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We're Wqyne
Arlington, qnd1993.
Texqs, in Bqrbqrq Mishler. We moved to Holidqy /s/qnd, Arkqnsqs, From

The move Followed '1 chqin of events thqt took us through two visitqtions oFthe LOrd, qn
unusuql house building prolect thqt some might cqll mirqculous, qn unlikely return to civil
service employment In Key West, Flondq, qt qge 56, qnd '1 prophesied close cqll with '1
hurricqne thqt destroyed oUr house on Big Pine Key just hours 'liter we eVqcuqted qgqinst
the qdvice oFlocqls, who were bqttered by the storm
We tell some oFthe story on oUr web site, _ '1 worldwide outreqch
with internet newsletter, teqchings, qnd home groups.
Our messqge, bqsed on Jude 1:3, cqlls For Christiqns qnd Jewish believers to return to the
origin'll ~ith oFthe Messiqh qnd to quthentic Christiqnity in prepqrqtion For the Soon return
of oUr Lord. Our web site explqins why qnd how.
We believe the Lord hqs prepqred qnd positioned us qnd others in Norl:hwestern Arkqnsqs
to serve qnd minister to reFugees who will Aee coqstql qnd metropolitqn qreqs qS terror
increqses in the United Stqtes.
In the First visitqtion, in 1968, the Spirit of God met with me IWqyneJ in '1 Vietnqm Wqr
zone,5jiving me '1 person'll interview, teqching me to heqr the voice of God, qnd inForming
me of '1 FutUre work qssignment.
After I retired From the Nqvy in 1985, Bqrbqrq qnd I Felt led to buy properl:y qt Holidqy
Islqnd. Uncerl:qin employment in 1993 prompted us to sell oUr Four-bedroom brick home
in Arlington. The home went on the mqrket, sold, qnd closed in two weeks _ unheqrd oFin
the locql housing mqrket qt the time.
With only $5,000 cleqred From the sqle, we prqyed qnd believed we were to step out on
~ith qnd build '1 house on Holidqy Islqnd. We could not qFFord '1 contrqctor, so ibuilt it
myselF ('1 52-yeqr-old journqlist).
On sheer Fiiith we ordered the First shipment oFlumber. A strqnger Cqme unexpectedly
qnd Frqmed the entire gqrqge - Free. I leqrned From him how to Frqme the rest of the house.
A one-legged Wqr veterqn helped me put on the rooF An elderly neighbor helped pour
concrete. An qiling, retired mqster electriciqn, who hqd moved to Holidqy Islqnd from
Chicqgo, wired the house - Free.
Sever'll times our money rqn out, but eXqct qmounts of money unexpectedly Cqme in
the mqil to pqy FOr needed mqteriqls.
There qre mqny other events too person'll - too spirituql _ to tell. People might not
understqnd. But the events leqve no doubt in oUr minds thqt God ordered qnd directed the
building of oUr house, qnd thqt He Wqnts us here For '1 reqSon.
Inq second visitqtion, in oUr newly constructed home, in 1997, God told Wqyne thqt
there would be one Iqst outreqch to mqnkind beFore the return oFthe Messiqh, qnd thqt we
- qnd others who would join with us - would beq pqrl: of thqt ouheqch.
In 2003, '1 locql Messiqnic rqbbi whose services we qttended, told us thqt hqd God
directed him to ordqin me qS '1 Messiqnic pqstor. A Fterthe ordinqtion, I Propheticqlly received
'1 speciFic qnd urgent messqge centered on Jude 1:3. It WqSon the Foundqtion oFthis messqge,
which we believe is centrql to God's Fin'll outreqch, thqt we estqblished Restore The Wqy

TheIruit 01 righteousness is sewn in peace

01 them that make peace. -James 4:18

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