Isimbi Liesel-Homemade Pizza

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Isimbi Liesel- how to make homemade pizza.

Today I will be teaching you how to make a mini homemade pizza without an oven and also if
you want to use an oven there is how to use the oven while making a bigger one.


 A large bowl
 A rolling pin
 A measuring glass
 A glass or a cup that is 10cm diameter to help cut the mini pizzas
 A damp cloth
 A frying pan
 A grater, knife, fork, for cooking
 A wooden spoon, tablespoon, and teaspoon, for mixing
 A baking tray
Step 1: Preparing the dough

 500g of flour
 One teaspoon of salt
 One teaspoon of sugar
 20g of instant baker’s yeast (1 tablespoon)
 One tablespoon of olive oil
 ¼ liter of lukewarm water


 Mix well and make the dough put together if it starts being sticky add flour
 Leave it to stand for at least 1 hour covering with the damp cloth
 Remove the dough by tapping on it so that you remove the air
 Put some flour on the working space and put the dough on it then use the rolling pin to
spread the dough making it flat
 Take a cup or glass with the 10cm diameter to make circles.
Step 2: making the topping
tomato sauce

 70g of concentrated tomato

 A glass of water
 1 tablespoon of sugar
 ½ teaspoon of salt
 1 chopped onion
 Pepper(little)

Mix everything in a small sauce pan (sauce pan) then cook or simmer over low heat for 10
Optional toppings
Onions, pepper, mushrooms, tuna, peach, anchovies, olives, cheese, Provence herbs
Step 3: cooking
Cooking in the pan
 Take the frying the pan and sprinkle on some flour
 Place the small the small round pizzas on the pan
 Make holes with the fork
 Cook on each side
 Add the tomato sauce
 Put other toppings or garnishes of your choice
 Cover that with grated cheese
 Sprinkle with Provence herbs
 Then place a lid on the pan.

Cooking in the oven

 Add flour on a baking tray
 Using an oven, I recommend it is better when making a large pizza so when you
finish with adding flour on a baking tray add the large pizza
 Put tomato sauce on the dough
 Put the garnishes of your choice
 Cover that garnish with grated cheese
 Sprinkle with Provence herbs
 Bake for 7-10 minutes at 180 degrees.

Finally enjoy your homemade pizza!!

If you want to make a drink, I usually make a smoothie.
In the smoothie you put, 1 frozen banana, peeled and sliced
2 cups of frozen grapes or you can put stawberries if you prefer
1 cup of milk
½ cup of vanilla yogurt
½ cup of freshly squeezed orage juice which is just oranges squeezed
And finally 2 or3 table spoons of honey or sugar if you prefer
Mix and then enjoy!
Thank you!!!!

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