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strategy: Personalizing


The Question words are words used to ask specific information questions. These are:

● WHO? (jú) : This word is used when referring to people


Who said that? ( jú seid dad?)

Who are those men? ( jú ar dous men?)

● WHICH? (juich) : makes reference to things and exceptionally to people


Which is your lunch? ( juich is iur lonch?)

which is the road to Bogota? ( juich is de rout tu Bogota?)

● WHERE? (úer): it is used to ask a specific place


Where is you house? ( úer is iur jáus?)

Where are you? ( úer ar iú)

● WHEN? ( uén): used when asking about time


When may I go? ( uén méi ái gou?)

When will you go to the doctor? ( uén uil iú gou tu de dóktor?)

● WHAT? ( uát): used to ask about things, people and actions

What is the time? ( uát is de táim?)

What is your name? ( uát is iur néim?)

in exclamatory phrases it is followed by (a):


What a pity! ( uát éi piti!)

What pretty boy! ( uát príri bói!)

● WHY? ( uái): It is used to ask for explanations of something that happens. It is usually
answered by the word because.


why are you in bed?( uái ar iú in bed?

Because I am ill ( bicóz ái am ill)

Why do you go there? ( uaÍ du iú gu déar?)

Because my mother sent me ( bicóz mái móder sent mi)

● HOW? (jáu): wonders about the way something happens


How did you get that money? ( jáu did iú get dad moni?

How are you? ( jáu ar iú?)

Although HOW generally means like, when you ask about the age of people or the
dimensions of something, it has the meaning that


How tall are you? ( jáu tol ar iú?)

How old is your grandmother? ( jáu ol is iur grand-móder)

● WHOSE? (jus): used to find out who owns something


Whose is thit hat? (jus is dis jat)

Whose are those houses? (jus ar dous jauses?)

strategy: Summarizing


Jennifer Shrader Lawrence was born in the United States on August 15, 1990, she is 30 years old
and comes from a family of actors, that is why her profession although she was also a model.
When she was a child, she loved sports like hockey and basketball. At 14 she appeared in some
commercials for MTV.

In 2010 she acted in the movie Winter's Bone and was nominated for an Oscar. In 2012 I starred in
the movie The hunger games.

This girl is really authentic in her interviews, she is characterized by her tenderness, as an actress
she is on the right track, I hope she continues to be that authentic and smiling

Strategy: Transcribing (until minute 2)

without subtitles:

They are having a conversation about the photos that she shows him in the first photo the speech
of a boy who likes Rock the next photo the boy does not know who he is and she tells him that his
aunt Judith begins to complain and tell him who has a very large family and she asks for

with subtitles:

She is showing him photos of his family so that he learns who they are, what they like, so in the
first photo he shows his brother what he likes about classical music. He has two children and is a
doctor. In the next photo he begins to confused and says many relatives and I know he is a cousin
but he ended up being his aunt Judith after a discussion about how many children she has and he
tells her that he has up to 5 children but she replies that he has no children then shows him a photo
of his father and he doesn't know who he is finally I already explained that his family is coming in
an hour and he starts to wonder why his family is so big and why he has to learn everything about
them and she asks for forgiveness

Strategy: Mind-mapping
phrases for emergency situations

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