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Approved: March 24, 2020

Important Points:
The “Bayanihan to Heal As One” Act empowers the National Government to provide an
emergency subsidy to 18 million low-income families. The subsidy shall amount to a minimum
of Php 5,000 to a maximum of Php 8,000 a month for two (2) months to provide basic food,
medicine, and toiletries.

Section 3 b) Immediately mobilize assistance in the provision of basic necessities to families

and individuals affected by the imposition of Community Quarantine,
especially indigents and their families.

e) Undertake a program for recovery and rehabilitation, including a social

amelioration program and provision of safety nets to all affected sectors.

f) Ensure that there is sufficient, adequate and readily available funding to

undertake the foregoing.

g) Partner with the private sector and other stakeholders to deliver these
measures and programs quickly and efficiently.

Section 4 Pursuant to Article VI, Section 23 (2) of the 1987 Constitution

c) Provide an emergency subsidy to around 18 million low income households:

Provided, That the subsidy shall amount to a minimum of P5,000 to a
maximum of P8,000 a month for 2 months:

Provided, further, that the subsidy shall be computed based on the prevailing
regional minimum wage rates,

Provided, finally, that the subsidy received from the current conditional cash
transfer program and rice subsidy shall be taken into consideration in the
computation of the emergency subsidy as provided for in this Act.

n) Ensure the availability of credit to the productive sectors of the economy

especially in the countryside through measures such as, but not limited to,
lowering the effective lending rates of interest and reserve requirements of
lending institutions;

q) Require businesses to prioritize and accept contracts, subject to fair and

reasonable terms, for materials and services necessary to promote the herein
declared national policy;

t) Continue to authorize alternative working arrangements for employees and

workers in the Executive Branch, and whenever it becomes necessary, in other
independent branches of government and constitutional bodies, and the
private sector;
v) The following items in the budget shall be prioritized for augmentation:

4) Programs of the DOLE, such as but not limited to Tulong

Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Disadvantaged/Displaced Workers and
COVID-19 Adjustment Measures Program (CAMP);

8) Under various DSWD programs, such as but not limited to

Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations (AICS), distribution of
food and non-food items, livelihood assistance grants, and
supplemental feeding program for daycare children;

x) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, reprogram, reallocate, and realign

from savings on other items of appropriations in the FY 2020 GAA in the
Executive Department, as may be necessary and beneficial to fund measures
that address and respond to the COVID-19 emergency, including social
amelioration for affected communities, and the recovery of areas, sectors and
industries severely affected. All amounts so reprogrammed, reallocated or
realigned shall be deemed automatically appropriated for such measures to
address the COVID-19 situation within the period specified under Section 9

y) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the President is hereby authorized to

allocate cash, funds, investments, including unutilized or unreleased subsidies
and transfers, held by any GOCC or any national government agency inorder to
address the COVID-19 situation within the period specified under Section 9

z) Move statutory deadlines and timeliness for the filing and submission of any
document, the payment of taxes, fees, and other charges required by law, and
the grant of any benefit, in order to ease the burden on individuals under
Community Quarantine;

aa)Direct all banks, quasi-banks, financing companies, lending companies, and

other financial institutions, public and private, including the GSIS, SSS and Pag-
ibig Fund, to implement a minimum of 30-day grace period for the payment of
all loans, including but not limited to salary, personal, housing, and motor
vehicle loans, as well as credit card payments, falling due within the period of
the enhanced Community Quarantine without incurring interests, penalties,
fees, or other charges, persons with multiple loans shall likewise be given the
minimum of 30-day grace period for every loan;

bb) Provide for a minimum of 30-day grace period on residential rents falling
due within the period of the enhanced community quarantine, without
incurring interests, penalties, fees, and other charges;

Section 6 Penalties. – In addition to acts or omissions already penalized by existing laws, the
following offenses shall be punishable with imprisonment of 2 months or a fine of
not less than P10,000 but not more than P1 million pesos, or both, such
imprisonment and fine, at the discretion of the court:
e) Refusal to provide 30-day grace periods provided under Section 4;

Provided, however, That if the offender is a corporation, association, partnership

or any other juridical person, the penalty shall be imposed upon the president,
directors, managers, managing partners, as the case may be, who participated in
the commission of the offense or who shall have knowingly permitted or failed to
prevent the commission of the same. If the offender is an alien, he shall be, in
addition to the penalties herein prescribed, be deported without further
proceedings: Provided, further, That if the offender is a public official or employee,
he shall, in addition to the penalties prescribed herein, suffer perpetual or
temporary absolute disqualification from office, as the case may be.

That implemented guidelines pursuant to the Bayanihan Act of 2020
The Cooperative Development Authority (“CDA”) issued a Memorandum dated April 2, 2020
on their adherence and Compliance with Section 4 (AA) of Republic Act No. 11469.

The Department of Budget and Management (“DBM”) issued a Local Budget Circular No. 124
dated March 26, 2020 implementing Policy Guidelines on the Provision of Funds by LGUs for
programs, projects and activities to address the COVID-19 situation.

The Commission on Audit (“COA”) issued a Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1 dated March 26,
2020 implementing an Emergency Procurement by the Government during a State of Public
Health Emergency Arising from the COVID-19.


Guidelines on the Implementation of Flexible Work Arrangements (“FWAs”) as Remedial
Measure due to the Ongoing Outbreak of COVID-19
Approved: March 4, 2020

DOLE recognizes the desirability and practicality of FWAs that may be considered by
employers after consultation with the employees, taking into account the adverse
consequences of the situation on the financial viability of the company.

FWAs refer to alternative arrangements or schedules other than the traditional or standard
workhours, workdays and workweek. The effectivity and implementation of any of the FWAs
shall be temporary in nature, subject to the prevailing conditions of the company.

These are the following FWAs that may be considered:

1) Reduction of Workhours and/or Workdays
Refers to one where the normal workhours or workdays per week are reduced
2) Rotation of Workers
Refers to one where the employees are rotated or alternately provided work
within the week
3) Forced Leave
Refers to one where the employees are required to go on leave for several days
or weeks utilizing their leave credits, if there are any.
The employers and the employees are encouraged to explore other alternative work
arrangements in order to cushion and mitigate the effect of the loss of income of the


The employer and the employees who have adopted the flexible work arrangements shall be
primarily responsible for its administration. In case of differences of interpretation, the
following guidelines shall be observed:

1) The differences shall be treated as grievances under the applicable grievance

mechanism of the company.

2) If there is no grievance mechanism or if this mechanism is inadequate, the grievance

shall be referred to the Regional Office which has jurisdiction over the workplace for
appropriate conciliation.

3) To facilitate the resolution of grievances, employers are required to keep and maintain,
as part of their records, the documentary requirements proving that the flexible work
arrangement was adopted.


Establishments implementing the flexible work Arrangements provided herein shall post a
copy of this Advisory in a conspicuous location in the workplace.

The employer shall notify DOLE through the Regional/ Provincial/ Field Office which has
jurisdiction over the workplace of the adoption of any of the above flexible work
arrangements. The notice shall be in Report Form attached to this Advisory.


Supplemental Guidelines Relative to Remedial Measures in view of the Ongoing Outbreak of
Approved: March 14, 2020

These guidelines help ensure containment of the transmission of the virus through adoption of
FWAs and observance of strict social distancing measures, i.e. at least 1 meter radius between
and among workers:

1. As better alternatives to outright termination of the services of the employees or the

total closure of the establishments, flexible work arrangements referred to under Labor
Advisory No. 09, Series of 2020, including, but not limited to, other work arrangements,
such as the following are hereby reiterated and highly encouraged in establishments
that continue to operate.
 telecommuting,
 work from home,
 reduction of workdays/hours,
 rotation of workers and
 forced leaves,
2. All manufacturing, retail and service establishments are advised to remain in operation
during the community quarantine period, provided that social distancing and other
safety and health measures are strictly observed.

3. The leaves of absence during community quarantine period shall be charged against
workers’ existing leave credits, if any. Remaining unpaid leaves during said period may
be covered and be subject to the conditions provided in the DOLE’s proposed COVID-19
Adjustment Measures Program

4. Residents of nearby cities and/or municipalities outside the NCR who work in Metro
Manila shall be allowed to report for work provided that they present proof of
employment and residency in checkpoints such as:

a) ID with an address/place of work and employee’s place of residence; or

b) Certification of employment issued by the company which shall state the
place of work

The same shall apply to residents in Metro Manila who work in nearby cities and/or
municipalities outside NCR.

DOLE Order No. 209, Series of 2020

Guidelines on the implementation of the COVID-19 Adjustment Measures Program (CAMP)
Approved: March 17, 2020

Affected Establishments
Private establishments that have implemented FWAs (DOLE Labor Advisory No. 09) or
temporary closure as mitigating measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Affected Workers
Workers in private establishments whose employment face or suffer interruption due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, such as:

I. Retained workers who do not receive regular wage

Workers whose working hours and, therefore, regular wage is reduced due to the
implementation of the FWAs as mitigating measures enforced by the employer

II. Suspended workers

Workers whose employment is temporarily suspended by reason of the
suspension of operations of the employer’s business establishment

Formal Sector Workers

Workers in the formal economy, regardless of status, or those who are employed by any
person acting directly or indirectly in the interest of an employer in relation to an employee.

 FORMAL ECONOMY – with direct employers, such as the government employee, private
sector employee, all other workers rendering services, owners of micro enterprises,
owners of small, medium and large enterprises, household help (Kasambahay Law),
family drivers
It is a safety net program that offers financial support to affected workers in private
establishments that have adopted FWAs or temporary closure during the COVID-19 pandemic.
It aims to provide financial support to affected workers in private establishments to mitigate
the adverse economic impacts and reduction of income brought about by the COVID-19

Period and Coverage

The CAMP shall cover workers in private establishments affected by the Covid-19 pandemic
from its onset in January 2020 until the lifting of the Stringent Social Distancing Measures in
the National Capital Region on 14 April 2020, unless extended by the Inter-Agency Task Force
for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases. Large establishments are highly
encouraged to cover the full wages of employees within the one (1) month community
quarantine period.

Government employees are excluded from the program.

Program Assistance
There are two (2) types of program assistance:
1. Financial Support
2. Employment Facilitation

Financial Support
This component shall provide affected workers with financial relief necessary to mitigate the
immediate and adverse economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Relative to DOLE Labor
Advisory No. 11, Series of 2020, which states that workers’ leaves of absence during the
quarantine period are to be charged against their leave credits, the financial assistance may be
used to cover remaining unpaid leaves of affected workers. A one-time financial assistance
equivalent to PHP 5,000 shall be provided to affected workers in lump sum, non-conditional,
regardless of employment status.”

Employment Facilitation
This component shall provide affected workers access to available job opportunities suitable
to their qualifications through job matching, referral and placement services either for local or
overseas employment, employment coaching, and labor market information.

Program Implementation
The following general procedural guidelines shall be observed in the availment of the program
assistance by the affected workers through the MSMEs:

a) Eligibility Requirements
Applicant must be a private establishment that has implemented FWAs or temporary
closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

b) Documentary Requirements
Affected establishment must submit:
1. Establishment Report on the COVID-19 pursuant to Labor Advisory No. 9,
Series of 2020
2. Company Payroll for the month prior the implementation of FWAs or
temporary closure

c) Application Procedures
I. Applications with complete documentary requirements shall be submitted
online to the appropriate DOLE Regional Office or any of its Provincial/Field
II. Applications shall be evaluated by the concerned DOLE Regional Office
within three (3) working days from receipt thereof.
III. The following documents depending on the status of evaluation shall be
issued to the applicant by the concerned DOLE Regional Office within three
(3) working days through electronic mail from the date thereof.
 For approved application, a Notice of Approval
 For denied application, a Notice of Denial

d) Denial of Application
An application may be denied by the DOLE Regional Director upon determination of
any of the following grounds:
I. Ineligibility of applicant;
II. Misrepresentation of facts in the application; or
III. Submission of falsified or tampered document

Component-Specific Procedural Guidelines

Upon approval of the application by the Regional Director and upon receipt of the Notice of
Approval by the beneficiary, the following procedures shall be observed on desired program

a) Financial Support
i. Disbursement
The concerned DOLE Regional Office shall issue the financial support directly
to the beneficiary’s payroll account through bank transfer within two (2)
weeks upon receipt.

ii. Completion
Beneficiaries who received the financial support are considered to have
completed the CAMP. A “Notice of Completion” shall be issued to the
affected establishment within three (3) working days through electronic mail.

b) Employment Facilitation
The concerned DOLE Regional/Field/Satellite Office shall refer workers to the nearest Public
Employment Service Offices (PESO) for the provision of full-cycle employment facilitation.
Beneficiaries who intend to find subsequent local and overseas wage employment shall be
referred to appropriate employers with job vacancies matching their qualifications.
Simultaneously, beneficiaries shall be provided employment coaching and relevant labor
market information.
Clarificatory Advisory on CAMP Documentary Requirements
Approved: March 18, 2020
Retroactive application: from January 2020

Pursuant to DOLE Department Order No. 209, Series of 2020, or the Guidelines on the CAMP,
the following Clarificatory guidelines are issued:

Affected workers
Affected workers, regardless of status (i.e. permanent, probationary, or contractual), are those
employed in private establishments whose operations are affected due to the COVID-19

CAMP’s coverage is nationwide.

Documentary Requirements
Establishments must accomplish the revised Establishment Report Form (ERF) particularly the
indicated mandatory fields. Company payroll for the month of February or earlier must be
submitted along with the accomplished ERF.

Disbursement of Financial Support

The concerned DOLE/RO/PO/FO shall issue the financial support (FS) directly to the
employees’ payroll account through bank transfer at the soonest possible time upon receipt of
complete documentary requirements. For cash payroll, FS shall be received through money
Issued: March 28, 2020

The DSWD issued Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1, Series of 2020 provided guidelines and
basis by and among the DSWD, DOLE, DTI, DA, DOF, DBM, and DILG to streamline and
harmonize its various social amelioration program (“SAP”) to mitigate the socio-economic
impact of the COVID-19 health crisis.

Definition of Terms:

Target Beneficiaries
The families that belong to either the poor or informal sector which are at risk of not earning a
living during the ECQ, who may at least 1 member belonging to any of the following vulnerable
or disadvantaged sectors)

a) Informal Economy Workers – those who are independent, self-employed, small-scale

producers and distributors of goods and services:
1) Sub Minimum Wage Earners - Any person who earns a wage below the prescribed
minimum and is the sole income earner of their family (e.g. dishwashers or
helpers in carinderia)
2) Employees affected by “no work, no pay” policy and not covered by DOLE Order
No. 209, Series of 2020 or any DOLE issuance/s on adjustment measures program.
3) Stranded workers – for the purpose of these guidelines, refer to individuals
affected by work suspension or closure who are in sites or places other than their
permanent residence and unable to return home on account of the community
quarantine (e.g. construction workers stranded in their respective construction

Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Displaced/Disadvantaged Workers Barangay Ko, Bahay Ko

Disinfection/Sanitation Project (TUPAD #BKBK)
A community-based safety net program of DOLE that provides temporary wage employment t
the informal economy workers, such as but not limited to underemployed, self-employed, and
displaced marginalized workers who have lost their livelihood or whose earnings were affected
due to the community quarantine against COVID-19.

Affected Establishments
Private establishments that have implemented Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs) as defined
under DOLE Labor Advisory No. 09, Series of 2020 (i.e. reduction of work hours / work days,
rotation of workers, forced leave) or temporary closure as mitigating measures due to the
COVID-19 pandemic.

Affected Workers
Workers in private establishments whose employment face or suffer interruption due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, such as:
1) Retained workers who do not receive regular wage – Workers whose working hours
and, therefore, regular wage is reduced due to the implementation of Flexible Work
Arrangements, as defined under DOLE Labor Advisory No. 09, Series of 2020, (i.e.
reduction of work hours/work days, rotation of workers, forced leave) as mitigating
measures enforced by the employer.
2) Suspended workers - Workers whose employment is temporarily suspended by reason
of the suspension of operations of the employer’s business establishment.

Formal Sector Workers

Workers in the formal economy, regardless of status, or those who are employed by any
person acting directly or indirectly in the interest of an employer in relation to an employee.

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Any business activity or enterprise engaged in industry, agribusiness and/or services, whether
single proprietorship, cooperative, partnership or corporation whose total assets, inclusive of
those arising from loans but exclusive of the land on which the particular business entity’s
office, plant and equipment are situated, must have value falling under the following
a) Micro : Not more than PhP 3,000,000
b) Small : PhP 3,000,001 - PhP 15,000,000
c) Medium : PhP 15,000,001 - PhP 100,000,000


COVID-19 Adjustment Measures Program (“CAMP”)

CAMP is DOLE’s one-time financial assistance equivalent to Five Thousand Pesos (Php
5,000.00) provided to affected formal sector workers in lump sum, non-conditional, regardless
of employment status.
I. Procedural Guidelines
a) Eligibility - Applicant must be a private establishment that has implemented FWAs
or temporary closure due to the COVID19 pandemic.
b) Documentary Requirements - Affected establishment must submit:
a) Establishment Report on the COVID-19 pursuant to Labor Advisory No. 09,
Series of 2020; and
b) Company Payroll for the month prior the implementation of FWAs or
temporary closure.
c) Application Procedures - Applications with complete documentary requirements
shall be submitted online to the appropriate DOLE Regional Office or any of its
Provincial/Field Offices. Applications shall be evaluated by the concerned DOLE
Regional Office within three (3) working days from receipt thereof.
a) A Notice of Approval, for an approved application; or, a Notice of Denial for
a denied application shall be issued to the applicant by the concerned DOLE
Regional Office within three (3) working days through electronic mail from
the date thereof.
The concerned DOLE Regional Office shall issue the financial support directly to the
beneficiary’s payroll account through bank transfer at the soonest possible time upon receipt
of complete documentary requirements. For cash payroll, financial support shall be received
through money remittance. Upon receipt of financial support, a Notice of Completion shall be
issued to the affected establishment within three (3) working days through electronic mail.
Clarificatory Advisory on CAMP Documentary Requirements
Approved: April 6, 2020

Pursuant to Article IV Secion I(b) of the DOLE Department Order No. 209, Series of 2020, or the
Guidelines on the CAMP, this advisory is hereby issued:

In case of non-availability of payroll, affected establishments may submit any of the following:
1. Worker’s pay slip/verifiable handwritten pay slip
2. Proof of payment of wages via logbook or ledger
3. Employment contract
4. Cash voucher or petty cash voucher
5. Authority to debit account sent by employer to bank for the wage of employees
6. SSS, Philhealth and Pag-Ibig Alphalist or list of remittances
7. BIR Form 2316
8. List of employees with 13th month pay

Approved: April 30, 2020

The guidelines are issued to assist private institutions that are allowed to operate during the
ECQ and GCQ in developing the minimum health protocols and standards in light of the
COVID-19 pandemic. These Guidelines shall apply to all workplaces, employers and workers in
the private sector.

The following safety and health standards shall be implemented in all workplaces aligned with
the objectives of the minimum health standards of the DOH:

Reducing transmission of COVID-19

Prior to entrance in buildings and workplaces
a) All employers and workers shall:
1. Wear face masks at all times and remove the same only when eating/drinking.
Employers shall provide the appropriate face masks for workers. Should cloth
masks be used, the washable type shall be worn but additional filter material such
as tissue papers inside the masks may be added.
2. Accomplish daily the health symptoms questionnaire and submit to the guard or
designated safety officer prior to entry.
3. Have their temperature checked and recorded in the health symptoms

For any personnel with temperature > 37.5 0C, even after a 5 minute rest, or if
their response in the questionnaire needs further evaluation by the clinic staff,
the person shall be isolated in an area identified by the company and not allowed
to enter the premises. The isolation area should be well ventilated and must be
disinfected frequently.
Clinic staff assigned to assess the workers held in the isolation area shall be
provided the appropriate medical grade PPEs by the establishment which shall
include but not limited to:
 Face masks
 Goggles / face shields
 gloves

4. Spray alcohol / sanitizers to both hands; and provide disinfectant foot baths at the
entrance if practicable.

b) Equipment or vehicle entering the hub operational area must go through a disinfection

c) If there will be a long queue outside the office or store premises, roving officers should
instil physical distancing of one meter.

Inside the workplace:

a) All work areas and frequently handled objects such as door knobs and handles, shall be
cleaned and disinfected regularly, at least once every two (2) hours;

b) All washrooms and toilets shall have sufficient clean water and soap, workers are
encouraged to wash their hands frequently and avoid touching their eyes, nose and

c) Sanitizers shall be made available in corridors, conference areas, elevators, stairways

and areas where workers pass;

d) Workers, whether in office workstations or in operations area, shall always practice

physical distancing meaning at the minimum one (1) meter radius space (side, back and
front) between workers;

e) Eating in communal areas is discouraged. It is best to eat in individual work area and all
wastes shall be disposed properly.

If eating in individual work areas is not possible, the employer shall ensure that physical
distancing is maintained in dining areas with one worker per table and 1 meter distance
per worker. It is discouraged that workers engage in conversation with masks off during
meal times. Tables and chairs shall be cleaned or disinfected after every use of the area,
and before as well as at the end of the work day; and

f) Canteens and kitchens should be cleaned and disinfected regularly.

Minimize Contract Rate

1. Alternative work arrangements where feasible and on rotation basis. i.e.
a. Working-hour shifts
b. Work from home (WFH)

2. Prolonged face-to-face interactions between workers and with clients are discouraged
and masks shall be worn at all times and not removed. Meetings needing physical
presence shall be kept to a minimum number of participants and with short duration.
Videoconferencing shall be utilized for lengthy discussions among workers.

3. Office tables should be arranged in order to maintain proper physical distancing.

Barriers may be provided between tables.

4. Workstation layout should be designed to allow for unidirectional movement in aisles,

corridors or walkways.

5. To maintain physical distancing, number of people inside an enclosed space such as a

room, store or hall shall be limited. Elevator use should consider physical distancing and
limit the number of persons in order to observe the 1-meter physical distancing.

6. Use of stairs should be encouraged subject to physical distancing requirements. If more

than 2 stairways are accessible, one stairway may be used exclusively for going up and
another for going down.

7. Online system shall be highly encouraged to be utilized for clients needing assistance
from offices including the use of videoconferencing.

8. Roving officers shall always ensure physical distancing and observance of minimum
health protocols.

On Reducing the risk of infection from COVID-19

In the event that a worker is suspected as having COVID-19:
a) The worker shall immediately proceed to the isolation area designated in the workplace
and never remove his/her mask.
b) Clinic personnel attending to the workers should wear appropriate PPEs and if needed
should require the transport of the affected worker to the nearest hospital. Company
protocols for transport for suspect COVID-19 cases and for PCR testing, should be in
place including providing for ambulance conduction. Hospitals will report to the DOH for
c) Decontamination of workplace
1. Workplace shall be decontaminated with appropriate disinfectant (e.g. chlorine
bleaching solution and 1:100 phenol based disinfectant);
2. After decontamination of the work area, work can resume after 24 hours;
3. Workers present in the work area with the suspect COVID-19 worker shall go on
14 days home quarantine with specific instructions from the clinic staff on
monitoring of symptoms and possible next steps. If suspect COVID-19 worker has
negative result, co-workers may be allowed to report back to work.

In the event that a worker is sick or has fever but is not suspected to have COVID-19 (ex.,
urinary infection, wound infection or any diseases not related to lungs or respiratory tract) the
employer must advise the worker to take prudent measures to limit the spread of
communicable diseases, as follows:
a) Stay at home and keep away from work or crowds;
b) Take adequate rest and take plenty of fluids;
c) Practice personal hygiene to prevent spread of disease; and
d) Seek appropriate medical care if there is persistent fever, when difficulty of breathing
has started, or when he/she becomes weak.
Duties of Employers and Workers
Employers shall:
1. Provide the necessary company policies for the prevention and control of COVID-19 in
consultation with workers;

2. Provide resources and materials needed to keep the workers healthy and the workplace
safe, (e.g. masks, soap, sanitizer, disinfectant, PPEs, including COVID-19 testing kits, etc);

3. Designate the safety officer to monitor COVID-19 prevention and control measures,
such as
a. Physical distancing
b. Wearing of masks
c. Regular disinfection
d. Compliance to thermal scanning
e. Accomplishing health symptoms questionnaire

4. Enhance health insurance provision of workers;

5. Where feasible, provide shuttle services and/or decent accommodation on near-site

location to lessen travel and people movement;

6. Enjoin the hiring from the local community; and

7. Put up a COVID-19 Hotline and Call Center for employees to report if symptomatic, and
daily monitoring scheme of “suspect” employee condition.

Workers shall:
1. Comply with all workplace measures in place for the prevention and control of COVID-
19, such as frequent hand washing, wearing of masks, observe physical distancing, etc.;

2. Observe proper respiratory etiquette;

3. Coughing and sneezing into tissue or into shirt sleeve if tissue is not available;

4. Disposing used tissues properly; and

5. Disinfecting hands immediately through proper washing with soap and water or alcohol-
based sanitizer immediately after a cough or sneeze.

Are employers required to test workers for COVID-19?

Employers MAY test workers for COVID-19. Testing kits used and procured shall be the
responsibility of the employer. DOH Protocols shall be followed for the testing of workers and
interpretation of results in accordance with DOH Protocols shall be followed for the testing of
workers and interpretation of results in accordance with:

 DOH Department Memorandum No. 2020-0180: Revised Interim Guidelines on

Expanded Testing for COVID-19, 16 April 2020; and
 DOH Administrative Order No. 202-0014: Guidelines in Securing a License to Operate a
COVID-19 Testing Laboratory in the Philippines, 07 April 2020.
Company policy on COVID-19 testing shall be formulated and agreed upon by employers and
workers in conformity with the DOH protocols.

Workers with a negative test shall continue to work. They should be given appropriate advice
and instructions once they develop any health complaints or symptoms. The company OSH
personnel shall continue to monitor all workers.

Most at risk workers and vulnerable groups

For “most at risk” workers and vulnerable groups, employers are highly encouraged to adopt
work from home arrangement. In this case, work agreements should be developed to detail
the deliverables from these employees. Note that there shall be no diminution in wages or
benefits. “Most at risk” workers are those:
 Who are 60 years of age or above
 Any age with co-morbidities or pre-existing illness like:
o hypertension
o diabetes
o cancer
 With immune compromised health status
 With high risk pregnancy.

Assistance by the DTI and DOLE

DTI and DOLE shall extend assistance and technical support to all workplaces, employers and
workers in complying with the Guidelines.

Reporting of Illness / Diseases / Injuries

The employer shall provide the DOLE through its Regional Office copy furnished DOH, monthly
reporting of illness, diseases and injuries utilizing the DOLE Work Accident / Illness Report
Form (WAIR).


The Occupation Safety and Health Standards Law was formulated in In accordance to Article
168 of the Labor Code: Safety and Health Standards.

Article 168. Safety and Health Standards.

The SOLE shall, by appropriate orders, set and enforce mandatory occupational
safety and health standards to eliminate or reduce occupational safety and health
hazards in all workplaces and institute new, and update existing programs to
ensure safe and healthful working conditions in all places of employment.

The WAIR Form is a form prescribed by Labor Advisory 04-19 of DOLE requiring establishments
to follow OSH-related guidelines indicated in the Implementing Rules and regulations of the
OSH Law.

Also laid out in Labor Advisory 04-19 is the responsibility of establishments to determine their
risk classification based on the Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment and Control
(HIRAC). Levels of classification are low-risk, medium risk, or high risk.
The results of the HIRAC and the number of workers shall be bases for determining the
required minimum number of safety officers, OH (occupational health) personnel, medical
services and facilities


Occupational Safety and Health exists to protect the employees from health and safety
issues such as work-related accidents and occupational illnesses that may lead to
disability or even death.

With this, all establishments are required to report all work-related accidents and
occupational illness to the Regional Labor Office or duly authorized representative in
duplicate and a copy furnished the employee or his duly authorized representative using

The employer then must initiate an investigation regarding the work-related accident
and its investigation report must be submitted on or before the 30th day of the same
month using the prescribed WAIR form.

All deaths and permanent total disabilities shall be investigated by the Regional Labor
Office or duly authorized representative within 48 hours after the receipt of the initial
report from the employer.
Payment of Wages for the Regular Holidays on April 9 and 10, 2020 and
Special Day on April 11, 2020
Approved: March 30, 2020
(“COLA” – Cost of Living Allowance)

Regular Holiday – April 9 (Araw ng Kagitingan and Holy Thursday)

If the employee DID NOT WORK, he/she shall be paid 200% of his/her wage for that day,
subject to the requirement that he/she was present or on leave with pay on the workday prior
to the start of the ECQ on March 17, 2020.
(Basic wage + COLA) x 200%

For work done during the double regular holiday, the employee shall be paid a total of 300% of
his/her wage for that day for the first eight hours.
(Basic wage + COLA) x 300%

For work done in excess of eight hours (overtime work), he/she shall be paid an additional 30%
of his/her hourly rate on said day
Hourly rate of the basic wage x 300% x 130% x number of hours worked

For work done during a double regular holiday that also falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall
be paid an additional 30% of his/her basic wage of 300%
[(basic wage + COLA) x 300%] + [30% (basic wage x 300%)]

For work done in excess of eight hours (overtime work) during a double regular holiday that
also falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional 30% of his/her hourly rate on
said day
Hourly rate of the basic wage x 300% x 130% x 130% x number of hours worked

Regular Holiday – April 10 (Good Friday)

If the employee did not work, he/she shall be paid 100% of his/her wage for that day, subject
to the requirement that he/she was present or on leave with pay on the workday prior to the
start of the ECQ on March 17, 2020.
(Basic wage + COLA) x 100%

For work done during the regular holiday, the employee shall be paid 200% of his/her wage for
that day for the first eight (8) hours
(Basic wage + COLA) x 200%

For work done in excess of eight (8) hours (overtime work), he/she shall be paid an additional
30% of his/her hourly rate on said day
hourly rate of the basic wage x 200% x 130% x number of hours worked

For work done during a regular holiday that also falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid
an additional 30% of his/her basic wage of 200%
[(Basic wage + COLA) x 200%] + [30% (Basic wage x 200%)]
For work done in excess of eight (8) hours (overtime work) during a regular holiday that also
falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional 30% of his/her hourly rate on said
(Hourly rate of the basic wage x 200% x 130% x 130% x number of hours worked)

Special (Non-Working) Day – April 11

Approved: March 30, 2020
If the employee did not work, the “no work, no pay” principle shall apply unless there is a
favorable company policy, practice or collective bargaining agreement (CBA) granting payment
on a special day.

For work done during the special day, he/she shall be paid an additional 30% of his/her basic
wage on the first eight (8) hours of work.
[(Basic wage x 130%) + COLA]

For work done in excess of eight (8) hours (overtime work), he/she shall be paid an additional
30% of his/her hourly rate on said day.
(Hourly rate of the basic wage x 130% x 130% x number of hours worked)

For work done during a special day that also falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an
additional 50% of his/her basic wage on the first eight (8) hours work
[(Basic wage x 150%) + COLA]

For work done in excess of eight (8) hours (overtime work) during a special day that also falls
on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional 30% of his/her hourly rate on said day.
(Hourly rate of the basic wage x 150% x 130% x number of hours worked)

LABOR ADVISORY NO. 13-A, Series of 2020

Deferment of Payment of Holiday Pay for the April 2020 Holidays
Approved: April 1, 2020

This is pursuant to Article 5 of the Labor Code, as amended, in relation to Labor Advisory No.
13, Series of 2020.

On account of the existence of a national emergency, employers are allowed to defer

payment of holiday pay on April 9, 10 and 11, 2020 , as may be applicable, until such time that
the present emergency situation has been abated and the normal operations of the
establishment is in place.

Establishments that have totally closed or ceased operation during the ECQ period are
exempted from the payment of the holiday pay under Labor Advisory No. 13.
LABOR ADVISORY NO. 14, Series of 2020
Clarification on the Non-inclusion of the one-month ECQ Period on the six-month
probationary period
Approved: March 30, 2020

This advisory shall apply to all employers in the private sector who are required under Article
296 of the Labor Code, to comply with the probationary employment period not to exceed six
(6) months from the date the employee started working.

Article 296. Probationary Employment.

Probationary employment shall not exceed six (6) months from the
date the employee started working, unless it is covered by an
apprenticeship agreement stipulating a longer period. The services of
an employee who has been engaged on a probationary basis may be
terminated for a just cause or when he fails to qualify as a regular
employee in accordance with reasonable standards made known by
the employer to the employee at the time of his engagement. An
employee who is allowed to work after a probationary period shall be
considered a regular employee.

For purposes of determining the six-month probationary period, the one-month ECQ period is
not included thereof.

LABOR ADVISORY NO. 15, Series of 2020

Payment of Wages for the Regular Holiday on May 1, 2020
Approved: April 30, 2020

If the employee did not work, he/she shall be paid 100% of his/her wage for that day, subject
to certain requirements under the implementing rules and regulations of the Labor Code, or
that he/she was present or on leave with pay on April 30, the workday prior to May 1, 2020.
[(Basic wage + COLA) x 100%]

For work done during the regular holiday, the employee shall be paid 200% of his/her wage for
that day for the first eight (8) hours.
[(Basic wage + COLA) x 200%]

For work done in excess of eight (8) hours (overtime work), he/she shall be paid an additional
30% of his/her hourly rate on said day.
[Hourly rate of the basic wage x 200% x 130% x number of hours worked]

For work done during a regular holiday that also falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid
an additional 30% of his/her basic wage of 200%.
[(Basic wage + COLA) x 200%] + [30% (Basic wage x 200%)]

For work done in excess of eight (8) hours (overtime work) during a regular holiday that also
falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional 30% of his/her hourly rate on said
(Hourly rate of the basic wage x 200% x 130% x 130% x number of hours worked)

However, in view of the existence of a national emergency arising from the COVID-19
situation, employers are allowed to defer payment of holiday pay on May 1, 2020, until such
time that the present emergency situation has been abated and the normal operations of the
establishment is in place.

Establishments that have totally closed or ceased operation during the ECQ period are
exempted from the payment of the holiday pay.

LABOR ADVISORY NO. 16, Series of 2020

Interruption of Period for Filing of Application (New and Renewal) of Alien Employment
Permits (AEPs) and Private Employment Agency (PEA) Licenses
Approved: May 4, 2020

Pursuant to Section 1 of the Presidential Administrative Order No. 30 dated April 21, 2020
directing the issuance of Guidelines on the interruption of periods for the filing of documents,
this Advisory is hereby issued for the guidance of all concerned:

1. Alien employment permits (AEPs) and licenses to operate private employment agencies
(PEAs), due for renewal during the implementation of the ECQ and GCQ can be filed
within 45 days after the lifting of the same, without penalty.

2. The publication and posting of new AEP applications may be undertaken primarily in the
official DOLE website of the concerned Regional Office (RO) and/or Public Employment
Service Office (PESO), and its temporarily allowed in regions where publishers of
newspaper of general circulation are not yet allowed to operate. However, upon
resumption of operations, publication in newspaper of general circulation shall be
conducted in full compliance with requirement of the labor market test.

3. DOLE ROs may issue their own internal guidelines with regard to the acceptance of
applications for new and renewal of permits and license/authorities as they may deem
efficient subject to the period stated in Item No. 1 above. Online application is highly
encouraged, otherwise, otherwise, the social distancing requirement, and health and
safety measures, shall be observed strictly in the filing of applications for permits and
licenses and issuance thereof.

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