(Ecq Essay

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Anggoy,Cristeen Jewel D.


Instruction: Describe your enhanced community quarantine experience. Highlight all the adjectives
you will use. Minimum of 30 adjectives in your essay.

This community quarantine had been a tough experience of mine because I'm not used to it, I'm so far
away from my daily routine, it makes me anxious everytime and I can't stop myself for I was so boring in
the house. Although I'm lucky and harmless from outside, I also feel guilty whenever some people was
diagnosed in Covid-19, it seems like I cannot help them. But, I keep telling to myself, that I should be
keen and knowledgeable for it will make me calm and focused on what I should do, to lessen my
burdensome and being dramatic. From being productively to being dull and emotional.

It is quite hard, not because I can't go out its hard because I can't go to work due to this lock down and I
can't visit my parents house for now and it unusual for me not to go to work cause I don't want to be
burden. Next thing is Im not physically and mentally prepared for me its a total like a chaos in my mind
now but all I do is to follow and obey orders from our barangays so It could prevent fast spreading of the
disease. So for me Other must just do the same way its too dangerous for them roaming around without
safety equipment especially for those who have a weak immune system they must appriciate the concern
of the government with this matter. To kill the boredom just make themselve busy look for hobby or plan
your to do list after this enhance quarantine is over and feel delightful that after all this time they are still
safe and virus free.

Then,we are also experiencing shortage and the money I saved that was supposedly for my studies was
spent for stock foods for the whole duration of the quarantine. We are all experiencing a different kind of
feeling being stuck in the house for almost two weeks now. The feeling's not good, really, but we do
understand it's for our safety.I am also anxious about my schooling. I am thinking of when it will resume
and will it ever resume again? Also I salute our brave and hardworking front liners to whom I extend my
gratitude. Their role is gravely helpful to our country.

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