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21​st​ Edition


First Author’s NAME​*​, Second Author’s NAME​**​, Other Authors’ NAME​***

Department, Institution, City, Country, ​**​ Department, Institution, City, Country, ​***​Department, Institution, City,

Abstract: ​Papers must be prefaced by an abstract in English up to 250 words. The text will be written in 10pt high,
Italic, justified, left-right alignment. A number of maximum 8 keywords will be written 10pt below the abstract. The
words will be 10pt high, Italic, left alignment, and separated by a semicolon.

Keywords ​(max.5):​ ​community; intercultural context; communication

2.2 Diagrams and charts. ​Drawings, diagrams
When typing the articles which are to be and charts will be separated by a free space from
published in English in ​Communicating across the text and printed as close as possible to the first
Cultures - A​ FASTUD 2019 some rules will be reference. Their width will not exceed that of the
respected as follows: the whole paper must be column they belong to. Should this be impossible
written with no free space between lines using the to achieve then they will be printed across the
Times New Roman CE; the margins of the text: whole breadth of the page either at the top or the
Top – 25mm, Bottom – 25mm, Inside – 25mm, bottom of the page.
Outside – 20mm, Header – 18mm, Footer – 15mm, Diagrams and charts will be numbered by
Mirror margins activated, Paper format A4 using Arabic figures and will be accompanied by
210X297). It is recommended that the paper captions. Ordinal numbers and figure captions will
should have an even number of pages (maximum be printed leading of free space 8pt below the
6). drawings, centered, font 10pt. Ordinal numbers
The title will be written in Upper cases 14pt, and the charts explanations will be printed above
bold, centered. The name of the author will be the chart, right alignment, font 10pt.
written two free spaces below the title of the paper:
2.3 Mathematical formulae. ​Characters of
First name, surname, font 11pt, bold, centered. A
mathematical formulae will be Times New Roman
free space (11pt) below the name will be left
straight: Full - 11 pt.; Subscript / Superscript - 8
before writing the name of the institution, font
pt.; Sub-Subscript / Superscript - 6 pt.; Symbol -
10pt, centered.
14 pt.; Sub-Symbol - 11 pt. They will be printed
6mm left alignment. Ordinal numbers will be
printed within round brackets right alignment.
Long mathematical formulae will be broken up
2.1 The main part of the text. ​The text of the
so as not to be wider than the column or they can
paper will be written in English, two free spaces
be printed integrally on the whole width of the
below the keywords, divided into two columns
page either at the top or bottom of the page.
separated by a 5 mm free space. The characters
will be 11pt high, justify (left-right alignment). 2.4 Other aspects. ​Names of firms will be
The main parts of the paper will be introduced by printed in Upper case, straight and the names of
numbered titles with Arabic figures and printed in military technology products in Upper case, Italic.
capitals, font 11pt, bold, centered. A free space Neologisms, already accepted and registered in
will be left above the text and another one below it. dictionaries will be printed in regular characters.
Paragraphs will be 6mm indented.
First name LAST NAME

Those which have not yet been registered in The selection of the texts to include depend on the
dictionaries will be printed in ​Italic. result of the peer review process announced.


Bibliography will be printed in the alphabetical 1. Cook, J. [1975], (2001). ​Name of the first
order at the end of the article and will be numbered example book​. City: Publishing House.
in Arabic figures. The text will be left alignment, 2. Harris, M. & Doe, B.J. (2010). Name of the 2​nd
6mm indented. example paper. ​Name of the journal. ​Issue.
The titles of the reference articles, books and Pages.
papers will be printed in Italic. Reference citations 3. Mattis, S.; Chang, J.S. & Rossi, G. (2015).
will be marked in the text as follows: (Name of the Name of the 3​rd example paper. In M. Weiss,
author/s, publication year: page/pages) or Name of Name of the book​. City: Publishing House.
the author/s (publication year: page/pages). Pages.
Examples: (Cook, 2001:14), or (Cook, 4. Walter, N. (December, 2009). Name of the
1975/2001:14), or (Harris, Doe, 2010: 167-180), or fourth example paper. ​Source. ​[online].
(Mattis ​et al.,​ 2015:98), or (Walter, 2009), etc. Available: ​http://www.domain.extension​.
[reading time].

The authors take full responsibility for the

contents and scientific correctness of the paper.

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