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Dr. Makmur Sirait, M.Si








b. Author : - Ambo Intang
d. volume Journal : Vol. IV 1
e. Year of Publication Journal : 2018
f. ISSN :-
2. Abstract
Along with the times, drying the clothes that used to only take
advantage of the sunshine, now are switching to the mechanical drying
machine because it takes less time, do not need a large place, kept clean and
does not depend on the weather, but is affected by ambient temperature. The
purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ambient temperature on
the rate of heat transfer and drying on clothes dryers in order to know how
many loads are ideal for drying and temperature appropriate environment to
use the machine, so that its use will be more effective and efficient. The
obtained rate of heat transfer occurs in the heaviest load (5.3 kg) and dried at
lower ambient temperatures (T environment 27 0C) at 18. 89 kJ / s while the
drying rate was highest at 5.3 kg load (T environment 34 0C) and the lowest
was 1.6 kg load (T environment 27 0C). The more weight the more efficient
use and high environmental temperature is the ambient temperature is right to
use the dryer while drying that require a high rate of heat transfer signifies a
longer drying process.

3. preliminary
Drying is an activity undertaken for the purpose of lowering the water
content in the wet material, and the expected results of the drying-out of water
content up to 100%. Since the time of our ancestors until now drying is mostly
done in the conventional with the use of sunlight. This method does not
require a large fee but otherwise this is very cheap and practical, but have a
problem when the weather conditions are unfavorable, requires a broad and
long enough and lack of cleanliness maintained in the drying process
(Mujumdar 2006). Drying by means of mechanical dryers that can be seen in
Figure 1.

Figure 1. Design (Modification) Clothes Dryers

(Ambo Intang, 2017)
Caption 1:
1. Fan 7. Pully
2. Heater (Selenoid burner) 8. Filter / Strainer
3. Space 9. Burning Electric Motors
4. Hole 10. The Drum Line-In Fan
5. Drum Dryers 11. Casing / Packaging Machine Components
6. Vant Belt / Belt 12. Gas LPG 3 Kg
Requires a shorter period of time, do not need a broader, more kept
clean and are not dependent on weather conditions. Mechanical dryers in this
case, require a source of artificial heat derived from biomass fuel, fuel oil and
gas, electric power heating elements and the use of waste heat. Artificial heat
sources which authors use in this study is the result of the combustion of LPG
gas. The use of LPG is more hematdibandingkan heated with electricity
requires thousands of watts of power.
Clothes dryers that I use for this study is a machine dryer electric-
powered modified to be powered heat pump system (ambo intang, 2017) and
dinovasi further heated gas-fueled by the addition of a fan to get the effect of
forced convection, where a fan is used to circulate air heat to the dryer drum.
Fan air flow rate used is the high speed fixed speed (3.5 m / s). In this study
used a variation load of clothes, among others 1.6 kg, 3.7 kg and 5.3 kg to be
dried (drying machine) in the open at night (T environment 27 0C) and
daylight (T environment 34 0C). The temperature difference during the test
environment is likely to affect the rate of heat transfer and drying occurs.
4. Formulation of the problem
The problems of this study are:

5. Research methods
In this study, a tool used to use the machine clothes dryer with forced
convection system as shown in Figure 1.. The working process of the machine
clothes dryer in this study:
The heat of combustion by the heater (burner solenoid) [2] in the combustion
chamber [3] is driven by the fan [1] led into the dryer drum [5] through the
inlet port drum [4]. Once inside a drum hot air drying clothes along with a
round alternating drum by vant belt [6] which is driven by an electric motor
[9], because the rotation of the fan [10] The air inside the drum are sucked and
filtered by the filter [8] and thrown into environment.
The air flow out of the fan at a certain speed (VAliran Air Fan) comes
from the outside air at T environment 0C, then was warming the combustion
chamber flows through the heat of combustion by the heater to the drum dryer,
and finally left the drum dryer at a temperature condition Tdb and TWB ,
Fabric / clothing used for testing the dryer is made of polyester with
varied load of 1.6 kg, 3.7 kg and 5.3 kg. Polyester clothing will be moistened
and then dried using a dryer and then recorded the temperature and length of
drying time, with two different ambient temperature is 270C obtained at night
and 340C at noon.
This research was conducted in the open space and the measurement
data to be retrieved is the temperature of the combustion chamber (0C), the
temperature of the ball dry entrance (Tdb entrance), temperature wet bulb sign
(TWB entrance), the temperature of the ball dry out (Tdb out), and
temperature wet ball out (TWB out). The temperature of the dry bulb and wet
bulb temperature is taken first entry with drying clothes up to 100% dry so
that it becomes a reference for future experiments (Tdb out and TWB out)
indicating that the clothes have been dried perfectly qualitatively. Data from
the study will be used to calculate the rate of drying and heat transfer that
occurs during the drying process quantitatively.

6. Results and Discussion

A, result
Calculation of cross-section area (A)

Figure 2. Large Size Penampang Drum Dryer

A= μ D2
= (3.14) (57cm) 2
= 2550.5 cm2 = 0.255 m2
Mass Flow Rate Calculation (M)
Ρ value taken from Table A - 15 Properties of water at 1 atm pressure
(attachment). ρ for T = 27 ° C (night) is equal to 1,176 kg / m3.
M = ρ xVx A (Moran and Shapiro, 2000)
= 1176 kg / m3 x 3.5 m / sx 0255 m2
= 1049 kg / s
While ρ for T = 34 ° C (during the day) is approximately 1,149 kg / m3.
M = ρ xVx A
= 1149 kg / m3 x 3.5 m / sx 0255 m2 = 1.025 kg / s
Large Value hin and hout
Here's an example penetuannya: Value hin and hout can be obtained by drawing
the user in the diagram psychometric temperature, the ball dry and wet ball
obtained in testing on temepratur environment 27 0C, but because the value of
Tdb (45 0C) and TWB (35 0C) which high enough, then more easily and
accurately when using psychometric software that is CYTSoft psychrometric
Chart 2.2, here's how to use and find value hin and hout.
- Values obtained hin of Tdb = 45 0C and TWB = 35 0C, such that the value of a
hin is 128.7997 kJ / kg = 128.80 kJ / kg
- hout value obtained from Tdb = 38 0C and TWB = 33 0C, such that the value
hout is 116.5452 kJ / kg = 116.54 kJ / kg
Calculation of the Heat Transfer (Q)
Q = M. (Hin - hout) (Chengel, Yunus A. 2007)
= 1049 kg / s. (128.80 kJ / kg - 116.54 kJ / kg)
= 1049 kg / s. (12:26 kJ / kg)
= 12.86 kJ / s
Drying rate calculation(Suarnadwipa N. and Henderson, 2008)
- Wet weight (initial mass of the material) = 1.6 kg
- Dry weight (mass end of the material) = 0.8 kg
- Period of drying (t) = 80 minutes = 1.33 hours

Massaawal bahan−Massa akhir bahan

the drying rate =
Periode pengeringan
1,6 kg−0,8 kg
1,33 jam
0,8 kg
1,33 jam
= 0.6 kg / hr
The following is a complete graph of calculation results of the rate of heat
transfer (Q) over time pengeringandan drying rate (M) of data collection during
the night drying (ambient temperature = 27 0C) and daylight (ambient
temperature = 34 0C) and analyzing the results.

1. Effect of Environmental Temperature on the Rate of Heat Transfer

From the chart above we can see the influence of environmental

temperature on the rate of heat transfer (Q). On drying clothes with the same
weight (1.6 kg) visible difference in the magnitude of the rate of heat transfer that
occurs. On drying with a load of 1.6 kg (T environment 27 0C) The heat transfer
is 12.93 kJ / s higher than the drying load of 1.6 kg (T environment 34 0C) which
the greatest heat transfer is 8.25 kJ / s. This is due to the higher ambient
temperature then the density (ρ) air will decrease (table properties of water at 1
atm pressure), as well as with the difference hin - hout (Δh) it. Decreasing the
density (ρ) make air mass flow rate is getting smaller. Small mass flow rate
resulted in the rate of heat transfer (Q) is lower.

From the chart above we can see the influence of environmental

temperature on heat transfer (Q). On drying clothes with the same weight (3.7 kg)
visible difference in the amount of heat transfer that occurs. On drying with a load
of 3.7 kg (T environment 27 0C) The heat transfer is 15:33 kJ / s higher than the
drying load of 3.7 kg (T environment 34 0C) which the greatest heat transfer is
9.45 kJ / s. This is due to the higher ambient temperature then the density (ρ) air
will decrease (table properties of water at 1 atm pressure), as well as with the
difference hin - hout (Δh) it. Decreasing the density (ρ) make air mass flow rate is
getting smaller. Small mass flow rate results in heat transfer (Q) is lower.
From the chart above we can see the influence of environmental
temperature on heat transfer (Q). On drying clothes with the same weight (5.3 kg)
visible difference in the amount of heat transfer that occurs. On drying with a load
of 5.3 kg (T environment 27 0C) The heat transfer is 18.89 kJ / s higher than the
drying load of 5.3 kg (T environment 34 0C) which is the biggest heat transfer
16:11 kJ / s. This is due to the higher ambient temperature then the density (ρ) air
will decrease (table properties of water at 1 atm pressure), as well as with the
difference hin - hout (Δh) it. Decreasing the density (ρ) make air mass flow rate is
getting smaller. Small mass flow rate results in heat transfer (Q) is lower.

2. Effect of Environmental Temperature on Drying rate

From the chart above we can see the influence of environmental

temperature on the rate of drying. At the same load drying rate will be even
greater when the clothes are dried (drying machine) at higher ambient
temperatures. Seen in the chart above the drying rate at the load of 1.6 kg, 3.7 kg
and 5.3 kg (T environment 34 0C) of 0.69 kg / hr, 0.98 kg / h and 1:04 kg / h
higher than the rate of drying a load of 1.6 kg, 3.7 kg and 5.3 kg (T environment
27 0C), which only amounted to 0.60 kg / hr, 0.77 kg / hour and 0.78 kg / hour.
This is because at high ambient temperatures, the temperature in the combustion
chamber will increase. Recorded at 27 0C neighborhood T (T a combustion
chamber 55-80 0C), while the T environment 34 0C (T combustion chamber 60-
85 0C).
Fans bring air from the environment into the combustion chamber and
drum dryers. The air was warming in the combustion chamber which then proceed
to the dryer drum. If the ambient temperature is high then the incoming air
humidity levels will be low, humidity indicates the amount of moisture content in
the air bound. The lower the humidity of the water vapor content of the less so the
heated air in the combustion chamber, the temperature will be higher than when
the air is high humidity levels. Air humidity also affect the process of moving the
water vapor inside the dryer drum. If the humidity is low, then the water vapor
pressure difference inside and outside the material to be great so as to accelerate
the removal of moisture from the material out.

7. Advantages and Weaknesses

1) Excellence Journal
2) weakness Journal
A. Conclusion
1. From the test results obtained greatest rate of heat transfer occurs in the
most severe drying load (5.3 kg) and at a lower ambient temperature (T
environment 27 0C) is equal to 18.89 kJ / s. Low ambient temperatures
require a high heat transfer rate and a longer drying process.
2. Clothes dryer machine in this case, is more efficient when used for drying
clothes in large numbers (close to maximum capacity) and at high ambient
temperatures. This is evident from the efficiency of the drying rate is
highest in the most severe drying load (5.3 kg) and at higher ambient
temperature (34 0C).
3. Forced convection affects the drying period at high ambient temperatures,
the exhaled air from the environment will increase the temperature of the
combustion chamber. The temperature of the combustion chamber
increased by making the drying process more quickly.
B. Suggestions
Drying rate suggested by the results of testing are drying rate with a load
of 5.3 kg for drying in a larger quantity more energy efficient and time, but more
research needs to be done to get the maximum load.


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