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An Internship Report

Measuring Customer Satisfaction towards Debit Card Services of
Sonali Bank Limited

An Internship Report On
“Measuring Customer Satisfaction towards Debit Card Services of
Sonali Bank Limited”

Under the supervision of

Mr. Md. Aslam Uddin

Assistant Professor & Chairman

Department of Marketing

Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)

Submitted by
Kamrul Islam



BBA (Major in Marketing)

Summer: 2016

Date of Submission: 12.06.2016

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Letter of Transmittal
12 June, 2016
Mr. Md. Aslam Uddin
Assistant Professor & Chairman
Department of Marketing
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)
Subject: Submission of Internship Report.
Dear Sir,

With the honor to state that I am, a student of BBA, Dept. of Business Administration in
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT) submitting here with a copy of
internship report for your kind evaluation and appreciation. I have given my best effort to
prepare the report with releinformation that I have collected from Sonali Bank Limited, Branch
and from other sources during my internship program from 24-02-2016 to 24-05-2016. I have
immense plant ensure to have the opportunity to study on “Measuring Customer Satisfaction
towards Debit Card Services of Sonali Bank Limited.”. There is no doubt that the knowledge I
have gathered during the study will help me in real life.

For your kind consideration I would like to mention that there might be some errors and
mistakes due to limitations of my knowledge. I expect that you will forgive me considering that I
am still learner and in the process of learning.

Sincerely yours,

Kamrul Islm
ID No: 10111101220
Intake: 23rd
Program: BBA (Major in Marketing)
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)

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Certificate of the Supervisor

This is to certify that the internship on “Measuring Customer Satisfaction towards Debit
Card Services of Sonali Bank Limited”. It has been submitted for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Major in Marketing from BUBT, carried out by
Kamrul Islam of 23rd Intake bearing ID: 10111101220, under my supervision. To the best of
my knowledge and as per his declaration, any part of this report has not been submitted for any
degree, diploma or certificate.

He is permitted to submit the Internship Report.


Mr. Md. Aslam Uddin
Assistant Professor & Chairman
Department of Marketing
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)

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I am Kamrul Islam student of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program of

Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT). As partial fulfillment for the
requirement of the BBA program, I have to perform the internship in exploring the activities of
Sonali Bank Limited.

I hereby declare that the report is titled as “Measuring Customer Satisfaction towards Debit
Card Services of Sonali Bank Limited” prepared and completed by me under the supervision
and guidance of Mr. Md. Aslam Uddin, Assistant Professor, Chairman, Department of
Marketing and Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT).


Kamrul Islam
ID: 10111101220
Intake: 23rd
Program: BBA
(Major in Marketing)
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)


At first all praise “The Almighty Allah”, who enabled me to complete the internship report
single individual cannot able to complete the whole thing alone. I am indebted to a number of
persons for their kind advice, suggestion, direction and co-operation. With my full honestly I
would like to show my gratitude to them who helped me in preparing this report.

First, I am thankful to the Department of Business Administration, Bangladesh University of

Business & Technology (BUBT) for giving me such opportunity to the practical business world.
My warmest thanks go to Mr. Md. Aslam Uddin, my supervisor and the other of the
Department of Business Administration for providing me the opportunity to the internship

I would also like to thank to the officials of Sonali Bank Limited Mirpur-1 Branch especially
Soyad Kamruzzman-Assistant General Manager, Md. Chowdary Alom - SPO, Mrs. Mafuza–
Officer, and very special thanks goes to G.M. Mamunur Rahman –Deputy General Manager,
Head Office of Sonali Bank Limited for providing all the support in the organization. Special
thanks go to the respondents, who spared their time generously, and took the trouble of
answering my queries and helped me to complete my study.

Finally, there is the important gratitude to my parents and family members, and also to my
friends in university campus as they help participation and consultancy about BBA program.
There could be some mistake in this report. I am fully responsible for this mistaken. I hope that
of this report will consider it with kind heart.

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Table of Contents

Topic Page number

Letter of Transmittal III

Certificate of the Supervisor IV

Declaration V

Acknowledgment VI

Executive Summery XI


S.L Topic Page Number

1.1 Introduction 2

1.2 Origin of the Report 2

1.3 Background of the Study 2

1.4 Scope of the Report 3

1.5 Objectives of the report 3

1.5.1 Specific objective 3

1.6 Methodology & Source of 3


1.6.1 Data collection method 4

The primary Sources of the 4


The secondary sources of the 4


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1.6.2 Sampling Plan 4

1.7 The limitation of the report 5

Chapter TWO: Theoretical Aspects

S.L Topic Page Number

2.1 Customer Satisfaction 7

2.2 What Customer Satisfaction? 7

2.3 Analysis of Customer 8

2.4 Strategy 8

2.5 Target Customers 8

2.5.1 Marketing Mix 9

2.5.2 7p’s of Service Marketing 10

2.6 Debit Card 11

2.6.1 Debit Card Services 12

2.6.2 Protecting Debit Card 12

2.6.3 Sonali Bank Limited 13

cardholders can enjoy the

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2.6.4 Promotional Activities of Debit 14


S.L Topic Page Number

3.1 Status of the Bank 16

3.2 Principle Activities of the 18


3.3 Mission of the Bank 18

3.4 Vision of the Bank 19

3.5 Functions of Sonali Bank 19


3.6 Operational Network 20


3.7 Corporate Profile 21

3.8 SWOT Analysis 22


S.L Topic Page Number

4.1 Questionnaire Survey Analysis 25

4.2 Findings 32

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S.L Topic Page Number

5.1 Recommendation 34

5.2 Conclusion 35

Bibliography 37

Appendix 39

Executive Summery

Banking sector is one of the stable financial institutions of a country. Sonali Bank Limited has by
now attained the unique position of a leading public commercial bank in Bangladesh and a
leading financial institution in the banking sector. Sonali Bank limited is one of the fronts –

ranking public sector Commercial banks. Bank has the reputation of being the provider of good
quality services to their customer.

This report has been prepared through extensive discussion with Bank’s employees and
customers. The report will also present the current position of Sonali Bank Limited on the basis
of their performance. Necessary data and information is collected from both primary and
secondary sources. Exploratory research is done which briefly reveals the overall activities and
customer satisfaction of Sonali Bank Limited. This report is a descriptive research which is
based on both qualitative and quantitative data. Exactly 30 participants have completed
structured questions and interviews. According to the research problem, research methodology
was selected and after analyzing the data it is found that the customers are not dissatisfied with
Sonali Bank limited although there is a lot of objection among them. To increase the customer
satisfaction Sonali Bank Limited can take number of initiatives like taking initiative to eliminate
wrong information about Sonali Bank Limited Debit card, broadening internet banking, online
shopping and most importantly increase the number of ATM booth.

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