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30 - Letter Exchange:​ Create a series of letters exchanged between a character in the book and the author OR between 

two characters in the novel. The letters should not just summarize daily life or the plot of the text – be sure the letters 
deal with what the character learned about himself (or herself), others, or life, in general. If you choose this option, each 
character should write 2 or more full length letters (a typed page of 10 point font, double spaced for each letter), for a 
total of 4 pages of writing, minimum. 

20 - Talk Show Transcript: ​Imagine that the characters from your novel appear on a talk show (any host is fine: ​Ellen, 
Jimmy Kimmel, The Tonight Show,​ that guy that interviews all the crazy people on reality tv…). Create a conversation 
between the host and at least three characters from your novel, highlighting character conflicts that occurred in the 
book. Each character should “talk” at least three times during the transcript of the interview. If you prefer, you can get 
friends to dress up as the characters and film it. 

40 - ​Published Book Review: ​Write a review (a critical analysis which explores both the strengths and weaknesses of a 
text) and publish it on an online forum such as,, or the Book People Teen Review blog. 
Your review must be at least 400 words long, and should not focus solely on plot summary. Include commentary about the 
devices/literary techniques that shape the theme. 

10 - Astrological Signs: ​After reading brief descriptions of the astrology or sun signs, figure out which signs you think 
three of the main characters from your book were born under. Write an explanation of why you think they fit the sign, 
drawing on their actions, attitudes, and thoughts from the book. 

10 - Vocabulary list/Key terms: ​Find 10 significant words or phrases in the text that a reader must understand in order 
to understand the text and create a vocabulary list (with definitions) for a friend who might read this novel. 

Letter Exchange:​ Create a series of letters exchanged between a character in the book and the author OR between two 
characters in the novel. The letters should not just summarize daily life or the plot of the text – be sure the letters deal 
with what the character learned about himself (or herself), others, or life, in general. If you choose this option, each 
character should write 2 or more full length letters (a typed page of 10 point font, double spaced for each letter), for a 
total of 4 pages of writing, minimum. 

Dear Tita,

How have you been? San Antonino is very boring without you. Rosaura and I haven’t

been the same ever since we left. When I caught you nursing Roberto it made me fall in love

with you even more. It is like you are meant to be his mother. I know that it was hard for you to

leave Roberto. If it makes you feel any better, I think he was doing better when you were feeding

him. Don’t worry, Rosaura doesn't know. I feel horrible. Roberto loved you just as much as you

loved him. In the kitchen when I saw you, I really felt a connection Tita. I think you did too. We

didn’t even have to speak and I could feel things between us. I can’t help but share my feelings

for you, they will never change. I love you Tita. I will never feel the way I feel about you

towards Rosaura. I thought that marrying her would let me be closer to you. I realize now that it

was a mistake. When I was still on the ranch, it was so hard to see you everyday but not be able

to be with you. Mama Elena arranging for us to move here was probably best for both of us. We

won’t get into any trouble or get caught being with each other. Even just looking at you makes

me fall in love with you more. I am enjoying San Antonio, Rosaura and I are kind of growing

apart though. How are things at the ranch? I miss your cooking! The Christmas rolls and the

Chabela wedding cake you made were so good! Are things different on the ranch without us? I

bet Mama Elena is happier now that I am gone. I don’t think she ever liked me. Sending us away

was just her plan to get me away from you, even if she does say that it was just to get Rosaura
the medical help that she needs. How have you been now that I am gone? I know that you miss

Rosaura but what about me? We didn’t even get to say goodbye. I know that there is something

between us that will never go away. I hope that when Rosaura heals that we will return home and

I can continue to see you around the ranch. Maybe we can find a way to make things work

between us without causing any harm to your family. Please write back Tita.

Love, Pedro
Dear Pedro,

Hi. How are you? Thank you for writing. I missed seeing you around the ranch. Is

Rosaura doing better? I miss all 3 of y'all so much. I feel the same way about you Pedro. I know

that there is something between us that will never go away no matter how far apart we are. It’s

all my mother's fault. She always has to ruin everything. When I heard that she was forcing you

and Rosaura to move to San Antonio, I was furious. Its all because of our stupid family

tradtition. I don’t understand why I have to stay and take care of her. She has no right to do that.

Roberto and I were becoming so close. I loved him. I honestly felt like his mother too. We tried

giving him cow’s milk and tea but he rejected both of those. He would only take my milk. How

is he doing now? Can Rosaura give him milk? I have not done anything since you left. I haven't

even been cooking. I befriended a pigeon and lately, all that I have been doing is feeding it

worms. I didn’t even help Chencha make the Chorizo. Mama Elena would kill me if she ever

found out. I haven’t done anything around the house, I don’t know, I just feel helpless without

you or Roberto. Now that y'all are not at the ranch, I feel like all purpose in my life is gone. I

loved Roberto like he was my own. I cared for him more than Rosaura did. I loved you too

Pedro. I feel like now that you are not here, you and I will never have a chance to be together.

We need to find a way to get you, Rosaura, and Roberto home. Then maybe you and I can have a

chance to work. I was so mad the day and you and Rosaura got married. That was supposed to be

me and you. Federal troops raided the ranch the other day. Mama Elena told the captain that I

was dead and that Rosaura and Gertrudis lived in the United States. When I came out of hiding

after the troops had left, it really hit me how you, Rosaura, and Robert are gone. I miss you all so

much. Life was so much better when all of all were here. Until you come back, I am going to try
to start cooking again. I don’t want to do anything right now but see you. I don’t know how we

can make this work without hurting anyone in our family, especially Rosaura and the only people

that we have to get past are her and Mami. I will see you soon hopefully. Until next time.

Xoxo, Tita
Dear Tita,

I am so sorry about the ranch being intruded by the rebels. That sounds horrible. I am

also sorry that you have not been able to do anything. I know how much you love cooking and it

must really hurt you to not be able to enjoy it. I have some horrible news to share with you. I

don’t know how to prepare you for this but I know that it is going to be hard. Mama Elena

already knows so I don’t know if she has told you already but Roberto has died. Rosaura was not

able to feed him and we couldn’t find a nurse to take care of him. He passed peacefully in his

sleep. Rosaura is heartbroken as am I. I don’t know what to do. I loved him more than anything

and I know that you did too. Rosaura hasn’t come out of her room in days. All that I have heard

coming from her room for the past few days is crying. She told me that she didn’t want to see or

talk to anyone so I have been giving her her space. I had an idea though that would allow us to

move home. Mama Elena sent us here so that Rosaura could find a doctor to take care of her.

With Roberto being gone, we no longer have a reason to stay here. I am going to try to convince

Rosaura to go back home. I think being back around the people that she loves and that love her

will benefit both of us. Family is the only thing that we need right now so I'm going to try to

convince Rosaura to move back. I don't think that she will refuse so hopefully we will be back in

the next few weeks. When we come home, I want to talk about us. We need to figure out what to

do with our feelings for each other. We both love each other, I know that we always will. I just

don’t want to hurt anyone or mess anything up. I know that I can’t contain my feelings for you. I

want to be with you every second of every day. I think that Rosaura might already know about

us, after all I wanted to marry you in the first place. But I still think it is going to hurt her if she

finds out. I know that you wouldn’t want to hurt her either. Today I tried to cheer Rosaura up by
getting her flowers and making her some comfort food but it didn’t seem to make a difference. I

am looking forward to spending time with you when we get back. That’s what is really getting

me through this hard time. Whenever things get rough, like right now, I just think about you and

being with you. When I come back we need to find a spot where we can go and talk about

everything that's going on with us. How did Mama Elena deal with the news about Roberto? I

know that she loved him too. Write back! I love you and miss you Tita.

Love, Pedro
Dear Pedro,

I heard about Roberto. Mama Elena told and honestly I believe it is her fault. She is

responsible for making yall move away. I know that she didn't know that I was giving Roberto

milk but she was just so focused on not letting us be together that she wasn't even thinking about

what was best for the baby. I lashed out at her when she told me. I was screaming at her that she

is the reason that he died and she should feel horrible. That was the first time I have ever stood

up to her. It was really scary. All my emotions just came over me and I couldn’t hold them back.

When I said that she hit me with a spoon. It broke my nose. I am fine now but I am still mad at

her. She needs to think about other people's feelings. I think it was kind of worth it. She knows

how I feel now. She also knows that I don’t support the family tradition. If I ever have a

daughter, I will never do that to her. No one deserves that. Right now I am writing to you from

Dr. Brown’s house. Chencha found me in the dovecote and knew that I wasn’t ok so she took me

to see him. So far, nothing has changed. I still can’t do anything. All that I can think about is you

and poor Roberto. I can’t even stand to look and Mama Elena. When I look at her, I see

Roberto’s face. I would love it if you and Rosaura came home. If yall did then my life would

finally go back to normal. When you are away, I can’t do anything. Yesterday I sat in the kitchen

for hours trying to get myself to get up and cook but I just couldn’t. It’s too hard. All my

motivation is gone. Please let me know if you plan to come back. I can prepare a big coming

home meal to welcome you back. Also, we can’t tell everyone that we love each other right

when you get back. Everyone is still going to be recovering from Roberto’s passing. When you

get home we can figure everything out! I can’t wait to see you!

Love, Tita
Astrological Signs: ​After reading brief descriptions of the astrology or sun signs, figure out which signs you think three 

of the main characters from your book were born under. Write an explanation of why you think they fit the sign, drawing 

on their actions, attitudes, and thoughts from the book. 

Tita: I think Tita is an Aquarius. Aquarius’ are known to be very unique and independent. Tita

does not agree with her family’s tradition of the youngest having to take care of the mother. This

causes her to be independent especially after Nacha dies because they were so close. Another

trait that Aquarius’ have is that they are very analytical. Tita shows this quality by thinking about

Pedro and John in her head. She doesn’t really have anyone that she can share her feelings with

and so these thoughts consume her. Tita is also very indecisive which is a trait Aquarius have.

Throughout the whole book, Tita cannot decide between John or Pedro. She sees the good in

both but doesn’t know who to choose.

Pedro: Pedro would most likely be a Scorpio. Being obsessive, devoted, and passionate are some

qualities that Scorpios have and Pedro shows both. He is obsessed with Tita. He always wants to

meet her in the house even though he knows how bad it would be if Mama Elena or Rosaura

caught them. Pedro and Tita’s relationship is very passionate and you can tell that they really

care about each other. Scorpios are known to be very loyal which you could argue that Pedro is

not loyal to Tita but he does marry Rosaura just to become closer to Tita and throughout the

whole book he is very passionate with his feelings towards Tita.

Mama Elena: I think Mama Elena would most likely be a Virgo. Virgos are known to be

torturous, fussy, nosey, and limiting. These are all things that Mama Elena does. She kind of

tortures Tita by making her take care of her. She is very fussy towards everyone in her family,

mostly Tita. She is nosey about Pedro and Tita’s relationship because she wants to make sure
nothing is happening and she is limiting because she doesn’t allow Tita to get married. She also

doesn’t allow Tita and Pedro to marry.

20 - Talk Show Transcript: ​Imagine that the characters from your novel appear on a talk show (any host is fine: ​Ellen, 
Jimmy Kimmel, The Tonight Show​, that guy that interviews all the crazy people on reality tv…). Create a conversation 
between the host and at least three characters from your novel, highlighting character conflicts that occurred in the 
book. E​ ach character should “talk” at least three times during the transcript of the interview. If you prefer, you can get friends 
to dress up as the characters and film it. 

Host:​ Welcome back! Now we have the De la Garza family and some of their close friends here!

How are y'all doing tonight?

Mama Elena:​ We are going great! Thank you for having us here tonight!

Host: So let's get right into it. Mama Elena, how do you feel about the youngest daughter having

to take care of the mother?

Mama Elena:​ It is a long held tradition of this family that benefits us all. My great great

grandmother started it and we are still upholding it today.

Host:​ Tita?

Tita:​ I personally don’t agree with the tradition. I should be allowed to start a new life and

family instead of having to take care of my mom. Esperanza should not be forced to help out

Rosaura later in her life!

Rosaura: ​Esperanza is my child! You have no right to say what she will or will not do. I agree

with the tradition. Just because you don’t want to do it Tita doesn't mean you can just complain

the whole time.

Tita:​ If you had to do it you would feel the same way that I do Rosaura.

Host: ​Pedro, let's turn the focus towards you. How is baby Esperanza and Rosaura?

Pedro:​ We are doing great. After Roberto died, the only thing that I am worried about is making

sure Esperanza is happy and healthy!

Host:​ Tita, you recently went to live with John, your family doctor. What happened while you

were there.
Tita:​ I had experienced a breakdown and John helped heal me.

Host:​ Nothing else happened?

Tita:​ No.

Host:​ I would love to hear about life on the Garza Ranch! It really is a beautiful place.

Mama Elena:​ Why thank you! Garza Ranch has been in our family for a long time and it is just

the perfect home.

Host:​ Tita, I have heard that you are a fantastic cook. Your Christmas Rolls are known by many

people around town! What are the ingredients? Are there any secret ones?

Tita:​ Haha thank you! I use sardines, sausage, onion, oregano, serrano chiles and rolls. The only

secret I have is placing a little bit of the onion on your head when you chop it so you don’t cry!

Host:​ Wow! Sounds delicious. Rosaura, you and Pedro’s wedding sounds beautiful. What was

going through your mind on that day?

Rosaura:​ Thank you! My wedding day was a blur! I was so nervous but so excited! Tita made

the best Chabela Wedding cake ever which made the day even better!

Host:​ Pedro what were you thinking?

Pedro:​ I thought that marrying Rosaura would allow me to be closer to Tita, my real love. I felt

so bad on the wedding day. Tita looked so hurt but I didn’t want to be rude to Rosaura.

Rosaura:​ I knew it Pedro. You have always loved Tita. We shouldn’t have gone through with

the wedding.


Mama Elena(to host):​ I am so sorry for the trouble that we have caused. (to Pedro) Pedro! How

could you do such a thing in front of everyone? There was a reason I sent you and Rosaura away

and it seems it didn’t work!

Pedro:​ Tita knows how I feel and it’s time that everyone else does too. I’m sorry.

Mama Elena:​ Unexceptable!

Tita:​ Mami!! Pedro didn’t do anything wrong!

Mama Elena:​ Yes he did! Pedro is going to ruin his family! You and Pedro will never see each

other again!

Tita: ​You can’t do that!

Mama Elena:​ I will, just wait.

Pedro:​ I’m sorry Mama Elena.

Host:​ Well this concludes our segment with the De la Garza family! Thank you all for coming!

40 - ​Published Book Review: ​Write a review (a critical analysis which explores both the strengths and weaknesses of a 
text) and publish it on an online forum such as,, or the Book People Teen Review blog. 
Your review must be at least 400 words long, and should not focus solely on plot summary. Include commentary about the 
devices/literary techniques that shape the theme. 

Published on Barnes and Noble:

Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel takes place in Mexico in the early 1900’s.

The book follows Tita, the youngest member of the De La Garza family. Tita has a passion for

cooking as she spent most of her early days in the kitchen with Nacha, the cook. Tita conciders

Nacha more of a mother than her actual mother Mama Elena. Tita’s delima comes when she

likes a boy, Pedro, but her family traditions don’t allow her to marry him. Instead, Tita is

required to take care of her mother as she grows old. They portray a forbidden love when Pedro

marries Tita’s sister, Rosaura, to become closer to Tita, his true love. Tita copes with her

problems through cooking. With each new recipe that comes, there is a back story and

connection that comes with it. From Chabela Wedding Cake to Christmas Rolls (Tita’s favorite),

you will discover tons of different traditional foods. The book focuses on Mexican culture, love,

family and traditions. I liked this book because it showed a lot of strong literary devices,

specifically metaphors, and the plot is very intriguing. The devices help show a theme that

family is everything. The reader gets to know every family member of the De La Garza family

and their relationships with each other through the course of a year. The novel is a quick read

with not too complex sentences. Despite the simplicity, there is a lot of structure and many

details that help the reader connect with the characters and understand the story even better and

get a glimpse of Mexican heritage. I enjoyed the way the book was split up. Each chapter occurs

over a month. All together there are 12 chapters so the book takes place over a year. Throughout
the year, many changes take place and the reader is introduced to new characters and new

conflicts. My favorite thing about Like Water for Chocolate was the easy connections that I

could make with the characters. Every single family member has their own story and you can see

how they connect with Tita. You even get to read about some of the family secrets. I would

recommend Like Water for Chocolate to anyone looking for a quick read with tons of details.

Along with that, if you are wanting to learn more about Mexican culture or find delicious new

homemade recipes, this book is for you.

10 - Vocabulary list/Key terms: ​Find 10 significant words or phrases in the text that a reader must understand in order 
to understand the text and create a vocabulary list (with definitions) for a friend who might read this novel. 
Chorizo - ​a spicy Spanish pork sausage.

Mole - a highly spiced Mexican sauce made chiefly from chili peppers and chocolate, served

with meat.

Champandongo - a hearty meat dish, layered with tortillas (similar to the structure of lasagna),

and brought together with a rich molé poblano sauce

Zoetrope: a 19th-century optical toy consisting of a cylinder with a series of pictures on the inner

surface that, when viewed through slits with the cylinder rotating, give an impression of

continuous motion.

Don - a Spanish title prefixed to a male forename (Mr)

Dona - ​ a Spanish title prefixed to a female forename (Mrs)

Anise - a Mediterranean plant of the parsley family, cultivated for its aromatic seeds which are

used in cooking and herbal medicine.

Chiles Anchos - a Mediterranean plant of the parsley family, cultivated for its aromatic seeds

which are used in cooking and herbal medicine.

Concha - Traditional mexican sweet bread roll.

Soconusco - a region in the southwest corner of the state of Chiapas in Mexico along its border

with Guatemala.

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