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Securing a Precious

Resource for a
Changing Caribbean:
The Jamaica Water
The Situation:
The Kingston Metropolitan Area (KMA) is water scarce which is compounded by climate change, increased population
creating a demand for more food production, drought, increased forest fires and improper farming practices. The
watershed areas which supply water to the KMA are severely degraded which hinder their ability to consistently
provide clean water, clean air food and other services. The Nature Conservancy is working to promote the use of
nature based solutions to influence a shift in community behavior and national policies, generate discussion, heighten
interest around the use of natural infrastructure to solve water challenges. To unite private, public and civil society
around a common goal to contribute to water security.
The Project Objectives:
• To establish a Water Fund for the KMA, targeting the Wag Water River
Watershed Management Unit (WMU),
• To ensure water of sufficient quality and quantity for use in the city
• To ensure a sustainable funding source for long-term protection of
water resources and biodiversity.

Geographic Scope:
The Wag Water River WMU is located in the parishes of St. Andrew and
St. Mary. The Morsham, Boar and Wag Water Rivers are located in this
WMU and feed into the Hermitage Dam.

Project Duration : 3 years

Scope of Work
• Phase 1: Complete the Feasibility and Design Phases of the Water Fund (i)
Complete the feasibilities studies (ii) Receive approval of Go or No-go Decision (iii)
Gain formal commitment (iv) Formalize governance structure for Kingston Water
Fund (v) Update Situational Analysis (vi) Develop Water Fund Strategic Plan (vii)
Complete Design Studies (viii) Establish Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (ix)
Establish 10 hectares of Pilot Projects within the identified communities.
• Phase 2: Create the Water Fund (i) Create the 1st Annual Operating Plan, (ii) Assess
Operational Readiness (iii) Launch the Water Fund.
• Phase 3: Operationalize the Water Fund (i) Develop Annual Operating Plans (ii)
Prepare Reports (periodic and annual) (iii) Implement Adaptive Management
initiatives as needed.
Contact The Nature Conservancy
Nelsa English-Johnson
Water Fund and Watershed Conservation Manager 876-754-4579

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