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Xiangfen County, is located in the the Linfen basin of southern regional fault
structure is well developed, controlling faults are mostly active faults, regional
stability is poor, and because of their activities in the area led to a number of
strong earthquakes, seismic activity is Fenwei with according to the State Bureau
of Quality and Technical Supervision 2001-02-02 published national standard
(GB18306-2001) ground motion parameter zoning map, the basic intensity of
Xiangfen County Ⅷ degrees district, peak ground acceleration to 0.20 g
characteristic period of the response spectrum 0.35s.

Xiangfen County and its peripherals, with the geological background of the
earthquake, and more involved in the area of strong earthquakes in the region
Fenwei neighborhood of large earthquakes in the area, a great influence on the
case of a strong earthquake area, according Jiazhuang lower house of the
village " reconstruction Sam Shing Tower and county Seismological Bureau data
records are as follows:

1, (September 17, 1303) yuan Dade early August 2007 6 amyl Hongdong County
Zhao earthquake, magnitude 8, Sam Shing Tower: "this road (the DPRK Jinning
Road) Housing foes collapsed and broken, crushed a population of more than
two hundred and seventy thousand earthquakes frequently than held thirty-two
years is given.

2, the night of December 12 Haishi Jiajing thirty-four years (January 23, 1303),
Shaanxi Huaxian earthquake magnitude 8, epicentral intensity of 11 degrees,
involving Xiangfen Quwo, earthquakes thundering sound, three St. Tower:
"puzhou walls collapsed, seismic festivals worldwide.

3, the Longqing 5 earthquake, Sam Shing Tower: "Po, solution of two states,
collapsed houses very, xiangling second earthquake circadian more than".

4, Kangxi 34 years (May 18, 1695), April sixth days of amyl earthquake eight
epicenter for Linfen (Zhuang). Sam Shing Tower: city wall collapse and the
House (Pingyang government of the Qing Dynasty) East off government office
people Scotia, deities, temples are invariably collapsed, crushed to death men
and women twenty thousand more than the village do to death, leaving no one
person, Fushan , the District, (referring xiangling County) city and Off versa,
crushed to death men and women more than seven thousand, numerous
livestock, the area (XIN Jian Zhuang) slightly more than a hundred houses
collapsed light down those walls with Hongdong versa. bad, killing more than a
thousand men and women, the earthquake calendar several months, day and
night, more than. "

According to the Seismological Bureau of Xiangfen County seismic data shows

that more than three seismic profiles: After the liberation hsiang copies County:
June 19, 1968, nanxin store 3.7 earthquake occurred July 21, 1968 the, nanxin
shop 4.1 quake, May 7, 1972, Cao Chuang Luliangshan 3.5 earthquake
occurred, July 7, 1973, the 3.0 earthquake occurred southeast of Taosi
Township, July 28, 1979, 3.0 earthquake occurred Nangu Township , January
20, 1980, Guhan Township northeast 3.1 earthquake occurred the Chengguan
South 3.1 earthquake occurred on August 11, 1980; Cao Township 3.9
earthquake occurred on January 26, 1985, 22 December 1995 day, Guhan
Township 3.4 earthquake occurred April 1, 2005, the ancient towns Cao
Zhuangfa Sheng 3.1 earthquake, November 1, 2005 Xiangfen County 3.0
earthquake occurred. As on seismic data shows that, after the liberation of the
earthquake in more than three Zhuangfa Sheng, Cao Chengguan 2 Jiaxin 2
nanxin shop 2 times.

1.3 rock and soil engineering geological characteristics

Based on the Xiangfen County outcropping formation lithology and structural and
geotechnical properties of the characteristics of rock and soil in the region is
divided into the following types (see Xiangfen County, Shanxi Province
Engineering Rock Photos 1-5):

Rock engineering geological basic characteristics

1, the the cataclastic hard diorite, monzonite moderately weathered rock group
(π, η)

Class rock mass is mainly distributed in the the tower children mountainous area,
mainly consists of porphyritic syenite-diorite and monzonite main Yanshanian
intrusive igneous rocks, rock hard. Due to the impact of the multi-phase
structure, rock fracture, joint development. , So that the area due to the intrusion
of magma enriched with rich mineral resources, in particular, is a particularly rich
contact metasomatic magnetite. Strong therefore in mining activities in the area.
Geological disasters caused by collapse, landslide mining ground cracks, ground

2, thick-bedded, medium-karat hard carbonate rocks (∈ + O)

Class rock mass is mainly distributed in the mountainous areas along the Luliang
area, the tower children. Lithology mainly Cambrian, Ordovician, thick-bedded
limestone, oolitic limestone, dolomitic limestone, marl, calcareous shale. Hard
limestone rock mass saturated uniaxial compressive strength of 70 ~ 140MPa,
tensile strength of 3.3 ~ 7.6 MPa, the softening coefficient from 0.7 to 0.9, and
good stability. Joint fissures due to tectonic impact development, coupled with
the current limestone, dolomite increased demand within the rock group,
quarrying, mining more, arranged in many mining sites near the road, can easily
lead to collapse, landslide geological disasters.

3, thin - thick layers of hard and soft white sand with the Mud shale with coal bed
rock group (C + P + T)

The rock group, including the Carboniferous and Permian strata, mainly
outcropping in Luliang Mountain and the western tower children mountain west
and north, lithology bauxite shale, sandstone, sandy shale, limestone, coal
seam. Which Carboniferous Benxi Formation bauxite, shale, sandy shale, low
intensity, easy weathering, the bauxite water expansive deformation, mud, poor
engineering geological properties. Shanxi, Taiyuan Formation coal-bearing strata
lithology of shale, limestone, engineering geological differences, the meantime
coal mined prone to cracks and mining subsidence and other geological

Engineering geological characteristics of soil

1 soil, clay, silty clay, and sand and gravel layer multilayer (N2 + Q1 +2)
Type of soil is mainly distributed in the piedmont sloping plain area, the valley
slope zone of the Fenhe Huihe high-end places, outcrop in the the tower children
mountain top of the mountain and its valley in Tertiary Pliocene lithology is
mainly dark red, brown-red clay, cemented gravel at the bottom. Quaternary,
Pleistocene lithology mainly silty clay, silt, sand, gravel, stone layer, more
uniform soil density, vertical joints and development, general non-collapsible,
could easily lead to slope not stable to produce the type of landslides and other
geological disasters.

Loessial soil (Q3pl-al)

The type of soil is widely distributed in the piedmont sloping plain area, the top of
the loess tableland area and Fen Huihe high-end places, thick 10-20m, the most
extensive range of distribution. The lithology is mainly yellow, yellow-white loess-
like silt, sand inclusion gravels and sands of the local strata. Vertical joints in
development, with collapsible, large pore structure, can easily cause slope
instability, resulting in the collapse, landslides and other geological disasters.

3, gravel sandy soil (Q4al)

Fenhe, Huihe the bottom of the low-level areas and foothills valley, modern
alluvial fine sand, silt, and sand and gravel layer structure is loose. Easy to form
when heavy rainfall along the foothills of the valley debris flow hazards.

1.4 hydrogeological conditions

1.4.1 groundwater types

Based on lithological characteristics of the aquifer, the existing features and

groundwater hydraulic characteristics of regional groundwater divided into
carbonate rocks fractured karst fissure water clastic bedrock fissure water,
unconsolidated rock pore water four types. Loose rock pore water piedmont
sloping plain pore water, the loess tableland pore water, Fenhe terraces pore
water three types (see the Xiangfen County hydrogeological partition Figure 1-6).
Are as follows: carbonate rocks fracture-karst water (I)

Class distribution of groundwater in the basin, something both sides of the

mountain, the west side of Luliang area exposed strata of Cambrian and
Ordovician limestone rock formations overall development of mountains, fissures
and dissolve gap was monoclinic occurrence tendency to meteoric source for
direct recharge of karst groundwater leaked into the form of a spring basin loose
deposit formation the car in west fencheng, mouth a with perched Shuiquan
outcrop, little traffic, generally in about 0.01l / s.

The the basin east side of the tower children mountainous Ordovician limestone
water, part of the receiving atmosphere recharge from receiving overlying strata
vertical recharge, the limestone water level of the area elevation to 455.63-
452.41m springs outcrop, its gray rock groundwater flowing through deep runoff
migration the Fenyang Ridge direction. clastic fissure water (Ⅱ)

In the the tower children Mountains in northern and western aquifer mainly
Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic sandstone and shale, in most parts of
varying degrees of loess cover, generally in the valley bottom of the bedrock
outcropping major groundwater occur in the weathered cracks and fissures of
sandstone structure. In clastic rocks outcrop area, groundwater springs form
outcrop surface, fewer in number, smaller flows, more than 0.1-1.0l / s. Its main
atmospheric precipitation recharge, generally without long-distance runoff, and
excreted in the form of springs along the valley bottom surface, the formation of
surface runoff. Dynamic changes in spring, the water quality is good, part of the
spring dry season often dry, upper cover layer of loess permeable without
Moisture content. intrusive rock structure and bedrock fissure water zone (III)

The type of water distribution mountain towers child, hosted in igneous

intrusions, an area of little springs outcrop less, and the flow of small springs flow
only 0.1-0.21 / s loose rock pore water (IV)

1, piedmont sloping plain the pore water area (Ⅳ)

Distribution in Luliangshan tower children Mountains Piedmont inclined plains,

the aquifer lithology multi gravel, medium-coarse sand main aquifer thickness of
more than 30-40m roof depth of greater than 10m water depth of 80 -120m,
single-well standard water inflow in the 500-3000m3 / d, water-rich areas are

2, Fenhe high-end places pore water area (Ⅳ 2)

Class distribution of groundwater in Fenhe high-end area, groundwater aquifer

lithology is silty sand layer, gravel sands aquifer thickness of 10-30m, the aquifer
roof depth of more than 35-50m, single well water inflow 300 -1000m3 / d.

3, Fenhe low-level pore water area (Ⅳ 3)

Distributed in the Fen River valley, Quaternary Holocene mainly occurs in the
aquifer lithology in coarse sand layer, and pebbly grit folder gravel layer. See
from the particle thickness more than fine particles of the Fen River valley aquifer
thickness 6.5-18m, the rich water of the aquifer is generally strong, single well
water inflow is more than 1000-2000m3 / d is a strong water-rich lot.

4, loess tableland pore water area (Ⅳ 4)

Located in Xiangfen County the Fenyang Ridge area, groundwater occurrence in

the Pleistocene slope alluvial local alluvial deposits pore the aquifer lithology
multi thin layer of fine sand, the cumulative thickness of more than 5-10m local
thickness of 12m. Single well inflow 300-1000 m3 / d water depth of more in the

1.4.2 groundwater recharge, runoff and discharge

Xiangfen County terrain something low in the middle, the height difference
greater disparity diving runoff in the region is smoother, the Groundwater receive
recharge from precipitation, the groundwater body supplies as well as irrigation
supplies, one thing both sides mountainous groundwater recharge to the basin
lateral direct infiltration of precipitation recharge, the flood irrigation flood
infiltration supplies, addition leap Drainage, seventy-one Drainage into the
county to produce leakage supplies, diving area xiangling town Fen River flows
through the county as the Quaternary groundwater discharge with there the
Quaternary diving overall excretion laws on both sides of the basin to the center
of the basin runoff import Fenhe, into surface and drain away.

1.4.3 Groundwater Chemical Characteristics

The Xiangfen County water quality mainly bicarbonate type followed bicarbonate
sulfate and bicarbonate sulfate type and sulfuric acid type. Basin, east side of the
tower children mountainous, Cai Zhuang uplift, the basin west side tilt piedmont
plains, and Fenhe high-end places in most parts of diving water quality are re-
carbonated water salinity of 0.2-1g / l.

Bicarbonate sulfate water, Hexi mainly distributed in Fenyang Ridge, abundance,

Zhao Kang, and nanxin shop area, east of the river is mainly distributed in
Jiazhuang Zhao Qu and large Tang area, in addition to the Fenhe a terrace
diving in the south of Zhao Qu substantially carbonate and sulfate-type water,
the salinity of 0.5-1.0g / l.

Sulfate, bicarbonate water only with distribution in Long Quan salinity of 0.5 - 1.4
g / l sulfuric Zhao Qu the Fenhe an order phreatic water salinity of 1.5 - 3.3 g / l.

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Organizer: the Xiangfen County Land Resources Bureau technical guidance:

Linfen City Land Resources Information Center

Copyright © 2005-2010 All Rights Reserved Copyright unauthorized prohibited


Record number: Shanxi ICP 06004742 No. Designed by: Linfen City, Chen and
Technology Co., Ltd. (Tel 400-0357-001)

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