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22nd century access to

health, fitness and

wellness services
Users not getting
value for money
because of
inconviniences like
accesing specific
locations and lack of

Access to any fitness
or wellness service
nearby at cheaper
than walk in rates
and a chance to
explore variety to
discover gems
Our Process
Search (Service/Location) >Book
(One Tap)>Access (In person/
video/ stream/ voice)
How It Works

User discovers a
provider on the
manyactive app and
book their services

User chooses in person

or online delivery

User rates the service

and receives an
automated statemnt on
their usage
what is manyactive app?
manyactive app is a 30 days
cycle subscription platform
for accesing health, fitness &
wellness services near you in
person, via video, voice or live

how do I get started?

To get started with manyactive,
all you need is to download the
app, create an account and
start exploring the services you

Services I can access?

Health, Fitness & Wellness
services that shows up on your
search . Book through one tap
and access any facility near
you or choose online delivery
via video or voice call

Payment methods
Pay 30% or lower for booking
through the manyactive app on
a subscitpion plan or pay 15%
less per service compared to
walkin rates
Scan To Signup

Contact Us

Free Daily Interactive

Online Classes
Sign up at
to receive daily links

Pre-app store
30% off for 6 months for
pre-launch signup

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