incident happened on September 15, 2019 in Godavari River
along with more than 67 passengers. Some passengers hadsafely come out with protection air jackets;
more than 35 dead bodies were flowing in the river. Some bodies were sunk along with boat. This is
the worst tragedy in this year.

Andhra Pradesh Government takes immediate action to identify the boat tragedy in Godavari River.
The government of Andhra Pradesh orders to pull out the boat from river.

One question raised in my mind whether the government is successful in this operation to pull out the
boat from river. Myself questioned and took one coin from 1-249. I draw coin no 27.

Analysis particulars: Horary No. 27, Date: 19/09/2019, at 04.10.36 PM, Adoni, Kurnool Dis-

Moon is the mind of the native. In this horary chart Moon is the lord of 4 th occupies 12th house. Here
boat is the moveable vehicle in water, it is 216 feet deep in the river. Moon is the star of Sun, Moon
signifies houses 4,5,12. 5th indictes desire to view the boat.

This operation would give quick result, so I take ruling planets, sub lords and jpint dasa period. At
present running joint dasa period is Sun dasa, Venus antra, Jupiter pyatantra from 03/10/2019 to

Sun is in the star of Sun and sub of Jupiter), Sun signifies 5. All are willing to view the boat.

Rahu is in the star of Rahu and sub of Mars, Rahu signifies 2. It is imagination object. Mars signifies
5, 7,12. Experts have identified the board (7, 12).

Venus is in the star of Moon and sub of Rahu. Venus is lord of 1-6, occupant of 5. Sub lord Moon is
lord of 4, occupant of 12. Rahu is in 2. Mars signifies, 5, 7,12. Experts have identified the board (7,

Pyatantra dasa lord Guru is in the star of Mercury and sub of Moon. Jupiter signified 5, 7, and
2,3,8,9. Sub lord Moon signifies 4, 12.

I conclude that the boat cannot be ejected from the river during the present joint dasa period.

”My analysis is came to true. Hohary no 27, dated 19/09/2019. ANDHRA JYOTHI Daily News
paper Dt.23/09/2019, published from Kurnool. CENTRAL HOME ASSISTANT MINISTER SRI
KISHN REDDY said that the boat filed with sand and clay due to flood in Godavari River. It is
difficult to ejecting from river. ”

KP Ezine October 2019 22

Horary No. 27/249
Sun Rise: 06:09:43 AM Sun Set: 06:19:40 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Harshana Hora: Venus Karana: Taitil Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 27 1 Krittika(4) Ve Su Ke Ke Ke
Question : Is there any possible to pull out boat from Godavari river? 2 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Ve Ra Su
3 Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Su Sa Mo
Ruling Planets - 19/Sep/2019 04:10:36 PM 4 Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ju Sa Su
ADONI, ANDHRA PRADESH, India 5 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Mo Sa Ra
6 Chitra(3) Ve Ma Ve Ve Ma
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Me Ju Ra
Lagna Sa Ma Ra Ju Ra 8 Moola(2) Ju Ke Mo Mo Ve
Moon Ve Su Ra Ve Mo 9 U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ma Mo Ma
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ju Sa Su
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Ju Ra
12 Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ve Me Ju
II 02:03:44:24 XII 00:02:47:12
Ra 02:19:40:50 Mo 01:00:36:01 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 01:07:00:00 Su U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ju Ve Mo
III 02:29:09:49 Mo Krittika(2) Ve Su Ra Ve Mo
XI 10:27:57:01
3 1 Ma P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Ke Sa Su
3 11 Me Hasta(2) Me Mo Ju Me Sa
Ju Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Mo Sa Sa
Ve Hasta(1) Me Mo Ra Ra Sa
Sa P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Mo Ra
Ma 04:26:29:53 X 09:26:30:08 Ra Aridra(4) Me Ra Ma Me Ra
IV 03:26:30:08
Ke P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Ve Me
4 10 Significators - Planets View
8 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 5 5 5 5
Mo 5 12 5 4
Ju 07:22:42:04 Ma+ 5 5 1, 6 7, 12
Su 05:02:09:51 VII 07:07:00:00 IX 08:29:09:49 Me 12 5 4 2, 3
Ve 05:12:00:36 Ju+ 5 7 2, 3 8, 9
Me 05:14:38:58 5 Ve 12 5 4 1, 6
V 04:27:57:01
7 9 Sa+ 5 8 1, 6 10, 11
Ra 2 2
VI 06:02:47:12 Sa 08:19:52:07 Ke+ 5 8 1, 6
Ke 08:19:40:50
Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
VIII 08:03:44:24
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

XII 02:47:12 Mo 00:36:01 II 03:44:24 Dasa Summary

I 07:00:00 Ra 19:40:50
III 29:09:49 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
13-Dec-2017 - 13-Dec-2023 13-Dec-2023 - 13-Dec-2033 13-Dec-2033 - 13-Dec-2040
Sun 13-Dec-2017 Moon 13-Dec-2023 Mars 13-Dec-2033
Moon 01-Apr-2018 Mars 12-Oct-2024 Rahu 11-May-2034
Mars 01-Oct-2018 Rahu 13-May-2025 Jupiter 29-May-2035
Rahu 06-Feb-2019 Jupiter 12-Nov-2026 Saturn 04-May-2036
Name: Godavari river IV 26:30:08 Jupiter 01-Jan-2020 Saturn 13-Mar-2028 Mercury 13-Jun-2037
Gender: Male Saturn 19-Oct-2020 Mercury 12-Oct-2029 Ketu 10-Jun-2038
Date: Thursday, 19/Sep/2019 Mercury 01-Oct-2021 Ketu 13-Mar-2031 Venus 06-Nov-2038
Ketu 07-Aug-2022 Venus 12-Oct-2031 Sun 06-Jan-2040
Time: 04:10:36 PM SID: 15:41:56 Venus 13-Dec-2022 Sun 13-Jun-2033 Moon 13-May-2040
Lat: 15:38:00 N Lon: 77:17:00 E
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 13-Dec-2040 - 13-Dec-2058 13-Dec-2058 - 13-Dec-2074 13-Dec-2074 - 13-Dec-2093
Place: ADONI, ANDHRA PRADESH, India Rahu 13-Dec-2040 Jupiter 13-Dec-2058 Saturn 13-Dec-2074
XI 27:57:01 Jupiter 26-Aug-2043 Saturn 31-Jan-2061 Mercury 16-Dec-2077
Ma 26:29:53 Saturn 19-Jan-2046 Mercury 13-Aug-2063 Ketu 25-Aug-2080
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 32" V 27:57:01 Mercury 24-Nov-2048 Ketu 19-Nov-2065 Venus 03-Oct-2081
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ketu 13-Jun-2051 Venus 26-Oct-2066 Sun 03-Dec-2084
Star: Krittika, Pada 2 Venus 01-Jul-2052 Sun 26-Jun-2069 Moon 15-Nov-2085
Star Lord: Sun Sun 01-Jul-2055 Moon 15-Apr-2070 Mars 16-Jun-2087
Moon 25-May-2056 Mars 14-Aug-2071 Rahu 26-Jul-2088
Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus
Mars 24-Nov-2057 Rahu 20-Jul-2072 Jupiter 01-Jun-2091
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Panchami
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
X 26:30:08 Bal. Dasa: Sun 4 Y, 2 M, 23 D 13-Dec-2093 - 13-Dec-2110 13-Dec-2110 - 13-Dec-2117 13-Dec-2117 - 13-Dec-2137
Su 02:09:51 Mercury 13-Dec-2093 Ketu 13-Dec-2110 Venus 13-Dec-2117
Ve 12:00:36 Ketu 10-May-2096 Venus 11-May-2111 Sun 14-Apr-2121
Me 14:38:58 Venus 07-May-2097 Sun 11-Jul-2112 Moon 14-Apr-2122
Sun 08-Mar-2100 Moon 16-Nov-2112 Mars 13-Dec-2123
Moon 12-Jan-2101 Mars 17-Jun-2113 Rahu 12-Feb-2125
IX 29:09:49 Mars 13-Jun-2102 Rahu 13-Nov-2113 Jupiter 12-Feb-2128
Sa 19:52:07 Rahu 11-Jun-2103 Jupiter 01-Dec-2114 Saturn 14-Oct-2130
Ke 19:40:50 Ju 22:42:04 Jupiter 28-Dec-2105 Saturn 07-Nov-2115 Mercury 14-Dec-2133
VIII 03:44:24 VII 07:00:00 VI 02:47:12 Saturn 04-Apr-2108 Mercury 17-Dec-2116 Ketu 13-Oct-2136
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 23
By: Sumanadasa Namarathna (Sunaparantha Kalyan)
Ex-Accountant, Justice of Peace
No.22/1, Udugampola Road, Marapola, Veyangoda,

Birth of a child is considered to be a great blessing and content of parents, as well as their
living elders like Dad & Mum and all other family members. If a couple is not fortunate to get
any issue, their sorrowful feelings are indescribable. It is considered that childlessness as a
great sin or misfortune in view of devotional factors and also it motivates to undergo many
types of medical treatments as well as to follow various methods of oblations.

At present the childlessness is a major problem in the society and same is an unsolvable
question for the Astrologers too. At the time of matching (Porutham) the very first question of
the parents of the boy and girl is whether they are lucky to have children. In love marriages
they need not to have such a prediction for child birth at the time of fulfilling their desire of
co-habitation, but after sometimes with no progeny they too rush to astrologers and physi-
cians. The Physician cannot see the chances of progeny by means of any type of medical in-
vestigations and what he can do is to use trial and error method only. But Astrologer can
forecast whether they are lucky or not to have a child by investigating the natal charts.

At the time of the matching of the charts of a couple, when an astrologer sees the chance of
progeny, it has to be declared to the parties concerned for their happiness. But in some such
cases, having confirmed the fertility by using KP or any astrological rules, the astrologer is
failed and blamed by the parties due to not having the children for the couple.

As an astrologer, looking for the end result of a matter to see, HOW? and WHY?, and as an
old man, who has not yet fortunate to be a grandfather, this author is still in search of a
planetary influences for negative results of the progeny, which are not academically availa-
ble by means of teachings in any astrological school. Also I have come across several progeny
cases for no child, while the natal chart reflect the positive results with satisfying the rules
and also positive significations of the Maha Dasa lord for child birth. While I was seriously
dissatisfied with my finding for the reason of No Child cases, an article appeared in KPEZine
June 2019 issue, written by my learned Astro friend Sri VSN Murthy ji under the caption of
Denial of Progeny. In the natal chart he has discussed, the progeny is clearly indicated as
per the KP rules but no positive results obtained yet. In his article, Sri Murthy ji has lucidly
discussed all available and known rules for Positive and Negative results of progeny matters
for the particular native. After reading the said article I was forced by myself to investigate
again to pick a common rule or pattern for no progeny in a chart, which indicates positive
results for child birth.

With respect to the child birth matter in Astrology, there are two categories of components
under BARRENNESS. They are,
Barren Planets
Barren Signs
Barren Planets : The planets classed as barren are the SUN, SATURN, MARS, KETHU and
Barren Signs : Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo
(Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by Dr. H.L.Cornell)

In case of barren signs, when we go back to our astrological studies, we cannot see a com-

KP Ezine October 2019 24

mon agreement of selecting barren signs in any school of Astrology or even our KP system.
So we have to come to common conclusion about the barren signs, before we commence any
research work in this connection.

Hereunder I give a table of barren signs from various sources with the courtesy of my re-
spectable Guru Sri Tin Win ji.

Barren Signs
No Source Barren Signs
01 KP Reader 2 Gemini, Leo, Virgo
02 Astrology For Beginners Vol I(KP) Gemini, Leo, Virgo
03 Encyclopedia of Astrology Nicholas deVore Gemini, Leo, Virgo
04 Gemini, Leo, Virgo
05 Sanjay Shar- Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo
06 Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by Dr. H.L.Cornell Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo
07 Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo
08 Jyotishya Maga, Sinhala book by Jinadasa Hettigo- Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo
da (1959)
09 "Denial of Progeny" by VSN Murthy - KP EZine June Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo
10 " Sterility, an astrological aspect". V. N. Prasad Gemini, Leo, Virgo Aries
- Astrovision Apr. 2011 (semi barren)
11 Message of the Stars by Heindel Aries, Leo, Capricorn
12 KP Star One (KP Software) Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Aquarius
13 Christian Astrology by William Lilly Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn
14 "Denial of marriage" by V.S.N.Murthy - KP & Astrol- Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn
ogy 2008
15 Further Lights on Nakshatra Chintamani by C.R. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn

Majority of above table agreed with Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo as Barren signs. Another
three sources of the above table say that Capricorn as a Barren sign.

DR. H.L.Cornell says in his "Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology", about Capricorn as below.

(a) The sign Capricorn is a rather weak sign as regards vitality.

(b) Capricorn rules Barrenness, Sterility, (Saturn the ruler of Capricorn tends to deny or de-
stroy children)

According to my personal view, it is reasonable to take Capricorn as a Barren Sign, since it

rules Barrenness and sterility. The same thing has been taught by my Vedic Guru in 1972
from what they have taken from the writings of Palm Leaves.

KP Star One developer says that Aquarius is a Barren sign in the Cue Card Page in his SW.
But no ireference is found to prove.
From other sources:
Aquarius is fruitful sign (More fruitful than Barren) Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by Dr.
Therefore I conclude thus,
Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn = Barren Signs
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces = Fruitful signs
Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius = Semi Fruitful Signs

KP Ezine October 2019 25

(However, I wish to invite the Editor and Publisher of this magazine, Sri Kanak Bosmia ji and
the Advisor Sri Tin Win ji and all other learned authors of the KPEZ to discuss the matter and
to attain a final conclusion for the well being of KP followers.)

In my study of No Child, I have used 6 natal charts of females and had an overall look at the
charts for planetary positions and their influences but not with any usual way of reading a
chart for the purpose. In this exercise, I found an extraordinary position of Saturn, Uranus
Sun and Mars are any way connecting each other, almost in all the cases. Since all these
planets are away from fruitfulness for the progeny matter, I followed them to identify their
roles in the charts.

What is Sun?
The Sun is hot, dry, Fiery and Barren.

Barrenness by Sun ( Ency. of Medical Astrology)

The Sun and malefics in barren signs, and dominating the houses of children, the 5th and
11th houses and also the MC.
The Sun and the malefics being the rulers of offspring in the map and in barren signs.
The Sun is in Capricorn and afflicted.
The Sun and Mercury in the 5th house and afflicted in Barren signs.
If the Sun be joined to Mercury and apply to the Conjunction or Parallel or Opposition both
Saturn and Mars
The Sun, Uranus, Saturn or Mars in the 5th or 11th houses and afflicted.
The Sun, Saturn and Mars deny children.

What is Saturn?
Generally Saturn is labeled as a malefic planet. But as per KP rules it is not so, as illustrated
in my article "Is Saturn always malefic?" published March 2012 in this reputed magazine.
With respect to the child birth matter under discussion, Saturn is a barren (KP Reader II, pg
431), Abortive Tendencies (KP Reader III, pg 128), Being a Barren planets, denies the chil-
dren (Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by Dr. H.L.Cornell). Saturn is a restricted planet as
well as a natural malefic planet for child birth. According to Westerners Saturn is the son of

What is Uranus?
Uranus is a planet of miscarriage (KP Reader II, pg 473) and also stands for sudden turns,
rebellion, independence, invention, provocateur, surprises, liberation, disruption, awakening.

What is Mars?
Mars is generally known as a malefic and is hot, dry and fiery. It is the chief controller of
menstruation cycle of the women. Mars is significant of energy both constructive and de-
structive depending upon its position. It is Karaka for unnatural death, weapon, attack, vio-
lence & massacre.

Judith Hill says in his Medical Astrology book "the human body doesn't do well with too
much cold (Saturn), or too much heat (Mars). We can think of Saturn as dark blue col-
or ray and Mars as Red. The human body doesn't do well under prolonged exposure
to light of either color!"

Now let's discuss the charts below for the above said connections.
Chart Detail
Name: 01 No Child, Gender: Female, Date: Tuesday, 25/May/1982, Time: 02:36:00
AM, SID: 18:35:08, Place: Dambadeniya, North Western, Sri Lanka, TZ: +05:30 DST:
0.00, Lat: 07:22:00 N Lon: 80:09:00 E, Ayanamsa: 23° 31' 16", Star: Mrigasira, Pada 4,
Lagna: Pisces, Bal. Dasa: Mars 1 Y, 7 M, 2 D

Name: 02 No Child, Gender: Female, Date: Tuesday, 06/Feb/1979, Time: 05:42:00 AM,

KP Ezine October 2019 26

SID: 14:33:38, Place: De Soyza Hospital, Colombo, Western, Sri Lanka, TZ: +05:30
DST: 0.00, Lat: 06:55:00 N Lon: 79:52:00 E, Ayanamsa: 23° 28' 30", Star: Rohini, Pada
2, Lagna: Capricorn, Bal. Dasa: Moon 5 Y, 3 M, 29 D

Name: 03 No Child, Gender: Female, Date: Wednesday, 02/Oct/1974, Time: 01:47:00

PM, SID: 14:19:13, Place: Castle Hospital, Colombo, Western, Sri Lanka TZ: +05:30
DST: 0.00, Lat: 06:54:00 N Lon: 79:53:00 E, Ayanamsa: 23° 24' 52" Star: Revati, Pada
3, Lagna: Capricorn, Bal. Dasa: Mercury 5 Y, 4 M, 12 D

Name: 04 No child, Gender: Female, Date: Thursday, 02/Apr/1981, Time: 09:15:00 PM,
SID: 09:48:07, Place: Castle Hospital, Colombo, Western, Sri Lanka, TZ: +05:30 DST:
0.00, Lat: 06:54:00 N Lon: 79:53:00 E, Ayanamsa: 23° 30' 18", Star: Satabhisha, Pada
4, Lagna: Scorpio, Bal. Dasa: Rahu 1 Y, 4 M, 18 D

Name: 05 No Child,Gender: Female, Date: Saturday, 23/May/1953, Time: 07:00:00 AM,

SID: 22:46:45, Place: CUDDAPAH, ANDHRA PRADESH, India, TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00,
Lat: 14:28:00 N Lon: 78:49:00 E, Ayanamsa: 23° 6' 58", Star: U.Phalguni, Pada 3, La-
gna: Taurus, Bal. Dasa: Sun 2 Y, 10 M, 29

Name: 06 No Child, Gender: Female, Date: Monday, 01/Jun/1981, Time: 04:32:00 PM,
SID: 09:04:50, Place: Haldummulla Hospital, Uva, Sri Lanka, TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00, Lat:
06:45:00 N Lon: 80:52:00 E, Ayanamsa: 23° 30' 27", Star: Krittika, Pada 2, Lagna: Li-
bra, Bal. Dasa: Sun 3 Y, 2 M, 20 D

Table 01
Checking of Omnipresent Saturn, Uranus, Mars and Sun

01 No Child Sa(R)+: L/o 12 in a Barren sign Virgo

Ur(R): In the sign of Ma and in the star of Sa(R)+
Ma : In a Barren sign Virgo, in association with Sa
Su : Trine to 11, a Barren sign Capricorn
The 5th Lord and Sub lord Moon is in a Barren sign
02 No Child Sa(R): In a Barren Sign Leo opposite to Kethu for 12
03 No Child Sa+: In a Barren sign Gemini, in the star of Ju (R), the lord of
Ur : Aspected by Ju the l/o 12, who is the Star lord of Sa in
Ma+ : In association with Su in a Barren Sign Virgo, Square to
04 No Child Sa : In a Barren Sign Virgo, aspected by Ve the L/o 12
Ur(R) : In the star of Sa
Ma+: Opposite to Sa, conjoined with Ve L/o 12 & Su L/o Leo
05 No Child Sa (R): In a Barren sign Virgo, in the star of Ma the L/o 12
Ur : In Gemini Barren sign in the sub of Sa
Ma : L/o 12 in 12, connected with Sa
Su: In 12 (conjoined with Ju Putrakaraka)
The 5th, House of progeny falls in a Barren sign.
06 No Child Sa(R) : In a Barren sign Virgo H 12.

KP Ezine October 2019 27

Common patterns:
Saturn is deposited in a Barren Sign in all the charts and is retrograded in 4 charts and in
the rest Saturn is in the star of a retrograded planet.

(Note: Sri C.V.Bhatt in his Further Lights on Nakashatra Chintamani, has given four example
charts of sterility and Saturn has made a great negative role in all four example charts.)

Sun, Mars and Uranus

Anyway connected with Saturn and a barren sign.

If Barren planets are anyway connected with the Barren signs, (Barrens in Barrens) the na-
tive will not have a chance for a child birth.

Bottom Line :
What ever it is the outcome of this type of research, which is acceptable by all means for No
Progeny, the astrologer should not come to a concrete conclusion that all natives under in-
vestigation are sterility ladies. Sometimes, some women within their menstruation period, in
other words till their menopause season will be eligible to bear a child. Therefore we have to
study the charts of menopause induced women with no child to come to solid conclusion for
sterility. In my study I have found only one such a chart i.e. Chart No. 05 above (by courtesy
of VSN Murthy ji)

My bow headed Pranam to Sri K.S. Krishnamurty Guruji

and my KP Guru Sri Tin Win ji.

KP Ezine October 2019 28

By: Neeraj Sood
B 34/8132, durga puri, Haibowal, Ludhiana.
Mobile: 6239225015.

KP horary no 10, Date 15/06/2014, Time 16:44:53, Sunday, Place Ludhiana.

Rule- If 7th cusp sublord be Mercury or deposited in dual sign (Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces)
or any other planet occupying in dual sign or deposited in the star of owner of dual sign Mer-
cury or Jupiter and be a significator of 2,9 or 11, then during the joint period of significators
of 2,9,11, there is a chance of second marriage to happen. 7th cusp sublord and its star lord
must be in direct motion.
Prime and joint house/cusps for marriage- 2 family, 5 love/affair, 7 life partner, 9 second
marriage, 11 fulfillers of desires. Venus is karaka for marriage.

Moon - In this horary chart Moon is occupant of 10, lord of 4,5. Moon is in star of Sun 2
(family) in sub of Jupiter 3 (communication), 9 (second marriage), 12 (worries). So through
Moon connectivity to the relevant houses query is genuine and we can proceed further.

7th cusp sublord Mercury-

Mercury is deposited in own sign Gemini, and occupant of 2 & lord of 3, 6.
Also Mercury is untenanted & the cuspal sub lord of 7 th house. Further Mercury is in the
star & sub of Rahu occupant of 6 in Venus sign which is occupant of 1 & lord of 2, 7. Rahu
having aspect from Jupiter of 3,9,12. Therefore Mercury is significator of relevant houses. (At
the time of judgement Mercury was retrograde from 08 June 2014 which goes direct on 2 Ju-
ly 2014.)

11th sublord is Jupiter in own star which is occupant of 3 (close to 4th cusp) & lord of 9, 12
houses & in sub of Sun occupant of 2. So Jupiter is significator of 9, 2.

Hence Second Marriage is promised.

Significators of 2, 9, 11 are:

2 - Moon, Sun, Ven

9 - Jup, Sat
11 - Sat

At the time of query Mahadasha of Sun was running up to 22/12/2017, Sun is our significa-
tor of DBA of relevant houses 2,9,11.

At the time of query running Antardasha of Jupiter up to 28/10/2014, Jupiter is also signifi-
cator of DBA of relevant houses 2,9,11. Also Jupiter is in sub of Sun 2 giving positive indica-

At the time of query running Pratyantardasha are -

Sun - Jup - Ven up to 20/07/2014

Sun - Jup - Sun up to 04/08/2014
Sun - Jup - Moon up to 28/08/2014
Sun - Jup - Mar up to 15/09/2014
Sun - Jup - Rahu up to 28/10/2014

KP Ezine October 2019 29

Horary No. 10/249
Sun Rise: 05:22:56 AM Sun Set: 07:30:55 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Brahma Hora: Saturn Karana: Badreva Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 10 1 Bharani(1) Ma Ve Ve Ve Ve
Question : I am divorced, when will my second marriage happen? 2 Rohini(2) Ve Mo Ra Ve Ju
3 Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Sa Ke
Ruling Planets - 15/Jun/2014 04:44:53 PM 4 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Mo Su Ju
LUDHIANA, PUNJAB, India 5 Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Ju Ve Ma
6 U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ju Ju Me
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Swati(3) Ve Ra Me Su Ve
Lagna Ve Ju Me Sa Ju 8 Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ra Ju Ve
Moon Sa Su Ju Ve Mo 9 Moola(3) Ju Ke Ra Mo Ju
Day Lord: Sun 10 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ra Ve Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Ju Ve Ma
12 P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ma Mo Sa
Su 02:00:19:10 Ke 00:01:32:12
Me[R] 02:07:03:01 XII 11:01:17:54 Planetary Positions
II 01:13:20:58
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 00:13:20:00 Su Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Me Ke Ra
III 02:07:19:53 Ve 00:26:28:53 Mo U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Ve Mo
XI 09:27:05:17
Ju 02:29:19:27 2 12 Ma Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Ra Su
3 10 Me[R] Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Ju Me
Ju Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Su Ke Sa
Ve Bharani(4) Ma Ve Ke Sa Ve
Sa[R] Visakha(2) Ve Ju Sa Ju Sa
IV 03:00:31:29 Mo 09:02:10:51 Ra Chitra(3) Ve Ma Me Ju Mo
X 09:00:31:29
Ke Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ve Ma Ve
4 10 Significators - Planets View
7 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 6 2 1, 8
Mo 2 10 4, 5
Sa[R] 06:23:38:43 Ma 10 6 4, 5 1, 8
V 03:27:05:17 VII 06:13:20:00 IX 08:07:19:53 Me+ 6 3 3, 6
Ju 4 4 9, 12 9, 12
4 9 Ve 1 1 2, 7 2, 7
6 8 Sa+ 4 7 9, 12 10, 11
Ra 6 6 1, 8
VI 05:01:17:54 VIII 07:13:20:58 Ke 12 12
Ra 06:01:32:12
Rahu acts as agent for: Ju, Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ma 05:19:04:08
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ve, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Ke 01:32:12 II 13:20:58 Su 00:19:10 Dasa Summary

I 13:20:00 Me[R] 07:03:01
Ve 26:28:53 III 07:19:53 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Ju 29:19:27 Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
22-Dec-2011 - 22-Dec-2017 22-Dec-2017 - 22-Dec-2027 22-Dec-2027 - 22-Dec-2034
Sun 22-Dec-2011 Moon 22-Dec-2017 Mars 22-Dec-2027
Moon 10-Apr-2012 Mars 23-Oct-2018 Rahu 19-May-2028
Mars 10-Oct-2012 Rahu 24-May-2019 Jupiter 07-Jun-2029
XII 01:17:54 Rahu 14-Feb-2013 Jupiter 22-Nov-2020 Saturn 14-May-2030
Name: Divorce IV 00:31:29 Jupiter 09-Jan-2014 Saturn 24-Mar-2022 Mercury 22-Jun-2031
Gender: Male V 27:05:17 Saturn 28-Oct-2014 Mercury 23-Oct-2023 Ketu 18-Jun-2032
Date: Sunday, 15/Jun/2014 Mercury 10-Oct-2015 Ketu 24-Mar-2025 Venus 15-Nov-2032
Ketu 16-Aug-2016 Venus 24-Oct-2025 Sun 14-Jan-2034
Time: 04:44:53 PM SID: 09:53:04 Venus 22-Dec-2016 Sun 24-Jun-2027 Moon 22-May-2034
Lat: 30:54:00 N Lon: 75:53:00 E
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 22-Dec-2034 - 22-Dec-2052 22-Dec-2052 - 22-Dec-2068 22-Dec-2068 - 22-Dec-2087
Place: LUDHIANA, PUNJAB, India Rahu 22-Dec-2034 Jupiter 22-Dec-2052 Saturn 22-Dec-2068
Jupiter 04-Sep-2037 Saturn 09-Feb-2055 Mercury 25-Dec-2071
Saturn 28-Jan-2040 Mercury 23-Aug-2057 Ketu 04-Sep-2074
Ayanamsa: 23° 58' 7" Mercury 05-Dec-2042 Ketu 28-Nov-2059 Venus 14-Oct-2075
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ketu 24-Jun-2045 Venus 03-Nov-2060 Sun 14-Dec-2078
Star: U.Ashada, Pada 2 Venus 12-Jul-2046 Sun 05-Jul-2063 Moon 26-Nov-2079
Star Lord: Sun Sun 12-Jul-2049 Moon 22-Apr-2064 Mars 27-Jun-2081
Moon 06-Jun-2050 Mars 22-Aug-2065 Rahu 05-Aug-2082
Lagna: Aries Lagna Lord: Mars
XI 27:05:17 Mars 05-Dec-2051 Rahu 29-Jul-2066 Jupiter 12-Jun-2085
Mo 02:10:51 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Tritiya
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
X 00:31:29 Bal. Dasa: Sun 3 Y, 6 M, 6 D 22-Dec-2087 - 22-Dec-2104 22-Dec-2104 - 22-Dec-2111 22-Dec-2111 - 22-Dec-2131
VI 01:17:54 Mercury 22-Dec-2087 Ketu 22-Dec-2104 Venus 22-Dec-2111
Ma 19:04:08 Ketu 21-May-2090 Venus 20-May-2105 Sun 23-Apr-2115
Venus 18-May-2091 Sun 20-Jul-2106 Moon 23-Apr-2116
Sun 18-Mar-2094 Moon 25-Nov-2106 Mars 23-Dec-2117
Moon 23-Jan-2095 Mars 26-Jun-2107 Rahu 22-Feb-2119
Mars 23-Jun-2096 Rahu 22-Nov-2107 Jupiter 22-Feb-2122
Sa[R] 23:38:43 Rahu 20-Jun-2097 Jupiter 11-Dec-2108 Saturn 22-Oct-2124
VII 13:20:00 Jupiter 07-Jan-2100 Saturn 17-Nov-2109 Mercury 22-Dec-2127
IX 07:19:53 VIII 13:20:58 Ra 01:32:12 Saturn 14-Apr-2102 Mercury 26-Dec-2110 Ketu 22-Oct-2130
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 30
Now we have pratyantra of Ven, Sun, Moon, Mar, Rahu.
Among of them Moon is in sub of Jup which is significator of 9 th house, so pratyantra of
Moon seems good for fructification of event. So period 04/08/2014 to 28/08/2014 seems
fruitful for second marriage. She was married on 09/August / 2014


KP Ezine October 2019 31

By: Er Hrushikesh Maharana.

Mobile: +917001865421

One of my colleges friends approached me to ask about her career related issue on
18/11/2018. She ompleted her B-tech in 2014, but till now she didn’t get any job.

She shared her birth detail as follows:


My analysis:
In the chart 10th CSL Jupiter who is present in my RP signifying as follows:

Planet Ju+: 6; 1-10

Star lord of Ju is Su*: 6
Sub lord of Ju is Ju+: 6; 1-10
Star lord of Ju is Su*: 6

In this chart Jupiter signifies 1st, 6th, 10th houses, indicating job is promised in her life with
a good prosperity rate, but in the chart Neptune conjoined with 10th cusp indicates native
will face so much difficult situation to get a first job in her life.

After 2014, she prepared herself for the banking sector. But till now she has not cracked any
exam after so much hard effort. Finally, her face so much deception due to career related is-
sue. Nowadays she is searching for a new job in IT sector.

She questioned me whether IT sector is suitable for her or not.

As 10th cusp is afflicted by Neptune, here I will give more focus to planet’s signification for
profession choice otherwise Neptune gives its effect to native.

Due to this above reason again, I re-checked 10th cuspal sub lord, and found that Jupiter
was placed in Virgo sign and its star lord Sun also placed in Virgo sign and conjoined with
Mercury and aspected by Mars by its 4th aspect indicating profession should be related to a
technical field.

In the chart Sun conjoined with Mercury.

Saturn and Mars both are aspecting over Mercury.

Hence, if we combined all the planets (Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Mars) are indicating IT sector

Saturn, Mars: Engineering department Saturn, Mars, and Sun and Mercury indicates-
manufacturing (computer)
And 10th cusp sub lord signifies 1st, 6th, 10th houses indicating corporate sector.

Currently she is running under the joint period of Sun Dasa /Venus Bhukti till 18 OCT

KP Ezine October 2019 32

When I will get a job
Sun Rise: 05:35:43 AM Sun Set: 05:40:38 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Sadhya Hora: Moon Karana: Vanij Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Revati(3) Ju Me Ju Ju Ra
2 Krittika(1) Ma Su Ma Ve Ma
3 Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ra Su Ve
Ruling Planets - 22/Aug/2019 01:32:30 PM 4 Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Ju Me Mo
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Me Ve Ra
6 P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Sa Ke
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Chitra(1) Me Ma Ju Ju Ra
Lagna Ma Sa Mo Ve Ve 8 Visakha(3) Ve Ju Su Ju Me
Moon Ma Ve Ra Mo Ve 9 Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ra Su Ve
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Ju Me Me
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Sravana(3) Sa Mo Sa Ma Ve
12 Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Mo Me Me
II 00:29:02:00 XII 10:18:46:25
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 11:26:20:10 Su U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ve Ve Sa
Ke 02:01:58:26 Mo Magha(4) Su Ke Sa Ju Ve
Ma 02:13:05:48 1 11 09:18:32:16 Ma Aridra(2) Me Ra Me Ve Ju
III 01:25:49:37
10 XI 09:17:09:34 Me Hasta(2) Me Mo Ju Ra Ve
Ju U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ju Ra Ve
Ve Chitra(4) Ve Ma Mo Mo Sa
Sa[R] Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Su Me
IV 02:20:38:22 X 08:20:38:22 Ra Moola(1) Ju Ke Ve Ju Sa
Ke Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Ke Ve Ma
3 9 Significators - Planets View
6 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 6 6 6 6
Mo 3 5 5
VII 05:26:20:10 Ma 9 3 2, 9
Mo 04:11:18:08 Ve 06:05:35:52 IX 07:25:49:37 Me+ 5 6 5 4, 7
V 03:17:09:34 Ra 08:01:58:26 Ju+ 6 6 6 1, 10
4 8 Ve+ 3 7 2, 9 3, 8
5 7 Sa+ 5 11 5 11, 12
Ra 3 9
Ju 05:02:54:17 VIII 06:29:02:00 Ke 3 3 2, 9
Su 05:08:03:48
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Me 05:15:36:41
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me. (B) - Occupant of house
VI 04:18:46:25 (C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

II 29:02:00 III 25:49:37 Ke 01:58:26 Dasa Summary

Ma 13:05:48
IV 20:38:22 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
18-Oct-1986 - 18-Oct-1993 18-Oct-1993 - 18-Oct-2013 18-Oct-2013 - 18-Oct-2019
Ketu 18-Oct-1986 Venus 18-Oct-1993 Sun 18-Oct-2013
Venus 17-Mar-1987 Sun 17-Feb-1997 Moon 05-Feb-2014
Sun 16-May-1988 Moon 17-Feb-1998 Mars 07-Aug-2014
I 26:20:10 Moon 21-Sep-1988 Mars 19-Oct-1999 Rahu 12-Dec-2014
Name: When I will get a job V 17:09:34 Mars 22-Apr-1989 Rahu 19-Dec-2000 Jupiter 06-Nov-2015
Gender: Female Rahu 18-Sep-1989 Jupiter 19-Dec-2003 Saturn 24-Aug-2016
Date: Thursday, 24/Sep/1992 Jupiter 07-Oct-1990 Saturn 19-Aug-2006 Mercury 06-Aug-2017
Saturn 13-Sep-1991 Mercury 19-Oct-2009 Ketu 13-Jun-2018
Time: 06:34:00 PM SID: 19:02:08 Mercury 22-Oct-1992 Ketu 18-Aug-2012 Venus 19-Oct-2018
Lat: 20:27:00 N Lon: 85:55:00 E
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 18-Oct-2019 - 18-Oct-2029 18-Oct-2029 - 18-Oct-2036 18-Oct-2036 - 18-Oct-2054
Place: CUTTACK, ORISSA, India Moon 18-Oct-2019 Mars 18-Oct-2029 Rahu 18-Oct-2036
XII 18:46:25 Mars 18-Aug-2020 Rahu 17-Mar-2030 Jupiter 01-Jul-2039
Mo 11:18:08 Rahu 19-Mar-2021 Jupiter 04-Apr-2031 Saturn 24-Nov-2041
Ayanamsa: 23° 39' 55" VI 18:46:25 Jupiter 17-Sep-2022 Saturn 10-Mar-2032 Mercury 30-Sep-2044
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Saturn 17-Jan-2024 Mercury 18-Apr-2033 Ketu 19-Apr-2047
Star: Magha, Pada 4 Mercury 18-Aug-2025 Ketu 15-Apr-2034 Venus 07-May-2048
Star Lord: Ketu Ketu 17-Jan-2027 Venus 12-Sep-2034 Sun 07-May-2051
Venus 19-Aug-2027 Sun 12-Nov-2035 Moon 31-Mar-2052
Lagna: Pisces Lagna Lord: Jupiter
Sun 19-Apr-2029 Moon 18-Mar-2036 Mars 29-Sep-2053
Sa[R] 18:32:16 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Trayodasi
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
XI 17:09:34 Bal. Dasa: Ketu 1 Y, 0 M, 24 D 18-Oct-2054 - 18-Oct-2070 18-Oct-2070 - 18-Oct-2089 18-Oct-2089 - 18-Oct-2106
Ju 02:54:17 Jupiter 18-Oct-2054 Saturn 18-Oct-2070 Mercury 18-Oct-2089
Su 08:03:48 Saturn 06-Dec-2056 Mercury 21-Oct-2073 Ketu 16-Mar-2092
Me 15:36:41 Mercury 19-Jun-2059 Ketu 30-Jun-2076 Venus 13-Mar-2093
VII 26:20:10 Ketu 24-Sep-2061 Venus 09-Aug-2077 Sun 11-Jan-2096
Venus 31-Aug-2062 Sun 09-Oct-2080 Moon 17-Nov-2096
Sun 02-May-2065 Moon 21-Sep-2081 Mars 18-Apr-2098
Moon 18-Feb-2066 Mars 22-Apr-2083 Rahu 15-Apr-2099
X 20:38:22 VIII 29:02:00 Mars 20-Jun-2067 Rahu 31-May-2084 Jupiter 02-Nov-2101
Ra 01:58:26 IX 25:49:37 Ve 05:35:52 Rahu 26-May-2068 Jupiter 07-Apr-2087 Saturn 07-Feb-2104
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 33
Dasha Sun signifies as follows:
Planet Su*: 6
Starlord of Su is Su*: 6
Sub lord of Su is Ve+: 7; 8
Star lord of Ve is Ma: 3; 2; Asp Me (6, 4)

Sun signifies 2, 6th houses which indicate she will be getting a new job within this Dasha

Bhukti Venus signifies as follows:

Planet Ve: 7; 8
Starlord of Ve is Ma: 3; 2; Asp Me (6, 4)
Sublord of Ve is Mo:
Starlord of Mo is Ke: 3; Sgl Me (6, 4, Asp by Ma [3, 2])

Here Venus signifies 2nd, 3rd, 6th houses, indicating that this period is suitable for getting a
new job. Here ascendant is dual ascendant indicating delay in order, but Dasa and Bhukti
are involved with faster moving planet indicates that here we can't skip Venus Bhukti.
Hence event will be materializing within this Bhukti period.

In the chart Dasha, Bhukti signifies 2nd, 6th houses and for chain completes 11 the house
In the chart Moon and Saturn are signifies 11th house only.

Moon antara signifies as follows:

Planet Mo:
Starlord of Mo is Ke: 3; Sgl Me (6, 4, Asp by Ma [3, 2])
Sublord of Mo is Sa+: 11; 12; Asp 5; Cnj 11
Starlord of Sa is Mo: 5

Moon signifies 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 11th houses, but I skipped this period due to Saturn transit
over natal Neptune.

Jupiter antara signifies as follows:

Planet Ju+: 6; 1-10
Star lord of Ju is Su*: 6
Sublord of Ju is Ju+: 6; 1-10
Starlord of Ju is Su*: 6

In the chart Jupiter is the 10th cuspsub lord, this antara have capability to give the result
but I skipped this period and select Saturn period due to outer planet effect.

Saturn antara signifies as follows:

Planet Sa+: 11; 12; Asp 5; Cnj 11

Starlord of Sa is Mo: 5
Sublord of Sa is Me+: 6; 4; Asp by Ma (3, 2)
Starlord of Me is Mo: 5
Saturn signifies 3rd, 6th, 11th houses.
And I select Mercury sookshma period as it signifies 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 10th houses.

Now Dasha, Bhukti, Antara, sookshma are as follows:

Sun/Venus/Saturn/mercury (27/06/2019)

As chart is afflicted by outer planet, so I select all planets very carefully.

Actual fact: She got her joining letter on 28/06/2019.

KP Ezine October 2019 34

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School,
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: Pin: 380022 ;
Mobile : +91-982531165: Email :;

Question: Will Aditya Thackeray become Dyp. CM of Maharashtra in Maharashtra Assembly

election, on 21st October 2019?
Number. 190 (out of 249)
Date of Judgment: 30-09-2019, Monday; Time of Judgment: 10:24:09 AM; IST
Place of Judgment. Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’
Aynamsha 240.02'.33"

Note: Aditya Thackeray is going to contest Vidhan sabha election 2019. After this infor-
mation, I want to know whether Aditya Thackeray will become Dyp. CM of Maharashtra in

If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies house 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s
ability), 11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of 3, 10, 11, then
success is assured.

Cuspal Sub lord for Aditya Thackeray:

10th Cusp (Libra 140.59’.08”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Ketu. Ketu is in the star of
Venus and sub of Rahu. Ketu is occupant of 12. No Planet in the star of Ketu and Ketu is
CSL of 10. Ketu is conjoined with Saturn. Saturn is occupant of 12 owner of 1-2. Star lord
Venus is occupant of 9, owner of 5-10. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 6. Rahu is in Gemini
sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 9, owner of 6-9. Thus 10th cusp sub
lord Ketu is the significator of 12-10-1-2-9-5-6. Hence, becoming a Dyp. CM is sure.

Cuspal Sub lord for opponent:

10th Cusp (Aries 140.59’.08”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of
Mars and sub of Rahu. Venus is occupant of 3, owner of 4-11. Star lord Mars is occupant of
2, owner of 5-10. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 12. Rahu is in Gemini sign, hence represents
Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 3, owner of 3-12. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Venus is the sig-
nificator of 3-11-4-2-10-5-12. Hence, becoming a Dyp. CM is sure.

Joint period for Aditya Thackeray:

On the day of election, (21-10-2019) the running joint dasa period is Mars-Venus-Sun-

Dasa lord Mars is in the star of Sun and sub of own. Mars is occupant of 8 owner of 4-11.
Star lord Sun is occupant of 9 owner of 8. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 12 owner of 1-2.
Thus dasa lord Saturn is the significator of 8-4-11-9-8. Hence, becoming a Dyp. CM is sure.

Bhukti lord Venus is in the star of Mars and sub of Rahu. Venus is occupant of 9 owner of 5-
10. Star lord Mars is occupant of 8 owner of 4-11. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 6. Rahu is in
Gemini sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 9, owner of 6-9. Thus bhukti
lord Venus is the significator of 9-5-10-8-4-11-6. Hence, becoming a Dyp. CM is sure.

Antra lord Sun is in the star of Moon and sub of Rahu. Sun is occupant of 9 owner of 8. Star
lord Moon is occupant of 9 owner of 7. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 6. Rahu is in Gemini
sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 9, owner of 6-9. Thus Antra lord Sun
is the significator of 9-8-7-6. Hence, becoming a Dyp. CM is not sure.

KP Ezine October 2019 35

Horary No. 190/249
Sun Rise: 06:30:47 AM Sun Set: 06:28:21 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Indra Hora: Mars Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 190 1 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Ju Ju
Question : Will Aditya Thackeray become CM of Maharashtra in Maharashtra Assembly 2 Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Sa Mo
election, on 21st October 2019?
3 U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ra Sa Mo
Ruling Planets - 30/Sep/2019 10:24:09 AM 4 Bharani(1) Ma Ve Ve Sa Mo
6 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Mo Mo Ma
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ma Ve Ke
Lagna Ma Sa Sa Ve Ra 8 Magha(3) Su Ke Ra Mo Su
Moon Ve Ma Ve Ve Me 9 Hasta(2) Me Mo Ra Mo Ju
Day Lord: Moon 10 Swati(3) Ve Ra Ke Ju Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Mo Ju Sa
12 Moola(2) Ju Ke Ra Ra Ra
II 10:07:26:12 Sa 08:19:58:57
Ke 08:19:06:37 Planetary Positions
XII 08:05:33:48
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 09:01:13:20 Su Hasta(1) Me Mo Ra Sa Ra
III 11:13:39:28 Mo Chitra(3) Ve Ma Ve Ve Me
Ju 07:24:01:50
11 9 XI 07:11:21:25 Ma U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Sa Me Ve
12 8 Me Chitra(3) Ve Ma Me Ju Sa
Ju Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ma Su Sa
Ve Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ke Me
Sa P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Mo Ve
IV 00:14:59:08 X 06:14:59:08 Ra Aridra(4) Me Ra Mo Ve Sa
Ke P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Me Su
1 7 Significators - Planets View
4 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 9 9 7 8
Mo 8 9 4, 11 7
VII 03:01:13:20 Ma 9 8 8 4, 11
V 01:11:21:25 Ve 05:25:22:51 Me 8 9 4, 11 6, 9
IX 05:13:39:28 Ju+ 9 11 6, 9 3, 12
2 Mo 06:02:59:17 Ve 8 9 4, 11 5, 10
Me 06:01:24:39
3 5 Sa+ 9 12 5, 10 1, 2
Ra 6 6
VI 02:05:33:48 Su 05:12:42:09 Ke+ 9 12 5, 10
Ra 02:19:06:37 VIII 04:07:26:12
Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ma 05:03:23:57
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

IV 14:59:08 V 11:21:25 VI 05:33:48 Dasa Summary

Ra 19:06:37
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
05-Sep-2014 - 05-Sep-2021 05-Sep-2021 - 05-Sep-2039 05-Sep-2039 - 05-Sep-2055
Mars 05-Sep-2014 Rahu 05-Sep-2021 Jupiter 05-Sep-2039
Rahu 02-Feb-2015 Jupiter 18-May-2024 Saturn 24-Oct-2041
Jupiter 20-Feb-2016 Saturn 11-Oct-2026 Mercury 06-May-2044
III 13:39:28 Saturn 26-Jan-2017 Mercury 18-Aug-2029 Ketu 11-Aug-2046
Name: Aditya Thackeray VII 01:13:20 Mercury 06-Mar-2018 Ketu 06-Mar-2032 Venus 18-Jul-2047
Gender: Male Ketu 04-Mar-2019 Venus 24-Mar-2033 Sun 19-Mar-2050
Date: Monday, 30/Sep/2019 Venus 31-Jul-2019 Sun 24-Mar-2036 Moon 05-Jan-2051
Sun 30-Sep-2020 Moon 16-Feb-2037 Mars 06-May-2052
Time: 10:24:09 AM SID: 10:19:10 Moon 04-Feb-2021 Mars 17-Aug-2038 Rahu 12-Apr-2053
Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 05-Sep-2055 - 05-Sep-2074 05-Sep-2074 - 05-Sep-2091 05-Sep-2091 - 05-Sep-2098
Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Saturn 05-Sep-2055 Mercury 05-Sep-2074 Ketu 05-Sep-2091
II 07:26:12 Mercury 08-Sep-2058 Ketu 02-Feb-2077 Venus 02-Feb-2092
VIII 07:26:12 Ketu 19-May-2061 Venus 30-Jan-2078 Sun 03-Apr-2093
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 33" Venus 28-Jun-2062 Sun 29-Nov-2080 Moon 09-Aug-2093
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Sun 28-Aug-2065 Moon 06-Oct-2081 Mars 10-Mar-2094
Star: Chitra, Pada 3 Moon 10-Aug-2066 Mars 07-Mar-2083 Rahu 06-Aug-2094
Star Lord: Mars Mars 10-Mar-2068 Rahu 03-Mar-2084 Jupiter 25-Aug-2095
Rahu 18-Apr-2069 Jupiter 20-Sep-2086 Saturn 31-Jul-2096
Lagna: Capricorn Lagna Lord: Saturn
Jupiter 23-Feb-2072 Saturn 26-Dec-2088 Mercury 08-Sep-2097
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Dvitiya
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
I 01:13:20 Bal. Dasa: Mars 1 Y, 11 M, 5 D 05-Sep-2098 - 05-Sep-2118 05-Sep-2118 - 05-Sep-2124 05-Sep-2124 - 05-Sep-2134
Ma 03:23:57 Venus 05-Sep-2098 Sun 05-Sep-2118 Moon 05-Sep-2124
Su 12:42:09 Sun 05-Jan-2102 Moon 24-Dec-2118 Mars 07-Jul-2125
IX 13:39:28 Moon 05-Jan-2103 Mars 25-Jun-2119 Rahu 05-Feb-2126
Ve 25:22:51 Mars 05-Sep-2104 Rahu 30-Oct-2119 Jupiter 06-Aug-2127
Rahu 05-Nov-2105 Jupiter 23-Sep-2120 Saturn 06-Dec-2128
Jupiter 05-Nov-2108 Saturn 12-Jul-2121 Mercury 07-Jul-2130
Sa 19:58:57 X 14:59:08 Saturn 06-Jul-2111 Mercury 24-Jun-2122 Ketu 07-Dec-2131
Ke 19:06:37 Ju 24:01:50 Mo 02:59:17 Mercury 05-Sep-2114 Ketu 01-May-2123 Venus 07-Jul-2132
XII 05:33:48 XI 11:21:25 Me 01:24:39 Ketu 06-Jul-2117 Venus 06-Sep-2123 Sun 07-Mar-2134
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 36
Sookshma lord Saturn is in the star of Venus and sub of Rahu. Saturn is occupant of 12
owner of 1-2. Star lord Venus is occupant of 9 owner of 5-10. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of
6. Rahu is in Gemini sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 9, owner of 6-
9. Thus Sookshma lord Saturn is the significator of 12-1-2-9-5-10-6. Hence, becoming a
Dyp. CM is sure.

Joint period for opponent:

On the day of election, (21-10-2019) the running joint dasa period is Mars-Venus-Sun-

Dasa lord Mars is in the star of Sun and sub of own. Mars is occupant of 2 owner of 5-10.
Star lord Sun is occupant of 3 owner of 2. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 6 owner of 7-8.
Thus dasa lord Saturn is the significator of 2-5-10-3-6-7-8. Hence, becoming a Dyp. CM is

Bhukti lord Venus is in the star of Mars and sub of Rahu. Venus is occupant of 3 owner of 4-
11. Star lord Mars is occupant of 2 owner of 5-10. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 12. Rahu is
in Gemini sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 3, owner of 3-12. Thus
bhukti lord Venus is the significator of 3-4-11-2-5-10-12. Hence, becoming a Dyp. CM is

Antra lord Sun is in the star of Moon and sub of Rahu. Sun is occupant of 3 owner of 2. Star
lord Moon is occupant of 3 owner of 1. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 12. Rahu is in Gemini
sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 3, owner of 3-12. Thus Antra lord
Sun is the significator of 3-2-1-12. Hence, becoming a Dyp. CM is sure.

Sookshma lord Saturn is in the star of Venus and sub of Rahu. Saturn is occupant of 6 own-
er of 7-8. Star lord Venus is occupant of 3 owner of 4-11. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 12.
Rahu is in Gemini sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 3, owner of 3-12.
Thus Sookshma lord Saturn is the significator of 6-7-8-3-4-11-12. Hence, becoming a Dyp.
CM is sure.

My opinion: Antra lord for Aditya Thackeray does not signify 3-10-11 at all thus Aditya
Thackeray will not become Dyp. CM of Maharastra.

KP Ezine October 2019 37

By: Gunti Nagaraju KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

The recent developments of the health of our erstwhile finance minister Sri Arun Jaitly are
causing a lot of anxiety about his recovery and as an astrologer, I thought of knowing the
outcome of his admission in the hospital (AIMS Delhi) recently through K P horary analysis.
Immediately I have erected a Time chart on 18-08-2019 @ 07-51-57 A.M @ my place Tar-
naka, Secundrabad.

What KP rule says on the subject:

4th cusp sub lord if signifies 2,4,11 and DBA of 2-4-11 houses, the native will be discharged
from hospital and comes back home safely.

Analysis of the 4th cusp—(Scorpio 26-54-42)

4th cusp sub lord is Jupiter. Jupiter lord of 5 and 8 in 3rd. It is placed in the star of Mercury
lord of 2 and 11 in 11 and in the sub lord of Venus lord of 3 and 10 in 12.
Jupiter signifies @STL 2-3-5-8-11 and @SBL 3-10-12. Here 3rd signifies negative to 4th-
house coming, 2- maraka sthana, 8- danger and seriousness of the disease, 10 – karma
sthana to experience past karma, 12-final emancipation and loss to the native.

All the above significations indicate negative result as 3, 10 and 12 along with 8 are signified.
2) Rule- if 6th cuspsub lord signifies 1-5-7-11 disease will be cured during the conjoined peri-
od of the significations of 1-5-7-11 houses. If it signifies 6 and 12 instead of 5,7,11 –the
chances of recovery will be remote.
as per the Time chart—6th cusp sub lord is Jupiter which is already discussed above and it
clearly indicates 3-10-8 and 12 cusps which are the negative houses for recovery from ill-

3rd rule- KP rule for death—(KP Ezine June 2010 Tin Win)
A) Death is indicated only by the significations of Maraca and Badhaka sthanas. (KP Reader
6-page 155).
B) Death comes during the conjoined period of the significations of primarily-Badhaka
sthana (11 for movable signs, or 9 for fixed signs or 7 for dual signs), Maraca houses -2-7,
Moksha sthana- 12 along with Terminal or Trigonal houses -4- ending of everything-life, 8-
accident or danger to the life, 12-end of life or unnatural death, and 10- retirement from this
world or life along with 6th- injury in accident or serious sickness.

The longevity is primarily to be considered by the Asc. cuspal sub lord other than 8th
cuspal sub lord. The signification of 4,8,12 houses by 8th & 12th cuspal sub lords is an
indication of possible unnatural or violent death.

Ethics of Offering Death Prediction

C) The ethics of offering death prediction to the client is a matter of...whether it is asked for it
in full knowledge of what it means, will the client benefit from the knowledge and is he in the
right state of mind for it? Another thing is how can the client plan his life if he doesn’t know
when he’s going to die?

--as per the time chart---Ascendant cusp sub lord is Kethu and it co-rules 7 and 9. Kethu is
paced in 4th cusp in the company of Saturn lord of 6 and 7 in 4th cusp. Kethu is placed in the
star of Venus lord of 3 and 10 in 12 and in the sub of Jupiter lord of 5 and 8 in 3rd cusp
within 6 degrees orb to 4th cusp. Kethu represents Saturn and Jupiter which I have already

KP Ezine October 2019 38

Time Chart
Sun Rise: 05:59:36 AM Sun Set: 06:40:05 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Sukarma Hora: Venus Karana: Vanij Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Ke Sa Ra
2 Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Ma Ma
3 Visakha(2) Ve Ju Ve Ve Ve
Ruling Planets - 18/Aug/2019 07:51:57 AM 4 Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Ju Ke Mo
6 Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Ju Me Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 P.Bhadra(2) Sa Ju Ke Me Ju
Lagna Su Ve Ke Sa Ra 8 Revati(3) Ju Me Ra Ma Ma
Moon Sa Ju Su Ra Me 9 Bharani(4) Ma Ve Ke Me Mo
Day Lord: Sun 10 Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Ju Ke Mo
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Ve Ve Sa
12 Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Ju Me Ju
II 25:59:51 XII 26:50:20
Ma 05:52:53 Planetary Positions
Ve 01:54:01
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Su 00:50:25
I 26:31:28 Su Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Ve Su
Ju 20:31:47 Mo P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Su Ra Me
XI 26:49:42
III 26:36:22 6 4 Me 14:47:28 Ma Magha(2) Su Ke Ra Ju Ju
7 3 Me Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ra Ma Ra
Ju Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Ve Ju Sa
Ve Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Ra Ma
Sa[R] P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Ju Me Me
Sa[R] 20:38:00 X 26:54:42 Ra Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Ju Mo Ve
Ke 21:23:42 Ra 21:23:42
Ke P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Ju Mo Ra
IV 26:54:42 5
8 2 Significators - Planets View
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 4 12 1
Mo+ 3 7 5, 8 12
Mo 28:57:02 Ma+ 4 12 4, 9
V 26:49:42 VII 26:31:28 IX 26:36:22 Me 4 11 6, 7 2, 11
Ju 11 3 2, 11 5, 8
9 1 Ve 4 12 3, 10
10 12 Sa 12 4 3, 10 6, 7
Ra+ 3 10 5, 8
VI 26:50:20 VIII 25:59:51 Ke 12 4 3, 10
Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

IX 26:36:22 X 26:54:42 Ra 21:23:42 Dasa Summary

XI 26:49:42
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
21-Nov-2008 - 21-Nov-2024 21-Nov-2024 - 21-Nov-2043 21-Nov-2043 - 21-Nov-2060
Jupiter 21-Nov-2008 Saturn 21-Nov-2024 Mercury 21-Nov-2043
Saturn 09-Jan-2011 Mercury 25-Nov-2027 Ketu 20-Apr-2046
Mercury 23-Jul-2013 Ketu 04-Aug-2030 Venus 17-Apr-2047
VIII 25:59:51 Ketu 28-Oct-2015 Venus 13-Sep-2031 Sun 15-Feb-2050
Name: Time Chart Me 14:47:28 Venus 03-Oct-2016 Sun 13-Nov-2034 Moon 23-Dec-2050
XII 26:50:20 Sun 04-Jun-2019 Moon 26-Oct-2035 Mars 23-May-2052
Date: Sunday, 18/Aug/2019 Moon 22-Mar-2020 Mars 27-May-2037 Rahu 20-May-2053
Mars 22-Jul-2021 Rahu 05-Jul-2038 Jupiter 07-Dec-2055
Time: 07:51:57 AM SID: 05:20:37 Rahu 28-Jun-2022 Jupiter 12-May-2041 Saturn 14-Mar-2058
Lat: 17:27:00 N Lon: 78:30:00 E
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 21-Nov-2060 - 21-Nov-2067 21-Nov-2067 - 21-Nov-2087 21-Nov-2087 - 21-Nov-2093
Mo 28:57:02 Place: SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA Ketu 21-Nov-2060 Venus 21-Nov-2067 Sun 21-Nov-2087
VII 26:31:28 PRADESH, India Venus 20-Apr-2061 Sun 23-Mar-2071 Moon 10-Mar-2088
Su 00:50:25 Sun 20-Jun-2062 Moon 23-Mar-2072 Mars 09-Sep-2088
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 27" Ve 01:54:01 Moon 25-Oct-2062 Mars 22-Nov-2073 Rahu 15-Jan-2089
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ma 05:52:53 Mars 26-May-2063 Rahu 22-Jan-2075 Jupiter 09-Dec-2089
Star: P.Bhadra, Pada 3 I 26:31:28 Rahu 23-Oct-2063 Jupiter 22-Jan-2078 Saturn 27-Sep-2090
Star Lord: Jupiter Jupiter 10-Nov-2064 Saturn 21-Sep-2080 Mercury 09-Sep-2091
Saturn 17-Oct-2065 Mercury 21-Nov-2083 Ketu 16-Jul-2092
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun
Mercury 25-Nov-2066 Ketu 22-Sep-2086 Venus 21-Nov-2092
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Tritiya
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
VI 26:50:20 Bal. Dasa: Jupiter 5 Y, 3 M, 3 D 21-Nov-2093 - 21-Nov-2103 21-Nov-2103 - 21-Nov-2110 21-Nov-2110 - 21-Nov-2128
II 25:59:51 Moon 21-Nov-2093 Mars 21-Nov-2103 Rahu 21-Nov-2110
Mars 22-Sep-2094 Rahu 19-Apr-2104 Jupiter 04-Aug-2113
Rahu 23-Apr-2095 Jupiter 07-May-2105 Saturn 28-Dec-2115
Jupiter 23-Oct-2096 Saturn 13-Apr-2106 Mercury 04-Nov-2118
Saturn 21-Feb-2098 Mercury 22-May-2107 Ketu 24-May-2121
Mercury 22-Sep-2099 Ketu 19-May-2108 Venus 11-Jun-2122
V 26:49:42 Ketu 22-Feb-2101 Venus 15-Oct-2108 Sun 11-Jun-2125
Ke 21:23:42 IV 26:54:42 Venus 23-Sep-2101 Sun 15-Dec-2109 Moon 06-May-2126
Sa[R] 20:38:00 Ju 20:31:47 III 26:36:22 Sun 24-May-2103 Moon 21-Apr-2110 Mars 04-Nov-2127
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 39
discussed above.

For the ascendant of the time chart which is Leo, Mars is the lord of 9 th who the lord of the
Badhaka house, is placed in 12th cusp along with Sun lagna lord and Venus lord of 3 and 10.
Mars aspects 4th by its 4th aspect, 7th by its 7th aspect and 8th by its 8th aspect.

Thus Ascendant cusp sub lord Kethu signifies @its STL level 3-4-10-12 and @SBL 3-5-8.
Here 3rd is negative 4th – home, 4- end of everythingincluding life, 10- karma sthana, 12- fi-
nal emancipation, 8- danger to life and 5- control over health problems. It also co-rule 7 –
maraka and 9th badhaka houses. Kethu which represents Saturn aspects 2nd maraca sthana
by its special aspect of 10th.

From the above significations, it is evident that his life is in danger.

Period analysis
The period running at the time of judgment is –
Jupiter dasa (up to 2024) signifies @STL 3-8-5-11-2 and @SBL 3-10-12 is O.K.(Jupiter is in
our RPs at TOJ)

x Sun bhukthi (up to March 2020) signifies @STL 1-4-12 and @SBL 3-10-12 is O.K. (Sun is a
powerful RPs at TOJ)

X Rahu+ Anthra runs from 30-07-2019 to 12-09-2019 signifies @STL 3-5-8-10 and @SBL 3-
5-8.(Rahu is aspected by Saturn our RP at TOJ).

Sun transits in Leo sign (BL) on the star of Kethu (ASC. SBL) signifies @STL 3-4-10-12 and
@SBL 3-5-8 is O.K.

X Kethu Sookshma runs from 24-08-2019 to 27-08-2019. It is the significator of 3-4-8-10-

12 and signifies @STL 3-4-10-12 and @SBl 3-5-8 signifies. Kethu is in our RPs. Apart from
the above Mars (lord of Badhaka 9 and 4), Venus lord (3 and 11) and Sun (lord of the as-
cendant )- which are placed in 12th cusp are in the star of Kethu are also responsible for his
present situation of serious sickness.

Note- All the period lords clearly signifies 3-negtive to 4th, 4th –end of every thing including
life, 8- danger to life, 10-karma sthana, and 12- final emancipation.

In view of the above with a heavy heart, I feel the life of Sri Arun Jaitly our beloved ex-finance
minister is in jeopardy.

FACTS of the case—He passed away o 24 August 2019 as predictaed.

My highest regards to our KSK’s KP system and my sincere thanks to Sri Kanak Ji.

KP Ezine October 2019 40

By: M. V Guptha - Kavali
10-9-2/A, Dharavari Street
Kavali, 524201, SPSR Nellore Dist., Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone: +91 92478 26145: Email:

Today 21.08.2019 on TV news I have seen whether Sri Chidambaram will be arrested regard-
ing money laundering case, which was filed in May 2017. After that immediately I have taken
a Time Chart at 8.32.29 p.m.

KP Rule:

Arrest a Person

1) Police in the Time Chart or Horary Chart is 6th Cusp

2) Imprisonment is 12th cusp. Karaka Planet is Rahu

3) Law/Court is 9th Cusp

4) Court arrest order is 11th (9th court and order of court 3rd from 9th that is 11th)

5) Runaway person is 7thCusp.

KP Rules by Kanak Bosmia:

1) If 6th Cuspal Sublord (Police) signifies 1 (self-effort), and 11 (Success), Police can be able
to arrest a runaway person in DBA OF 1, 11.

2) If 11th Cuspal Sublord (court order) signifies 6 (Victory on Enemy) 11 (Success), during
DBA of 6, 11, one can be arrested by police on court order.

3) If 7th Cuspal Sublord signifies 5 (Gain to opponent), 10th (4th from 7th come back home)
6th (12th from 7th Lost reputation ) during DBA of 5,6,10 one can be arrested by police on
court order.

Details of Time Chart:

Horary Question: Will Sri. Chidambaram be arrested?
Time Chart Date: 21.08.2019
Time Chart Time: 08.32.29 P.M.
Place of Judgement: Kavali Andhra Pradesh
Lat/Long : 14.57 N /80.02 E

Details of Ruling Planets

Rp Asc Jupiter- Saturn - Rahu
Rp Moon Mars - Ketu - Saturn
Day Lord Mercury

If 6th Cuspal Sublord (Police) signifies 1(self-effort), and 11 (Success), police can be able to
arrest a runaway person , in the DBA of 1,11.

KP Ezine October 2019 41

Will Mr.Chidambaram be ar
Sun Rise: 05:56:30 AM Sun Set: 06:29:33 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vridhi Hora: Mercury Karana: Vanij Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 U.Bhadra(3) Ju Sa Ma Sa Ju
2 Bharani(1) Ma Ve Mo Ra Ra
3 Rohini(2) Ve Mo Ju Ve Me
Ruling Planets - 18/Sep/2019 11:13:48 AM 4 Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Me Ke
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Me Sa Ve
6 Magha(3) Su Ke Ra Su Me
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Hasta(1) Me Mo Ra Sa Sa
Lagna Ma Sa Sa Ma Ju 8 Swati(3) Ve Ra Ve Ju Sa
Moon Ma Ve Su Ra Sa 9 Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ju Ju Ke
Day Lord: Mercury 10 Moola(4) Ju Ke Sa Ma Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ke Su Ma
12 Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Sa Sa
II 00:16:23:57 XII 10:07:14:29
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Mo 00:11:15:17 Su Magha(2) Su Ke Mo Sa Su
III 01:15:00:07 I 11:12:29:02 Mo Aswini(4) Ma Ke Sa Ju Me
XI 09:07:10:54
1 11 Ma Magha(3) Su Ke Ju Me Ke
2 10 Me Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Ve Sa Ma
Ju Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Ve Ju Ve
Ve Magha(2) Su Ke Ra Sa Ve
Sa[R] P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Ju Sa Ve
IV 02:10:49:21 Ke 08:21:12:29 Ra Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Ju Su Ju
Ra 02:21:12:29 Sa[R] 08:20:28:32
Ke P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Ju Ve Sa
12 X 08:10:49:21
3 9 Significators - Planets View
6 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 10 6 6
Mo+ 10 1 5
VII 05:12:29:02 Ma+ 10 6 2, 9
Su 04:04:14:02 Ju 07:20:37:09 Me 5 5 4, 7 4, 7
Ve 04:06:15:55 IX 07:15:00:07 Ju 5 9 4, 7 1, 10
V 03:07:10:54 4 Ve 10 6 3, 8
Me 03:20:59:39
5 7 Sa+ 6 10 3, 8 11, 12
Ra+ 9 4 1, 10
VI 04:07:14:29 VIII 06:16:23:57 Ke 6 10 3, 8
Ma 04:08:07:23
Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Mo 11:15:17 III 15:00:07 IV 10:49:21 Dasa Summary

II 16:23:57 Ra 21:12:29
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
24-Sep-2013 - 24-Sep-2020 24-Sep-2020 - 24-Sep-2040 24-Sep-2040 - 24-Sep-2046
Ketu 24-Sep-2013 Venus 24-Sep-2020 Sun 24-Sep-2040
Venus 21-Feb-2014 Sun 24-Jan-2024 Moon 12-Jan-2041
Sun 23-Apr-2015 Moon 24-Jan-2025 Mars 14-Jul-2041
I 12:29:02 Moon 28-Aug-2015 Mars 25-Sep-2026 Rahu 19-Nov-2041
Name: Will Mr.Chidambaram be ar V 07:10:54 Mars 28-Mar-2016 Rahu 25-Nov-2027 Jupiter 13-Oct-2042
Gender: Male Me 20:59:39 Rahu 25-Aug-2016 Jupiter 25-Nov-2030 Saturn 01-Aug-2043
Date: Wednesday, 21/Aug/2019 Jupiter 12-Sep-2017 Saturn 26-Jul-2033 Mercury 13-Jul-2044
Saturn 19-Aug-2018 Mercury 25-Sep-2036 Ketu 20-May-2045
Time: 08:32:29 PM SID: 18:21:12 Mercury 27-Sep-2019 Ketu 26-Jul-2039 Venus 25-Sep-2045
Lat: 14:57:00 N Lon: 80:02:00 E
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 24-Sep-2046 - 24-Sep-2056 24-Sep-2056 - 24-Sep-2063 24-Sep-2063 - 24-Sep-2081
Place: KAVALI, ANDHRA PRADESH, India Moon 24-Sep-2046 Mars 24-Sep-2056 Rahu 24-Sep-2063
XII 07:14:29 Mars 26-Jul-2047 Rahu 21-Feb-2057 Jupiter 07-Jun-2066
Su 04:14:02 Rahu 24-Feb-2048 Jupiter 11-Mar-2058 Saturn 31-Oct-2068
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 28" Ve 06:15:55 Jupiter 26-Aug-2049 Saturn 15-Feb-2059 Mercury 07-Sep-2071
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus VI 07:14:29 Saturn 25-Dec-2050 Mercury 25-Mar-2060 Ketu 27-Mar-2074
Star: Aswini, Pada 4 Ma 08:07:23 Mercury 25-Jul-2052 Ketu 23-Mar-2061 Venus 14-Apr-2075
Star Lord: Ketu Ketu 25-Dec-2053 Venus 19-Aug-2061 Sun 14-Apr-2078
Venus 26-Jul-2054 Sun 19-Oct-2062 Moon 09-Mar-2079
Lagna: Pisces Lagna Lord: Jupiter
Sun 25-Mar-2056 Moon 23-Feb-2063 Mars 07-Sep-2080
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Sashti
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
XI 07:10:54 Bal. Dasa: Ketu 1 Y, 1 M, 2 D 24-Sep-2081 - 24-Sep-2097 24-Sep-2097 - 24-Sep-2116 24-Sep-2116 - 24-Sep-2133
VII 12:29:02 Jupiter 24-Sep-2081 Saturn 24-Sep-2097 Mercury 24-Sep-2116
Saturn 12-Nov-2083 Mercury 28-Sep-2100 Ketu 21-Feb-2119
Mercury 26-May-2086 Ketu 07-Jun-2103 Venus 18-Feb-2120
Ketu 31-Aug-2088 Venus 17-Jul-2104 Sun 19-Dec-2122
Venus 07-Aug-2089 Sun 16-Sep-2107 Moon 26-Oct-2123
Sun 07-Apr-2092 Moon 28-Aug-2108 Mars 27-Mar-2125
Ke 21:12:29 Moon 24-Jan-2093 Mars 29-Mar-2110 Rahu 24-Mar-2126
Sa[R] 20:28:32 Ju 20:37:09 Mars 26-May-2094 Rahu 07-May-2111 Jupiter 11-Oct-2128
X 10:49:21 IX 15:00:07 VIII 16:23:57 Rahu 02-May-2095 Jupiter 14-Mar-2114 Saturn 16-Jan-2131
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 42
6th Cuspal Sublord is Rahu.
Rahu is occupant of 4. Rahu is agent of Mercury. Rahu is in positional status. Rahu is the
cuspal sublord of houses 6,7,12 in the star of Jupiter and sub of Jupiter occupant of 9 and
owner of 1 and 10. Rahu is also agent of Saturn. 6th Cuspal Sublord signifies houses 6-7-11

If 11th Cuspal Sublord (court order) signifies 6 (victory on enemy), 11 (success) during DBA
of significators of houses 6,11, one can be arrested by police on court order.

11th Cuspal Sublord is Ketu.

Ketu is occupant of 10, Ketu is agent of Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter is occupant of 9 and
owns 1 and 10. Saturn is occupant of 10 and owns 11 and 12. No planet is in Saturn star.
Ketu is in the star of Venus occupant of 6 and owner of 3 and 8. Sublord is Jupiter. 11th
cusp sublord signifies houses 1-3-6-8-9-10-11-12.

If 7th Cuspal Sublord signifies 5 (Gain to Opponent) ,10th (4th from 7th come back home ),
6th (12th from 7th lost reputation ) during DBA ofsignificators of houses 5,6,10 one can be
arrested by Police on court order.

7th Cuspal Sublord is Rahu . already discussed above.

Rahu signifies 1-4-6-7-10-11-12.

Above all conditions match with the rules. So in my opinion Sri. Chidambaram will be arrest-
ed on court order.


The native is running joint dasa of Ketu- Saturn-Jupiter - Mercury from 20.08.2019 to

Dasanath Ketu is occupant of 10, and agent of Jupiter and Saturn. So Ketu signifies 6,11. In
ruling planets Kethu appears.

Bukthi lord Saturn is occupant of 10. Saturn is in positional status. As explained above. Sat-
urn signifies 6,11. Saturn appeared as ruling planet.

Anthara lord Jupiter is occupant of 9 and owner of 1 and 10 in the star of Mercury occupant
of 5 and owner of 4 and 7, in sub of Venus occupant of 6 and owner of 3 and 8.
Jupiter signifies 1,6,10. Jupiter also appeared as ruling planet.

Sookshma lord Mercury is occupant of 5 owner of 4 and 7. Mercury is in own star and sub of
Venus occupant of 6. Mercury signifies 5,6. Mercury appeared as ruling planet.

My Opinion
Today Moon is in Ketu star and in Saturn sub. Ketu is the significator of 1-6-10-11-12. So
Sri. Chidambaram will be arrested today.

Actual Outcome:
Mr. Chidambaram is arrested today 21.08.2019 at 9.45.P.M. My Prediction comes true.

This prediction is given with the blessings of “Lord Mahaganapathi" and Sri.Late K.S.Krishna
Murthy who is founder of K.P. System and also My Guruji Sri.M.R .Prasad.

KP Ezine October 2019 43

By: T.D. Kamlanabha Sarma
H. No. 21, SBI nd Colony, OPP : More market, and SBI Bank,
Beside Indian Gas office, Adoni518302, Kurnool Distrct.
Cell No. 9441486923.: Email:

One day my nearest and best fried came and asked about her daughter marriage, when he
will celebrate his daughter marriage, I tried more but suitable bride groom alliance, not fa-
vourable to her. He gave her date of birth particulars.
Name: KAVERI (Name Changed), Date of birth 30th May 1993, at 6.45 PM at TADIPATRI,
Anantapuram Dist.

I analysed and explained to my friend there is PUNARPHOO DOSHA in his daughter’s horo-
scope in fixing marriage, poblems will come before marriage or after marriage. But he did
not believe astrology. In the month of April 2019, one richest bride groom alliance agreed
proposal, and engagement date was fixed for 13/10/2019, and marriage will celebrate on
10/02/2020. He made all necessary arrangements for both functions. He paid advances for
all events.

But on 14/09/2019, he received a call from bride “we have cancelled this proposal, better to
tray another bride”.

He came again, said your astrology is correct, why this situation I have faced, what is punar-
phoo dosha?

I explained about PURNARPHOO DOSHA.

The whole idea of Punarphoo is condensed by Guruji KSK in one paragraph below.

"Whenever Saturn has got any connection what-so-ever with Moon, there will be some obsta-
cle or impediment, not only during negotiation but also at the time of fixation and even at the
time of celebration of the marriage. This connection between Moon and Saturn causes delay,
though ultimately both of them do much more good with a better partner." (KP Reader IV
page 74)

The following are the reasons for delays or impediments.

1. Moon is in Saturn star, or Saturn is in the Moon Star.

2. Moon and Saturn are in same Star. i.e., Moon is in Moon star, Saturn is in Saturn star.
3. Moon and Saturn aspect each other (Bhava)
4. Moon and Saturn are in the same sign. Ascendant in Moon star, 7th house is Saturn star.
5. The combination of Moon and Saturn in any bhava disturbs and delays the result, or pro-
posals are cancelled. Example. Moon is in 4th bhava if this is aspected by the Saturn; native
faces some troubles in his education.
6. If any person is born in Carp icon or Cancer sign as Lagna or Moon sign, that person will
face problems in marriage or the couple never come to one understand each other, they live
in two different places. Sometimes age difference between the couple is high, because oppo-
site sign lords are Moon and Saturn.
7. Couples with Moon in Moon star, Saturn in Saturn star do not lead happy life. They
take divorce. If in business the partners break up.
8. In the Saturn dasha Moon antardasha, and Moon dasha Saturn antara the Natives face
some problems in married life or business depending on their age factor.
9. Ascendant in Moon star and 7th cups in Saturn star or Ascendant in Saturn star 7th cups

KP Ezine October 2019 44

Sun Rise: 05:47:25 AM Sun Set: 06:43:29 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Siddhi Hora: Jupiter Karana: Taitil Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ju Ra Ve
2 P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Su Sa Ra
3 Sravana(3) Sa Mo Sa Ma Ju
Ruling Planets - 19/Sep/2019 10:48:04 AM 4 Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Ma Ve Sa
6 Bharani(3) Ma Ve Ju Me Ke
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Rohini(2) Ve Mo Sa Ve Ra
Lagna Ve Ju Mo Sa Ve 8 Aridra(3) Me Ra Ve Ma Me
Moon Ma Su Mo Sa Sa 9 Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Me Ve Ve
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Mo Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Hasta(4) Me Mo Ve Ju Ra
12 Visakha(1) Ve Ju Ju Me Ra
II 08:15:57:33 XII 06:20:40:03
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 07:16:35:58 Su Rohini(2) Ve Mo Ju Ra Ju
Sa 10:06:33:33 Ra 07:18:49:52 Mo U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ve Sa Me
XI 05:21:50:08
III 09:17:05:32 9 7 Ma Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Mo Me Sa
10 6 Me Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Me Sa Sa
Ju[R] Hasta(1) Me Mo Mo Su Sa
Ve Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ke Ve Me
Sa Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Mo Ve Sa
IV 10:19:51:40 X 04:19:51:40 Ra Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Ke Mo Ve
Ju[R] 05:11:05:10
Ke Rohini(3) Ve Mo Me Ma Mo
8 Mo 05:09:17:14
11 5 Significators - Planets View
2 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 10 7 9 10
Mo 7 10 10 9
Ke 01:18:49:52 Ma 7 9 8, 11 1, 6
Ve 00:00:10:02 VII 01:16:35:58 Ma 03:23:00:38 Me 9 7 1, 6 8, 11
V 11:21:50:08 Me 02:01:38:06 IX 03:17:05:32 Ju+ 10 10 9 2, 5
12 4 Ve+ 7 5 7, 12
1 3 Sa+ 9 3 1, 6 3, 4
Ra+ 7 1 8, 11
Su 01:15:27:34 VIII 02:15:57:33 Ke 10 7 9
VI 00:20:40:03
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ju, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Ve 00:10:02 Su 15:27:34 Me 01:38:06 Dasa Summary

VI 20:40:03 VII 16:35:58 VIII 15:57:33
Ke 18:49:52 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
26-Sep-1987 - 26-Sep-1993 26-Sep-1993 - 26-Sep-2003 26-Sep-2003 - 26-Sep-2010
Sun 26-Sep-1987 Moon 26-Sep-1993 Mars 26-Sep-2003
Moon 13-Jan-1988 Mars 27-Jul-1994 Rahu 22-Feb-2004
Mars 14-Jul-1988 Rahu 25-Feb-1995 Jupiter 12-Mar-2005
V 21:50:08 Rahu 19-Nov-1988 Jupiter 26-Aug-1996 Saturn 16-Feb-2006
Name: KAVERI IX 17:05:32 Jupiter 14-Oct-1989 Saturn 26-Dec-1997 Mercury 28-Mar-2007
Gender: Female Ma 23:00:38 Saturn 02-Aug-1990 Mercury 27-Jul-1999 Ketu 24-Mar-2008
Date: Sunday, 30/May/1993 Mercury 15-Jul-1991 Ketu 26-Dec-2000 Venus 20-Aug-2008
Ketu 20-May-1992 Venus 27-Jul-2001 Sun 20-Oct-2009
Time: 06:45:00 PM SID: 10:59:19 Venus 25-Sep-1992 Sun 27-Mar-2003 Moon 25-Feb-2010
Lat: 14:55:00 N Lon: 78:01:00 E
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 26-Sep-2010 - 26-Sep-2028 26-Sep-2028 - 26-Sep-2044 26-Sep-2044 - 26-Sep-2063
IV 19:51:40 Place: TADPATRI, ANDHRA PRADESH, Rahu 26-Sep-2010 Jupiter 26-Sep-2028 Saturn 26-Sep-2044
Sa 06:33:33 India Jupiter 08-Jun-2013 Saturn 13-Nov-2030 Mercury 29-Sep-2047
X 19:51:40 Saturn 02-Nov-2015 Mercury 27-May-2033 Ketu 08-Jun-2050
Ayanamsa: 23° 40' 29" Mercury 08-Sep-2018 Ketu 02-Sep-2035 Venus 18-Jul-2051
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ketu 28-Mar-2021 Venus 08-Aug-2036 Sun 17-Sep-2054
Star: U.Phalguni, Pada 4 Venus 15-Apr-2022 Sun 08-Apr-2039 Moon 30-Aug-2055
Star Lord: Sun Sun 15-Apr-2025 Moon 25-Jan-2040 Mars 31-Mar-2057
Moon 10-Mar-2026 Mars 27-May-2041 Rahu 10-May-2058
Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars
Mars 09-Sep-2027 Rahu 03-May-2042 Jupiter 16-Mar-2061
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Dasami
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
III 17:05:32 Bal. Dasa: Sun 0 Y, 3 M, 25 D 26-Sep-2063 - 26-Sep-2080 26-Sep-2080 - 26-Sep-2087 26-Sep-2087 - 26-Sep-2107
Mo 09:17:14 Mercury 26-Sep-2063 Ketu 26-Sep-2080 Venus 26-Sep-2087
Ju[R] 11:05:10 Ketu 22-Feb-2066 Venus 22-Feb-2081 Sun 26-Jan-2091
XI 21:50:08 Venus 19-Feb-2067 Sun 24-Apr-2082 Moon 26-Jan-2092
Sun 21-Dec-2069 Moon 30-Aug-2082 Mars 26-Sep-2093
Moon 27-Oct-2070 Mars 31-Mar-2083 Rahu 26-Nov-2094
Mars 27-Mar-2072 Rahu 27-Aug-2083 Jupiter 26-Nov-2097
Rahu 24-Mar-2073 Jupiter 14-Sep-2084 Saturn 28-Jul-2100
Ra 18:49:52 Jupiter 11-Oct-2075 Saturn 21-Aug-2085 Mercury 26-Sep-2103
II 15:57:33 I 16:35:58 XII 20:40:03 Saturn 17-Jan-2078 Mercury 30-Sep-2086 Ketu 28-Jul-2106
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 45
in Moon Star.

If we find the above combinations in any horoscope, the native takes care to solve the situa-
tion. Some examples, delay in marriage i.e., last marriage, abrasion, love affairs, inter-caste
marriage, betrothal, marriage engagement marriage proposals cancelled, it can change the
marriage date.

In the above native horoscope, the 7th cuspal sub lord is Saturn; it cause delay or distress.
Saturn signifies 3, 4; No planet is in the stars of Saturn and Saturn is the CSL of houses 3-7.
Saturn is in the star of Mars. Mars signifies 1, 6, and 9. Saturn is in the sub of Moon. Moon
signifies 9, 10. The 7th cusp sub lord signimarriage house 7, so the native’s marriage is

Why is the marriage proposal cancelled?

1. The ascendant lord is in the Saturn star. The 7th sign lord is Moon.
2. 3rd cusp shows the negotiation between two families. 3rd cusp sign lord is Moon, and sub
lord is Saturn.
3. 7th cusp sub lord is Saturn, Saturn is in the star of Mars and sub of Moon,
The native chart satisfied conditions 3, 6, 9.
The punarphoo dosa in any horoscope can give negative result. In the native KAVERI’s horo-
scope this dosa is present, so marriage proposal is cancelled due to bride not being fit for
family matter.

KP Ezine October 2019 46

By: Tin Win

Question 1: Double Role of 9th House

In the article written by Sri Tin Win he goes on like, for becoming PM, ……. signifying desired
houses 1,3,9,10, against houses 8,12. Future Prospects: Boris Johnson’s 10th
(power) signifying favorable houses 3, against unfavorable houses 8,9,12. Wouldn't it have
been clearer to a novice if the author explained why 3 is favorable and 9 unfavorable ?
Because for becoming PM 9 was favorable but when it comes to enjoying power 9 is
unfavorable ? I am not questioning the validity of the article. I am just highlighting the
doubts that would occur in the minds of learners like me. Kindly enlighten.

The 3rd house is for ability, and so it’s favorable for both becoming Prime Minister and
gaining power.
The 9th house for fortune or luck is favorable for becoming PM but unfavorable for gaining
power because it’s 12th (loss) to 10th (power).

Question 2
A KP Muhurat for opening of an astrological consultation office was chosen at 15:20 PM on
23 September at the location of 16N48, 96E11
in Yangon.

What will be another alternative Muhurat in this case?

Answer 2:
According to K.P. Muhurat book by Kanak Bosmia, 2009:

As per the above rules the KPAstro 4.5 SW provides 6:48:09 AM with highest points of 25 as
the most auspicious Muhurat time on 23 September 20119. The following computer print
out shows that the rules are satisfied:

KP Ezine October 2019 47

KP Muhurat
Sun Rise: 05:54:24 AM Sun Set: 06:00:58 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Variyan Hora: Jupiter Karana: Gar Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Ma Ve
2 P.Bhadra(2) Sa Ju Me Mo Sa
3 Revati(4) Ju Me Sa Mo Me
Ruling Planets - 05/Oct/2019 03:32:52 PM 4 Krittika(1) Ma Su Ma Ke Ve
Rockville, Maryland, USA 5 Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ra Me Ve
6 Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Ju Sa Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Ke Mo Me
Lagna Sa Su Me Sa Ve 8 P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Me Su Me
Moon Ju Ve Ra Ve Ra 9 Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Mo Me
Day Lord: Saturn 10 Visakha(3) Ve Ju Su Ra Me
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ra Me Ve
12 P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Ju Sa Ve
II 24:45:36 XII 20:29:20
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 18:48:42 Su U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Mo Me
III 29:12:36 Mo Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Ju Ra Ve
XI 25:03:25
11 9 Sa 19:53:17 Ma U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Ma Ve Su
8 Ke 19:28:22 Me Hasta(4) Me Mo Ve Mo Ra
Ju Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Mo Ve Ma
Ve Hasta(3) Me Mo Sa Mo Mo
Sa P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Mo Ju
IV 28:57:12 X 28:57:12 Ra Aridra(4) Me Ra Ma Ju Ra
Ju 23:09:17
Ke P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Ve Mo
1 7 Significators - Planets View
4 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 8 8 8 8
Mo 10 6 3, 12 7
VII 18:48:42 Ma+ 8 8 8 4, 11
Ra 19:28:22 IX 29:12:36 Me 6 8 7 6, 9
V 25:03:25 Ju 8 10 6, 9 3, 12
2 6 Ve 6 8 7 5, 10
3 5 Sa+ 8 11 5, 10 1, 2
Ra 5 5
VI 20:29:20 Ma 29:00:40 Ke+ 8 11 5, 10
Mo 21:42:43 VIII 24:45:36
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Me, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Me 20:58:29
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
Ve 16:53:03 (C) - Planets in Owner's stars
Su 05:59:55 (D) - House Owner

IV 28:57:12 V 25:03:25 Ra 19:28:22 Dasa Summary

VI 20:29:20
Mo 21:42:43 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
04-Sep-2017 - 04-Sep-2033 04-Sep-2033 - 04-Sep-2052 04-Sep-2052 - 04-Sep-2069
Jupiter 04-Sep-2017 Saturn 04-Sep-2033 Mercury 04-Sep-2052
Saturn 23-Oct-2019 Mercury 07-Sep-2036 Ketu 31-Jan-2055
Mercury 05-May-2022 Ketu 18-May-2039 Venus 28-Jan-2056
III 29:12:36 Ketu 11-Aug-2024 Venus 26-Jun-2040 Sun 29-Nov-2058
Name: KP Muhurat VII 18:48:42 Venus 18-Jul-2025 Sun 26-Aug-2043 Moon 05-Oct-2059
Gender: Male Sun 17-Mar-2028 Moon 07-Aug-2044 Mars 06-Mar-2061
Date: Monday, 23/Sep/2019 Moon 03-Jan-2029 Mars 08-Mar-2046 Rahu 04-Mar-2062
Mars 05-May-2030 Rahu 17-Apr-2047 Jupiter 20-Sep-2064
Time: 03:20:00 PM SID: 15:22:24 Rahu 11-Apr-2031 Jupiter 21-Feb-2050 Saturn 27-Dec-2066
Lat: 16:48:00 N Lon: 96:11:00 E
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
TZ: +06:30 DST: 0.00 04-Sep-2069 - 04-Sep-2076 04-Sep-2076 - 04-Sep-2096 04-Sep-2096 - 04-Sep-2102
Place: Yangon, Myanmar Ketu 04-Sep-2069 Venus 04-Sep-2076 Sun 04-Sep-2096
II 24:45:36 Venus 31-Jan-2070 Sun 04-Jan-2080 Moon 22-Dec-2096
VIII 24:45:36 Sun 02-Apr-2071 Moon 04-Jan-2081 Mars 23-Jun-2097
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 32" Ma 29:00:40 Moon 08-Aug-2071 Mars 04-Sep-2082 Rahu 29-Oct-2097
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Mars 08-Mar-2072 Rahu 04-Nov-2083 Jupiter 23-Sep-2098
Star: Punarvasu, Pada 1 Rahu 04-Aug-2072 Jupiter 04-Nov-2086 Saturn 12-Jul-2099
Star Lord: Jupiter Jupiter 22-Aug-2073 Saturn 06-Jul-2089 Mercury 24-Jun-2100
Saturn 29-Jul-2074 Mercury 05-Sep-2092 Ketu 30-Apr-2101
Lagna: Capricorn Lagna Lord: Saturn
Mercury 07-Sep-2075 Ketu 06-Jul-2095 Venus 05-Sep-2101
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Navami
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
I 18:48:42 Bal. Dasa: Jupiter 13 Y, 11 M, 10 D 04-Sep-2102 - 04-Sep-2112 04-Sep-2112 - 04-Sep-2119 04-Sep-2119 - 04-Sep-2137
Su 05:59:55 Moon 04-Sep-2102 Mars 04-Sep-2112 Rahu 04-Sep-2119
Ve 16:53:03 Mars 05-Jul-2103 Rahu 31-Jan-2113 Jupiter 18-May-2122
Me 20:58:29 Rahu 03-Feb-2104 Jupiter 18-Feb-2114 Saturn 11-Oct-2124
IX 29:12:36 Jupiter 05-Aug-2105 Saturn 25-Jan-2115 Mercury 17-Aug-2127
Saturn 05-Dec-2106 Mercury 05-Mar-2116 Ketu 06-Mar-2130
Mercury 05-Jul-2108 Ketu 02-Mar-2117 Venus 24-Mar-2131
XII 20:29:20 Ketu 04-Dec-2109 Venus 29-Jul-2117 Sun 24-Mar-2134
Sa 19:53:17 XI 25:03:25 Venus 05-Jul-2110 Sun 28-Sep-2118 Moon 16-Feb-2135
Ke 19:28:22 Ju 23:09:17 X 28:57:12 Sun 05-Mar-2112 Moon 03-Feb-2119 Mars 17-Aug-2136
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 48
Asc sublord is Me. Me is in 1 and owns 1, 10. Me is in the star of Mo and sub of Ke. Mo is in
9 and owns 11. Ke is in 4 and conjoined with Sa. Sa is in 4 and owns 5, 6. No planet in its
stars. It is the sublord of houses 5, 9. Hence the significations are 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11. Rule

5th sublord is Sa. Sa is in 4 and owns 5, 6. No planet in its stars. It is the sublord of houses
5, 9. Sa is in the star of Ve and sub of Ra. Ve is in 12 and owns 2, 9. Ra is in 10 and con-
joined with Mo. Mo is in 9 and owns 11. Hence the significations are 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11,
12. Rule satisfied.

9th sublord is Sa. Sa is in 4 and owns 5, 6. No planet in its stars. It is the sublord of houses
5, 9. Sa is in the star of Ve and sub of Ra. Ve is in 12 and owns 2, 9. Ra is in 10 and con-
joined with Mo. Mo is in 9 and owns 11. Hence the significations are 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11,
12. Rule satisfied.

11th sublord is Me. Me is in 1 and owns 1, 10. Me is in the star of Mo and sub of Ke. Mo is
in 9 and owns 11. Ke is in 4 and conjoined with Sa. Sa is in 4 and owns 5, 6. No planet in its
stars. It is the sublord of houses 5, 9. Hence the significations are 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11. Rule

Dasa lord is Ra. Ra is in 10 and conjoined with Mo. Mo is in 9 and owns 11. Ra is in its own
star and sub of Ma. Ra is in 10 and conjoined with Mo. Ma is in 12 and owns 3, 8. No planet
in its stars. It is the sublord of houses 8. Hence the significations are 3, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12. Rule satisfied.

Bhukti lord is Ve. Ve is in 12 and owns 2, 9. Ve is in the star of Mo and sub of Sa. Mo is in 9
and owns 11. Sa is in 4 and owns 5, 6. No planet in its stars. It is the sublord of houses 5, 9.
Hence the significations are 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12. Rule satisfied.

For the first KP muhurat time of 15:20 PM, Asc is movable Capricorn. Asc sublord is Me. Me
is in 8 and owns 6, 9. Me is in the star of Mo and sub of Ve. Mo is in 6 and owns 7. Ve is in 8
and owns 5,10. Hence the significations are 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Rule 1 is not sufficiently satis-
fied for good longevity.

KP Ezine October 2019 49

KP Muhurat 2
Sun Rise: 05:54:24 AM Sun Set: 06:00:58 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Variyan Hora: Moon Karana: Taitil Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Me Me
2 Swati(4) Ve Ra Su Mo Ke
3 Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Su Me
Ruling Planets - 05/Oct/2019 03:51:52 PM 4 P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Mo Ve Me
Rockville, Maryland, USA 5 Sravana(3) Sa Mo Sa Ju Me
6 Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Mo Ra Ra
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Revati(1) Ju Me Me Ra Ju
Lagna Sa Mo Ra Sa Ju 8 Bharani(2) Ma Ve Ma Ju Sa
Moon Ju Ve Ra Ve Ke 9 Rohini(3) Ve Mo Sa Ra Ve
Day Lord: Saturn 10 Aridra(4) Me Ra Ve Me Ju
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Me Mo Ve
12 P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Ra Me
II 17:31:07 Ma 28:47:00
XII 18:16:10 Planetary Positions
Ve 16:26:33
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Su 05:39:03
I 17:46:49 Su U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Ve Ju
III 17:25:41 Me 20:24:43 Mo Aridra(4) Me Ra Ve Sa Mo
XI 17:34:59
Ju 23:06:43 7 5 Ma U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Ma Sa Mo
8 4 Me Hasta(4) Me Mo Ke Me Ra
Ju Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Mo Ve Ve
Ve Hasta(2) Me Mo Sa Ve Ve
Sa P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Mo Ju
IV 17:15:27 Ra 19:29:29 Ra Aridra(4) Me Ra Ma Sa Sa
Ke 19:29:29 X 17:15:27
Ke P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Ve Mo
Sa 19:53:07 6
9 3 Significators - Planets View
12 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 12 12 12 12
Mo 10 9 11
VII 17:46:49 Ma+ 12 12 12 3, 8
V 17:34:59 IX 17:25:41 Me 9 1 11 1, 10
Mo 16:51:14 Ju+ 1 3 1, 10 4, 7
10 2 Ve 9 12 11 2, 9
11 1 Sa+ 12 4 2, 9 5, 6
Ra 10 10
VI 18:16:10 VIII 17:31:07 Ke+ 12 4 2, 9
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Me, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VIII 17:31:07 IX 17:25:41 Mo 16:51:14 Dasa Summary

X 17:15:27
Ra 19:29:29 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
22-Dec-2005 - 22-Dec-2023 22-Dec-2023 - 22-Dec-2039 22-Dec-2039 - 22-Dec-2058
Rahu 22-Dec-2005 Jupiter 22-Dec-2023 Saturn 22-Dec-2039
Jupiter 03-Sep-2008 Saturn 09-Feb-2026 Mercury 25-Dec-2042
Saturn 27-Jan-2011 Mercury 22-Aug-2028 Ketu 04-Sep-2045
VII 17:46:49 Mercury 03-Dec-2013 Ketu 27-Nov-2030 Venus 13-Oct-2046
Name: KP Muhurat 2 XI 17:34:59 Ketu 21-Jun-2016 Venus 03-Nov-2031 Sun 13-Dec-2049
Gender: Male Venus 09-Jul-2017 Sun 04-Jul-2034 Moon 25-Nov-2050
Date: Monday, 23/Sep/2019 Sun 09-Jul-2020 Moon 23-Apr-2035 Mars 25-Jun-2052
Moon 03-Jun-2021 Mars 22-Aug-2036 Rahu 04-Aug-2053
Time: 06:48:09 AM SID: 06:49:09 Mars 03-Dec-2022 Rahu 29-Jul-2037 Jupiter 09-Jun-2056
Lat: 16:48:00 N Lon: 96:11:00 E
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
TZ: +06:30 DST: 0.00 22-Dec-2058 - 22-Dec-2075 22-Dec-2075 - 22-Dec-2082 22-Dec-2082 - 22-Dec-2102
Place: Yangon, Myanmar Mercury 22-Dec-2058 Ketu 22-Dec-2075 Venus 22-Dec-2082
VI 18:16:10 Ketu 20-May-2061 Venus 19-May-2076 Sun 23-Apr-2086
XII 18:16:10 Venus 17-May-2062 Sun 19-Jul-2077 Moon 23-Apr-2087
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 32" Ma 28:47:00 Sun 18-Mar-2065 Moon 24-Nov-2077 Mars 22-Dec-2088
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Moon 22-Jan-2066 Mars 25-Jun-2078 Rahu 21-Feb-2090
Star: Aridra, Pada 4 Mars 23-Jun-2067 Rahu 21-Nov-2078 Jupiter 21-Feb-2093
Star Lord: Rahu Rahu 20-Jun-2068 Jupiter 09-Dec-2079 Saturn 23-Oct-2095
Jupiter 07-Jan-2071 Saturn 14-Nov-2080 Mercury 23-Dec-2098
Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury
Saturn 14-Apr-2073 Mercury 24-Dec-2081 Ketu 23-Oct-2101
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Navami
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
V 17:34:59 Bal. Dasa: Rahu 4 Y, 2 M, 29 D 22-Dec-2102 - 22-Dec-2108 22-Dec-2108 - 22-Dec-2118 22-Dec-2118 - 22-Dec-2125
Su 05:39:03 Sun 22-Dec-2102 Moon 22-Dec-2108 Mars 22-Dec-2118
Ve 16:26:33 Moon 11-Apr-2103 Mars 22-Oct-2109 Rahu 20-May-2119
I 17:46:49 Mars 10-Oct-2103 Rahu 23-May-2110 Jupiter 07-Jun-2120
Me 20:24:43 Rahu 15-Feb-2104 Jupiter 22-Nov-2111 Saturn 14-May-2121
Jupiter 09-Jan-2105 Saturn 24-Mar-2113 Mercury 23-Jun-2122
Saturn 28-Oct-2105 Mercury 23-Oct-2114 Ketu 20-Jun-2123
Sa 19:53:07 Mercury 10-Oct-2106 Ketu 23-Mar-2116 Venus 16-Nov-2123
Ke 19:29:29 Ju 23:06:43 Ketu 16-Aug-2107 Venus 22-Oct-2116 Sun 16-Jan-2125
IV 17:15:27 III 17:25:41 II 17:31:07 Venus 22-Dec-2107 Sun 23-Jun-2118 Moon 24-May-2125
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2019 50
By: Tin Win

Medical Astrology
by Arun Bansal & Vinay Garg
All India Federation of Astrologers Societies
2018, 313 pages

This is a Vedic medical astrology book. In the present book the basic concepts have been ex-
plained. All the diseases have been categorised into congenital diseases and the diseases in-
curred after the birth. There are many diseases which are cured with the change of time, da-
sha and favourable transit and these are called curable diseases. On the other hand, there
are several other diseases which can't be cured and they are called chronic diseases.
The effort has also been made to describe that in any horoscope if the astrological combina-
tions are indicating about any particular disease then during which dasha or transit there
are possibilities of the onset of the disease so that the native could be cautious during that
period and avoiding certain things and following exercise and disciplined routine he could be
able to minimize the intensity of that disease to a significant extent and carry forward his life
with ease.
The diseases have also been categorised on the basis that some diseases are directly visible
but some can't be observed directly and these are called indirect diseases. Such indirect dis-
eases can't be known by others unless the patient himself tells someone about the disease.
For example, suppose any person is suffering from sexual disease or he has impotency then
this disease comes under the purview of the indirect disease because it can't be known by
others unless the person himself discusses about it to others. On the other hand, if anyone
has mutilated hand or he has some deformity or injury in the feet then the others very clear-

KP Ezine October 2019 51

ly can see this. Such diseases come under the purview of direct diseases. Both types of dis-
eases have been discussed in the book.
At the end of the book the causes of the diseases, their characteristics and astrological com-
bination have been given. The benefit of this part is that if a native is not aware whether any
disease is congenital or incurred later on or if it is curable or incurable then he may be able
to know about the astrological combinations for such diseases.

Table of Contents
1. Principles of Medical Astrology
Causes of the Onset of Diseases
Yogas and their types
Diseases and Planets
Signs of Planets

2. Diseases and Astrology

The significator of sickness
Cause of Diseases,Houses and Signs

3. Congenital Diseases
Astrological Yogas for Cripplehood
Astrological Yogas for Lameness
Astrological Yogas for Humpness
Astrological Yogas for the Absence of Any Body Part
Astrological Yogas for Congenital Blindness
Astrological Yogas for One-eyedness
Astrological Yogas for Dumbness
Astrological Yogas for Deafness
Astrological Yogas for Impotency
Astrological Yogas for Inertia (Foolishness)

4. Trasittory Diseases
Accident, Hurt and Wound
Combination of Unknown Fear

5. Direct and Indirect Diseases

What are physical Diseases

6. Curable and Incurables Diseases

Longevity and its Types

7. Mental Diseases
Paranoia or Craziness

8. Diseases due to Phlegm, Wind, Biles & Tridasha

Phlegmatic Diseases
Windy Diseases
Bilious Diseases

KP Ezine October 2019 52

9. Neurological Diseases
Brain and Nervious Diseases

10. Eye Diseases

Eye Disease

11. Disease of Nose

Nasal Diseases

12. Diseases of Mouth

Diseases of Mouth

13. Diseases of Ear

Ear Diseases

14. Respiratory Diseases

Respiratory Diseases

15. Chest Diseases

Diseases of Chest

16. Heart Diseases

Heart Diseases

17. Diseases of Digestive System

Diseases of Digestive System

18. Liver Diseases

Liver Diseases

19. Spleen Enlargement

Spleen Enlargementi

20. Gal Bladder

Gal Bladder

21.Kidney and Diabetes

Kidney diseases and Diabetes

22. Diseases of Male sex organs

Diseases of Male sex organs

KP Ezine October 2019 53

23. Diseases of Female sex
Diseases related to Female Sexual Organs

24. Diseases of Anus and Rectum

Diseases of Anus and Rectum

25. Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure

26. Fracture

27. Skin Diseases

Skin Diseases

28. Rheumatic Diseases


29. Combination for Various Diseases

Mixed Diseases

30.Timing of the Onset of Diseases

Role of Vimshottari Dasha in the determination of time

31. Remedies of Different Diseases

1. Medication for tge cure of diseases
2. Consideration of wearing Gem Stone
3. Wearing Rudraksha
4. Recirarion of Mantras
5.Recitation of Mahamrityunjay Mantras
6. Worship of Planets
7. Wearing Yantra,Locket or Kavach
8. Donation for the Cure of Diseases
9, Medication for other diseases
10. Remedies of Old and Chronic Diseases

KP Ezine October 2019 54

This book base on KP Birth time rectification technique. Written by Kanak
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 1000 Rs. (Limited copies)
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This book base on KP Horary. Written by Late Sri C R Bhatt and Translated
by Kanak Bosmia.
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 750 Rs. (Limited copies)
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This book base on KP Natal. Written by Late Sri C R Bhatt and Translated
by Kanak Bosmia.
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 700 Rs.
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This book base on KP rules and Bhava signification. Written by Kanak

The best selling reference book on KP astrology.
Book price: 1000 Rs.
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This book base on KP Muhurat. Written by Kanak Bosmia.

The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 800 Rs.
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This book base on Dr. Kar’s Theory of short prediction. Written by Kanak
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 500 Rs.
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This book base on all kind of KP relationship like marriage, Guru-Shishya etc.
Written by Kanak Bosmia.
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 800 Rs.
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KP Ezine October 2019 55

Date SID Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
01/Oct/2019 05:28:09 Vi 13:29:04 Li 14:44:11 Vi 03:54:38 Li 02:34:42 Sc 24:08:22 Vi 26:22:12 Sg 19:59:54 Ge 19:04:05 Sg 19:04:05
02/Oct/2019 05:32:06 Vi 14:28:04 Li 29:06:28 Vi 04:33:13 Li 04:01:52 Sc 24:16:41 Vi 27:36:47 Sg 20:01:12 Ge 19:00:54 Sg 19:00:54
03/Oct/2019 05:36:02 Vi 15:27:05 Sc 12:59:14 Vi 05:11:49 Li 05:28:05 Sc 24:25:08 Vi 28:51:22 Sg 20:02:35 Ge 18:57:44 Sg 18:57:44
04/Oct/2019 05:39:59 Vi 16:26:09 Sc 26:22:18 Vi 05:50:25 Li 06:53:20 Sc 24:33:42 Li 00:05:58 Sg 20:04:05 Ge 18:54:33 Sg 18:54:33
05/Oct/2019 05:43:55 Vi 17:25:14 Sg 09:18:06 Vi 06:29:02 Li 08:17:34 Sc 24:42:24 Li 01:20:33 Sg 20:05:40 Ge 18:51:22 Sg 18:51:22
06/Oct/2019 05:47:52 Vi 18:24:21 Sg 21:50:49 Vi 07:07:40 Li 09:40:47 Sc 24:51:14 Li 02:35:08 Sg 20:07:21 Ge 18:48:11 Sg 18:48:11
07/Oct/2019 05:51:48 Vi 19:23:30 Cp 04:05:29 Vi 07:46:19 Li 11:02:57 Sc 25:00:11 Li 03:49:43 Sg 20:09:08 Ge 18:45:01 Sg 18:45:01
08/Oct/2019 05:55:45 Vi 20:22:40 Cp 16:07:18 Vi 08:24:59 Li 12:24:01 Sc 25:09:14 Li 05:04:18 Sg 20:11:01 Ge 18:41:50 Sg 18:41:50
09/Oct/2019 05:59:42 Vi 21:21:53 Cp 28:01:14 Vi 09:03:39 Li 13:43:56 Sc 25:18:25 Li 06:18:53 Sg 20:12:59 Ge 18:38:39 Sg 18:38:39
10/Oct/2019 06:03:38 Vi 22:21:07 Aq 09:51:37 Vi 09:42:21 Li 15:02:40 Sc 25:27:43 Li 07:33:28 Sg 20:15:03 Ge 18:35:28 Sg 18:35:28
11/Oct/2019 06:07:35 Vi 23:20:23 Aq 21:42:05 Vi 10:21:03 Li 16:20:07 Sc 25:37:07 Li 08:48:02 Sg 20:17:12 Ge 18:32:17 Sg 18:32:17
12/Oct/2019 06:11:31 Vi 24:19:40 Pi 03:35:27 Vi 10:59:46 Li 17:36:15 Sc 25:46:39 Li 10:02:36 Sg 20:19:27 Ge 18:29:06 Sg 18:29:06
13/Oct/2019 06:15:28 Vi 25:19:00 Pi 15:33:45 Vi 11:38:30 Li 18:50:57 Sc 25:56:17 Li 11:17:11 Sg 20:21:48 Ge 18:25:56 Sg 18:25:56
14/Oct/2019 06:19:24 Vi 26:18:22 Pi 27:38:21 Vi 12:17:15 Li 20:04:07 Sc 26:06:01 Li 12:31:45 Sg 20:24:14 Ge 18:22:45 Sg 18:22:45
15/Oct/2019 06:23:21 Vi 27:17:46 Ar 09:50:12 Vi 12:56:01 Li 21:15:40 Sc 26:15:52 Li 13:46:19 Sg 20:26:46 Ge 18:19:34 Sg 18:19:34
16/Oct/2019 06:27:17 Vi 28:17:12 Ar 22:10:06 Vi 13:34:48 Li 22:25:27 Sc 26:25:50 Li 15:00:53 Sg 20:29:23 Ge 18:16:23 Sg 18:16:23
17/Oct/2019 06:31:14 Vi 29:16:40 Ta 04:38:56 Vi 14:13:37 Li 23:33:19 Sc 26:35:53 Li 16:15:27 Sg 20:32:06 Ge 18:13:12 Sg 18:13:12
18/Oct/2019 06:35:10 Li 00:16:10 Ta 17:17:58 Vi 14:52:26 Li 24:39:06 Sc 26:46:04 Li 17:30:01 Sg 20:34:54 Ge 18:10:01 Sg 18:10:01
19/Oct/2019 06:39:07 Li 01:15:43 Ge 00:08:58 Vi 15:31:17 Li 25:42:37 Sc 26:56:20 Li 18:44:35 Sg 20:37:48 Ge 18:06:51 Sg 18:06:51
20/Oct/2019 06:43:04 Li 02:15:18 Ge 13:14:09 Vi 16:10:09 Li 26:43:39 Sc 27:06:42 Li 19:59:09 Sg 20:40:47 Ge 18:03:40 Sg 18:03:40
21/Oct/2019 06:47:00 Li 03:14:55 Ge 26:36:04 Vi 16:49:02 Li 27:41:56 Sc 27:17:11 Li 21:13:43 Sg 20:43:51 Ge 18:00:29 Sg 18:00:29
22/Oct/2019 06:50:57 Li 04:14:35 Cn 10:17:05 Vi 17:27:56 Li 28:37:13 Sc 27:27:45 Li 22:28:17 Sg 20:47:01 Ge 17:57:18 Sg 17:57:18
23/Oct/2019 06:54:53 Li 05:14:17 Cn 24:18:44 Vi 18:06:51 Li 29:29:10 Sc 27:38:25 Li 23:42:52 Sg 20:50:16 Ge 17:54:08 Sg 17:54:08
24/Oct/2019 06:58:50 Li 06:14:01 Le 08:40:57 Vi 18:45:48 Sc 00:17:26 Sc 27:49:11 Li 24:57:26 Sg 20:53:36 Ge 17:50:57 Sg 17:50:57
25/Oct/2019 07:02:46 Li 07:13:47 Le 23:21:20 Vi 19:24:45 Sc 01:01:37 Sc 28:00:02 Li 26:12:00 Sg 20:57:01 Ge 17:47:46 Sg 17:47:46
26/Oct/2019 07:06:43 Li 08:13:35 Vi 08:14:41 Vi 20:03:44 Sc 01:41:18 Sc 28:10:59 Li 27:26:34 Sg 21:00:31 Ge 17:44:35 Sg 17:44:35
27/Oct/2019 07:10:39 Li 09:13:26 Vi 23:13:15 Vi 20:42:44 Sc 02:16:00 Sc 28:22:01 Li 28:41:09 Sg 21:04:06 Ge 17:41:24 Sg 17:41:24
28/Oct/2019 07:14:36 Li 10:13:19 Li 08:07:46 Vi 21:21:45 Sc 02:45:12 Sc 28:33:09 Li 29:55:43 Sg 21:07:47 Ge 17:38:13 Sg 17:38:13
29/Oct/2019 07:18:33 Li 11:13:13 Li 22:48:57 Vi 22:00:47 Sc 03:08:18 Sc 28:44:22 Sc 01:10:17 Sg 21:11:32 Ge 17:35:03 Sg 17:35:03
30/Oct/2019 07:22:29 Li 12:13:10 Sc 07:09:12 Vi 22:39:50 Sc 03:24:45 Sc 28:55:40 Sc 02:24:51 Sg 21:15:23 Ge 17:31:52 Sg 17:31:52
31/Oct/2019 Li 13:13:08 Sc 21:03:39 Vi 23:18:54 October 2019
Sc 03:33:54 Sc 29:07:04 Sc 03:39:25 Sg 21:19:18 56 17:28:41
Ge Sg 17:28:41

KP Ezine October 2019 56

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