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Visual Text  4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt

40 % (photographs/images) All of the images are appropriate to Most of the images are appropriate Some of the images are Few of the images are appropriate to
the topic, evocative, visually to the topic, evocative, visually appropriate to the topic, the topic, evocative, visually
captivating, and show unique captivating, and show unique evocative, visually captivating, captivating, and show unique
perspectives of the theme. perspectives of the theme.  and show unique perspectives perspectives of the theme. 
of the theme. 
Typography & Semantics 
20 % (the meaning, Title and captions compliment the Title and captions compliment the Title and captions sometimes Title and captions seldom
arrangement, and appearance images and work together images and often work together to compliment the images but compliment the images and do not
of printed matter) harmoniously to reinforce the reinforce the theme.  inconsistently work together to work together to reinforce the
theme consistently.  reinforce the theme.  theme. 
20 % (how the various Presentation includes student name Presentation includes student name Presentation includes student Presentation includes student name
elements are organized) and the photo story title. Each slide and the photo story title. Each slide name and the photo story title. and the photo story title. Each slide
includes an image and includes an image and Each slide includes an image includes an image and accompanying
accompanying text. Photos are accompanying text. Photos create and accompanying text. Photos text. Photos inconsistently create
carefully sequenced to build emotion and communicate create emotion and represent emotion and may veer from subject
emotion and communicate thematically.  subject matter.  matter. 
Impression/Aesthetic Effect  Photo essay evokes strong emotion Photo essay often evokes emotion Photo essay occastionally Photo essay inconsistently evokes
10 % (the overall psychological and evidences creativity. The and evidences creativity. The evokes emotion and evidences emotion and evidences little
response to the photo essay as presentation as a whole is presentation as a whole is some creativity. The creativity. The presentation as a
a work of artistic rhetoric) aesthetically harmonious.  aesthetically pleasing.  presentation as a whole is whole is spits in the face of
aesthetically pleasing.  aesthetics. 
10 % (the universal insight Theme is clear and well-developed Theme is clear and well-developed Theme is clear and well- Theme is unclear or not well-
that is communicated by the throughout entire photo essay.  throughout most of the photo developed throughout some of developed throughout the photo
essay) essay.  the photo essay.  essay. 

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