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The Epidemiologic Transition Model: Accomplishments and Challenges


Changes in population size and structure are determined by the late eighteenth century through the mid-twentieth cen-
basic processes that can be summarized by the demographic tury, and there is evidence that the pattern is being followed
equation (Fig. 1). While demographers and those concerned by many developing countries, although the pace of the
with population growth tend to emphasize fertility trends, transitions varies greatly.
and immigration policy is very much on the current political My aim in this short essay is not to discuss the details of
agenda, epidemiologists tend to concentrate their efforts the various stages of the epidemiologic transition model but
studying the factors associated with the third part of the to use it as a platform to mention some of the major accom-
equation. plishments of epidemiology in the past and to highlight the
Late in the nineteenth century, demographers, following challenges and opportunities that lay ahead (Fig. 3).
Malthusian principles, developed several theories to de- I view epidemiology as the provider of the evidential
scribe how populations change over long periods of time. basis for public health action and for many clinical practices.
Dudley Kirk (1) points out that, in 1929, Warren Thompson Thus the accomplishments of epidemiology in preventing
categorized populations on the basis of fertility and mortality and controlling disease and enhancing longevity are intri-
(2), followed in 1934 by the first use of the term ‘‘transition’’ cately dependent on the implementation of its findings at
by Adolphe Landry (3). But it is Frank Notestein who is the individual patient level and through community public
given credit for the first full statement of the demographic health programs.
transition model in 1945 (4). This model was expanded by During the pre-modern stage, epidemiology contributed
Abdel Omran in a seminal article in 1971 in which he re- little other than to emphasize the periodic increases in mor-
named the model the epidemiologic transition model (5). tality resulting from epidemics, famine, and other hardships.
Whereas earlier demographers were concerned primarily But during stage 2, as epidemiologic and medical knowledge
with changes in fertility, Omran emphasized the mortality and public health applications increased, there was a gradual
aspects. Omran renamed the four stages of the demogra- diminution of infectious diseases generally and some curtail-
phers’ transition model for population evolution to empha- ment of epidemics. Infant mortality especially improved
size some epidemiologic aspects (Fig. 2): Stage 1, which while the birth rate remained high so that populations grad-
demographers called pre-modern, he labeled the stage of ually increased in size.
pestilence and famine characterized by high death rates The third stage is characterized in this model by a reduc-
and high birth rates with low population size. Stage 2dur- tion in the birth rate. The reasons for this decline are com-
banizing and industrializingdhe described as the stage of re- plex, involving many societal, cultural, and economic
ceding pandemics resulting from a gradual conquest of factors (1), but some of the epidemiologic and public health
disease primarily through better sanitation and nutrition influences were the improved survival of children and, more
and resulting in a reduction of mortality, especially child recently, the availability of effective birth control methods.
mortality, and a concomitant gradual increase in population This period also saw improvements in nutrition and greater
size. Stage 3dmature industrialdhe called the stage of de- concern with the health and safety of the labor force. With
clining births with a peaking of the size of the population. both mortality and birth rates at low levels the growth of the
Stage 4dpostindustrialdwas characterized as the stage of population leveled off and the concerns of epidemiologists
degenerative and man-made disease with a balance between and public health workers shifted to chronic diseases and
birth and death rates, both at low levels, and a leveling off of their prevention. Many personal risk factors related to life-
the population size. style and individual behaviors were identified. A greater
It should be pointed out that the model is an idealized awareness of environmental hazards grew and many regula-
summary of the stages in a population’s development. It tory and educational policies were instituted to reduce envi-
fits fairly well the demographic changes which occurred in ronmental risks. Omran dubbed this stage the age of
Western Europe and the English-speaking countries during degenerative and man-made disease (5).
I would like to propose that we should now recognize
a fifth stage in the epidemiologic model. This stage is char-
Address correspondence to: Dr. Manning Feinleib, Johns Hopkins acterized by birth rates below the population replacement
Bloomberg School of Public Health, Epidemiology, Bloomberg E6153,
Baltimore, MD. Tel: (410) 614-0146. Fax: (410) 955-0863. E-mail: level, an aging population with many more elderly depen- dent on a diminishing working population for their

Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1047-2797/08/$–see front matter

360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010 doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2008.08.004
866 Feinleib AEP Vol. 18, No. 11

The Demographic Equation diseases will engage epidemiologists for decades to come.
There is also the opportunity for epidemiologists to guide
ΔP = Births ± Migration - Deaths
planners and policy makers in developing countries in
avoiding some of the hazards that urbanized communities
Family Values Economics Disease have experienced. Better city planning, avoidance of over-
Fecundity Politics Famine
crowding, provision of adequate transportation systems,
Gender roles Persecution War
Contraception Opportunities Senescence safe work environments, and modern educational systems
Suicide would go far to preventing future health problems as well
Risky behavior as many other social ills.
In mature industrial societies epidemiologists will devote
FIGURE 1. The demographic equation.
most of their efforts to preventing chronic diseases, educat-
ing the public about healthy lifestyles, assessing early detec-
economic and healthcare support, and, medically, greater tion and treatment programs, and improving the
dependence on advanced technological devices and proce- availability, accessibility, and utilization of health services.
dures to diagnose and treat diseases. This newly proposed These activities will merge with evolving progress in the
stage we may call that of aging and shrinking populations. fields of genomics, immunology, and diagnostics to better
Many developed nations are already well into this phase. define and detect illnesses. Epidemiologists will broaden
What can we look forward to in the twenty-first century? their involvement in ‘‘social diseases,’’ including substance
I think that there is still much that epidemiologists and pub- abuse and violence. They will also be major players in under-
lic health workers in general can contribute at every stage of standing and ameliorating subgroup disparities in health and
the epidemiologic transition model (see Fig. 3, lower panel). longevity.
In those societies that are at the pre-modern stage, where As we enter the fifth stage of the epidemiologic transition
disease levels are high and famine is still a constant threat, model, epidemiologists will become increasingly involved
epidemiologists can contribute to improving health by with the health conditions that prevail at both extremes
advocating for basic improvements in sanitation and wider of the age distribution. Providing for the health needs of old-
immunization of children. They can also urge the develop- er patients will encumber greater proportions of communi-
ment of basic epidemiologic toolsdvital registration and ties’ resources. Broader aspects of the well-being of older
health statistics systems. Lacking accurate and complete persons, especially the ‘‘oldest old’’, will necessitate
data, it is difficult to assess the magnitude of health prob- expanded information about their physical, social, economic,
lems, identify vulnerable subgroups, or measure the impact and psychologic environments, not only their biologic,
of public health programs. physiologic, and cognitive functioning. As the birth rates
Although great progress has been made in controlling in- decrease, children will become increasingly precious. There
fectious diseases in virtually all developed nations, emerging will be ever-increasing devotion to the salubrious develop-
infections, exemplified by HIV/AIDS, are a major problem ment of children in all aspects, including physical, mental,
in urbanizing/industrializing areas. Combating these emotional, and societal.

Epidemiologic Transition Model

1 2 3 4 5 1 - Pestilence and
40 2 - Receding
3 - Declining
30 births
4 - Degenerative
25 & man-made
20 disease
5 - Aging and
15 shrinking
10 population

CDR CBR Population

FIGURE 2. The epidemiologic transition model.

AEP Vol. 18, No. 11 Feinleib 867

Impact of Epidemiology
1 2 3 4 5
Stage Pre- Urbanizing/ Mature Post
modern Industriali- industrial Industrial

Reduced Birth Smoking & Injuries,

Past Nil infectious control, other technological
diseases & occupa- riskfactors, fixes
infant tional environmen-
mortality health, tal risks
Sanitation, HIV/AIDS, Prevention Genomics, Elder care –
Future immunization, emerging of chronic Education to physical,
Vital infections, diseases, modify life social,
registration & city Health styles, economic,
Health planning services substance psychologic,
Statistics abuse, Child
violence development

FIGURE 3. Impact of epidemiology.

This has been a wide view of the accomplishments of

epidemiology and some of the challenges we will
1. Kirk D. Demographic transition theory. Population Studies. 1996;50:361–
encounter in coming decades. The American College 387.
of Epidemiology has played an important role in encour- 2. Thompson WS. Population. Am J Sociol. 1929;34:959–975.
aging and recognizing epidemiologists in their endeavors 3. Landry A. La revolution demographique. Paris; 1934.
and will continue to provide leadership, guidance, and 4. Notestein F. Population: the long view. In: Schultz T, ed. Food for the
stimulation in the future. It has been a pleasure and world. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.; 1945. p. 36–57.
an honor for me personally to have been a participant 5. Omran AR. The epidemiologic transition: a theory of the epidemiology of
in these activities. population change. Milbank Mem Fund Q. 1971;49:509–538.

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