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Rearing Methods for the Black Soldier Fly (Diptera:

Author(s): D. Craig Sheppard, Jeffery K. Tomberlin, John A. Joyce, Barbara C.
Kiser, and Sonya M. Sumner
Source: Journal of Medical Entomology, 39(4):695-698. 2002.
Published By: Entomological Society of America

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Rearing Methods for the Black Soldier Fly (Diptera: Stratiomyidae)

Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, Coastal Plain Experiment Station, Tifton, GA 31793

J. Med. Entomol. 39(4): 695Ð698 (2002)

ABSTRACT The black soldier ßy, Hermetia illucens (L.), is a nonpest tropical and warm-temperate
region insect that is useful for managing large concentrations of animal manure and other biosolids.
Manure management relying on wild ßy oviposition has been successful in several studies. However,
conÞdence in this robust natural system was low and biological studies were hampered by the lack
of a dependable source of eggs and larvae. Larvae had been reared easily by earlier investigators, but
achieving mating had been problematic. We achieved mating reliably in a 2 by 2 by 4-m screen cage
in a 7 by 9 by 5-m greenhouse where sunlight and adequate space for aerial mating were available.
Mating occurred during the shortest days of winter if the sun was not obscured by clouds. Adults were
provided with water, but no food was required. Techniques for egg collection and larval rearing are
given. Larvae were fed a moist mixture of wheat bran, corn meal, and alfalfa meal. This culture has
been maintained for 3 yr. Maintainance of a black soldier ßy laboratory colony will allow for
development of manure management systems in fully enclosed animal housing and in colder regions.

KEY WORDS Hermetia illucens, waste management, manure digestion, insect based feedstuff

THE BLACK SOLDIER ßy, Hermetia illucens (L.), is dis- male black soldier ßies could oviposit in the manure
tributed throughout the tropics and warm temperate (Sheppard et al. 1994). A recent swine manure man-
regions (James 1935, McCallan 1974). This species has agement trial indicated almost double the 8% conver-
three generations a year in Georgia from April to sion of manure to prepupal biomass that had been
November (Sheppard et al. 1994) and can colonize a observed with layer manure (D.C.S., unpublished
wide variety of decomposing vegetable and animal data).
matter (James 1935). This insect is of interest because Information on black soldier ßy rearing is limited.
the dense larval populations reduce house ßy, Musca Tingle et al. (1975) reported rearing wild collected
domestica L., production by 94 Ð100% and manure dry eggs to adults in 38 d at 29.3⬚C. They reported that
matter by 42Ð56% (Sheppard 1983), and nitrogen con- mating and oviposition were observed “often” in a 3 by
tent by 62% (Sheppard et al. 1998) when compared 6.1 by 1.8-m cage held outdoors. In addition, mating
with same age unoccupied manure. It could solve was observed in a 0.76 by 1.14 by 1.37-m cage held
many of the problems associated with large manure outdoors, but not when held in the greenhouse. “A
accumulations at conÞned animal feeding operations few” fertilized eggs were collected from adults held in
(Sheppard and Newton 2000). this smaller cage in the greenhouse. Direct sunlight
Prepupal black soldier ßies are 44% dry matter and was reported to encourage mating. No mating or egg
are composed of 42% protein and 35% fat, including collections occurred in two smaller cages (53 by 91 by
essential amino and fatty acids (Hale 1973). Feeding 53 cm and 38 by 46 by 38 cm). Tingle et al. (1975) was
studies indicated that these prepupae are a good unable to establish a culture with multiple genera-
source of nutrition for cockerels (Hale 1973), swine tions.
(Newton et al. 1977), and tilapia (Bondari and Shep- In nature, black soldier ßies oviposit in dry cracks
pard 1987). A recent channel catÞsh, Ictalurus punc- and crevices above and around moist decomposing
tatus L., feeding study indicated that Menhaden Þsh organic matter (Copello 1926, Gonzalez et al. 1963).
meal can be replaced with black soldier ßy prepupae With this natural inclination, Booth and Sheppard
without loss of growth. (D.C.S., unpublished data). (1984) found that females readily lay their eggs in
Menhaden Þsh meal is valued at about $500 per ton in small openings (ßutes) in the edges of corrugated
most major U.S. commodity markets (Anonymous cardboard held near attractive larval media. They also
2001). Extrapolations indicate that over 60 tons (55 reported that the black soldier ßy eggs required 102Ð
MT) of prepupae could be self-harvested from a 105 h (4.3 d) to hatch at 24⬚C with red eye spots
100,000 hen caged-layer house in one summer if fe- becoming evident at 72 h and embryonic movement
by 84 h. Copello (1926) wrote that in Argentina black
E-mail: soldier ßy eggs hatched in 4 Ð 6 d. May (1961) in New

0022-2585/02/0695Ð0698$02.00/0 䉷 2002 Entomological Society of America


Zealand reported black soldier ßy egg hatching in 5 d inside of a 5-liter plastic bucket (L168, Plastic Pack-
in February and 7Ð14 d in April. aging, West SpringÞeld, MA) 2Ð5 cm above wet
Previous manure management trials with H. illucens Gainesville House Fly Diet consisting of 50% wheat
depended on wild populations to oviposit and estab- bran, 30% alfalfa meal, and 20% corn meal (Hogsette
lish a population, or larvae were moved to the study 1992). Equal volumes of this dry medium and water
site from another facility. These methods were ade- were mixed for an oviposition attractant or larval
quate, however reliable colonization methods are growth medium. Wet substrates were less attractive to
needed for the full development of this system. Our ovipositing H. illucens (Booth and Sheppard 1984).
objective was to develop methods for continuous rear- Therefore, water was added to medium used for an
ing of black soldier ßy. This would encourage biolog- oviposition attractant to near the saturation point to
ical studies and the use of black soldier ßy in value- encourage oviposition in the dry cardboard egg traps.
added waste management systems. The methods are Eggs and larvae were held in an insectery at 30⬚C
reported here. and ambient humidity. Eggs were placed in a 460-ml
plastic cup (MC160 Sweetheart Cup, Chicago, IL),
with lid until hatched. Neonate larvae were placed on
Materials and Methods
⬇80 g of moist Gainesville house ßy diet in a 460-ml
The current colony was established in July 1998. On squat plastic cup. Placing eggs on media usually re-
21 and 30 July 1998, more than 100 BSF egg masses sulted in poor hatch and neonate survival, suspected
were collected at an open-sided caged layer house in to be caused by fungus. A paper towel held snugly over
Bacon County, GA, and taken to our laboratory at the the cup with a rubber band to contain wandering
Coastal Plain Experiment Station of the University of neonates resulted in high humidity often led to fungus
Georgia, Tifton, GA. Resulting larvae were reared on development. Fungus development was rarely seen if
15% protein layer hen feed (Flint River Mills, Bain- larvae were placed on fresh medium.
bridge, GA) mixed with water (60 Ð70% moisture). The neonate larvae usually consumed this Þrst me-
Subsequent rearing was done with the Gainesville dium in 2Ð3 d. Large batches of larvae required an-
house ßy diet (Hogsette 1992). Layer feed and the other 80 g of diet before day 3. At this point the larvae
Gainesville house ßy diet are equally useful for rearing were transferred to a 5-liter bucket, or a 56 by 40 by
black soldier ßy (Tomberlin 2001). Emerging adults 13-cm plastic pan (Sterlite, Towsend, MA, 01469),
were held free-ßying in the 7 by 9 by 5-m greenhouse. depending on density. About 500 larvae could be
This allowed the aerial questing by males, which pre- reared to prepupae in the 5-liter bucket or 5,000 in the
cedes mating (Tomberlin and Sheppard 2001). pan. Larval rearing containers were covered with mus-
Adults in our colony were typically managed in a 2 lin to reduce drying of the medium.
by 2 by 4-m, 7.1 by 5.5-mesh per centimeter Lumite The following feeding regimen was typical for a pan
screen cage (Bioquip Products, Gardena, CA) in the containing ⬇5,000 larvae held at 30⬚C. At ⬇3 d when
greenhouse. Adults held here were watered by misting the initial diet in the 460-ml cup was depleted the
water on the cage netting and artiÞcial plants in the larvae were moved to a pan as outlined above. Due to
cage. The two plastic plants were each a 50-cm globe the variable oviposition in any given egg trap, numbers
of leaves, each 3.8- to 7.6-cm leaf resembled ivy. Each of larvae to be transferred from the initial rearing cup
plant was set on a 20 by 20 by 40-cm masonry block (460 ml) was estimated. The ⬇5,000, 3-d-old larvae
centered under one of two Aqua Cool Fog Nozzles needed to stock a pan occupied ⬇5Ð 8 ml. These were
#WF4025 (Farm Tek, Dyersville, IA) delivering 0.8 measured after most of the depleted medium was
GPH at 100 PSI. A Gilmore electronic water timer separated from the larvae. To accomplish this separa-
model 9400 (Gilmore, Somerset, PA) was used to de- tion the cup was bumped sharply to cause the larvae
liver this mist twice daily at 1000 Ð1100 and 1500 Ð1600 to burrow deeper. Then a plastic teaspoon was used to
hours. Heating was provided by a natural gas Þred slowly skim thin layers of the depleted media from the
Dayton model 3E841 80,000 BTU/h heater (Dayton diet/larval mass. The larvae respond to this distur-
Electric, Chicago, IL). Environmental cooling was ac- bance by burrowing to the bottom of the cup, resulting
complished with an evaporative cooling system using in more diet being pushed to the top of the mass to be
wet corrugated Þber pads (Pactiv-Glacier Cor Uni- skimmed. After 2Ð3 min. of this process a mass con-
versity Park, IL). Environmental conditions and asso- sisting of ⬇90% larvae remained. For experimental
ciated adult emergence and oviposition within the 2 work aliquots of these larval masses could be weighed
by 2 by 4-m cage were monitored for 5 and 8 mo, to calculate more exact larval numbers. Volumetric
respectively, including the critical winter months measure was adequate for general rearing.
when there was no black soldier ßy adult activity To innoculate the 56 by 40 by 13-cm pan with ⬇
locally (Sheppard et al. 1994). Eggs from the colony 5,000 larvae we placed 5Ð 8 ml of larvae on ⬇600 g of
were collected in “egg traps” made of three layers of media at one end of the pan. Three hundred to 600 g
double-faced corrugated cardboard (Booth and Shep- of moist medium was added each day depending on
pard 1984) glued together, and cut into 2.5 by 5-cm the rate of assimilation by the larvae. Depleted me-
blocks. There are several sizes of corrugated card- dium was dark and Þnely divided. Particularly vigor-
board and experience indicated that the smaller open- ous batches of larvae were fed up to 1 kg per day when
ings were preferred. We used cardboard with three they were approaching maturity. Feeding on week-
ßutes per centimeter. Egg traps were taped to the ends was unnecessary for routine rearing. At 2Ð3 wk

Table 1. Black soldier fly, H. illucens (L.), emergence and tenance hatched in 3.5 d. At ⬇2.5 d, red eye spots
oviposition rates with associated temperature and humidity in a began to appear on the embryos (seen with the aid of
caged colony in a greenhouse with ambient day length, Tifton, GA,
USA, 1999 –2000 a dissecting scope or hand lense). At 3 d the red eye
spots were well deÞned. These eggs hatched within
Egg Þlled ßutes
24 h. Soldier ßy larvae grew well at densities of ⬇2.5
Time Mean temp, % humidity emergence
collected per larvae per cm2 of surface area, and required ⬇1Ð1.5 g
interval ⬚C ⫾ SE ⫾ SE per day
⫾ SE
day ⫾ SE of media each. Daily feeding of as much fresh media
as they would assimilate in 4 Ð 6 h resulted in the best
18Ð30 Nov 26.3 ⫾ 0.20 62.7 ⫾ 0.72 Ñ 5.6 ⫾ 1.1 growth. Beard and Sands (1973) and Morgan and Eby
1Ð31 Dec 25.2 ⫾ 0.22 55.7 ⫾ 0.77 312 ⫾ 26 11.1 ⫾ 1.5
1Ð31 Jan 22.4 ⫾ 0.23 53.1 ⫾ 0.68 124 ⫾ 22 18.8 ⫾ 4.1 (1975) made similar observations concerning house
1Ð29 Feb 24.2 ⫾ 0.26 52.4 ⫾ 0.78 494 ⫾ 69 39.6 ⫾ 5.1 ßy rearing. They reported that when house ßy larvae
1Ð29 Mar 27.8 ⫾ 0.23 61.0 ⫾ 0.75 330 ⫾ 20 42.7 ⫾ 4.7 fed on older (anaerobic) manure it was lethal or at
1Ð30 April Ñ Ñ 478 ⫾ 18 41.5 ⫾ 3.9
1Ð31 May Ñ Ñ 466 ⫾ 47 71.9 ⫾ 10.1
best “unsuitable” for their development. Even aerobic
1Ð13 June Ñ Ñ 300 ⫾ 61 66.7 ⫾ 10.7 manure a few days old supported signiÞcantly less
larval growth, which may be due to depletion of nu-
Ñ, Data not collected. trients by microorganisms or other conditions detri-
mental to their development (Beard and Sands 1973).
Black soldier ßies in our colony tolerated a wide
larvae weighed ⬇0.14 Ð 0.18 g or more and some had range of temperature and humidity. Adults typically
become dark brown, rather than white. These darker mated and oviposited at temperatures of 24⬚C up to
individuals were prepupae (May 1961). 40⬚C or more. Booth and Sheppard (1984) reported
When prepupae accounted for ⬇ 50% of the pop- that 99.6% of oviposition in the Þeld occurred at 27.5Ð
ulation in a pan feeding was stopped and the medium 37.5⬚C. In our colony relative humidities of 30 Ð90%
was allowed to dry. The container was covered with supported mating and oviposition. Eggs and larvae
mosquito netting held with an elastic band to allow air were generally held at 27⬚C but also seemed to tolerate
ßow and to contain adults when they emerged. When a range of conditions. Minimum light intensity for
adult emergence began the rearing container was mating is 63 ␮ mol m2s⫺1 with most mating occurring
placed in the greenhouse and uncovered to allow at over 200 ␮ mol m2s⫺1 (J.K.T. and D.C.S., unpub-
mating and oviposition. Temperature and humidity lished data).
were periodically monitored with a Hanna HI 9161C The black soldier ßy can be dependably cultured
portable microprocessor thermohygrometer (Hanna with these techniques, but as with any new system
Instruments, Woonsocket, RI). improvements can be made. Optimal temperatures
need to be determined for each life stage and a better
Results and Discussion way to handle pupae and adult emergence would be
helpful. Also, it was costly to maintain suitable tem-
The adults resulting from the reared larvae in 1998 perature in the large greenhouse. If artiÞcial lights
emerged in the greenhouse 10 Ð14 d after pupation. could be found to elicit mating, then a controlled
These established a continuous culture that has been environment could be maintained with less expense.
maintained for 3 yr. No food was offered to adults and In older open sided housing, up to 20 yr ago, dense
was not required for successful reproduction (Table mats of soldier ßy larvae often formed under laying
1). The large store of fat provided by the larvae ap- hens or swine when insecticides were not used (Lori-
parently reduced or eliminated the necessity of adult mar et al. 2001). This situation was common in the
feeding. Hermetia illucens pupae contain ⬇35% fat southeastern United States and was also documented
(Newton et al. 1977). In contrast house ßy pupae in California (Furman et al. 1959). Because adult H.
contain 9% (Teotia and Miller 1974) to 15% fat (Cal-
illucens are reluctant to enter enclosed structures,
vert et al. 1969) and adults require feeding for suc-
including modern environmental animal housing, they
cessful reproduction. The automatic water misting
now rarely colonize manure in these situations. Con-
system was adequate to provide water to the black
tinuous culture of H. illucens will allow for develop-
soldier ßy adults in the cage. The mist produced drop-
ment of value-added manure management systems in
lets on the plastic plants and nearby screen. These
modern, fully enclosed animal housing using this in-
droplets were taken in by adults. Also, numbers of
adults rested on the plastic plants and became covered
with dew-like drops, making no effort to avoid this
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