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2?IKtlblk flff&-l
I'm Gertie (husb'lnc\ Joe). We movec\ to
I live in Scotland, Outer Hebrides to be exact.... We were moved here
Ark'lns'ls trom " rur'l! 'Ire" ot Illinois west ot
7 years ago by the Lord after two years of struggling. Rain, wind and cold,
Chic'lgo, We C'lme clown to Northwest Ark'lns'ls
not exactly the place one would choose for oneself, but here we are! in 1975. Joe W'lS" rep'lirm'ln (burner service) on
Coming from London it was quite a change not to mention culture 24-hour c'lll It W'lS" very stresstul job '1nc\ he W'lS
shock as these islands have a very unique way of life and strict Calvinism getting sick 'In '1wtullot. His hobbyw'ls beekeeping
is the religious history. The heavens are like brass as more than one has '1nc\we h'lc\ t'lrm '1nim'lls. In" D'Iiry GO'lt )ourn'll
described It. we S'lW 'In '1c\vertisement "bout Northwest
When I read the account of your being encouraged to move it was Ark'lns'ls. We went to check it out but it W'lS
helpful as I know others who were told to move and either haven't or have c\ecrepit '1nc\ not wh'lt we w'lntec\. We st'lrtec\ b'lck
gone back to their original places. If you have a written account of hOVl!He to Illinois very c\iscour'lgec\. Joe '1skec\" gentlem'ln
got you shifted from A to B it would be nice to read it.
in" sm'lll grocery store on our w'ly home, "where
I certainly did not have a David Wilkinson knocking on my door, quite
is 'In 'Ire" with" lot ot Rowersl (We were thinking
"bout beekeeping in the 'Ire".) The m'ln '1nswerec\,
the opposite actually - ail hell let loose the moment we put the house on the
"H'Irrison," '1nc\ g'lve us c\irections to get there.
market. Five weeks after we got here my husband had three massive heart
when we got there it lookec\ like" better 'Ire" th'ln
attacks whilst we were renovating the house which looked like a building
wh'lt we h'lc\ seen. We went to " re'll est'lte person
site. He survived, but has not been the same since, not with the Lord in any '1nc\ he showec\ us m'lny properties. We lookec\ 'It
sense of the word. be'lutitul pl'lce III Le'lc\ Hill '1nc\ tell in love with the
If you really would not mind sending me a [newsletter] I most certainly house '1nc\ the 'Ire". We enc\ec\ up there with 50
would appreciate receiving it. I think we in the true church have forgotten bee hives. We h'lc\ b'lsic'lily just rO'lc\sic\e s'lles '1nc\
that we are one body and the same Lord speaks to ail and it should gel c\elivery to stores - " sm'll1 oper'ltion. We h'lc\ 'In
together confirming what He is saying even if geographically we are miles opportunity to get into" honey p'lcking business
apart. You did encourage me and I was very interested to hear that others in H'Irrison. We st'lrtec\ p'lcking honey. We h'lc\
were being relocated to places not of their choosing. The times are indeed to give up our hives tor l'Ick of time We beg'ln
serious but I find it puzzling as to why others seem to think we still have
c\istributing honey "II over the 'Ire" incluc\ing
southern Missouri '1nc\ even h'lc\ " m'lil orc\er
many years to go before anything will occur. I sense that they are
mistaken, but then I could be the one out of sync.
business th'lt went"5 "5 t'lr Color'lc\o. After we h'lc\
the honey business, which W'lS" gooc\ business, the
May we all be ready to receive whoever it is the Lord sends in times
government subsic\izec\ the beekeepers '1rounc\ the
of need. We think on these Islands It could well be J8W1shrefugees from
n'ltion. This b'lsic'll1y c\estroyec\ our business. The
Russia and I can only pray we are prepared if this is true. only honey we coulc\ get th'lt woulc\ be protit'lble
Love in Christ Jesus. Mary woulc\ be trom Chin". We movec\ to spnngfielc\,
Missouri '1nc\ livec\ there until 1998. My niece C'Ime
~-~---------------, clown trom the Chic'lgo 'Ire" '1nc\lovec\ it '1nc\st'lyec\.
I Share your testimony of how you ended up in the I Then my sister C'lme trom ChiC'lgo '1nc\st'lyec\, '1nc\
I Ozarks' I "150 my mother.
I I Joe W'lSill 50 we C'lme clown to be with our kic\s
I Write to the I
'1nc\ livec\ ne'lrthem. Then Joe c\iec\ in 2002. I'm
elDRNE,R~GfHE,RINe I very gl'lc\ th'lt I h'lve " lot oH'Imily here '1nc\we're
I "II Christi'lns I h'lve " c\'1ughter who lives in
P.O. Box 2313 • Harrison, ARK 7260 I ~ Di'lmonc\ City. My gr'lnc\c\'1ughter is in Le'lc\ Hill I
(420) 420-3278 ~eu)e55 h'lve three gr'lnc\chilc\ren ot my sons I'm gl'lc\ I'm
All Christian testimonies are welcome t"'-"
"r' <:\1' 1 b'lck here inste'lc\ ot Springtielc\ The thing th'lt
mystitiec\ me 50 W'lShow we h'lph'lz'lrc\ly enc\ec\ up
and may be published anonymously. I
in H'Irrison, there is bee p'lsture in other '1re'lSot
the country. It struck me th'lt other people in the
I Corner G'Ithering Newsletter s'lic\they c\ic\n't know
This newsletter is free but its publication is only I why they're here. I h'lc\ wonc\erec\ tor v'lrious
possible through contributions. I re'lsons why I'm here. It this is" retuge 'Ire". I'm
I gl'lc\ we're here. I h'lve grown spiritu'lily since being
Please feel free to copy and distribute this newsletter. : here. very much 50.
L ~

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