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Life was better when apple and blackberry were just fruits.

Technologies are now a big part of our society. Technology thus means the use of knowledge to create
something to enhance life. So, talking with people from long distance, learning something useful about
everything, listening to music, watching a movie, these are just a small part of many possibilities which
give us they. Do they also have negative points?

For example when you hear next words “apple” or “blackberry” I am convinced that the first things that
come to you mind are two of the most famous companies of devices. I can’t say that it is bad, but in my
opinion also it is not something good. Generally, our existence transforms into a virtual life. Smokers are
addicted to cigarettes, so present generations are addicted to the phones, computers, tablets etc.
Indeed, it is better for them to see a picture of beautiful places than going outside and open their eyes,
because those pictures are all around. Moreover our parents did not have such devices, they were
supposed to meet to share the news about what happened, to spend time together- now you should
just press the buttons and it is enough.

Another important disadvantage is the wasting of time. From my personal experience I can say that I am
also a victim of technologies. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube these are the names of the killers of my
time. Usually when I am online I have the feeling that it takes just some minutes but, indeed it passes
more than 2 hours. I can spare this time usefully, instead of watching useless videos, images and playing
useless games. Above all, recently I begun to spend less time with my gadgets and I should say that it is
not something bad even on the contrary, I found more time to read a book, to go to the gym etc.

To draw the conclusion, I can say that, real life has major importance, set it on the first place of you
priorities, it is pretty scary to know how quickly time flies you will never have this time again so make
most out of it, obviously - life was better when apple and blackberry were just fruits.

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