Deli e Able D2.1 Iniialdeailedachiecalandfncional Iefaciliie Decipion

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5G European Validation platform for Extensive trials

Deli e able D2.1

Ini ial de ailed a chi ec al and f nc ional
i e facili ie de c ip ion

Project Details
Call H2020-ICT-17-2018
Type of Action RIA
Project start date 01/07/2018
Duration 36 months
GA No 815074

Deliverable Details
Deliverable WP: WP2
Deliverable Task: Task T2.1
Deliverable Identifier: 5G_EVE_D2.1
Deliverable Title: Initial detailed architectural and functional site facilities
Editor(s): Rodolphe Legouable
Author(s): R. Legouable, K. Trichias, V. Stavroulaki, Y. Kritikou,
P. Vlacheas, V. Foteinos, V. Kosmatos, C. Ntogkas, G.
Loukas, G. Agapiou, N. Kostopoulos, K. Kravariotis,
M. Kitra, A. Tzoulis, E. Paraskevakis, S. Imadali, A.
Bousselmi, R. Knopp, M. Corriou, S. Morant, D.
Deprey, L. Roullet, G. Carrozzo, J. Reinoso, I.
Berberana, M. Boldi, Gavazzi, P.Volpe, G. Biondi,
O.Toscano, L. Stroppolo, A. Sessler, C. Casetti, P.
Giaccone, S. Canale, Y. Chianese, G. Ciucciarelli, V.
Suraci,M. Tognaccini, F. Sorvillo, A. Germanò, J. M.
Reviewer(s): Gino Carrozzo and Jaime Ruiz Alonso
Contractual Date of Delivery: 01/10/2018
Submission Date: 30/09/2018
Dissemination Level: PU
Status: 1.0
Version: Final
File Name: 5G_EVE_D2.1

The information and views set out in this deliverable are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European
Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held
responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Deliverable History
Version Date Modification Modified by
V0.1 02/07/2018 First draft Rodolphe Legouable
V0.2 08/08/2018 ORA-FR French input A. Bousselmi, S. Imadali
V0.3 17/08/2018 Ericsson Greece input Nikos Kostopoulos,
Konstantinos Kravariotis
V0.4 22/08/2018 Nokia Greece input Maria Kitra, Andreas
Tzoulis, Emmanouil
V0.5 23/08/2018 Greek site facility K. Trichias, V. Stavroulaki,
description text additions, Y. Kritikou, P. Vlacheas, V.
alignment and input Foteinos, V. Kosmatos, C.
consolidation Ntogkas, G. Loukas, G.
V0.6 24/08/2018 Eurécom French input R. Knopp
V0.7 31/08/2018 Orange FR Introduction R. Legouable
and initial merge
V0.8 03/09/2018 Merge of the Italian site R. Legouable
facility (inputs from Gino
V0.9 03/09/2018 Merge of the Spanish site R. Legouable
facility (inputs from Jaime
V0.10 04/09/2018 Merge of the French R. Legouable
partners contributions
(Nokia, b<>com, Eurécom)
V0.11 05/09/2018 Merge finalization and R. Legouable
V0.12 10/09/2018 Reviewed chapters 1,2,5,6 S.Morant
V0.34 11/09/2018 Updated Sections 5.3,4, 5.6, S.Morant
5.7, 5.8. Merged with
V0.33. Updated references
V0.35 12/09/2018 Final merge for internal R. Legouable
review document
V1.0 24/09/2018 Final version after internal R. Legouable
review and acceptances


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