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General Commands Manual


iok- Indic Onscreen Keyboard

iok [-a] [-h] [-d 1] [-n LANGCODE]

Indic Onscreen Keyboard currently shows Inscript and Inscript2
keymaps for 22 official Indian languages. The languages are Assamese, Bengali,
Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati,
Hindi, Kannada, Kokani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali,
Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu.
The iok application runs in default and advanced mode. In default mode,
iok starts by loading Inscript2 keymap of the current locale. If keymap is not
installed or
available then iok shows keymap list in the default mode. User can then
select any keymap from keymap list if he want to write using it.
In the advanced mode, iok allows to open non-supported keymaps. If
keymap can be parsed by iok then it will be showed in iok UI otherwise it will show
error message
that iok can't load this keymap. Advanced mode also allows to create custom
keymap by either swapping or re-assigning character mappings in the existing
loaded keymap in
Another feature iok supports is Drag and Drop. This will allow user to
swap character mappings using mouse.
The keymap list shows Inscript and Inscript2 keymaps from location
/usr/share/m17n and ~/.m17n.d path.

To start iok in normal mode from console, use following command iok

To start iok in advanced mode from console, use following command iok -a

To start iok in any supported Inscript2 keymap (say in Marathi) use

following command iok -n mr

As Inscript2 keymap naming also uses language script code for some
languages, command to open those keymaps is like this iok -n pa-guru where pa is a
isocode name for the
Punjabi language and guru is a language script code name in which keymap is

To use Drag and Drop feature of iok, start iok from console as iok -d 1 The
Draft version of Inscript2 keymaps are available at

This project is available at or

-a It shows the menus and combo box in iok UI
-h It show the help

-d 1 This will enable Drag and Drop feature only for the single iok
invocation. Otherwise iok has disabled Drag and Drop by default.

In the place of LANGCODE,you need to specify a particular language
code. Shows iok UI for that particular language. This will also requires language
script code.
e.g. for Bodo, Dogri, Kokani, Nepali, Sindhi use its langcode and "-
deva" as a language script code.

To start iok using Kokani keymap, run "iok -n kok-deva"

Suji A <> , Parag <>

March 12, 2012


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