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Greetings in Christ jesus' preciouS nqme'

We're Ed qndin the
AH:er living Chqrleen.
KqnsqS City qreq tor over twenty yeqrs, God told us to move to Arkqnsqs. Ed is trom
Michigqn qnd Chqrleen is trom Ohio. We met qnd mqnied while qttendmg Bible college in KqnsqS City in
1977. We hqve nine children, six qre mqnied. We hqve seven dqughters qnd two sons. We qlso hqve nme
grqndchildren qnd two greqt_grqndchildren.
while living in Independence, Missouri. God gqve Ed '1vision otq terrible eqrthquqke qlong interstqte
route 70. Allot '1sudden, the eqrth split wide open qnd '1Cqrwent Rying into the qir qnd slqmmed qgqlnst
the second Story otq neqrby house. Ed hqd qnother vision '1tew months qH:er we moved here to Arkqnsqs.
He SqWKqnsqS City. The buildings qppeqred to be blqckened by being burnt. The wqlls were broken qnd
windows broken, or gone. A prophet nqmed Chuck Youngbrqndt sqid thqt while he WqSdriving Pqst Inde-
pendence, he looked bqck qnd SqWthe whole KqnSqSCity/Independence qreq engulted in Rqmes.
We knew thqt we needed to move out ot Independence qnd begqn to seek God qSto where qnd when we
were to move. Around New Yeqr's Dqy ot 2004, God told us to move to Ark'1nsqs, thqt we would be
buying property here in 2008. God provided the help needed to mqke the move.
God hqs given viSions to mqny otHis children qbout coming judgments on Americq. (\~qny JudgmentS
hqve qlreqdy hqppened. Henry Gruver, Chuck Youngbrqndt. qnd Dumitru Dudumqn qre lUSt '1 tew ot the
mqny prophets who hqve hqd visions trom God qbout these ludgments, including eqrthquqkes, hurricqnes,
tires, Roods, record-breqking weqther, terrorism, qnd Wqr.Chuck Youngbrqndt SqWeqrthquqkes in St. Louis,
Chicqgo, qnd other plqces. The Chicqgo eqrthquqke will Cquse such '1 violent shqking thqt L<1keMichlgqn
will rise up qnd slqm down cqusing '1 huge tid'll Wqve thqt will wipe out Chicqgo, St. Louis, qnd other cities
qlong the Mississippi River. Our country will be so devqstqted trom the destruction qcross our nqtion thqt
Russi , Chinq, jqpqn, (\1exico, Cubq, Nicqrqguq, qnd other nqtions Will see their opportunity to join to-
getherq qnd qttqck Americq. They will qttqck qlong the borders qnd COqsts qnd qH:er qbout tWO yeqtS, reqch t
the middle otthe country. But. prqiseGod, there isstill hope. God told Henry Gruver qnd Chuck Youngbrqnd
thqt there will be sqte qreqS tor the born-qgqin Christiqns who hqve repentent heqrts. God will tell eqch ot
His own where their Sqte plqce is. He hqs qlreqdy told mqny ot us. Hqlleluiql

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1Q " r- I I
'" ~~ I Name I
i\J ~!. I Addres-s-------- I

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