Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

School: Lyceum “Stefan cel Mare”

Teacher: Cebotari Alina

Date :

Grade: 9th

Time: 45 minutes

Topic” Man- Society Relationship ”

Type of lesson: Lessons of fixation of knowledge and of developing skills and abilities

Methods and techniques: conversation, stellar explosion, reading, explanation, etc.

Competencies: Spoken interaction. Integrated Skill combinations.Community area. Reading.


-Producing an explanatory on a familiar topic.

-Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple direct questions, repeated or reformulated by a
cooperative interlocutor.

-Identifying specific info formation from the written message.

-Practicing asking for specific information.

-Identifying specific information about a famous personality from the oral message
ACTIO Materials Methods, techniques,
N forms of activities
EVOCATION T enters the classroom, greets Ss greet the T & T – Ss -speaking -to create a Whole class 1min
Warm up the Ss, and asks them how answer the T’s -listening relaxed work
they are, if there are any Ss questions. Ss - T atmosphere for
missing. the lesson
Motivation for The T asks Ss to see the image They answer the T – Ss -speaking -To make them Individual 2
the new lesson and say how do they think – teacher’s questions. -writing familiar to the answering min
-what represents the picture? Ss – T topic.
Activity 1 “Man-Society
-Which are the relations relationship”
between them and the society
they live in?

-How does one contribute to

the well-being of the society?

-Suggest some solutions for

building a better society in the
Republic of Moldova?
REALIZATION T gives the definition of the S make some notes T – Ss speaking blackboard topractice the Whole class 2
OF MEANING term “society” then asks S to then they comment words describing work min
Practice give reasons for the giving reasons. chores and
Activity 2 statements bellow: Ss - Ss errands.
“ The individual is a product watching computer
not only of the existing social
system, but for all world

“The relationship between

society and the individual is S
reciprocal and Speaking Blackboard Whole class 5min
complementary. S read the text. writing copybooks work
Individual work
T asks S to read the text p.68 quotation

Practice T proposes some questions to S answer the Ss-T Reading book To practice 5min
Activity 3 see if the S understood the questions. speaking reading and min
text. pictures speaking

Practice Ex.3 p.70 They read the text and book The accuracy and 5
do the tasks. - Ss-T Writing fluency in speech min
Activity 4 Speaking computer
Give answers.
Activity 5
REFLECTION The T proposes to do the The Sswatch the film T – Ss Listening -to practice -Pair work 10
Practice tasks: Ex.4,1,4,5p.70 and comment on it. Reading speaking min
-to learn and
Activity 6 practice the new

EXTENSION The T. asks the Ss to imagine They speak about the T – Ss 15

Activity 8 what you think about : “We all importance of work min
do better when we work about the advantages
together. Our differences do and disadvantages.
matter, but our common
humanity matters more.”

Evaluation T evaluates the Ss , gives Ss listen to the teacher. T - Ss Register, -to evaluate the 1
marks & comments them. Record students min
To every activity the T. gives books
them a present. At the end she
counts how many they have.
Assigning T gives the Ss the homework: Ss note the homework. T - Ss -writing Record -to write down the 1
Homework Comment on: “ The only way books homework min
to do great work is to love
what you do”

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