Janata Bank Marketing Mix Elements Report

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According to Philip Kotler, "Marketing is human activity directed at satisfying needs and
wants through exchange process."

According to J.F. Pyle, "Marketing is that phase of business activity through which
human wants are satisfied by the exchange of goods and services."

According to William Stanton, "Marketing is a total system of business activities

designed to plan, price, promote and distribute want-satisfying products to target
markets to achieve organizational objectives."

This definition treats marketing as one managerial function. It also suggests consumer
orientation to marketing concept. Marketing is an important socio-economic activity
with history of many centuries. It is an essential activity for the satisfaction of human
wants and for also raising social welfare. Production is the base of marketing. It
supplements production activities by distributing goods and services.

1.1 Origin of the Report
This Report is being prepared as part of the requirement of the BBA program of
Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College. Internship gives the students a change to
gain experience.

I have work under the supervision Fatema Kashem, Branch Manager of Keranigonj And
Visiting faculty at Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College.

This is a compulsory part of Internship Program. The intention was to give an

opportunity to the students to gain some real world experience by working in a practical

1.2 Objective

 Broad objective:

 The broad objective of this study is to learn about the overall marketing
strategies of Janata Bank Limited.

 Specific Objective:

 To fulfill the BBA Degree requirement of University of Development

 To present a brief outline of the functioning of Janata Bank Limited
 To determine the perception of customers to the company’s marketing mix
 To suggest steps to match the company’s marketing mix elements to
customer’s perception about them.

1.3 Methodology
The report will contain literature review for theories and qualitative research mainly.
Both primary data and secondary data will be used to prepare the report.

Primary sources of data are:

 Interview with company official.
 Interview with customer.
 Direct observation.

 Experience gained during working at 12 weeks.

For collecting of information from the customers a questionnaire was used (Appendix-
1). Sample sizes of 20 respondents were customer from Janata Bank Limited.


 Primary sources:

 Observation of banking activities.

 Conversation with employees, exports’ opinions of Janata Bank
Limited, Local office.

 Secondary sources:

 The webpage of Janata Bank Ltd.

 Daily Diary (containing my activities of practical orientation of
Janata Bank Limited) maintain by me.
 Import and Export Control Act.
 Bangladesh Bank Economic review.
 Different websites on letter of credit and remittance.

1.5 Limitation

Some limitations were faced while conducting the research and preparing the report.
These could be summarized as follows:

 Secondary information, such as, reports or research papers on this particular

issue are not very much available.
 Only publicity available information from Janata Bank Limited. Could be used for
this report. Sometimes information cannot be used due to company secrecy.
 The clients are very busy. Getting them to answer the questionnaire and
collecting information from them was difficult.
 Officers at Janata Bank Limited have tried their best to help me. However, they
are very busy during office hours and it is very hard for them to find time for me
to give information and others tips.
 During the internship period, I had to work on the jobs given to me by
management at Janata Bank Limited. This gave me little time to work on the



Overview of Janata Bank Limited Bangladesh  
2.1 Background and History of Janata Bank Ltd:

JANATA Bank Limited welcomes you to explore the world of progressive Banking in
Bangladesh. It is a state owned commercial bank and is catering the need of the mass
business people. It was corporatised on 15th November 2007. Janata Bank was born with
a new concept of purposeful banking sub serving the growing and diversified financial 
needs of planned economic development of the country. 
Our commitment and the people's belief in us have given us the edge over others to earn
this trust about the safe keeping of their money in the right kind of Banking channel.

2.2. Key Person of Janata Bank Ltd:

Janata Bank Limited, one of the state owned commercial banks in Bangladesh, has an
authorized capital of Tk. 20000 million (approx. US$ 283.33 million), paid up capital of
Tk. 5000.00 million, reserve of Tk.10823.01 million and retained surplus Tk. 5167.18
million. The Bank has a total asset of Tk. 345233.92 million as on 31 st  December 2012.
Immediately after the emergence of Bangladesh in 1971, the erstwhile United Bank
Limited and Union Bank Limited were renamed as Janata Bank. On 15th  November, 2007
the bank has been corporatised and renamed as Janata Bank Limited.    
Janata Bank Limited operates through 886 branches including 4 overseas branches at
United Arab Emirates. It is linked with 1202 foreign correspondents all over the world.
The Bank employees more than 15(fifteen) thousand persons.
The mission of the bank is to actively participate in the socio- economic
development of the nation by operating a commercially sound banking
organization,  providing credit to viable borrowers, efficiently delivered
and competitively priced, simultaneously protecting depositors funds and
providing a satisfactory return on equity to the owners.
The Board of Directors is composed of 13 (Thirteen) members headed
by a Chairman. The Directors are representatives from both public and
private sectors.
The Bank is headed by the Chief Executive Officer & Managing
Director, who is a reputed banker.
The corporate head office is located at Dhaka with 10 (ten)
Divisions comprizing of 38 (thirty eight) Departments.

Board of Director

SL. Name Designation

01 S.M. Aminur Rahman
CEO & Managing Director
02 Omar Farooque Deputy Managing Director

03 Md. Mosharraf Hossain Deputy Managing Director

04 Md. Iftikhar-Uz-Zaman Deputy Managing Director
05 Mr. A K M Ashraf Uddin Deputy Managing Director
06 Md. Alamgir Miah General Manager
Divisional Office, Dhaka North
07 Md. Aminul Islam General Manager
Local Office
08 Md. Mohsin General Manager
Divisional Office, Dhaka South
09 Md. Abu Bakar Siddique General Manager
Human Resources Division
10 Md. Awlad Hossain General Manager
Rajshahi Division
11 S. M. Masud Ul Alam General Manager
Comilla Division
12 Md. Golam Faruk General Manager
Barisal Division
13 Md. Lutfor Rahman General Manager
Sylhet Division
14 Md. Abdus Salam Azad General Manager
Janata Bhaban Corporate Branch

2.3. Key products of janata Bank Ltd:

Internship has provided the opportunity to coordinate the theoretical knowledge that one
has gathered in MBA Class with the practical field. Although three months is not a very
long period to learn the whole thing that usually occurs in an organization. The
supervisor divided this report into three parts. 1) The general banking department 2) The
Investment department 3) The foreign Exchange department.

Learning experience from General Banking Division:

The main business of this Division is dealing with Deposit. There are two types of
Deposit in this Branch and General Banking division as the following section:
1. Deposit section
2. Account Section
3. Remittance section
4. Clearing section
5. Customer Service section
6. Cash section and
7. Information Technology section

Task I Handled in this Division is

1. Opening Accounts
2. Opening Monthly saving scheme,
3. Modaraba Term Deposit Account Current
4. Deposit foreign current Deposit Account
5. Modarada short notice Deposit (STD).
6. Fixed Deposit, Steady Money.
7. Demand Draft (D.D)
8. Telegraphic Transfer (T.T)
Pay Order (PO):
Pay order is one kind of unconditional promissory note or instrument that is issued by the
Bank to the customer. The difference between check and pay order is the mode of

Demand Draft:
Demand Drafts are made for the transfer of money from one place to another in the form
of cheques through a particular Bank, which can be ensued right way. The Bank issues
DD for their outer district branches.

Telegraph/ Telephone Transfer:

When a certain amount of money is asked by the client to transfer from one branch to
another than it is called telegraph/ telephone transfer. For TT, there is a particular from.
When the form is filled up properly and deposits the amount by the applicant, the
authorized officer issued a cost memo to the application for their confirmation.

lssuing cheques Books:

Checkbook issue is a very sensitive because most of the fraud occurs through this
checkbook. Customer requiring check books to fill out requisition ship. For saving
accounts 10 pages check book issued and CD/SOD/ CC accounts issued 25 and 50 pages

Cash Section:
In clearing section the work is to clear the cheques, DD's and PO's through
Bangladesh Bank that are submitted for cash collection. Everyday morning
House another in the evening called return house. In the hose all the Banks representative
sit together and exchanges their money receive instrument of their particular bank to clear
the paper and transfer to money the paper partlcular accounts.

Type of Clearing:
There is two type of clearing
1) In-Ward
2) Out –Ward
1) In- ward:
Those Cheques or instrument of JBL, which are submitted to other banks for collections
are called In - Ward Clearing.

2) Out- Ward:
The cheques of other banks that are submitted to the JANATA for collections are called
out-ward Clearing.

Cash Section:
Cash is the main element of all financial activities. The cash section of any branch plays
very significant role. It's very sensitive place of the branch, because it deals with most
liquid assets. The Janata bank Gulshan Branch has an equipped cash section. This section
receives cash from depositors/Client and pays cash against cheques draft, payment order
and pay to slip over the counter This section deals with all type as of negotiable
instruments and in includes volt. Used as the store of cash instrument, the main functions
of the sections are cash receipt and cash disbursement.

Accounts Opening Section:

This section deals with opening of different types of accounts. It is also deals with issuing
of books and different deposit boos to the different accounts opener. A customer can
open different types of accounts through this department such as:

l. Current Account
2. Saving Account

3. Fixed deposit account (FDR)
5. Monthly saving Scheme (Money Grover)
6. Monthly income scheme (Steady money)
7. Smart saver Scheme
8. Multi plus saving Account
9. Super saving scheme
10. Education saving scheme

Janata bank gives special importance various deposit schemes are:

l. Monthly saving Scheme (money Grower)
2. Monthly income scheme (Steady Money)
3. Multi plus savings A/C
4 Super saving scheme
5. Double benefit Scheme
6. Smart saver Scheme
7. And Education saving Scheme

Current (CD) Account:

Current account is purely a demand deposit account. There is no restriction on
withdrawing money from the account. It is basically justified when funds are to be
collected and money is to be paid at frequent interval. Some Important Points are as
 Minimum opening deposit of TK.5000/- is required;

 There is no withdrawal limit.

 No interest is given upon the deposited money;

 Minimum Tk.1000/= balance must always maintain all the time.

Savings (SB) Account:
The bank provides savings account services for the ease of its clients. It offers both
personal and corporate Savings Account to its clients in every branch. Hence, there is a
restriction on withdrawals in a month. Heavy withdrawals are permitted only against
prior notice. Some Important Points are as follows-

 Minimum opening deposit of Tk.5000/= is required;

 Minimum Tk. 1000/= balance must always maintain all the time;

 Withdrawal amount should not be more than 1/4 th of the total balance at a
time and limit twice in a month.

 If withdrawal amount exceed 1/4th of the total balance at a time no interest

is given upon the deposited money for that month.

 The current rate on deposit amount is 6%.

 Closing of saving accounts will cost 300tk to a customer.

Short Term Deposit (STD) Account:

Normally various big companies, organizations, Government Departments keep money in
STD account. Frequent withdrawal is discouraged and requires prior notice. The deposit
should be kept for at least seven days to get interest. The interest offered for STD is less
than that of savings deposit. Interest is calculated based on daily minimum product and
paid two times in a year. Interest rate is 4.50%.

Call Deposits (Money at Call):

Sometime the banker secures funds from the money markets usually from other bankers
against receipt to meet his purely tepmorary shortage of funds. These debts are repayable
immediately at call. When the money market is tight such derosits attract higher rate of
interst and then to be treated as banker’s borrowings as call loans.

Account opening:

To dill with the bank individuals need to have an account first. The particulars are
essential for identification of the account holders individually so that the banker can
discharge his obligations to every one correctly and to the extent due.

Documents required for opening account

Individual / Joint Account:
1. Introduction of the account.
2. Two photographs of the signatories duly attested by the introducer.
3. Identity (copy of passport).
4. Joint Declaration Form (For joint a/c only).
5. Employee’s Certificate (in case of service holder).
□ Partnership account:
1. Introduction of the account.
2. Two photographs of the signatories duly attested by the introducer.


3. Partnership letter duly signed by all partners (Sign should be similar as stated in
Partnership Deed).
4. Partnership Deed duly certified by Notary public.
5. Registration (If any).
6. Updated Trade license.

□ Proprietorship account:
1. Introduction of the account.
2. Two photographs of the signatories duly attested by the introducer.
3. Valid copy of Trade License.

4. Rubber stamp.

Limited company:
1. Introduction of the account.
2. Two photographs of the signatories duly attested by the Introducer.
3. Valid copy of Trade License.
4. Board resolution of opening A/C duly certified by the Chairman/Managing
5. Certificate of Incorporation.
6. Certificate of Commencement (In case of Public limited company).
7. Certified (joint stock) true copy of the Memorandum and Article of Association of
the Company duly attested by Chairman or Managing Director.
8. List of directors along with designation & specimen signature.
9. Latest certified copy of Form – xii (to be certified by register of joint stock
companies) (In case of Directorship change).
10. Rubber Stamp (Seal with designation of each person)

11. Certificate of registration (In case of Insurance Company – Obtained from

department of Insurance from the Peoples Republic of BD).

Club / societies account:

1. Introduction of the account.
2. Two photographs of the Signatories duly attested by the introducer.
3. Board Resolution for Opening A/C duly certified by President/ Secretary.
4. List of Existing Managing Committee.
5. Registration (if any).
6. Rubber Stamp.
7. Permission letter from Bureau of N.G.O. (In case of N.G.O. A/C).

Savings Scheme;
 Monthly Income Scheme
 Multiplus Savings
 Smart saver
 Super Saving Scheme
 Monthly Savings Scheme (Money Grower)
 Hajj Scheme

 Corporate Finance
 Industrial Finance
 Lease Finance
 Hire Purchase Finance
 Commercial Loans
 Project Finance
 Syndicate Loans
 Retail Loans
 Mortgage Loans
 Loan against Share and Securities

2.4. Organizational Chart:




Article: 1.

1. Introduction To Marketing

of ownership of goods and services to consumers. Production will be meaningless if

goods produced are not supplied to consumers through appropriate marketing

Marketing activities are conducted through the medium of money. They are conducted
regularly throughout the world. Modern marketing is global in character. Everyone
participates in marketing activities for the satisfaction of needs / wants.

Customer is the most important person in the whole marketing process. He is the cause
and purpose of all marketing activities. According to Prof. Drucker, the first function of
marketing is to create a customer or market. All marketing activities are for meeting the
needs of customers and for raising social welfare. Marketing itself is a "need-satisfying
process". It facilitates physical distribution and creates four types of utilities viz., Form
Place, Time and Possession.

The term marketing can be given narrow or broad interpretation. In the narrow sense,
marketing is concerned with the flow of goods and services from producers to
consumers / users. This interpretation is 'product-orientation' of marketing. In the broader
sense, marketing essentially represents consumer-oriented activity.

2. Definitions of Marketing

1. According to Philip Kotler, "Marketing is human activity directed at satisfying

needs and wants through exchange process."
2. According to J.F. Pyle, "Marketing is that phase of business activity through
which human wants are satisfied by the exchange of goods and services."

According to William Stanton, "Marketing is a total system of business activities

designed to plan, price, promote and distribute want-satisfying products to target
markets to achieve organizational objectives."

This definition treats marketing as one managerial function. It also suggests consumer
orientation to marketing concept. Marketing is an important socio-economic activity with
history of many centuries. It is an essential activity for the satisfaction of human wants
and for also raising social welfare. Production is the base of marketing. It supplements
production activities by distributing goods and services.

3.Marketing links producers and consumers together for mutual benefits. It facilitates

3. Features of Marketing

1. Marketing is a regular and continuous activity: Marketing is a continuous

activity in which goods and services are manufactured and distributed to
consumers. Assembling, grading, packaging, transportation, warehousing, etc. are
supplementary to marketing and are useful for smooth and orderly conduct of
marketing operations.
2. Facilitates satisfaction of human wants: Marketing activities are basically for
satisfying the needs of consumers and also for raising social welfare.
Identification of consumer needs should be the starting point of marketing
3. Relates to goods and services: Marketing relates to goods and services. It is
concerned with the exchange of goods and services with the medium of money.
Trade transactions are between sellers and buyers of goods. Thus, goods and
services constitute the basic and the most lively element in marketing.
4. Brings transfer of ownership: Marketing activity brings transfer of ownership of
goods and services and facilitates physical distribution. Production acts as a base
of marketing.
5. Creates utility: Marketing activity creates utilities (time, place and possession)
through which human wants are satisfied.

4. Importance of Marketing

1. Satisfies Human Wants: Marketing plays an important role in the satisfaction of
human wants by maintaining regular supply of goods to consumers. It provides
better life and welfare to people by satisfying their wants and also by providing
useful goods and services which can make their life happy and enjoyable.
2. Provides profit and goodwill to marketing enterprises: Marketing is important
to marketing firms as they earn profit by conducting marketing activities.
Marketing enables a firm to expand business activities for market reputation and
goodwill. The firm can achieve its objectives through successful conduct of
marketing activities. Even new product can be introduced for consumer
satisfaction and sales promotion.
3. Facilitates specialization and division of labour: Marketing function, if
performed successfully, leads to specialization, division of labour and efficient
performance of production function climaxing in economic stability.
4. Widens markets: Marketing facilitates widening of markets through large scale
movement of goods throughout the country. Even advertising and sales promotion
techniques are useful for widening markets. They provide convenience to
consumers and profit to traders.
5. Improves the standard of living of the society: Continuous production improves
the skill of the workers. In addition, marketing process provides new varieties of
quality goods to customers. It facilitates production as per the needs of consumers
and supplies such production to consumers. This raises the standard of living of
the people. It is the marketing which has converted "Yesterday's luxuries into
today's necessaries".
6. Facilitates economic growth: Marketing brings industrial/economic growth. It
facilitates full utilisation of available natural resources. Marketing creates new
demand for goods and thereby encourages production activities. This leads to the
creation of massive employment opportunities. Thus, marketing is the kingpin
that sets revolving of the whole economy.
7. Creates new norms of socioeconomic behavior: Marketing develops new ways
of life in the society. It makes the society progressive and dynamic. National
economic policy is successfully implemented through marketing. It not only
expands the home market but tries to establish a sound base for exports.
8. Provides channels of communication to marketing firms: The marketing firms
receive continuous feedback about demand for products and services through
marketing. The three elements of marketing, namely, concentration, equalization
and dispersion with their sub processes such as buying, assembling, transport,
storage, standardization, grading, insurance, etc., facilitate quick communication
between traders and consumers. Marketing is beneficial to producers and
consumers. They get goods as per their needs and manufacturers get more profit
and consumer support.

9. Facilitates price control: Marketing facilitates price control by the

manufacturers. It brings proper balance between demand and supply and this
ensures price stability.

10. Facilitates stability to marketing firm: Marketing is one major revenue
generating source of a firm. It raises the turnover and profit of a business unit. A
firm's survival, growth and stability are dependent on its ability to market the
products efficiently. Marketing is thus one challenging function of management.
11. Brings success in business: Marketing is a major activity of every business
enterprise. If the marketing is not efficient, there will be losses and the whole firm
will come in danger. This suggests that marketing is a risky activity with equal
chances of getting profit and incurring losses. It is the successful marketing which
supports all other activities of a business unit.

5. Introduction To Marketing Mix

Marketing Mix is one of the most fundamental concepts in marketing management. For
attracting consumers and for sales promotion, every manufacturer has to concentrate on
four basic elements/components. These are: product, pricing, distributive channels (place)
and sales promotion techniques. A fair combination of these marketing elements is called
Marketing Mix. It is the blending of four inputs (4 Ps) which form the core of marketing
system. This marketing mix is marketing manager's tool for achieving marketing
objectives/targets. He has to use the four elements of marketing mix in a rational manner
to achieve his marketing objectives in terms of volume of sales and consumer support.
Meaning of the term 'marketing mix' is made clear with reference to the following points:

1. Marketing mix is the combination of four basic elements/ingredients under one

head. Product itself is the most important element of marketing mix. Price, place
and promotion are the other supporting elements. Marketing mix indicates an
appropriate combination of four Ps for achieving marketing objectives.
2. James Culliton, the American marketing expert, coined the expression Marketing
Mix and described the marketing manager as 'mixer of ingredients" as he has to
establish fair balance among the four elements of marketing mix in order to
achieve marketing targets. He is also a 'decider', 'artist' of marketing mix formula.
3. The four components of marketing mix are also called "marketing mix variables"
or "controllable variables" as they emanate from within the enterprise and the
marketing manager can use them freely as per his desire or need of the situation.
4. The elements of marketing mix constitute the core of marketing system of a firm.
It is a profitable formula for successful marketing operations.

6. Customer Oriented Marketing Mix

7. Definitions of Marketing Mix

1. According to W. J. Stanton, "Marketing mix is the term used to describe the

combination of the four inputs which constitute the core of a company's
marketing system: the product, the price structure, the promotional activities, and
the distribution system."
2. According to Philip Kotler, "A Marketing mix is the mixture of controllable
marketing variables that the firm uses to pursue the sought level of sales in the
target market."

8. Features of Marketing Mix

1. Combination of four marketing variables: Marketing mix is a

combination/integration of four basic marketing variables namely, product, price,
promotion and place. These variables are interdependent.

2. Useful for achieving marketing targets: Marketing mix aims at achieving
marketing targets in terms of sales, profit and consumer satisfaction. It is rightly
said that marketing mix is the marketing manager's instrument for attainment of
marketing objectives/targets.
3. Flexible and dynamic concept: Marketing mix is not a rigid combination of four
variables. It is in fact a flexible combination of variables. It is necessary to adjust
the variables in the mix from time to time as per the changes in the marketing
environment. It is the continuous monitoring of the marketing mix which
facilitates appropriate changes in the mix.
4. Periodical adjacent of variables necessary: Marketing mix variables are
interrelated and need suitable adjustments from time to time. Updating of
marketing mix is essential for making it a powerful tool for achieving marketing
targets. Updating is also essential due to environmental changes taking place
within the firm.
5. Marketing manager acts as a mixer of ingredients: A marketing manager has to
function as a mixer of marketing ingredients and has to achieve desired results
through skillful combination of four Ps. He needs maturity, imagination and
intelligence for appropriate blending of the variables.
6. Customer is the focus point: The main focus of marketing mix is the customer.
His satisfaction and support are important. Variables of marketing mix are for
giving more satisfaction and pleasure to consumers.
7. Variables are interrelated: Marketing mix variables are interrelated. Decisions in
one area affect action in the other areas. An integrated approach is needed while
making changes in the marketing mix variables.
8. Consumer-oriented activity: Marketing mix is a consumer-oriented activity as its
purpose is to give satisfaction and pleasure to consumers. Here, the needs and
expectations of consumers are given special attention and 4 Ps are adjusted
9. Four Ps of sellers correspond to four Cs of customers: Four Ps in the marketing
mix represent the sellers' view of the marketing tools available for influencing
buyers. Each tool is designed to deliver a customer benefit.

The sellers' four Ps correspond to the customers' four Cs as shown above.

9. Elements / Ingredients of Marketing Mix

1. Product: Product is the article which a manufacturer desires to sell in the open
market. It is the first element in the marketing mix. The product mix includes the
following variables.
a. Product line and range,
b. Style, shape, design, colour, quality and other physical features of a
c. Packaging and labeling of a product,
d. Branding and trade mark given to the product,
e. Product innovation, and
f. Product servicing.

Managing product component involves product planning and development. Here,

the decisions are required to be taken regarding product range, branding,
packaging, labeling and other features of the product. The product manufactured
for market should be as per the needs and expectations of consumers.

Product is the most powerful competing instrument in the hands of the marketing
manager. It is the heart of whole marketing mix. If the product is not sound
/attractive to the customers, no amount of sales promotion, appropriate channel

selection or price reduction will help to achieve the marketing target. Hence,
durability, quality, uses, etc. of the product are important from the marketing
point of view.

Various Aspects of Product Decisions in Marketing: In the marketing process,

various decisions regarding the product are required to be taken. Marketing will
be easy and quick if the decisions taken on various aspects of a product are
appropriate. AU such decisions need to be taken by the marketing division of the
Organisation. Such decisions should be based on current marketing environment,
nature of market competition, consumer expectations, information available
through marketing research and so on. Cooperation of other departments is also
necessary in marketing decision-making.

Production or product is rightly treated as the heart of the marketing mix.

Customers purchase a product because of its attributes, features and benefits.
These are the selling points of a product. They should be adjusted to the buying
motives of consumers. A consumer/customer considers the total package of
benefits available from the product and takes a decision to purchase the product.
This suggests that various decisions regarding the product to be marketed need to
be taken correctly. As a result, the product offered in the market will be a quality
product. In addition, it will be utility oriented, attractive, convenient, property
designed and branded. Even attractive packaging decision facilitates sales

The following aspects of a product need careful attention in marketing decision-


1. Product line and range,

2. Style, shape, design, colour, quality and other physical features of a
3. Packaging and labeling of a product,
4. Branding and trade mark given to a product.
5. Product servicing and channel of distribution.
6. Product pricing.
7. Guarantees and warranties of the product.
8. Product innovation.
9. Special features of the product from the marketing point of view.

Decisions on these aspects of a product are important as marketing is directly
related to these aspects. Sales promotion measures will be useful but their role
will be supplementary/ supportive. Such measures may not be effective if the
product to be marketed is not of standard quality or if the brand or package is not
attractive or if the product is not as per the requirements/expectations of
consumers. This suggests that decisions relating to product are important /crucial
in the marketing of a product.

2. Distribution channel (Place): Physical distribution is the delivery of goods at the

right time and at the right place to consumers. Physical distribution of product is
possible through channels of distribution which are many and varied in character.

Physical distribution (place mix) includes the following variables:

a. Types of intermediaries available for distribution,

b. Distribution marketing channels available for distribution, and
c. Transportation, warehousing and inventory control for making the product
available to consumers easily and economically.

For large-scale distribution, the services of wholesalers, retailers and other

marketing intermediaries are required. A marketing manager has to select a
channel which is convenient, economical and suitable for the distribution of a
specific product. For instance, large numbers of outlets are required for the
distribution of products of mass consumption such as soaps and oils. On the other
hand, for the marketing of speciality products like refrigerators and TV sets,
selective distribution through authorized dealers is quite convenient.

2. Promotion: Promotion is the persuasive communication about the product

offered by the manufacturer to the prospect.

Promotion mix includes the following variables:

a. Advertising and publicity of the product,

b. Personal selling techniques used,
c. Sales promotion measures introduced at different levels,
d. Public relations techniques used for keeping cordial relations with dealers
and consumers,
e. Display of goods for sales promotion.

Promotional activities are necessary for large scale marketing and also for facing
market competition effectively. Such activities are varied in nature and are useful
for establishing reasonably good rapport with the consumers.

In addition to advertising and personal selling, a manufacturer has to use other
sales promotion techniques at the consumer level and at the dealer level. The
techniques at consumer level include displays, exhibitions, discount coupons,
small gifts and free samples, attractive container and consumer contests.
Consumer psychology is favorable for extensive use of such sales promotion
techniques. After-sales services are also useful for promoting sales of durable

3. Price: Price is one more critical component of marketing mix. It is the valuation
of the product mentioned by the seller on the product.

Price mix includes the following variables:

a. Pricing policies,
b. Discounts and other concessions offered for capturing market,
c. Terms of credit sale,
d. Terms of delivery, and
e. Pricing strategy selected and used.

Pricing has an important bearing on the competitive position of a product. The

marketing manager may use pricing as a tool for achieving the targeted market
share or sales volume. Pricing can also be used for capturing market and also for
facing market competition effectively. Pricing decisions and policies have direct
influence on the sales volume and profits of the firm.


Article: 2
The 7 Ps of Marketing

By Stewart Gandalf and Lonnie Hirsch

Strategic marketing planning and analysis is an on-going process. As part of almost every
"Marketing 101" course, students are taught a basic marketing analysis principle, most
often called the "marketing mix."

The marketing mix was originally defined as the "4 Ps" - Product, Price, Promotion, and
Place. For service businesses, a fifth "P" - People was more recently added.

Still more recently, two additional important categories of strategic marketing analysis
were added to the marketing mix: Packaging and Positioning.

While many articles on the marketing mix are easily accessible, we feel that the best
article on this subject was authored by Brian Tracy. The article is reprinted below in its

The 7 Ps of Marketing

By Brian Tracy

Once you've developed your marketing strategy, there is a "Seven P Formula" you
should use to continually evaluate and reevaluate your business activities. These seven
are: product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning and people. As products,
markets, customers and needs change rapidly, you must continually revisit these seven
Ps to make sure you're on track and achieving the maximum results possible for you in
today's marketplace.


To begin with, develop the habit of looking at your product as though you were an
outside marketing consultant brought in to help your company decide whether or not
it's in the right business at this time. Ask critical questions such as, "Is your current
product or service, or mix of products and services, appropriate and suitable for the
market and the customers of today?"


The second P in the formula is price. Develop the habit of continually examining and re-
examining the prices of the products and services you sell to make sure they're still
appropriate to the realities of the current market. Sometimes you need to lower your
prices. At other times, it may be appropriate to raise your prices. Many companies have
found that the profitability of certain products or services doesn't justify the amount of
effort and resources that go into producing them. By raising their prices, they may lose a
percentage of their customers, but the remaining percentage generates a profit on
every sale. Could this be appropriate for you?

Sometimes you need to change your terms and conditions of sale. Sometimes, by
spreading your price over a series of months or years, you can sell far more than you are
today, and the interest you can charge will more than make up for the delay in cash
receipts. Sometimes you can combine products and services together with special offers
and special promotions. Sometimes you can include free additional items that cost you

very little to produce but make your prices appear far more attractive to your

In business, as in nature, whenever you experience resistance or frustration in any part

of your sales or marketing activities, be open to revisiting that area. Be open to the
possibility that your current pricing structure is not ideal for the current market. Be
open to the need to revise your prices, if necessary, to remain competitive, to survive
and thrive in a fast-changing marketplace.


The third habit in marketing and sales is to think in terms of promotion all the time.
Promotion includes all the ways you tell your customers about your products or services
and how you then market and sell to them.

Small changes in the way you promote and sell your products can lead to dramatic
changes in your results. Even small changes in your advertising can lead immediately to
higher sales. Experienced copywriters can often increase the response rate from
advertising by 500 present by simply changing the headline on an advertisement. Large
and small companies in every industry continually experiment with different ways of
advertising, promoting, and selling their products and services. And here is the rule:
Whatever method of marketing and sales you're using today will, sooner or later, stop


The fourth P in the marketing mix is the place where your product or service is actually
sold. Develop the habit of reviewing and reflecting upon the exact location where the
customer meets the salesperson. Sometimes a change in place can lead to a rapid
increase in sales.


The fifth element in the marketing mix is the packaging. Develop the habit of standing
back and looking at every visual element in the packaging of your product or service
through the eyes of a critical prospect. Remember, people form their first impression
about you within the first 30 seconds of seeing you or some element of your company.
Small improvements in the packaging or external appearance of your product or service
can often lead to completely different reactions from your customers.

With regard to the packaging of your company, your product or service, you should
think in terms of everything that the customer sees from the first moment of contact
with your company all the way through the purchasing process.

Packaging refers to the way your product or service appears from the outside. Packaging
also refers to your people and how they dress and groom. It refers to your offices, your
waiting rooms, your brochures, your correspondence and every single visual element
about your company. Everything counts. Everything helps or hurts. Everything affects
your customer's confidence about dealing with you.


The next P is positioning. You should develop the habit of thinking continually about
how you are positioned in the hearts and minds of your customers. How do people think
and talk about you when you're not present? How do people think and talk about your
company? What positioning do you have in your market, in terms of the specific words
people use when they describe you and your offerings to others?

In the famous book by Al Reis and Jack Trout, Positioning, the authors point out that
how you are seen and thought about by your customers is the critical determinant of
your success in a competitive marketplace. Attribution theory says that most customers
think of you in terms of a single attribute, either positive or negative.


The final P of the marketing mix is people. Develop the habit of thinking in terms of the
people inside and outside of your business who are responsible for every element of
your sales and marketing strategy and activities.

It's amazing how many entrepreneurs and businesspeople will work extremely hard to
think through every element of the marketing strategy and the marketing mix, and then
pay little attention to the fact that every single decision and policy has to be carried out
by a specific person, in a specific way. Your ability to select, recruit, hire and retain the
proper people, with the skills and abilities to do the job you need to have done, is more
important than everything else put together.

In his best-selling book, Good to Great, Jim Collins discovered the most important factor
applied by the best companies was that they first of all "got the right people on the bus
and the wrong people off the bus." Once these companies had hired the right people,
the second step was to "get the right people in the right seats on the bus."

To be successful in business, you must develop the habit of thinking in terms of exactly
who is going to carry out each task and responsibility. In many cases, it's not possible to
move forward until you can attract and put the right person into the right position.
Many of the best business plans ever developed sit on shelves today because the people
who created them could not find the key people who could execute those plans.


Article: 3.

Product marketing mix

The service marketing mix is also known as an extended marketing mix and is an integral
part of a service blueprint design. The service marketing mix consists of 7 P’s as
compared to the 4 P’s of a product marketing mix. Simply said, the service marketing
mix assumes the service as a product itself. However it adds 3 more P’s which are
required for optimum service delivery.

There's a lot of truth in this idea. However, a lot of hard work needs to go into finding out
what customers want, and identifying where they do their shopping. Then you need to
figure out how to produce the item at a price that represents value to them, and get it all
to come together at the critical time. But if you get just one element wrong, it can spell
disaster. You could be left promoting a car with amazing fuel-economy in a country
where fuel is very cheap; or publishing a textbook after the start of the new school year,
or selling an item at a price that's too high – or too low – to attract the people you're

targeting.The marketing mix is a good place to start when you are thinking through your
plans for a product or service, and it helps you avoid these kinds of mistakes.

Understanding the Tool

The marketing mix and the 4 Ps of marketing are often used as synonyms for each other.
In fact, they are not necessarily the same thing.

The 4Ps are:

 Product (or Service)

 Place
 Price
 Promotion

 Product/Service

 What does the customer want from the product/service? What needs does it
 What features does it have to meet these needs?
 Are there any features you've missed out?
 Are you including costly features that the customer won't actually use?
 How and where will the customer use it?
 What does it look like? How will customers experience it?

 Place

 Where do buyers look for your product or service?

 If they look in a store, what kind? A specialist boutique or in a supermarket, or
both? Or online? Or direct, via a catalogue?
 How can you access the right distribution channels?
 Do you need to use a sales force? Or attend trade fairs? Or make online
submissions? Or send samples to catalogue companies?
 What do you competitors do, and how can you learn from that and/or

 Price

 What is the value of the product or service to the buyer?

 Are there established price points for products or services in this area?
 Is the customer price sensitive? Will a small decrease in price gain you extra
market share? Or will a small increase be indiscernible, and so gain you extra
profit margin?

 What discounts should be offered to trade customers, or to other specific
segments of your market?
 How will your price compare with your competitors?

 Promotion

 Where and when can you get across your marketing messages to your target
 Will you reach your audience by advertising in the press, or on TV, or radio, or on
billboards? By using direct marketing mailshot? Through PR? On the Internet?
 When is the best time to promote? Is there seasonality in the market? Are there
any wider environmental issues that suggest or dictate the timing of your market
launch, or the timing of subsequent promotions?
 How do your competitors do their promotions? And how does that influence your
choice of promotional activity?

The 4Ps model is just one of many marketing mix lists that have been developed
over the years. And, whilst the questions we have listed above are key, they are
just a subset of the detailed probing that may be required to optimize your
marketing mix.


CHAPTER 04 (Findings)


Section Work Done No. of days

Marketing Account opening 40 days


Accounts collecting money from 20 days


Human Recourse personal counseling , 30 days
motivate people



4.1. Product Quality:

70% Customer have said that the product quality of the firm is satisfactory.12%
have said that it is neither satisfactory or not unsatisfactory.

4.2. Should the company add more items to or remove some items from its
existing product line?

40% Customer have said that the existing product line is sufficient. 35% Customer
have said that they should add more product.

4.3. The prices of the products of this firm are

40% customers have said that prices of the products high and 25% customers have said
that very much high.

4.4. If the product prices are raised will you buy less from this firm?

90% customers have said that yes and 10% customers have said that no.

4.5. If the product prices are reduced will you buy more from this firm?

65% customers have said that yes and 35% customers have said that no.

4.6. Do you think the firm is doing sufficient promotion (advertisement, leaflet,
billboards, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, etc.)?

40% customers have said that no it is doing very little promotion and 30% customers
have said that they are doing more promotion then necessary.

4.7. What is the quality of the firm’s promotion?

45% customers have said that it is not that good. 25% customers have said that it is
neither good not bad.

4.8. The Banks physical appearance, pamphlets, letterhead, etc. are attractive

40% customers have said that I do not agree with the above statement and 25% customers
have said that I am neutral about the above statement.

4.9. The employees are well dressed and smart looking

30% customers have said that I am neutral about the above statement and 26% customers
have said that I agree with the above statement.

4.10. The employees of the firm are polite and helpful.

55% customers have said that I am neutral about the above statement and 20% customers
have said that I very much agree with the above statement.

4.11.The employees of the firm are well trained and knowledgeable.

30% customers have said that I very much agree with the above statement.20% customers
have said that I agree with the above statement.

4.12. The service delivery process of the firm is user friendly.

45% customers have said that I very much agree with the above statement and 20%
customers have said that I I agree with the above statement.

4.13. How long do you have to wait to receive service?

50% customers have said that a long time and 25% customers have said that a very long

4.14. Does the organization have enough branches?

65% customers have said that it has sufficient branches and 30% customers have said that
it should have more branches.

4.15. Are the branches of organizations ideally located?

65% customers have said that the branches are neither difficult nor easy to reach and 20%
customers have said that the branches easy to reach.



The Conclusion and Recommendations are given bellow:

6.1. Product Quality ---Question 1 and 2 are about product. Here we see that 70%
customers are happy with the product. 40% customers have sent that product line is
6.2. Price Maximum cost---Question 3, 4 and 5 are about price. We see that 40%
Customers said that product price is high and product price reduce or raised 90%
customers have said that yes. So if the product price cost will decrease then maximum
customers are happy.
6.3. Promotion---Question 6 and 7 are about promotion. Here we see that 40%
customers have said that no it is doing very little promotion and 45% customers have
said that it is not that good. So promotion will increase.
6.4. Employees Physical appearance----Question 8, 9 and 10 about physical appearance
and polite. 40% customers have said that I do not agree with the above statement. 55%
customers are said that ok .30% maximum employee polite and helpful.
6.5. Trained and Knowledge----Question 11 are about trained and knowledge. 30%
customers have said that happy.
6.6. Service Process----Question 12 and 13 are about service process. Maximum
customers are said that negative think about service or delivery process. So increase
sort time delivery or receive process.
6.7. Branches-----Question 14 and 15 are about branches. 65% customers have said that
it has sufficient branches and 65% customers have said that the branches are neither
difficult nor easy to reach

Proper financial system of a country can contribute towards the development of
that country’s economy. In our country, banks have a leading power to its financial
system. Banking sector of Bangladesh consists of several nationalized and private banks.
They are doing their activities and highly contribute to the national economy. Among
them Janata Bank Limited also makes significant contribution to the economy.
With a bulk of qualified and experienced human resource, Janata Bank Ltd can
exploit any opportunity in banking sector. It is pioneer in introducing many new products
and services in the banking sector of the country. Moreover, in the overall-banking
sector, it is unmatched with any other banks because of its wide spread branch
networking throughout the country. The bank is performing general banking, Loan-
advance, foreign exchange activities etc, as a result they are mobilizing the money and do
well for the economy.

Finally, I would say that this internship at JBL has increased my practical
knowledge of Business Administration and make my BBA education more complete and
applied. In this report I got the opportunity to apply various tools and concepts that I
learned in my BBA courses.


◊ Annual Report of Janata bank 2011

◊ Different prospectus of Janata bank

◊ Yearly performance of the Janata bank

◊ Quarterly performance of the Janata bank

◊ Janata bank, Panthapath Branch Statement of affairs

◊“Marketing Professional Services” By Philip Kotler, Thomas Hayes, Paul Bloom.

◊ Cowell, Donald W.,The Marketing of Services, Heinmann Professional Publishing Ltd.

◊ Rose S. Peter (2004-05), “Commercial Bank Management”, Fifth Edition,


Internet Resources:

 www.janata bank.com.bd
 http://www.healthcaresuccess.com/articles/the-7-ps-of-
 http://www.marketing91.com/service-marketing-mix/
 http://www.marketing91.com/marketing-mix-4-ps-



1. I think that the product quality of this firm is …..
a) Very much unsatisfactory
b) Unsatisfactory
c) Neither satisfactory nor unsatisfactory
d) Satisfactory
e) Very much Satisfactory

2. Should the company add more items to or remove some items from its existing
product line?
a) The should more product
b) The existing more product line is sufficient
c) Some products should be removed from the product line

3. The prices of the products of this firm are….

a) Very much low
b) Low
c) Neither low nor high
d) high
e) Very much high

4. If the product prices are raised will you buy less from this firm?
a) Yes
b) No

5. If the product prices are reduced will you buy less from this firm?
a) Yes
b) No

6. Do you think the firm is doing sufficient promotion (advertisement, leaflets,
billboards, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, etc.)?
a) No, it is doing very little promotion
b) It can do some more promotion
c) Yes, the firm is doing sufficient promotion
d) They are doing more promotion than necessary
e) They are doing too much promotion

7. What is the quality of the firm’s promotion?

a) It is very poor
b) It is not that good
c) It is neither good nor bad
d) It is good
e) It is excellent

8. The bank physical appearance, pamphlets, letterhead, etc. are attractive looking.
a) I do not agree with the above statement at all
b) I do not agree with the above statement
c) I am neutral about the above statement
d) I agree with the above statement
e) I am very much agree with the above statement

9. The Employees are well dressed and smart looking

a) I do not agree with the above statement at all

b) I do not agree with the above statement
c) I am neutral about the above statement
d) I agree with the above statement
e) I am very much agree with the above statement

10. The Employees of the firm are polite and helpful.

a) I do not agree with the above statement at all
b) I do not agree with the above statement
c) I am neutral about the above statement
d) I agree with the above statement
e) I am very much agree with the above statement

11. The Employees of the firm are well trained and knowledgeable.
a) I do not agree with the above statement at all
b) I do not agree with the above statement
c) I am neutral about the above statement
d) I agree with the above statement
e) I am very much agree with the above statement

12. The service delivery process of the firm is user friendly.

a) I do not agree with the above statement at all
b) I do not agree with the above statement
c) I am neutral about the above statemen
d) I agree with the above statement
e) I am very much agree with the above statement

13. How long do you have to wait to receive service?

a) A very long time
b) A long time

c) Not very long or very short
d) A short time
e) A very short time

14. Does the organization have enough branches?

a) It has very few branches
b) It should have more branches
c) It has sufficient branches
d) It has too many branches

15. Are the branches of organizations ideally located?

a) No the branches are very difficult to reach
b) No the branches are difficult to reach
c) The branches are neither difficult nor easy to reach
d) The branches are easy to reach
e) The branches are very easy to reach.


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