Trisha Anne Maristaza 1gov1: Numerous Infected Deadly Severe Naturally Intentionally Best Same Decreasing

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Trisha Anne Maristaza



30th of January when the first case of novel corona virus was recorded in the Philippines,
it was followed by numerous number of people who are infected by the said virus. Some rumors
said, that the deadly virus came from the Wuhan market because they eat bats and other animals
which brought them severe sickness, but some says it might not be naturally occurred by just
eating bats, instead it is intentionally made by the Chinese government for their economic
agenda. However the best thing for us to do is to prepare, listen and obey to the authorities, for
they are the ones who know what to do in this kind of crisis, and they need our full support and
cooperation to surpass this situation at the same time decreasing the casualties we might face.

Right after it was announced to the news that we shall impose community quarantines
and lockdowns in some prone areas, my dad who’s working at Manila that time was obliged to
go home because of the rapid rising of the positive cases, and it was really alarming because in
just one day, hundreds of deaths arises. That time we actually affected financially, because he is
the only breadwinner in the family that we expect money from to finance our everyday living,
and that time and until now, relief goods from the local government is indeed a great help to us.
After one month of financial crisis, we are glad that the manager of my dad called him over the
phone carrying good news, disseminating that they will continue their operation but without
going outside to work and face the possibility of acquiring the virus, by doing work at home. We
are relieved hearing that news, but in a second it hit me, we somehow starve for something to eat
for a month and now we are one of the luckiest this time even having just little money coming in
for our day-to-day needs, but how about those families that still experiencing empty stomachs?, I
just realized that this time doesn’t need complaints coming from misinformed citizens, but
instead it needs a citizen who listens, obey and a citizen who is wise enough to handle

This disease prevalent worldwide is really a tough one to fight, especially when we all are
becoming too selfish and insensitive about the real situation, this world needs a warrior who trust
his creator and protect his fellow warriors to combat the common enemy.

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