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Nature´s Questioning

1. What indicates, in the first three stanzas of “Nature´s Questioning” that the
world is old?
Hary mantenía una vision de la realidad del humano, su fragilidad, su sensibilidad,
sin hacerse cuestionamientos sobre la inmortalidad del hombre. Entonces al
hablar de la realidad del ser humano, toca el cómo el tiempo avanza y lo afecta,
volviéndolo más viejo, más experimentado, más sabio, pero también más
cansado, más aturdido por los años.

2. How does the last stanza support this?

3. The speaker mentions four aspects of the questions he imagines as being
posed by the natural world: that it was created by “some vast imbecility”, “an
automaton”, “god head dying downwards” or “some high plan”. Explain
these aspects.
4. How does the speaker view life?

1. What does the speaker find even worse than the hatred of some vengeful
god? Do you agree with him?
2. Look up the meaning of the title in a dictionary and explain how it applies to
the poem.

Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave

1. Has anyone -lover, family, enemy, or dog- really betrayed the buried girl, or
are all behaving true to life´s plans for them?
2. This poem piles arony upon irony. Which do you think is the greatest irony?

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