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° i FOR Siu il ADVANCED Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley - Lynda Edwards Gil NG Express Publishing 4 Contents UNIT1 Something to Shout About UNIT2 Escape Artists Progress Check Module 1 UNIT3. People Power UNIT Growing Concerns .. Progress Check Module 2 UNITS Our Changing World UNIT6 A Job Well Done .. Progress Check Module 3 UNIT? Fit for Life uNITg ——_Liveand Learn Progress Check Module 4 UNIT? The Image Business UNIT10 Shop Around Progress Check Module 5 Further Practice Section Peer Assessment Checklist .... Audioscripts Key to Workbook ze 18 35 44 37 59 69 8 al 90 99 100 110 121 p. 123 125 126 152 tm — Something to Shout About nit 1 - Something to Shout About Vocabulary: success and achievements; special occasions; nebrations; career quaites; feelings cating tiple choice tstening: listening for gist and detail; multiple matching; li ne asking forgiving advice; giving an opinion; soresing uncertainty; gving and responding to news; ‘emparing and contrasting; speculating ee of English: multiple choice cloze; word formation; sentences eter oe nd infintves Phrasal verbs: Cory: Wear Witing: letters and emai (1) Leadin(p.7) 1 a. Direct Ss to the title of the unit. Discuss the meaning "Something to Shout About’ - when you've done something special, or have something to celebrate. Elicit other phrases to express happiness or how the people might be feeling ~ on top of the word/on cloud nine/ ecstatioproud/overwhelmed, etc Ask Ss to look at the pictures and say why the people rmight be happy. Suggested Answer Key A. They've had a baty. B_ He's won a trophy. She has accomplished something D_ He's celebrating a birthday. Ficit other possible causes for celebration; passing a ahiving test/passing an exam/getting married/getting @ 0b, etc b. Direct 5s to the task and ask them to discuss the aspects in pais. Allow 2 or 3 minutes. Allow longer if the conversation seems animated. Get feedback from ‘one or more pairs and encourage general discussion if Ssseem interested ‘Suggested Answer Key A: For many people success is relly important. It makes them fel special and improves their confidence. A lot of people like others to look up to them. For some people, it's enough just to know they've achieved what they are copable of and they don't need to let everyone know what they've done, But most people like to. get recognition for hard work or special talents. Hoppiness is certainly not automatic. People think that if you're successful, you'll be happy, but this isn’t always true. Unit 1 8: Sometimes f you're succesful, it's ike a drug and you want more and more success so that it takes over ‘your life. For other people there is a feor that they ‘might not be able to lve up to their success or even ose what they've gained, so their lives are completely centred on achieving more and more. in more abvious cases, celebrities have the problem of losing their privacy and people who have made lots of money ‘might have the problem of having others continually ‘asking them for handouts. Tell Ss they are going to listen to three people taking about what they think are the secrets of success, Put the three people on the board in this order ‘neurosurgeon - business executive ~ actor. Check they Understand the meaning of ‘neurosurgeon’. Elicit from Ss what they think these people might say about the secrets of success and list ideas on the board Let Ss listen once to identity the speakers and see if they have predicted correctly. Tell Ss they will have to listen for specific words to complete the sentences in the exercise. Advise them to look at the words that come before and after the gaps and to consider the grammar Of the sentence. Tell them that this is a task they will have to do in the Listening paper. ‘Ask Ss to give synonyms for block out (q. 2) = try notto listen toffiter out channel your efforts (q. 3)= direct your energy becomes second nature (q, 5) = becomes automatic Let Ss listen again and give them 1 to 2 minutes after listening to fil n the gaps in the exercise. Answer Key believe in yourself negative thoughts sidetrocked/distracted your target focused and positive disciplined underestimate ‘Ask $s what else they can remember from what the three people said about the secrets of success and lst them on the board, Tell Ss they are going to decide which three elements from Ex. 2a they think are the most important. Remind, $5 to use a variety of linking devices to support their choices, e.g. so that, however, in order to, rather than, atc. Allow Ss 2 or 3 minutes to perform the task in pairs. Allow 2 or 3 paits to offer feedback. Suggested Answer Key Firstly, blocking out negative thoughts is vital. Otherwise -you'll lose confidence and never succeed. Then, channelling your efforts in the right direction will hhelp you to avoid losing focus and will encourage you to be positive, Unit 1 Fina, sein yours of yor tng i dfenent We «ca sealy help ‘Ask $i If thove Is one single plete standls out a the most Important cular person eg. “imagine ‘ask liom what (quotes of advice they think 3 Tells to magin they par ‘ve fitness instructor” and a8 dd Hat them on the board Fe them they wil be mate job quakes wath particular jobs and. giving, feavons Take ther through the tof qualities, explant Any difficulties ¢.9, foresight = the aby to think ahead ‘Consider potential problems, diplomacy - the aily 10 det ‘with diferent people tactfully, Look at the exarnple with them and indicate that 5s are Wo give extended answers ‘Ask $s to work in pais to match qualities with jobs from the fox and to give reasons The stronger, faster Ss can think of entta job of their awn, Allow enough tine for the weakest $8 to have constructed at least two reasons, Encourage 55 to alternate their ventence structure, e.g. ‘Lawyers need 10 be... ‘Diplomacy 6 needed by ..". Monitor, correct and encourage. Eheit feedback from several pais Suggested Answer Key A... A footballer, on the other hand, needs physical strength and stamina to be able to keep up with the pace of the game. B. Team spint is obwously a must for hirvher a5 he/she doesn't act alone and success depends an the whole team playing together A. Imagination is vtol for an art dtector a5 he/she 1 always dealing vith ort and artists In some way or another 18 Its abso the most important quality a novels must have «s without it there would be no stores or fantasy worlds, A: Foresight and diplomacy are definitely pat ofa politician's make-up 0s hehe hos to deal with a wide range of citferent types of people and consider future abstaces and changes © A business executive mnt ako possess these abilities for the some reasons but obviously ina different work enononment. “Hehe must be able to see the consequences. of higher decisions and look ahead 10 ‘hongny econorni stuavons A. A teacher connat work withaut having intellect as hershe needs 10 be oble to teach others and maintain respect. 8 This 1. alvo important for lawyers and doctors who must onnanandd respect inthe conrarunity, A: Hdony cancers need people wlio are quick thinking. A efits in particular needs this qualy as heAshe has to ‘male quick decisions which can save tes, A footballer tos to think on hisdher feet as wel, teacher. Students con ask them al sons of leat ca wn all sorts of afc A’ Determination 1 a qualty vic oll people realy Wort 10 do their job, Pee twhot they choose to ie efficiently and be successful at BL agree f you haven't Lage 04 hen ot deermoaton, you won't get A a rats that here are wo different quotations about y Fit papas of the fst quotation from thes pulp te parapvase cn he board All 559 98 pate to write A paraphrase of the second one ny? Ronit and correct and ask tO OF LH Pais 1 eygg their paraphnases Suggested Answer Key Av The fst quotation says that people who are success ‘often become so because they are busy concentrating gy the things that will help thern achieve success ‘n-belleve that this quotation true because i’ usualy ty very hardworking people that become extrem suecesstul, The second quotation says that the road yy success is nat easy and successful people have aways hag to deal with failure at some stage in their careers ‘A: In-ny opinion, failure can alsa contibute to success by ‘making people stronger, better at what they do and more determined. ‘Be Ihean also mean that for every person going up the ladder there is always another person coming down, flict agreement or disagreement from 5s and encourage them to justiy their opinions and maybe give some ‘examples from their own personal experience. Feed in vocabulary which might help e.g. rewarded/get to the fopmaving a face that fits*the right place at the right time/mindsevby dint off stepping into someone's shoes rejection, eke Suggested Answer Key Personally, | think there is some truth in both statements but ‘must admit | don’t fully agree with either. The frst statement should be true. People who work hard should be rewarded for their work and achievements. However, in real life itis often those who shout about what they do and make a big show of it that get noticed and promoted or whatever. | also think that success sometimes just depends on being in the right place at the right time or even knowing the right people and having a face that fits, you're determined to get somewhere and have the mindset that wants to get ahead, you wil, Regarding the second quotation, | think it’s true that we all earn from our mistakes and even people who have made it the top with apparent ease have often had to work hard an the way up and had to deal with all sorts of rejection. If we Interpret it in the second way, | agree that to reach the top you often have to be hard and not think about other peopl ‘and who you might be stepping on. However, 1 don’t think that this is always true and there are many gentle, considerate people who make it to the top by dint of hard work and talent. it depends on the career. Reading (pp. 8-9) 1 Fell $s to work in pairs and discuss the 3 questions about ‘Success, Elicit answers from several pairs. Suggested Answer Key * To me, personal success means achieving goals that we ‘important to us, individually ‘5 e mats in school NMMaW: For me, Is geting $2

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