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World Population

People who inhabit the world impact the Earth. The world's population has increased in
the past two centuries, creating new challenges.
Population Growth
There are two reasons why population has growth:
- Low death rate and high birthrates.
Some challenges popution growth faces are:
- More food (relied on technological advances).
- Warfare and crop failures (can lead to famine).
- Services such as hospitals and schools.
Where People Live
People use only 15 percent of the Earth's surface, in fact, only two-thirds of the world's
population live in places with fertile soil, mild climates, and natural resources
(countrysides). The remaining ones live in cities where jobs and resources are found, that's
why there are many people in few square miles in a same place (cities).
Population Movement: Migration
The previous idea also explains the reason why people move from place to place in the
same country, because they find better living conditions in cities, this results in
urbanization produced by internal migration.
Another kind of migration is when some leaves the country where they were born and
move to another (international migration), they are called emigrants in their homeland
and immigrants in their new country.
Some reasons why people migrate are:
Push Factors: situations that force or push residents to migrate (few jobs - shortage).
Pull Factors: favorable situations attracting immigrants (jobs).
Residents who are force to flee to another country are called refugees, they scape from
warfare, persecution, and disasters.
The impact migration causes that a country can't have enough population to sustain its
economic system, likewise, this can lead to family divisions. On the other hand,
immigrants bring with them their cultural lifestyle that threatens local traditions, that's
why they are feared and attacked in some countries.
Bibliography: Exploring Our World -Book-. Mc Graw Hill Education

1. Look for a news on-line about one of these concepts

Death Rate. Birth Rate. Famine. Migration. Refugee.

2. Summarize the new by writing it in your own words but using and quoting the source of

3. Use 3 Images to support your news.

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