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Mrs. Mills’ website: ​

Mrs. Mills’ 6th Grade Distance Learning
ELA/ Reading, Social Studies & PE
May 20, 2020 - May 27, 2020
Wednesday​ 5/20/2020 ​ ELA/Reading
1. Continue writing in your journal, and emailing it to me
2. Many of you have finished the book. Please read the informational
handouts about the legacy of Anne Frank’s Diary and then write 1
paragraph on the impact and what you will remember most about the
book. Put your heart into the paragraph.
3. Make sure you have finished the final assignment for Due Today!!!
Social Studies:​ Read chapter 10 section 1 and complete guided
reading 10-1
​ PE:​ Document your activity on the PE page.
Thursday ​ 5/21/2020​ ELA/Reading
Journal writing, write about Anne Frank’s legacy same as above.
PE documentation
Social studies​: Finish guided reading 10-1
Friday​ 5/22/2020 Happy Friday
​ELA/Reading:​ Journal writing, I have downloaded the original movie to
my website, please watch it and compare/contrast to the book. Your
compare/contrast should include a list of 5 similarities and 5 differences.
​Grammar: Please write 10 sentences with adverbs in them and
underline the adverbs. Title should be Grammar, Sentences with
Social studies: Read Baucus and Philemon in your social studies book
pages 469-472, and answer the questions at the end.
​ PE:​ document your 30 minutes of activity.
Monday ​5/25/2020 Memorial Day--No school

Tuesday​: 5/26/2020 Finish Baucis and Philemon questions! ​Everything

should be complete and ready to share or email to Mrs. Mills by
Don’t forget to write in your journal, this should be a habit by now!!!

Turn in this week:

ELA: One paragraph about the impact of Anne Frank’s legacy
Daily journal entries
Ten sentences with adverbs underlined
After watching Anne Frank, the movie list 5 similarities and 5
Differences on a piece of paper or google doc and send to me.

Social studies: Guided reading 10-1

Baucis and Philemon questions page 472

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