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Geoderma 296 (2017) 47–59

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Understanding soil erosion processes in Mediterranean sloping vineyards

(Montes de Málaga, Spain)
J. Rodrigo Comino a,b,⁎, J.M. Senciales c, M.C. Ramos d, J.A. Martínez-Casasnovas d, T. Lasanta e, E.C. Brevik f,
J.B. Ries b, J.D. Ruiz Sinoga a
Instituto de Geomorfología y Suelos, University of Málaga, 29071 Málaga, Spain
Physical Geography, Trier University, 54286 Trier, Germany
Department of Geography, University of Málaga, 29079 Málaga, Spain
Department of Environment and Soil Science-Agrotecnio, University of Lleida, 25198 Lleida, Spain
Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, CSIC, Zaragoza, Spain
Department of Natural Sciences, Dickinson State University, Dickinson, ND, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Sloping vineyards in the Mediterranean cultivated on bare soils show several types of evidence of soil erosion
Received 14 November 2016 processes. However, little is known about the key factors that condition and enhance these processes at the
Accepted 19 February 2017 intra-plot scale. There is a need to assess soil conservation methods to reach sustainability of vineyards and
Available online xxxx
high grape quality, and for this it is necessary to investigate the factors and rates of soil erosion processes
under natural conditions. The main goal of this research, conducted in traditional Mediterranean vineyards in
Los Montes de Málaga (South Spain), was to carry out a precision analysis of the patterns of soil erosion and
Rock fragments the soil surface components at the intra-plot scale. The analysis was performed after monitoring soil erosion pro-
Soil texture cesses during 25 natural rainfall events. Soil loss, overland flow, and runoff threshold were calculated using six
Soil erosion Gerlach troughs. Fine soil particles and rock fragments were also assessed after each natural rainfall event and
Overland flow tillage practice. The research showed an example of sloping vineyards in a Mediterranean environment with
bare soils that are associated with high soil losses and an uneven spatiotemporal distribution of hydrological
and geomorphological processes. Key factors enhancing soil erosion processes are: i) extreme rainfall events
and ii) management practices (pruning, ploughing and trampling). The runoff threshold reached very low values
(between 4.55 mm and 8.5 mm) and the highest soil loss and overland flow rates were obtained from a few rain-
fall events during the rainiest period, coinciding with times that the surface was covered by vines that had
dropped their leaf cover. Finally, we demonstrated that the runoff threshold, soil loss and overland flow showed
high variability depending on the stoniness, soil texture, and antecedent conditions of tillage.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction including soil erosion (Gonzalez-Hidalgo et al., 2012; Romero-Díaz

et al., 2016).
Soil is a key component of the Earth system as it controls biological, Vineyards are one of the most exposed agricultural systems dam-
hydrological, erosional and geochemical cycles (Keesstra et al., 2012; aged by soil erosion processes (Cerdan et al., 2010; Prosdocimi et al.,
Brevik et al., 2015) and provides a wide range of resources, goods and 2016a). Within the viticultural agroecosystem, soils play a major role
services (Cerdà et al., 2016; Mol and Keesstra, 2012). Soil horizons are in providing mineral nutrients to plants, and soil characteristics also af-
constantly changing, losing and transforming energy and matter due fect vine water status which is a key factor determining grape quality
to the effect of raindrops, runoff, wind, gravity (Grismer, 2016; Zemke, potential (van Leeuwen et al., 2009). The alteration of natural hydrolog-
2016), and other soil forming processes (Khaledian et al., 2017). Within ical dynamics and increased sediment transport create several problems
this complex system, human impacts also cause changes to the soil, related to uncontrolled solute and nutrient transport (Gruber and
including negative inputs that are generating hazardous outputs Kosegarten, 2002; Manandhar and Odeh, 2014; Navel and Martins,
2014), soil loss (Hacisalihoglu, 2007; Novara et al., 2011; Prosdocimi
et al., 2016b; Quiquerez et al., 2014), formation of rills and ephemeral
⁎ Corresponding author at: Instituto de Geomorfología y Suelos, University of Málaga,
gullies (Kosmas et al., 1997; Martínez-Casasnovas et al., 2003; Rodrigo
29071 Málaga, Spain. Comino et al., 2015), degradation of roots, biodiversity and carbon stor-
E-mail address: (J. Rodrigo Comino). age (Bruggisser et al., 2010; Eldon and Gershenson, 2015; Francone
0016-7061/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
48 J. Rodrigo Comino et al. / Geoderma 296 (2017) 47–59

et al., 2010; Gagnarli et al., 2015; Zsófi et al., 2011), and quality of the water losses) under natural rainfall events and tilled conditions using
product and productivity (García-Díaz et al., 2016, 2017; Likar et al., Gerlach troughs; and iii) a measurement of mobilized fine soil particles
2015; Lorenzo et al., 2012; Marques et al., 2015; Terrón et al., 2015). and rock fragments after each natural rainfall and tillage event.
To understand the soil erosion, processes in vineyards will bring solu-
tions for a sustainable agriculture (Novara et al., 2013) and this is relat-
2. Materials and methods
ed to the income of the farmers due to payments for ecosystem services
(Galati et al., 2016) and the soil erosion rates (Novara et al., 2016a), and
2.1. Study area
the soil carbon sequestration (Novara et al., 2016b).
Traditionally, Mediterranean vineyards are located in semi-arid
The vineyards studied are in the Axarquía viticulture region, within
sloping areas and the soils are kept bare to eliminate water competition
the Montes de Málaga range (Andalucía, Spain), close to the village of
from weeds and to increase the strength and taste of the final product
Almáchar (36.8 N; −4.2167 W) (Fig. 1), between 300 and 350 m a.s.l.
(Leeuwen et al., 2009). However, it is evident that new worldwide
The average annual temperature is 17.2 °C, with maximum average
trends of mean temperature increases and the impact of extreme rain-
values in July and August (24.5–24.9 °C) and minimum average values
fall events are observable and, in some cases, dangerous for ecosystem
in December, January and February (11.3–11.5 °C). The average annual
health in these areas (Blanco-Ward et al., 2015).
rainfall is 520 mm and its highest concentration is distributed between
Changes in seasonal rainfall distribution have been observed and
October and January during a few rainfall events. Recurrence periods
quantified in Mediterranean areas (Ramos et al., 2008); however, the
using the Poisson method (Mays, 2010; Senciales González, 1999)
inter-annual variability and universal patterns continue to be difficult
show high inter-annual rainfall variability. The probability of days with-
to calculate (Ruiz Sinoga et al., 2011, Ruiz Sinoga et al., 2010). Neverthe-
out rain calculated with this method is about 89.1–89.7% while 0.8–0.9%
less, the most crucial issue from the erosion point of view may be the in-
of rainfall events during the year exceed 40 mm.
creased extreme events (Ramos and Durán, 2014), which can cause
Estévez González and Chamón (1978) described two different geo-
high levels of soil erosion over short periods (Cerdà et al., 2016). This
logical facies in this area. The first is composed of mica schists with
has been found in semiarid land and in fire affected land (Keesstra
well-developed schistosity, small garnets (1–2 mm), and intercalations
et al., 2017).
of lenticular levels of white quartz. The second one is characterized by
The Axarquía region is studied in this research as an example of
quartz and mica schists without garnets, which have less developed
these changing areas. Despite the increasing temperatures and the con-
schistosity, showing higher resistance than the first facie.
centration in a short period season of the rainfall events, Axarquía has
Soils are typically Eutric Leptosols (IUSS Working Group WRB, 2014;
preserved high quality wine production since the Muslim centuries.
Rodrigo Comino, 2014). These soils were characterized by Rodrigo
However, Rodrigo Comino et al. (2016a, 2016b) detected three main
Comino et al. (2016c): i) silt loam texture; ii) very low electrical conduc-
causes of land degradation processes in this region using soil analysis,
tivity values (0.1 dS m−1); iii) general soil pH values of about 7.1, but, on
a small portable rainfall simulator, and a Guelph permeameter:
several occasions b 7; iv) bulk density up to 1.5 g cm−3 v) carbonate
i) extremely steep slopes (26–76%); ii) silty soils (N60%) and high
contents b1% because the main lithology is schist; and vi) a total organic
rock fragment content (N40%), and iii) traditional hand tillage that re-
carbon content lower than 3% due to the use of herbicides and tillage to
moved vegetation cover under and around the vines. It is relatively
eliminate vegetation growth.
common to observe that many farmers and wineries prefer to choose
Land use management practices are conducted to produce raisins
high productivity for short-term periods (leading to a continuous de-
and wine with the Muscat of Alexandria grape variety registered by a
crease of the grape quality and topsoil layers) against sustainable pro-
Spanish DO (Designation of Origin) “Málaga, Sierras de Málaga and
duction for long-time periods.
Pasas de Málaga”. Soil tillage is followed by handwork using hoes and
The spread of knowledge of research about economic damages gen-
shovels and the use of herbicides to control the re-vegetation of the
erated by soil erosion processes on- and off-site (Vanmaercke et al.,
slope and organic additions (cow and goat manure) to limit erosion
2011) should increase the awareness of the problem by farmers and en-
by water. Historically, due to high soil erosion rates during short period
terprises (Marques et al., 2015; Sastre et al., 2016). Galati et al. (2015)
season of the rainfall events and steep slopes, the vine growers have de-
calculated an annual cost of soil erosion in Sicily (Italy) at about
veloped rudimentary protection measures in some places (Rodrigo
1575.37 €/ha−1 in conventional tillage fields and only 487.51 €/ha−1
Comino et al., 2016c). “Sangría” or “desaguadero” (Fig. 2a), is a soil ero-
in agri-environment areas (a difference of 1087.86 €/ha−1). Martínez-
sion control strategy, which consists of handmade rills or agri-spillways
Casasnovas and Ramos (2006) documented nitrogen and phosphorus
(Rodrigo Comino et al., sub.) that collect and interrupt the surface flow
losses for northern Spanish vineyards due to erosion of 14.9 kg/ha−1
and channelize water directly to another principal rill. The second tradi-
N and 11.5 kg/ha−1 P respectively, with economic costs between 1.2%
tional technique is stony walls (“albarrada” or “balate”) situated along
and 2.4% of the annual income from the sale of the grapes.
the upper slope to collect the soil across the slope (Fig. 2b).
To promote research about the economic costs of soil erosion pro-
cesses between farmers and enterprises, it will be mandatory to assess
the role that tillage practices and rainfall events (García-Díaz et al., 2.2. Methods
2016; Novara et al., 2011) play in the mobilisation of rock fragments
and fine particles downslope (Follain et al., 2012; Lasanta, 1985; 2.2.1. Stoniness and soil texture analysis
Ortigosa Izquierdo and Lasanta Martínez, 1984; Rodrigo Comino et al., Soil samples were collected in April 2016 under dry conditions at
2016c). In the Axarquía region, there is a lack of precision analysis of four different slope positions (summit, shoulder, backslope and
soil erosion rates (amounts, intensities, variations …) (Ferre Bueno footslope). They were collected along a longitudinal profile of 5 m
et al., 2009; Martínez-Casasnovas et al., 2013) and its geomorphologic (Fig. 2c) and from the surface to 0.5 m depth (Fig. 2d) from each slope
and pedological consequences under natural conditions. Therefore, the position (about 15 kg per sample). Samples were transported to the lab-
main goal of this research was to carry out an analysis of the spatial oratory and air dried.
and temporal patterns of soil erosion processes related to the soil sur- Particle size distribution of the fine material (between 0.002 mm
face components in a chosen hillslope in this region. To reach this and 2 mm) was calculated using a Coulter LS230 particle size analyser,
main goal, we performed: i) soil analyses and soil surface components which combines different diffraction patterns from a light beam. Soil
(textural and rock fractions) characterization at four different slope po- particles larger than 0.2 cm were sieved and divided into six intervals
sitions (summit, shoulder, backslope and footslope) and two sides using an adjustable sieve of our own design (Fig. 2g, h): 0.2–0.5 cm,
(west and east); ii) a quantification of soil erosion processes (soil and 0.5–2 cm, 2–4 cm, 4–6 cm, 6–8 cm and N 8 cm.
J. Rodrigo Comino et al. / Geoderma 296 (2017) 47–59 49

Fig. 1. Location and topographical characteristics of the study area.

2.2.2. Soil erosion patterns and runoff thresholds the shoulder, backslope and footslope. They were provided with a
Six Gerlach troughs (Gerlach, 1967) were used in this research. Each slanted front edge to prevent scouring or undercutting of the trough.
sediment collector had a width of 100 cm (Fig. 2d, f) and was situated in Troughs were connected to collecting tanks (60 L) to be prepared for ex-
the inter-rows of the vineyards. Two-paired troughs were situated on treme rainfall events, which can exceed the total storage capacity of

Fig. 2. Soil surface components measurement methodology (field and laboratory work), Gerlach troughs and traditional soil protection measures. a: “sangrías” or “desaguaderos”; b:
“albarradas” or “balates”; c: longitudinal profile of 5 m to take the reference area for the sample collection; d: soil sample collection along the longitudinal profile at 0.5 m depth; e:
vine-grower working on a mule during the vintage; f: one Gerlach trough during runoff and sediment yield collection; g, h: adjustable sieve (1 cm) for gravel fraction.
50 J. Rodrigo Comino et al. / Geoderma 296 (2017) 47–59

each sediment collector (50 L up to the spillway). A Hellmann-rain rainfall and elevation data with Excel 2010 software (Senciales González
gauge was placed close to the experimental plot to measure rainfall and Ruiz Sinoga, 2013). Furthermore, the different tillage practices ap-
amounts after each event. The main limit of this tool is that the open plied in the studied vineyards were monitored and described during the
soil erosion plots give information about soil and water losses but the study period through interviews with the vine-growers.
contributing area is uncertain. This is why the soil erosion rates are The results of soil loss and overland flow from the paired-Gerlach
shown in g m−1 and L m−1. Maintenance of the equipment, emptying troughs in different slope positions were compared using a Mann-
sediments and overland flow, was performed after each rainfall event. Whitney Rank Sum Test and between side pairs applying an ANOVA-
All samples were taken to the laboratory for drying, weighing and analysis with the SigmaPlot 13 statistical software. Finally, the
quantifying soil loss (g), overland flow (L) and sediment concentration Spearman rank coefficient was calculated to analyse the statistical
(g L−1). Particle size distribution of fine materials and rock fragments significance between soil erosion (soil loss, overland flow and sediment
were calculated for all rainfall events and each Gerlach trough by apply- concentration), particle grain size distribution, and different types of
ing the same method described above. rainfall events (amount, intensity, and maximum intensity) using the
To calculate the runoff threshold, lineal estimations using data from SPSS 23 software (IBM, USA). When rainfall did not activate overland
every recorded overland flow and rainfall event by slope position were flow but soil loss occurred, anthropogenic factors such as trampling or
adjusted to get the correspondent values for overland flows of about tilling by hand were catalogued as the main cause that initiated the
0.1 L m−1, 1 L m−1 and 10 L m−1. For every Gerlach trough, an R2 higher soil erosion events.
than 0.985 was found.
Finally, to characterize the type of overland flow, a scatter plot was 3. Results
developed using the recorded soil samples. We avoided outliers such
as the 200.1 mm event (number 5, Table 1) to obtain a trend without 3.1. Soil surface characteristics: Rock fragments and soil fine particles
uncommon rainfall events. Moreover, results were verified with field
observations when some of the recorded rainfall events were occurring. Rock fragments and fine soil particle distributions from different
slope positions (summit, shoulder, backslope and footslope) were mea-
2.2.3. Climatic extrapolation, tillage monitoring and statistical analysis sured (Fig. 3). Every slope position had a higher proportion of rock frag-
Rainfall was measured with a Hellmann-rain gauge. The data was ments than fine materials (b0.2 cm). The highest rock fragments
compared and completed with the extrapolated data from the nearby content was measured on the shoulder (77%). On the other parts of
climatic stations of IFAPA (Instituto de Investigación y Formación Agraria the slope, rock fragments had values between 64% and 68%.
y Pesquera), Red Hidrosur and REDIAM (Red de Información Ambiental In general, the most abundant rock fragment fraction was 0.5 cm to
de Andalucía). Due to the lack of a complete climatic data record in 2 cm, with the highest values on the summit and shoulder parts (38%)
the study area, values of rainfall (all with N 30 years of data) were and the lowest on the footslope (28.7%). The second highest fraction
extrapolated from latitude, longitude and altitude above sea level: corresponded to the interval between 0.2 and 0.5 cm. Maximum values
Colmenar-Torrijos (718 m; 36.828N, −4.357W), Contadoras (758 ranged from 20.7% on the summit to 16.3% on the shoulder slope. After
m; 36.811N, −4.382W), Olías (421 m; 36.776N, −4.323W), Rincón that, rock fragment sizes between 2 cm and 4 cm (10.4%) and up to 6 cm
de la Victoria (7 m; 36.722N, −4.279W), Moclinejo (433 m; 36.772N; to 8 cm (6.1%) reached relatively high values only on the shoulder slope.
−4.251W), Comares (731 m; 36.851N, −4.247W), Benamargosa Finally, materials larger than 8 cm were found only on the footslope
(96 m; 36.837N, −4.191W), Benamocarra (126 m; 36.792N, −4.159W) (4.2%).
and Vélez-Málaga (60 m; 36.78N, −4.099W). Calculations were carried Several differences were observed in fine materials (b2 mm)
out by applying linear estimations and intersections with the axis, using between slope positions. Very coarse sand (1.25–2 mm) was not
recorded at any sampling point and coarse sand (1.25–0.63 mm) was
recorded only on the summit (23.2%). The medium sand fraction
Table 1 (0.63–0.2 mm) was most abundant on the summit (16.7%) in compari-
Rainfall amounts, average intensities, and maximum intensities during the recorded
son with other slope positions, which ranged between 0.7% on the
shoulder and about 4% on the backslope and footslope. The proportion
Total Int. Max. Int. of fine sands showed similar results on the summit and shoulder
ID Rainfall event (mm) (mm h−1) (mm h−1)
(4.1% and 6.2%, respectively) and on the backslope and footslope (3%).
1 4.11.2014 8.5 1.5 5.33 Very fine sands (0.125–0.063 mm) had their highest content on the
2 9–12.11.2014 19.9 1.91 6.21 shoulder (17.9%) with little difference compared to the backslope and
3 14.11.2014 17.7 1.57 4.01
4 24.11.2014 2.1 0.55 0.72
footslope positions (15%). The summit only had 10% very fine sand par-
5 27–29.11.2014 200.6 2.2 18.56 ticles. Silt particles reached their maximum values at the shoulder to
6 13–15.12.2014 16.7 0.58 3.14 footslope positions. Coarse silts (0.063–0.02 mm) and fine silts
7 16–19.1.2015 32.8 1 2.57 (0.02–0.002 mm) oscillated around about 35% and 37%, respectively.
8 20–22.1.2015 12.9 1.45 4.24
The summit had a lower silt fraction characterized by 14.9% coarse silt
9 31–4.2.2015 5 0.34 0.4
10 12.2.2015 12.6 0.92 3.48 and 17.2% fine silt. Finally, clay contents were similar from the shoulder
11 17.2.2015 17.8 1.71 4.75 to footslope (6%) and lowest on the summit (2.6%).
12 20.03.2015 18.2 1.46 8.11
13 26.03.2015 27.9 0.47 1.39 3.2. Rainfall and tillage practice descriptions
14 16.04.2015 18.5 0.84 4.34
15 8.09.2015 21.2 4.02 11.07
16 30.09.2015 29 11.66 46.13 Recorded rainfall events during the study period totalled 683.8 mm
17 14.10.2015 8 0.47 1.39 divided into 25 events (Table 1). The seasonal and inter-annual
18 20.10.2015 28.4 1.67 10.43 variations were very high. From October until November in 2014
19 28.10.2015 35.2 1.9 16.28
(from rainfall event 1 to 5), 248.8 mm were recorded, with 80.6% in
20 6.11.2015 67.6 3.12 4.06
21 12.01.2016 12 1.62 5.85 only one event that lasted two days. In 2015, from October until
22 21.01.2016 3.5 0.45 1.28 November (from rainfall event 17 to 20), rainfall totalled 139.3 mm. In
23 31.01.2016 37.5 2.33 3.3 summer, between June and August, 4% of the total average annual
24 02.03.2016 11.4 1.48 5.65 rainfall was received. However, during the period between May and
25 21.03.2016 18.8 0.91 2.71
August no precipitation was recorded.
J. Rodrigo Comino et al. / Geoderma 296 (2017) 47–59 51

Fig. 3. Particle size and gravel distributions in the different slope positions.

Depending on the yearly and seasonal meteorological conditions, hand tillage was carried out using hoes to eliminate herbs, and aerating
the vine-growers carried out different soil tillage practices. A prototype and raking of aggregates was performed.
calendar for the study period (2014–2016) is shown in Table 2. During
January and February herbicides (to avoid weeds competing for 3.3. Overland flow and soil loss during the study period
water) and organic fertilizer were applied, combined with an early
pruning, removing of the soil around the grapevines, and raking the ag- Recorded rainfall, soil loss and overland flow for every event are
gregates with shovels and hoes to enhance infiltration (March). After shown in Fig. 4 and summarized to show the accumulated frequencies
that, during spring (April–May), phytosanitaries was used to protect in Fig. 5. After that, all the events were compared with ANOVA and
against fungus and, non-selected buds were pruned. During the dry pe- Mann-Whitney rank sum tests. Statistically significant differences
riod, the vintage was carried out with animals during the middle of July (p b 0.001) in soil loss and overland flow rates were found between
and beginning of August. Soil was unprotected during the first rainfall the east and west parts of the study area.
events because stems and leaves were pruned and immediately re- On the shoulder, statistical tests showed similarities in soil loss and
moved for burning. In November, during the rainiest period of the overland flow between Gerlach troughs (p = 0.596 and p = 0.492, re-
year, phytosanitaries were applied. Finally, during December–January spectively). A total of 4980.9 g m−1 (28.6% of the total was collected
during only one event) and 33.3 L m− 1 were obtained from the east
side. The recorded soil loss was higher (5534.3 g m− 1) on the west
Table 2 side, but not the overland flow (649.4 L m−1). On the backslope, both
Rainfall amount and agricultural activities during the studied period. Gerlach troughs obtained samples with statistically significant differ-
Rainfall ences (p ≤ 0.001). The Gerlach trough on the east part recorded the low-
amount est soil loss (1408.2 g m−1) and overland flow (31.3 L m−1) values in
Month (mm) Activities the study area. On the west side a total soil loss of 4336.9 g m−1 was reg-
January 98.7 Usage of herbicides and pruning. istered and overland flow showed the highest rates, ranging up to
February 35.4 Organic fertilizer. 440.7 L m−1, of which 110 L m−1 were obtained during one event in
March 76.3 Hand-made soil tillage using hoes for November 2014 (rainfall event 5, Table 1).
eliminating early herbs, airing and raking
On the footslope, the difference in the median values were greater
April 18.5 Usage of sprays against fungus (Plasmopara than would be expected by chance; therefore, statistically significant dif-
viticola and Uncinula necator). ferences were obtained (soil loss: p ≤0.004 and overland flow p ≤0.001).
May 0 Pruning the non-selected buds. On the east part, the total soil loss rates reached 5247.6 g m−1 and the
(June) July–August 0 Vintage with animals.
overland flow 69.7 L m− 1. The highest total rates of soil loss were
September–October 121.8 Pruning the stem and leaves. They are
immediately removed for burning. found on the west part, ranging up to 14,133.9 g m−1, of which
November–December 333.1 Usage of phytosanitary. Hand-made soil tillage 2296.35 g m−1 came from one event (rainfall event 5, Table 1) and rep-
using hoes for eliminating early herbs, airing and resented 16.2% of the total. With respect to the overland flow, amounts
raking aggregates. up to 410 L m−1 were recorded. Fig. 1 in the Supplementary materials
In parenthesis, months without agricultural activities. shows the results obtained per rainfall event in each Gerlach trough.
52 J. Rodrigo Comino et al. / Geoderma 296 (2017) 47–59

Fig. 4. Overland flow and soil loss transported after every rainfall event.

3.4. Threshold runoff and characterization of overland flow between parameters was found on the east side, where R2 values of
0.34 (footslope) and 0.34 (backslope) were obtained, respectively.
All the events were represented in a scatter plot and linear estima- Both data sets collected on the shoulder showed similar R2 values
tions were calculated for each Gerlach trough (Fig. 6). On the backslope (0.73 and 0.77).
and footslope of the west side, a high coefficient of determination was By applying lineal estimations and intersection with the axis, the
found (0.94 and 0.66, respectively), while the lowest correlation runoff threshold values for each Gerlach trough were calculated for

Fig. 5. Cumulative rainfall amount, soil loss, and overland flow results recorded during the study period.
J. Rodrigo Comino et al. / Geoderma 296 (2017) 47–59 53

Fig. 6. Types of overland flow showing the relationship between overland flow and rainfall amount.

getting an overland flow of 0.1 L m−1, 1 L m−1 and 10 L m−1 (Table 3). overland flow could be observed, because statistical significances and
To get some runoff (0.1 L m−1) in the east, rainfalls between 4.55 mm amounts are situated halfway between the other two.
(footslope) and 8.5 mm (backslope) must occur. At the same slope po-
sitions on the west part, the runoff threshold may be exceeded with the 3.5. Rock fragment and fine particle mobilisation
first drops. Similar runoff thresholds were found for upper slope posi-
tions on both sides, ranging from 5.9 mm in the east to 6.3 mm in the After sieving the collected sediment samples after every natural
west. Reaching 1 L m−1 of overland flow would be possible for every rainfall event and tillage practice, descriptive statistics of the mobilized
slope position but would be more difficult on the backslope on the rock fragments and fine particles were calculated and are shown in
east side, because it would require up to 78 mm of rainfall. Reaching Tables 4 and 5. Information about each percentage of rock fragment
10 L m−1 of overland flow would be relatively probable on the back- and fine particle transported during each recorded rainfall event can
and footslopes on the west part, but would be much more unlikely on be found in Figs. 7 and 8.
the east part and almost impossible on the backslope due to the amount Descriptive statistics showed elevated standard deviations and non-
of rainfall that would be required. symmetric distribution (skewness and kurtosis) with values. Soil parti-
Based on this and corroborated with field observations, three differ- cles b 2 mm (Table 4) showed a higher presence in the Gerlach troughs
ent hydrological processes related to the runoff threshold and activation from the footslopes to the shoulders in both parts. However, on both
of the overland flow could be defined: i) laminar overland flow; ii) con- backslopes the concentration broke the trends, being higher on the
centrated overland flow; and iii) a combination between laminar and east side and lower on the west side. The first gravel size interval in
concentrated overland flow. In the eastern part on the back- and the collected sediments (0.2–0.5 cm) showed an increase in
footslopes, the lowest statistical significance between overland flow mobilisation from the shoulder to the footslope on both sides. Rock frag-
and rainfall amounts and the highest expected rainfall to reach the run- ments between 0.5 cm and 2 cm were the largest component
off threshold indicated higher infiltration rates and more obstacles to transported, with results that reached up to 30%. However, it was not
water following a lineal trend. Therefore, laminar overland flow could a continuous behaviour from the shoulder to the footslope; both trends,
be identified. On the contrary, in the west part, at the same slope posi- the increase in the east part and the decrease in the west part from the
tions, the highest statistical correlation between rainfall and amount shoulder to footslope were interrupted at the backslope on both parts.
of water and the lower runoff threshold could show that a concentrated Rock fragments between 2 and 4 cm and 4–6 cm were mobilized from
overland flow forms with little to no capacity for water retention. Final- the summit to shoulder, with the percentage of mobilisation decreasing
ly, from the shoulders, a combination of laminar and concentrated from the back- to footslopes. Materials larger than 6 cm and 8 cm were
transported only from the summit to the shoulder (1.9%). Particles of
this size were registered in June–July after harvesting and April and Oc-
Table 3 tober after pruning.
Threshold runoff estimations using collected overland flow and rainfall amounts. Descriptive statistics for the fine soil particles on different slope po-
Expected rainfall
sitions are presented in Table 5. Standard deviations were lower than
(mm) Lineal estimation for the mobilized rock fragments because the results were more homo-
geneous after the erosive events. Moreover, skewness and kurtosis ob-
Slope 0.1 L 1L 10 L Equation R2
position Side m−1 m−1 m−1 tained positive values and, on several occasions, values that were
nearly 0, showing non symmetric distribution close to the smallest per-
Footslope East 4.55 22.5 201.3 y = 0.0504x − 0.1284 0.9945
West b1 2 20.9 y = 0.4756x+ 0.0836 0.9926 centages. Total averages showed that the most mobilized soil particles
Backslope East 8.5 78 772 y = 0.013x − 0.0111 0.9923 belonged to the sand fraction (very coarse sand, coarse sand and medi-
West b1 1.55 17.9 y = 0.5513x+ 0.1504 0.9915 um sand), with similar values being obtained between slope positions
Shoulder East 5.9 16.1 118 y = 0.0883x − 0.4164 0.9877 and sides (between 16.4% and 20.9%). The next most mobilized mate-
West 6.3 26.1 223.5 y = 0.0456x − 0.1855 0.9907
rials were coarse silt and fine silt (between 10.5% and 14.6%), showing
54 J. Rodrigo Comino et al. / Geoderma 296 (2017) 47–59

Table 4
Descriptive statistics of mobilized rock fragments on different slope positions.

Side Position <0.2 cm 0.2–0.5 cm 0.5–2 cm 2–4 cm 4–6 cm 6–8 cm >8 cm

x– (±) 42.6 (23.4) 17.4 (6.7) 34.1 (19.6) 3.3 (5.2) 2.4 (6.9) 0.2 (0.9) 0
Max 100 28.3 75.2 17.4 33.9 4.7 0
Skewness 0.357 –1.24 0.206 1.667 4.018 5.196 .
Kurtosis 0.105 1.815 –0.271 1.911 17.785 27 .
x– (±) 34.1 (23.1) 16.8 (9.8) 39.3 (21.1) 4.9 (8.3) 4.8 (16) 0 0
Max 80.6 47.4 85.9 24.1 75.4 0 0
West Backslope
Skewness 0.475 0.944 0.437 1.34 3.826 . .
Kurtosis –0.857 2.219 –0.617 0.204 15.546 . .
x– (±) 39 (26.3) 12.7 (8.8) 31.1 (23.9) 5.6 (12.2) 2.4 (7) 1.9 (9.7) 3.7 (14.6)
Max 100 28.4 79.8 46.9 25 50.3 70.9
Skewness 0.409 0.164 0.653 2.394 2.887 5.196 4.249
Kurtosis –0.554 –1.067 –0.468 5.136 7.233 27 18.679
x– (±) 28.5 (14.7) 20.3 (13.8) 40.4 (23.1) 5.7 (11.4) 1.4 (4.2) 0 0
Max 54.4 60.7 94.3 51.1 17.7 0 0
Skewness –0.035 1.455 0.013 2.781 3.162 . .
Kurtosis –1.04 2.877 –0.157 9.197 9.629 . .
x– (±) 39.5 (27.8) 17.8 (15.8) 31.5 (23.7) 4 (10.6) 3.5 (14.1) 0 0
Max 100 79 88.4 38.8 72.1 0 0
East Backslope
Skewness 0.497 2.174 0.741 2.765 4.827 . .
Kurtosis –0.258 7.88 0.45 6.854 24.084 . .
x– (±) 27.4 (22.5) 14 (10) 41.6 (22) 7.9 (14.1) 3.5 (11.1) 1.9 (9.6) 0
Shoulder Max 100 46.8 85.7 50.1 52.4 50 0
Skewness 1.432 1.309 –0.071 1.716 3.801 5.196 .
Kurtosis 3.027 3.314 –0.457 2.074 15.535 27 .

*In black cells, the highest results obtained foreach slope position are marked.
**In grey cells, the second highest results obtained foreach slope position are marked.

a mobilisation from the shoulder to the footslope. The least transported between rainfall and materials smaller than 0.2 cm and rock fragments
fine particle fraction was the clays with values b2%. between 0.2 and 0.5 cm.
Finally, Spearman rank coefficients between the rainfall characteris-
tics and soil particle distribution were applied (Table 6). On the west 4. Discussion
side, an increase of total rainfall, rainfall intensity, and maximum rainfall
intensity showed the highest significance on the shoulder and 4.1. Key factors that enhance soil erosion processes in Mediterranean
backslope with the very coarse sand and gravels between 0.2 and sloping vineyards
0.5 cm (p b 0.01). A correlation with the coarse sand was also found
with a lower significance (p b 0.05). On the footslope, the silt fraction Mediterranean sloping vineyards represent some of the most de-
obtained the highest significance (p b 0.01) with the increase of vari- graded orchards due to soil erosion processes, which are characterized
ables related with the rainfall (fine silt = 0.494; coarse silt = 0.49). In as being recurrent and intense. In this research, overland flow and soil
the east part, high significant differences at level p b 0.05 were obtained loss rates were the highest during the rainiest season and after tilling

Table 5
Descriptive statistics of mobilized fine soil particles on different slope positions.

Slope Clay Fine silt Coarse silt Very fine sand Fine sand Medium sand Coarse sand Very coarse sand
position Side <0.002 mm 0.002–0.02 mm 0.02–0.063 mm 0.063–0.125 mm 0.125–0.2 mm 0.2–0.63 mm 0.63–1.25 mm 1.25–2 mm
x– (±) 1.9 (1) 14.6 (6.4) 13.7 (5.8) 10.4 (2.2) 7.1 (3) 17.2 (4.6) 17.5 (5) 17.6 (8)
Max 5.3 36.6 37 15.6 20 25.5 25.1 40.3
Skewness 1.594 1.428 2.523 0.144 3.217 –0.644 –1.381 –0.013
Kurtosis 4.871 4.57 9.682 1.567 13.885 2.509 4.253 2.53
x– (±) 1.7 (0.9) 12.8 (5) 12.7 (4.4) 9.9 (3.2) 6.5 (2) 17.8 (3.2) 19.1 (5.1) 19.6 (9.5)
Max 4.8 29.6 25.6 19.1 12 26.1 29.1 34.7
West Backslope
Skewness 1.594 1.742 1.112 0.832 0.936 0.781 –0.927 –0.382
Kurtosis 3.9 4.225 1.852 1.191 0.539 0.44 3.126 –0.318
x– (±) 1.6 (1.2) 12.8 (9.3) 12.1 (7) 9.7 (6.7) 6.7 (2.8) 17.1 (6) 18.2 (8.5) 18.1 (10.2)
Max 5.9 50.7 32.4 21.3 13.9 24.4 30.9 33.2
Skewness 2.264 2.709 1.205 0.415 0.263 –1.778 –0.859 –0.474
Kurtosis 6.652 10.616 2.088 1.46 1.344 3.318 0.533 –0.532
x– (±) 2 (2.6) 13.6 (9.1) 11.9 (4.4) 9.1 (2.8) 6 (1.7) 16.4 (4.9) 17.5 (5.9) 19.8 (8.7)
Max 14.6 54.8 19.8 13.2 8.5 20.9 26.7 35.4
Skewness 4.653 3.632 –0.512 –1.245 –1.539 –2.243 –1.81 –0.365
Kurtosis 23.132 17.186 0.758 2.855 4.474 5.59 4.477 0.679

x (±) 1.3 (0.6) 11 (4.7) 11 (5.5) 9 (4.5) 5.9 (2.4) 18.3 (5) 19.1 (7.1) 20.7 (11.1)
Max 3 19.9 24.2 20 11.5 26.3 30.5 38.3
East Backslope
Skewness 0.55 –0.007 0.666 0.706 0.214 –1.695 –0.978 –0.557
Kurtosis 0.612 –0.219 1.109 0.964 0.981 6.22 1.285 –0.301
x– (±) 1.4 (0.6) 11.3 (4.9) 10.5 (4.1) 8.6 (2.8) 6.1 (1.8) 17.9 (4.6) 19.6 (5.6) 20.9 (8.2)

Shoulder Max 2.6 21.6 16.5 13.7 11 22.8 27.6 35.4

Skewness 0.115 –0.142 –0.598 –0.861 –0.828 –2.595 –1.429 –0.862
Kurtosis –0.205 0.082 –0.12 2.108 5.336 8.967 4.569 1.286
J. Rodrigo Comino et al. / Geoderma 296 (2017) 47–59 55

Fig. 7. Size of rock fragments transported after every rainfall event.

practices (ploughing and pruning) and only on one side (west). Results overland flow (the lowest recorded rainfall amount was 4.55 mm),
showed that using this methodology would make it relatively easy to with precipitation amounts of about 20 mm leading to overland flow
detect spatiotemporal patterns of soil erosion and the intensity of the rates of up to 10 L m−1. By comparing different European vineyards,
process. Similar results showing high variability with a clear pattern Rodrigo Comino et al. (2016a, 2016c) also showed that activation of
have been obtained using other methodologies in different croplands runoff increases soil loss.
such as fruits in the Western Mediterranean (Cerdà et al., 2009, 2016) Seasonal variation of rainfall events and intensities was observed
or USA (Atucha et al., 2013) and in olive orchards in Andalucía (Di and quantified as has been done in several Mediterranean areas
Stefano et al., 2016; Vanwalleghem et al., 2010) and South America (Ramos et al., 2008; Senciales González and Ruiz Sinoga, 2013). Howev-
(Bravo-Espinosa et al., 2014). er, as Ramos and Durán (2014) highlighted, the most crucial climatic
The main common factors between Mediterranean conventional ag- factor from the erosion point of view may be the number of extreme
ricultural lands and the studied area are the bare soils, which are due to: events (in this study area up to 100 mm during a few days). Moreover,
i) pruning during the rainiest season, eliminating the leaf cover (Kosmas coupled with the negative effects of steep slopes (Bryan, 2000; Fox and
et al., 1997); and, ii) the use of herbicides, which also modify chemical Bryan, 2000; Nadal-Romero et al., 2014) and silty texture (Bodner et al.,
and physical pedological characteristics (Calleja-Cervantes et al., 2013; Ramos et al., 2000) in our studied vineyards, one or two events
2015). During the most erosive events (October–December), soils are supplied N80% of the total rain over a period of several months and
totally unprotected (Biddoccu et al., 2016; Rodrigo Comino et al., N25% of the total eroded material at the back and foot slope positions.
2015) and as a consequence erosion reaches accelerated rates (Cerdà These areas represented clear hot spots where farmers should focus
et al., 2009). their remediation plans. During these erosive episodes, which other
In this research, the measurements showed in 2 of 6 monitored slope studies in vineyards have also documented, there is the possibility of
positions that only a low amount of rainfall is necessary to activate generating rills (Novara et al., 2011; Rodrigo Comino et al., 2015) and

Fig. 8. Size of fine particles transported after every rainfall event.

56 J. Rodrigo Comino et al. / Geoderma 296 (2017) 47–59

Table 6
The highest Spearman rank coefficients between total rainfall, intensity and maximum intensity, and soil particle and gravel contents on different slope positions.

West East

Foot Middle Upper Foot Middle Upper

Total rainfall (mm) Fine silt: 0.494⁎⁎ Very coarse sand: 0.631⁎⁎ Very coarse sand: 0.511⁎⁎ b0.2 cm: 0.398⁎ b0.2: 0.401⁎ 0.2–0.5 cm: 0.671⁎⁎
Coarse silt: 0.49⁎⁎ 0.2–0.5 cm: 0.54⁎⁎ 2–4 cm: 0.465⁎ 0.2–0.5 cm: 0.398⁎
Coarse silt: −0.429⁎ Coarse sand: 0.427⁎
Coarse sand: 0.398⁎
Intensity (mm h−1) b0.2 cm: 0.464⁎ Very coarse sand: 0.578⁎⁎ b0.2 cm: 0.412⁎ b0.2 cm: 0.471⁎ 0.2–0.5 cm: 0.389⁎
Coarse silt: −0.471⁎ Very fine sand: −0.396⁎ 0.2–0.5 cm: −0.455⁎
4-6 cm: −0.423⁎ Coarse sand: 0.382⁎
Very coarse sand: 0.395⁎
Max. int. (mm h−1) b0.2 cm: 0.479⁎ 0.2–0.5 cm: 0.508⁎⁎ Coarse sand: 0.48⁎
Very coarse sand: 0.471⁎ Very coarse sand: 0.42⁎
4-6 cm: −0.437⁎
⁎⁎ Correlation is significant at the p b 0.01 level.
⁎ Correlation is significant at the p b 0.05 level.

ephemeral gullies (Fox and Bryan, 2000; Martínez-Casasnovas et al., The results related to sediment transport showed three different
2013), landslides (Richter, 1980), and degradation of roots that leads textural mobilisation phases, highly demonstrated on the west side, as
to decreased productivity (Bruggisser et al., 2010). Lasanta (1985) and Ortigosa Izquierdo and Lasanta Martínez (1984)
During ploughing and harvesting at the same landscape positions showed in La Rioja for tilled vineyards. First, silt particles (fine and me-
(intensity increased from shoulders to footslopes) other key erosive fac- dium) were transported due to low rainfall intensities and amounts.
tors were encountered: the trampling of the farmers and animals. Very Second, the mobilisation of sands (fine and very fine sands) occurred fi-
little research has been conducted related to the impact of human tram- nally followed by the clays, which confirms that solid aggregates that
pling on erosion in agricultural areas. Over the last few decades, much of are difficult to destroy were detached and transported. For their part,
the research has focused on animal trampling in grasslands non-embedded rock fragments (larger than 4 cm) followed a gravita-
(Pulido-Fernández et al., 2013; Schnabel et al., 2013), recreational trails tional redistribution, with the largest sizes at the summit (with the low-
(Williams and Brevik, 2010) and campsites (Tibor and Brevik, 2013). In est surface inclinations) and footslope positions (where there are rock
vineyards, some studies were carried out in intensive plantations that fragments larger than 8 cm). On the other hand, embedded stones (be-
investigated the effect of heavy machinery on the soil (Arnáez et al., tween 0.5 cm and 2 cm) had a non-regular distribution along the hill-
2007; Blavet et al., 2009; Ferrero et al., 2005). slope due to the continuous top layer remobilization by the vine
grower and natural weathering.

4.2. Spatiotemporal variation of soil surface components and runoff 4.3. Is it necessary to include soil protection measurements?
It is definitely necessary to include soil protection measurements.
As Rodrigo Comino et al. (2016b) observed the total amount of rock Mitigation systems should be designed to restrict runoff generation, or
fragments (summits and shoulders) and their schistosity facilitate the at least, canalize the water for other uses. To address this situation, the
weathering of the soil materials, which acquire a laminar morphology winegrowers from Málaga plough the soil to modify the surface compo-
and high angularity. This dynamic was observed on the west side of nent distribution, removing and generating micro-topographical chang-
our studied hillslope, where overland flow was higher than the east es under and between the grapevines in the form of little sinks
part. On the contrary, on the east part the aspect of the stones offered (improving the infiltration), walls and agri-spillways (channelizing
higher resistance to movement of the fine sediments (clays and fine the overland flow) by removing the stone cover (Rodrigo Comino
silts) down the slope and caused hydrological variations, so the sedi- et al., sub).
ments did not necessarily accumulate at the footslope shoulder or Proposed solutions to avoid high erosion rates often include the use
backslope positions. In this way, a mixed Hortonian–Hewlettian of legumes or herbaceous plant covers during the rainiest period (Galati
model (Rodrigo Comino et al., 2016c), combining surface and sub- et al., 2015; Novara et al., 2011; Prosdocimi et al., 2016a). However, in
surface flow, irregular sediment transport, and differential impacts of the driest Mediterranean environment areas, the long dry periods be-
rainfall on the soil at the micro-scale was observed, such as Gabarrón- tween May and August (Nadal-Romero et al., 2015; Ruiz Sinoga et al.,
Galeote et al. (2013) and Ruiz Sinoga and Martinez Murillo (2009) 2011, 2010) may generate excessive competition for depleted water
showed in Southern Spain. The studied vineyards showed clear mecha- storage and become deleterious for the vines and grape quality
nisms of connectivity between rock fragments, fine particles, and type (Lorenzo et al., 2012; Ramos et al., 2008). Therefore, seasonal mulching
of overland flow (laminar and concentrated flow), appearing and with straw that results in an immediate reduction of sediment and
disappearing at different slope positions and sides (east and west). All water losses (Cerdà et al., 2016; Prosdocimi et al., 2016c) or using vine
together they created a pattern from the shoulder to the footslope pruning and organic wastes from the agricultural production process
that developed a continuous feedback system. could be possible solutions.
This research also demonstrated that the number and length of Moreover, our findings demonstrate that the farmers should not re-
pathways for runoff threshold varied with the slope and the side (as- move the rock fragments as they contribute to reduced soil losses, al-
pect), the volume of rock fragments, and the textural class as well as though the runoff rates can be increased (Follain et al., 2012; Poesen
with the antecedent conditions of tillage and type of runoff. We ob- et al., 1997). But it is necessary to find the right forms to avoid high sed-
served that during low rainfall events, runoff sources and main path- iment yield and to channelize runoff losses into deposits, for example,
ways were disconnected in the east part, but in a larger event, the on the west side.
network of pathways for runoff threshold and sediment yield became Perhaps it would be interesting to promote research about the eco-
fully connected (Masselink et al., 2016a, 2016b). The importance of nomic cost of soil erosion processes that included vine- and wine-
the connectivity of the flows has been found in recent researches growers (Galati et al., 2015). Demonstrating the economic impact of
(López-Vicente et al., 2015, 2016). erosion would be very important, and maybe, farmers may be more
J. Rodrigo Comino et al. / Geoderma 296 (2017) 47–59 57

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