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— Bangladesh’s Citizens 2018-19 MESSAGE Laity Cel © ‘Abdur Rouf Talukder Secretaryn-Charge ance Division, Ministry of Finance lam indeed delighted to learn thatthe Finance Division with support from Inclsive Budgeting and Financing for Climate Resilience IBFCR) Projects bringing out for the fist time Citizens Climate Budget Report 2018-19 highlighting the cimate yunerabities of Bangladesh together with the patter of resource allocation inline with the climate change strategies, polices and plans Civen the increasing focus of climate finance in development discourse its extremely important to let the citzens know how the Government Is allocating resources to address the vulnerabilities arising from frequent Climatic shoeks. The content ofthe repotis presented in simple language Using Infographics to draw the attention of wider audience, amy confident that the feedback from the audience will further enrich the syle and contents of the report in fture | would tke to thank UNDR, my colleagues in Finance Division and IBFCR. Projet for their sincere support and unrelenting efforts to bring out the repor. Oy pee ey —= Dr. Md. Jafar Uddin Addtiona Secretary Finance Division, Ministry of Finance and National Project Director, IB-CR Project. Bangladesh’ citizens Climate Budget Report 2018-19 sa simplified version of the climate budget report titled Climate Financing for Sustainable Development published this yearby the Finance Division. ll data and Information used inthe report have been drawn from the climate budget report to maintain consistency tis intended to broaden the understanding for the wider audlence about the government’ response tothe risks and challenges arsing from the adverse effects of climate change by way of allocating resources through thenational budget Its expected that the use of Infographics inthe report will make more comprehensible to the readers at large and enhance transparency of the Government's commitment towards building resilence against climatic shocks (Or Md. Jafar Uddin) — ABOUT THE REPORT The report presents the selected data and information extracted from the climate budget report published this year by Finance Division. It is intended to draw the attention of wider stakeholders to key data on climate allocation across the twenty selected ministries/divisions as well as 6 thematic ateas of Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP) covering the period from FY2014-15 to FY2018-19. It also reflects on climate change vulnerability in Bangladesh together with the loss incurred due to extreme climatic events in the recent past. {As Bangladesh has prepared its implementation roadmap for the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to manage growing emissions, this report shows allocation for both mitigation and adaptation investment required by this plan since FY2015-16. In addition, allocation for projects approved by the Bangladesh Climate Change Trust (BCCT) since 2010/is provided in this report. CoM ito Ci AUU RT Nc oa Bangladesh ranks sixth among the countries most affected by climate change due to following climatic events Flash Flood (B Monsoon Flood ©) cictone J atinity intrusion Drought © Unpredictabte Rainfall Landslide River Bank Erosion © storm surge b b vb b 12,000 9,200 23,500 2,200 crore worth loss crore worth loss crore worth loss crore worth loss due to due to due to due to Flood in 1988 Flood in 1998 Cyclone Sidr & Cyclone Aila Flood in 2007 in 2009 GOVERNMENT RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS Legal and Policy Framework ‘The Bangin (ienencment et Bangladesh climate Change suategy ‘nd ation Pan (3ccsar, Climate Public Expenditure ane (oan Nationally Determines ontibuton NDC) hiate Perfomance Aue Guietnes -® -@ -® National Progamme of Acton NAPA) clinate change Trt et Climate fal Framework Bansadesh Country Investment Plan fr vent orey (arse move 20 Budget allocation in last 5 years Total annual budget of 20 ministres/divsions {in crore taka) 174245, 148,053 122456 so7ast 2oisas 201836 zis 201718 1.953903 20.19 BANGLADESH’S CLIMATE BUDGET 2018-19 Pa) elma mcc lb eels Prt Titre DUNES fete Mee volar =a IMEC loco eniols Total budget of Climate allocation of 20 ministries/divisions 20 ministries/divisions for FY 2018-19 for FY 2018-19 lm acoc ariel m elt ele( ag of FY 2018-19 » 2,14,852 crore » 18,949 crore ALLOCATION FOR TOP CLIMATE SPENDING MINISTRIES/DIVISIONS FY2018-19 AS % OF TOTAL BUDGET Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Ministry of Water Resources Ministry of Rericattre Ministry of Fisheries and Uvestock Ministry of Disaster Management and Rellet ther Minstries/Divisions ep e am WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO? Bangladesh Climate Change eT Strategy and Action Plan BCCSAP) _BCCSAP thematic areas 2014-15 15-16 1617 17-18 18-19 2009 sets out 44 programmes Food security, social i “a (©)) cee" AIK 121% 259% 969% 9708 Infrastructure 12.69% 13.58% 16.22% 22.49% 28.43% DIG CRANGE ’ tpATEGY Recent os ay smh Oh AS BS SION PLAN Mitigation and low carbon a eee Capacity building and 627% GAD% 81S 5.00% 468% institutional strengthening uinghY20141510201¢19 —“Foodseauty,——_—ndude plementation of aches sted toinessedrence Ree eee eT eee occ ee ieee ae eee ea budget was allocated to and health surveillance systems for new disease risks CLIMATE BUDGET OF TWENTY MINISTRIES/DIVISIONS I Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change tncror tata Ministry of Water Resources Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock me rs Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief 10,113 11404 I Other ministries and divsions® 1s ong ©. 5 ther insties and son in y a —w Rural Development and Cooperatives Division FY2014-15 FY2015-16 Ansty of Women and Chicren fas Ministy of Housing and Public Works Energy and Mina esouces Ds Fy2016-17 F¥2017-18 Fy2018-19 cal Government Dvsion Ministry of Chittagong Hil Tract Afts a ra a Ainisty of Primary and Mass Education Minis ofLand 13,801 16317 18,949 misty of Insts a : a om lth Services Division am »~ £ Cn Power Division a — _ Ministry of Food Secondary and Higher Education Division _ _ - Ministry of Social Welfare Road Transport and Highways Division ALLOCATION ACROSS BCCSAP THEMATIC AREAS MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE ALLOCATION ACROSS BCCSAP THEMATIC AREAS MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES Food secunty, socal protection and heath (8) Comprehensive disaster management (4) Infastrucure 4) Research and knowledge management () Capacity buiding an instturional strengthening (8) ALLOCATION ACROSS BCCSAP THEMATIC AREAS. Tas mela Cc ol UU Food securty, socal protection and heath (8) Comprehensive disaster management Infrastructure 6) = = W Research and knowledge management) Mitextion snc low cabon development (8) Capac bulding and instation strengthening (6) ee am am a a 2 @2¢ se BS ' ALLOCATION ACROSS BCCSAP THEMATIC AREAS. Se a a aa ood secuty, soll protection and hea Comprehensive dastr management Infrastructure 8) esearch nd knowedge management (8). as» sa ALLOCATION FOR ADAPTATION AND MITIGATION FOR NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) 2015-2030 Bangladesh has prepared its implementation roadmap forthe Nationaly Determined Contribution (NDC) to manage growing emissions and to ee Gncrove taka) articulate its role in global efforts to lint temperature rise @ a 275 An estimated total of @ ao ¥ 1,80,777 crore is required during 2015-2030 for NDC adaptation activities An estimated total of GEge ¥ 2,26,800 crore is required during 2011-2030 for NDC roigationactleS ees NDC mitigation activities 20is36 201641701748 (8.19 Mitigation (incor) a2s2 Nationaly Determined Contbutin of Bangladesh Irpemertn ens ra gosas 2016172017. 12 PER NEA CLUES Ran NEU am aU Patent) BCCTF was created to combat climate change impacts as well as to implement BCCSAP 2009. All projects taken up under BCCTF are consistant with the thematic areas set out in BCCSAP ‘Number of approved projets sine 2010 Bangladesh's Citizens Climate Budget Report 2018-19 is published by the Finance Division with support from the Inclusive Budgeting and Financing for Climate Resilience (IBFCR) Project funded by UNDP Bangladesh, Finance Division, Ministry of Finance Government ofthe People’s Republic of Bangladesh wor motgovbd

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