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Two weeks before the exams we were asked to survey 14 people from form 1-7 about the

canteen with a given “canteen survey”. The answers and information gathered have been
collected in an excel sheet and will be interpreted and analysed below.

No. of
Form Students
Form 1 3
Form 2 2
Form 3 2
Form 4 5
Form 6 2

No. of Students

No. of Students

Form 1 Form 2 Form 3 Form 4 Form 6

Results of survey:

From the data we can interprete that not many people go to the canteen regularly for food. This
might be because they pack a lunch to go to school or they don’t like the food and/or cost.

Most people buys the set menu, this is because the set menus are varied everyday and so there is
less repetition. A lot of people also buy drinks, they primarily buy water because summer is back
and they need to hydrate themselves after physical activities.
Quality of goods
Quality No. of Students %
Poor 1 7
Fair 3 22
Good 9 64
Very Good 1 7
Excellent 0 0

Quality of goods
7% 7%

21% Fair
Very Good


The quality of food varies from person to person. As shown above, 7% of people think the the
quality of food is poor, 22% of people think that the food fair, 64% think that the quality of food
is good, and 7% think the the food quality is very good. This is because people have different
tastes but also because they keep changing their set meals and might not have perfected each one
they serve, most people don’t like it.

Cost of Goods
Cost of Goods
Quality No.14%
of Students % Poor
Poor 0 0 Good
Fair 4 29 Very GoodAs seen above 14% of people
Good 8 57 Excellentthink that the cost of goods is
Very Good 2 14 very good, 29% think that the
Excellent 57%0 0 cost of goods is fair and 57% of
people think that the cost of
goods is good . Since Le Bocage
students come from families that are well-off, then it would make sense that the canteen set high
prices for food as most of us can afford it. However some people think that the food is
overpriced for the amount served. People still buy the food though as sometimes they don’t have
any better options.

No. of
Quality %
Poor 0 0
Fair 8 57
Good 5 36
Very Good 1 7
Excellent 0 0 
As shown below 57% of people think that the healthy food choices are fair, 36% say that the
healthy food choices are good and only 7% thought the healthy food choices were very good.
This is because the canteen sells amongst other things, pastries and junk food like pizza. This is
because these types of foods are liked amongst people and if there is demand then there is high
chance for the canteen to make profits.

Healthy food
Very Good
57% Excellent
Variety of Goods
Quality No. of Students %
Poor 0 0
Fair 4 29
Good 7 50
Very Good 3 21
Excellent 0 0

Variety of goods

29% Poor
Very Good


As seen above 29% of people think that the variety of food offered is fair, 50% think that the
variety is good and 21% think that the variety is very good. This means that the foods are too

People also have problems with the takeaway box, as it is a flimsy plastic container. This is
because the boxes don’t cost a lot and the canteen pays less for cost of production. It is hard to
open and people don’t like the fact that plastic is bad for the environment. The canteen could
have opted for paper takeaway boxes. The box is also big and the canteen does not make use of
all of it.


To conclude, some people use the canteen regularly but compared to the calibre of people at this
school, the canteen isn’t doing a good job of selling as much food as possible

To improve sales the canteen can make the food cheaper.

It could also experiment what foods they sell the most and sell them regularly as most people
will like it and buy it.

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