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[Palaeontology, Vol. 56, Part 3, 2013, pp.



by MARIA E. MCNAMARA 1 , 2 , 3
Department of Geology & Geophysics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA
UCD School of Geological Sciences, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Current address: School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1RJ, UK; e-mail:

Typescript received 19 October 2012; accepted in revised form 5 March 2013

Abstract: Colouration is an important multifunctional during diagenesis. Preservation of colour is controlled by a

attribute of modern animals, but its evolutionary history is suite of factors, the most important of which relate to the
poorly resolved, in part because of our limited ability to rec- diagenetic history of the host sediment, that is, maximum
ognize and interpret fossil evidence of colour. Recent studies burial temperatures and fluid flow, and subsurface weather-
on structural and pigmentary colours in fossil insects and ing. Future studies focussing on key morphological and
feathers have illuminated important aspects of the anatomy, chemical aspects of colour preservation relating to cuticular
taphonomy, evolution and function of colour in these fossils. pigments in insects and keratinous structures and nonmela-
An understanding of the taphonomic factors that control the nin pigments in feathers, for example, will resolve outstand-
preservation of colour is key to assessing the fidelity with ing questions regarding the taphonomy of colour and will
which original colours are preserved and can constrain inter- enhance our ability to infer original colouration and its
pretations of the visual appearance of fossil insects and functions in fossil insects and theropods.
theropods. Various analytical approaches can identify ana-
tomical and chemical evidence of colour in fossils; experi- Key words: structural colour, multilayer reflectors, mela-
mental taphonomic studies inform on how colour alters nin, pigments, taphonomy, fossil preservation.

C O L O U R is a phylogenetically important and multifunc- fossil colouration and its functional evolution. Key
tional attribute of extant animals (Hill and McGraw discoveries include fossilized melanin-bearing organelles
2006), with important roles in inter- and intraspecific (melanosomes) in feathers (Fig. 4; Vinther et al. 2008)
signalling (e.g. sexual and social display (Parker 2000; and structural colours in fossil insects from many locali-
Bokony et al. 2003; Seago et al. 2009), camouflage (Riley ties (Figs 1, 5; McNamara et al. 2012b). Recent studies
1997), UV protection (Butler et al. 2005), thermoregula- have also contributed novel methods for analysing fossil
tion (Riley 1997), sequestration of toxic metal ions colour (Figs 6, 7; Li et al. 2010; Wogelius et al. 2011;
(McGraw 2003) and as a sink for free radicals (Cesarini McNamara et al. 2011, 2012a, b), provided insights into
and INSERM 1996)). Visual evidence of colour associ- the taphonomy of colour (McNamara et al. 2011, 2012a,
ated with fossils can be conspicuous, for example metal- b, 2013a, b), constrained interpretations of enigmatic
lic colours in fossil insects (Fig. 1; Lutz 1990; Parker anatomical features (Zhang et al. 2010) and allowed
and McKenzie 2003; Tanaka et al. 2010; Wedmann et al. inferences on behaviour and evolution (Clarke et al.
2010) and colour patterning in fossil molluscs (Hagdorn 2010; Li et al. 2010, 2012; Zhang et al. 2010; McNamara
and Sandy 1998), insects (Fig. 2; Wang et al. 2010) and et al. 2011). Insects and feathers each have an important
some feathers (Fig. 3; Vinther et al. 2008; Li et al. 2010; fossil record: insects have been important members of
Wogelius et al. 2011), and can yield taxonomic and continental ecosystems since at least the Early Devonian
palaeoecological information (Blodgett et al. 1983; Turek (Grimaldi and Engel 2005); feathers, a key derived avian
2009). Despite their palaeobiological potential, such ‘col- character (Bergmann et al. 2010), were diverse by the
oured’ fossils have, until recently, received little atten- late Cretaceous and may extend to the base of the
tion. The original colouration of most fossil organisms archosaur tree (Norell 2011). Evidence of original colour
thus remains speculative (Labandeira 2005; Li et al. in fossil examples of these taxa thus has the potential to
2010; Carney et al. 2012). A profusion of recent studies inform on the evolution of colour and its functions in
on the colour of ancient insects and feathers, however, important fossil groups, and the role of colour, in par-
has resulted in major advances in our understanding of ticular visual signalling, in ancient ecosystems. Even

© The Palaeontological Association doi: 10.1111/pala.12044 557




FIG. 1. Metallic colours in fossil insects. A, leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from the middle Eocene of Eckfeld, Germany.
NHMM PE1997 003a. B, weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from the middle Eocene of Messel, Germany. SMF MeI13011. C, jewel
beetle (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) from Messel showing patterning on thorax and elytra. SMF MeI14586. D, partial specimen of a jewel
beetle from the late Oligocene of Enspel, Germany. GDKE 1996 PE 1592. E, moth from Messel with, inset, reconstruction of original
wing colours (modified from McNamara et al. 2011). SMF MeI12269. F, detail of coprolite from Messel showing well-defined moth
scales. SMF MeI11808. Scale bars represent: A, 2 mm; B–E, 5 mm; F, 5 mm.

where evidence of colour is preserved in fossils, however, Interpretations of the colours and colour patterns of fos-
it may be the result of diagenetic alteration (Klug et al. sil organisms thus require an understanding of the
2009; Turek 2009; McNamara et al. 2011, 2012a, b). processes leading to their preservation. The purpose of

FIG. 2. Monotonal colour pattern-
ing in fossil insects. A, leaf beetle
from the late Eocene of Florissant,
USA, showing symmetrical spotted
patterning on elytra. UCM 51311a.
B, unidentified bug (Hemiptera)
from the late Miocene of Oeningen,
Switzerland with, inset, detail of
area indicated showing submillime-
tre-scale spotted pattern. MCZ
14431. C, leaf beetle from the late
Eocene of Florissant, Colorado,
USA, showing banding on elytra
and abdomen. UCM 51324. D,
hindwing from the Neuropteran
Limnogramma mongolicum (Kalli-
grammatidae) from the Jurassic of
Daohuguo, China, showing promi-
nent eyespot. NIGPAS NND11021.
Scale bars represent: A, C, 2 mm; B,
5 mm; D, 10 mm.


FIG. 3. Fossil feathers showing monotonal colour banding. A, feather from the Oliogocene Creede Formation, USA, showing proxi-
mal to distal gradation in tone. UCMP 169013. B, feather from Archaeopteryx lithographica (from Carney et al. 2012) showing proxi-
mal to distal gradation in tone. MfN MB.Av.100. C, feather from the Miocene Alvord Creek Formation, Oregon, USA, showing distal
to proximal gradation in tone. UCMP 391006. D, left forelimb of the troodontid Anchiornis huxleyi from the late Jurassic Taojishan
Formation, China, showing variation in tone across the wing. BMNHC PH828 (from Li et al. 2010). Scale bars represent: A, 2 mm; B,
5 mm; C, D, 10 mm.

this paper is to review recent developments in the study 1959). Structural colours are generated by constructive
of colour in fossil insects and feathers and summarize inference when light is scattered in the visible part of
how they have transformed our understanding of how the electromagnetic spectrum by variations in tissue
colour-generating mechanisms can be recognized in the nanostructure; such biophotonic nanostructures com-
fossil record, how colours are modified by diagenetic prise materials of alternating high- and low-refractive
processes and how ‘coloured’ fossils can shed light on index and can be organized into one-, two- or three-
the ecology and evolution of ancient insects and dimensional arrays (Prum and Torres 2003). Each of
theropods. these colour-generating mechanisms is discussed in
Light visible to humans is represented by a narrow detail below.
region of the electromagnetic spectrum characterized by
wavelengths between c. 380 and 750 nm (Farrant 1997). Institutional abbreviations. BMNHC, Beijing Museum of Natu-
Certain animals, including many insects and birds, are ral History, China; GDKE, Generaldirecktion Kulturelles Erbe,
sensitive to colours in the ultraviolet (10–400 nm) Mainz, Germany; IVPP, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and
regions of the spectrum (Shi and Yokoyama 2003); rare Paleoanthropology, Beijing; MCZ, Museum of Comparative
insects (e.g. Melanophila (fire bugs; Vondran et al. Zoology, Cambridge, MA, USA; MfN, Humboldt Museum f€ ur
Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany; NHMM, Naturhistorische
1995)) are sensitive to infrared radiation (750 nm–
Museum Mainz, Germany; MNCN, Museo Nacional de Ciencias
300 lm). In addition, many insects are sensitive to
Naturales, Madrid, Spain; NIGPAS, Nanjing Institute of Geology
polarization (Land 1997). Colour-generating mechanisms and Paleontology, China; SMF, Forschungsinstitut und Natur-
in the cuticle of extant insects and feathers fall into two museum Senckenberg, Frankfurt, Germany; UCM, University of
broad classes (with some overlap, see below) (Farrant Colorado Museum of Natural History, Boulder, CO, USA;
1997). Pigments are chemical compounds that are effi- UCMP, University College Berkeley Museum of Paleontology,
cient absorbers of specific wavelengths of light; light of USA; YPM, Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, New
reflected wavelengths produces visible colour (Cromartie Haven, CT, USA.



F I G . 4 . Scanning electron micrographs of modern (A–B) and fossil (C–H) feathers. A, eumelanosomes within a barbule of a satin
bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus) feather. B, phaeomelanosomes within a barbule of a pigeon (Columba livia) feather. C, three-
dimensionally preserved eumelanosomes associated with feathers in a grebe (Podicipedidae) from the early Miocene of Libros, Spain.
MNCN-63817. D–F, feathers from the bird Confuciusornis from the Early Jurassic Jehol Group, China (modified from Zhang et al.
2010). IVPP-V13171. D, eumelanosomes preserved as external moulds. E, F, phaeomelanosomes preserved in three dimensions (E) and
as external moulds (F). G, rod-shaped feather degrading bacteria on a decaying contour feather from an extant finch (Taeniopygia gut-
tata). H, fossil feather from Paraprejica kelleri (Aves: Caprimulgiformes) from the middle Eocene of Messel, Germany, showing incom-
pletely degraded keratinous feather matrix. SMF MeV 1635a. All scale bars represent 2 lm.

GENERATION OF COLOUR IN INSECT in these taxa for which there is fossil evidence. Chemically,
CUTICLE AND FEATHERS melanins are large, inert polymers of dihydroxyindole and
dihydroxyindole carboxylic acid that crosslink strongly
Pigmentary colours with proteins (McGraw 2006); the precise structure is not
well understood (Li et al. 2012). In addition to their con-
The mechanism by which pigments produce colour is tribution to inter- and intraspecific signalling, melanins
well understood. In most pigments, absorption of light fulfil essential biological functions in metal scavenging,
occurs in specific chemical regions (chromophores) that radioprotection and photoprotection (Liu and Simon
comprise either conjugated p-systems (i.e. alternating sin- 2003; Liu et al. 2005); they also confer resistance to abra-
gle and double bonds) or metal complexes (Shawkey and sion and immune attack, including bacterial degradation
Hill 2006). In each type of chromophore, empty electron (Goldstein et al. 2004; Nappi and Christensen 2005; Gun-
orbitals are available for electron excitation (due to shar- derson et al. 2008). In most insects, melanins are dissemi-
ing of electrons between adjacent atoms); the energy dif- nated throughout the epi- and exocuticle and are
ference between the ground- and excited state for a given implicated in cuticle sclerotization (Andersen 2010). In
electron is equal to the frequency of light that is feathers, melanins occur within discrete membrane-bound
absorbed. lysosome-related organelles termed melanosomes that are
Diverse pigments occur in insect cuticle and feathers. embedded in the feather b-keratin matrix (Marks and
Melanins, carotenoids and flavonoids are common in both Seabra 2001; Fig. 4). Melanosomes are typically 470–
(Hill and McGraw 2006; Ghiradella 2009); pterins, ommo- 2000 nm long and vary in morphology according to the
chromes, tetrapyrroles, bilins and quinones can also occur chemical variant of melanin they contain: eumelanin
in insect cuticle (Ghiradella 2009), and psittacofulvins and occurs in elongate, rod-shaped eumelanosomes (usually
porphyrins, in feathers (Hill and McGraw 2006). Melanins 900–1100 nm long; Fig. 4A), and phaeomelanin, in oblate
are the most abundant and phylogenetically broadly dis- to spheroidal phaeomelanosomes (c. 470 nm long;
tributed pigments in extant insects (Liu and Simon 2003) Fig. 4B). Eu- and phaeomelanosomes impart black, and
and feathers (McGraw 2006; Ghiradella 2009; Stoddard brown to rufous, tones in feathers, respectively; melano-
and Prum 2011), and they are the only class of pigments somes that impart grey tones are intermediate in morphol-



FIG. 5. Biophotonic nanostructures in fossil insects. A–C, scanning (A) and transmission (B–C) electron micrographs of multilayer
reflectors in fossil beetles. A, fractured vertical section of cuticle from a jewel beetle (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) from the late Oligocene
of Enspel, Germany, showing laminated exocuticle (ex), epicuticular multilayer reflector (m) and vertical pore canals (arrow) traversing
exocuticle. GDKE ENS 2009 PE 5889. B, vertical section of cuticle from a leaf beetle from the middle Eocene of Messel, Germany,
showing laminated exocuticle (ex) and epicuticular multilayer reflector (m) characterized by alternating layers of high- and low-elec-
tron contrast. r, resin; s, sediment; t, trabecula. SMF MeI 15553. C, detail of epicuticular multilayer reflector (m) preserved in an
unidentified beetle from the early Miocene of Clarkia, USA. YPM 2010 P37b 005. D–G, scanning (D–E) and transmission (F–G) elec-
tron micrographs of multilayer reflectors from metallic moths from Messel; each of the nanostructures described below contribute to
the observed hue of the fossils. D, dorsal surface of cover scale showing longitudinal ridges flanked by short microribs and connected
by transverse cross-ribs. Internal laminae of the multilayer reflector are visible top left. E, dorsal surface of cover scale showing detail
of cross-ribs, microribs and perforations in the scale surface. F, vertical transverse section of two cover scales showing concave geome-
try of the multilayer reflector in between ridges (arrows). SMF MeI 11808 and MeI 12269. Scale bars represent: A–C, E–F, 1 lm; D,
5 lm, G, 500 nm.

ogy (Li et al. 2010). Melanosomes of different morphology signalling (Parker 2000; Seago et al. 2009) and are usu-
can occur within individual feathers (Li et al. 2010) and ally associated with one or more striking optical effects,
can co-occur with other pigments (e.g. carotenoids; Lucas for example iridescence (change in hue with observation
and Stettenheim 1972; Hofmann et al. 2007). In Aves, angle), opalescence and reflection that is metallic (highly
melanin-based plumage pigmentation (and its absence) is directional, near-100 per cent reflectance), ultraviolet or
evolutionarily primitive; carotenoids are considered to polarized (Vukusic and Sambles 2003; Doucet and
have several independent evolutionary origins, and other Meadows 2009). Rare matte structural colours (with
key pigments, for example psittacofulvins, unique origins probable functions in crypsis) are also known (Parker
(Stoddard and Prum 2011). et al. 1998a; Wilts et al. 2009). Biophotonic nanostruc-
tures in extant insects comprise three main classes: (1)
diffraction gratings, that is, arrays of parallel ridges or
Structural colours slits, which usually generate weak spectral iridescence; (2)
two- or three-dimensional photonic crystals with hexago-
Structural colours are the brightest and most intense nal, cubic, diamond or gyroid lattices that generate a
colours in nature (Vukusic and Sambles 2003; Parker spectrum of visual effects from dull matte colours to
and Townley 2007) and are widespread in extant insects bright opalescence; and (3) multilayer reflectors, that is,
and birds (Kinoshita and Yoshioka 2005). Such colours alternating layers of high- and low-refractive index that
function primarily in inter- and intraspecific visual usually generate bright metallic iridescence (Parker et al.

cle (Neville and Caveney 1969) or endocuticle (Hinton

1973). Brighter colours are generated in multilayer reflec-
tors with more layers; mirror-like (near-100 per cent)
reflection is achieved where there are 10 or more high
refractive index layers (Land 1972). In lepidopteran
scales, colour-producing nanostructures in cover scales
are typically underlain by melanin-rich basal scales; the
melanin absorbs light transmitted through the biopho-
tonic array, thus preventing incoherent scattering and
enhancing the spectral purity of the observed colour
(Ghiradella 1998). The role of melanin in enhancing
structural colours in the cuticle of other insect groups is
unclear; in some beetles, melanin may be associated with
the high-index layers in multilayer reflectors (Schultz and
FIG. 6. Quadratic discriminant analysis of plumage colour Rankin 1985) or may occur in a discrete layer underlying
based on the morphology of feather melanosomes (from Li et al. multilayer reflectors (Parker et al. 1998a). The evolution-
2010). Black, brown and grey dots represent data from extant
ary origins of the various biophotonic nanostructures in
birds and numbers represent samples from the troodontid
insects have been considered only for beetles (Seago et al.
Anchiornis huxleyi from the late Jurassic Taojishan Formation,
China. The geometry of melanosomes from the fossil feathers 2009) and some Lepidoptera (Tilley and Eliot 2002; Wilts
clearly lies within the range exhibited in modern birds and, in et al. 2009). Diffraction gratings and multilayer reflectors
many samples, corresponds to distinct feather colours. are considered to have multiple evolutionary origins
(Seago et al. 2009); there is limited evidence that multi-
layer reflectors are evolutionarily primitive (Tilley and
2001; Vukusic 2003; Seago et al. 2009). Multilayer reflec- Eliot 2002; Wilts et al. 2009), although this hypothesis is
tors are the most common biophotonic nanostructure in controversial (Ingram and Parker 2008).
insects, where they can occur within the epicuticle In feathers, structural colours originate via two distinct
(Schultz and Rankin 1985; Kurachi et al. 2002), exocuti- mechanisms that are each localized to specific regions of


FIG. 7. Synchrotron rapid scanning X-ray fluorescence (SRS-XRF) mapping of the plumage of Confuciusornis sanctus from the Lower
Cretaceous Jehol Group, China (from Wogelius et al. 2011). A, optical image. IVPP MGSF 315B. B, SRS-XRF map of (A) showing
concentrations of Cu (red) in the plumage, Ca (blue) in the bones, and Zn (green) in the sedimentary matrix. C–E, SRS-XRF maps of
the region indicated in (A) for S (C), Ca (D) and Zn (E). Scale bar represents 20 mm.

the feather. Quasi-ordered three-dimensional nanostruc- colour-producing array is suspected to comprise a per-
tures (with either a channel-type or microsphere architec- meable array of air plus another material, however, an
ture) occur within the keratinous medulla of barb rami expedient alternative is to immerse the fossil in media
(Shawkey et al. 2003; Shawkey and Hill 2006; Noh et al. of different refractive index; this alters the average
2010). Such keratin-air nanostructures generate bright refractive index of the colour-producing array and thus
matte colours and are underlain by a thin layer of mela- the visible hue (Mason 1927). This technique has been
nosomes; as in lepidopteran scales (see above), the mela- successfully applied to metallic scales in fossil lepidopter-
nin absorbs incoherently scattered light within the ans from Messel, in which the nanostructure in the
structure and does not serve in colour production per se scales comprises a chitin-air nanostructure. The tech-
(Shawkey and Hill 2006). Sheet-like arrays of melano- nique could also be applied to metallic scales in other
somes within barbules act as thin-film reflectors and gen- fossil insect taxa (e.g. weevils) and in fossil feathers
erate glossy black to highly iridescent colours (Doucet where colour is generated by quasi-ordered nanostruc-
et al. 2006; Yin et al. 2006; Yoshioka et al. 2007; Shawkey tures in the barbs.
et al. 2011); even slight organization can produce weakly Many fossil insects exhibit monochromatic patterning
iridescent, glossy visual effects (Li et al. 2012). The precise expressed as varying tones of brown (Fig. 2) but the ori-
hue produced is a function of the thickness of the thin gins of this phenomenon have not been investigated. It
(100–300 nm) keratin cortex that envelops the melano- is conceivable that such patterning reflects original varia-
some layer(s) (Prum 2006). Quasi-ordered and thin-film tions in cuticle thickness (Rasnitsyn and Quicke, 2002)
biophotonic nanostructures in birds are considered to and/or pigment concentrations, in particular, eumelanin
have multiple independent origins (Stoddard and Prum (Vinther et al. 2008). Colour patterning can also occur
2011). in fossil insects with metallic colours (e.g. Fig. 1C), but
has not been studied in detail. Chromatic variations in
metallic hue across a specimen presumably reflect varia-
FOSSIL EVIDENCE FOR COLOUR- tions in the thickness of the multilayer reflector; pattern-
GENERATING MECHANISMS ing consisting of alternating metallic and black regions
may reflect presence or absence of a multilayer reflector.
Hand specimens and light microscopy Interpretations of patterning in fossil insects are most
robust where specimens exhibit features that occur (and
Fossil insects and feathers can manifest evidence for col- have known visual functions) in extant insects, for exam-
our in hand specimen, for example metallic colours and/ ple symmetry systems (i.e. mirror images in paired tis-
or tonal (monochromatic) patterning. Metallic reflection sues such as insect wings), disruptive markings or
is evidence of structural colour (Parker et al. 1998a) and eyespots (Heads et al. 2005; Wang et al. 2010). Rare sub-
is known in fossil insects from many Cenozoic localities fossil and Miocene insect specimens exhibit patches of
(Fig. 1; McNamara et al. 2012b and references therein). dull red to yellow colouration when freshly exposed, but
Analysis of samples of cuticle from metallic fossil insects these colours fade rapidly upon exposure to sunlight and
using electron microscopy and mathematical modelling air; this process may reflect oxidation of partially
confirms that the preserved colours in these specimens degraded carotenoid-based pigments (Rasnitsyn and
are structural in origin (Parker and McKenzie 2003; Quicke 2002).
Tanaka et al. 2010; McNamara et al. 2012b). Barbules in Tonal variation is also known in fossil feathers, both
a single fossil feather from Messel (middle Eocene, Ger- within individual feathers (Fig. 3A–C; Vinther et al. 2008;
many) exhibit a silvery metallic sheen (Vinther et al. Li et al. 2010; Barden et al. 2011; Wogelius et al. 2011;
2010); preserved ultrastructural evidence (see below) Carney et al. 2012) and among feathers from an individ-
strongly suggests that the feather is structurally coloured ual specimen (Fig. 3D; Li et al. 2010); this patterning can
(Vinther et al. 2010). The striking red-brown and violet relate, at least in part, to variation in melanin-based hues
hues of the feather barbs and rami may reflect diage- (Vinther et al. 2008; Li et al. 2010, 2012; Barden et al.
netic incorporation of metals, especially Fe, into feather 2011; Wogelius et al. 2011; Carney et al. 2012). Patterning
melanosomes (Vinther et al. 2010). Metallic hues may within individual barbules of fossil feathers can closely
also form during diagenesis of other organic tissues: fos- resemble melanin-based patterns in modern feathers and
sil graptolites associated with clay minerals can exhibit can aid interpretation of feather microstructures (McKel-
blue colours (U. Farrell, pers. comm. 2012), possibly lar et al. 2011). Survival of biological patterning can be
due to light scattering from tectonically aligned clay reasonably inferred in fossil feathers where the margins of
minerals. Whether or not preserved metallic colours are different colour bands match isochronic sections in pig-
structural in origin can be tested using electron micros- mentary patterning in modern feathers (Vinther et al.
copy and computer modelling (see below). Where the 2008).

Fossils with metallic colours and colour patterns in Electron microscopy

hand specimens are obvious targets for studies of fossil
colours, but monotonal fossils may also yield evidence Electron microscopic imaging of preserved anatomical
of colour. Indeed, many fossil feathers lack obvious detail is critical to identification of colour-producing
variations in tone but exhibit ultrastructural or chemi- structures in fossil feathers (Fig. 4) and insects (Fig. 5).
cal evidence of colour (see below). Further, recent taph- Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) cannot distinguish
onomic experiments using extant structurally coloured between multilayer reflectors and other laminated regions
insects demonstrate that ultrastructural evidence of of cuticle in extant and fossil insects (Fig. 5A). Transmis-
biophotonic nanostructures can endure the effects of sion electron microscopy (TEM) of multilayer reflectors in
burial even where visible evidence of structural colour extant insects, however, reveals a characteristic ‘barcode’
is degraded (Fig. 8; McNamara et al. 2013a; see ‘The pattern of alternating layers (each c. 100–150 nm thick) of
fate of original colours’, below). Fossils that lack obvi- high- and low-electron contrast (Fig. 5B–C, F–G). The
ous colour thus have the potential to provide key high- and low-contrast layers are assumed to represent lay-
insights into the evolution of structural colour and ers of high- and low-refractive index, but their precise
behaviour. chemical composition and refractive index is notoriously
difficult to assess (Noyes et al. 2007). Identification of a
‘barcode’ pattern in TEM images of a laminated structure
in fossil insect cuticle is a strong indicator of a fossil mul-
tilayer reflector (Parker and McKenzie 2003; Tanaka et al.
2010; McNamara et al. 2011, 2012b), but unequivocal
determination of this requires mathematical modelling
(see below). SEM is also useful for determining the pres-
ence of other ultrastructures capable of producing or mod-
ifying colour. SEM imaging of structurally coloured scales
in fossil lepidopterans from Messel revealed evidence of a
fossil multilayer reflector and various colour-modifying ul-
trastructures (Fig. 5D–G); the latter produce visual effects
D E that are ecologically significant (McNamara et al. 2011).
SEM has the potential to reveal preserved remains of other
biophotonic nanostructures in fossil insects, for example
diffraction gratings and three-dimensional photonic crys-
tals. Diffraction gratings with a postulated anti-reflective
function are known from fossil flies hosted in amber (Par-
ker et al. 1998b; Tanaka et al. 2009) and have been
reported in arthropods from the Cambrian (Parker 1998),
but examples of three-dimensional photonic crystals have
F H not yet been reported in the fossil record.
Scanning electron microscopy imaging of many fossil
feathers reveals ovoid to rod-shaped microstructures that
can be closely spaced and aligned parallel to the barb or
barbule long axis (Fig. 4B–F; Vinther et al. 2008). Such
microstructures were originally interpreted as the fossil-
G ized remains of keratinophilic decay bacteria preserved in
three dimensions via rapid replacement by authigenic
minerals (Wuttke 1983), but were reinterpreted recently
as the decay-resistant remains of feather melanosomes
F I G . 8 . Maturation experiments using the jewel beetle Chrys-
(Vinther et al. 2008). Melanosomes and many bacteria
ochroa raja (Coleoptera: Buprestidae; modified from McNamara
(e.g. Fig. 4G) are similar in gross morphology and size
et al. 2013a). A, untreated specimen. B–E, light micrographs of
cuticle from untreated (B) and experimentally decayed (C) spec-
(Davis and Briggs 1995; Vinther et al. 2008; Zhang et al.
imens, and specimens experimentally matured at 200°C, 500 bar 2010; Knight et al. 2011); reinterpretation of the fossil
(D) and 270°C, 500 bar (E). F–G, transmission electron micro- microstructures as preserved melanosomes is therefore
graphs of untreated (F) cuticles and cuticles matured at 270°C, based on several arguments relating to their spatial orga-
500 bar (G). H, reflectance spectra for cuticles in (A), (D) and nization and location within the feather. A melanosome
(E). Scale bars represent: A, 10 mm; B–E, 1 mm; F–G, 1 lm. interpretation is supported where the fossil microstruc-

tures exhibit most or all of the following features: (1) tance spectra generated using this technique are compared
location within, or envelopment by, an organic matrix with observed reflectance spectra measured from the sur-
(presumably the degraded remains of the feather keratin), face of the fossil to assess whether the putative biophotonic
that is, the structures are internal to the feather and are nanostructure in the fossil can produce the observed hue.
not external films of decay bacteria that grew on the The 2D Fourier transform uses direct observations of
feather tissue during diagenesis (Zhang et al. 2010); (2) spatial variation in refractive index rather than idealized or
preferential location, or at least high abundance, within average values and can be applied to all types of biopho-
dark regions of fossil feathers (Vinther et al. 2008; Barden tonic nanostructure, not just laminar arrays (Prum and
et al. 2011); (3) dense packing, forming a discrete uni- Torres 2003); it has been used to analyse colour-producing
form surficial layer (e.g. Vinther et al. 2010) as in the structures in extant insects, birds and mammals (Prum
barbules of extant birds (Shawkey et al. 2006); and (4) and Torres 2003; Shawkey et al. 2009; Noh et al. 2010).
diagnostic nanoscale organizations, for example alignment Digital TEM micrographs of cuticle are analysed using a
parallel to the barb long axis (Knight et al. 2011) that 2D Fourier tool that is freely available (http://www.yale.
cannot be generated by bacteria (Vinther et al. 2010; Li edu/eeb/prum/fourier.htm) and implemented in the
et al. 2012). Despite increasing evidence for the preserva- matrix algebra program MATLAB. The tool uses the distri-
tion of melanosomes and melanin within theropods and bution of lighter and darker areas in the TEM image (and
other fossil groups (Glass et al. 2012; Lindgren et al. therefore the distribution of materials of different refractive
2012), interpretation of the fossil microstructures as pre- index) to estimate the average refractive index of the struc-
served feather melanosomes (and thus survival of the pig- ture. 2D fast Fourier transform analyses of spatial variation
ment melanin on geological timescales) is not universally in refractive index generate radial averages of Fourier
accepted on the basis of microstructure alone (Schweitzer power spectra (useful for assessing whether a particular
2011; Glass et al. 2012). Some authors have proposed that structure can produce visible wavelengths) and predicted
the fossil microstructures represent melanosomes released reflectance spectra. This technique has been applied suc-
from the skin of the animals during decay (Lingham- cessfully to cuticular nanostructures in fossil insects from
Soliar and Plodowski 2010) or the degraded remains of several localities (McNamara et al. 2011, 2012b).
structural collagen or keratin (Lingham-Soliar 2011). Studies of the colouration of fossil feathers have used
Interpretations of fossil melanosomes may be more reli- statistical analysis of the morphology of fossil melano-
able where they are supported by chemical evidence of somes to predict colour within certain confidence inter-
melanin survival (Schweitzer 2011; Wogelius et al. 2011; vals (Clarke et al. 2010; Li et al. 2010, 2012; Carney et al.
see below). Some fossil feathers retain three-dimensional 2012). These analyses were based on a data set of melano-
details of keratinous feather structures (e.g. Fig. 4H), somes from a phylogenetically diverse sample of extant
which are obvious targets for the recovery of nonmelanin bird feathers with melanin pigmentation (Li et al. 2010,
feather pigments and biophotonic nanostructures. 2012; Clarke et al. 2010). The data set included parame-
ters such as long-axis, short-axis, long- and short-axis
skew, long- and short-axis variation, aspect ratio and
Modelling and statistics ‘density’ (i.e. number of melanosomes per unit area).
Data on these aspects of the morphology and packing of
Identification of biophotonic nanostructures in fossil fossil melanosomes were compared with the data set of
insects is contingent upon optical modelling of nanostruc- modern samples using quadratic discriminant analysis, a
tures within the cuticle. In extant insects, coherent scatter- statistical technique that estimates the probability with
ing can be analysed using various techniques, in particular, which unknown samples can be classified correctly using
the matrix method of Macleod (1969) and applications of data on known samples (Li et al. 2012). In each study,
the discrete 2D Fourier transform (Prum and Torres forward stepwise analysis was used to determine which
2003). The matrix method is a powerful technique that melanosome parameters contributed significantly to the
calculates the optical properties of laminar nanostructures; analysis. Different combinations of parameters were sig-
average values for the thickness of each layer (measured nificant in different studies (aspect ratio and density in
from TEM images), and estimates of each layer’s refractive the troodontid paravian Anchiornis (Fig. 6; Li et al.
index, are used to generate a characteristic matrix for each 2010); long-axis variation, short-axis skew, aspect ratio
lamina (Macleod 1969). Matrices are then analysed using and density in the fossil penguin Inkayacu (Clarke et al.
purpose-built software, for example TFCalc (Software 2010); and aspect ratio, long-axis, short-axis, long- and
Spectra, Inc., Portland, OR, USA). This approach is rou- short-axis variation, and aspect ratio skew in the paravian
tinely used in thin-film optics and has been applied to bee- Microraptor (Li et al. 2012)), but the importance of these
tles from Messel (Parker and McKenzie 2003) and from the differences is unclear. The data from modern feathers
Pleistocene of Japan (Tanaka et al. 2010). Predicted reflec- treated melanosomes from barb rami and barbules sepa-

rately (presumably to account for known intrafeather var- Recent SRS-XRF analyses of fossil feathers indicate that
iation in melanosome geometry; Prum 2006), but not all certain trace elements (especially organic-bound Cu) in
analyses of fossil feathers made this distinction (e.g. Li fossil tissues rich in spheroidal and rod-shaped micro-
et al. 2010). The results of the statistical analyses were structures have melanin affinities and may act as biomar-
used to predict the colours of fossil feathers from differ- kers for melanin-derived compounds in fossils (Fig. 7;
ent plumage regions with probabilities ranging from 56 to Wogelius et al. 2011). This technique allows rapid, non-
100 per cent. destructive chemical mapping of entire fossil specimens
at concentrations in the ppm range (Wogelius et al.
2011). Some authors consider the resulting chemical data
Chemistry superior to morphological data in studies of melanin-
based colour mechanisms in fossils as the effects of dia-
The chemistry of structurally coloured fossil insects is genesis on the geometry of melanosomes is poorly
incompletely resolved. Electron dispersive spectroscopy resolved (Norell 2011; Wogelius et al. 2011; but see
(EDS) of structurally coloured cuticle in specimens from McNamara et al. 2013b, and ‘The fate of original col-
Messel, Enspel (late Oligocene, Germany), Eckfeld (middle ours’, below). Other analytical techniques that could be
Eocene, Germany), Clarkia (middle Miocene, USA) and applied to studies of fossil melanin in theropods include
Randecker Maar (early Miocene, Germany) confirm that ToF-SIMS, which allows simultaneous identification and
the cuticle is invariably organically preserved (McNamara mapping of molecules and their structures at high spatial
et al. 2011, 2012b). The extent to which original biochemi- resolution (Lindgren et al. 2012). Recent studies of fossil
cal components of the lipid-rich cuticle are preserved could squid and fish using ToF-SIMS confirm that chemical
be determined using techniques such as pyrolysis–gas chro- evidence of melanin is restricted to micron-sized melano-
matography–mass spectrometry (py-GC-MS) and nuclear some-like bodies in tissues where melanin was probably a
magnetic resonance (NMR), which inform on macromo- major constituent in life (Glass et al. 2012; Lindgren
lecular complexes and proteinaceous moieties, respectively. et al. 2012).
In contrast, several recent studies have investigated the
chemistry of fossil feathers (most of which are organically
preserved; Davis and Briggs 1995) using techniques that THE FATE OF ORIGINAL COLOURS
provide insights into their elemental composition (EDS),
functional groups (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy Morphological evidence of colour
(FTIR)), involatile macromolecular complexes (py-GC-
MS), organic free radicals (electron paramagnetic Insects. The taphonomy of colour-producing nanostruc-
resonance (EPR)), spatial distribution of elements tures in insects is reasonably well understood. Multi-
(synchrotron rapid scanning X-ray fluorescence (SRS- layer reflectors in Cenozoic insects have a similar
XRF)) or local structure of specific metallic elements preservation potential to other cuticular nanostructures
(extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and (McNamara et al. 2012b). The suite of ultrastructural
X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES)) (Barden features preserved in fossil cuticles is therefore key to
et al. 2011; Wogelius et al. 2011; Carney et al. 2012). assessing whether black colours are a taphonomic arte-
Combination of several such techniques is a powerful fact; the preservation of diverse cuticular ultrastructures,
approach to investigating the structural properties of but not biophotonic structures, indicates that biopho-
organic constituents, especially melanin and its degrada- tonic nanostructures were originally absent. This does
tion products, within fossils (Glass et al. 2012), and can not necessarily imply, however, that the cuticle was
test interpretations of melanin fossilization based on black in vivo; nonmelanin pigments may have been
morphological evidence for preserved melanosomes present originally, but visual evidence thereof is not
(Schweitzer 2011; Wogelius et al. 2011). EPR is a useful preserved.
technique for studies of eumelanin-based colouration in Despite widespread preservation of multilayer reflectors
fossils as eumelanin possess a unique free radical signature in metallic fossil beetles, original hues are not preserved
(Glass et al. 2012). However, despite successful identifica- (McNamara et al. 2011, 2012b); observed reflectance
tion of eumelanin and its derivatives in the ink sac of fossil spectra of the fossils are redshifted from spectra pre-
squid using this technique (Glass et al. 2012), application dicted using the preserved biophotonic nanostructure.
of EPR to fossil feathers has met with only limited success; This phenomenon was attributed to alteration of the
analyses have demonstrated different free radical signatures refractive index of the cuticle; changes in periodicity can
in fossil feathers and the surrounding sedimentary matrix, also effect colour change in multilayer reflectors (Adachi
but have not yielded diagnostic spectra for melanin 2007), but cuticular features in the fossils lack clear evi-
(Barden et al. 2011). dence of volume change, for example buckling, pull-apart

structures and desiccation cracks (McNamara et al. mechanisms in extant insects: multilayer reflectors are the
2012b). In contrast to these results, high-pressure/high- most common biophotonic nanostructure in animals
temperature maturation experiments using extant struc- (Parker 2002), including beetles (Seago et al. 2009). Alter-
turally coloured beetles resulted in a blueshift in natively, the high abundance of fossil multilayer reflectors
observed hue (Fig. 8; McNamara et al. 2013a). The may be taphonomic in origin. All published examples of
experiments used the extant jewel beetle Chrysochroa fossil multilayer reflectors are hosted within organic-rich
raja, which generates metallic colour using an epicuticu- lacustrine sediments with significant volcaniclastic input
lar multilayer reflector; specimens were matured for (McNamara et al. 2012a); pore waters from such sedi-
24 hours using various pressure–temperature regimes ments would be expected to have a slightly acidic pH.
(117 bar, 200°C; 250 bar, 200°C; 500 bar, 200°C; and Epicuticular lipids are insoluble in acidic media, and thus,
500 bar, 270°C). The hue of the beetles changed progres- the composition and chemistry of host sediments may
sively (decreasing wavelength) with increasing pressure. influence the preservation potential of multilayer reflec-
This change resulted from alteration of both the refrac- tors. Maturation experiments on 3D photonic crystals
tive index and periodicity of the multilayer reflector; the show that they have similar preservation potential to mul-
dimensions of the reflector and of various other cuticular tilayer reflectors. The absence of 3D photonic crystals in
structures were altered without obvious distortion. The the fossil record (at least in biotas of Miocene age and
colour change had two discrete components: a large older) is thus considered to represent a real, evolutionary
blueshift caused by a decrease in periodicity of the multi- absence (McNamara et al. 2013a). Critically, maturation
layer reflector, partly offset by a smaller redshift relating experiments also demonstrate that physical evidence of
to considerable alteration of the chemistry of the epicuti- colour-producing nanostructures survives in insects even
cle and, in turn, an increase in its refractive index. The where visual evidence of colour is lost (McNamara et al.
redshift is identical in magnitude and direction to the 2013a). Structural colour may thus have an extensive
discrepancy in wavelength between observed and pre- cryptic fossil record in insect specimens that lack obvious
dicted data for the fossil beetles, supporting the hypothe- metallic colouration.
sis that the fossil redshift results from a change in
refractive index. The chemistry of structurally coloured Feathers. Despite intense interest in the colour of fossil
fossil insects has yet to be investigated comprehensively feathers, the taphonomy of colour-producing mechanisms
(but see Parker and McKenzie 2003; Tanaka et al. 2010), in feathers has not been a focus of investigation. None-
but it is clear that both chemical and morphological data theless, it is clear that the fidelity of preservation of fossil
are critical to future attempts to reconstruct original feathers, and their melanosomes, varies considerably. Fos-
structural colours in fossil insects. sil melanosomes can be preserved as three-dimensional
As with fossil beetle colours, the hues produced by bodies (Fig. 4C, E) or as external moulds embedded in
multilayer reflectors in fossil lepidopterans also alter dur- amorphous organic material or diagenetic minerals
ing diagenesis (McNamara et al. 2011); unlike the fossil (Fig. 4D, F; Clarke et al. 2010; Li et al. 2010, 2012; Zhang
beetles, however, predicted colours for the lepidopterans et al. 2010); both preservational modes can occur within
are blueshifted from preserved hues. This difference could a single feather (Zhang et al. 2010). The nature of the
plausibly relate to differences in the chemistry of the bio- organic matrix surrounding some mouldic melanosomes
photonic tissues in each taxon: in extant insects, beetle may represent degraded feather keratin (Zhang et al.
epicuticle comprises lipid and protein (i.e. chitin is 2010) or melanin (Clarke et al. 2010; Li et al. 2010). Fur-
absent; Neville 1975), whereas lepidopteran scales com- ther, dark visual tones in fossil feathers can (Li et al.
prise predominantly chitin (Powell 2003). Regardless of 2010), but do not always (Li et al. 2012), correspond to a
the extent to which original colours have been altered, high abundance of melanosomes and do not correlate
however, certain aspects of the visual ecology of structur- with the mode of melanosome preservation (Li et al.
ally coloured insects may be inferred using anatomical 2010). Dark tones (i.e. a high absorbance of visible light)
evidence preserved in fossils. For instance, the colour- commonly originate in organometal- or conjugated bonds
producing nanostructures in the fossil moths described in modern pigments (Farrant 1997). The precise chemical
above are associated with other ultrastructural features in structure, and taphonomy, of the chromophore in fossil
the scales that modify the visual signal (the inherent feathers is, as yet, uncertain.
iridescence and specular reflection of the multilayer In structurally coloured fossil feathers, reconstructions
reflector are suppressed), implying a defensive function of original hue are precluded by degradation of the kera-
for the colour (McNamara et al. 2011). tin cortex that envelops the melanosomes in vivo; this
All fossil examples of structurally coloured insects cortex is responsible for the exact hue produced by the
contain multilayer reflectors. This may be a function of highly ordered melanosome array (Vinther et al. 2010; Li
the relative abundance of different colour-producing et al. 2012). In other fossil feather examples, however

(i.e. those lacking structural colour), accurate predictions Some authors have suggested that original organic
of precise hue are contingent upon the geometry of mel- material has survived in metallic beetles from the mid-
ansomes (Li et al. 2010). Reconstructions of original dle Eocene of Messel, but this hypothesis is supported
plumage colouration in fossil theropods have assumed only by bulk elemental analysis (Parker and McKenzie
that the original geometry of melanosomes is preserved 2003). Where fossil cuticles contain an epicuticular
in the fossils (Clarke et al. 2010; Li et al. 2010, 2012; multilayer reflector, lipid extracts may be a useful proxy
Knight et al. 2011). Fossil melanosomes, however, vary for the chemistry of the epicuticle and thus of the col-
in the mode of preservation: melanosomes preserved as our-producing structure. Lipid extracts of thermally
moulds and three-dimensional bodies from the same matured cuticle from extant beetles analysed via py-GC-
feather region differ in size (Clarke et al. 2010) and yield MS are dominated by lipid–protein complexes. These
differing colour predictions (Li et al. 2010, 2012). Matu- complexes are absent in fresh cuticle and represent
ration experiments on feathers from extant birds reveal reaction products of functionalized epicuticular lipids
that melanosome geometry is altered by the effects of with proteinaceous moieties from the epi- or exocuticle
elevated pressure and temperature (McNamara et al. (McNamara et al. 2013a). The composition of structur-
2013b). These experiments used melanosome-bearing ally coloured fossil cuticles has yet to be investigated
feathers from 12 extant taxa; feathers encompassed using techniques that inform on the structure of pre-
diverse hues and melanosome types (eu- and phaeomela- served components.
nosomes, solid and hollow melanosomes). The experi- Unequivocal traces of melanin have been reported in
ments used two different pressure–temperature regimes fossil squid (Glass et al. 2012) and fish (Lindgren et al.
(200°C, 250 bar; 250 bar, 250°C) and lasted 24 hours; 2012) but have not been identified in fossil feathers (Bar-
melanosomes in all feathers altered progressively in den et al. 2011). Recent synchrotron-aided analyses using
geometry (both long and short axes reduced in length) X-ray fluorescence (XRF) show that distribution maps of
between the 200°C, 250 bar experiment and that using certain trace elements with a melanin affinity, for example
250°C, 250 bar. Survival of original melanosome geome- Cu, in fossil feathers may help reconstruct colour patterns
tries in fossils is thus most likely where the host sedi- in fossil plumage (Wogelius et al. 2011). EXAFS and
ments experienced limited burial. Not all feather- XANES analyses demonstrate that Cu is present in fossils
containing fossil deposits, however, meet this criterion in organometallic form, possibly derived from original
(McNamara et al. 2013b). Some studies of melanin-based melanin (Wogelius et al. 2011). The spatial distribution
colouration in fossil feathers have considered that contri- of trace elements in fossil specimens, however, may also
butions by other pigmentary and structural colouration result (at least in part) from taphonomic modification of
mechanisms to the visible hue in vivo would have been original colouration signals. Trace metal concentrations
masked by melanin (Carney et al. 2012; Li et al. 2012), could increase in tissues as a result of adsorption by
but this is likely only in feather regions with very abun- microorganisms during decay (Hitchcock et al. 2009) or
dant melanosomes. Feathers in many extant birds con- chelation during later diagenesis (Shock and Koretsky
tain melanosomes but the visible hue derives from 1993). Studies of melanin in fossil fish suggest that it may
nonmelanin pigments or biophotonic architectures be concentrated in the dark regions of fossils during dia-
(McNamara et al. 2013b and references therein). Matura- genesis due to preferential degradation of more labile
tion experiments on such feathers reveal that melano- organic molecules (Lindgren et al. 2012). This process
somes are retained in degraded feathers even where does not, however, preclude diagenetic migration of mela-
visual evidence of all other colouration mechanisms has nin from source tissues. Diagnostic biomarkers for mela-
degraded completely. Given this preferential preservation nin were recovered from sediment adjacent to the ink
of melanosomes, attempts to reconstruct colour in fossil sacs of fossil squid (Glass et al. 2012), although this may
feathers should be integrated with anatomical and geo- reflect minor leakage of ink and/or intact melanosomes
chemical data on the preservation of other pigments and from the ink sac during decay rather than later diagenesis.
biophotonic structures. Trace elements within fossil feathers could also derive
from endogenous sources other than melanin, for exam-
ple keratin–Cu complexes in feathers (Wogelius et al.
Chemistry 2011)), or from external, that is, sedimentary, sources.
Preservation of intact chemical moieties of the melanin
Traces of original cuticular biomolecules, for example molecule may result from thermally induced polymeriza-
chitin and amino acids, are preserved in subfossil bee- tion reactions during diagenesis (Glass et al. 2012). In situ
tles with epicuticular multilayer reflectors (Tanaka et al. polymerization may also explain, at least in part, the ali-
2010). Less is known about the chemical fidelity with phatic composition of some fossil feathers (Barden et al.
which older structurally coloured insects are preserved. 2011).

CONTROLS ON THE PRESERVATION Structurally coloured fossils can be abundant in biotas

OF COLOUR that experienced limited burial, for example Messel, Ens-
pel, Eckfeld, but absent in biotas buried to greater depths,
Patterns in the fossil record of structural colour in insects for example Green River (McNamara et al. 2012a). Matu-
relate to a hierarchy of taphonomic controls, including ration experiments confirm that increasing pressure alters
decay, burial pressure, burial temperature, the nature of insect structural colours, but the effect of pressure is sec-
diagenetic fluids, weathering and the mode of curation of ondary to that of temperature, which is the primary agent
fossil specimens (McNamara et al. 2012a). These factors of colour change during burial (McNamara et al. 2013a).
are also likely to govern the preservation of colour in fos- Structural colours alter progressively with increasing tem-
sil feathers, although the relative importance of different perature but are lost beyond a temperature threshold; the
taphonomic factors in preserving feather and insect col- value of this threshold temperature is likely to vary with
our may differ. Statistical analyses of the fidelity of the the chemistry of the tissue and host sediment. Feathers
preservation of structural colours in various insect taxa experimentally treated to elevated pressures and tempera-
from Cenozoic biotas revealed that age and taxonomic tures lose visual and ultrastructural evidence of all
compositions do not control taphonomy; age may, how- colour-producing mechanisms save for melanosomes;
ever, be more important in older material as it serves as a progressive loss of anatomical detail occurs in tandem
proxy for more extensive or complex diagenesis. with loss of visual colour with increasing temperature
(McNamara et al. 2013b). As with insects, temperature
may be the primary determinant of colour (i.e. melano-
Decay some) survival in fossils.

Laboratory decay experiments on extant structurally col-

oured beetles at room temperatures and pressures did Diagenetic fluids and weathering
not induce colour change (Fig. 8; McNamara et al.
2013a). Some fossil insect cuticles in which metallic col- Other factors that influence biota-scale patterns in the fossil
ours are poorly preserved or absent, however, exhibit evi- record of colour (at least for structurally coloured fossil
dence for decay by fossil or modern microbes insects) include the nature of diagenetic fluid flow and the
(McNamara et al. 2012a); the latter have a particularly extent of weathering (McNamara et al. 2012a). Reactive
negative impact on the fidelity of preservation. Decay hydrothermal fluids can degrade insect cuticle and lead to
may also affect colours in fossil feathers, especially where precipitation of authigenic minerals within colour-produc-
these are structurally coloured: the keratin cortex and ing nanostructures, resulting in loss of visible colour
medulla (which house various colour-producing nano- (McNamara et al. 2012a). Extensive oxidative degradation
structures) are less resistant to decay than melanin (Gold- of cuticles during weathering may also destroy structural
stein et al. 2004). The high preservation potential of colours. The absence of structurally coloured insects in the
melanin (Hollingworth and Barker 1991) does not, how- late Eocene of Florissant (USA), and their high abundance
ever, imply that it (or melanosomes) is immune to alter- in other Cenozoic biotas (i.e. Messel, Clarkia (early Mio-
ation during decay. Laboratory decay experiments on cene, USA), Enspel and Eckfeld), has been attributed to
extant birds showed that decay-induced rupture of feath- variations in the extent of Recent weathering among these
ers can liberate melanosomes from the keratin matrix, biotas (McNamara et al. 2012a). Host sediments at Floris-
obliterating original packing arrangements (McNamara sant are exposed subaerially, but those from the other local-
unpub. data). ities are located beneath the water table; sediments from
Messel comprise approximately 40 per cent water (Schaal
and Ziegler 1992). Variations in the extent of weathering
Burial depth can also explain patterns in the fidelity of preservation of
colour within an individual biota. Specimens from Eckfeld
The maximum depth to which fossil insects and feathers (middle Eocene, Germany) show a statistically significant
are buried during diagenesis is an important control on correlation between poor preservation of structural colours
the preservation of colour. It determines the maximum and preservation in extensively weathered host sediment
pressures and temperatures to which most fossils are (McNamara et al. 2012a).
exposed and influences the fidelity of preservation of ana- Deep burial, exposure to diagenetic fluids, and subaer-
tomical features (McNamara et al. 2012a, 2013a); it may ial or subsurface weathering may also be responsible for
also influence biomolecular preservation (H€ oss et al. certain taphonomic features in fossil feathers. Melano-
1996). Burial depth contributes to broad-scale inter-biota somes are frequently preserved as external moulds, yet the
patterns in the fossil record of structural colour in insects. origin of this phenomenon is unclear. Melanin is resistant

to microbial and chemical attack (Goldstein et al. 2004), Striking colour patterns and glossy iridescence in vari-
but heat treatment can induce chemical changes in its ous feathered dinosaurs suggest that sexual display or
molecular structure, rendering the molecule soluble in defence was important in the early evolution of plumage
strongly oxidizing fluids and various acids and bases (Fox and feather colour (Li et al. 2010, 2012). This is sup-
1976). Degradation of three-dimensional fossil melano- ported by variations in colour within individual penna-
somes could therefore result from the effects of elevated ceous fossil feathers in Anchiornis, a basal paravian,
temperatures and reactive pore fluids during diagenesis, indicating that melanin-based intrafeather patterns
or from oxidative weathering during exhumation and evolved before powered flight (Li et al. 2010). Some fossil
exposure. Indeed, the last of these factors is considered to feathers exhibit evidence for the involvement of melanin
be an important agent of colour loss in other pigmented in nonvisual roles. Several authors have observed trends
fossils (Hagdorn and Sandy 1998). in the intensity of dark tones within individual fossil
feathers and related these to the degree of melanization
and hence feather function. As in modern feathers (Lucas
Mode of curation and Stettenheim 1972; Hill and McGraw 2006), visual
tone can be pale in down feathers (McKellar et al. 2011)
The mode of curation of structurally coloured fossils can and in basal regions of contour feathers (Li et al. 2010)
affect also the long-term stability of the colour-producing and darkest at the distal tip of contour feathers (Fig. 3B;
mechanism and the resulting hue after collection. Metallic Clarke et al. 2010; Carney et al. 2012) and in distal bar-
colours in insect specimens can degrade following dehy- bules (which overlap their proximal counterparts). Such
dration in air (Parker and McKenzie 2003; Schweizer increased melanization has been suggested to confer
et al. 2006). Loss of colour via dehydration and microbial increased mechanical strength (Li et al. 2010; Carney
degradation (Toporski et al. 2002) is usually, but not et al. 2012). Other fossil feathers exhibit dark tones in
always (McNamara et al. 2012a), prevented by storing proximal regions (e.g. Fig. 3C; Wogelius et al. 2011,
such specimens in liquid media, for example brine, etha- fig. 3A). Some authors have suggested that specific mela-
nol or glycerine. Indeed, loss of nanostructural definition nosome geometries and configurations may affect the
and visible colour can occur after only several months’ material properties of fossil feathers (Clarke et al. 2010),
storage in brine (McNamara et al. 2012a). but these hypotheses are largely untested in modern
Identification of colour-producing structures in some
FUNCTIONAL AND EVOLUTIONARY fossil theropods has significant implications for our
SIGNIFICANCE OF FOSSIL COLOURS understanding of the evolution of feathers. Discoveries of
melanosomes in integumentary filaments of the tail of
Identification of evidence of colour (and accurate recon- Sinosauropteryx (Zhang et al. 2010) refute claims that the
structions of original colours) in fossils can inform on the filaments are partially decayed dermal collagen fibres
function of colour, especially visual signalling mecha- (Lingham-Soliar 2003; Feduccia et al. 2005; Lingham-
nisms. Iridescent metallic colours in modern insects can Soliar et al. 2007) and support interpretations of the fila-
be cryptic in foliage but conspicuous in direct sunlight ments as feather homologues, that is, precursors of true
and thus may function in both camouflage and sexual feathers. Although the function of colouration in such
selection, especially in environments characterized by structures is still unclear, the filaments themselves are
uneven dappled light, for example forest (Doucet and considered to occur in sufficient densities to have had
Meadows 2009; Seago et al. 2009). Metallic colours in important nonvisual functions in thermoregulation and
fossil insects may have had similar functions, particularly protection (McKellar et al. 2011).
in specimens from palaeolakes surrounded by forest (e.g.
Messel (Schaal and Ziegler 1992), Clarkia (Smiley 1985))
and in specimens with original green hues. Many struc- FUTURE DIRECTIONS
turally coloured fossil insects exhibit blue hues; given that
structural colours are blueshifted during fossilization Certain aspects of the taphonomy of colour in insects and
(McNamara et al. 2013a), at least some of these blue fos- feathers are poorly understood, not least that of pigmentary
sil cuticles are likely to have been originally green. Some colours in fossil insects. Some common insect pigments
fossil insects preserve anatomical evidence for modifica- (e.g. carotenoids and pterins) are also abundant in plants;
tion of iridescence to enhance defensive signals, that is, the degraded remains of plant-derived pigments are often
camouflage and aposematism (Fig. 1E; McNamara et al. preserved in sedimentary organic matter and are the basis
2011); cryptic functions have been inferred from mono- of many studies of lake productivity (e.g. Romero-Viana
tonal colour patterns (Wang et al. 2010). et al. 2009). It is therefore reasonable to hypothesize that

evidence of some insect pigments may survive in the fossil consider factors that may contribute to alteration of
record. Resolving the taphonomy of insect pigments will melanosome geometry and packing arrangement in fos-
require extensive chemical analysis of fossil insect remains sils. Additional maturation experiments will constrain the
and taphonomic experiments. By providing insights into range of pressure–temperature conditions capable of
the relative preservation potential of different insect pig- inducing morphological change and may allow the extent
ments, and into the nature of any diagnostic biomarkers of diagenetic alteration of melanosomes to be predicted.
for such pigments when they decay, such experimental and The keratinous feather matrix is the basis of several col-
chemical studies are likely to prove critical to our under- our-producing nanostructures, yet little is known about its
standing of the origins of monotonal patterning in fossil physical taphonomy. Recent maturation experiments using
insects and will test previous suggestions (Vinther et al. structurally coloured feathers revealed that decay of quasi-
2008) that such patterning reflects the distribution of eu- ordered nanostructures generates diagnostic ultrastructures
melanin. (McNamara et al. 2013b). Such textures could serve as a
Loss of structural colour via oxidative weathering has proxy for the former presence of quasi-photonic nano-
been invoked to explain inter- and intrabiota patterns in structures in fossils. The chemical taphonomy of keratin
the presence or absence of metallic colours, and even has been studied in detail in various fossil reptiles (Man-
within individual specimens, but the chemical processes ning et al. 2009; Edwards et al. 2011) and, to a lesser
involved are uncertain. Chemical analysis of structurally extent, in fossil birds. Immunological evidence of keratin
coloured cuticles at various stages of oxidative degrada- has been reported in feathers and claw sheaths from Creta-
tion could inform on this phenomenon and could also ceous theropods (Schweitzer et al. 1999a, b). Amide peaks
help to explain patterns in the fidelity of preservation of in FTIR spectra of fossil feathers may derive, in part, from
pigments in fossil insects and feathers. feather b-keratin (Barden et al. 2011). Keratin-chelated Cu
The chemistry of melanin in fossil feathers is not fully released during decay may bind to melanin during later
understood. Chemical techniques such as EPR and ToF- diagenesis, enhancing Cu concentrations in fossil feathers
SIMS have proved critical to our understanding of the (Wogelius et al. 2011). Sulphur associated with fossil feath-
taphonomy of melanin in fossil squid (Glass et al. 2012) ers may derive from feather keratin (Wogelius et al. 2011).
and fish (Lindgren et al. 2012), but have not been applied Future chemical analyses of fossil feathers will inform on
to fossil feathers. Doing so will test whether taxonomic or the taphonomy of the keratin molecule and will constrain
tissue-related factors influence the chemical fidelity of the extent to which it is linked to the taphonomy of feather
preservation of melanin in fossils. SRS-XRF analyses have melanin and melanosomes.
yielded intriguing insights into the elemental composition
of fossil fish, squid and, in particular, feathers (Wogelius
et al. 2011). The ability of this technique to resolve ques- CONCLUSIONS
tions regarding the preservation of melanin in fossil feath-
ers could be tested by comparing data on the distribution Understanding the taphonomic processes that influence
and abundance of various trace elements for specimens of the preservation of pigmentary and structural colour is of
various taxa (including those that do not possess mela- fundamental importance to palaeobiologists interested in
nin) from a single biota. the evolutionary history of colour and its functions. Fos-
Other unresolved aspects of the taphonomy of colour sils with obvious colour and colour patterns, and those
in feathers are also amenable to experimental testing. lacking visible colour, have the potential to retain physical
Some authors have surmised that eumelanosomes and and chemical evidence of colour-generating mechanisms.
phaeomelanosomes may differ in their resistance to dia- Preservation of colour is controlled by a suite of tapho-
genetic alteration (Clarke et al. 2010). The relative pres- nomic factors that are, at present, not fully resolved; key
ervation potential of the different melanosome types factors identified to date include the depth of burial and
could be investigated via conventional decay- and matu- the extent of hydrothermal alteration and weathering.
ration experiments; decay experiments could also assess Additional taphonomic data from fossils and from
whether autolytic and microbial decay processes affect controlled laboratory experiments are critical in unravel-
melanosome geometry. Morphological and chemical anal- ling the taphonomic history of colour in different taxa,
yses of degraded feather tissues could inform on the depositional environments and diagenetic regimes. This
taphonomic processes that influence the preservation of will inform interpretations of original colour in fossils
melanosomes as external moulds; such studies could also and of the role of colour in visual signalling through
help resolve the nature of melanin (and its derivatives), time.
and the chromophore responsible for visual dark colour-
ation, in feathers preserving mouldic melanosomes. Acknowledgements. My research on the taphonomy of colour in
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